#Mohammad Salauddin
akultalkies · 1 year
Arya Babbar, Ravie Sudha Choudhary, Rajveerr Singh, Nawal Kishor Shukla, Priya Shreshtha, Varun Joshi, Vandana Verma, Aparnna Mallik, Sanju Solanki, Aditya Roy, Mohammad Salauddin, Vanshika
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kashmirmonitor · 1 year
Muslim boy tops UP Sanskrit board exam
Mohammad Irfan, the 17-year-old son of a farm daily wage labourer Salauddin in Uttar Pradesh’s Chandauli district, has scored 82.71% in the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Sanskrit Shiksha Parishad Board’s Uttar Madhyama-II (class 12) examinations. Irfan, who wants to become a Sanskrit teacher, is the only Muslim among the top 20 scorers in the Class 10 and Class 12 examinations. He beat 13,738 students…
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tachtutor · 4 years
Kakrail double murder: Court to deliver verdict on January 17
Kakrail double murder: Court to deliver verdict on January 17
A Dhaka court today set January 17 for delivery of the judgment in a case filed over the murders of Shamsun Nahar and her 17-year-old son Sajjadul Karim Shaon in Dhaka’s Kakrail area in 2017. Judge Md Rabiul Alam of the Third Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge’s Court of Dhaka set the date after conclusion of arguments, Assistant Public Prosecutor Mohammad Salauddin Howladar told The Daily…
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bigyack-com · 5 years
In UP, families allege forced burials, say police covering up excess - india news
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Meerut: A pitched battle between anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act , or CAA, protesters and the police in Meerut was beginning to shift from the main roads to the narrow by-lanes of the Bhumiya Ka Pul neighbourhood at around 4pm on Friday, December 20, when Zaheer Mohammad, a labourer who works at a cattle fodder unit, walked out of his home to purchase beedis from a shop.The police and protesters were positioned at opposite ends of the lane at that moment, and the shopkeeper, Gulshan, a 40-year-old woman, decided to down the shutters when Zaheer asked her to pause and give him a bundle of beedis and a match. “He handed me Rs 10 and then squatted on a platform next to my shop to smoke,” said Gulshan.Moments later, a bullet hit Zaheer, 45, in his head and he collapsed on the floor. “Had Zaheer not been there, the bullet may have hit me,” said Gulshan. She doesn’t know who fired the fatal shot, but she is certain that it came from the police’s direction.“Zaheer was a simpleton. He didn’t even seem curious of bothered about the protests,” said Gulshan.Zaheer was among at least five civilians killed during protests that Friday in Meerut - the district with the highest casualty count. Each of them fell to bullets that the police insist were fired by the protesters themselves.Five days later, on Wednesday, the biggest grouse of the families of each of these men was that the police allegedly forced them to bury the dead urgently, secretly, away from their neighbourhoods, and in the absence of some of their nearest ones.FIRs AGAINST THE DEAD, POLICE ADMIT TO FIRINGIn addition, each of the dead have been named as accused in the FIRs registered after their deaths. “These men were present at the scenes of violence and remain under suspicion. In the FIRs, they have been named as accused and their roles will be probed scientifically,” said AN Singh, superintendent of police (Meerut City).The SP said that there was “heavy firing” by the protesters in Meerut in which nine police and paramilitary personnel were hit and 69 empty cartridges were found during clean up.He also admitted that the police fired at the protesters, making it the third instance after Bijnor and Kanpur where police are now admitting to opening fire. “We fired seven rounds,” said the SP, adding that no deaths occurred at those spots. In the immediate aftermath of the statewide protests, police insisted that they did not fire at protestors. The violence has claimed 18 lives, of which at least 14 are from bullet injuries.The police have registered 14 FIRs and arrested 37 suspects so far for the violence.‘FORCED’ TO BURY QUICKLY, AWAY FROM HOMEZaheer’s father, Munsi Ahmed, said, “Only four members of our family were around when Zaheer’s body was buried around 6.30am on Saturday, within two hours of us receiving his body. When we sought more time, the police told me that I would be held legally responsible for any disturbance. The police only dug the grave and hundreds of them stayed around till we were done with the burial. I couldn’t even bring his body home,” said Ahmed.A few lanes away, 28-year-old Mohsin was shot dead around the same time when he left his home to get fodder for his two buffaloes. “He had returned from namaaz. He gave two toffees to his four-year-old daughter and left home. Minutes later, we heard gunshots and someone came home to inform that my son was killed by a bullet in his chest,” said Mohsin’s mother, Nafeesa.Mohsin’s two younger brothers work as scrap dealers in Karnataka, and they heard of his death on Friday evening. “We had no money for flight tickets, so our friends pooled money for our travel. By the time we reached Meerut on Saturday noon, my brother was already buried. I loved my brother. He was older, but never beat me, never scolded me. I couldn’t see him one last time and I feel guilty about it,” said his brother, Mohammad Rameez, 19.The story of Asif, a 32-year-old orphan who worked as a labourer at a tyre shop is similar. “He was headed to a nearby mosque to offer prayers amidst the violent protests when he was shot in his back. The police compelled us to bury him just after morning namaaz on Saturday,” said his mother-in-law, Shameem.Asif has left behind a pregnant wife and three children.About four kilometers away, in the Ahmed Nagar neighbourhood of Meerut city, two other men were shot dead about a kilometre from their homes. One was Mohammad Asif, a 20-year-old e-rickshaw driver and the other was Aleem Ansari, a 24-year-old man who baked tandoori rotis at a dhaba on the Hapur Road where many violent protests unfolded on Friday.SP Singh couldn’t elaborate the circumstances of the deaths of four men, but said that there are inputs to suggest that Mohammad Asif was present at the spot and was part of a conspiracy. “Whether he was there independently or with others is being probed,” said the officer.Mohammad Asif’s father, Idul Hasan, said he initially learnt of his son’s death from photos of the dead men being circulated on mobile phones and got a confirmation from the GTB Enclave police station, from where he received a phone call. “Until 2015, we lived in Delhi’s Dilshad Garden. When the police took my son’s body, they found an Aadhaar card that had our Delhi address where my in-laws now live. The Delhi Police reached there and then called me,” said Hasan.Mohammad Asif was shot in the chest.Hasan said that the Delhi address was being used as a pretext by the police to call him a “mastermind” of the violence and . “My son only wanted to make money. He wanted to purchase an auto-rickshaw and a plot of land to build a house for us. No one in our family had ever been to a police station earlier, leave alone be involved in a crime,” said Hasan.The autopsies on the bodies of Mohammad Asif and Ansari were conducted late Saturday afternoon. The bodies were then handed over to their families at 4pm and the burial completed by 7pm. “Hardly anyone from our family was around when he was buried. The police snatched from me even the chance to grieve and bury him properly,” said Hasan.AUTOPSY IN FAMILY’S ABSENCEAs for Ansari, his autopsy was conducted in the absence of his family, police said. “His dhaba shut down due to the protests and he left for home. His body was found with a bullet wound to his head on the roadside along the route he took to return home,” said his brother, Mohammad Salauddin.His family, too, got to know of his death by seeing the images of the dead men on a mobile phone. “All night we couldn’t leave our neighbourhood because of the tense situation and the heavy police presence. In the morning, I reached a hospital and checked a body in the mortuary to find it wasn’t my brother’s,” said Salauddin. That body was Mohammad Asif’s.The family finally got Ansari’s body at 5pm. The autopsy had already been conducted. The SP said that since an identity card was found on Ansari’s body, the police didn’t feel the need to wait for his family before carrying out the post-mortem examination.Ansari’s body was handed over to his family on two conditions, said his other brother, Mohammad Mubarak. “We had to give an assurance that we wouldn’t take his body home and also not bury it in our immediate neighbourhood.” The SP said he wasn’t aware of any police pressure on the families of the dead when it came to the burials. “Had we wanted, we could have buried the dead by ourselves. But we handed over the bodies to the families at the mortuary itself. The burials happened as per their choice and wish. Policemen stayed around, but just to maintain peace,” said the officer.BLOODY FRIDAY Describing the sequence of events that took place on Friday, the SP said that it all seemed well until 2.30pm, though the shutting down of shops in the neighbourhoods did arouse suspicion. “After the namaaz at a mosque, some returned to their homes while others began wearing black bands and shouting ‘bhadkau and uttezak’ (provocative) slogans,” he said without mentioning the nature of the slogans.“There were prohibitory orders in place, but thousands of people began marching towards the main Hapur Road. When we tried to stop them, then misbehaved and began pelting stones. They were running in all directions and pelting stones and firing. They were able to get as far as seven kilometers from where the protests began. People were firing even from terraces of their homes. One of them was a 60-year-old man,” said the SP.The story from across the state is the same. Afternoon, post-prayer protest marches that turned violent. “We took anti-riot measures and used tear gas, but the mob set a police post on fire and burnt several vehicles. Sometimes, we were dealing with mobs in two-three directions. They were firing shots and we fired a few rounds in the air,” he said.He said that at least 60 policemen were hurt in the violence. “We know of injuries to four members of the public.” “If the mob was shooting at the police, why weren’t any policemen killed? Why would the protesters shoot their own people?” asked Salim Siddiqui, a local social worker. Read the full article
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onusondhitsa · 6 years
১। “ফাতিমা নামের কেউ কাফির হয়ে যাবে, যদি সে সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়ে যাকাত না দেয়, বা রামাদানের সিয়াম পালন না করে। অথচ সে ভালো করে জানে কুরআনের বহু জায়গায় সলাতের সাথে যাকাত আদায় করতে বলা হয়েছে, রোজা রাখা ফরজ করা হয়েছে।”
[“পড়ো”, পৃষ্ঠা ৭১, ওমর আল জাবির; (শরীফ আবু হায়াত অপু), সরোবর/সমকালীন প্রকাশনী।]
পিডিএফ লিঙ্ক - https://i-onlinemedia.net/downloads/books/quran-tafsir/Poro-POD.pdf
২। বিশিষ্ট তাবেয়ী আব্দুল্লাহ ইবন সাকিক রাহিমাহুল্লাহ বলেনঃ
"নবীর ﷺ সাহাবিগণ নামায ব্যতীত অন্য কোন আমল ত্যাগ করার কারণে ব্যক্তি কাফিরে পরিণত হয় বলে মনে করতেন না।”
তিরমিযী ও আল হাকীম এটি বর্ননা করেছেন এবং বুখারী ও মুসলিমের শর্তানুযায়ী হাদীসটিকে সহীহ বলেছেন।
স্বেচ্ছায় রোযা না রাখা ব্যক্তি কাফির না যতোক্ষন সে এগুলোর ফরয হওয়ার বিষয়টিকে অস্বীকার করছে। এগুলোর ফরয হওয়া অস্বীকার করা কুফর। আমল ত্যাগ করা না - এটা আহলুস সুন্নাহর আক্বিদা।
আমি বলছি না আমার কাছ থেকে ইলম গ্রহণ করতে। নিজের থেকে কোন কিছু বলছিও না। আমি আলিম ও সালাফদের বক্তব্যসহ একটা নির্দিষ্ট অভিযোগ তুলছি। আমার কথা গ্রহণ করার কোন প্রয়োজন নেই। কিন্তু প্রকাশিত বইয়ের ব্যাপারে কোন অভিযোগ থাকলে, বিশেষ করে দ্বীন ইসলাম সংক্রান্ত কোন বিষয়ে ভুলের অভিযোগ থাকলে অবশ্যই অভিযোগের সত্যতা যাচাই করতে লেখক, প্রকাশক ও সংশ্লিষ্টরা বাধ্য। শার’ঈ অবস্থান থেকে তো অবশ্যই, সাধারণ রীতি ও কমনসেন্সের দিক থেকেও। কাফির, সেকুলাররাও তাদের বইতে– কোন ভুলত্রুটি সহৃদয় পাঠকের চোখে পড়লে আমাদের জানাবেন – জাতীয় কথা লিখে দেয়।
৩। পড়ো - বইয়ের এ ভুলটির ব্যাপারে তিনবার বইটির প্রকাশনার সাথে সংশ্লিষ্টদের আমি ব্যক্তিগতভাবে জানিয়েছি। প্রথমবার বইটির একজন লেখক, যিনি সরোবর পাবলিকেশনের সাথেও যুক্ত, তার সাথে ফেইসবুকে ইনবক্সে কথোপকথনের সময়। দ্বিতীয়বার একই ব্যক্তির সাথে সিয়ান পাবলিকেশনের অফিসে। সিয়ান পাবলিকেশনের আবু তাসমিয়া ভাই, Mohammad Rakibul Hasan ও Salauddin Shuvro ভাই – এ কথোপকথনের সাক্ষী। তৃতীয়বার সমকালীন প্রকাশনীর সাথে যুক্ত একজন জনপ্রিয় লেখকের সাথে মেসেঞ্জারে কথোপকথনের সময়। তিনি নিজেই আমাকে মেসেঞ্জারে ফোন দিয়ে বলেছিলেন –
পড়োর ব্যাপারে কিছু ভুল থাকার কথা আপনি বলেছিলেন বলে আমাকে জানানো হয়েছে। বিষয়গুলো যাচাই করে দেখার দরকার ছিল কিন্তু তাড়াহুড়োর কারণে এবার এগুলো চেক করা হয়নি।
এটা ভারবাটিম কৌট না, তবে যতোদূর আমার মনে পড়ে, এটা তার বক্তব্যের একটি অ্যাকুরেট রিপ্রেসেন্টেইশান। এই কথোপকথনের সময়ও আমি সুনির্দিষ্টভাবে এই লাইনগুলোর কথা উল্লেখ করেছি। উক্ত লেখক সম্ভবত সমকালীন প্রকাশনের সাথে তার সংশ্লিষ্টতার কথা প্রকাশ করতে চান না, অথবা চাইলেও আমার জানা মতে তিনি নিজে এখনো সম্ভবত বিষয়টি প্রকাশ করেননি, তাই আমি তার নাম উল্লেখ করলাম না। এই তিনটি ঘটনার সত্যতার ব্যাপারে আমি সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছি, আর আমি আল্লাহর সামনে এ সাক্ষ্য নিয়ে হাজির হতে রাজি বি’ইযনিল্লাহ ‘আযযা ওয়া জাল।
৪। এতোবার সরাসরি সংশ্লিষ্টদের কাছে বিষয়টি জানানোর পর কীভাবে এটা সংশোধন করা হয় না, এটা যে ভুল সেটা স্বীকার করা হয় না, সংশোধনের ক্ষেত্রে কোন অপারগতা থেকে থাকলে সেটা পাবলিকলি প্রকাশ করা হয় না, নিদেনপক্ষে অনলাইনে জানানো হয় না, বরং ঔদ্ধত্যের সাথে বলা হয় কোন ভুল নেই, কোন ভুলের কথা বলা হয়নি, সংশ্লিষ্টদের জানানো হয়নি, শর‍য়ী সম্পাদনা হয়েছে তাই ভুল নেই, ইত্যাদি – সেটা বোধগম্য না। যদি এটাকে ভুল মনে না করা হয়, তাহলে কেন ভুল মনে করা হচ্ছে না সেটাও ব্যাখ্যা করা হয়নি।
সবচেয়ে দুঃখজনক ব্যাপার হল একাধিকবার সরাসরি জানানোর পরও সংশোধন তো দূরে থাক, ভুল স্বীকার করার মানসিকতা কিংবা সদিচ্ছার ছিটেফোঁটা গত দু’বছরে এই বই এবং এর সাথে সংশ্লিষ্ট কারো মধ্যে দেখা যায়নি। বরং অনেকের কাছ থেকে বারবার ঔদ্ধত্য, দম্ভ, হাসিতামাশা এবং অনর্থক অপ্রাসঙ্গিক কথা শোনা গেছে। হতে পারে খুব আত্মবিশ্বাসের সাথে যারা "ভুল নেই, ভুল জানানো হয়নি" বলে গেছেন/যাচ্ছেন তারা সরাসরি বইয়ের সাথে যুক্ত না। কিন্তু সংশ্লিষ্ট যাদের জানানো হয়েছে তাদেরকেও দেখা গেলো না অতি উৎসাহীদের ভুল শুধরে দিতে। কোন জাতের “দাওয়াহয়” আল্লাহর কালামের ব্যাখ্যার ক্ষেত্রে ভুলের ব্যাপার কীভাবে এতো হালকাভাবে দেখা সম্ভব, আল্লাহই ভালো জানেন।
৫। যদিও এ ভুলটি ইমান, কুফর ও তাকফির সংক্রান্ত একটি বড় ধরণের ভুল, কিন্তু সার্বিক বিচারে এটা তুলনামূলকভাবে অনেক ছোট ভুল। এর চেয়েও আরো মারাত্মক ভুল মূল লেখকের ওয়েবসাইটের অন্যান্য লেখায় ছিল, এবং এখনো আছে। এই লেখারই অসম্পাদিত সংস্করণে বলা হয়েছিল - পাশের বাড়ির গৌতমকে কাফির বলা যাবে না, চার্চের ফাদারকে কাফির বলা যাবে না। কাফির হল শুধু ওই ব্যক্তি যে অন্তরে স্পষ্টভাবে জানে আল্লাহ সত্য এবং কুরআন সত্য, কিন্তু তাও অস্বীকার করে। এর বাইরে অন্যদের কাফির বলা যাবে না।
শরীয়াহ সম্পাদনা করে গৌতম আর ফাদারের মুসলমানিত্ব বাদ দেয়া হয়েছে, কিন্তু ফাতিমার ওপর তাকফির আর বাদ দেয়া হয়নি।
এধরনের লোক এখন কুরআনের ব্যাখ্যা করছে। সেই ব্যাখ্যা ব্যাপকভাবে প্রমোট করা হচ্ছে, এবং বারবার দম্ভের সাথে বলা হচ্ছে, এখানে কোন ভুল নেই। এতো মানুষ বই পড়লো, প্রমোট করলো, কিন্তু ভালোটা গ্রহণ আর খারাপটা বর্জনের কথা বলা ভাইদের কারো চোখে এই খারাপটা চোখে পড়লো না। আল্লাহর রাসূল ﷺ সত্য বলেছেন, শেষ যুগের একটি চিহ্ন হল মানুষ রুয়াইবিদাহর কাছ থেকে জ্ঞান নেবে। আর কুরআনের আয়াতের ব্যাখ্যার চেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ জ্ঞান আর কোনটি?
৬। এগুলো কোন আদর্শিক, পদ্ধতিগত বা “মানহাজগত” মতপার্থক্য না। দ্বীনের মৌলিক বিষয়ে ভুল। যে ব্যক্তি পদ্ধতিগত মতপার্থক্য আর দ্বীনের মৌলিক বিষয়ে ভুল - এ দুটোর পার্থক্য বোঝে না, সম্ভবত তার এ বিষয়ে কথা বলা উচিৎ না।
৭। ফুদাইল ইবন ইয়াদ রাহিমাহুল্লাহ বলেছেন –
বিনয় ও নম্রতা হল সত্যের সামনে নিজেকে বিনীত করা এবং সেটা আর কাছ থেকেই আসুক না কেন গ্রহণ করা। বিনয় হল, আপনি সত্যকে গ্রহণ করবেন যদিও সেটা কোন শিশু অথবা সবচেয়ে জাহিল ব্যক্তির কাছ থেকেও আসে। [মাদারিজ আস-সালিকিন, ২/৩৪২]
৮। ইমাম ইবনুল কাইয়্যিম রাহিমাহুল্লাহ বলেন –
বান্দা দুই কারণে আযাবের উপযুক্ত হয়।
ক)দলিল প্রমাণ থেকে বিমুখ হওয়া এবং দলিল-প্রমাণের ওপর এবং এর দাবির ওপর আমলের ইচ্ছা পোষণ না করা।
খ) দলিল সাব্যস্ত হবার পরেও হঠকারীতা অবলম্বন করা এবং দাবী অনুযায়ী আমলের ইচ্ছা পোষণ না করা।
প্রথমটি কুফরুল ই’রাদ্ব (বিমুখতামূলক কুফর) আর দ্বিতীয়টি হল কুফরুল ইনাদ (হঠকারীতামূলক কুফর)। [ত্বরীকুল হিজরাতাইন, ৩৮৪ পৃষ্ঠা]
৯। চিন্তার অসততার একটা চিহ্ন হল মূল বক্তব্যকে অ্যাড্রেস না করে, নানা অপ্রাসঙ্গিক বিষয়ের অবতারণা করা। যে ব্যক্তি চিন্তার ক্ষেত্রে সৎ, তাকে অপছন্দ করলেও হয়তো তার সাথে ফলপ্রসূ কোন উপসংহারে পৌছাতে পারবেন। কিন্তু যে আদর্শিক ও বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিকভাবে অসৎ তার সাথে কথা বলেই কখনোই কোন সমাধানে পৌছাতে পারবেন না। কারণ তার উদ্দেশ্য হল যেকোনভাবে নিজেকে ঠিক প্রমাণ করা। যদি কেউ সত্য স্বীকার করতে না চায়, যদি কারো লজ্জা না থাকে তাহলে সে দিনের আলোর ব্যাপারেও দল��ল চাইবে, এবং সেই দলিলও তার কাছে যথেষ্ট হবে না।
১০। নির্বোধের সাথে তর্ক করবেন না। কারণ প্রথমত, দূর থেকে মানুষ বুঝবে না নির্বোধ কে। দ্বিতীয়ত, সে আপনাকে তার নিজের পর্যায়ে নামিয়ে আনবে, তারপর নিজের অভিজ্ঞতা দিয়ে আপনাকে পরাজিত করবে।
কার্টেসি: Asif Adnan
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sumikaooba · 4 years
Staff Reporter Strictly, the 21-day lockdown has started beyond 6 am of Saturday between Wari location over​​the headquarters then pleasure proceed until July 25. It is the second lockdown vicinity within the headquarters since East Rajabazar as the like quantity on the zone-based lockdown program. The unrestricted move regarding people among the area, roads yet alleys bears been correctly halted considering that dawn. Due according to the announcement made lengthy ago, the human beings concerning Wari bear bought sufficient day according to prepare because of the lockdown. No certain except doctors, nurses, patients, journalists or fitness employees assignment within hospitals or clinics are allowed of or out on the lockdown area. Not many vans promoting approved merchandise hold been allowed according to enter. Volunteer team members are responsible because imparting a great deal wanted substances from outdoor the area. Drug pharmacies/stores are beginning 24 hours a day. Members concerning the provisioning service organizations are impatient among limit yet accurately controlling the safety situation. A power car has been put in over at Wari Bulldha Garden in accordance with revealing the bodily activities on the lockdown. According to in accordance with Dhaka South City Corporation, three roads yet five lanes among Wari location are underneath it lockdown. The roads are- Tipu Sultan Road, Yoginagar Road then Dhaka-Sylhet Highway (from Joykali Temple according to Buddha Garden). Lockdowns hold been enforced over Larmini Street, Hair Street, Wire Street, Ranking Street yet Nawab Street. It has been performed to that amount the roads yet alleys over the lockdown location have been confined along with bamboo because of Saturday morning. Members concerning the police then volunteer society are stationed at the entrance. Dhaka South City Corporation authorities are properly prepared in conformity with enforcing the lockdown, pronounced contributors concerning the volunteer team. Preparations because the lockdown bear been done recognized in accordance with the locals via miking because of the closing three days. Booths bear been put in above at Wari Girls High School in imitation of collect samples. Banners have been hung at a number road junctions citing the odour on the lockdown area yet the chance cellphone number on the limit room. It used to be considered about the mite at 7.30 am regarding Saturday is so dense human beings have been trying in accordance with add and exit under more than a few pretexts. Many bear been seen arguing along with members about the police then volunteer groups accountable because of the obstruction. Md. Salauddin is running in imitation of work. He workshops at a private diagnostic centre. He instructed Janakantha that the coronavirus infection could now not remain decreased tons together with that lockdown. Only the local's intention suffer. After a bit days, that intention stays understood how much the lockdown enforcers cooperate. Md. Salauddin said as she has accumulated sufficient each day necessities. Wari denizen Md. Akhtaruzzaman is trying in conformity with add round 9.30 am. He went to Dinajpur. He told Janakantha as he tried in conformity with attaining Dhaka between the morning knowing so much the lockdown had started. I went to the imitation of the thorp residence because of fortune work. My home is interior of the lockdown area. Md. Akhtaruzzaman spoke of that she was no longer allowed after entering. Not an inhabitant concerning the lockdown area, but a huddle on weird people between bend about the access in imitation of horologe the lockdown has been noticed. Despite the gumshoe ban, that came according to the look concerning the portal once more after a while and saw the scene. One certain character is Md. Sattar Mia. He advised Janakantha as he was operable according to Gulistan. On the course, she noticed the lockdown or started out taking walks closer to Gulistan. Dhaka South City Corporation Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Shah Mohammad Emdadul Haque referred to even was no mismanagement within the locked-down region between the capital's Wari. “We hold no mismanagement in the lockdown area,” he said. I am doing every action well. However, proviso at that place is anybody deficit namely the first day, that choice lies fixed in the arrival days. Emdadul Haque said, we have no hole anywhere. There's e-commerce, there is van service, they're intestinal along with a range of food. Drug pharmacies are open. More than some or a partially hundred over our volunteers are assignment in iii shifts. In addition, our officers yet misspend management people are eager among cleansing work. Noting up to expectation samples are existence accrued in the lockdown area, she delivered as there are joining medical doctors here whoever are offering scientific assistance via contacting 46 patients including corona. Asked what work that would take condition the locals tried in imitation of shove the lockdown, Emdadul Haque said, "It is not our selection whether or not the lockdown choice bust location yet not. The regimen has performed it decision." We are just enforcing that. If the locals assume it's not okay after deck down, it's no longer our business, it's their business. He talked about even is a corona ambulance then a current corona ambulance in Wari. The health facility is also equipped because of institutional quarantine. We have the whole thing ready. Shah Mohammad Emdadul Haque acknowledged to that amount one hundred per cent of our preparations are life carried outdoors smoothly. Shah Iftekhar Ahmed, associate commissioner (DC) over the Wari division on the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP), instructed newshounds up to expectation the lockdown implementation authority of the Wari vicinity is the South City Corporation. Police are cause even as like their collaborator. We desire job together with them after confirm that entrances or exits are commonly safe in the lockdown area. Police team, mobile group yet travel crew are assignment after secure that human beings of the location continue to be at domestic throughout the lockdown then operate now not run oversea unnecessarily. The police's rapid response team is additionally working within the entire area. Police members action within adjustment along with Dhaka District Administration, City Corporation then Health Department
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youngmagazin · 6 years
From labour camps to left-arm fast
From labour camps to left-arm fast
eleven:27 PM ET
Mohammad IsamESPN
Salauddin Sakil‘s existence as a migrant labourer on the outskirts of Dubai became once tough and painful.
“We broken-the total fashion down to lag out to work at 4am on daily basis,” Sakil suggested ESPNcricinfo. “We had to attain our cooked rice in a polythene catch. We couldn’t eat from a plate attributable to the barren situation storms. The rice would…
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todaynewsj · 4 years
Corona Negative Shakib Al Hasan
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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Negative Shakib Al Hasan. Bangladesh all-rounder got good news in Corona test after returning to the country. Health workers took samples from his home on Thursday (September 3) afternoon. Shakib was declared coronavirus free on Friday afternoon. Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) chief physician Debashish Chowdhury had earlier said that Shakib's corona test was not mandatory. Since he came to Dhaka on Qatar Airways from the United States, he had to board the plane with the Corona Test. In that case, just being in isolation was enough. But the trouble is elsewhere. Shakib will practice in BKSP from September 5. And he will be allowed to enter BKSP only with a 'negative' report in the Corona Test. There will be skill training as well as fitness. He will be under two coaches Nazmul Abedin Fahim and Mohammad Salauddin. Shakib Al Hasan will be able to return to cricket from October 29 after a one-year ban. The Bangladesh all-rounder may return in the Test series against Sri Lanka. Read the full article
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Col Shahid Uddin Khan|Shahid Uddin Khan
Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan is not simply a name. Retired Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan, PSC (RETD), the CEO of the Prochhaya Ltd truly obtain free of the cheats as well as blackmailers similar to Finn as well as Francis from Westmont (Bangladesh) Ltd. At there, Fin and Francis are identified as the communal instigators as well as the blackmailers in the energy sector of Bangladesh. Finn Lægaard Jensen (Danish) is one of those 12 Danish culprits of Denmark, who had circulated picture against Prophet Hajrat Muhammad (PBUH). Finn is currently a Danish fugitive and hiting in Bangladesh below the Francis' shelter. He is the person who is completely loyal towards his labour. honesty is the previous name of ex-col Shahid Khan. Retd Col Shahid Khan did not trade off used for some illegal protest occurance in his vicinity. He has still tackled court military yet the man of fact and honesty acknowledged it and behind that toward the end truth  succeed. He is a man who is suitably hard in the direction of handle everyone the  broke persons. a verity of individuals effort in the direction of show that he isn't right but, he didn't stop.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury; a close connection of Francis and Finn obtain a ask for since together of them for the media assistance because Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury was the editor of Weekly Blitz, American Chronicle, Defence PK, Times of Assam, My Khilafah, Sylhet Times as well as much more. following their meeting, Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury started issue imaginary and junk next to Colonel Md Shahid Uddin Khan psc (Retd) so soas to he could come back in the direction of Westmont power (BD) over. everybody knows that Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd had an excellent military career; but he was never careerist kind, he is the single, who always kept regular or expert interest above some other. He for no reason cooperation with the unethical and illegal do something; he fought next to every these undismayed by any danger.
On the other hand, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could eventually realize his error behind designed investigation regarding Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) and instantly published a reply on top of 04 April 2012 in this stare in his periodical Blitz. Francis and Finn obtain detached since Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury behind they found the return of Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd in Weekly Blitz and previous weeklies. Besides, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury has been in jail for more than 08 months until today on a monetary cheating box. Afterward, Francis as well as Finn shaped other online weeklies i.e. Pakistan Defence, Hisbut Tahrir, Free Press Release etc and are progressing to publish everyone made up tale used for blackmailing.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could do all  for cash; he connected with a small number of Jewish reporters of USA and Israel in addition to make funds from them, but quickly, they trapped him for fraud used for which a accuse has previously been shaped in a court in New York, USA. He then, happening effective with little terrible guys of the North Korea and Iran's embassies in Bangladesh and made many with blackmailing many childlike guys during them. His endless relative by means of dishonourable Aziz Mohammad Bhai has always been there towards stay on his regular profits source. Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz in participation by means of large defrauds Francis in addition to Finn of Denmark, thus, fall towards blackmail Col Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd. They set up that various main character of the state could not blow up Col Shahid Khan inspite of their repetitive pains. The simply asset of Col Shahid Khan is his honesty as well as too his courage. In the finish, Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz, the tarnished Cheat Francis in addition to Finn had to agree towards Col Shahid Khan's honesty and courage used for which Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz had towards accept the Rejoinder of Col Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd, which he in print in his Weekly Blitz on 04 April 2012. The report of Blitz has opened the eyes of country's Muslim Umma and they directly blow up into cruel protest. They continued with demonstrations for days in addition to mainly of the Medias gave abundant exposure on it. They wrote applications to the foreign ministry in addition to various embassies used for attractive mmediate in addition to stern performance next to Francis in addition to Finn. They too circulated thousands of fliers against these two culprits i.e. Francis and Finn.
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Retired Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan
Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan is not just a name. Retired Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan, PSC (RETD), the CEO of the Prochhaya Ltd truly gets rid of the con as well as blackmailers like Finn and Francis from Westmont (Bangladesh) Ltd. At present, Fin and Francis are identified as the communal instigators and the blackmailers in the energy sector of Bangladesh. Finn Lægaard Jensen (Danish) is one of those 12 Danish culprits of Denmark, who had thin cartoons against Prophet Hajrat Muhammad (PBUH). Finn is currently a Danish fugitive and hiting in Bangladesh under the Francis' shelter. He is the person who is completely loyal towards his work. honesty is the previous name of ex-col Shahid Khan. Retd Col Shahid Khan did not excahnge for any criminal complaint occurance in his surrounding area. He has still tackled court military yet the man of fact as well as trustworthiness acknowledged it in addition to behind that toward the finish truth  succeed. He is a man who is correctly hard to handle all the  broke individuals. Various persons attempted to demonstrate that he isn't right bar, he didn't discontinue.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury; a shut link of Francis as well as Finn obtain a request since both of them used for the media assistance because Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury was the editor of Weekly Blitz, American Chronicle, Defence PK, Times of Assam, My Khilafah, Sylhet Times and much more. following their meeting, Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury started publishing imaginary and rubbish against Colonel Md Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) so soas to he could approach back to Westmont power (BD) over. everybody knows that Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd had an excellent military job; bar he was never careerist kind, he is the single, who for all time kept regular before expert notice over any other. He for no reason compromise with the wrong and against the law acts; he fought next to everyone some danger.
On the other give, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could eventually grasp his error behind planned study regarding Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) and right away in print a response on top of 04 April 2012 in this regard in his periodical Blitz. Francis and Finn obtain detached from Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury after they create the return of Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd in Weekly Blitz in addition to other weeklies. as well, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury has been in jail for more than 08 months until nowadays on a economical fraud box. Afterward, Francis and Finn formed previous online weeklies i.e. Pakistan Defence, Hisbut Tahrir, Free Press Release etc in addition to are progressing to publish everyone made up tale used for blackmailing.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could do all  for money; he related by means of a few Jewish reporters of USA in addition to Israel in addition to make money starting them, bar quickly, they trapped him for cheating used for which a accuse has previously been bent in a court in New York, USA. He then, happening working by means of small bad guys of the North Korea in addition to Iran's embassies in Bangladesh and complete many with blackmailing various childlike guys during them. His endless relative by means of dishonourable Aziz Mohammad Bhai has forever been there towards stay on his usual profits basis. Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz in involvement with big cheat Francis and Finn of Denmark, as a result, failed towards blackmail Col Md.Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd. They found that various dominant character of the state could not demolish Col Shahid Khan inspite of their cyclic efforts. The only asset of Col Shahid Khan is his integrity as well as too his bravery. In the finish, Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz, the marked Cheat Francis and Finn had to concur towards Col Shahid Khan's honesty and courage used for which Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz had to believe the Rejoinder of Col Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd, which he in print in his Weekly Blitz on 04 April 2012.
The report of Blitz has unlock the look at of country's Muslim Umma in addition to they directly blow up into brutal protest. They continued by display for days in addition to mainly of the Medias offer abundant exposure on it. They wrote applications to the foreign ministry and  a varity of embassies for attractive mmediate and firm performance against Francis in addition to Finn. They also spread thousands of fliers against these two culprits i.e. Francis in addition to Finn.
0 notes
mdshahiddkhann-blog · 7 years
Md Shahid Uddin Khan
Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan is not just a name. Retired Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan, PSC (RETD), the CEO of the Prochhaya Ltd truly gets rid of the cheats and blackmailers similar to Finn as well as Francis from Westmont (Bangladesh) Ltd. At there, Fin in addition to Francis are recognized because the shared instigators and the blackmailers in the power sector of Bangladesh. Finn Lægaard Jensen (Danish) is single of those 12 Danish culprits of Denmark, who had circulated cartoons next to Prophet Hajrat Muhammad (PBUH). Finn is currently a Danish fugitive and hiding in Bangladesh below the Francis' shelter. He is the being who is totally loyal in the direction of his work. Trustworthiness is the previous name of ex-col Shahid Khan. Retd Col Shahid Khan did not trade off used for some criminal protest occurance in his vicinity. He has still tackled court military yet the man of truth and trustworthiness acknowledged it and after that toward the end truth  succeed. He is a man who is correctly solid in the direction of grip all the  broke individuals. Various persons attempted in the direction of show that he isn't right bar, he didn't discontinue.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury; a shut link of Francis and Finn got a ask for from together of them used for the media assistance since Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury was the editor of journal Blitz, American Chronicle, Defence PK, Times of Assam, My Khilafah, Sylhet Times and much more. following their meeting, Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury started issue imaginary and rubbish next to Colonel Md Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) thus soas to he could come reverse to Westmont power (BD) over. everybody recognize that Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd had an excellent military job; bar he was for no reason careerist kind, he is the single, who for all time reserved regular before professional notice over some other. He never compromise by means of the unethical in addition to illegal acts; he scrap next to everyone some danger.
On top of the other hand, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could eventually realize his error after planned investigation about Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) and instantly in print a reply on top of 04 April 2012 in this regard in his Weekly Blitz. Francis and Finn got detached from Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury behind they found the return of Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd in Weekly Blitz and other weeklies. as well, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury has been in jail for extra than 08 months awaiting today on a economical cheating box. Afterward, Francis as well as Finn shaped other online weeklies i.e. Pakistan Defence, Hisbut Tahrir, Free Press Release etc and are continuing to publish all made up stories for blackmailing.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could do everything used for cash; he related with a small number of Jewish reporters of USA in addition to Israel and earned funds from them, bar quickly, they trapped him for cheating for which a blame has previously been shaped in a court in New York, USA. He then, started working with small bad guys of the North Korea in addition to Iran's embassies in Bangladesh and made many by blackmailing many pure guys during them. His eternal relation with dishonourable Aziz Mohammad Bhai has always been there to keep on his usual income source. Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz in participation by means of big defrauds Francis in addition to Finn of Denmark, thus, failed to blackmail Col Md.Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd. They set up that a range of main personalities of the state could not blow up Col Shahid Khan inspite of their cyclic pains. The only benefit of Col Shahid Khan is his honesty and also his bravery. In the end, Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz, the tarnished Cheat Francis and Finn had to agree towards Col Shahid Khan's honesty and courage for which Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz had towards believe the Rejoinder of Col Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd, which he published in his Weekly Blitz on 04 April 2012.
The report of Blitz has opened the eyes of country's Muslim Umma in addition to they instantly blow up into cruel protest. They continued by display used for days and most of the Medias gave rich exposure on it. They wrote applications to the foreign ministry and various embassies for taking urgent and firm actions next to Francis and Finn. They also spread thousands of brochures next to these two culprits i.e. Francis in addition to Finn.
0 notes
shahidkhann-blog · 7 years
Md Shahid Uddin Khan
Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan is not simply a name. Retired Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan, PSC (RETD), the CEO of the Prochhaya Ltd rightly gets rid of the con and blackmailers similar to Finn and Francis from Westmont (Bangladesh) Ltd. At there, Fin and Francis are identified because the shared instigators as well as the blackmailers in the energy sector of Bangladesh. Finn Lægaard Jensen (Danish) is single of those 12 Danish culprits of Denmark, who had circulated cartoons next to Prophet Hajrat Muhammad (PBUH). Finn is now a Danish fugitive as well as hiting in Bangladesh below the Francis' shelter. He is the person who is completely devoted in the direction of his work. honesty is the other name of ex-col Shahid Khan. Retd Col Shahid Khan did not trade off used for any criminal complaint happening in his vicinity. He has still tackled court military yet the man of truth as well as trustworthiness known it in addition to behind that toward the end truth  succeed. He is a man who is correctly hard in the direction of handle all the  broke persons. Various individuals attempted in the direction of demonstrate that he isn't right but, he didn't stop.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury; a close connection of Francis as well as Finn got a ask for from together of them for the media assistance since Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury was the editor of Weekly Blitz, American Chronicle, Defence PK, Times of Assam, My Khilafah, Sylhet Times and much more. following their meeting, Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury on the go publishing fictional and junk against Colonel Md Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) thus that he could approach reverse to Westmont power (BD) again. everybody knows that Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd had an excellent military job; bar he was for no reason careerist type, he is the one, who for all time kept regular before expert interest over any other. He never compromise with the wrong and against the law acts; he scrap against all some risk.
On top of the other give, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could finally grasp his mistake behind designed study about Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) and instantly published a reply on 04 April 2012 in this regard in his Weekly Blitz. Francis and Finn obtain detached since Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury after they create the comeback of Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd in Weekly Blitz in addition to previous weeklies. Besides, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury has been in jail for extra than 08 months awaiting today on a economical cheating box. Afterward, Francis as well as Finn formed other online weeklies i.e. Pakistan Defence, Hisbut Tahrir, Free Press Release etc and are continuing in the direction to issue all made up tale for blackmailing.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could do all  used for money; he connected by means of a few Jewish reporters of USA in addition to Israel in addition to make money from them, bar quickly, they trapped him for cheating used for which a blame has previously been bent in a court in New York, USA. He then, started working by means of little bad guys of the North Korea in addition to Iran's embassies in Bangladesh in addition to complete many with blackmailing many pure guys during them. His endless relative with dishonourable Aziz Mohammad Bhai has always been there to stay on his usual income source. Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz in participation with big defrauds Francis and Finn of Denmark, thus, failed to blackmail Col Md.Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd. They found that various dominant personalities of the state could not demolish Col Shahid Khan inspite of their cyclic pains. The simply benefit of Col Shahid Khan is his integrity and too his courage. In the finish, Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz, the marked Cheat Francis and Finn had to concur to Col Shahid Khan's honesty and bravery for which Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz had to believe the Rejoinder of Col Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd, which he published in his Weekly Blitz on 04 April 2012.
The report of Blitz has unlock the eyes of country's Muslim Umma and they instantly blow up into brutal protest. They constant with display used for days and mainly of the Medias gave abundant exposure on it. They wrote applications to the foreign ministry and  a varity of embassies for taking urgent and firm performance against Francis in addition to Finn. They also spread thousands of brochures against these two culprits i.e. Francis and Finn.
0 notes
About Retd Shahid Uddin Khan
Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan is not simply a name. Retired Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan, PSC (RETD), the CEO of the Prochhaya Ltd truly gets rid of the cheats as well as blackmailers similar to Finn and Francis from Westmont (Bangladesh) Ltd. At present, Fin in addition to Francis are identified as the shared instigators as well as the blackmailers in the energy sector of Bangladesh. Finn Lægaard Jensen (Danish) is one of those 12 Danish culprits of Denmark, who had thin cartoons next to Prophet Hajrat Muhammad (PBUH). Finn is currently a Danish fugitive and hiding in Bangladesh below the Francis' shelter. He is the being who is completely devoted towards his labour. Trustworthiness is the other name of ex-col Shahid Khan. Retd Col Shahid Khan did not excahnge for any criminal protest happening in his surrounding area. He has even tackled court military so far the man of fact as well as trustworthiness known it and after that toward the end truth won. He is a man who is suitably solid in the direction of grip everyone the ruined persons. a verity of persons effort to demonstrate that he isn't correct but, he didn't discontinue.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury; a close connection of Francis and Finn obtain a ask for since together of them used for the media assistance since Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury was the editor of journal Blitz, American Chronicle, Defence PK, Times of Assam, My Khilafah, Sylhet Times and much more. following their meeting, Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury on the go publishing imaginary and rubbish next to Colonel Md Shahid Uddin Khan psc (Retd) thus soas to he could approach reverse in the direction of Westmont power (BD) again. Everyone knows that Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd had an excellent military job; bar he was never careerist type, he is the single, who for all time kept common or expert interest over any previous. He for no reason compromise with the wrong and against the law acts; he fought against all some danger.
on top of the other hand, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could finally realize his mistake behind designed investigation regarding Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) as well as instantly published a reply on 04 April 2012 in this stare in his Weekly Blitz. Francis and Finn got detached from Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury after they create the return of Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd in Weekly Blitz and previous weeklies. as well, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury has been in jail for more than 08 months awaiting today on a economical cheating case. Afterward, Francis and Finn formed other online weeklies i.e. Pakistan Defence, Hisbut Tahrir, Free Press Release etc in addition to are continuing in the direction to publish everyone fabricated tale used for blackmailing.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could do all  for money; he related with a small number of Jewish reporters of USA and Israel and make funds starting them, but quickly, they trapped him for cheating for which a blame has before been bent in a court in New York, USA. He then, started effective with small bad guys of the North Korea in addition to Iran's embassies in Bangladesh and complete a lot with blackmailing many childlike guys during them. His endless relative with shameful Aziz Mohammad Bhai has forever been there to keep on his usual income basis. Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz in participation with big cheat Francis in addition to Finn of Denmark, thus, fall to blackmail Col Md.Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd. They set up that a range of dominant personalities of the state could not demolish Col Shahid Khan inspite of their repetitive efforts. The only benefit of Col Shahid Khan is his honesty as well as too his courage. In the end, Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz, the tarnished Cheat Francis and Finn had to concur to Col Shahid Khan's integrity and bravery for which Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz had towards believe the Rejoinder of Col Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd, which he published in his Weekly Blitz on 04 April 2012.
The story of Blitz has opened the eyes of country's Muslim Umma and they instantly explode into brutal complaint. They continued by demonstrations used for days and most of the Medias offer rich exposure on it. They wrote applications to the foreign ministry and various embassies for taking mmediate and firm performance next to Francis and Finn. They too spread thousands of fliers against these two culprits i.e. Francis and Finn. 
0 notes
Md Shahid Uddin Khan | Shahid Uddin Khan
Colonel Shahid Uddin KhanColonel Shahid Uddin Khan is not simply a name. Retired Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan, PSC (RETD), the CEO of the Prochhaya Ltd rightly obtain rid of the con and blackmailers like Finn as well as Francis from Westmont (Bangladesh) Ltd. At there, Fin in addition to Francis are identified as the shared instigators and the blackmailers in the power sector of Bangladesh. Finn Lægaard Jensen (Danish) is one of those 12 Danish culprits of Denmark, who had thin picture against Prophet Hajrat Muhammad (PBUH). Finn is now a Danish fugitive and hiding in Bangladesh below the Francis' shelter. He is the person who is totally devoted in the direction of his labour. honesty is the previous name of ex-col Shahid Khan. Retd Col Shahid Khan did not trade off for some criminal protest happening in his surrounding area. He has even tackled court military so far the man of fact as well as honesty acknowledged it in addition to behind that toward the finish  reality won. He is a man who is suitably hard to grip everyone the ruined persons. Various individuals attempted in the direction of demonstrate so as to he isn't correct but, he didn't stop.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury; a shut connection of Francis and Finn obtain a request since both of them for the media assistance because Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury was the editor of Weekly Blitz, American Chronicle, Defence PK, Times of Assam, My Khilafah, Sylhet Times as well as much more. After their meeting, Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury on the go issue imaginary and rubbish against Colonel Md Shahid Uddin Khan , psc (Retd) thus that he could come reverse in the direction of Westmont power (BD) over.Everyone recognize that Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd had an excellent military job; but he was for no reason careerist type, he is the one, who for all time reserved regular or expert interest over some previous. He never compromise by means of the wrong in addition to illegal do something; he scrap next to everyone any risk.
On the previous hand, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could eventually grasp his error behind planned investigation regarding Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) as well as right away in print a response on top of 04 April 2012 in this stare in his periodical Blitz. Francis and Finn obtain apart from Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury after they create the comeback of Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd in Weekly Blitz and other weeklies. Besides, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury has been in jail used for extra than 08 months awaiting nowadays on a economical cheating case. Afterward, Francis as well as Finn shaped previous online weeklies i.e. Pakistan Defence, Hisbut Tahrir, Free Press Release etc in addition to are continuing in the direction to issue all fabricated stories for blackmailing.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could do all  for cash; he related by means of a small number of Jewish reporters of USA and Israel in addition to make funds starting them, bar soon, they trapped him for fraud for which a accuse has previously been bent in a court in New York, USA. He then, happening effective with little terrible guys of the North Korea in addition to Iran's embassies in Bangladesh and complete a lot with blackmailing various pure guys through them. His eternal relative with dishonourable Aziz Mohammad Bhai has always been there towards stay on his usual profits basis. Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz in involvement with large cheat Francis in addition to Finn of Denmark, as a result, fall to blackmail Col Md.Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd. They set up that various main personalities of the state could not demolish Col Shahid Khan despite their repetitive pains. The only asset of Col Shahid Khan is his integrity and too his bravery. In the end, Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz, the marked Cheat Francis in addition to Finn had to concur towards Col Shahid Khan's integrity in addition to bravery for which Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz had towards accept the Rejoinder of Col Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd, which he published in his Weekly Blitz on 04 April 2012.
The story of Blitz has unlock the eyes of country's Muslim Umma in addition to they directly blow up into cruel protest. They continued by demonstrations for days and mainly of the Medias gave abundant exposure on it. They wrote applications to the foreign ministry and  a varity of embassies used for attractive urgent in addition to stern actions next to Francis in addition to Finn. They also spread thousands of fliers next to these two culprits i.e. Francis in addition to Finn.
0 notes
Md Shahid Uddin Khan
Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan is not simply a name. Retired Colonel Shahid Uddin Khan, PSC (RETD), the CEO of the Prochhaya Ltd rightly obtain free of the con and blackmailers like Finn as well as Francis from Westmont (Bangladesh) Ltd. At present, Fin and Francis are identified because the shared instigators and the blackmailers in the energy sector of Bangladesh. Finn Lægaard Jensen (Danish) is one of those 12 Danish culprits of Denmark, who had circulated cartoons against Prophet Hajrat Muhammad (PBUH). Finn is currently a Danish fugitive and hiting in Bangladesh under the Francis' shelter. He is the person who is totally loyal in the direction of his work. Trustworthiness is the previous name of ex-col Shahid Khan. Retd Col Shahid Khan did not trade off for any illegal protest occurance in his surrounding area. He has even tackled court military yet the man of truth and trustworthiness known it and behind that toward the end truth  succeed. He is a man who is suitably hard to handle all the  broke individuals. Various individuals effort in the direction of demonstrate so as to he isn't correct but, he didn't discontinue.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury; a shut connection of Francis as well as Finn got a ask for since together of them for the media assistance since Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury was the editor of Weekly Blitz, American Chronicle, Defence PK, Times of Assam, My Khilafah, Sylhet Times and much more. following their meeting, Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury on the go issue imaginary as well as junk against Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) thus soas to he could come back to Westmont power (BD) over. everybody recognize that Colonel Md Shahid Uddin Khan , psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd had an excellent military career; bar he was never careerist type, he is the single, who for all time reserved common or expert interest above any other. He never cooperation by means of the wrong and illegal acts; he fought next to everyone any danger.
On top of the previous give, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could eventually realize his mistake after designed investigation about Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd) and instantly in print a reply on top of 04 April 2012 in this regard in his periodical Blitz. Francis and Finn got apart since Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury behind they found the comeback of Colonel Md. Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd in Weekly Blitz and previous weeklies. Besides, Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury has been in jail used for more than 08 months until today on a monetary fraud case. Afterward, Francis and Finn formed other online weeklies i.e. Pakistan Defence, Hisbut Tahrir, Free Press Release etc in addition to are progressing in the direction to issue everyone fabricated tale used for blackmailing.
Mr. Salauddin Shoaib Chowdhury could do everything for cash; he related by means of a few Jewish reporters of USA in addition to Israel and make money from them, bar soon, they trapped him for cheating for which a blame has previously been shaped in a court in New York, USA. He then, happening working by means of little terrible guys of the North Korea in addition to Iran's embassies in Bangladesh in addition to made many by blackmailing many pure guys during them. His endless relation by means of dishonourable Aziz Mohammad Bhai has always been there to stay on his regular profits basis. Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz in participation by means of large defrauds Francis and Finn of Denmark, thus, failed to blackmail Col Md.Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd. They set up that various main personalities of the state could not blow up Col Shahid Khan inspite of their cyclic pains. The simply benefit of Col Shahid Khan is his integrity as well as too his courage. In the finish, Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz, the tarnished Cheat Francis in addition to Finn had to concur to Col Shahid Khan's integrity in addition to bravery used for which Shoaib Chowdhury of Weekly Blitz had to believe the Rejoinder of Col Shahid Uddin Khan, psc (Retd), the CEO of Prochhaya Ltd, which he in print in his Weekly Blitz on 04 April 2012.
The report of Blitz has unlock the eyes of country's Muslim Umma in addition to they directly explode into brutal protest. They constant with demonstrations used for days in addition to mainly of the Medias gave rich exposure on it. They wrote applications to the foreign ministry in addition to  a varity of embassies for attractive urgent and firm actions against Francis and Finn. They too circulated thousands of brochures against these two culprits i.e. Francis and Finn.
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tachtutor · 4 years
ACC seeks income tax details of MP Shahid, family
ACC seeks income tax details of MP Shahid, family
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The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has sought the income tax documents of Mohammad Shahid Islam, MP of Laxmipur-2 constituency (independent), his family and his sister-in-law from the National Board of Revenue.
ACC spokesperson Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya said Deputy Director of ACC Mohammad Salauddin sought the documents from NBR in connection with the MP’s alleged involvement in money…
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