#Monday.com Authorized Partner
bashamanik · 10 months
A Customer Testimonial for SimpleDay, Your Trusted Monday.com Authorized Partner | Unlocking Success
n this insightful customer testimonial, Tom Nelson from American Tank in Windsor, California, shares his experience with SimpleDay's expert solutions. Discover how we transformed American Tank's management and production systems, providing them with unparalleled efficiency and reducing stress, errors, and production time by over 80%. If you're seeking production efficiencies, management oversight, quality controls, and a comprehensive history archive, join us in exploring the impactful collaboration between American Tank and SimpleDay. Ready to elevate your business with Monday.com? Trust the experts at SimpleDay to be your Chief Engineers on the path to success. Subscribe now for more success stories and valuable insights!
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enreap · 9 months
Why choose us, details of our partners and our features
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samuelpboswell · 3 years
How to Accelerate Reach and Engagement of B2B Content Through Co-Creation
“Look, I made this!” Sharing things we create is a human compulsion that traces back to childhood. Whether you’re showing your mom a drawing so she can pin it up on the fridge, or linking social media followers to your latest blog post, it’s natural for people of all ages to proudly broadcast their creative output. Therein lies the power of co-creation for content amplification. "If you want your content reach to be great, ask your community to participate." Let’s explore this approach to content collaboration from a B2B marketing perspective.
Why Co-create Content for B2B Marketing?
There are many benefits to collaborative content creation. TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden covered several in his writeup last year on winning at B2B influence with the magic of content co-creation. Among them:
Incorporating the first-hand viewpoints of experts infuses greater authority and credibility to your content.
Featuring various outside voices makes your content more relatable and accessible to varied audiences.
Relevant influencers can inspire action and foster trust in unique ways.
These qualities all trace back to a core fundamental advantage of co-creation: it generates better and more resonant content. And that contributes heavily to the more easily-observable benefit we’ll focus on today: co-created content drives greater reach and engagement without needing to rely on paid boosting. The influencer marketing campaign we partnered with monday.com to develop serves as a prime example. With a diverse team of influencers helping shape the content and sharing it out to their respective networks, the company surpassed its goal for social reach by an astounding 1,790%, driving more than 300,000 organic impressions on social media.
Maximizing Reach & Engagement with B2B Content Co-creation
Of course, content collaborations are not as simple as pushing a button. Taking the right strategic steps before, during, and after your B2B content co-creation initiative will make a vast difference in reach and engagement. Make the Content Great There are many tactics and techniques that can be activated to increase reach and engagement, but none are more important than simply creating awesome content that people are genuinely compelled to share. Instead of asking “How can co-creation partners maximize the reach of this content?” start by asking “How can co-creation partners make this content incredible?” Tap their prime area of passion and expertise so that their distinct strengths are fully reflected. Get Influencers and Co-creators Invested If the extent of your co-creation approach is adding someone’s generic and extraneous insight on top of your completed content, solely for the purpose of shoehorning an influencer into the mix, those partners are not likely to feel the level of ownership that inspires them to enthusiastically share and amplify. Two specific pointers to drive greater investment from influencers:
Invite them to take part in the planning and shaping of the content, rather than asking for an add-on quote at the very end.
Avoid the urge to push for product-focused or promotional contributions — people will be more motivated to share content if they feel it advances their reputation as a thought leader, as opposed to shilling a solution. (And audiences will find the content far more authentic.)
Make It Easy (and Valuable) to Share Consider drafting social messages on behalf of your co-creators to make the process of amplifying as simple and effortless as possible for them. The key nuance here is to know these partners well enough to be able to create social copy that matches their voice, and to center your message on the content’s value to their audience, rather than its value to your company. For example, if your influencer is Wile E. Coyote, you’ll get better results with the framing, “I recently shared my thoughts on what’s next in the future of trapping technology and desert ecology,” compared to “I joined a podcast to talk about why Acme brand products are great for dealing with pesky roadrunners.” Meep meep. Involve Influencers that Bring Authority and Credibility by Proxy One of the underrated motivators for influencers and co-creators to share content is what I like to call “authority by association.” In part this can stem from the brand itself — if you’ve built a respected and buzzworthy reputation, people in your industry will see value in having their names attached to your content — but also from the other co-creators. Wile E. Coyote will be more inclined to share content he’s involved in if Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck also contributed. (Maybe not the Road Runner.) Or, to tie things back to real life, there’s the aforementioned monday.com campaign. Our roster of influencers included recognizable big names from the creative world, as well as up-and-comers who were extremely enthused to have their insights appear alongside the likes of Ann Handley and Minda Harts. As a more personal example, a few years ago I was invited to write the Minnesota Twins chapter in the Baseball Prospectus 2018 annual. And while I was moved to promote the book in large part because it featured my writing and because Baseball Prospectus is a giant name in the realm of baseball media, I was extra-excited to spread the word because Nick Offerman (aka Ron Swanson) wrote the Cubs chapter. How cool is that?!
via GIPHY Plan for Continued, Ongoing Promotion Given how much effort, time, and resources are often poured into large-scale content projects, it always astounds me how frequently the promotion plan basically entails sharing out a few links when the content goes live, and little else. Brands leave so much reach and utility on the table when they fall victim to Invisible Content Syndrome. Think about ways you can extend the lifecycle of your content promotion and keep co-creators engaged for weeks rather than days. A few suggestions:
Make timely updates to the content over time, giving influencers a prompt to re-share and highlight new value for their audience.
Repurpose the content so they can share their portions in different ways (video, quote snippets, customized visuals, etc.) while linking back to the larger piece or asset, and space them out.
Keep tagging co-creators on social media whenever you’re promoting the content, so it stays on their radar long after launch.
Stay committed to mutual value. Continue to invest in your relationships with these influencers and co-creators, and promote their work on your own feeds when relevant to your audience.
Fuel Your B2B Marketing Reach with Influencer Co-creation
Our famous friend Jay Baer has famously stated that “content is fire, and social media is gasoline.” It’s a great way to describe the role that each plays in a marketing strategy, and I think it can easily be applied to co-creation as well. Selecting the right strategic partners to develop awesome content will start the fire, and taking smart steps to encourage promotion and sharing will help those flames rise high enough to be seen from miles around. Ready to get cooking? Learn more about how TopRank Marketing approaches influencer marketing and how we can help you.
The post How to Accelerate Reach and Engagement of B2B Content Through Co-Creation appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
from The SEO Advantages http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/OnlineMarketingSEOBlog/~3/BQh2X6AajvE/
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ralphlayton · 4 years
How to Win at B2B Influence With The Magic of Content Co-Creation
Today we live in an age of information overload where the speed of content discovery and the variety of options for media consumption across connected devices presents new challenges for B2B brands and buyers alike. The natural response for buyers is to filter their choices and focus those few sources which are most trusted, credible and meaningful. For brands that want to differentiate and even dominate in their category, becoming known as “the best answer” for their domain of expertise will have enormous impact. The challenge of increased digital sophistication brings an opportunity: businesses can differentiate and capture market attention by growing their authority and influence. Content is a top priority for brands. Numerous research studies continue to support the fact that content marketing is a top priority for marketers but there are also some challenges; companies find it difficult to produce enough content, as well as create content that engages and has enough variety. Even when companies are able to produce high quality, relevant content on a regular basis, the challenge of distribution and reach is a concern for many. Part of the solution is to connect B2B content creation efforts with internal and industry influencers that already have communities they engage with on the same topics. Influencer content and authority. Brands aren’t the only non-traditional online publishers. Subject matter experts are also able to publish through social networks and media, blogs and increasingly easy contributions to online publications.  Besides creating topically competitive content, SME publishing has empowered individuals to attract their own audiences and become as influential as the some of the companies they buy from. In addition to working with established influencers, brands can nurture future influencers to create a more effective brand community that exponentially scales reach and engagement. The shock of content proliferation. As a result of the content explosion, brands are faced with the reality that the majority of the content they produce might never be discovered or engaged. At the same time, brands must recognize their customers are becoming more influential about the same topics brands are spending advertising and marketing budgets on. When business customers are empowered to create, consume, publish, interact and transact anytime, anywhere, how do brands break through to create meaningful connections and engagement? How does the dynamic of content and influence help fulfill buyer information discovery, consumption and engagement expectations while delivering on business outcomes for the brand? As a vehicle for influence, content is one of the most powerful tools in a digital marketer’s mix to attract, engage and inspire buyers to act.
“Content co-creation is the currency for building relationships that can boost credibility, influence and action.”
The B2B content + influence solution. A business content and influencer marketing strategy can be one of the most effective combinations B2B marketers can make.  By incorporating relevant influencers that can inspire action with content marketing efforts, marketers can reach new audiences with brand messages that are credible and trusted. Influencer driven content marketing is also one of the best examples of how digital marketing and public relations are converging. The integration of messaging, content, social media and engagement right along with the promotion of information and media designed to inspire transactions should be the focus of any business that wants to differentiate and grow. Buyers trust influential experts. The 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Research Report reveals that 77% of B2B marketers believe their prospects rely on advice from industry influencers. Additionally, 84% trust influencers to create brand awareness and 69% count on influencers to help generate new leads. While B2B content marketing on its own is effective, working with influential experts to co-create content is an approach that yields surprising results. Influencer content gets results. When the pandemic swept through the world in early 2020, monday.com identified an opportunity to help support teams that had gone from working in-office to working remotely. As a provider of remote project management software this transition created an opportunity for our client monday.com to position itself as a valuable resource for remote teams. Monday.com partnered with TopRank Marketing to develop an influencer marketing campaign featuring industry experts that could reach and engage remote work teams more effectively than the brand on its own. Seasoned experts and influencers in the remote work space were engaged to collaborate on and promote content published on the brand site, on the influencers own sites, brand social channels and via livestream. By engaging influencers with audiences hungry for information about remote work best practices, this campaign added value to the target audience and increased awareness of monday.com’s offering with impressive results:
17.9M in potential reach from brand mentions by influencers (goal was 1M)
Over 300K organic impressions on social media
Nearly 3k video views of a live stream featuring two industry experts within the first week
See the full Monday.com influencer marketing case study here. By connecting with market and niche influencers and working with them to achieve mutually beneficial goals, modern marketers can create invaluable relationships with authoritative experts. These connections can result in the creation of high quality, relevant and authoritative content that serves the interests of the influencer and the brand as well as providing access and reach to the influencer’s community. B2B influencers are credible, authoritative individuals who have an engaged community that follows and acts on their thought leadership. Winning at B2B Influencer Marketing means working with influencers to affect change in thought and action amongst a network towards goals that are mutually beneficial to the brand, the influencer and their community. Whether it is a partnership to co-create content or more general advocacy, business influencers open doors for brands to connect with engaged buyers they might otherwise never reach in a meaningful way.
"Everyone is influential about something."
B2B influencers can be industry professionals, they could also be inside a company as subject matter experts or a company’s own customers. Influencer relationships with brands often include a value exchange of some kind and it’s up to the company and influencer to decide whether that’s an exchange of information, visibility, compensation or something else. The essential questions of B2B influencer content. To be effective when working with business influencers, B2B brands need to consider what they want the influencer to do for them beyond a simple endorsement.
How will the influencer’s involvement help the company reach a particular business goal?
What will an ongoing relationship with influencers mean to the brand’s marketing efforts and reputation in the industry?
Also, what kind of content does it make the most sense for the influencer to contribute to?
How does the brand want to be known and which influencers already have that credibility and authority?
These questions and more will be answered in the following model for B2B influencer content co-creation.
6 best practices for working with and influencing B2B influencers to co-create content:
Identify Influencer Program Goals
Research, Engage and Recruit Influencers
Develop Co-Created Content with Influencers
Inspire Content Promotion
Influencer Measurement and Program Optimization
Ongoing Influencer Relationships
1. Identify Influencer Program Goals – Serving different audiences (influencers, brand, prospects, industry media) requires a strategy that identifies distinct goals. While most subject matter experts and influencers desire increased visibility, B2B brands will want to grow their expertise for a topic amongst a target audience and attract new business. Consumers of the influencer content will want expert information from someone they trust. Industry news media will want examples they can reference and subject matter experts they can cite. Just starting out, co-created influencer content can be as simple as a value exchange: increased exposure for both the influencer and the brand with the objective of attracting new target audience engagement and influencing a spectrum of conversion actions: subscribe, download, register, request information. As an influencer content program matures, goals can become more sophisticated and multi-faceted to include public relations, recruiting, customer marketing and more advanced customer acquisition. B2B influencer content programs should be tied into the content marketing plan and editorial calendar. An important part of designing an effective influencer content program is to identify the specific topics to be covered. Specifying topics and themes will drive all subsequent actions in the program from influencer recruiting to planning which media type to create to content promotion. 2. Research, Engage and Recruit Influencers – It’s important to identify the key themes that represent topical focus for the brand, the product or service and the campaign or program that you will creating with influencers. The sooner your company specifies these topical areas of focus, the sooner influencers can be identified and engaged.
“The time to start recruiting influencers is long before you need them. Romance takes time.”
It can be useful to start influencer identification by brainstorming with executives, marketing, communications and product managers to develop a list of known topical experts and even nominations of specific individual influencers. However, subjective measures like these bring heavy bias. It is always a good idea to validate influencer recommendations using data about topical relevance, resonance of that topic with the influencer's audience and the their network size. There are many influencer marketing platforms which can provide the data needed to properly filter which individuals are perceived as influential by the communities that listen to them. Influencer sourcing and engagement takes time. Many influencer co-created content projects will draw from both existing influencer relationships and involve making new influencer connections. Initial recruiting might be limited to small, easy projects that advance the relationship to more robust and substantial time commitments. It is possible to jump start an influencer content program by working with a specialist agency that already has relationships with relevant industry influencers. The most common mistake businesses make with influencers is to qualify them based purely on network size (fans, friends and followers) and affinity to a certain industry or area of interest. Without the ability to affect the way a network thinks and how they act, an influencer isn’t really influencing anyone.
“A brandividual is popular. An influencer is effective at creating popularity.”
Topical relevance, resonance and reach characteristics will be useful with influencer discovery tools like BuzzSumo which focuses on Twitter data. There are also robust tools like Traackr or Onalytica. After you use a tool to identify and initially qualify influencers for each topic, then you can bring that list back to your internal subject matter experts to manually review and filter. Of course, no influencer discovery tool is perfect. Correlation between internal recommendations and data from an influencer marketing platform might take more time, but it’s a best practice for distinguishing between brandividuals and effective influencers. When recruiting influencers, there are several important considerations:
Relevancy and effort to ask ratio - It has to be timely and on message with what they stand for. It also has to be easy for them to do. Popular, smart people are busy!
Be clever or humorous - Nothing cuts through the crap like humor but most of all, be a real person when you communicate, not salesy, pushy or entitled
You are a known entity - Having a reputation as a brand or being a well-known person in the industry is very useful. Previous personal contact with the influencer is even more valuable.
Vision of the project - Be able to articulate what the influencer’s involvement will be and what it will do for them personally. Also show how the project will help others.
Optimize for attract - Create influencer projects so good and so well known, people compete to be involved.
What doesn’t work. Presumptive, high expectation recruiting pitches with no personalization and little upside for the influencer rarely work. It’s the equivalent of a stranger approaching you and saying, “Let’s get married”. The time to start creating relationships with influencers is long before you actually need them. If a company is thinking that working with influencers is even a remote possibility, they should start identifying, qualifying and engaging with them now. That way, when the time comes to work together on a project, there’s already some familiarity and credibility before “the ask”. Effective influencer recruiting for content co-creation projects comes down to being relevant and interesting, respectful and to deliver a great experience that results in a desire for more. 3. Develop Co-Created Content with Influencers – The content marketing plan for co-created influencer content should identify the primary and sub-themes, the influencers to work with for those assets, the types of contributions the influencers will make, the type of content to be created, deconstructed component parts, social share messages and details on repurposing. Go modular - Modular content planning allows pre-promotion of the co-created content project to build momentum for launch and then deconstruction of the content for customized repurposing and social promotion on networks, blogs, and the media. Select topics - Topics represent the themes and areas of focus for planning editorial and for sourcing influencers. Topic alignment between brand, influencer and community is essential for mutual value to be created. Identify type of content or media mix - Types of content are often determined by the content marketing plan, and target audience. At the same time, there are some types of content more amenable to co-creation with influencers such as eBooks, reports, blog posts, quoted infographics and video compilations. A clear line of sight must be present between the co-created content and the content objectives in the marketing plan. Once influencers, topics and media types are identified, a campaign to request content is initiated. Setting expectations during the recruitment phase for how participation will work is essential. Influencers are busy people and providing a timeline with due date, clear instructions and even examples will result in a higher participation rate. Influencer content collection requests are often more effective when a few A-list influencers are already on board with the project. Leverage their name recognition to influence other influencers to participate. Be prepared to send 2 to 3 content collection emails and when the deadline arrives, do not be afraid to use a fear of loss pitch. But by all means, be cordial, helpful and respectful. 4. Inspire Content Promotion – Influencer communications should provide expectations and clear timelines along with the benefits for all when a co-created influencer content project is successful. Providing influencers with tools such as sharing images, pre-written tweets, embed codes and short URLs can substantially increase promotion participation and reach. There are four important considerations when encouraging influencers to help promote the content they helped your company create. Create content worth sharing. Topics that address issues that are important to the influencer will get your foot in the door and useful, visually compelling content will inspire them to open that door and share. Reaching out blindly and asking to share doesn’t work as well as having a connection first and then asking. Let the ego do the talking. Content that includes an influencer’s contribution will probably get shared even more. Because let’s face it, people love to see themselves get recognized. Better yet, ask them to participate in the creation of the content. However, when mentioning influencers in content it’s essential that it be credible, high quality and creative. Most influencers have caught on to the tactic of simply mentioning famous industry people just to get them to share. There must be value created that inspires and earns the share Make it fun and easy. When emailing a promotion request, consider making it funny or at least clever. We’ve gone so far as to write outlandish examples of what NOT to do or suggest fake prizes for contributing like his/her beard scarves or beef jerky underwear. Also make it especially easy for the influencer to share. Capture their attention, succinctly explain what it is and what you want them to do. Then offer pre-written social share text that’s even personalized just for them. You may even create a resource page with images and other share options for them to use. Pay them. Either compensate the influencer with information and promotion or simply pay them to share your content. Once you start down this road, it’s pretty difficult to get off, so plan for continued compensation once you start. 5. Influencer Measurement and Program Optimization – Individual influencer promotions of the co-created content project can be measured based on social network shares, sentiment of those shares, engagement on the topic, links and blog pickups. Embeds used by influencers to create blog posts can be tracked for referred search traffic along with referred social traffic from their links. Referred traffic that results in website visits can be further analyzed for metrics such as time on site, categories of content consumed, leads and sales. Overall reach, engagement, traffic, leads and sales for the content project can be tracked as well, taking note of the contributions made by influencers towards key performance metrics like growing affinity between a topic and the brand as well as business outcomes like leads and sales. 6. Ongoing Influencer Relationships - Beyond the campaign or program at hand, do make the effort to continue the relationship with influencers you have worked with. The 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Research found that 12 times more B2B marketers who run Always-On influencer marketing programs are successful vs. those running intermittent campaigns. Focus on creating a great experience for contributing subject matter experts and they’ll be very interested in working with your brand again on future projects. The more influencer programs you develop, the more influencers you will have connections with and draw from. Remember, when it comes to promotions, you can also ask past influencers who are not part of your current program to help, since they are aware of the value that would bring and the effect of “a rising tide lifts all ships.” Ways to stay connected and Always-On with influencers in a meaningful way include:
Offer them feedback after the program about the effect of their contribution
Cite influencers in your future blog posts
Connect and engage with influencers on social networks
Refer influencer expertise to other companies that could use them (i.e. help them get work)
Cite influencers in contributed articles to industry magazines, newspapers, websites and newsletters.
Include them in future projects
Whether your brand is engaging with influencers to provide useful information or you’re co-creating content with influencers to create a useful industry resource that will be shared with new communities, there’s a value exchange that can benefits everyone involved. Content is the key to that value transfer between brand and consumer, brand and influencer and for the overall community involved. To learn more about B2B influencer and content marketing best practices, be sure to check out the 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Research Report, or contact us directly at TopRank Marketing.
The post How to Win at B2B Influence With The Magic of Content Co-Creation appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
How to Win at B2B Influence With The Magic of Content Co-Creation published first on yhttps://improfitninja.blogspot.com/
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samuelpboswell · 4 years
How to Win at B2B Influence With The Magic of Content Co-Creation
Today we live in an age of information overload where the speed of content discovery and the variety of options for media consumption across connected devices presents new challenges for B2B brands and buyers alike. The natural response for buyers is to filter their choices and focus those few sources which are most trusted, credible and meaningful. For brands that want to differentiate and even dominate in their category, becoming known as “the best answer” for their domain of expertise will have enormous impact. The challenge of increased digital sophistication brings an opportunity: businesses can differentiate and capture market attention by growing their authority and influence. Content is a top priority for brands. Numerous research studies continue to support the fact that content marketing is a top priority for marketers but there are also some challenges; companies find it difficult to produce enough content, as well as create content that engages and has enough variety. Even when companies are able to produce high quality, relevant content on a regular basis, the challenge of distribution and reach is a concern for many. Part of the solution is to connect B2B content creation efforts with internal and industry influencers that already have communities they engage with on the same topics. Influencer content and authority. Brands aren’t the only non-traditional online publishers. Subject matter experts are also able to publish through social networks and media, blogs and increasingly easy contributions to online publications.  Besides creating topically competitive content, SME publishing has empowered individuals to attract their own audiences and become as influential as the some of the companies they buy from. In addition to working with established influencers, brands can nurture future influencers to create a more effective brand community that exponentially scales reach and engagement. The shock of content proliferation. As a result of the content explosion, brands are faced with the reality that the majority of the content they produce might never be discovered or engaged. At the same time, brands must recognize their customers are becoming more influential about the same topics brands are spending advertising and marketing budgets on. When business customers are empowered to create, consume, publish, interact and transact anytime, anywhere, how do brands break through to create meaningful connections and engagement? How does the dynamic of content and influence help fulfill buyer information discovery, consumption and engagement expectations while delivering on business outcomes for the brand? As a vehicle for influence, content is one of the most powerful tools in a digital marketer’s mix to attract, engage and inspire buyers to act.
“Content co-creation is the currency for building relationships that can boost credibility, influence and action.”
The B2B content + influence solution. A business content and influencer marketing strategy can be one of the most effective combinations B2B marketers can make.  By incorporating relevant influencers that can inspire action with content marketing efforts, marketers can reach new audiences with brand messages that are credible and trusted. Influencer driven content marketing is also one of the best examples of how digital marketing and public relations are converging. The integration of messaging, content, social media and engagement right along with the promotion of information and media designed to inspire transactions should be the focus of any business that wants to differentiate and grow. Buyers trust influential experts. The 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Research Report reveals that 77% of B2B marketers believe their prospects rely on advice from industry influencers. Additionally, 84% trust influencers to create brand awareness and 69% count on influencers to help generate new leads. While B2B content marketing on its own is effective, working with influential experts to co-create content is an approach that yields surprising results. Influencer content gets results. When the pandemic swept through the world in early 2020, monday.com identified an opportunity to help support teams that had gone from working in-office to working remotely. As a provider of remote project management software this transition created an opportunity for our client monday.com to position itself as a valuable resource for remote teams. Monday.com partnered with TopRank Marketing to develop an influencer marketing campaign featuring industry experts that could reach and engage remote work teams more effectively than the brand on its own. Seasoned experts and influencers in the remote work space were engaged to collaborate on and promote content published on the brand site, on the influencers own sites, brand social channels and via livestream. By engaging influencers with audiences hungry for information about remote work best practices, this campaign added value to the target audience and increased awareness of monday.com’s offering with impressive results:
17.9M in potential reach from brand mentions by influencers (goal was 1M)
Over 300K organic impressions on social media
Nearly 3k video views of a live stream featuring two industry experts within the first week
See the full Monday.com influencer marketing case study here. By connecting with market and niche influencers and working with them to achieve mutually beneficial goals, modern marketers can create invaluable relationships with authoritative experts. These connections can result in the creation of high quality, relevant and authoritative content that serves the interests of the influencer and the brand as well as providing access and reach to the influencer’s community. B2B influencers are credible, authoritative individuals who have an engaged community that follows and acts on their thought leadership. Winning at B2B Influencer Marketing means working with influencers to affect change in thought and action amongst a network towards goals that are mutually beneficial to the brand, the influencer and their community. Whether it is a partnership to co-create content or more general advocacy, business influencers open doors for brands to connect with engaged buyers they might otherwise never reach in a meaningful way.
"Everyone is influential about something."
B2B influencers can be industry professionals, they could also be inside a company as subject matter experts or a company’s own customers. Influencer relationships with brands often include a value exchange of some kind and it’s up to the company and influencer to decide whether that’s an exchange of information, visibility, compensation or something else. The essential questions of B2B influencer content. To be effective when working with business influencers, B2B brands need to consider what they want the influencer to do for them beyond a simple endorsement.
How will the influencer’s involvement help the company reach a particular business goal?
What will an ongoing relationship with influencers mean to the brand’s marketing efforts and reputation in the industry?
Also, what kind of content does it make the most sense for the influencer to contribute to?
How does the brand want to be known and which influencers already have that credibility and authority?
These questions and more will be answered in the following model for B2B influencer content co-creation.
6 best practices for working with and influencing B2B influencers to co-create content:
Identify Influencer Program Goals
Research, Engage and Recruit Influencers
Develop Co-Created Content with Influencers
Inspire Content Promotion
Influencer Measurement and Program Optimization
Ongoing Influencer Relationships
1. Identify Influencer Program Goals – Serving different audiences (influencers, brand, prospects, industry media) requires a strategy that identifies distinct goals. While most subject matter experts and influencers desire increased visibility, B2B brands will want to grow their expertise for a topic amongst a target audience and attract new business. Consumers of the influencer content will want expert information from someone they trust. Industry news media will want examples they can reference and subject matter experts they can cite. Just starting out, co-created influencer content can be as simple as a value exchange: increased exposure for both the influencer and the brand with the objective of attracting new target audience engagement and influencing a spectrum of conversion actions: subscribe, download, register, request information. As an influencer content program matures, goals can become more sophisticated and multi-faceted to include public relations, recruiting, customer marketing and more advanced customer acquisition. B2B influencer content programs should be tied into the content marketing plan and editorial calendar. An important part of designing an effective influencer content program is to identify the specific topics to be covered. Specifying topics and themes will drive all subsequent actions in the program from influencer recruiting to planning which media type to create to content promotion. 2. Research, Engage and Recruit Influencers – It’s important to identify the key themes that represent topical focus for the brand, the product or service and the campaign or program that you will creating with influencers. The sooner your company specifies these topical areas of focus, the sooner influencers can be identified and engaged.
“The time to start recruiting influencers is long before you need them. Romance takes time.”
It can be useful to start influencer identification by brainstorming with executives, marketing, communications and product managers to develop a list of known topical experts and even nominations of specific individual influencers. However, subjective measures like these bring heavy bias. It is always a good idea to validate influencer recommendations using data about topical relevance, resonance of that topic with the influencer's audience and the their network size. There are many influencer marketing platforms which can provide the data needed to properly filter which individuals are perceived as influential by the communities that listen to them. Influencer sourcing and engagement takes time. Many influencer co-created content projects will draw from both existing influencer relationships and involve making new influencer connections. Initial recruiting might be limited to small, easy projects that advance the relationship to more robust and substantial time commitments. It is possible to jump start an influencer content program by working with a specialist agency that already has relationships with relevant industry influencers. The most common mistake businesses make with influencers is to qualify them based purely on network size (fans, friends and followers) and affinity to a certain industry or area of interest. Without the ability to affect the way a network thinks and how they act, an influencer isn’t really influencing anyone.
“A brandividual is popular. An influencer is effective at creating popularity.”
Topical relevance, resonance and reach characteristics will be useful with influencer discovery tools like BuzzSumo which focuses on Twitter data. There are also robust tools like Traackr or Onalytica. After you use a tool to identify and initially qualify influencers for each topic, then you can bring that list back to your internal subject matter experts to manually review and filter. Of course, no influencer discovery tool is perfect. Correlation between internal recommendations and data from an influencer marketing platform might take more time, but it’s a best practice for distinguishing between brandividuals and effective influencers. When recruiting influencers, there are several important considerations:
Relevancy and effort to ask ratio - It has to be timely and on message with what they stand for. It also has to be easy for them to do. Popular, smart people are busy!
Be clever or humorous - Nothing cuts through the crap like humor but most of all, be a real person when you communicate, not salesy, pushy or entitled
You are a known entity - Having a reputation as a brand or being a well-known person in the industry is very useful. Previous personal contact with the influencer is even more valuable.
Vision of the project - Be able to articulate what the influencer’s involvement will be and what it will do for them personally. Also show how the project will help others.
Optimize for attract - Create influencer projects so good and so well known, people compete to be involved.
What doesn’t work. Presumptive, high expectation recruiting pitches with no personalization and little upside for the influencer rarely work. It’s the equivalent of a stranger approaching you and saying, “Let’s get married”. The time to start creating relationships with influencers is long before you actually need them. If a company is thinking that working with influencers is even a remote possibility, they should start identifying, qualifying and engaging with them now. That way, when the time comes to work together on a project, there’s already some familiarity and credibility before “the ask”. Effective influencer recruiting for content co-creation projects comes down to being relevant and interesting, respectful and to deliver a great experience that results in a desire for more. 3. Develop Co-Created Content with Influencers – The content marketing plan for co-created influencer content should identify the primary and sub-themes, the influencers to work with for those assets, the types of contributions the influencers will make, the type of content to be created, deconstructed component parts, social share messages and details on repurposing. Go modular - Modular content planning allows pre-promotion of the co-created content project to build momentum for launch and then deconstruction of the content for customized repurposing and social promotion on networks, blogs, and the media. Select topics - Topics represent the themes and areas of focus for planning editorial and for sourcing influencers. Topic alignment between brand, influencer and community is essential for mutual value to be created. Identify type of content or media mix - Types of content are often determined by the content marketing plan, and target audience. At the same time, there are some types of content more amenable to co-creation with influencers such as eBooks, reports, blog posts, quoted infographics and video compilations. A clear line of sight must be present between the co-created content and the content objectives in the marketing plan. Once influencers, topics and media types are identified, a campaign to request content is initiated. Setting expectations during the recruitment phase for how participation will work is essential. Influencers are busy people and providing a timeline with due date, clear instructions and even examples will result in a higher participation rate. Influencer content collection requests are often more effective when a few A-list influencers are already on board with the project. Leverage their name recognition to influence other influencers to participate. Be prepared to send 2 to 3 content collection emails and when the deadline arrives, do not be afraid to use a fear of loss pitch. But by all means, be cordial, helpful and respectful. 4. Inspire Content Promotion – Influencer communications should provide expectations and clear timelines along with the benefits for all when a co-created influencer content project is successful. Providing influencers with tools such as sharing images, pre-written tweets, embed codes and short URLs can substantially increase promotion participation and reach. There are four important considerations when encouraging influencers to help promote the content they helped your company create. Create content worth sharing. Topics that address issues that are important to the influencer will get your foot in the door and useful, visually compelling content will inspire them to open that door and share. Reaching out blindly and asking to share doesn’t work as well as having a connection first and then asking. Let the ego do the talking. Content that includes an influencer’s contribution will probably get shared even more. Because let’s face it, people love to see themselves get recognized. Better yet, ask them to participate in the creation of the content. However, when mentioning influencers in content it’s essential that it be credible, high quality and creative. Most influencers have caught on to the tactic of simply mentioning famous industry people just to get them to share. There must be value created that inspires and earns the share Make it fun and easy. When emailing a promotion request, consider making it funny or at least clever. We’ve gone so far as to write outlandish examples of what NOT to do or suggest fake prizes for contributing like his/her beard scarves or beef jerky underwear. Also make it especially easy for the influencer to share. Capture their attention, succinctly explain what it is and what you want them to do. Then offer pre-written social share text that’s even personalized just for them. You may even create a resource page with images and other share options for them to use. Pay them. Either compensate the influencer with information and promotion or simply pay them to share your content. Once you start down this road, it’s pretty difficult to get off, so plan for continued compensation once you start. 5. Influencer Measurement and Program Optimization – Individual influencer promotions of the co-created content project can be measured based on social network shares, sentiment of those shares, engagement on the topic, links and blog pickups. Embeds used by influencers to create blog posts can be tracked for referred search traffic along with referred social traffic from their links. Referred traffic that results in website visits can be further analyzed for metrics such as time on site, categories of content consumed, leads and sales. Overall reach, engagement, traffic, leads and sales for the content project can be tracked as well, taking note of the contributions made by influencers towards key performance metrics like growing affinity between a topic and the brand as well as business outcomes like leads and sales. 6. Ongoing Influencer Relationships - Beyond the campaign or program at hand, do make the effort to continue the relationship with influencers you have worked with. The 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Research found that 12 times more B2B marketers who run Always-On influencer marketing programs are successful vs. those running intermittent campaigns. Focus on creating a great experience for contributing subject matter experts and they’ll be very interested in working with your brand again on future projects. The more influencer programs you develop, the more influencers you will have connections with and draw from. Remember, when it comes to promotions, you can also ask past influencers who are not part of your current program to help, since they are aware of the value that would bring and the effect of “a rising tide lifts all ships.” Ways to stay connected and Always-On with influencers in a meaningful way include:
Offer them feedback after the program about the effect of their contribution
Cite influencers in your future blog posts
Connect and engage with influencers on social networks
Refer influencer expertise to other companies that could use them (i.e. help them get work)
Cite influencers in contributed articles to industry magazines, newspapers, websites and newsletters.
Include them in future projects
Whether your brand is engaging with influencers to provide useful information or you’re co-creating content with influencers to create a useful industry resource that will be shared with new communities, there’s a value exchange that can benefits everyone involved. Content is the key to that value transfer between brand and consumer, brand and influencer and for the overall community involved. To learn more about B2B influencer and content marketing best practices, be sure to check out the 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Research Report, or contact us directly at TopRank Marketing.
The post How to Win at B2B Influence With The Magic of Content Co-Creation appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
from The SEO Advantages https://www.toprankblog.com/2020/09/b2b-influence-content/
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ralphlayton · 4 years
Best SEO Tips for Marketing During the Pandemic Plus 9 Top SEO Platforms
How does search engine optimization (SEO) shine during a pandemic, and how can B2B marketers make sure they’re doing all they can with the platforms and tools at their disposal? For decades SEO platforms have been an integral part of the marketing and research efforts of growing numbers of major B2B brands — each offering a seemingly unending array of ever more helpful features, along with the data insights needed to help businesses succeed. With 51 percent of primarily B2B global marketing professionals seeing data insights and analysis as the single most important element when implementing a marketing technology stack, SEO platforms are poised to deliver the martech information businesses are eager to get. With so many powerful SEO platforms available, how can B2B marketers best put these tools to use during our challenging days of COVID-19, when all industries are in a state of flux? We asked some of the top SEO platforms for tips to help marketers successfully weather the pandemic — helpful advice that can serve to guide many areas of your marketing efforts during this uniquely challenging time. Let’s jump right in and take a look at nine of the top SEO platforms including Serpstat, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, SpyFu, WooRank, Majestic, inLinks, and Searchmetrics, listed in random order.
1 — WooRank
@woorank WooRank offers a wide array of SEO and website insight tools including keyword research, site crawling and reporting, SEO monitoring, along with sales tools, a browser extension, and other utilities helpful to digital marketers in both the B2B and B2C realms. WooRank chief executive Adam Lynch sees SEO strategy as key both for our current pandemic situation and during the months and years ahead. “Continuing to invest in your long-term SEO strategy will help you survive our current challenges and set you up to thrive once this ends — and it will end!”, Adam said. “In unpredictable times, people turn to search engines for answers. Whether to find an item they couldn’t find in their local store or to learn more about the developing situation, people are searching for more — and you want them to find you. If you’re a savvy marketer, you can use SEO to position yourself in a relevant and topical way to gain visibility. Not to mention, most of us involuntarily have more time on our hands these days, so it makes sense to invest more energy into a solid online marketing strategy,” Adam added. Implementing a solid digital marketing strategy during a pandemic can be strengthened using platforms such as WooRank. It also takes focus to process both the new challenges and opportunities we’re facing, as our own CEO Lee Odden recently examined in “Four Opportunities for Focus to Improve B2B Marketing.” [bctt tweet="“In unpredictable times, people turn to search engines for answers. Whether to find an item they couldn’t find in their local store or to learn more about the developing situation, people are searching for more.” @AdamfLynch" username="toprank"]
2 — Moz
@Moz Moz offers a variety of SEO software built for smarter marketing, including an impressive SEO tool-set encompassing site audits, rank tracking, keyword research, back-link analysis, along with tools dedicated to page authority, spam scores, and site crawl information. Marketers hold a particularly powerful position amidst the current challenges presented by COVID-19, and Moz’ senior SEO scientist Britney Muller sees plenty of opportunities for positive action those in our industry can take. “First ask yourself ‘What can I do to help people in need right now?’”, Britney said. “It doesn’t have to be anything big. Think small. Check on an elderly neighbor, donate a few canned goods to a local food bank, offer up an hour or two for free consulting for struggling businesses. Repositioning yourself into a help-first mindset helps to more appropriately frame how to empathetically market or share any business messaging — a.k.a.: Read the room,” Britney added. Marketers can lead by bringing a sense of calmness to the chaos of a pandemic. “Anxiety is incredibly contagious but so is calm. When your flight has bad turbulence who do you look to for reassurance that you’re going to be okay? The flight attendants. Do they look worried? Are they calm? Marketers have incredible power to spread some calm in a chaotic world right now. Use it wisely,” Britney urged. The SEO and other tools provided by Moz can help give your brand or campaign the data insight needed to make sure your marketing efforts are being a helpful and calming force during the challenging period we’re all now living in. Sometimes SEO tools offer a prime method to uncover information that may be going unseen on your website, as our own senior content marketing manager Joshua Nite recently explored in “5 Ways SEO Can Shine a Light on Your Unseen B2B Content.” [bctt tweet="“Marketers have incredible power to spread some calm in a chaotic world right now. Use it wisely.” @BritneyMuller" username="toprank"]
3 — SpyFu
@spyfu SpyFu provides a slew of competitor keyword research tools that have a focus on Google AdWords SEO and pay-per-click (PPC), along with an impressive number of utilities for keyword and back-link research, historical ad data, domain comparisons, rank tracking, and more. While digging deep into your data goes a long way towards unearthing important information about what your customers are searching for, during the pandemic we all have a rare opportunity to reach outward as well, according to SpyFu founder and chief executive Mike Roberts. “Right now, some of the best minds in the industry are more available than they’ll be any time in the next 10 years,” Mike said. “People that normally have a two-year waiting list have had two thirds of their customers bail.  Agencies have been hit especially hard. My suggestion – and where I’m actually putting my own money – is to reach out to the best of the best ; the quality and attention you’ll get right now will be a huge return on investment. Massive,” Mike added. Early on in the coronavirus situation, Mike announced that certain marketers in need may be able to use SpyFu without cost, in “SpyFu is Free for Anyone Who Needs It.” As Mike suggests, now may be a good time for reaching out in new ways, such as partnering with relevant influencers, as Lee Odden recently explored in “How Influence and SEO Can Drive Customer Experience.” [bctt tweet="“Reach out to the best of the best ; the quality and attention you’ll get right now will be a huge return on investment.” @mrspy" username="toprank"]
4 — Majestic
@Majestic Longtime industry mainstay Majestic’s platform offers abundant SEO back-link and link-building tools, rank and keyword data, metrics history, domain comparisons and a wide range of other useful information intelligence tools for marketers. Making key adjustments to how we maneuver our business operations during the pandemic can go a long way towards our marketing and personal success, according to Majestic global brand ambassador Dixon Jones. “Riding out this pandemic has many new challenges, but be thankful that you can work from home,” Dixon said. “Feeling grateful for anything right now is a milestone! Do not exploit the situation, but at the same time, try not to give away the farm. Instead of contract cancellations, why not offer to pay back half of your retainer each month, within 48 hours of being paid, for the duration of the lock-down? This means you will not need to change any contracts since you are just giving the customer free money, but it tells the banks that both parties are a: Solvent enough to pay in the first place and b: Showing a willingness to continue business when things return to normal,” Dixon noted. “Stem the immediate losses and reign in what expenses you can without cutting off your ability to run an organization. Cash is far more important than profit in the short term, but if you can, try to envisage what the ‘new normal’ will look like when this is all over and prepare for that. I expect there will be a lot fewer airlines, for example, and society may have been in lock-down long enough to have developed a new societal norm which probably means less face-to-face meetings altogether. That means that some sectors will stay shrunk, whilst others – perhaps virtual reality, or online gaming, health products, home-wares, plants and gardening may all be on the rise as we reassess life’s priorities,” Dixon added. “On the personal front, that feeling of impending doom can often be mitigated by a cold shower every morning. I kid you not! Turning your shower to ice-cold for 30 seconds has several useful benefits, which I encourage you to look up,” Dixon concluded. With fewer in-person meetings taking place both presently and — as Dixon mentioned — fewer also likely to be on tap in the future, the power of online collaboration tools has never been greater, as we’ve recently covered in several articles featuring our clients Slack, monday.com, and Sococo, including our senior content strategist Nick Nelson’s  “6 Tips to Keep B2B Marketing Teams in Rhythm While Working Remotely,” and my own piece, “Remote Communication Opportunities For B2B Marketers.” [bctt tweet="“Riding out this pandemic has many new challenges, but be thankful that you can work from home.” @Dixon_Jones" username="toprank"]
5 — Serpstat
@serpstat Serpstat features a powerful selection of SEO platform tools including keyword, competitor and content marketing research, search, advertising and back-link analytics, along with historical SERP and market share data and site audit utilities, among numerous other tools. Cooperation and thinking outside the box can be beneficial during the challenges coronavirus presents to marketers, according to Serpstat brand and community manager Maria Sereda. “The times are hard considering the pandemic, still there are ways you may try to stay afloat,” Maria said, specifically listing: “If you're an SEO specialist, cut your costs wherever you can, don't be afraid to ask for discounts at least temporarily, starting from office rentals and finishing with services or tools you're using. I mean it — apply to the companies and ask them directly which discounts they may offer to keep you as a client,” Maria suggested. “Make discounts to your services to keep current customers, and offer win-win cooperation if you can exchange services. Closely monitor the situation, search for new opportunities to refocus your business, and offer services to offline companies to help them switch to online mode. Playing out of the box will help you scale new heights,” Maria added. Thinking outside the box comes in many forms for digital marketers, as I explored in “Content Marveling: Wonder and Astonishment in Marketing” and “Dare to Be Different: 5 Fresh Examples of Innovative B2B Content Marketing.” [bctt tweet="“The times are hard considering the pandemic, still there are ways you may try to stay afloat. Playing out of the box will help you scale new heights.” @Maria_discovery" username="toprank"]
6 — SEMrush
@semrush SEMrush includes a feature-rich set of SEO platform tools for marketers including extensive online visibility data, market analysis and keyword research utilities, brand and back-link auditing and monitoring, PPC keyword tools, along with an SEO writing assistant tool, among many other features. Search engines have made changes during the pandemic that smart marketers will make note of, according to SEMrush head of global marketing Olga Andrienko. "Google is adjusting their results to the change in online search behavior," Olga said. "Hobbies, literature, pets and education are among the industries experiencing higher demand. If you're in those industries, it's time to create content for most popular queries (free tools: Google auto-suggest and Answer The Public). Also, ads are cheaper now. If you're in the niche that hasn't come to a halt, it's a great time to invest in ads. Try both search and social media. Social media ads are very cheap, audience attention is higher, and competition is lower," Olga added. "Third, advice for industries like travel who have suffered the most: Now it's time to create content to ensure you're ready for the next season. Analyze your website and your rankings, check the health of your website, and update old content. People will travel again, and you want to be their first choice," Olga suggested. “We know how difficult and stressful this time is for every nation,” Olga recently wrote on the firm’s blog in “Coronavirus Economic Impact: Market Winners and Losers of COVID-19.” “Once we move past this crisis and get everyone well, we have to support one another and focus on repairing the impact on businesses worldwide,” Olga added. [bctt tweet="“If you're in the niche that hasn't come to a halt, it's a great time to invest in ads. Try both search and social media.” @Olgandrienko" username="toprank"]
7 — Ahrefs
@ahrefs Ahrefs provides a robust and growing collection of SEO tools for building search traffic and conducting competitor research and monitoring, plus utilities for rank-tracking, site audits, keyword and page-speed analysis, content exploration, and a slew of other marketing tools. During the pandemic the firm has opened up access to some of its Ahrefs Academy online courses, including a “Blogging for Business” collection of 10 tutorials from chief marketing officer Tim Soulo.
8 — inLinks
@InLinksNet Semantic SEO platform inLinks provides a fascinating array of content optimization tools along with search engine result page (SERP) analysis, user intent information, internal linking optimization, schema automation and markup, among numerous other features. The firm’s chief executive is previously-mentioned Dixon Jones, who has been a leader in the search marketing industry since the 1990s. Dixon was recently interviewed by Barry Schwartz for Search Engine Roundtable in “Vlog #48: Dixon Jones - SEO Legend Mastering Links Tools & Now Semantic Tools.”
9 — Searchmetrics
@Searchmetrics Searchmetrics offers an extensive selection of SEO tools for digital marketers including features for on-demand search performance and market research, competitive search tracking, plus website auditing and internal link validation tools, among a variety of other powerful utilities. The pandemic will bring with it new future business models, however marketers should focus primarily on the present challenges, according to Searchmetrics founder and chief innovation officer Marcus Tober. "In crisis moments like this it is important to focus on what’s important right now and what’s important when the crisis is over," Marcus shared. "For companies that did a good job in SEO before, they see SEO paying off more than ever when they have to cut marketing budgets. But still, there might be a good chance to win customers with low and attractive CPAs due to less advertisers. That might not be obvious, but is a chance to use the less competitive market right now," Marcus added. "SEO should also be a focus, because when demand rises and advertising costs increase again, starting SEO is too late. As we all know, SEO takes time and patience, and engagement from multiple departments in companies.  It might even now be a great opportunity to work on technical stories or content where time for this was too precious before. In the long-run, online marketing will be strengthened from the crisis as companies need to invest more in online as risk management and the potential behavioral shift in how people seek and do business. We definitely will see new business models coming up, all enabled by the crisis," Marcus said. Company chief executive Jordan Koene recently sat down for a podcast exploring how to manage SEO in times of crisis. “We’re going to have to reach out to one another in different ways to educate, inform, and communicate about what is happening in search and how things are unfolding,” Jordan said during the podcast, adding “And I think that’s something that we just should be really thoughtful of and mindful of as this new world order takes place.” [bctt tweet="“SEO should also be a focus, because when demand rises and advertising costs increase again, starting SEO is too late.” @marcustober" username="toprank"]
Expand Your B2B Marketing SEO Platform Universe
via GIPHY Thanks to the advanced data insight and SEO features provided by Serpstat, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, SpyFu, WooRank, Majestic, inLinks, Searchmetrics and others, search strategy doesn’t have to be rocket science, even when running extremely complex research reports. As B2B marketers operating during a pandemic, we hope you’ll take to heart the helpful insight some of the leaders at our featured platforms have kindly taken the time to share with us, and that you’ll keep them in mind when developing your own campaigns and data strategies. Finally, to further your SEO marketing toolkit, here are four additional articles we’ve published that feature the SEO platforms we’ve examined:
The Relationship Between SEO and Social Media: It’s Complicated … and Complementary
How to Inform Your Content Strategy Using SEO Insights
The Competitive World of PPC: 3 Helpful Online Advertising Tools to Help You Win with Search Marketing
18 Tools to Help Content Marketers With Blocking and Tackling SEO
The post Best SEO Tips for Marketing During the Pandemic Plus 9 Top SEO Platforms appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
Best SEO Tips for Marketing During the Pandemic Plus 9 Top SEO Platforms published first on yhttps://improfitninja.blogspot.com/
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samuelpboswell · 4 years
Best SEO Tips for Marketing During the Pandemic Plus 9 Top SEO Platforms
How does search engine optimization (SEO) shine during a pandemic, and how can B2B marketers make sure they’re doing all they can with the platforms and tools at their disposal? For decades SEO platforms have been an integral part of the marketing and research efforts of growing numbers of major B2B brands — each offering a seemingly unending array of ever more helpful features, along with the data insights needed to help businesses succeed. With 51 percent of primarily B2B global marketing professionals seeing data insights and analysis as the single most important element when implementing a marketing technology stack, SEO platforms are poised to deliver the martech information businesses are eager to get. With so many powerful SEO platforms available, how can B2B marketers best put these tools to use during our challenging days of COVID-19, when all industries are in a state of flux? We asked some of the top SEO platforms for tips to help marketers successfully weather the pandemic — helpful advice that can serve to guide many areas of your marketing efforts during this uniquely challenging time. Let’s jump right in and take a look at nine of the top SEO platforms including Serpstat, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, SpyFu, WooRank, Majestic, inLinks, and Searchmetrics, listed in random order.
1 — WooRank
@woorank WooRank offers a wide array of SEO and website insight tools including keyword research, site crawling and reporting, SEO monitoring, along with sales tools, a browser extension, and other utilities helpful to digital marketers in both the B2B and B2C realms. WooRank chief executive Adam Lynch sees SEO strategy as key both for our current pandemic situation and during the months and years ahead. “Continuing to invest in your long-term SEO strategy will help you survive our current challenges and set you up to thrive once this ends — and it will end!”, Adam said. “In unpredictable times, people turn to search engines for answers. Whether to find an item they couldn’t find in their local store or to learn more about the developing situation, people are searching for more — and you want them to find you. If you’re a savvy marketer, you can use SEO to position yourself in a relevant and topical way to gain visibility. Not to mention, most of us involuntarily have more time on our hands these days, so it makes sense to invest more energy into a solid online marketing strategy,” Adam added. Implementing a solid digital marketing strategy during a pandemic can be strengthened using platforms such as WooRank. It also takes focus to process both the new challenges and opportunities we’re facing, as our own CEO Lee Odden recently examined in “Four Opportunities for Focus to Improve B2B Marketing.” [bctt tweet="“In unpredictable times, people turn to search engines for answers. Whether to find an item they couldn’t find in their local store or to learn more about the developing situation, people are searching for more.” @AdamfLynch" username="toprank"]
2 — Moz
@Moz Moz offers a variety of SEO software built for smarter marketing, including an impressive SEO tool-set encompassing site audits, rank tracking, keyword research, back-link analysis, along with tools dedicated to page authority, spam scores, and site crawl information. Marketers hold a particularly powerful position amidst the current challenges presented by COVID-19, and Moz’ senior SEO scientist Britney Muller sees plenty of opportunities for positive action those in our industry can take. “First ask yourself ‘What can I do to help people in need right now?’”, Britney said. “It doesn’t have to be anything big. Think small. Check on an elderly neighbor, donate a few canned goods to a local food bank, offer up an hour or two for free consulting for struggling businesses. Repositioning yourself into a help-first mindset helps to more appropriately frame how to empathetically market or share any business messaging — a.k.a.: Read the room,” Britney added. Marketers can lead by bringing a sense of calmness to the chaos of a pandemic. “Anxiety is incredibly contagious but so is calm. When your flight has bad turbulence who do you look to for reassurance that you’re going to be okay? The flight attendants. Do they look worried? Are they calm? Marketers have incredible power to spread some calm in a chaotic world right now. Use it wisely,” Britney urged. The SEO and other tools provided by Moz can help give your brand or campaign the data insight needed to make sure your marketing efforts are being a helpful and calming force during the challenging period we’re all now living in. Sometimes SEO tools offer a prime method to uncover information that may be going unseen on your website, as our own senior content marketing manager Joshua Nite recently explored in “5 Ways SEO Can Shine a Light on Your Unseen B2B Content.” [bctt tweet="“Marketers have incredible power to spread some calm in a chaotic world right now. Use it wisely.” @BritneyMuller" username="toprank"]
3 — SpyFu
@spyfu SpyFu provides a slew of competitor keyword research tools that have a focus on Google AdWords SEO and pay-per-click (PPC), along with an impressive number of utilities for keyword and back-link research, historical ad data, domain comparisons, rank tracking, and more. While digging deep into your data goes a long way towards unearthing important information about what your customers are searching for, during the pandemic we all have a rare opportunity to reach outward as well, according to SpyFu founder and chief executive Mike Roberts. “Right now, some of the best minds in the industry are more available than they’ll be any time in the next 10 years,” Mike said. “People that normally have a two-year waiting list have had two thirds of their customers bail.  Agencies have been hit especially hard. My suggestion – and where I’m actually putting my own money – is to reach out to the best of the best ; the quality and attention you’ll get right now will be a huge return on investment. Massive,” Mike added. Early on in the coronavirus situation, Mike announced that certain marketers in need may be able to use SpyFu without cost, in “SpyFu is Free for Anyone Who Needs It.” As Mike suggests, now may be a good time for reaching out in new ways, such as partnering with relevant influencers, as Lee Odden recently explored in “How Influence and SEO Can Drive Customer Experience.” [bctt tweet="“Reach out to the best of the best ; the quality and attention you’ll get right now will be a huge return on investment.” @mrspy" username="toprank"]
4 — Majestic
@Majestic Longtime industry mainstay Majestic’s platform offers abundant SEO back-link and link-building tools, rank and keyword data, metrics history, domain comparisons and a wide range of other useful information intelligence tools for marketers. Making key adjustments to how we maneuver our business operations during the pandemic can go a long way towards our marketing and personal success, according to Majestic global brand ambassador Dixon Jones. “Riding out this pandemic has many new challenges, but be thankful that you can work from home,” Dixon said. “Feeling grateful for anything right now is a milestone! Do not exploit the situation, but at the same time, try not to give away the farm. Instead of contract cancellations, why not offer to pay back half of your retainer each month, within 48 hours of being paid, for the duration of the lock-down? This means you will not need to change any contracts since you are just giving the customer free money, but it tells the banks that both parties are a: Solvent enough to pay in the first place and b: Showing a willingness to continue business when things return to normal,” Dixon noted. “Stem the immediate losses and reign in what expenses you can without cutting off your ability to run an organization. Cash is far more important than profit in the short term, but if you can, try to envisage what the ‘new normal’ will look like when this is all over and prepare for that. I expect there will be a lot fewer airlines, for example, and society may have been in lock-down long enough to have developed a new societal norm which probably means less face-to-face meetings altogether. That means that some sectors will stay shrunk, whilst others – perhaps virtual reality, or online gaming, health products, home-wares, plants and gardening may all be on the rise as we reassess life’s priorities,” Dixon added. “On the personal front, that feeling of impending doom can often be mitigated by a cold shower every morning. I kid you not! Turning your shower to ice-cold for 30 seconds has several useful benefits, which I encourage you to look up,” Dixon concluded. With fewer in-person meetings taking place both presently and — as Dixon mentioned — fewer also likely to be on tap in the future, the power of online collaboration tools has never been greater, as we’ve recently covered in several articles featuring our clients Slack, monday.com, and Sococo, including our senior content strategist Nick Nelson’s  “6 Tips to Keep B2B Marketing Teams in Rhythm While Working Remotely,” and my own piece, “Remote Communication Opportunities For B2B Marketers.” [bctt tweet="“Riding out this pandemic has many new challenges, but be thankful that you can work from home.” @Dixon_Jones" username="toprank"]
5 — Serpstat
@serpstat Serpstat features a powerful selection of SEO platform tools including keyword, competitor and content marketing research, search, advertising and back-link analytics, along with historical SERP and market share data and site audit utilities, among numerous other tools. Cooperation and thinking outside the box can be beneficial during the challenges coronavirus presents to marketers, according to Serpstat brand and community manager Maria Sereda. “The times are hard considering the pandemic, still there are ways you may try to stay afloat,” Maria said, specifically listing: “If you're an SEO specialist, cut your costs wherever you can, don't be afraid to ask for discounts at least temporarily, starting from office rentals and finishing with services or tools you're using. I mean it — apply to the companies and ask them directly which discounts they may offer to keep you as a client,” Maria suggested. “Make discounts to your services to keep current customers, and offer win-win cooperation if you can exchange services. Closely monitor the situation, search for new opportunities to refocus your business, and offer services to offline companies to help them switch to online mode. Playing out of the box will help you scale new heights,” Maria added. Thinking outside the box comes in many forms for digital marketers, as I explored in “Content Marveling: Wonder and Astonishment in Marketing” and “Dare to Be Different: 5 Fresh Examples of Innovative B2B Content Marketing.” [bctt tweet="“The times are hard considering the pandemic, still there are ways you may try to stay afloat. Playing out of the box will help you scale new heights.” @Maria_discovery" username="toprank"]
6 — SEMrush
@semrush SEMrush includes a feature-rich set of SEO platform tools for marketers including extensive online visibility data, market analysis and keyword research utilities, brand and back-link auditing and monitoring, PPC keyword tools, along with an SEO writing assistant tool, among many other features. Search engines have made changes during the pandemic that smart marketers will make note of, according to SEMrush head of global marketing Olga Andrienko. "Google is adjusting their results to the change in online search behavior," Olga said. "Hobbies, literature, pets and education are among the industries experiencing higher demand. If you're in those industries, it's time to create content for most popular queries (free tools: Google auto-suggest and Answer The Public). Also, ads are cheaper now. If you're in the niche that hasn't come to a halt, it's a great time to invest in ads. Try both search and social media. Social media ads are very cheap, audience attention is higher, and competition is lower," Olga added. "Third, advice for industries like travel who have suffered the most: Now it's time to create content to ensure you're ready for the next season. Analyze your website and your rankings, check the health of your website, and update old content. People will travel again, and you want to be their first choice," Olga suggested. “We know how difficult and stressful this time is for every nation,” Olga recently wrote on the firm’s blog in “Coronavirus Economic Impact: Market Winners and Losers of COVID-19.” “Once we move past this crisis and get everyone well, we have to support one another and focus on repairing the impact on businesses worldwide,” Olga added. [bctt tweet="“If you're in the niche that hasn't come to a halt, it's a great time to invest in ads. Try both search and social media.” @Olgandrienko" username="toprank"]
7 — Ahrefs
@ahrefs Ahrefs provides a robust and growing collection of SEO tools for building search traffic and conducting competitor research and monitoring, plus utilities for rank-tracking, site audits, keyword and page-speed analysis, content exploration, and a slew of other marketing tools. During the pandemic the firm has opened up access to some of its Ahrefs Academy online courses, including a “Blogging for Business” collection of 10 tutorials from chief marketing officer Tim Soulo.
8 — inLinks
@InLinksNet Semantic SEO platform inLinks provides a fascinating array of content optimization tools along with search engine result page (SERP) analysis, user intent information, internal linking optimization, schema automation and markup, among numerous other features. The firm’s chief executive is previously-mentioned Dixon Jones, who has been a leader in the search marketing industry since the 1990s. Dixon was recently interviewed by Barry Schwartz for Search Engine Roundtable in “Vlog #48: Dixon Jones - SEO Legend Mastering Links Tools & Now Semantic Tools.”
9 — Searchmetrics
@Searchmetrics Searchmetrics offers an extensive selection of SEO tools for digital marketers including features for on-demand search performance and market research, competitive search tracking, plus website auditing and internal link validation tools, among a variety of other powerful utilities. The pandemic will bring with it new future business models, however marketers should focus primarily on the present challenges, according to Searchmetrics founder and chief innovation officer Marcus Tober. "In crisis moments like this it is important to focus on what’s important right now and what’s important when the crisis is over," Marcus shared. "For companies that did a good job in SEO before, they see SEO paying off more than ever when they have to cut marketing budgets. But still, there might be a good chance to win customers with low and attractive CPAs due to less advertisers. That might not be obvious, but is a chance to use the less competitive market right now," Marcus added. "SEO should also be a focus, because when demand rises and advertising costs increase again, starting SEO is too late. As we all know, SEO takes time and patience, and engagement from multiple departments in companies.  It might even now be a great opportunity to work on technical stories or content where time for this was too precious before. In the long-run, online marketing will be strengthened from the crisis as companies need to invest more in online as risk management and the potential behavioral shift in how people seek and do business. We definitely will see new business models coming up, all enabled by the crisis," Marcus said. Company chief executive Jordan Koene recently sat down for a podcast exploring how to manage SEO in times of crisis. “We’re going to have to reach out to one another in different ways to educate, inform, and communicate about what is happening in search and how things are unfolding,” Jordan said during the podcast, adding “And I think that’s something that we just should be really thoughtful of and mindful of as this new world order takes place.” [bctt tweet="“SEO should also be a focus, because when demand rises and advertising costs increase again, starting SEO is too late.” @marcustober" username="toprank"]
Expand Your B2B Marketing SEO Platform Universe
via GIPHY Thanks to the advanced data insight and SEO features provided by Serpstat, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, SpyFu, WooRank, Majestic, inLinks, Searchmetrics and others, search strategy doesn’t have to be rocket science, even when running extremely complex research reports. As B2B marketers operating during a pandemic, we hope you’ll take to heart the helpful insight some of the leaders at our featured platforms have kindly taken the time to share with us, and that you’ll keep them in mind when developing your own campaigns and data strategies. Finally, to further your SEO marketing toolkit, here are four additional articles we’ve published that feature the SEO platforms we’ve examined:
The Relationship Between SEO and Social Media: It’s Complicated … and Complementary
How to Inform Your Content Strategy Using SEO Insights
The Competitive World of PPC: 3 Helpful Online Advertising Tools to Help You Win with Search Marketing
18 Tools to Help Content Marketers With Blocking and Tackling SEO
The post Best SEO Tips for Marketing During the Pandemic Plus 9 Top SEO Platforms appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
from The SEO Advantages https://www.toprankblog.com/2020/04/best-pandemic-tips-from-top-seo-platforms/
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