#monday.com quick tutorial
bashamanik · 10 months
A Customer Testimonial for SimpleDay, Your Trusted Monday.com Authorized Partner | Unlocking Success
n this insightful customer testimonial, Tom Nelson from American Tank in Windsor, California, shares his experience with SimpleDay's expert solutions. Discover how we transformed American Tank's management and production systems, providing them with unparalleled efficiency and reducing stress, errors, and production time by over 80%. If you're seeking production efficiencies, management oversight, quality controls, and a comprehensive history archive, join us in exploring the impactful collaboration between American Tank and SimpleDay. Ready to elevate your business with Monday.com? Trust the experts at SimpleDay to be your Chief Engineers on the path to success. Subscribe now for more success stories and valuable insights!
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Watch "Project Management, a quick tutorial | monday.com tutorials" on YouTube
Anakin if you can do a CEO type for this particular category in this project and have my surround you with this team and have Thanos and the operational just want to see would want to test it out and see if you can get the software side so you can get the evm and the Mainframe on a localized level to control some of these securitized robots that you continuous work without problems
Cost savings as robots make themselves it will bring costs down because we'll always have an artificial demand if you can handle the artisticial demand on an internal level plus external and it also that the Strategic locations with security and Military errorism in mind on a localized business level platform Business Park in bed with security in mind and military tactical movement
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bashamanik · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide on How to Handle Empty Fields in monday.com | Tara Horn
Join us on an inspiring journey to turn monday.com into a cornerstone of your business success. Our channel is all about supporting you with customized content perfectly tailored to your needs - whether you're a complete newbie or an experienced user using monday.com.
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bashamanik · 10 months
Easy Guide to Changing Automation Ownership in monday.com | Tara Horn
Welcome, everyone! Join me, Tara Horn, in this quick and easy guide on changing automation ownership in monday.com. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the easy process of making ownership shifts in your automation, ensuring your workflow stays in the right hands. Discover how to effortlessly navigate this feature and empower your team to manage automation with ease.
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t-baba · 6 years
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ES2018 spec published, and writing better JavaScript by linting
#392 — June 29, 2018
Read on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
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▶  Write Perfect Code with Standard and ESLint — An intro to getting started with linting (and why - hint: to catch errors in your code) as well as how to improve your setup if you’re already doing it.
Feross Aboukhadijeh
ECMAScript 2018 Language Spec Published — The official spec for ES2018 (essentially the 9th edition of the JS spec) has been published in HTML and PDF if you’re lacking for bedtime reading (it’s a significant document but, yes, it’s a long, dry spec).
Plan Visually with a Single Glance and Make Sure Your Projects Get Done — monday.com is a project management tool your team will enjoy using. It makes it fun and easy for everyone to collaborate, focus and get more done. It's a visual project management tool that’ll help you and your team collaborate and achieve more.
monday.com sponsor
On Consuming (and Publishing) ES2015+ Packages — Babel’s creator reflects on the idea of compiling dependencies (in addition to your own code), how Babel v7 will make it easier to do so, and the problems involved.
Henry Zhu (Babel)
Exploring ES2018 with Dr. Axel — If the ES2018 news above interested you but you want a more accessible way to understand the new features, Dr. Axel’s book here is great. Or if you’d prefer a short, snappy post with quick examples, try this for size.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
JavaScript Usage by Industry — Over 16,000 developers took npm Inc’s JavaScript Ecosystem Survey last year and in this post we see how industries differ in their use of JavaScript, its tools, techniques, and ecosystem generally.
Laurie Voss (npm, Inc)
Using face-api.js: Face Recognition in the Browser with TensorFlow.js — A library bringing face detection, recognition and landmark detection to the browser.
Vincent Mühler
An Official Way to Track ECMAScript Proposals — A frequently updated table of the proposals for future JavaScript features along with their progress. There’s also a useful guide to how the TC39 process works if you’re interested.
💻 Jobs
Remote Front End Developer (React) — Join us, work remotely from North America, and help build software that matters.
React Developer in London Looking for a Job? — Join our team in London to create the future of payments using the latest technology in Front End. Read more here.
Find A Job Through Vettery — Vettery matches top tech talent with fast-growing companies. Take a few minutes to join our platform.
📘 Tutorials and Opinions
▶  Asynchrony: Under the Hood — Filmed at the recent JSConf EU, this talk deftly explores the conceptual underpinnings of asynchronous programming approaches, and the drawbacks and advantages of each.
Shelley Vohr
A Practical Intro to Worker Threads in Node 10.5 — Node can now work with multiple threads, in a sense.
Fernando Doglio
New Ways to Build on Slack — Use Slack? Now you can build an app that turns Slack messages into tasks, to-dos, follow-ups, and more with your team’s tools. See how.
Slack sponsor
Headless User Interface Components — Headless user interface components separate the logic and behavior of a component from its visual representation.
Merrick Christensen
Does It Mutate? Which Array Methods Mutate Or Not
Remy Sharp
A Guide to Node.js for Frontend Developers — If you’re a frontend developer who ends up getting into Node.js, we have a Node newsletter too :-)
Seva Zaikov
Doing Vue After Three Years with React — “I want to share my experience of dealing with Vue after being a devoted React developer for a few years.”
Anya Pavlova
▶  Architectures for Huge Angular-Based Enterprise Apps
Manfred Steyer
Your Free Pass to Better JavaScript Skills — You can learn a lot in 10 days—start a free trial and get unlimited access to expert-led dev courses and more.
Pluralsight sponsor
▶  Deep Learning in JavaScript — Top comment: “the clearest and most colloquial introductory explanation of ML ever, with super fun”
Ashi Krishnan
🔧 Code and Tools
lit-html: Syntax Highlighting in VS Code for HTML Inside of JavaScript
Matt Bierner
Docz: A Modern Documentation Site Publishing System — Zero-config, powered by Webpack 4 and a Markdown + JSX templating format.
Pedro Nauck
MongoDB 4.0 Is Now Generally Available. Try It Now on MongoDB Atlas
MONGODB sponsor
Gio.js: Three.js 3D Globe Data Visualization Library — There’s also a quick start tutorial.
Numerous Contributors
Vuetify: A Material Design Component Framework for Vue
John Leider
Superfine: A Minimal View Layer for Creating Declarative Web Interfaces
Jorge Bucaran
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/2tRv61A
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