#Monster March 2024 - Day 7- Incubus/Concubus/Succubus
thecandywrites · 7 months
Monster March 2024 Day 7- Incubus/Succubus/Concubus-
The Lotus House- Clinic Practicum
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Woo, sorry, been a busy day today. But I made it! So, this is, also a continuation from this prompt from last year. So here's Part 1.
As always, thanks to @borealwrites for their Monster March 2024 prompt list. Enjoy
Monster March 2024- Day 7- Incubus/Succubus/Concubus- 
The Lotus House- Continued- 
Clinical Trials
Senora took a deep breath as she approached- what was to her- could either be- the biggest possible threat to her academic career, or could be her biggest ally. Or something in between. This was essentially a black grab bag of possibilities. Because for every approach there could be a thousand possible outcomes. She instead had tried to simplify the equation, down to two variables. Her,and the person behind that door.
This was his favorite suite. Because on the other side of the back wall was Professor's Xeneth’s office. This suite was always given to Professor Xeneth’s favorite student. He found one every 3 years. Would usually hand pick the very best incubi student, who had the most potential. And that student would go from Student, to Master in any field after the student graduated, as the student was even given credit on Professor Xeneth’s research papers and thesis papers that were always groundbreaking. But Professor Xeneth didn’t have a class where they taught regular classes, because if they did, just about every student would be in attendance. 
Xorrax was the favorite student and personal assistant to Professor Xeneth the Practicum Master who was the Head of the Clinical Committee who oversaw the Clinic as a whole. 
Professor Xeneth however, was notoriously busy and always practically buried in paperwork, reviewing students in their performance reviews and exit exams from the Clinic Practicum. Professor was rumored to be quite old, cranky and had little to no patience to deal with bureaucratic bull shit or prima donna students. And was always said to be blunt, honest but fair in his reviews, but also, close to retirement. Professor Xeneth also, used Xorrax- to give any student who dared to become predatory- a clinical hour of their worst nightmares before they were escorted off the premises and banned from returning. 
But Senora had noticed that the students who had willingly put Xorrax in their practicum curriculum early, and sought him out, usually excelled and aced through the course. Others saw him once a semester to help them make steady improvement. The ones that sought him out- practically gushed and beamed and praised that when it came to honest feedback, he was the best. But those who sought him out, hoping to bribe him into turning a blind eye to anything going on in the clinic or to take part in any scheme, was usually dealt with by Professor Xeneth himself who immediately launched investigations and used Xorrax to spearhead them and would be exposed on a school wide and community wide scale. 
However, others did all they could to avoid Xorrax in the clinic altogether because the last thing they wanted was to open themselves up to his overly harsh criticisms or were usually the students who had something to hide. Plus, Xorrax had also built a reputation that- he liked to fuck his way through every female in the school, and specialized in students in the Bride Program and especially 3 C’s. 
It was rumored that Xorrax could make even the most devout sexual abstaining nun into a whore in five minutes flat. It was also rumored that he personally investigated anyone and everyone who even hinted at one student who would have any romantic attachments to any other student. And do so, without ever having to oversee any sessions. They would just need to walk past him, and he’d practically sniff it out like a hound which is why Professor Xeneth used and protected him and basically let him have the whole clinic as his playground, until Xorrax would eventually age out, become either a doctor or a teacher in their own right.  
Xorrax’s skills as a very powerful incubus were a class all their own. And all a student needed to do was be within his presence for 15 minutes and he would narrow down their biggest obstacles and biggest points of weakness. And that if the student worked on those, they would come out and improve their Student Overal Score by at least 50- 100 points, if not more. 
Senora, didn’t need the help academically. But she did want an honest appraisal, which is why she was not surprised when- the moment her class was released to start to schedule in the clinic, all of the top students in her class had filled in Xorrax’s schedule. And she had been lucky to even get this spot the first week. And she did not want to schedule anything else until she met with him first. Xorrax, of course, always gave deference to the newest students, or the students earmarked for needed extra improvement. Which filled his schedule up. 
And while he did spend, most of his time in the clinic- the man did have a home of his own. Where? She didn’t know. And all the details of his personal life were a mystery, just the way he liked them. 
But Senora, just because she wasn’t in the Bride Program herself, she wanted Xorrax to treat her as if she was. Because she wanted to be honestly assessed, tested and proven so that she would know how best to proceed, she thought of herself as a pretty well rounded student, but she still felt she needed a fresh pair of well trained and experienced eyes to really see her and her abilities as they were to give her a better understanding of herself and something of a baseline going forward. 
She had spent the last year, both preparing for the clinic, but also doing research on her own and had tracked down any and every student she could who had had sessions with Xorrax. All with varying degrees of success and every single one having a slightly different experience, but all of them, admitting that he didn’t give them what they wanted, but what they needed. 
But Senora, also, wanted to meet this Xorrax- head on. And get the one thing she wanted more than a sexual release. She wanted an honest appraisal of herself as a student. And that could only be given if she was really seen as she was. And the one looking- really saw her as she was.  
She knocked and heard a deep, and practically velvety voice answer. 
“Enter.” Xorrax answered before she did and simply stepped into the room and closed the door and waited. She was surprised when it didn’t look all that different from any other standard room. Most students, who got released into the clinic- liked certain styles of certain wings of the clinic. Others wanted it to be as bright and colorful as they were, yet others, wanted as close to a medical clinic as it could be. 
But this was as plain and generic as it could be. The perfect canvas. 
“Correct.” Xorrax praised from the shadowy corner where he was seeing her and sensing her. 
“Why?” Senora asked as she continued to appraise the room instead of looking into the dark corner where she had heard his voice come from. 
Although, if his skills were as good as his reputation built them up to be, he could practically make a room out of nothing and have a session without ever touching his partner, for how quickly and easily he could get into his partner’s head and manipulate them. 
“However, I am curious as to how you came to the conclusion that the room is a blank canvas.” He prodded curiously from a different corner as Senora simply grinned but instead had walked around the bed in the middle of the room, as if she was appreciating an art piece in a museum. 
“You’re an artist. Every woman in Dorierra is supposed to be a work of art- either in the making or already finished. And a blank canvas is just a way for her to expand her own work of art. But in this setting. It could either show the art in all it’s glory, or have it put under a microscope and scrutinized and judged and picked apart for its flaws. Besides, the best lovers simply mirror the love of a beloved. However, a mirror only works if the art is under the right light. Too harsh- and the lighting damages the pigment, makes certain colors fade or wash out and the art itself depreciates, not enough- it’s just a blob of barely deciphered color in the shadows.” Senora offered as she glanced at her reflection in the mirror on the wall before she simply moved to the bed to appreciate the ever changing inkblot art on the wall. 
She could feel him poke and prod her mind by changing the art, trying to find something she would like, something that she would see an image of something in. As the ink itself changed colors, seemingly at random as he seemed to be dialing her in but she did what she was advised to do- keep her mind free and clear, let things flow like a gentle breeze or a small stream in a forest. Don’t hold onto anything because whatever you tried to hold onto, Xorrax would take. Whatever you tried to hide, he would find. So, she didn’t hide anything. She didn’t hold onto anything either. Not even Xorrax. 
“Interesting.” Xorrax hummed, as if pondering the merits of her theory. 
“But that is just my opinion, and not the truth. So will you tell me the truth or will you simply have me believing my own opinion as correct?” Senora asked. 
“Well your opinion is one of the better ones I’ve heard.” He mused. 
“But it’s not the truth unless you say it is or it isn’t. I’m not one of those students who always has to be right or always has to win. But I am a curious one, who believes that a single truth should outweigh any number of opinions.” Senora urged. 
“Yes you are. And it’s that quest for wanting to see everyone else for who they really are, and understanding the why- that drives you. It’s why you’re the top of your class. It’s why you’re a favorite of your teachers and among your other paired classes. Because you care about accepting your partner, as they fully are, it lulls them into a sense of vulnerability without the threat of exposure.” He seemed to recall, as if he had already done his research on her too. 
“But, I also have learned that very few people are comfortable showing, much less being who they really are. Because of things like acceptance, or fear of rejection, or social norms, or attractiveness based on appearance, specifically the symmetry of their form.” Senora offered. 
“Ah, so I see, someone has already used their cubi- powers to hide themselves from you. That’s why you’re so incessant on being truthful and getting the real and true picture of your partners. Such an approach has gotten you very far. But such an approach will burn you here in the clinic.” He predicted. 
“How so?” Senora asked as her head tilted to the side curiously. 
“In the clinic, very few are interested in being seen as they truly are. If they want such things, they go to a therapist, not to The Lotus House. The Lotus House is a proving ground, and a place for students to build their ability to change themselves to suit anyone and everyone else. The Lotus House is about teaching students to build the right illusion, while not losing themselves in their own illusion. There is a huge difference in being seen as you are, and being seen as you want to be seen as. And that’s what most truly want. And what they desire above all else. They want to slip into a fantasy where their faults don’t exist, that their flaws are minimal, that they’re attractive and that all the reasons they would ever have to be critical of themselves or loathe themselves don’t really matter.” He plainly, and rather cynically appraised. 
“And that’s why the Bride System and 3 C’s produces individuals- capable of making any number of grooms believe such things.” Senora calmly concluded. 
“Is that why you’re not in the program? Unable to swallow such things down with a smile?” He asked as Senora could almost sense him almost pacing behind her, staring into the back of her head and could almost feel his sarcastic, perhaps almost snarky smile in his almost sneering tone. 
“That’s part of it.” Senora nodded. 
“But you didn’t answer my question. Why is the room plain?” Senora redirected him as she cast a curious look over her shoulder to barely see a shadowy figure move out of her area of view as she resisted trying to follow the figure and simply turned and stared at the blank wall in front of her once the pictures on the wall seemed to settle on pretty pictures in appealing colors, which was her cue that he had already dialed her in to a degree.  
“You were right, it is a blank canvas, but not for the student’s benefit. But for mine. I do like to think of myself as something of a piece of art in progress myself, but also part mirror, and part light and artist, all in one. I learn something from each piece of art that comes through that door. And a plain room is no different than a clean and clear artist gallery. Just open space and a series of lights, switches and dimmers and candles and lanterns to provide or hide any and all light needed or wanted. Some students come in, hoping I will find and expose their faults, others come in, hoping they will be able to hide whatever they want to from me- under their own school uniform. Others try to distract with their own brazen nakedness, in order to conceal their true vulnerability.” Xorrax expounded. 
“It’s a shame that I only came in naked then. Simply wanting you to see all of me, as much or as little as you wish to see to give me an honest appraisal.” She offered with a smug smirk as she slipped the silken robe off of her shoulders to simply sit on the bed. Not sucking in, not posing, just simply sitting comfortably, even slouching a little as she simply focused on sitting comfortably. 
“A naked subject is hardly an open book.” Xorrax practically scoffed. 
“And an open book is hardly the whole story. You know as well as I do, that the writer can either add or take away as they see fit through various revisions. Or pages can be torn out, or glued together. Or the print can be faded. Or in an unknown language altogether.” Senora pointed out. 
“So you came here for a philosophical debate? You’re better off meeting Professor Xeneth for that.” He almost taunted her. Was he having a bad day or something? Was he in a bad mood? Was he tired? Exhausted from the barrage of new new students in the clinic, all of them eager to have one on one time with him?
“No. I came to be honestly appraised by you. Not by Professor Xeneth. But, if you do refer me to Professor Xeneth, I would accept such a referral, but it was not why I came to you. I applied for this session with you. I specifically put on the session notes that I wanted an honest appraisal, which you already accepted. And I came naked, just in case that appraisal needed to be more intimate than just this conversation. I simply wish to see myself as I truly am. And I’m told no one is better with honest appraisal than you. That you can make even the most obsessive perfectionist or the worst lying charlatans see the truth of themselves. Surely you can do the same for me. I requested your professional assessment.” Senora maintained. 
“So you’ve tried to do all the research you can- to prepare yourself for your session with me?” He posed. 
“Well, while I do like to be prepared, I also try not to be convoluted either. I know I’m not the smartest student in class. I know I still have a lot to learn throughout my courses here at The Lotus House. I know that I don’t know everything, or know everyone. Nor do I wish to. All I’m looking for is understanding of myself. You are the personal assistant to the Head Clinic Practicum Master himself after all and are second only to him.” Senora appraised. 
“I hear you’re working on another thesis with Professor Xeneth that will rock The Lotus House to the core once it’s eventually published, just like the last one did. That it will most likely, at the very least improve, if not- rewrite our curriculum and even change how we approach The Lotus House and sex in general. And that Professor Xeneth has used you to then use and test every student who has willingly walked through that door- as a test subject for their various theories. But while I won’t object to you testing any out on me, I am still waiting on my honest appraisal.” Senora offered. 
“Then please slip your robe back on.” Xorrax insisted before she did and only a moment later, a stool seemed to appear before her before a white cane came out of the shadows, with a blind man holding it before he sat down. He was dressed really modestly. He was actually rather thin and almost frail and looked nothing like how he was usually perceived to look like. 
“You are both surprised, yet smug in your perceived appearance of me.” He offered. 
“You are cubi, a powerful one. One who can change everything about yourself to suit anyone else’s tastes. Usually when we lose one sense, the others grow stronger. If you are either naturally blind, or are simply choosing to appear to me- to be blind, that would account for your cubi powers to be dialed in and dialed up to an unimaginable maximum. But it would also account for the bare minimalist room. Less things for you to trip over in here, and less you have to worry about manipulating for your partner’s benefit, or the less potential there is for anything to happen to you as you would move about in here to interrupt the illusion.” She offered as she slipped the robe back onto her body to re-establish her modesty. 
“Precisely.” He smiled. 
“And it’s why you can hide in the shadows in the corners, and simply let your cubi- senses- sense the person who comes in here. And once you get into someone else’s head, you can see both yourself through their eyes, but also, themselves through their own eyes. And if you’re able to do that much, you probably don’t even have to physically touch them. It’s their own minds that do the rest.” Senora boldly mused. 
“Correct.” He confirmed with another nod. 
“But then again, this all could just be an illusion you put into my head too, to satisfy my own curiosity.” Senora realized. 
“Perhaps. But you wanted honesty in your appraisal. And you wanted the truth as to why the room is plain. Which I am showing you, instead of telling you. So, since you are so ready to accept me in any form I wish to show myself to you in- even if it’s not the form you are expecting. I will do you the honor and the justice to give you what you have asked for. An honest and fair appraisal.” He began. 
“Miss Senora, it is clear to me, that you could have sex with every student, regardless of gender in this school. And you could get perfect scores doing so. But there is a sense of comfort and safety that one carries when their true heart is held, protected, cared for and nurtured by another. And that is what you have - and it is how you have breezed through the pairings of the class. You have your true, inner heart- so securely cared for, loved, protected and shielded that it doesn’t matter what I or anyone else says or does. Nothing will change how you feel about your beloved, or how your beloved feels about you- no monogamous relationship needed. And it’s because you trust the person whose own heart you hold, just as carefully, just as securely, just as tenderly and just as protectively, that they look at the clinic as a trial by fire, but you and your love have made them fireproof as their love for you has made you fireproof in turn.” He calmly, and if anything, rather proudly appraised. 
“That kind of love- and acceptance- is never going to be against the rules, or against anything that The Lotus House teaches and stands for. If anything, it’s what the Lotus House is geared towards. To help those who stay in Dorierra to have successful relationships, however they wish to quantify and qualify said success. It’s why you’re comfortable baring yourself as much as you are, because you have already bared yourself to your beloved and he has already accepted all of your true self and your true heart as much as you have accepted him in turn and you both wear such affections like a suit of armor. You have already understood that there can be a difference between physical, mental, emotional and psychological fidelity or infidelity. And you are simply waiting to weather the Clinical Practicum Trials, no matter how they would test you- either by a trial of fire or a trial of flower petals.” He appraised as the very fire he was speaking of seemed to alight from his staff, and the very flower petals seemed to fall about them like snow before disappearing a moment after. 
“You have already won the war, whereas others have yet to really fight their first battles, because you have been honest and humble with yourself first.” He honestly appraised with a fond grin. 
“ Is my beloved that obvious to you?” Senora asked curiously, because she thought she had done a good job of neither hiding Volron nor showing him off in her mind. 
“Oh yes. Because while you tried to hide yourself in plain sight. I still can’t help but see him when I’m looking in the background of your mind, the truth plainly plays out in your subconscious. Everyone’s inner mind is like a physical place. Different thoughts are like phantoms of either people or structures. And you hid Volron in plain sight, all around you as you would be with him both in memory and fantasy. However, to the untrained eye, he would have blended into the background perfectly and had practically been invisible. You worked very hard and were very good in making sure there was only ever one of him at a time. Never more than one at any one time, just like no one in the real world is ever in more than one physical place at a time. Some people, when they try to hide who they don’t want me to see, I see copies of them everywhere all at once and it’s like I see nothing but them, others try to lock their secrets into safes while the code is practically stamped on their foreheads.” He chuckled with a subtle shake of his head. 
“But, with you, what I see in the distance, where you imagine yourself being one day, is not your graduation, or even, your wedding day or the birth of your first child with Volron. But simply, what you imagine him and yourself being one day- a pair of old people, walking side by side, hand in hand, your tails wrapped around the other as they trail behind you. It’s adorable. And what’s even more adorable, is his version of you is the same in his own mind. It’s his fantasy that he uses to soothe himself after every clinical hour he puts in here. And it is quite adorable. And I don’t even need to be in a session with him to see it. But don’t worry. He will not get in trouble, and neither will you. If anything, he is a better man for his true loyalty to you. You want to be a counselor. And there is nothing in your way of achieving that., and all he wants is to make you happy, and there is nothing but his own fear at being found out in his own way.” He offered with a nod of approval. 
“You are otherwise, a pretty well rounded student, academically, you’re obviously, top of your class, but you are not desperate to stay at the top of the class academically, like some of your fellow students. My only caution to you is to understand that the Clinic Practicum is all about illusion and fantasy. And that others that come into the Clinic are looking to escape into any number of fantasies, and they’re coming, looking for sexual release and to blow off excess steam with you and the other students in a safe and controlled environment. And your ‘I’ll show you all of me so you can show me all of you’ approach- while has it has helped you in practice between the paired classes, especially when you’re new and young and naive and still gaining experience and it forgives awkward fumbles. The Clinic is looking for smoothness in manners and self confidence and self assuredness. Your current approach can be quite dangerous. It’s far from unique and usually, at the beginning, it can boost your clinic session score, because it’s seen as ‘new’ and ‘individual’ and ‘refreshing’. It will however, get old. And once it gets old, suddenly your clinic practicum scores will plummit because either they grow bored, or they grow hungrier for that private, intimacy with you. It’s a great way to find a husband and settle down and having to test out of The Lotus House early, if that’s what you really want. But if you want to give yourself and this part of your education justice, it’s a dangerous disservice.” He warned. 
“For one- it opens you up to the more emotionally needy clients who will drain you faster than a water hose left open on full blast. Two, you run the risk of more than just your Beloved falling in love with you and actually genuinely, romantically pursuing you and wanting to be romantically involved with you and only you because you’ve made the emotional involvement too easy to entangle yourself and themselves in. 3. It will absolutely jeopardize your relationship with your Beloved and it will be a test too far and it will break the relationship and bring out the worst in you both. And I would hate to see The Lotus House break up yet another happy couple, that could have been just fine, if no one had interfered.” He cautioned as he held up one of his hands to list them off. 
“You need to stay in control of yourself and what happens and what transpires in the Clinic Practicum. Because if that power is given to your client instead of to you- the client is going to be greedy and take and take and take until you are empty and then they’re going to give you bad scores for being used up, which is not fair at all. There should be a little give and take during the session, yes. But you should not be the only one giving. Because, as I’m sure you’ve understood in your Dominatrix and Submissive classes, it’s the Submissive who is in real control. Always stay in control of yourself and the room during the session. And the only time that control should be given up- is in private, with your Beloved. No where else.” Xorrax offered.
“But that’s it. Otherwise you’re lovely, inside and out.” Xorrax grinned. 
“Thank you Xorrax.” Senora thanked him.  
“Professor Xeneth would like to meet with you. You will find your uniform in the changing room on the other side of this door to change to meet him formerly.” Xorrax offered before he stood and touched the light switch on the wall to reveal a truly blank room. The paintings, long since revealed to be nothing more than empty frames on the wall as he went to the door before he knocked a peculiar knock before he opened the door and showed her into the dressing room as she quickly changed into her regular uniform and once she was done, there was another knock on the other door. 
“Yes?” She answered as she opened it to reveal Professor Xeneth on the other side. 
“Yes Miss Senora, a pleasure to meet you. Dr. Zellora has given me quite the glowing review. You are one of her favorite students in this year’s class.” Professor Xeneth offered as he shook her hand and then showed her to a comfy chair on the other side of his desk before he walked around and sat down, her official student file on his desk as he was looking through it and reading it before there was another knock on one of the other doors to his office before Xorrox came in and went to his own desk- that was remarkably clear except for a tray of stamps, each with braille label. 
Senora watched, rather in awe as Xorrox didn’t need a cane as he walked around the desk and sat down and used his sense of touch to find the right file in a filing cabinet next to his desk before he took the paper out and then used a special frame next to a special platform over the paper before he pressed a series of stamps into the paper before he got it back and put it onto Professor Xeneth’s desk before he touched Senora’s shoulder as she reached up and squeezed his hand over it and couldn’t help but smile fondly up at him, even though he was blind, and probably couldn’t see it but the mutual respect and fondness was still felt as she felt him fully disengage with her so he could engage with his next client in the next session. 
“Well, Xorrax is yet another who has given you a glowing review. But a fair criticism nonetheless.” Professor Xeneth noted as she smiled at the various “stamps” that while they simply looked like strange symbols, were a language and held vast meanings. 
“Xorrox has advised that you do an Accelerated Program in the Clinic Practicum.” He offered. 
“What kind of Accelerated Program?” Senora asked. 
“This kind.” Professor Xeneth said as he took the paper Xorrax had stamped and went to his own filing cabinet to get a copy of each of the worksheets and made sure he got at least two copies of each one before he put them into a neat stack on his desk before he put additional marks on Xorrax’s assessment. 
“Now, in my professional opinion, I will second everything that Xorrax has admonished to you. But I wish to add one more thing. Usually what the student does not like, or- is an acquired taste, is usually what the student needs more of- to be well rounded. So, you will find two copies of each of these assignments. One is for you to use with any other student or client at your discretion. The other- will be an assignment, given by the Clinic Managers, for they usually know each of the classes and each of the students in those classes, better than their own teachers will, because we can not escape some form of favoritism and bias but the Managers have enough distance to be objective in said assignments. You can either choose to have the assignment first, and then have the joy of choosing the second. Or, use the choice to prepare you for the assignment. I have seen many students choose either- or, and have had success with both. Once you look at these assignments, you can decide.” Professor Xeneth noted as he wrote down which of the assignments were being assigned to her. 
“Next, I want you to know that once you do these assignments, you will have satisfied the Clinic Practicum Requirements.” 
“Wait, what?” Senora blinked in shock. 
“What part of accelerated program do you not understand?” Professor Xeneth asked as he looked at her over the top of his glasses. 
“I…I….I didn’t think it would  be that accelerated.” Senora stuttered. 
“Senora, you are young and your mind is still quite the sponge. You wish to be a Student Counselor here at The Lotus House. And you show amazing aptitude for it. And your ability to sympathize and empathize, and really understand others struggles in this program should really be nurtured and developed, especially while you’re still malleable. And doing the whole- normal clinical hour requirement, would be, honestly, a waste of your time. Sometimes, the longer you are in Clinic, while you gain experience, it drains your empathy and sympathy and can jade people a very ugly shade of green. And Xorrox, and I and the other staff do not wish for that to happen to you. You will still get plenty of experience. But with you not being in the Bride Program, and instead, still have a wonderful career in front of you. I don’t feel meaningless hours and exhausting, unneeded experience in the Clinic Practicum will help you with your ambition or your career. So, I am about to do, what very, very few students get to ever earn the right to do. Since you are in the accelerated program. If you will do this half of these assignments as assigned. I don’t care if you choose to do every other single one with the same student. Or if you choose to have every homework assignment done with the same partner from here on out. It will be allowed. Your career and your future should not be impeded by The Clinic Practicum, it should be supportive of it as well. And this accelerated rate- will see to it.” He added. 
“So, allow this old man to offer a pre-emptive congratulations. Congratulations on passing the Clinical Practicum Trials.” He congratulated her as he handed her Xorrox’s assessment and the small, practically miniscule stack of assignments. 
“What?” She asked as she took it and looked at the paper. According to the special paper- she had just done two years worth of clinical trials in a single session. She was still free to partake in the clinic if she wished to after the assignments were completed. But she otherwise aced it and- at the completion of these assignments would be considered graduated from the Clinic Practicum.
“Why?” Senora asked as she just stared at the pages in awed bewilderment. 
“Because you cared enough to want to see the real Xorrax and were honest in showing him the real you. Even at great risk. The truth means everything to you, as does endurance of any and every trial. And such a noble endeavor deserves to be commended and supported.” He offered. 
“So, Xorrax, really is blind? That was really him? That was the real him?” Senora asked. 
“Yes. That was the real him. Doctor Xorrax- really is blind. But his phantoms can see just fine. And he uses his clients to be his eyes and ears for him as well. It’s what has made him an exceptional student and perfect for this role.” Professor Xeneth praised. 
“He’s a doctor?” Senora asked. 
“Yes, he just pretends to be a student. But that first thesis we put out? That was his doctorate thesis. And he is a scientist. It’s because he is blind that his cubi powers were enhanced to such a great degree that his work on a person’s subconscious- is how we can test to see if a student is really mentally mature enough for the Lotus House. It’s how he can investigate everything that he does. Because his cubi powers are practically superpowers, he is able to do everything that he does and more. You will actually be working quite closely with him from now on for he is instrumental in helping pair the right students to the right counselors and vice versa.” Professor Xeneth explained. 
“You are an exceptional student Miss Senora. And you will make an excellent counselor. If you wish to continue to use the clinic you may- if you feel you need the experience, but otherwise, the sessions will not add to your already impeccable score. However, I suggest, having one last session outside of these assigned ones, with Volron. Using this. If he can do all that is specified on this paper in a single session, it will be his own exit exam from the clinic and he can be your only homework companion if you both wish him to be. He came into the Clinic Practicum, expecting it to be a trial by fire, he should leave it as a trial by flower petals, don’t you think?” Professor Xeneth offered one last piece of paper with Volron’s name and student number already written by Professor Xeneth on it. 
“Thank you. Can I hug you?” She asked as she took it and couldn’t help but start crying tears of relief as both pieces of paper were more precious than anything she had ever held before. 
“Of course.” He held out an arm as she came around and hugged him on the side and kissed the top of his head. 
“Sorry.” She offered as she tried to wipe her tears from his hair. 
“It’s ok. You’re not the first, nor will be the last to cry on me today. Go and enjoy the rest of your day, and leave out that door, you leave from this door and you’ll intrude on Xorrax. And I do not wish to court his ire.” He chuckled. 
“Thank you!” She thanked him before she took the precious papers and left and she felt like she practically floated all the way up to front desk before she handed all the papers to the Clinic Manager for that wing who readily handed her the copies of her own private assignments back while earmarking the others that would need to be assigned as Dr. Oresha immediately knew who Senora should have for the assignments. 
“Congratulations Senora.” The Clinic Manager- Dr. Oresha cooed as she happily hugged Senora once she was done and showed the students names written in pencil first to Senora who nodded her agreement to the assignments before Dr. Oresha wrote over them in ink to make them more permanent. 
“Thank you.” Senora smiled and couldn’t stop smiling, or crying more tears of happiness. Most of her classmates, much less the other students, hadn’t even gotten through half of their sessions yet. But Senora happily flipped through the book and found Volron’s last open day and scheduled herself for the session with him. And knew it was going to be his exit exam from the clinc practicum. She got the other paperwork back and practically skipped through the halls to leave the clinic and practically floated back to her classroom where Dr. Zellora was in her classroom, grading papers in the school, so she didn’t have to bring them home and risk grading them there, and having any of her grandkids accidentally make a mess of them. 
“Knock knock.” Senora said as she knocked on the door frame.
“Miss Senora! Hi! Come in, come in, tell me, how was Xorrax?” Dr. Zellora invited as she invited her student to come and pull up a chair next to her desk. 
“You mean Dr. Xorrax don’t you?” Senora beamed with a bright smile before Dr. Zellora practically squealed in delight as her tail whipped and wiggled excitedly as Senora’s did as well. 
“Oh you aced it! You aced it! I knew it! I’m so proud of you!” Dr. Zellora practically bounced her seat over to Senora to hug her tightly. 
“Tell. Me. Everything. Right now!” Dr. Zellora gushed as she immediately put her papers to the side to turn to Senora so they could talk and gush about the experience. 
“Holy shit, he showed you the real him? He showed you the cane? Aw, you really must have made him feel safe and secure enough for him to show you that. He’s so sweet and so nice. I mean, he can be a hard ass too. But that’s only to the students who try to pull a fast one. But to the truly meek, mild and humble? Oh he’s a dream. And his honest appraisal of you as a student is exactly what I was hoping for. It’s good but honest and fair. Now I do agree with Professor Zeneth’s advice as well. But once you go through the assignments, these choice ones will be not only a breeze, but a pleasure and a joy. And I agree, having you do the entire Clinic Practicum is not only- unwarranted but would be a waste of your time, but mostly a waste of your sympathy and empathy too. And you need to save as much of that for your future students as you can. You will still be getting all the Clinic Practicum you need to stay well rounded and stay well informed and well experienced. You should absolutely keep your focus on your studies and your career. And I know this will be one less thing for you to worry about in class. And one less distraction from your chosen career path. I’m so happy for you. Ok, so, tell me, do you have any ideas about this?” Dr. Zellora asked once she held up what was going to be Volron’s exit exam. 
“Oh gosh, well it was encouraged that his clinic practicum has been a trial by fire so far, and it should end as a trial of flower petals.” Senora grinned. 
“Well ok, so, how far do you want to take that?” Dr. Zellora asked. 
“How far am I allowed to take it?” Senora asked. 
“Oh Honey, I have had some students make their room a damn honeymoon suite. If it’s going to be both of your guys’ last time in the clinic. Make it the best session ever. Make it the best- last time together as students. Make it yours, make it his. Make it memorable. And a day and possibly night, he will never forget. But most importantly. Use any number of these room numbers.” She offered before she wrote down a series of room numbers. 
“But that’s Dr. Xorrax’s wing.” 
“Exactly. Dr. Xorrax only assigns those rooms to who he is watching and who he is investigating, or I’ve seen him use that whole wing, each with a phantom of himself in each one and able to keep all 12 rooms occupied and to the point that none of them knew they were ever in those rooms alone. And I know for a certainty that these, are otherwise, unused. Most students don’t even want to go down this hallway. So you’ll be able to make all kinds of noise and make all kinds of racket without an audience which is what the final practicum exit exam room has. And without interference. And the rooms are purposefully just as plain as his is. Make any of those rooms, your perfect canvas to create your perfect final piece of art. Enter that room as a student, and leave it as Volron’s beloved, loud and proud. Hell, you have my permission to leave it as his fiance if he is so inclined.” Dr. Zellora cooed schemingly as that seemed to make Senora blush and giggle and practically vibrate with happiness. 
“Really?” Senora asked. 
“Hey, the minute you check these check marks and sign here, he’s done. Make sure you sign before he proposes though.” Dr. Zellora urged. 
“Ok.” Senora nodded in understanding. 
“I have some shopping to do to prepare for this then.” Senora happily and giddily offered as she took it, carefully slipped them into a protective folder and into her backpack. 
Off to tell her Beloved The Best News Ever.
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borealwrites · 8 months
It’s better late than never, amiright?
Nobody asked for it, but here it is anyway. The prompt list for 2024’s Monster March!
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The collection for Monster March can be found here! There aren’t many rules, but please give them a look over. The collection will be open starting today, but works won’t be accepted until March 1st. I’m so excited to see what everyone will do!
Plaintext list under the cut
1. Robot/Android/Cyborg/Automaton
2. Dragon
3. Extradimensional Being
4. Humanoid Animal (i.e. Tabaxi, Kenku, Dragonborn)
5. Taurs (i.e. Cervitaur, Centaur)
6. Doppelgänger
7. Succubus/Incubus/Concubus
8. Undead (i.e. Lich, Frankenstein’s Monster)
9. Pixie/Fairy
10. Fae
11. Angel
12. Naga/Lamia
13. Vampire
14. Minotaur
15. Slimeperson
16. Djinn/elemental spirit
17. Ghost/Spirit
18. Merperson
19. Demon
20. Alien
21. Shapeshifter
22. Alraune
23. Werewolf
24. Satyr
25. Harpy
26. Drider
27. Giant
28. Cryptid
29. Sphinx
30. Forest Spirit
31. Free Day
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thecandywrites · 6 months
Monster March 2024 Masterlist
Monster March 2024 is here baby! It is inspired of course by the amazing @borealwrites and their Monster March 2024 Prompt List.
However, because the I started working on some of these prompts well before the list was released- And because prompt lists change from year to year, I have some stories that aren't a "perfect" fit for the prompt. But are usually prompt adjascent. A lot of them are continuences from the 2023 stories, and in that case there will be links to the previous parts of these stories. However, a fair amount are new stories just for this year. Enjoy.
Monster March 2024
Day 1- Robot/Android/Cyborg/Automaton- In a Flash New!
Day 2- Dragon (born)- Dragon Heart Festival Part 1, Part 2! Continued!
Day 3- Extra-Dimenstional Being- Glass Cannon Part 1- . New!
Day 4- Humanoid Animal- Rakshasa- What to Bring to A Table Part 1, Making Two Tables into One Part 2, Part 3. Continued!
Day 5-Taurs - The Velvet Spa - New!
Day 6- Doppleganger/ Adjacent - Spring Fling Part 1, New!
Day 7- Succubus/Incubus/Concubus- The Lotus House Part 1, Part 2 Continued!
Day 8- Licht/Frankenstien's Monster- Paper Dolls-New!
Day 9- Pixie/Fairy- Part 1, Part 2- Continued!
Day 10- Fae- Coronation Day- The Lion and The Lamb- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4- Continued!
Day 11- Angel- Adjacent- Angelicos Fortunadas New!
Day 12- Naga/Lamia- Adjacent - A Prince Charming for Princess- New!
Day 13- Vampire- Adjacent- The Golden Path- New!
Day 14- Minotaur- River and Rane New!
Day 15- Slimeperson/Symbiote- Rhovall and Evabeth New!
Day 16- Djinn/Elemental- Gemling- New!
Day 17- Ghost/Spirit- Talisman Continued!
Day 18- Merperson- Selkie and Onikuma New!
Day 19- Demon- Adjacent- Speed Demon - New!
Day 20- Alien- Jika- Hazi and Klip- Part 1, Part2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, New!
Day 21- Shapeshifter- A Mother's Touch- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Continued!
Day 22- Alrune- Adjacent- Fairy Wings For An Imperial Prince New!
Day 23- Werewolf- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Kabluey! Continued!
Day 24- Satyr- Morning, Dove New!
Day 25- Harpy- Adjacent- Moonlight Moura, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Refurbished.
Day 26- Drider- Drider Silk Brocade Part 1, Drider Silk Velvet Part 2- Continued!
Day 27- Giant- Hemi and Pix Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4- Continued!
Day 28- Cryptid- OkCryptid- New!
Day 29- Sphinx- Adjacent- Blue Lotus
Day 30- Forest Spirit- My Star of Purple- New!
Day 31- Free Day- The Hunt New!
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