scrunkalicious · 4 months
FUUUUUUUCK JAYVIK UGGGGHH im begging they don’t try to push it next season, im gonna keep my expectations low but we have a chance to survive cuz its the last season
sending love and joy and whimsy ur way………
im hoping praying so so bad that they rlly go thru w the jayce and vik LoL lore in s2 BC THEYRE ENEMIEZ OK. LIKE DEADASS MACHINE HERALD AND DEFENDER OF TOMORROW CANT STAND EACH OTHER. riot thatd be soooo lovely pleabse,,,,
#ACTUALLY YK WHAT FUCK IT THIS GON BE THE POST I RANT IN TAGZ ON SORRY GIRL#ok so like jayce and viktor have a SIBLING type relationship and i love that for them!!#jayce literally tellz mel in ep 5 “Hez like my brother” BROTHER. PLATONIC TYPE SHI#and like he doesn't even acknowledge that vik is sick until he deadahh passez out and goez to the hospital w the newz that HEZ DYING.#LIKE RLLY HAMMERBOY. THATZ WHAT IT TOOK. YOU DIDNT NOTICE VIK COUGHING UP BLOOD EARLER. IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU DUDE.#also jayce already has mel. sorry but like mel wont let it happen#shez a manipulator kinda who usez jayce to profit herself and piltover#i have a whole thing abt her doing that for another time silliez...#but like she wouldn't let that happen so she can keep control over jayce#ALSO THE SCENE IN EP 7 WHERE JAYCE SAYZ THAT PPL FROM THE UNDERCITY ARE DANGEROUS#LIKE BRO RIGHT TO VIKTOR??? DID U FORGET THAT HE LITERALLY TOLD U HE WAS FROM THERE WHEN YALL FIRST MET#the way jayce was so mad at viktor for breaking the bridge thing that he set in place#like all he cared abt was his stupid fuckahh policy. NOT THE FACT THAT AN ENFORCER AT THE BRIDGE COULDA MISTAKEN VIKTOR FOR SOMEONE-#-TRESSPASSING AND SHOT HIM??? GET A BRAAAIINN JAYCE#they have such diff. moralz it just wouldnt work. also they hate each other in LoL soooo.#DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON MEL.JAY.VIK OOKK#i dont think mel carez abt viktor#when jayce sayz that vik is dying to mel#she falterez yes. but composez herself 3 secondz later.#if u look at her expressionz in that scene. itz giving “oh im sorry but not that sorry bc it doesnt affect me”#she carez a bit bc shez not heartless. but also bc knowig this would make jayce falter slightly.#her calculated expression and carefully chosen wordz to jayce right after that arent to console him. more to keep him from breaking away#IM SORRY IM A HATER#go back to that one crackship i saw. mel and heimerdinger. who made that ily#SORRY LUCY ERRRMM#UUUHHH ILYY GIRL TYSM FOR EVERYTHING /p#<3#scrunkalicious#scrunkalicious?? more like yappalicious#marly answerz???
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tranz-regent · 1 year
alzo i did actually azk 'ok. can you make a zyztem that totally zeperatez every piece of fiction into ‘thiz iz prezenting it az a bad thing’ and ‘thiz iz normallizing it’? even taking into account unreliable narrator ztuff? cuz i dont rlly think people can do that'
you wanna know what the rezponze waz?
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literally nothing they completely ignored it
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gnarpcotics · 7 months
hi my name iz gnarpy!!! itz not actually gnarpy, i juzt like him becauze hez an alien like me. zpeaking of, i am indeed an alien!! id love to anzwer questionz about my planet to earthlingz.
pleaze note that due to my alien ztatuz i have different moralz then mozt earthlingz… i will try to rezpect everyonez viewz, but pleaze be patient!
[pt hi my name is gnarpy!!! its not actually gnarpy, i just like him because hes an alien like me. speaking of, i am indeed an alien!! id love to answer question about my planet to earthlings. please note that due to my alien status i have different morals then most earthlings… i will try to respect everyones views, but pleaze be patient! /pt]
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xxnuclearrainbowxx · 1 year
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the-opus-collective · 2 months
“ocean wuz written to be a bad character!”
yea i get tha -_- …but she was written in the most painful way ever… (and i had to experience it ;n; …/sillyj (<- ricky fictroject))
for examp: rowan from taopp is a bad character in a sense he’s abusive n manipulative (>:( ) but it was tackled so well because melliot is skilled @ writing characters with dubious/jst plain bad moralz… half of the melliot chars r dubiously moralled anyways…
but oceanz ableism, xenophobia and homophobia (as well as general bitchiness) iz just laughed abt and WRITTEN liek tha :/
it’s written 2 be laughed about.. :( nd az a sys tha is phys + ment disabled bodily its weird for most ppl in the sys 2 see… :((
ricky out >:D
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[ID: a photo of our cat (a black and white cat) loafing taken from above]
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1nniterz · 1 year
feel the need to make my opinion about The Green Man (/neg) perfectly clear here since it seemz kinda nebulous for people who have been following me for long enough (at least since 2020/21)
i used to like him. i will admit, i used to like him and rabidly defend him a lot. id shittalk stanz all i wanted but id turn around and do the same, though in a smaller scale. not anymore!
his content doesnt appeal to me anymore and while i personally do not think he has groomed anyone - as in, grooming wouldnt be the right word for whatever the hell happened, IF it happened! -, i do think his moralz are dubious nonetheless. not only that, but he cant properly handle the platform he has.
however, i dont think hes a manipulating mastermind, the reincarnation of adolf, the ceo of racism or whatever the fuck. at the end of the day, hes just some out of touch white man who loves to make everything about him and just so happenz to have a multitude of bootlicking followerz he doesnt deserve to have. nothing new on the face of the earth, i guess
sorry to end on such a hopeless note, i just.. am really disappointed. ccs aint your friendz, but he made a conscious effort to seem like he was. and thatz the main problem with him.
/srs post for once, hello?
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nightlist · 29 days
people complaining that 'freddy waznt a child predator/pedophile/whatever u wanna call it in the original!' about the remake like. im zorry. did you zee him zaying to a TEENAGE GIRL in HIGHZCHOOL 'im your boyfriend now' and uzing hiz wierd dream magic to forcefullly lick at her MOUTH az (all the. you know. murdering azide) normal zafe adult to be around children behavior?? iz that juzt another fucking bit to you??
alzo again. CHILD MURDERER whether you realized juzt how fucking creepy he very much iz to nancy even in the og hez not a good perzon with good moralz. hez the bad guy he doez bad thingz
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radkyudolph · 2 months
i so wanna reveal drac'z and the bitch that waz alwayz rude to me for no reason'z main usernamez but i know i'd immediately feel guilty if i did. curse you moralz
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berenixium · 6 months
Cry Little Sister - Moralz - #SoundCloud #Music #TheLostBoys
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scrunkalicious · 2 months
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tranz-regent · 2 years
new wildbow blog :D
prozhipperz dni: :/
like. ur gonna judge ppl for reading ztuff w abuze incezt and rape and then make a blog for the bookz with canonical abuze incezt rape nazi z and age gapz?? do u HEAR YOURZELF??
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Now that I think about it, Orc and Astrid's plotlines mirror each other very well. Both are dependent on a man, both have themes of self-loathing and corrupted innocence, both struggle with their faith. It's just that Astrid has a corruption arc & Orc has a redemption arc.
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panvani · 4 years
I think liking Hina Hikawa is legitimately worse than liking Vincent Nightray at this point
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bioshock4k · 3 years
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cinnaaron · 4 years
I would like to look like Chihiro. And Jataro. Alzo Taka. Fuze them all together and that’z me.
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scaredyjokes · 3 years
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hope thiz being zcreenzhotted doeznt bug ya (alzo fluttershy iz great nice pfp) @nachosforfree
being proship iz mainly about being anti cenzorzhip and anti harrazment (i think it ztarted being uzed in repzonze to anti zhipperz, hence the name)
it actually uzed to be the norm in fandom (dont like dont read, your kink iz not my kink)
im gunna uze an example here cuz thatz the eaziezt way for me to dezcribe thiz
one of my biggezt comfort zhipz of all time iz junko/mikan from danganronpa. which iz a canonically abuzive relationzhip. me liking thiz zhip doeznt mean i zupport abuze or think itz okay in any way. an anti zhipper would zay that by zhipping junkan im normalizing/romantizing/fetizhizing abuze, whereaz a proship perzon (azzuming they didnt like the zhip) would either juzt ignore my poztz abt it, or block me and move on)
and for zhipz i dont like (truzt me therez plenty) i juzt block and move on. i dont make azzumptionz about the perzonz irl moralz, i would never harrazz them over it and i would never make a callout pozt along the linez of ‘thiz perzon iz a abuzer/pedophile/incezt zupporter/whatever’ over a fictional zhip.
i bazically juzt think of it like i do horror moviez? me liking zlazherz doeznt mean i think murder iz okay, zo why zhould it be any different if i like ztoriez that deal with abuze or rape. why would it be different for anyone elze?
anywhoo hope thiz helped 👍👍
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