#Mordred wanting to go to the Disir with them like “Father take me with you. I'll make you proud”
Arthur lifting Mordred up in his arms like a proud father isn't talked about enough
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camelotsheart · 3 years
Ok but pls tell me more about Merthur being Hufflepuff
omg THANK YOU FOR ASKING. please take this 5 page-essay I love you. this is literally just an edited copy-paste of me and @nextstopparis‘s back and forth  
EDIT: I ended up deciding to break this up into a separate hufflepuff arthur and hufflepuff merlin post because it got long jsalkdlsjdkl. So. Hufflepuff Arthur:​
I know Arthur has all that Gryffindor pride and bravery and is literally a symbol of everything that is Gryffindor up to his colours and his sword and how he’s called actual ‘courage’. but also, those qualities stem from the love he has for his people. i think arthur’s ideals don’t grow from his actual inherent beliefs that gryffindors usually carry as part of their “chilvary”, but rather a reaction to the events around him. He argues for knighting commonfolk because Camelot needed better knights and Lancelot had had shown himself to be more than capable, he says that sorcery can be judged based on it’s use in 1x03 to protect gwen from execution, he argues against mordred’s execution in 1x10 because “he’s just a boy” (also tell me he also didn’t feel guilt because of the druid massacre). He tries to kill Uther because Uther ‘betrayed’ him by killing Ygraine and “hunted [Morgause’s] kind like animals“ and “caused so much suffering and pain”.
And then later when arthur reaffirms his negative views against sorcery it’s because it was used to kill his father, and then later in the disir when even his heart is telling him to accept magic and save mordred, he questions magic on the basis that “it has brought suffering” onto Camelot. Not because it’s evil. Arthur judges the right and wrong of something based on the effects of that thing to the people around him.
Hard work? Arthur is a notorious hard worker in what he deems is important. Not to mention all the kingy/prince stuff he did. I think its pretty much canon how hard he worked regarding his duties as prince/king/first knight. Justice? Lancelot literally equates him with justice in the round table, and by s5 he’s described constantly as a just king. Also “It’s not victory I seek, it is peace”. Loyalty? Arthur values loyalty above everything else. betrayal is the one thing that continues to hurt him - all the time everywhere - so i think its safe to say that loyalty is one of the most important traits to him, calling Merlin a loyal friend and saying that Camelot is nothing without the loyalty of it’s friends. Also in 5.01/5.02 when he fights with merlin about going back for his men - he refuses to leave them alone just like he knows "they would not abandon me" which shows not only his trust in their loyalty - but him returning it just as fiercely.
Another thing is how Arthur is at his worst. When hufflepuffs are at their worst they will take the general loyalty they have to world/people and focus it onto a select few, making them seem like a Slytherin. Arthur, when he has been betrayed multiple times in 4x13, lets go off the courage he embodies as the king of camelot and is completely content with wanting to live a normal life with gwen and merlin in ealdor. “Sometimes I dream of leaving camelot”. And it's only when merlin encourages him that he regains his confidence. Arthur didn't believe anything about merlin's prophecy even after he pulled out the stone. He fought and retook his title as king because his people believed in him, and because merlin believed in him. Also yes, I admit that Arthur, especially pre-season 5, also embodies the negative qualities of Gryffindor house, but also - can a hufflepuff not have pride? can they not be arrogant, condescending and rude? Zacharias Smith was a hufflepuff and he was all of these things in harry potter canon.
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idrewabee · 4 years
The discord server strikes again, well actually this started with a conversation with my mum about the issues in merlin and potential magic reveal scenarios but it’s the server that made me decide to write this up! I’m sure something like this has been said by someone else before but I’m having fun so please bear with me. Also, any episode plots are written in italics to make them easy to skip, I’ve added them just in case, going over the most important points for my commentary.
Edit: Now on AO3! Here 🥹
I’m going to start with 4x3, The Wicked Day (obviously spoilers lie ahead). I’ve briefly mentioned my thoughts on this before but I must be honest they weren’t particularly coherent. For those who can’t remember the details of the episode, it’s Arthur’s birthday and an assassin manages to injure Uther, after loosing all hope Arthur decides to use magic to heal Uther and so Merlin takes him to visit Dragoon. The spell fails because Agravaine found out the plan and got an amulet from Morgana to reverse the magic, this kills Uther, further cementing Arthur’s hatred for sorcery. In my opinion (and bear in mind the fact that I’ve not scoured this for plot holes) this was a perfect opening for Merlin to reveal his magic to Arthur, risky yes, but I think rewarding. Arthur was truly desperate, willing to go against everything his father believed in and bear the consequences should he be successful. I think it’s safe to assume that Arthur was planning on informing Uther that Gaius had nursed him back to full health rather than tell Uther the truth so I’d say this isn’t too far of a stretch. If Merlin had asked Arthur if he truly trusted him and then told of his magic, filling all the blanks from ‘I was born with it’ to ‘I’ve only ever used it for good and to save your life’, Arthur wouldn’t have overreacted as he’s not thinking straight and Merlin could have healed Uther. Removing the whole Dragoon charade would prevent Agravaine from reaching Morgana and bringing back the necklace, Uther would be saved and Arthur would continue with his original plan of lying about Uther’s recovery, thus protecting Merlin who can now begin to show Arthur the truth about magic.
The second episode I’d like to touch on is 5x5, The Disir, but this section also looks at Season 5 as a whole. Again, for those of you who don’t remember; judgement is passed on Arthur by the Disir and he is found wanting because of his treatment of sorcerers. Arthur decides that he shan’t be judged by those who do not know him and sets out to talk with them. When he arrives along with some of the Knights he disrespects the Disir even more, carrying weapons into a sacred place, despite Merlin’s warnings, and not caring for the relics in the cave. He continues in the same vein when he speaks to them, he is insolent and they inform him that his approach to the Old Religion will be his undoing, that his kingdom will fall. The Disir are provoked by his words and actions and begin to hurl magic at the Knights, this includes a spear-like staff at Arthur. Before Merlin has the chance to dispel it with his magic, Mordred jumps in the path, saving Arthur’s life and being gravely injured in the process. Back at Camelot Gaius tells them that only the Disir can undo the magic so Merlin and Arthur return to the cave to ask forgiveness. The Disir give Arthur a choice, he can accept the Old Religion back into Camelot and stop persecuting sorcerers (in which case they will undo the magic) or he can not, they make it quite clear that if he does not his kingdom will fall. Arthur discusses the options with Merlin and in a heartbreaking scene Merlin states that ‘there can be no place for magic in Camelot.’ They inform the Disir that they will not accept the offer and return to Camelot where Mordred is waiting, alive and well. Well, that one took me a little longer to explain than the other, sorry about that! Onto what I wanted to say; the reason behind Merlin’s harsh and difficult words here is clear, he believes that if Arthur doesn’t make the deal Mordred will die and cannot, therefore, kill Arthur like he saw in that vision. Instead though, he is passing up the perfect opportunity to prevent this from happening altogether. Gaius had already reminded Merlin that what he saw was only one possible future, let’s use a little logic and look at Merlin’s thoughts at the beginning of Season 5. Currently Mordred has no desire to harm Arthur (we see this in the way Mordred saves Arthur’s life twice), he is kind and fair in many ways and treats Mordred well, however, as time passes and Mordred becomes less comfortable with Arthur’s views on magic it is easy to see why he may, one day, choose to kill his King. Merlin is forgetting that the easiest way to prevent an aminosity between these two would be to bring magic back to Camelot, Mordred would not have to hide and Merlin would be able to have the future he dreams of too! Here Merlin’s been given the perfect opening to do just that, Arthur even says that maybe him and his father are wrong about magic. If, at this point in time, Merlin had explained that magic worked like a sword, it is not, in itself, evil but can be used for both good or bad depending on whose hands it falls into, explained about sorcerers born with magic and that magic does much good then, without even telling Arthur of his own magic, Merlin could have easily persuaded Arthur to accept the offer.
This is just a few thoughts on the plot choices made throughout the series, feel free to nitpick my opinions, I’d love to hear what you think! ☺️
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camelotsheart · 3 years
Alright. I’m watching 1x11 and trying a new way of liveblogging. Which is just me writing random paragraphs. Enjoy.
A creature of magic mourning the loss of a creature of magic 😭
“Arthur is a hunter. It's in his blood. Whereas you are something entirely different.“ reminds me of “He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.“ “You are wrong.” Especially with the way that Arthur then proves what is in his heart by the end of the episode, and how his ‘heart’ is shown to constantly guide him towards the ‘correct’ choice in s5 (e.g. “My heart says do anything I can to save Mordred.“)
“You've got a face like a wounded bear ever since we got back from that hunting trip." Arthur means bear. I have no idea what to do with this information.
The unicorn as a metaphor for those sorcerers who “do no harm” and thus Camelot serves no purpose in killing them. Especially since people like the Disir and Alator describe the purge as a “hunt”.
The drought serving as a parallel to the events that happened before the purge to Uther, in that Arthur sees all the harm that “magic” is doing to the land and his people, just like Uther witnesses Ygraine’s death. Arthur initially refuses to accept that what happens is caused by him, just like Uther does. But unlike Uther, Arthur is able to acknowledge his mistakes given time (it’s interesting how in the book adaptation of 1x02 merlin makes this comparison too)
“If it is magic, it's more powerful magic than I possess.“ So unicorn magic is more powerful than Merlin’s magic. Would dragon magic be more powerful too? Is that why Merlin couldn’t heal Arthur from the poison of Mordred’s sword tha was forged in a dragon’s breath?
Merlin not understanding hand signals is my life 😂💖
Ok I can literally draw so many parallels between Anhora and Arthur’s first conversation, and Nimueh and Uther’s conversation in 1x09. Especially from how both Arthur and Uther seem completely unable to understand how the ‘curse’ that happened to Ygraine and Camelot was technically their fault.
“And could you bear for your children to see you be executed?“ The way in which Arthur says this breaks my heart because he does understand the feeling of blaming himself for the loss of a parent, just like those hypothetical children would. This is highlighted more by the fact that Evan later plays on Arthur’s insecurities about being his father’s son.
“If you're tested again, you have a chance to end your people's suffering. I know you want that more than anything." Reminds me of what Bradley says about Arthur putting Camelot above everything, even his personal relationships. Compare this to Lancelot and Merlin, who’s “something that is more important than anything” is a person (or people, in the case of Lancelot).
Merlin’s face when Arthur says he’s going to the forest to seek Anhorra out 🥺 Also the way he looks back like he wants to see the exact moment Arthur figures out that he’s eating rat meat 🤣 Merlin’s sarcastic little nod. Arthur’s shit-eating grin. This is what I mean by sibling dynamics.
“The King must wonder if you are even his son.“ I absolutely do not like how Anhora chose to do the test with Evan here. I hate it. But it does prepare Arthur for a lot of things. It prepares him to do things his father normally would not do. It prepares him to ignore when people compare him to his father (not that it worked with Agravaine, but Arthur does eventually come around most of the time with Merlin’s help). I find it like a mini 5x03 in a way. Also the fact that Arthur doesn’t even try to defend himself by saying that the looter would have been executed by the law of the land anyway; because deep down he knows that reasoning is wrong. What needs to be changed currently is Arthur’s arrogance in regards to his honour, not his internal morals. He has already proven his internal morals with saving Mordred, laying down his life in 1x09, as well as rescuing Ealdor and his reaction to finding out Will was a sorcerer in 1x10. Right now, Arthur needs to be able to accept that he is wrong.
“Besides I would rather starve than beg my enemies for help! What of our kingdom's reputation? Have you no pride?” “I cannot think of my pride when our people go hungry. They're all I can think of.” I’m screaming over the fact that what ends up beating sense into Arthur is his love for his people. I want to cry. He loves his people so much that his battle cry is “for the love of Camelot” 😭❤️
“Very well. But if you'd caught the sorcerer, I would not have to. That's your responsibility! One day you will understand what it takes to be King!” One day, Uther, you’ll learn to blame yourself for other people’s suffering.
“My people are starving. Camelot is on the verge of collapse. And it is all my doing.“ IT DIDN’T EVEN TAKE ARTHUR A DAY TO LEARN THIS I WANT TO CRY 😭 FUCK YOU UTHER YOU DON’T DESERVE ARTHUR AT ALL. (also the fact that Arthur fiddles with Ygraine’s ring as he says this 😭❤️)
“I trust Arthur with my life” the fact that arthur proves that trust right both in this episode by drinking the goblet and in the previous episode by admitting that he “of course” would not kill Will despite thinking he was a sorcerer.
Why the hell does Anhora use a sword to cast the vine spell.
“I thought I told you to stay at home.” Every time Arthur calls Camelot ‘home’ for Merlin I 🥺
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Are those carvings... horseshoes...? Making the shape of a heart....? I--
(Sorry guys. By this point it’s 200% certain that my shipper brain is going to take over. Please expect a lot of screaming)
“What kind of ridiculous test is that? What does that prove?” “What it proves is for you to decide.” Which means that by the end, Arthur realizes what this test proves. And he proves what is truly in his heart by sacrificing his life for merlin. Remember “To sacrifice his life to save Gwen’s... I can’t imagine any man loving me so much.” “I certainly can’t imagine that either” “That’s because you’re not like Merlin. He’s a lover” “Yeah? Maybe that’s because I haven’t found the right person to love”. Remember how in the book adaptation this episode, it says that Arthur proves that there is love in his heart by giving his life for Merlin? Remember “there was magic at the heart of Camelot”? Remember how in the book version Arthur doesn’t deny having love in his heart when Anhora says so when the Unicorn lives again, and instead turns his head to smile at Merlin--
“I’m glad you’re here, Merlin.” @thebookluvrr1816​ More 1x11-finale parallels to scream about 😭 The book version describes Merlin’s surprise at this statement, and how he thought it was “ironic and unfair” that they understood each other "at the very moment that death was about to tear them apart.”
“No, I will drink it!” “As if I’d let you.” Someone stop these dollopheads from having a domestic about who will die for the other i beg
“You know me, Merlin. I never listen to you.” reminds me of “I’m the king Merlin, you can’t tell me what to do.” “I always have. I’m not going to change now.” Also, in the books Arthur actually says “farewell, Merlin” after this. Book Arthur is way more suave just saying.
“This was Arthur's test, not yours.“ idk but this reminds me of the fisher king saying “For this is not Arthur's quest, it is yours.“
“You've killed him! I was meant to protect him!” This is going to sound harsh but by this point I think Merlin was still putting Arthur’s destiny above Arthur himself. In the books, there’s a distinct difference in how he feels about Arthur’s death in this scene compared to 1x13 (I’m amazed at how fast his feelings changes, actually). Here, I feel like he focuses more on his own failure to protect Arthur as part of his destiny, but in 1x13, he says that the idea of destiny not being fulfilled was nothing compared to the idea of not being by Arthur’s side. I wonder what happens between this and 1x13 for Merlin’s feelings to change so much.
Merlin’s smile as he looks down at Arthur sleeping 🥺
Arthur looking at Uther’s hand on his shoulder as if he’s trying to identify a foreign object 🙂 I can never say this enough but fuck you Uther.
“When he who kills a unicorn proves himself to be pure of heart, the unicorn will live again.” this is a stretch but it reminds me of “when Albion’s need is greatest, Arthur will rise again.”
And that’s done! I have a small meta that ties the theme of Arthur and magic in this episode to the same themes in 1x10, but I might do it on a separate post since this one is already so long 😂
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