#Arthur immediately agreeing like he probably wished Uther would listen to him when he was just as young
Arthur lifting Mordred up in his arms like a proud father isn't talked about enough
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greendragonqueen · 4 years
How to Fix Arwen
And no, I don’t mean the elf princess from Lord of the Rings, she is perfect and I love her.
No, I’m talking about the ship Arwen, from Merlin.
(I know, ya’ll fucking surprised that I’m still talking about Merlin. Neither am I.)
Well I’m here to talk about this ship, because out of all of the ships on this show, this one was the most canon and yet felt the most pushed. The most forced. 
I mean I love the idea, I am a HUGE fan of the original Arthurian Legend stories. (If you somehow did not know, Merlin was based off of the poems and stories written between 750 AD to about 1500 AD. They aren’t all consistent, but revolve around King Arthur, his knights, and the world they lived in. These poems are all collectively called ‘Arthurian Legend’.) Their relationship is so complex, and it’s great. In some, Guinevere is a loyal and loving queen, others are malicious and are willing to stab Arthur (and really anyone she doesn’t like) in the back the moment she can get a chance, and the most recent versions (see Mallory’s work) are good people, but just don’t love Arthur. In some, Arthur takes Guinevere for granted, giving her sympathy for whe she betrays him, in some he is an absolutely doting husband, making her betrayal (if she does betray him) all the more painful for him.
There’s a reason why this relationship is up there in iconic relationships with Romeo and Juliet (and only being surpassed by Guinevere and Lancelot) and it’s because it’s such an enticing relationship. It’s complex, you don’t know what’s going to happen next. There’s literally so many options for how the writers of Merlin could have taken the relationship! But instead, we got what we got, which felt like a half assed, half baked, attempt to literally shove all of the complexities of their relationship into one big mess.
I mean literally, season two was supposed to have Merlin and Morgana in a relationship, but they decided against it because ‘they didn’t want to take away from Arthur and Gwen’s relationship’. So essentially they wasted one relationship, and squandered another. If they had written a good version of Gwen and Arthur’s relationship, I would have at least understood why my ship didn’t get the attention it deserves, but they didn’t.
But we still love the idea of a king falling in love with a servant. They are two adorable little nuggets and if we are all obsessed with destiny, then this is the biggest embodiment of destiny we can get.
So this is what I would do if I had to rewrite their ship.
First, you have to encourage the ship from the absolute very beginning, and you HAVE to keep it up, you HAVE to keep it consistent. Like, almost very first minute of the show. Like, Arthur is basically beating up Merlin in their first encounter, but Gwen walks by and tells Arthur off. (This would then lead to Merlin’s introduction to Gwen and her immediate crush on him.) And we all know that Arthur doesn’t really care for servants and peasants (I mean, for gods sake, he’s throwing knives at his unnamed servant), but he listens to Gwen. Before he listens to Merlin, he’s listening to Gwen. The other knights make fun of him for it, but he doesn’t care. And we can tell in his mind that his logical excuse is that Gwen will tell Morgana if he doesn't stop, and if there is anyone that scares Arthur more than Uther, it’s Morgana, and Arthur does not want to incur her wrath. 
But eventually, as time goes on, the reason why he stops is because he’s staring at Gwen. He can’t take his eyes off of her. She is the reason why he loses some sparring matches, but that’s much later on. We can still keep her comment ‘I would never want to marry a man like Arthur’ at the feast later, but we also need a, a look. Something that says that a tiny part of her is lying.
We need the hints right from the get go, just like we get hints right from the very beginning for Merlin and Morgana’s relationship. We see his eyes get drawn to her, we need that sparkly music. We need the whole dang ten yards, people, otherwise it’s not gonna work. 
Second, there needs to be more alone moments between Arthur and Gwen, especially early on. Moments that logically have no romantic moments in them, but you can still feel the tension. Like a creepy picture, but with romantic ideas instead, if you get what I mean. 
Like we need Gwen and Arthur going out to help Merlin and Morgana after they get into their own little shenanigans (coughcough they went on a secret date and were kidnapped by bandits because those woods seem to be crawling with  them coughcough), and bickering like an old married couple the entire way. A stranger or a knight comments on it. The two blush redder than tomatoes, and agree to never talk about it again. 
Gwen/we finally meets the hunting dogs Arthur continually talks about. Arthur tries to warn her, saying that they’re ferocious creatures, they’re work dogs, they’re trained to kill, they attack Merlin all the time if he doesn’t do exactly what they want, and before his mouth can even finish his words, Gwen has them on the floor, tongue hanging out of their mouths, giving them belly rubs and talking to them in a baby voice. Arthur doesn’t know what the fuck is happening, his jaw is on the floor, and Merlin just turns to him and says something like, “you need to take her on this trip, not me” and just walks away. All Arthur could hear was “You nee to take her” before he is left blushing like a little school girl as she doesn't realize that the prince of Camelot is staring at her.
Speaking of animals, a scene where Gwen needs help with her horse, who is refusing to listen to her. It gets so bad that the horse eventually rears up. Immediately Arthur comes running up and helps, practically saving her from getting kicked in the face. He gives her advice on what to do, telling her where their blind spots are and how you can’t stand in them, otherwise you’ll spook them, what to do to calm them down and whatnot, and while Gwen already knows about half of what he tells her, she doesn't mind, because he isn’t mansplaining to her.
Arthur and Merlin catch up to Morgana and Gwen while out in the market, and immediately offers to help carry their things. Immediately Arthur turns around and gives his things to Merlin, but Gwen rolls her eyes and immediately takes her things back. This leads to a rather funny passing around of objects from Gwen to Arthur to Merlin to Gwen to Morgana to Merlin and all the way around, until finally Arthur submits and takes the things. 
Random moment where Gwen and Morgana sneak out to the tavern to get drinks and get caught by Arthur and Merlin. It’s very funny as Gwen tries to hide her voice and the drinks and it fails spectacularly. Drinks are spilled, voices are choked on, the whole nine yards. They eventually agree to help them on the condition that they get some of the drinks too. Cue a full night of the four getting drunk off their asses on the roof of the castle, filled with laughter and stories and hangovers the next morning. It’s completely PG what they do on the roof, so no funny business. 
(Arthur and Gwen talking about Merlin and Morgana’s blooming relationship, because I can’t seem to keep them out of any Merlin post I make.)
Third, they also need more of those romantic tension moments. Those moments that are meant for romantic interests, to offer the idea of the ship. They don’t have to be that early, but they should be sooner than it was in the series. Several early episodes could be modified to fit this idea, and I bet they were intended to show this idea, but they weren’t done well. They were too far spaced and too slow, resulting the writers to need to forcibly need to pick up the pace when the time came, resulting in a sloppy building of the relationship.
The sickness episode could have been one big giant romantic interest episode, one that showed that Arthur had grown to at least care for her. Like when she is sentenced to execution, Arthur’s gotta fight against it. He's arguing with his father, he has to get dragged out by the guards. When Merlin proclaims that he has magic and that he was the one that cured her father, Arthur gets mad for more than one reason. (One, he wishes he had come up with that idea first, even though it probably wouldn’t work, and two, how dare he start going after Gwen.)
Gwen also being kidnapped and meeting Lancelot was also a good episode for this, but once again, it was slow and it was late. It needs to be pushed up a little, like around season one, perhaps. Arthur doesn’t even need Morgana’s encouragement, he’s already half way out the door before Morgana can even come in and rant. Both Merlin and Morgana are confused. They like it, but they’re confused.
Also, wasn’t the unicorn in “The Unicorn” attracted to Gwen’s purity? I feel like that’s right. If it wasn’t, then it should. Gwen is out in the woods, and the unicorn walks up to her. Against Merlin’s wishes, Arthur kills the unicorn. Afterwards, Gwen feels horrible about it, especially after learning about the curse about what happens when you kill a unicorn, and lets Arthur know about it. She rips him another one, and it breaks his heart because she is making great points and there’s tears in her eyes and its all his fault, all that sort of good stuff. Arthur watches Morgana and Gwen sneak food out of the castle, and the next time they do it, he helps, as a sort of apology. When he goes out to try and solve it, he leaves her an apology note, explaining what he’s doing. 
Also, there would also be other moments in other episodes, or even newly created episodes.
Arthur takes a page out of Merlin’s book and brings her flowers he picked. They aren’t nearly as pretty as Merlin’s were for Morgana, but Gwen giggles and knows its the thought that counts. She keeps them regardless and even dries the bundle to keep it forever.
Arthur finally learns that Gwen had kissed Merlin (on the lips, no less!) (potentially on their night drinking on the roof) and Arthur has to work through his inner turmoil and his realization that he doesn't like Gwen kissing Merlin, or more specifically Merlin kissing Gwen. No one but Morgana realizes what’s going on. I would dare to even say that the idea causes him to have nightmares about the idea, but perhaps not. Still wishy washy about that idea.
Morgana realizes Arthur’s crush on Gwen (yes, that’s how early we need to establish the roots of this relationship, that Morgana is still good and realizes that Arthur has a crush on her before Arthur even realizes that he has a crush on her), and decides to fully lean into it. She dresses her servant to the nines, even getting Merlin’s advice, for a ball, and Arthur is absolutely thrown back. He is thrown off his feet. He can barely even get a word out, much less a full sentence. And then later on Uther pulls Morgana off to the side and tells her that she can’t do that again, telling her that royals and servants can’t intermix, much like how Arthur told Merlin not to pursue Morgana.
Or better yet, take a page out of Miraculous Ladybug and have Arthur in one episode disguise his identity from everyone, including Gwen, just so that he can openly flirt with her. Hell, that could be the jousting episode! Instead of him living with her for a few days, he pretends to be someone else entirely for the jousting competition and doesn’t tell anyone (except for Merlin, because Merlin would freak), and he realizes that his disguise is so good that even Gwen doesn't even realize that it’s him. Cue the flirt master, and her gently declining him, saying her heart is saved for another man. He pressures her into telling him, and eventually she relents and tells her its the prince. Arthur has no idea how to respond.
Not to mention we need the WEDDING EPISODE. We have her coronation, but not their wedding. I mean, what the hell? Is that supposed to be their wedding? Because if it was, then it sucked.
Fourth, they need to help each other grow. We all love Merlin being the one who tells Arthur off and help him grow, but if we want this ship to work, we need Gwen to do it too. 
Arthur teaches Gwen to sword fight, not like how he taught Merlin but actually teaches her, or better yet he teaches her chess. Chess has always been known as a strategy game for Scottish kings to learn for how to move their armies, and if Arthur wants Gwen to be her queen, then why wouldn’t he teach her battle strategy? He teaches her how to escape knots and bindings “in case for the future” (this leads to some awkward moments in the bedroom). He, along with Merlin and Morgana, teach her how to read and write, because “I’m the only one in our group who never had the luxury nor the requirement to learn how to read and write” and that just can’t stand.
Gwen teaches Arthur swordsmithing, or at least convincing her father to teach Arthur how to swordsmith (which also leads to Arthur getting the approval of the relationship from Gwen’s father). This may come from Arthur continually breaking his swords, and Gwen commenting how much of a waste it is. Arthur probably wouldn’t understand and probably wouldn’t care, and Gwen would explain/go into a speech about how it would take a swordsmith, such as her father, days of tireless work to make a single sword, all for him to not even care about his swords and continue to break it. Some point, Gwen drags Arthur to the forge with the explanation “you’ll care more about your weapons if you actually make it”, and forces her father to teach Arthur how to make a sword. After all is said and done, and Arthur has grown. He still keeps his rather terrible sword, as a memento.
Fifth, once you have everything to show of the development of a relationship, there needs to be a LOT of resistance. Not just from Morgana not wanting Gwen on the throne (believe it or not, even in her deranged state, she still likes Gwen and Arthur together, she just doesn't like Gwen being on the throne), but from everyone. 
Lancelot continues to show up more since season one, and the more he shows up, the more Arthur tries to keep Gwen away from him. This leads to arguments between them, Gwen telling Arthur that she can do whatever she wants. She’s an independent woman, and while she may work for the castle, she doesn't work for him. “I’m not your wife,” she says in passing, and it only makes Arthur more frustrated. Eventually, Arthur has to confess his feelings. 
Uther somehow figures out Arthur’s interest, and forbids it. Uther will try his BEST to set Arthur up with various princesses and ladies, and Arthur literally runs away from all of them. He does not want any of them, he wants Gwen. He refuses to come home until Uther gets rid of the suitors. Eventually, Uther relents or Merlin manages to get rid of them. Either way around, it proves to Gwen and to Uther that Arthur wants her, and Uther says something around the lines like “she is a peasant, she is worth nothing.” And Arthur responds with, “But she is worth everything to me.” Uther potentially banishes her, but I’m not too sure.
 After Uther is gone and Arthur is king, Elyan arrives and becomes a knight. Once Elyan finds out that Arthur married Gwen, he does NOT approve of the relationship, and lets it be known. It even gets to the point where Arthur has to fight for her hand, again, and it’s only when he shows mercy to Elyan when Gwen asks him to that Elyan approves, when he realizes that Arthur does listen to Gwen. 
Some lords, ladies, knights, and even some peasants show their disproval of Gwen being the new queen, and let it be known specifically to Gwen. They don’t respect her, they don’t listen to her, and they call her the peasant queen, or the false queen. Both have to work together to get the people to approve of her, and even then that's something that has to be dealt with over several episodes. It’s a slow arc. 
And finally, sixth, it needs to show that both work together, not only as a husband and wife duo, but as king and queen. The two work heavily together to rule the kingdom and for their relationship, and its shown in many small moments over the final series.
The two have heavy discussions over the breakfast table about everything in the kingdom, from tax disputes to recent sprees of crimes to raising the ban on magic to servant gossip, it’s anything. 
Gwen’s pointing out advice at the battle strategy meetings, and Arthur’s listening while also seriously disputing it, like any good battle strategists would.
Arthur and Gwen have picnics outside where Arthur braids flowers into her hair. He gets pretty good at it. 
Gwen reads to him every night to help him sleep, and he freaking loves it.
I wrote about this earlier in an earlier piece, but Gwen may act in court as a perfect, studious queen, but behind closed doors she’s still the same old Gwen, and Arthur loves it. She slouches, she bickers, and no matter how many times he tells her to leave to the servants, he will catch her cleaning. Even if Merlin is in the room, she will be cleaning, because “she ordered me not to, and I can’t disobey the orders from the queen”. Arthur will even clean the whole room himself before Merlin gets in and she wakes up to stop her from cleaning. It turns out it was a ploy by Gwen and Merlin to teach Arthur to clean up after himself, and it works flawlessly.
“Merlin, where’s my cape?” “I don’t-?” He looks over, and in comes Gwen with the cape, which is much too big on her and makes her look almost look like a child, thrown over her shoulders. She gives him the derpiest looks, and with a swish and a twirl, proceeds to run away with the cape. 
Gwen keeps a booklet of things Arthur says in his sleep, which is apparently a lot. (It kind of makes Arthur calling Merlin’s name out into the night a little less weird, because apparently he says everyone’s name in his sleep.) One of the sweetest things he says as wrapping his arms around her waist is, ‘No, Gwen, I love you too much to let you boil our hobgoblin grandchildren’. It was confusing and terribly sweet, even though it made Gwen laugh and made Arthur wake up.
 Finally, Arthur holding out his hand for her to take to dance with him at every banquet, like a teenager asking a girl out to a dance, and it never, ever gets old. 
Point is, we need to make this relationship feel real. We need those small moments and that growth to make it feel real and alive and shippable. 
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 16: Reunions in Turmoil
Puck then closed the door behind Arn, "And just what the hell do ya think you're doing there laddie?"
He wheels around ready to attack this new threat. But after a few seconds he gets a look of realization, before painfully returning to his normal form.
"I....I know you....", Arn says whilst getting a brief flashback of a satyr in his Mother's brothel.
"You seem familiar......", Puck begins before his eyes suddenly widen, "Wait......Pup...is that you?"
Arn immediately slaps his face, "You know I hate being called that."
"Boy, do you have any IDEA how disrespectful that is?" Puck inquires a bit offended before delivering a light back hand.
Arn snarls back, "I'm not a boy anymore...." he says with a clenched fist. He let's it loosen before he finally delivers a punch to his gut. "That's for propositioning my mother when you KNEW she was the Madame."
Puck just shakes his head, "Boy, you really need to start learning yer manners. And also, I'd rather a lady enjoyed her time, not just get paid for it.", then as he's starting to gain armor from seemingly nowhere, "Do you really want to fight? I dont, but I'm not against one. And I know this would break yer Mother's heart, us fighting. The LAST thing I want to do, is hurt Esmie. I'm guesing it's the same way for you."
Arn's face twitches as he on instinct goes for his weapon. Puck notices his grip loosen a little but he doesn't let go of his weapon. "Have you seen her? Did she stop searching? Does she still care?", He asks.
"Does she still care for ya? Yes. Does she still search? Believe me, she does when she's able to. She misses ya, like hell. I made a promise to keep an eye for ya, I'm glad I did." Puck explains calmly.
"For 65 years....I was forced to be a weapon...A MONSTER...for people's ENTERTAINMENT! For 65 YEARS!...What kept you!?", He begs Puck while on the verge of tears. Which is followed by the sound of the axe hitting the stone floor. He even looks at the blood on his hand and realizes just how much is on his hands.
Puck grabs him by his shoulder, and pulls him in for a hug, "I always hated gladiatorial rings, found them to be too barbaric. That one would be on me, I'm so sorry I never showed up. If I had shown up, ya wouldn't have been in there anymore. And ya might've seen this form a lot sooner."
Arn silently sobs for a bit but manages to return the hug.
Strife meanwhile had caught on to the couple of dead guards and the bloodtrail. He follows it with War, who then quickly kicks in the door before Strife fires two rounds. Puck however is in front of door. One bounces off his armor and goes into the wall, the other pierces his shoulder.
"Gah! Seriously Strife?!"
"Wait Puck? What are you doing in here?" Strife asks confused.
"I had a intuition that I should be watching Arthur tonight, guess it was right."
"Ok, but explain all of this.", Strife begins whilst pointing at the dead guys and the blood, "And is that....a certain someone we've been hearing about? You know like from Esmie?"
"It's the Pup. Kid needs a moment in order to get handle on what just happened." Puck tells him simply.
"You're going to have to explain the armor as well." War brings up.
"In time I will. For now, I need to pull a bullet out of my shoulder."
"Oh sorry about that man, over here." Strife states apologetically as he takes Puck off to get it out.
Puck then tells War, "And uh War, make sure this one doesn't run off."
"Understood." War replies simply whilst looking at Arn, and the kid's bloodied arm, "May I ask who's blood that is?"
Arn looks down at it and having seemed to get a hold of himself he replies, "Ripped out a guards throat. You probably found the body by now."
"Right. I'll leave you to process." War states before taking the baby, not trusting this possibly destructive teenager. All he can read right now, is that the kid is reevaluating his life and may reach some awful conclusions.
Arn looks at the blood on his hand and in the back of his mind he sees himself thrust into the arena once more, he was so young and yet he killed. That's how it was, for so long blood had always stained his hands and his mouth.
The animals he could handle but the people...they never got easier to kill. It was simpler to let the beast out and take over...but he still had nightmares, even when he could sleep just the sounds of metal colliding sent him back to the arena. Those final looks of fear before death always made his stomach turn. Those guards gave him the same look. Sure they might've killed him or maybe just put him in another cage. Maybe....that's where he truly belonged.
"What the fuck have I become?" Arn asks himself but not even he knew.
Just then, he heard a light knocking, "Sounds like you're ripe for a talk then?"
Arn quickly turned around to see a woman that he could swear was the moon itself given life. Her voice was like an angel, and her tone was gentle, almost 'Motherly'. Why was she being gentle to him, why speak so kindly? Finally he inquired of her a bit nervously, "What do you want?"
"I only wish to speak young one. I noticed the 'stir' you've caused. I asked War what happened, and he said to come see you here. You left quite a bit of death and blood in your wake for someone so young. Perhaps you would tell me why?" Morgen asked, her tone oozing with serenity to rival the moon itself.
"I was.....they would've killed me....or locked me up if I hadn't....I just wanna go home....that's all....he promised it if I helped him....he promised...." Arn told her as he stared at his hands more.
"Who boy? Who promised you such a thing?" Morgen implored him.
"The king...."
Morgen's eyes widened before she shut them with a sorrow filled sigh. Gently she replied, "He wanted you to bring me and Arthur back, didn't he? And he promised you'd go home if you agreed to do it?"
Arn then looked up at her, realizing who this kind woman must've been now, "You.....you're Morgana aren't you, his daughter?"
"Stepdaughter, also I prefer Morgen if you don't mind." Morgen corrected him simply.
"May I ask why you ran and took your baby...brother? How is he even related to you?"
"I am Arthur's half sister. We shared a Mother, but Uther is no Father to me. NOR will he ever be." Morgen began with her tone sounding angry for but a moment before she composed herself, "As for why I left and took Arthur with me....we were better off away from him. Tell me, did Uther ever explain why he wants ME back so badly? Or why he wants Arthur back at all?"
"He.....never said. Only that it...wasn't my concern." Arn tells her honestly.
"Well, would you like me to explain why he wants me back so badly? And why he wants Arthur back as well?" Morgen asks him cautiously.
"Uhm....go ahead, I guess. It wouldn't hurt."
"Uther has...abused me...in ways that are truly vile. I don't feel comfortable explaining just how depraved he was to me. But I will say this, he could rival Lilith, with how monstrous he is to me. I left to escape the torment he was bringing upon me. I'm just....so tired of just taking it day after day, and night after night. So I have made it my personal mission to see his reign ended, along with his torment on myself and others. As for Arthur, I couldn't leave him there. He'd have been puppeted for Uther's benefit, turned against me because I didn't bring him. I had to bring him with me, so he could be safe and free like I want to be." Morgen explained to him.
Arn listened intently, and couldn't help but be shocked by this. He truly began to feel sorry for Morgen, and more importantly feel awful for what he'd done. For killing the guards for truly no good reason, for taking a job to return victims to their abuser. For helping someone that could be compared to the whore that killed his parents. Yet, he still had to know one thing, "Would Uther have....kept his word? If I still went through with this?"
Morgen looked so sorry for him as she shook her head, "He wouldn't have, he would've kept you close. Used that promise like a bone tied to a pole. Leading you to do anything he wanted through manipulation and false hope. I am SO sorry."
Arn turns around, and looks for somewhere to sit down, "I can't be here, not in this castle, not locked in a cell, not after what I've done. I know my own Mother would hate for this, for my part in this."
Morgen sighed deeply and placed a gentle hand to his face, "What's your name child?"
"Arn, I understand why you did what you did. And I forgive you, as you were manipulated by Uther as I and many others have been. But you must remember there's consequences for this sort of thing. You've killed four innocent men tonight. I won't put you in a cell if they scare you that much. But I have to do something. So, I shall place you under house arrest in the castle. You'll be placed in a room that you can feel safe in, but it will be locked at all times. You will only leave if you have my permission. Do you understand?" Morgen explained with a calm but firm tone.
"As long as you have guards that can actually keep me there. And...someone who won't beat me to keep me in line. Like Leatherbeard or my 'master' in the ring." Arn says simply.
"Then it's settled. Would you like to see Puck before we go find a suitable room for you?" Morgen inquired kindly.
"I...don't know if that would be a good idea right now. But he would chastise me for not so....and I suspect you'd also do the same."
"I wouldn't, and I would've explained to Puck why he shouldn't as well. But if you wish it, then it shall be. Come along." Morgen told him warmly.
With that he followed her to go see Puck. A million things passed through his mind as he tried to think of what to say. How to apologize to Puck for being so stupid. How to apologize for falling so far and hard. And most importantly, how to apologize to his Mama Esmie for becoming something...or rather 'someone' so utterly HORRIBLE. Puck had just gotten his shoulder patched up as Arn walked in with Morgen. Puck couldn't help but check Arn over upon seeing the look on his face.
"You alright there lad?"
Arn then begins his attempt at an apology, "Sorry about hitting your gut, and for...being an asshole."
"First off watch your tongue. Second off, I understand the irony of what I just said. Thirdly, come over and give me a fucking hug." Puck tells him in a Fatherly tone.
Arn quickly obliges, giving him a proper hug this time. Puck could tell just how pained he was too as Arn told him, "I....wish to take responsibility....for what I did. Morgen, uh uh I mean....the Princess, made sure I understood that much....and wants me under house arrest."
Puck then looks at Morgen, "House arrest? And for what exactly? Also who will be guarding him?"
"He killed four innocent men Puck, he understands this but you know I have to do something. I believe I'm being far merciful than Titania or Oberon would be by putting him under house arrest. Also I'm happy to let you pick who watches over him whilst he's locked in there." Morgen states.
"What about that Orc I saw walking around? I heard he was friends with Death, so him if anybody." Puck explains.
"Bardak is not only an Orc, but a werebear as well. Perhaps I'll even let Bardak in the room with him. Might do Arn good to hear from an older werebeast." Morgen says simply.
"Wait what? That motherfucker's a werebear?! Ok then. I definitely trust in that motherfucker." Puck replies surprised.
"Then with that settled, shall you help me find Arn a proper room to be in for the time being?" Morgen questions him.
"Oh right let's do that. Follow us. Also I'm sorry about this, I know ya want to go home. But rules are rules. But I'll make sure to tell Esmie about this and she can come over. That ya can see your Mom." Puck promises him.
"Do you mean it? I get to see Mom?"
"Yes, I swear it. I'll let you talk to her when I call her. Understood?"
Arn's tail actually popped out and began wagging in his excitement and happiness at that, "Yes sir! Thank you Puck. Seriously thank you so much."
"Of course lad, now calm down. Is that yer fucking tail?"
Arn freezes and quickly shifts himself back to normal without the tail, "I'm sorry, that was uh....that's a....that's a bit embarrassing."
"Eh no worries lad, I have PLENTY of embarrassing stories worse than that. BELIEVE ME." Puck tells him rubbing his neck.
"You wanna expl...."
"When you're an adult! Esmie would SKIN ME ALIVE if I told you ANY of those stories." Puck tells him.
"Ok then. So where am I staying then?" Arn asks nervously.
Just then Puck finds a perfect room. It's nice and wide, with a few windows that have nice views. The whole place had a woodland cabin type feel to it. Topped off with a decent bed.
"Hmm, ok then. This should do, and for food....who will bring food and what are they bringing?" Puck asks Morgen.
"Figured you could." Morgen tells him.
"Alright, I'll bring ya some food then. I'll bring ya a meat buffet, that you can curb the beast for a little while. And also some vegetables, ya know, to balance it out. You're still growing and you're still an omnivore. Ya eat everything. Now, time for me to call yer Mother, GREAT."
Puck then called up Esmerelda at her tavern. She was cleaning up for the night upon receiving the call. Gingerly she picked up her crystal, "Hola! Quien?"
"Esmie Esmie, ya know I can't speak a lick of Spanish. At least not fluently. Speak English, please." Puck tells her apologetically.
"First off there is a fine difference between Spanish and European Spanish. Secondly, I'd ask again, but I already know who you are now Puck. What the hell do you want with me this time you borracho?"
"Ugh...I've got someone here I think you'd like to hear from. Do you want the crystal?" Puck inquires of Arn.
Arn takes it and shakes a bit as he says, "Hola......Mamá. It's m-me....Arn. M-m-miss me?"
Esmie freezes and can't help but begin crying, "Arn?! My baby...my niño?! Oh my heart, where have you been? Where are you?! Mama's coming right away just tell me where to go."
"Mama.....I've....I've....done horrible things! I have to take responsibility....I can't go home yet.....I don't deserve to!" Arn shouts as he begins sobbing himself.
"Arn....just tell me where you are, please. I have to see you again. I have to see my niño." Esmie begged of him.
"He's in the Unseelie Realm ma'am. We have someone who can bring you here. But as your boy says, there is a wrong he is to right. We will however allow you to remain with him until the time comes when he has attoned for his wrongdoings." Morgen explains calmly.
"Who is that? Puck, Arn please explain."
"For now, just know my name is Morgen. Please understand that your son wishes to atone for what he's done. As well as the fact that I shall not make him suffer or keep him here forever. Neither of those are my intent for him. I swear on my life." Morgen pipes up before Arn or Puck can do so for her.
Esmie takes a moment to respond before telling her, "I would see you face to face. I would see who keeps my son in a strange land. And I would ask why once I am there. Am I clear on this miss?"
"Transparently. I shall speak to you readily upon your arrival ma'am." Morgen calmly states to her, remaining ever polite. She knows this woman may give her scrutiny at first. But she also knows she must remain steadfast in her choice, for her own sake and Arn's. Believing this punishment will ensure he remembers that with his actions come various results, and consequences that he must be prepared for. As well as understand wholeheartedly.
Arn meanwhile sits down on the bed and asks Morgen, "Can I....be alone for a while? I want to think."
"That's fine Arn, but if you need anything just let us know."
Morgen then closed the door and locked it, asking War to go find Bardak and Death. Little did she know, what mess those two had gotten into. Course War did leave Arthur with her first, giving Morgen time to bond with her baby brother.
Death had meanwhile followed Bardak to a random spot in the woods outside the forest. He looked upon the quiet water within the stream they'd found.
"So, what is it? What else can you possibly tell me?"
"Ya need to release yerself, and yer feelings. Take the time to process it all." Bardak states.
"You really think now is the time?"
"No please, take ALL THE FUCKING TIME YOU NEED! I need to catch my breath anyway, now give me a moment." Leatherbeard suddenly shouted before sitting on a rock.
To Death and Bardak, it looked as though he just disappeared as soon as he sat down. Leatherbeard doesn't notice he's been teleported, YET AGAIN, until he turns around to look where he thinks Death and Bardak are.
"Now lets get this show on the.....OH FILS DE PUTE! DAMN THESE FAERIES, DAMN THIS PLACE, DAMN THEIR FUCKING MAGIC, DAMN THESE FUCKING HORSEMEN, AND DAMN THIS FUCKING...", He begins shouting until finding out the rock is not there to be thrown anymore, "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
Death and Bardak hear this, and look at each other, "Hear something?"
Death only shrugs before they hear another shout of anger.
"So aside from....THAT, yer feelings?" Bardak inquires since they now have time.
"Ugh....I don't need a counselor right now."
"Come on Death, get it out. Do you want this girl or not? Do you like her or not?" Bardak presses him.
"ENOUGH! Just stop it Bardak! Pushing me isn't going to help. Just please, stop. Don't force it. Leave me be." Death implores him whilst holding his head.
Bardak looks at him concerned and calmly places a hand on his shoulder, "Sorry, but the thing is you're not in the past. You may have stuff back there that's really awful but you need to know how to deal with the problem. Not just bottle it up. Or hide from it in your home all the time. You need to get past it somehow, grow. When I see you looking at Morgen, I can see you're not focusing on the past. You ever heard of the love at first sight phenomenon?"
Death shook his head, "Isn't that a trope in romance stories?"
"I mean yes, but not in this case. It's an actual psychological phenomenon that happens, heard it from some humans that got trapped in here. Turns out it's an actual thing that happens where if people stare each other in the eyes for more than forty-five seconds, they have a feeling of true love."
Death couldn't help but laugh, "Are you serious?"
"Yes completely serious, entire long lasting relationships have been started and lasted because of one stare."
Death sighed, "If you say so."
"You're gonna need to relax Death. I hear relaxing helps ya understand yerself. Try meditating, I remember you always use that to calm down.
Death did as Bardak suggested to best of his ability, but couldn't help picturing Morgen in his head. Soon enough he saw her as well. However, she was in a flowing white dress with a veil. A clear indication of marriage happening. Course all of a sudden her dress shifted into a lingerie set. Morgen then flashed him a sly but sweet smile. Death then snaps out of it, as he feels something cold on his wrist. A strange spiral mark that fades just as quickly as he'd seen and felt it. The sort of cooling effect faded as the mark did. He does notice however, that it's glow was as iridescent as Morgen's wing tattoos. Quickly he grabs a stick and begins to draw the spiral shape in the dirt.
"Hey Bardak, you may want to see this real quick."
Bardak looked at it curiously and feels the spiral resembles an axe's edges, "Why the hell does that resemble axe edges?"
"I dunno, it looks like my scythe to me. At least the blade portion of it."
Bardak gained a cautious look, "I dunno, looks like kind of creepy. Especially since it looks like weapons, or rather the business ends of em. A little disconcerting. Ok lets try and find another conversation topic. What else do you like about Morgen? You told me about her personality, what about her appearance? Why not tell me more than simply saying she's beautiful?"
"I don't know. She's smells nice?", Death begins before shutting his mouth, "Poor choice.....that was a poor choice of words there. Please disregard what I said."
"Now hold on there, what you said was also a little enlightening. Not just creepy. Cause scent is very important when it comes to attraction. Because if ya smell good to someone when yer unclean, or vice versa, that's your brains saying yer compatible. Or rather your immune systems are." Bardak states.
"Get on with it!"
"Ok anyway, what I'm saying is yer attracted to her for many different reasons in many different ways. One being, her personality. Second being, her looks. Not gonna lie, ya chose pretty well. Third being biology, as ya two are apparently compatible. And finally, the one look ya keep giving each other. In other words, BAM, yer stuck."
Death cocked his head, "So you're telling me my body has already decided for me what I want?"
"That and your sub conscious, assuming you were thinking of her while meditating."
"Shut up."
"Heheh..hehe....I knew it." Bardak says chuckling, "So I can technically use some of my superior inquisition."
"Ah, well nobody expected that." Death replied simply.
"Right. Ok. Welp I'll go patrol over there and you go wherever." Bardak tells him walking off.
"He hasn't shown up again."
"Oh right."
Meanwhile Leatherbeard was stuck in a forest full of poison ivy. He grumbles in pure rage and begins cursing the forest and ivy. Only to suddenly realize he may have pissed someone else off.
He sees the ivy moving and realizes where he probably is, "THAT MOTHERFUCKING DRYAD!!!"
Wiseman decides to up the ante by teleporting Leatherbeard to the mountains of Dover. Leatherbeard runs out of the woods and accidentally off a cliff into those very mountains. Landing in the water with a massive splash, luckily it doesn't hurt him.
"At least I'm in territory I'm familiar with." Leatherbeard grumbles before swimming underwater to try and find his ship. Upon breaching the surface, he's suddenly in a lake somewhere else, "GAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU FUCKING BUSHY WHORE!"
Wiseman then spooks Leatherbeard with a thunderstorm overhead for insulting Aspen in such a way. Course Aspen has no idea what he's doing, beyond the fact he's sleeping in his usual spot and occasionally laughing in his sleep. Smiling she places a few of her roots around him to temporarily take root there.
Death meanwhile begins to wonder how it might feel after so long of not having a woman in bed. Course the more he imagines it, the more nervous he gets as he tries to avoid thinking certain things. Only wanting to keep the simple idea of seeing her beside him in his mind right now. Course Bardak notices his nervous body language and the growing blush at they walk on.
"What ya thinking about?"
"I'm......just imagining...how it may feel to have a woman in bed with me again. But a certain 'other thought' keeps invading my mind." Death admits clearly embarrassed about it.
"Those thoughts are only natural to have sometimes. For now though, all ya need to do is let her know. I'm sure the uncertainty is either annoying or worrying for her. Probably even both if yer that unlucky. Which I doubt, given how much stupid luck ya got." Bardak states simply yet firmly.
"Let her know what exactly? How I feel about her? My concerns on how things may be if we get together?" Death asks.
Bardak facepalms, "All of it. Let it out. Ya need to let people know how feel, it's natural. What are ya, reliving the teen years ya didn't have?"
"Ok ok I'll think of something, just zip it already. I'll try and tell Morgen soon."
"Ya know? The longer ya wait, the harder it's gonna be for ya to tell her. I'll shut up about it, but yer gonna need to tell her soon, real soon. If it really is that hard, just show it. I hear actions speak louder than words...sometimes. Anyway, let's get back to the castle." Bardak explains.
"Uh right. Thanks by the way, for the talk and all that." Death says, awkwardly rubbing his neck.
"Not a problem."
Eventually the two got back inside the castle in time to see the place freshly cleaned. Death and Bardak however, could still smell the blood. Just as Morgen comes over with Arthur, Death stops her.
"What's going on, what happened? We can both smell blood in the air."
Morgen only sighs, "It's been managed just so you know. So promise me you won't panic when I tell you."
"We'll see Morgen, just tell me what's happened."
"Fine then, a young werewolf was sent by Leatherbeard to retrieve myself and Arthur. Puck however got him to stop and I managed to convince him to turn himself in for what he did to achieve the task. He's currently under house arrest in one of the rooms. And may be going through a crisis right now. I'm not sure though as he wished to be alone for a while." Morgen explains.
"Wait, ya said a young werewolf. How young?" Bardak inquires.
"He's a teenager, midteens specifically in terms of how he's aging. Why?"
"Bardak, what are you thinking?" Death questions him.
"Ehhhh...maybe...I'm thinking maybe I might be able to help this kid a little bit, that's all."
"Puck did ask that you be the one guard him. So you'll get plenty of chances for sure if you want to speak to him." Morgen states.
"Wait a minute...why would Puck...of ALL PEOPLE...be concerned about this?" Death inquires curiously.
"He knew the boy when he was small. Even called up his Mother in Spain, and she's coming down soon to see him. They've apparently been separated for a long time." Morgen says before leading them to the room.
"Wait a minute...who is this kid anyway?" Death asks her.
"His name is Arn, and he was a gladiator that Uther manipulated into taking the job to retrieve me and Arthur. He even promised the boy he'd get to go home." Morgen tells them with a sorrowful tone.
"Are you serious? Someone must be pulling my leg right now."
"Death, do I look anything but serious right now? Seriously?" Morgen asked him with a sudden defensive tone.
"Ok ok fair enough I get it. Why so defensive right now?"
"Yeah no offense Morgen, but that was a bit impromptu on yer part. So where'd that come from?" Bardak adds to Death's inquiry.
Morgen sighs deeply and takes a deep breath before answering, "I feel awful for him. He only wants to go home, and was fooled by the one man I hate most in this life. Given a false promise that he'd go home if he did something awful for him. Pardon my saying so, but asking me if I was serious seemed a bit unsympathetic on your part Death. So do excuse me for being a bit upset at that."
"Uhhhhh...ehhhh...right. Someone explain to me how bad Uther is? I've not heard any stories about this Uther character where I live. And nobody's explained shit about anything." Bardak brings up.
Death then proceeds to explain the current events and situation for him.
"Ok, those are some good reasons. Are there anymore things I should know about before I sink my axe into him?"
"Only this Bardak, that he's a VERY depraved man. One who would abuse his own Stepdaughter in ways that no man should. If you get my meaning." Morgen explains vaguely.
Bardak sighs, "Ok then...well....where is he at so I can go kill him?"
"Don't do anything reckless. Believe me, I tried that and found myself in a dungeon being tortured. And being kicked through a wall, before the being punched through a wall part..." Death expresses a bit embarrassed at that.
"As a Father myself, I find the fact he considers himself to be a Father to be disgraceful. He does NOT deserve to be called that." Bardak informs Morgen.
Morgen only nodded and continued to lead the two gentlemen on. Meanwhile Mina had actually found the motivation to do some work. She made sure Puck was sober...ish enough to make a decent meal and found some clothes for Arn to wear. She could only hope they'd fit though. Mina knocked on the door gently and called through to the boy,
"Hello in there. Puck's got some food for ye, and I've brought some clothes. You good for visiting?"
Arn turned away from the window he was staring out of, "Sure, come in."
"Alright Laddie, hopefully these fit ya. Just try em on to be sure. If they don't Puck'll probably have something for ya." Mina told him as she set the clothes beside him.
Arn watched as the short red head left and looked up at Puck, who had placed a tray of cooked meat down. "She seems nice.", Arn says before he starts removing the tattered remnants of what he was wearing.
Puck looks at Arn's back and arms. He can't help but be disturbed at how many scars he has now. Especially at the deepest of those scars.
"So what did they have ya fighting in there? I know that much happens in those things....the fighting." Puck inquired concerned.
"Most of the time it was animals. Thought it was funny to watch a human animal face regular animals. The people however....it was mostly last man standing....I guess I was lucky.", Arn explains going behind a partition to dress himself.
"Interesting interesting.....fucking assholes, all of them."
"The cells they kept us in weren't much better. The slavers seemed to get a kick out of watching us fight over food. There was one among us who thought otherwise. His presence alone just sent chills down the other's spines. I remember one night he broke up a fight between a few of us. He told us, "We are not animals.". His name was Sygr, he even helped me out a couple times in the arena.", Arn states simply.
"So what else can ya tell me about this Sygr eh? Did he teach ya anything about keeping control over the werewolf in ya?"
"He told me he was from the North. That he was a viking, and as for teaching me, it was more or less advice....when's the next full moon?" He asks a bit nervously.
"I can't answer that question, but I may know someone who can. Just wait here, eat up, and I'll see if I can find and ask him." Puck responds before heading out of the room. Course he spots Bardak with Morgen and Death just outside the door.
They're down the hall talking with Mina, as she prepares a bowl of warm water to clean the dried blood from Arn's arm. Luckily Puck remembers this much and goes back in to remind Arn to mind the sleeve of his shirt. Luckily he hadn't even put it on yet.
"Eh keep the shirt off a little bit longer. Mina's coming in to get rid of some of the blood. And also you're about to meet a werebear, who's also a very large Orc at that."
"Mom has Orcs for bodyguards. I think I know how to handle em.", Arn replies getting the new pants on at least.
"Hmm, this Orc is no brute. He's actually quite nice, rather upstanding." Puck informs him.
He doesn't notice Bardak as he comes up behind him, "As long as ya keep yer manners and are nice, I'll be nice. Heheheh..."
Arn can't but gawk at the nine foot Orc in front of him as Puck introduces the two, "Arn this is Bardak, the werebear. Bardak, this is Arn. He's eh my.....one of my best friend's lads. Long story there, but for another time. Anyway boy's wanting to know when the next full moon is."
"Erhm....I'd say in about five days to week or so. Give or take." Bardak states thoughtfully.
"Good...won't have to worry about losing control again for a while.", Arn explains after he gets a hold of himself.
"The only reason I check is for my kids. Me and myself when it's full moon, heheh...that's just a party with some of my friends, that's all. How well do ya control yerself when you turn most of the time?"
Arn looks up at Bardak after a moment of thought, "Control is a way of looking at it...I can change my form with some effort, it still hurts a lot when I do....I just don't have any control during the full moon nights."
"Not what I meant when I said control. I'm asking, how much of ya is in control when yer in that form. Are ya still you, or are ya the beast? Cause from what I'm hearing, yer still a beast in that form with only a smidge of control." Bardak presses firmly but calmly.
"That sounds about right. I feel like I have less and less control the more I change. But that's how I've survived this long.", Arn responds.
"Hmph, well then. Something tells me ya need a teacher, and a guide for this whole thing." Bardak tells him before glancing at Puck, "Puck I'm gonna need some ingredients for this...tea that puts ya on a vision quest."
"So what yer telling me is ye need some mind altering drugs so ye can have an hallucinatory trip? Ok, I'm gonna have to say NO! HELL NO! I am NOT handing ye that so ye can give it to HIM! Have ye MET HIS MOTHER, NOT A GOOD IDEA."
Death chuckled from the doorway, "That's funny coming from you."
"I will not have any of us getting a shoe to the head! His Mother will turn me into Chorizo!"
"That's pork." Death replies sarcastically.
"I don't care she's still gonna put me on nachos!"
"That's Mexican." Death says snickering badly.
"Ok then smartass, what about uh...Chivo Guisade Picante?"
"That's the Dominican Republic!" Death shouts as he starts laughing his ass off.
"Well if anything else she's gonna put me in her Chilindron!"
"There you go! Took you long enough, went from point A to point Z, great work." Death spouts out between laughs.
"Eh fuck off."
"I guess you know a bit more than you let on Bones.", Arn says as he is able to chow down on his meat platter.
"Perhaps I'll tie myself to a pole and dangle above you if you want a bone so badly pup."
"I doubt you'd taste good. Probably like something from a crypt.", Arn responds with a smirk, course despite his own lean figure at some angles his bones can be seen.
"Now now that would depend on the upkeep. Besides that's pretty funny coming from a kid who's got little to nothing on his bones."
"At least I have something other than skin on my bones.", Arn retorts.
"Fur doesn't count puppy. Better luck next time." Death replies smirking.
Bardak meanwhile thinks to himself, 'Why the hell is Death starting a pissing competition with a child? Seriously, he doesn't need to worry about........wait a second....this isn't a pissing contest. This is a pissing off contest. Alright Death I'll bite, let's see how thick his skin is. Let's me know what I gotta work with in terms of his anger levels.'
Death swears he sees an eye twitch as Arn returns to eating. A smidge angrier than before. He shakes his head with a slight chuckle, and actually claps, "Well done. Lesser men older than you would've been yelling or cursing me by now. Clearly you've learned something at least. That is to say, you know when to back down from a fight."
"Backing down pisses me off more.", Arn mentions as his hand flexes as if ready to shift but somehow it doesn't. Thinking back to Sygr's words in the arena, "We are not ANIMALS."
"Ok ok ok, obviously that's poking too many buttons. You should leave Death." Bardak tells him.
"Alright alright, I wasn't expecting that to anger him. But in hindsight, I really should've. I'll see you later old friend." Death responds before leaving.
Bardak then turned his attention to Arn, "Ok so that escalated quickly. Ya alright kid?"
"Yeah. Just....thinking on some words of wisdom I guess.", Arn replies in an angered yet slightly depressed tone.
Bardak patted and scritched his head a bit, "You'll be alright kid. For the most part Death's an ass, but in this instance he wasn't trying to be."
Just in that moment, and small white blur moved into the room. Arn couldn't see what it was yet, he only heard panting. It sounded like a small dog. Bardak looked down and shook his head a bit before chuckling. He could certainly smell the fur ball too.
"What are you doing here now Fuzziball?"
Fuzzball made an offended, "Merph.", before walking around the bed. Arn had NEVER seen such a small, fluffy thing before. Part of him wanted to eat him, but the other wanted to pet his soft looking fluff. Fuzzball cocked his head at the teen curiously before coming up to him. He then pawed at Arn's foot.
"What is this...thing?", Arn asks seeing the small critter.
"That my friend is a rodent, well a Limt. And a personal pet of Death. To kill him or eat him is to invoke the Reaper's wrath. I wouldn't recommend doing that." Puck informs him.
"His name's Fuzzball by the way, not Fuzziball. Only I can call him that." Bardak states.
Fuzzball barks in greetings at Arn before panting a little and rubbing against his leg. Course he feels something weird on his leg too, and realizes there's something on Fuzzball's head. Arn finds it strange, but lowers his hand to Fuzzball's level. Working to gently remove the thing on Fuzzball's head. Once he's got it, he notices it's a tiny glittery, pink, bow. Fuzzball is happily panting away and scritches himself a bit whilst Arn inspects the bow.
"Now who would leave this on you?", Arn asks as he rubs on the rodent.
"That would probably be from the King's, brother's daughters. And if you're wondering, the King nearly killed his brother recently. As well the girls too, but this one got in the way. And turned into a very bloody mess. I'm a little bit surprised he's even alive, one would've thought he'd died when they saw all the blood. But nope. He pulled through the fluffy little warrior." Puck informs him.
Arn looks at Puck weird, "This rodent actually protected people? Hmph...guess big things do come in small packages."
He even picks the little guy up in one hand. Fuzzball then takes the opportunity to hop into Arn's lap and lay down. Rolling over and being all adorable with those little happy pants. Arn is a bit awkward and looks at Puck again.
Puck chuckles and tells him, "I'm sure Death won't mind if ye pet him. He knows that little rodent is a lap dog at heart."
"Forgive me if I prefer dogs.", Arn responds gently, giving Fuzzball some belly rubs.
Fuzzball enjoys the attention and soon falls asleep. Course Puck hears a small knocking and when he checks the doorway he sees Anna and Elaine.
"Hi Mr. Puck, is Fuzzball in there?" Anna asks sweetly.
"Mmhmm, we wanted to see where he went. He was panting a lot earlier when we were outside."
"I'm sorry girls but Fuzzball is being cute as per his duty, for someone who wants some privacy." Puck informs kindly.
"Oh ok, well can you watch Fuzzball for us? He really was panting an awful lot." Anna insists.
"Yeah, he even looked like a melted ice cream." Elaine explains a bit worried.
"I wonder why, must've overheated and needs a fur cut. I'll bring him to Death later. Why don't you go over to Mina and get some ice water for the little guy to drink, ok?" Puck tells them.
They nod and scurry off quickly to tell Mina, and maybe Death if they find him.
"Who were they?", Arn asks Puck curiously.
"Those were Vortigern's daughters. Uther's nieces. They're the ones that this little thing protected." Puck states.
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thegeminisage · 5 years
5 headcanons for Arthur, Merlin, Morgana, and Gwen
im doing these in reverse order bc i wanna save the best 4 last
i think she genuinely enjoys taking care of people. it’s a role she’s forced into a lot - she takes care of her dad, elyan, morgana, uther, even merlin and arthur once in awhile, even HUNITH - but i think she’s the kind of person who finds genuine fulfillment in doing that kind of thing (she picked FLOWERS for morgana just because), and if she hadn’t been the blacksmith’s daughter she would have made a fine apprentice to gaius herself
she’s a better rider than you. and arthur. and elyan. and morgana. and everybody
we never hear word one about gwen’s mom but i like to imagine she died just before gwen and morgana met (which i’m assuming happened shortly after morgana came to camelot) - and gwen, who had just lost a mother, could easily sympathize with morgana, who had just lost a father and was somewhere new and unfamiliar - and that’s why they became such fast friends
gwen is probably a few years older than morgana - i like to think she was morgana’s maidservant from the start, but i don’t think they would have let her be a maidservant to the king’s ward at age 10, so maybe she’s 3ish years older - not so much older she strays into big sister territory, but old enough to do the job required of her
nobody among the knights/guards really knew what to make of gwen or arthur’s feelings for gwen because she’s ??? just a serving girl ??? like they didn’t dislike her exactly and they respected arthur’s choice for the most part but they also didn’t know anything about her and couldn’t see why the fuck arthur would make such a stir over her when it would be so much easier not to. this changes 100% after gwen’s shenanigans with smuggling leon out of camelot; leon comes back singing her praises like ok ok i GET HER now y’all ain’t gonna believe how she got me outta that cell and on leon’s word (and because she’s elyan’s brother and he’s a knight now too) everybody else warms up to her too
this is practically canon but she’s a lesbian, obviously. gwen was the first girl she had a crush on
this isn’t a headcanon exactly but i wish bbc merlin had had a better budget because you know who deserved a black cat familiar? morgana. like, aithusa made a wonderful foil to merlin’s relationship w/ kilgarrah and i would not wish aithusa’s fate on any creature let alone some poor innocent cat, but also, the IMAGERY...it could have been so good
this is also sort of canon but i think she dresses expressively, hence the goth look after she goes evil. @dellesayah​ & i joke about her “evil girl eyeliner” in season 3 but honestly look the way the girl wears 100% black in s4 and s5 i think the eyeliner was her own private expression of her inner angry goth post-poisoning when she still had to be wearing those colorful dresses to fool everybody into thinking she was the same good girl morgana in s3
same age as arthur. idk why most fics have her being older - tho i admit her being older but still not being able to inherit the crown is a VALID source of her rage - but if she was born w/ magic is makes the most sense for her to have been born after the purge started, aka after arthur. i guess it depends on when you think uther cheated on his wife lol. but i never really thought of morgana and arthur as having like an older/younger sibling thing - to me they were more like twins, so definitely within a year of his age, whether it’s slightly older or younger depends on how you feel that day i guess
wintertime birthday. i think arthur has a summertime birthday (more on that below) so it makes her a nice balance to him in that way
the Most doting son ever. i imagine he had a few difficult teenage years (being a warlock and all) and that he still gets himself into trouble out of sheer stupidity sometimes but aside from that he was probably really well-behaved for the most part just because he didn’t wanna make his mama sad
autumn birthday, since we went there with morgana (to complete the quad in Balance, gwen’s would definitely have to be in the spring)
ok i know colin morgan had to like put on a nice “proper” english accent for the show because katie mcgrath didn’t have one but in my heart merlin sounds like a HICK (whatever the ye olde englishe/modern british version of hick sounds like, he’s it) and his accent only gets worse for all the time they’re at ealdor. like arthur THOUGHT it was bad he probably picked on merlin about it all the time but he had NO IDEA how bad it gets! none! and EVERYBODY in ealdor sounds like that except somehow EVEN WORSE! gwen and morgana think it’s UTTERLY charming but arthur is SO GLAD to get back to camelot and away from all that nonsense! and so then ok when they meet balinor in s2 (who speaks like a normal human being) he listens to merlin talk for 5 minutes and IMMEDIATELY knows exactly where the fuck he’s from. #hicksrepresent
merlin SAYS and BELIEVES he understands magic should only be used for great deeds blah blah blah but when he gets overworked and short on time, yeah, that armor’s gonna be polishing itself while he works on 4 other things at once - he just gets better at not being caught. it’s a great deed to keep arthur’s armor in peak condition, right? arthur says he’s a terrible servant but actually being magically aided he winds up being like...really good at his job, once he gets into the swing of it. he’s just fucking insubordinate always 24/7
*** ****** no i will not be taking constructive criticism
he knew they lied to him in 2.08. he always knew. canon evidence supports this in 4.03 he says “i lost both my parents to magic” listen to me he ALWAYS KNEW!!!
canon also semi-supports a summertime birthday - i read somewhere once that they made it a point to only show camelot in spring thru early fall so they didn’t have to explain why there wasn’t snow on the ground. arthur’s coming of age ceremony (which i assumed either followed or preceeded his birthday) was in the middle of season 1, which would have been mid or late summer, hence: arthur is a summer baby.
i really like the gay!arthur headcanon but i also think he and gwen have incredible chemistry and i really like their relationship so like...maybe gay with one genuine exception. also that boy EMBODIES internalized homophobia :( poor lad
fond of DOGS and sometimes HORSES but refuses to show it because that’s not very manly of him. he’s too into hunting to truly be an Animal Person but since you don’t hunt dogs or horses generally he has a very very secret soft spot
the writers didnt do this on purpose but in my heart i believe the reason he was willing to risk SO much to save mordred in 1.08 was because of what he did to that druid camp from 4.10......like at first yeah he tries to be hard-hearted about it & just do his fuckin job but i think once his conscience was tripped he couldn’t stand to see a druid kid die again under his watch for no good reason. he’d’ve never agreed otherwise, not even for a kid. he wouldn’t have ratted morgana out but he wouldn’t have helped her either
(send me a character & i’ll give you 5 headcanons)
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