dexereart · 1 year
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Phantum Limb - Bout 2 Swoop ya Bish - Digital Illustration
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akihiko1016 · 1 year
New Post has been published on https://akihikogoto.com/2023/09/26/23878
25 September 2023 タイの運転免許証の更新に行ってきました。
私が持っていたのは 期間が5年間の
自動車の免許証 モーターサイクルの免許証 この2点です。
オリジナルの ・自動車の免許証 ・モーターサイクルの免許証 ・パスポート ・在留届済証明(日本大使館より住所証明のため) ・健康診断書
コピーが ・パスポート 顔写真のページx2 ・ビザのページ x2 ・在留届済証明 x1 ・健康診断書 x1
以上でした。  (更新する免許が1つの場合はパスポート、ビザのコピーはx1だと思います。)
費用は 自動車免許証 505バーツ モーターサイクル免許証 255バーツ コピーは1枚につき 1バーツ
免許証の支払いについては現金かQRコードのスキャンが 選択できました。私はQRコードで支払ってきました。
1階の受付で必要書類を全て渡して確認してもらい2階へ 2階でキューカードをもらって書類の提出。 3階へいき視力検査のようなのを4つ受ける。 (この時 EーLearningを前もってしてある場合はビデオ免除になっていました。) 終了後、2階受付に行きまたキューカードをもらいしばし待つ。 支払いをして、免許の受け取りをして全て終了。
Department of Land Transport, Building 4 1032 ซอย พหลโยธิน Chan Kasem, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 マップ https://maps.app.goo.gl/iRaeH2tt3qSTzT446?g_st=ic
ーー Department of Land Transport https://www.dlt.go.th/en
ーー E – learning https://www.dlt-elearning.com
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birthday0402 · 2 years
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いよいよ今週末です! 皆様!是非お誘い合わせの上遊びにいらしてください。 いつもとは一味も二味も違った風景と雰囲気お楽しみください! イベント出店のお知らせ @hillsmarket2023 3/12sun に開催される 九州最大のモーターサイクルイベント ヒルズマーケット2023 大変光栄なことに出店させていただく事になりました。 当店はバイク屋ではありませんが、ご存知の通り、ファッション、そしてバイクを愛してます。 @birth_day_official ならではのファッションの拘りを感じて頂けるように商品をお持ちしようと思ってます。 国内パリコレブランドや個性的なファッションウェア、 そして当店は九州唯一のSUPER73 ,ARCHON 、E-BIKEの正規ディーラーとして、試乗車、販売車両を会場に展示予定です。 もちろん僕の愛車の 50 EL PANHEADも展示します。 これまた面白い事に、隣には僕の弟 @knotadashi が運営してる NOTグループも出店予定です。アメリカで買い付けられた古着、雑貨 弟のナックルヘッドも展示予定です。 チョッパー祭りです笑笑 僕は洋服屋としての出店ですので、九州のバイクシーンや、遊び、ノリモノ、趣味嗜好の新しい発見のきっかけになれれば嬉しいです。 バイクやクルマ、自転車、にキャンプ、スケボー、BMXに音楽、 いろんなモノの傍らに必ず寄り添うファッション 皆様の拘りにさらに拍車をかけていこうと思います笑笑 カッコいいファッションでカッコいいバイクに跨る ほんの一例ですが 楽しいですよ!ほんとに 好きな事をただ、真っ直ぐ続けて20年以上が経過しました。 バイク好きがここまで進展 こんなきっかけ面白いですよね笑笑 バイカーならずとも楽しめるイベントです。 家族連れで日曜日のセキアヒルズでリゾート気分を味わいながら、みんなで楽しい一日にしましょう! 大名からもたくさんの友人知人、お客様が来られる予定になってますので、当日会場にてお待ちしてます。 #hillsmarket2023 #hillsmarket #mortorcycle ⠀ お問い合わせはこちらまで。⠀ ⠀ [email protected]⠀ ⠀ 810-0041⠀ ⠀ 福岡市中央区大名1丁目2-37-1 selva西大名1F⠀ ⠀ TEL/FAX ⠀ 092-721-1125 /092-721-1125⠀ ⠀ 営業時間⠀ 11:00~20:00⠀ ⠀ 無休⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #mens #fashion #ootd ##mn_snap #selectshop #fukuoka #大名 #BIRTHDAY #mens ⠀ #ootd #outfit #cordinate #womens #Ladies #youtubeチャンネル #Eバイク #バイク (セキアヒルズ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpc6kMdvIqm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cosmicanger · 3 months
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chuthulhu-reads · 1 year
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[ID: A full-page panel from Trigun Maximum. It depicts Wolfwood, wearing his sunglasses and gritting his teeth, riding on the back of a motorcycle. The mortorcycle is fully in the air, front wheel pointed up at the sky, presumably being thrown through the air by the massive explosion behind Wolfwood, who is leaning over the side of the motorbike and aiming a pistol. End ID.]
You know Nightow's whole life was a journey to getting to draw manga pages like this and doing it well and I applaud him for it
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alpinezro · 6 months
bald fat hairy dads with big beards and tattoos and piercings who listen to metal fuckkk yeessssdsssss i'll take them all please. with some mortorcycles on the side please. thank you.
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History of Harley-Davidson Mortorcycle
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discoizdead · 7 months
I was thinking that I should get like a mortorcycle licence when I'm older instead of a car license because that would be cooler!!!!
But my mom would probably kill me if I did
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pretta12000 · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: HARLEY DAVIDSON MORTORCYCLES VINTAGE BUTTON UP SHIRT EMBROIDERY LOGO XL.
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nitannichionne · 2 years
Superman: Rise of Isis (Henry Cavill/Superman Fanfic) Chapter 26: To Sedona (FLASH POV)
Looking around the Flying Fox, Batman's aircraft, made me feel like a kid in a candy store. So much I wanted to look at and touch, but not really allowed to. I read the hell out of everything though.
I see smaller craft, too. There was a small jet, a few motorcycles that looked like they were on steroids and a small but equally jacked up race boat. I already knew none of this was for me. I'm fast on my own, right? Still, I'd like toys to play with sometime.
I stand in the cockpit, marveling the tech as the Fox rises over Grand Canyon. For some reason they almost look like they belong together in the mists and shadows. Cyborg is steering the ship from the co-pilot's chair as it slowly moves over the majesty and begins its journey to Sedona. Batman is doing some sort of check. I can see graphics of different craft on board coming up on his screen.
"It is too quiet." 
I look over to see Isis standing behind Batman's pilot seat, gently grasping the leather back of it. She stares ahead. "I can feel him...and others."
Cyborg and Batman share a glance and nod. 
"We're ready," Batman growls. "We will get you to your temple." 
The canyon and greenery suddenly turns into desert and tumbleweeds, completely flat land.  It looks like it stretches forever, but then I find relief in that. Away from the roads now there is barely life in sight. The next thing I see is a city and airport and Batman shoots past.
"Got to get away from people," he mutters, taking a decisive turn deeper into the desert. 
I got it. He was setting the battlefield.
It felt like the calm before the storm, my heart starts pumping, and then, it happens. A visual pops up on the screen.
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"Aircraft closing in fast," Cyborg reports from the co-pilot's seat.
"Is that Australian?"  I ask, looking at it.
"It's Lex Luthor's, according to my intel," Batman rises and Cyborg takes the chair. "called the Lexwing. Vince?"
"All craft are in bays and ready," Cyborg nods.
"Let's go." 
We get to the bays just in time to see a screen pop up and watch the Lexwing fall out of the sky and in pursuit. Shots are fired, but our forcefields absorb the blows without incident.
"Taking fire at the stern," Cyborg reports over the intercom. "Returning fire in five...." 
"To the transports!" Batman roars. 
I watch Isis, Superman and the Green Guy stand at the bay doors, ready to fly. Batman is on a mortorcycle, but he's got a pack on his back.
 Wonder Woman swings onto her motorcycle which also has a spot for her sword and shield, and Aquaman swings on one as well. I notice how different his is. 
It even has a holding mechanism for his staff. I want to see what that does.
"Come on, Kid, save your strength," Aquaman nods.
I speed to the cycle and get on. 
"Opening hatch. Good luck."
Isis and Superman take off first, then Green Lantern. All wheels are on the ground now, heading through unpopulated desert toward Sedona.  I look back to the Lexwing in pursuit and then its ramp opened.  Deathstroke hits the ground riding on a motorcycle in lead of some sort of army and I catch a glimpse of Batman slowing down to let him catch him. The two play the wildest game of chicken I ever saw, daring each other to come closer to collision with each other and anything else that lay in their path, including soldiers which came out of the Lexwing on wheels, each bike having two men. The back ones were dangerous, diving and firing at us. 
I get excited. This is when I get to see the old man work. 
Batman is trying to get to Deathstroke, but this small armada keeps getting in his way. The first cycle was simple; an actual lance shot out from the bike simply flipping it and its passengers. The second bike that engaged him he threw some sort of spikes in their path that exploded on contact, ripping the wheels to shreds no matter what they were made of.  Others try to tail, but he's going fast, even for him. 
"Hold this!" Aquaman yells, and joins the battle, positioned behind Batman. 
I give a cry of excitement. "I'm driving a Batcycle!" I breathe. I turn around to watch the mix up. Water might be Aquaman's thing, but he can fight, leaving Lex's soldiers to either face off against him or swerve around and avoid him. Batman keeps moving forward as he chases the metal guy. Where is he going?
Aquaman looks past me and frowns. He fights his way to me, and gets on the front of the cycle again. 
"Kal!" Isis cries.
I look up and see Superman and Sethos fighting, exchanging blows and rolling in the air. It looks like Deathstroke could try to join the fray. That looks like a jetpack he's got on his back!
Suddenly out of nowhere I see a woman appear. I swallow hard, realizing she teleported.
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"Circe!" Wonder Woman cries out angrily. Apparently they have a past.
"Yes, bring my weapons!" Circe smiles, goading her.
Wonder Woman gets ready to fly off her cycle when Cheetah knocks her off her bike. 
Super speed? That'd be me. I never fought before, but maybe a little shove. 
"Do it." 
I look at Aquaman. Evidently he saw me thinking about it.
"You got this." 
I jump off the bike and go into a full out run. I see Red Rock State Park ahead...but it's not the only thing red. That's fire! I give Cheetah a shove and she cries out in outrage. Wonder Woman gives a nod of thanks as Cheetah gets up to run, but now I am on her heels.
"Circe!"  Cheetah yells.  "A little help?!" 
Circe teleports into my path. "Rat, rabbit or snake?" She summons her magic.
Suddenly I am enveloped in green and moved quickly as Circe's power lands on one of their own soldiers, turning him into a....a rabbit?!
Circe lets out a scream of outrage and aims for Green Lantern, only to be thwarted by Isis.  She flies in the path of the magic, which has no effect on her. Floating just above the ground and off guard, she is attacked by Cheetah from behind. 
"Hey, watch where you're goin'!"  Cheetah tries to take the staff away from Isis but Wonder Woman uses her lasso like a whip and sends Cheetah packing.  "GO!"
Isis takes to the skies and starts heading for Sedona, but up ahead I see red, and not red rock. It's fire! She pushes forward, and we see Firefly, standing with her hand on her hip and admiring her own work.
"She's mine," Aquaman growls. "Vic, give me a lift!" 
The Flying Fox flies low and takes Aquaman, cycle and all over the flames. I close in on Cheetah, and grab her.
"I didn't-know-you cared!" Cheetah grunts, throwing me over her shoulder. I land quickly and turn, holding her from behind, and spin with her....really spin with her. I hear her scream but I hold on tight, and even though she is strong, the dizziness is messing with her senses. I hear her groan and smile. If she ate lunch this could be bad. Hearing the sound that tells me she may puke, I let her go and run circles around her. She collapses against the walls of the hole I made for her.
"Just sleep it off, okay? It's better this way." I take off, now with the idea of running a trench that stops what is left of the army from advancing.   Green Lantern comes and powers them toward the deep trench and they can't get away from the ship. After they fall in, I run to the Fox, which has returned from dropping  Aquaman up ahead. I see the hatch open and run inside to join Cyborg in the cockpit for the perfect view.
Circe and Wonder Woman are still fighting. Wonder Woman thwarts her magic with the shield, sword and her gauntlets.  Circe is teleporting around her to try to find a blind spot but Wonder Woman has great senses. Finally Wonder Woman hits her with a shield, drawing blood and sending her rolling. Wonder Woman unhooks her lasso and just as she gets within arm's reach, Circe disappears. 
The Flying Fox picks up another passenger. 
"Damn," Wonder Woman seethes. "I haven't seen the last of her. Victor, keep infrared and scanner open, please." 
Cyborg nods and we all stand looking at the window, mouths agape at the sight of a wall of water extinguishing the wall of flame with Aquaman on the bike turned jetski and returning from whence it came. Firefly stands completely drenched, and we watch Aquaman yank her fire weapon away from her and stride toward the cycle.
"Aquaman?" Cyborg says into the comm.
"All good, brother, gonna patrol the river, make sure there are no troublemakers that way."
"We'll sweep for anymore of Luthor's men," Wonder Woman says. "See you at the temple." 
I look ahead and see Deathstroke and Batman abandon their bikes and take to the air. Do they know each other that well? I wish I had the guts to ask.
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logwire · 3 years
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He's coming soon.
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birthday0402 · 2 years
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イベント出店のお知らせ @hillsmarket2023 3/12sun に開催される 九州最大のモーターサイクルイベント ヒルズマーケット2023 大変光栄なことに出店させていただく事になりました。 当店はバイク屋ではありませんが、ご存知の通り、ファッション、そしてバイクを愛してます。 @birth_day_official ならではのファッションの拘りを感じて頂けるように商品をお持ちしようと思ってます。 国内パリコレブランドや個性的なファッションウェア、 そして当店は九州唯一のSUPER73 ,ARCHON 、E-BIKEの正規ディーラーとして、試乗車、販売車両を会場に展示予定です。 もちろん僕の愛車の 50 EL PANHEADも展示します。 これまた面白い事に、隣には僕の弟 @knotadashi が運営してる NOTグループも出店予定です。アメリカで買い付けられた古着、雑貨 弟のナックルヘッドも展示予定です。 チョッパー祭りです笑笑 僕は洋服屋としての出店ですので、九州のバイクシーンや、遊び、ノリモノ、趣味嗜好の新しい発見のきっかけになれれば嬉しいです。 バイクやクルマ、自転車、にキャンプ、スケボー、BMXに音楽、 いろんなモノの傍らに必ず寄り添うファッション 皆様の拘りにさらに拍車をかけていこうと思います笑笑 カッコいいファッションでカッコいいバイクに跨る ほんの一例ですが 楽しいですよ!ほんとに 好きな事をただ、真っ直ぐ続けて20年以上が経過しました。 バイク好きがここまで進展 こんなきっかけ面白いですよね笑笑 バイカーならずとも楽しめるイベントです。 家族連れで日曜日のセキアヒルズでリゾート気分を味わいながら、みんなで楽しい一日にしましょう! 大名からもたくさんの友人知人、お客様が来られる予定になってますので、当日会場にてお待ちしてます。 #hillsmarket2023 #hillsmarket #mortorcycle ⠀ お問い合わせはこちらまで。⠀ ⠀ [email protected]⠀ ⠀ 810-0041⠀ ⠀ 福岡市中央区大名1丁目2-37-1 selva西大名1F⠀ ⠀ TEL/FAX ⠀ 092-721-1125 /092-721-1125⠀ ⠀ 営業時間⠀ 11:00~20:00⠀ ⠀ 無休⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #mens #fashion #ootd ##mn_snap #selectshop #fukuoka #大名 #BIRTHDAY #mens ⠀ #ootd #outfit #cordinate #womens #Ladies #youtubeチャンネル #Eバイク #バイク (セキアヒルズ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFaFLHPh7R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heisokay · 3 years
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Henry Cavill photographed by Jeff Lipsky for Men’s Journal, 2018.
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days-in-reality · 2 years
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clipside · 4 years
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hi-yibo · 4 years
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🏍️ 🏍️ 🏍️
CR 惟珍
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