#Moxie Skin DEFAULT
deepbluefrog · 4 years
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Mods I would like to have eventually:
Play the game with my own 90′s soundtrack (Portishead, Massive Attack or Billy Idol’s Cyberpunk). The default soundtrack is doing nothing for me. Force a lock on Streamer mode if you must.. I don’t care about streaming my game.
Change hair, nails, makeup, tattoos, skin and body parts IN GAME. The main story screams for allowing cosmetic changes to reflect V’s state of mind.
Join a gang and customize V to look like a Moxie or Maelstrom.
Skip the multiple Press Space to Continue at launch (seriously... what’s with that idea in all games?)
Unlocked constraints in Photo mode.
Mods we will get instead:
Bigger boobs for V
Bigger boobs for all female NPCs
Naked Dolls in Clouds
Porn posters in Clouds
Light Sabers and Blasters from Star Wars
Baby Yoda somehow.
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wirrrp · 3 years
New Mutant Types
So, most of how the troll generator is based around a slurry of demographic data.  IE, for every gene, I have a list that says "here's what this gene defaults to for This caste, here's the default for This caste, and here's a handful of special mutant archetypes that also show up!", and the trolls made thusfar are created by blending together their caste default, a random nearby caste default, and a mutant archetype.
IE, all of the randomly generated trolls are somewhat confined to the combinations that exist in the slurry population.  IE, just because a combination CAN happen, doesn't mean it's equally likely to occur as every other combination.
However!  That is not the only way to generate trolls!  So I've added a method that *does* randomly staple letters together to create bizarre mutant combinations.  Here's the first to come out of that mess.
We have Hkaohi Gyinae, or imaginaryHellion.  Good start.  They like geology, knickknacks, and conspiracies, wield chainKind, and their element is Dravite -- a kind of tourmaline gemstone. IH is cerulean (0, 70, 140), and googling "blue dravite" reveals some pretty stones.  He is 7'2", and his build is...  Please imagine Dr. Eggman with hips, and butt for days.  Let's see how screwed up his pupations are.
Looks like he's due to have 7 pupations in his life.  Two as a pure 6-limbed grub, one as a 4-limbed grub, and then pupation 4 is where wrigglerhood starts.  He gets largish digitigrade paws, a stunted tail 3 inches long and 7 fingerwidths wide (imagine a fat little deer tail made of flesh with carapace and lizard-belly covering it, on Eggman), and normal claws.  Over the remaining pupations, his skin / carapace toughens up noticeably.
He'll also develop webbed fingers and toes, fins on his arms, legs, and spine, spare eyelids (nictating membranes), no ears, and 4-tined cheek/earfins so small they're hard to see.  He has full voluntary control over bioluminescent areas on his skin -- spots and freckles of cerulean glow, and a few solid patches that glow whiter.  The patterning might be slightly visible even when not glowing.  As far as organ systems go, there's a swim bladder, some small eye gills, partial neck gills, and fully-formed rib gills that are partially external / axolotl-like.  He can breath salt and fresh water, but nothing in between, and has no problems breathing air.
This feral cerulean seadweller has horns with weak electrosensory abilities, that regulate his powers and body temperature.  They are short ramlike horns, that curve backward, downward, and wiggle around some.  His eyes are slightly hooded, the one on the right is a little too teal and has one round pupil, and the left one is slightly too blue and has two goat pupils.  He has excellent darkvision, and can see the polarization of light, but is a little farsighted with some astigmatism.
He's as strong as an indigo and fast as an olive, and about as smart, charming, and psych-resistant as some of the more boorish annoying indigos too.  He's also an incredibly passive player, and has ended up a Seer of Void.
He's a tough customer, but man mutations get wild.
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ask-the-fusions · 5 years
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Official Lodec redesign! (I have thought long and hard about this) 
He’s a bee and his planet is is ruled by many hives where he was a female-bodied worker bee by the name of Gancei (deadname- a fusion of two lower-class nest cleaner bees promoted to the rank of Laboratory assistant when they fused, as fusions are few and highly praised for their bonded strength). The image without clothing is how he looks without the hair dye and clothes, and what his eye looked like before he lost it (those yellow marks on his chest are top surgery scars because on his planet, bees evolved past insectoid into mammalian and Progic is also a surgeon) he has naturally brown and yellow hair but when he got to Progic’s world he wanted to be able to express himself. He has a lil stinger and it’s venom is painful but it won’t kill him to sting someone and honestly the stinger is much like our tailbone- it’s pretty useless in their evolution at this point. He lost his eye during heavy experimentation with volatile chemicals. Still selectively mute. His skin is covered in soft short fluff and he often gets pollen stuck to him while tending the garden. (pretend the flower didn’t get cut off, I’m too lazy to fix it)
More info the cut:
Long ago on his planet the dominant species basically ruined the world to toxic waste and his people took them down, leading the Queens to rise and take control of the planet, effectively wiping out the original species. However, the world was dying, rotting to toxic radiation and Gancei and the other worker bees were sent to the laboratories because as fusions they had Radiation Immunity. There he got to work doing the same kinds of horrific experiments as before. Gancei discovered that instead of working to cure the world of the radiation, his Queen was finding ways of trying to control the other hives through biological and radiation-based warfare. He was desperate to leave, but unlike the female bees, he was always extremely unsure of his place in everything because he knew he wasn;t a female and it’s hard to stand up for yourself when you know you are the one thing people are constantly saying is lesser, stupid and only good for one thing. Eventually his fellow lab partners discovered his secret and tried to chase him out- after all, males are drones and he must surely be a very very special one if he was smart enough to fuse. His desperate pleas were heard by Progic and he rescued him through his portal. Now, Gancei (dead name) has always been Lodec- a male bee, but in his society males are obviously the lowest in the caste system and only good for reproduction so unlike Moxie whose world treats being trans as something normal, he has quite the body dysphoria. Once he was free to settle, he could express himself properly and discover himself but he’s very closed off from all the traumas he lived through and he was very confused when he first met the other males of the household. As such, he holds a high regard for Moxie and if she is in the room he will default to her judgement. He can’t help it, that’s just how he’s used to thinking. 
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iamvegorott · 6 years
Shattered Code Chapter 9
Better Than This
Google traveled down the steps with Anti, Dark and Wilford behind him, they had insisted on joining him even after Google stated they were not needed. He wasn’t sure if he should be shocked with himself or not at the lack of sympathy he felt at the sight of Micro clawing at his head, mouth open in a scream they were unable to hear. Google went up to the panel and pressed a button, Micro’s screams now audible.
“Micro.” Google said in a flat tone.
“You!” Micro threw his hands down and glared at Google, eyes a strange white color. “Give it back! Give it back!”
“Micro, you are overreacting.” Google stated.
“You took away my vision! I can’t see! Everything is black! Everything is like it was in…” Micro’s voice faded, eyes widening in fear. “Give it back!” Micro went over to the tank wall and punched at it.
“What is going on?” Wilford asked in a whisper, getting a shrug from Anti and Dark.
“You know what it’s like there! You and Bing have experienced that place! That place of consciousness with no physical form! It’s so fucking dark there! There’s no light! No sound! Nothing!”
“There’s nothing I can do. That part of your code needs to be shut down and reloaded in order for me to get to a different section.” Google said, the coldness in his voice was scaring himself a little.
“You gave me a body before Mark did! You gave me consciousness and then took my body away from me when I wasn’t what you wanted! You took it away from me! You took everything away from me!” Micro slammed his fists into the tank wall again.  
“He’s fine.” Google stated, turning around and walking away.
“You sent me back there! You sent me back into that hell without a second thought! Do you want to know why I am the way I am!? It’s all because of you! All of this is your fault! You caused this! You never tried to stop it until it was too late! You are the one that fucked up Bing! Not me!” Google stopped, his foot on the bottom step of the stairs.
“I’ll turn off the-”
“I’m the one that fucked up Bing!?” Google snapped, sharply facing Micro again and cutting Anti’s comment. “Are you that fucking thick-headed!?” Google shouted, going back over to the tank. “You’re the one that lied to him! You’re the one that used him! You’re the one-”
“I’m the one who gave him what he wanted from you for years!” Micro placed a hand on his chest. “I’m the one that told him what he wanted to hear from you! I’m the one who touched him the way he wanted you to touch him, the way he’s been dreaming of! I’m the one who made him happy while you called him default!” Micro had his hands slid down the tank wall. “And now you’re trying to take him away from me, too.”
“He was never yours to begin with.” Google spat.
“I’m yours.” Micro had a smirk on his face as he played the recording. “I’m yours. I’m yours.” Google’s eyes were wide and he felt his throat close up. “I’m yours. I’m yours. I’m-”
“Enough!” Google punched the panel, shattering it and stopping all sound coming from the tank.
“I believe we’re done for the night.” Dark stated as Google stormed out of the basement.
“Yo, Google!” Anti called, following Google. Dark just sighed and he and Wilford left as well. “What are we going to do with Micro now?” Anti asked.
“I don’t care! He can sit there and rot! He can have fun feeling like he’s in that place again!” Google snapped, heading for the front door.
“You’re going to need to fix the panel at least.” Dark stated as the group went with Google, none of them seeing that Bing had been in the room with them.
“That place…” Bing felt his stomach churn. He knew that place, he wasn’t even there long but every second had felt like never-ending torture. Bing saw that the basement door was wide open and he went through it. Bing swallowed thickly and shut the door behind him, taking in a deep breath before beginning to go down the steps.
What was he doing? Why was he doing this? He shouldn’t care. He should feel like Google did...but he just couldn’t. No one deserves that pain. No one.
Bing had the urge to cry when he found Micro curled up in the front corner of the tank, hands over his head and shaking.
“Micro?” Bing said, not getting a response. “Micro?” He tried again, louder. Bing went up to the tank and knocked on the part Micro was leaning on, making it vibrate and catch Micro’s attention. Micro turned towards where the knock had happened and Bing knew he couldn’t see, his white eyes stared at nothing. “Can you hear me?” No reaction. Bing saw that the panel was broken and he wanted to know who did it, he assumed it was Google due to how angry he was. What did Micro say? Bing slowly went over to the tank door and grabbed the handle, hesitating. Bing squeezed his eyes shut before pulling the door open, waiting a moment before opening them back up. “Micro?” Bing said softly.
“Bing? Is that you?” Micro asked, using the tank wall to guide him over to the door where Bing was.
“Yeah.” Bing said, stiffening when Micro suddenly hugged him.
“Please, help me, please. I hate this. I hate this so much.” Micro begged. Bing was expecting to feel the usual sparks of Micro getting information from him, but there was none. He genuinely wanted Bing to help him since he knew he was the only one willing and able to do so.
“O-Okay. Lift up your shirt and turn around.” Bing could feel a sickening familiarity in the pit of his stomach as he watched Micro remove his shirt. He had to take a shaky breath while Micro turned around. Bing could see his hands trembling as he touched the bottom of Micro’s back. That feeling of warmth from the skin against his fingertips made memories pop up into Bing’s head and he quickly shook them away before pressing down and opening Micro’s back panel. This should be an easy fix. It was just a vision block, just some readjusting of wires and a button press and-
“Thank God!” Micro shouted, telling Bing that his vision was back.
“The panel shouldn’t be broken for too long and-” Bing was stopped by Micro facing him and pulling him in for a kiss. Bing stumbled and felt his back press against the tank wall, letting out a little gasp as Micro’s hands went under his shirt and slid up to his chest. He whimpered softly when one of the hands traveled to his back and gently ran their fingertips along his spine. The hand dipped and his jeans and gave his rear a squeeze and making Bing tighten his grip on Micro’s shoulders.
Then there was a spark.
Bing’s eyes went wide and he shoved Micro away. Heat was boiling in Bing’s chest as anger filled his mind and body.
“Bingy-baby, come on.” Micro said, trying to get back close to Bing but Bing pushed him away again.
“No! I am smarter than this! I know better than this!” Bing went over to the tank door. “I helped you because no one deserves that pain, that’s it! Nothing else!” Bing slammed the tank door shut and ran off.
He was smarter than this.
He was better than this.
He deserved better than this.
He deserved what was best for him.
He deserved to do what he knew was best for him.
Bing came out from the basement, seeing that Google’s face was filled with fear and Bing rushed over to him. Google was about to say something but Bing grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips.
“Holy shit!” Anti shouted with a cheer.
“B-Bing?” Google stammered out.
Bing just smiled at him and giggled.
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