#Mozambique PHE
ibmyppheteachers · 1 year
Chinese wheel Jump Rope - IB MYP PHE content
The basic Chinese Wheel is a discipline of jump rope that involves two jumpers and two ropes. The two partners stand side by side and exchange the handles in the hands closest to each other. The ropes are then turned on alternating beats. Watch the video below to learn how to do Chinese wheel Type your email… Subscribe Follow our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/927651625063620/
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redqueenmusings · 5 years
NOTE: Click images to enlarge for details of date, location and where to buy tickets.
In Heaven every Thursday from 4 July to 26 September at the Hard Rock Hotel is an exclusive gastronomic performance inspired by contemporary art. Expressionism, surrealism, cubism and pop art.  During the event, art, food, music and dance merge making dinner a multisensory trip to explore paintings of the XX century with the five senses.
Lavaderos Live Music – This is the 4th year of the series of small concerts – ten in all – held in the central courtyard of the Los Lavadores art gallery during July and August admission is FREE
The musical ‘West Side Story’ arrives at the Tenerife Auditorium in July 4, 5 and 6 and will offer five performances in the Symphony Hall. The first day will be a single function that will start at 8:30 p.m., while the other two days will have two sessions that will begin at 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Tickets: HERE
The International Canto Opera Contest of Tenerife has established itself as an unmissable event. The participants will present their voices before a jury of experts. Attendees will actively participate with the Audience Award. When: July 4th Tenerife Adán Martín Auditorium. 7:30 p.m. Price: From €11. Tickets here
Los Vandalos in Tenerife at Buho Club, La Laguna on 5th July
Bustamante returns with his “Tour Héroes”. In addition to playing all his hits, he will present his new album “Héroes”.
5 – 7th BELLYSTARS INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL 2 edition in Tenerife Opening show at 20:30 Anna Purna Hotel Las Galletas.
Garachico- XXXVIII Fair Handicrafts Fair – Plaza de la Libertad 5-7 July
If you are one of those who think that life is a rock and roll … On July 5 go to the Aguere Cultural party with Los Vinagres Siloe. Part of the Phe Club movement
Daniel Habif – Unbreakable 6th at 20:30 Pyramid of Arona Av. Las Américas.
XXIV swim Playa Arena to Puerto Santiago, 6th July distance 950 meters. The route will be modified for this bay swim due, to the persistence of the problem in the underwater outlet pipe. The new route will be a circular route, starting and ending at Playa la Arena.
Lagoon Party Hard Rock Hotel 6th July
5th Anniversary Andana Beach Club starting at 23:00 6th July, Puerto de la Cruz
Concert of ‘The 80s My Way’ The musical group, and Patricia Muñoz, will interpret the most talked about songs of the time. Plaza de El Médano. On  Saturday 6th  at  9:00 p.m
BYBB Pool Party, Camino el Cipres, La Orotava. Tickets from €30 at Tomaticket.es
Despacio Museo Market (Slow Museum Market) on 6th and 7th July. Is an artisan fair, but held in the beautiful internal patios of the Museo de la Naturaleza y Arqueologia. The theme is the abusive use of plastics and their effect on the environment, with some 30+ exhibitors showing their products and selling directly to the public.
Remember me! The Coco Tribute A tribute concert to one of the most endearing films of recent times. Come sing, laugh and get excited with the musical tribute of the year! A show of ALL families at 18:00 ULL paraninfo Central Building University of La Laguna
3rd edition South Atlantic Performing Arts Market (Mapas), from July 10 to 14, will bring together a total of 874 artistic proposals from 74 countries such as Senegal, Morocco, Cameroon, Mozambique, Tunisia and Benin Colombia, Mexico and Chile, Spain, Portugal, and of course the Canary Islands.
  For more info on Tenerife read the Red Queen Musings everyone’s favourite Tenerife Blog
Upcoming Entertainment for the week ahead NOTE: Click images to enlarge for details of date, location and where to buy tickets. In Heaven every Thursday from 4 July to 26 September at the Hard Rock Hotel is an exclusive gastronomic performance inspired by contemporary art.
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lookintomyeyeblog · 6 years
20/3-Thế giới đêm qua: Máy bay chở 50 hành khách bốc cháy tại Iran; Mỹ gia tăng các biện pháp trừng phạt Venezuela
Sáng nay thứ Tư ngày 20/3, Đại Kỷ Nguyên xin tóm lược các sự kiện chính xảy ra trên thế giới trong đêm qua:
Máy bay chở 50 hành khách bốc cháy tại Iran
Tối thứ Ba (19/3), truyền thông nhà nước Iran đưa tin một máy bay chở 50 hành khách đã bắt lửa và bốc cháy tại Sân bay Mehrabad ở thủ đô Tehran của nước này. Hãng thông tấn Fars đang tải một dòng trạng thái trên trạng mạng xã hội Twitter cho biết 50 hành khách có mặt trên khoang khi máy bay bốc cháy.
[caption id="attachment_1113180" align="aligncenter" width="974"] Hình ảnh chiếc máy bay gặp nạn. (Ảnh: Tasnim News)[/caption]
Người đứng đầu lực lượng cứu hộ của thủ đô Tehran cho biết thêm các hành khách đang được sơ tán và lực lượng khẩn cấp đang xử lý vụ việc. Quan chức này không tiết lộ liệu có thương vong về người hay không. Fars cho hay vụ việc xảy ra vào khoảng 21h ngày 19/3 theo giờ địa phương. Máy bay ban đầu có 100 hành khách, song một nửa số đó đã được sơ tán.
Mỹ gia tăng các biện pháp trừng phạt Venezuela
Hôm thứ Ba, Mỹ đã áp đặt các biện pháp trừng phạt mới đối với công ty khai mỏ quốc doanh Minerven của Venezuela và Chủ tịch của công ty này, ông Adrian Perdomo. Động thái trên được cho là nhằm siết chặt hơn nữa về kinh tế đối với quốc gia Nam Mỹ. Hiện Venezuela và công ty Minerven chưa đưa ra bình luận.
Mỹ đã gia tăng các biện pháp trừng phạt đối với Venezuela, trong đó có việc thu hồi tổng cộng hơn 600 thị thực của các quan chức Venezuela và người thân trong gia đình, cũng như các biện pháp trừng phạt về kinh tế.
[caption id="attachment_1113181" align="aligncenter" width="665"] Một cơ sở lọc dầu ở hồ Maracaibo, Venezuela. (Ảnh minh họa: AFP)[/caption]
Sau nhiệm kỳ đầu tiên dài 6 năm (2013-2019) của "Tổng thống chiếm đoạt" Maduro, quốc gia một thời giàu nhất Nam Mỹ đã chìm sâu vào khủng hoảng, thiếu thốn thực phẩm và siêu lạm phát. Khoảng 3 triệu người đã rời bỏ đất nước và con số này dự kiến lên đến 5,3 triệu vào cuối năm 2019, theo dự báo của Liên Hợp Quốc.
Hơn 200 người chết ở Mozambique sau bão Idai
Số người thiệt mạng trong trận lốc xoáy và lũ lụt mạnh ở Mozambique tính đến sáng hôm nay (20/3) đã tăng lên hơn 200, nhiều hơn gấp đôi số người chết vì một cơn bão có thể xếp hạng là một trong những thảm họa liên quan đến thời tiết tồi tệ nhất ở miền Nam bán cầu, theo Reuters.
[caption id="attachment_1113182" align="aligncenter" width="640"] (Ảnh: Reuters)[/caption]
Các cơn gió có tốc độ lên tới 170 kph (105 dặm / giờ) và lũ lụt quét qua miền đông nam châu Phi, bao gồm cả Zimbabwe và Mozambique, ảnh hưởng đến hơn 2,6 triệu người, các quan chức Liên Hợp Quốc cho biết hôm thứ Ba. Các đội cứu hộ vẫn đang vật lộn để tiếp cận nạn nhân năm ngày sau đó, trong khi các nhóm cứu trợ cho biết nhiều người sống sót bị mắc kẹt ở những vùng xa xôi, bao quanh là những con đường hoàn toàn chìm trong nước, những tòa nhà bị san phẳng và những ngôi làng bị nhấn chìm. Hội Chữ thập đỏ cho biết ít nhất 400.000 người đã trở thành vô gia cư ở trung tâm Mozambique.
Đây là cuộc khủng hoảng nhân đạo tồi tệ nhất trong lịch sử Mozambique, theo ông Jamie LeSueur, người đang dẫn đầu các nỗ lực cứu hộ tại Beira cho Liên đoàn Chữ thập đỏ và Trăng lưỡi liềm đỏ quốc tế.
Cuộc họp Mỹ-Nga về Venezuela bị đình trệ vì Maduro
Các cuộc đàm phán cấp cao của Hoa Kỳ-Nga về cách xoa dịu cuộc khủng hoảng Venezuela đã kết thúc vào thứ Ba với hai bên vẫn còn mâu thuẫn về tính hợp pháp của ông Nicolas Maduro.
[caption id="attachment_1113183" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Ông Maduro. (Ảnh: Reuters)[/caption]
Nga cho biết Maduro vẫn là lãnh đạo hợp pháp của quốc gia, trong khi Hoa Kỳ và nhiều nước phương Tây khác ủng hộ Juan Guaido, người đứng đầu Quốc hội do phe đối lập kiểm soát, đã viện dẫn một điều khoản Hiến pháp vào tháng 1 để đảm nhận chức Tổng thống lâm thời.
Chính phủ Maduro dù được sự ủng hộ của Nga và Trung Quốc, nhưng đã bị lên án trên phạm vi quốc tế sau khi ông được bầu lại vào năm ngoái trong một cuộc bỏ phiếu được coi là gian lận.
Hà Lan điều tra động cơ vụ xả súng trên xe điện
Các công tố viên Hà Lan hôm thứ Ba cho biết họ đang điều tra động cơ khủng bố có thể có sau vụ xả súng trên xe điện ở thành phố Utrecht, khiến ba người thiệt mạng và năm người bị thương.
Một người đàn ông gốc Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, Gokmen Tanis, 37 tuổi, đã bị bắt giữ sau một cuộc săn lùng bảy giờ vào thứ Hai bởi lực lượng an ninh và vẫn bị giam giữ. Hai người đàn ông khác đã bị bắt vào thứ Hai và được thả sau khi được chức thực không liên quan. Một nghi phạm thứ tư đã bị bắt vào thứ Ba. Vai trò của ông đang được tiếp tục điều tra, các công tố viên cho biết trong một tuyên bố.
[caption id="attachment_1113184" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Thủ tướng Hà Lan Mark Rutte và Bộ trưởng Bộ Tư pháp và An ninh Ferdinand Grapperhaus đặt hoa tại một đài tưởng niệm tạm thời tại địa điểm xả súng xe điện ở Utrecht, Hà Lan ngày 19 tháng 3 năm 2019. (Ảnh: REUTERS / Piroschka van de Wouw)[/caption]
Các công tố viên mô tả Tanis là nghi phạm chính. "Cho đến thời điểm này, một động cơ khủng bố đang được xem xét nghiêm túc", các công tố viên của vụ án nói trong một tuyên bố, trích dẫn bản chất của vụ nổ súng và một lá thư được tìm thấy trong chiếc xe chạy trốn. Tanis có nhiều tiền án tiền sự. Anh ta đã bị kết án vì tàng trữ vũ khí bất hợp pháp vào năm 2014 và vì tội trộm cắp cửa hàng vào đầu tháng này.
Tổng thống Trump đề cử lãnh đạo Cục Hàng không liên bang
Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ Donald Trump sẽ đề cử cựu giám đốc điều hành Delta Air Lines Steve Dickson làm Giám đốc Cơ quan Hàng không Liên bang (FAA), Nhà Trắng cho biết hôm thứ Ba, trong bối cảnh cơ quan này đang vật lộn với hai vụ tai nạn chết người của máy bay Boeing.
[videoplayer link="https://video2.dkn.tv/trung-quoc-mao-danh-khong-tu-va-su-cao-tay-cua-tong-trump_04ca65dfa.html"]
FAA, được điều hành bởi một quyền giám đốc trong 14 tháng, đang phải đối mặt với các câu hỏi về việc chứng nhận an toàn của Boeing 737 MAX từ các công tố viên và các nhà lập pháp liên bang. Đề cử Dickson đã được chuẩn bị trong nhiều tháng trước khi vụ tai nạn hàng không ngày 10/3 của hãng hàng không Etopian.
Vào thứ Ba, Văn phòng Tổng Thanh tra của Bộ Giao thông Vận tải Hoa Kỳ cho biết đã lên kế hoạch kiểm tra chứng nhận FAA của Boeing 737 MAX.
Thủ tướng Anh yêu cầu hoãn Brexit
Thủ tướng Theresa May sẽ yêu cầu Liên minh châu Âu trì hoãn Brexit ít nhất ba tháng sau khi kế hoạch tổ chức bỏ phiếu lần thứ ba về thỏa thuận ly hôn đầy rủi ro của bà đã bị ném ngăn chặn bởi sự can thiệp bất ngờ từ Chủ tịch Nghị viện, Reuters đưa tin.
Mười ngày trước ngày "ly hôn" 29/3 được ấn định trước đó, và hai ngày trước khi hội nghị thượng đỉnh quan trọng của EU diễn ra, bà May đã viết thư cho Chủ tịch Hội đồng châu Âu Donald Tusk để xin hoãn, phát ngôn viên của bà cho biết. Ông không tiết lộ bà sẽ tìm kiếm sự chậm trễ bao lâu, nhưng nói rằng bà tin rằng nó nên càng ngắn càng tốt.
[caption id="attachment_1113185" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Thủ tướng May. (Ảnh: Reuters)[/caption]
Bà May trước đó đã cảnh báo Nghị viện rằng nếu các nghị sĩ không phê chuẩn thỏa thuận của bà, bà sẽ yêu cầu trì hoãn Brexit sau ngày 30/6, một bước mà phe ủng hộ Brexit sợ sẽ gây nguy hiểm cho toàn bộ vụ "ly hôn".
Tổng thống Trump giành chiến thắng tại Tòa án Tối cao về giam giữ người nhập cư
Tòa án Tối cao Hoa Kỳ hôm thứ Ba tán thành chính quyền Trump trong việc giam giữ những người nhập cư đang chờ trục xuất bất cứ lúc nào - thậm chí nhiều năm - sau khi họ đã hoàn thành án tù vì các tội đã kết án, trao cho Tổng thống Donald Trump một chiến thắng khi ông theo đuổi chính sách nhập cư cứng rắn.
[caption id="attachment_1113186" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tòa án tối cao được nhìn thấy ở Washington, Hoa Kỳ, ngày 14 tháng 5 năm 2018. (Ảnh: REUTERS / Joshua Roberts)[/caption]
Tòa án phán quyết rằng chính quyền liên bang có thể đưa những người nhập cư đó vào nhà tù vô thời hạn bất cứ lúc nào mà không có khả năng tại ngoại, ngay lập tức sau khi họ kết thúc án tù. Phán quyết, được ủy quyền bởi Tư pháp bảo thủ Samuel Alito, bỏ ngỏ khả năng một số người nhập cư có thể thách thức việc giam giữ họ. Luật pháp quy định chính phủ có thể giam giữ những người nhập cư bị kết án khi người nước ngoài được thả ra khỏi trại giam hình sự. Chính quyền Trump cho biết chính phủ nên có quyền bắt giữ những người nhập cư như vậy bất cứ lúc nào.
Nó đánh dấu chiến thắng nhập cư mới nhất của Tổng thống Trump tại tòa án. Các thẩm phán bảo thủ cũng chiếm đa số vào tháng 6/2018 khi tòa án giữ nguyên lệnh cấm đi lại của ông Trump nhắm vào người dân từ một số quốc gia đa số Hồi giáo.
Đại Kỷ Nguyên News
[videoplayer link="https://video2.dkn.tv/trung-quoc-dieu-dung-duoi-thoi-canh-sat-quoc-te-donald-trump_19a8e30db.html"]
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healthcaretipsblog · 7 years
He's made his list, he's checked it twice, he already knows who's been naughty and nice. That's right: Santa Claus is coming to town – and you can follow him as he makes his way around the world. Every year, the boffins at Norad (the North American Aerospace Defense Command) kindly dedicate December 24th to tracking Father Christmas as he darts from chimney to chimney, country to country, and continent to continent, delivering gifts while voraciously consuming sweetmeats. Their service began by happenstance in 1955, when a Sears ad in a local paper offering the chance to speak to Santa mistakenly printed the top secret phone number of Conad – Norad’s predecessor. US Air Force Col. Harry Shoup took the first call from a young boy wanting to talk to Santa in good humour, and so a Christmas tradition was born. Now, every year, thousands of volunteers staff telephones and computers to answer calls and e-mails from children (and adults) around the world. As of 2007, search engine Google has also provided an online tracker, in partnership with Norad. Join us below to follow Santa's snow-flecked footsteps around the world. And keep your fingers crossed that when he arrives at your house, he'll find your name on the good side of that list ... 12:07AM Santa visits UK!  Father Christmas has visited the UK and delivered his gifts - have you got what you wished for? For all you Santa Trackers in the UK, it looks like #Santa is on his way to your house! How do you like to prepare for Santa’s arrival? Milk and cookies? A hand-written letter? Let us know in the comments! #NORADTracksSantahttps://t.co/gSvRD6ezKo— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   9:48PM Melania Trump: As soon as you go to sleep, Santa will be there More from the White House press pool: First Lady Melania Trump, wearing a red dress and white heels with floral print, spoke quietly into the phone, smiling and nodding as she listened to children on the other line.  “How are you? Merry Christmas. Are you tracking Santa? Do you know where he is right now?” she asked.  She asked them if they made their lists and assured them that Santa is en route: “As soon as you go to sleep, Santa will be there.” She wished the kids and their parents a merry Christmas.  US President Donald J. Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump participate in NORAD Santa Tracker phone calls at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida Credit: AFP   9:43PM Trump: Wishing for a relative to get out of hospital better than asking for some toy According to the White House press pool, the US president engaged with a couple of children: The president was receiving calls both before and after we left.  He told Casper from Virginia (not sure if Casper is a girl or boy): “What would you like more than anything?” [kid responds. Press can’t hear.] Trump: “Building blocks, that’s what I’ve always liked too. I always loved building blocks...well I predict Santa will bring you building blocks, so many you won’t be able to use them all.” He talked to another kid, Brian (unsure of spelling), 5 years old.  “So you want your grandma to get out of the hospital? That’s what your wish is? That’s great. That’s better than asking for some toy or something, that’s much better, right?” “So your grandma’s gonna be good,okay, she’s gonna be good.” Donald and Melania Trump Credit: Getty   9:41PM The Trumps help out Donald and Melania Trump have been manning the phones for NORAD: #NORADTracksSanta’s mission has reached the highest level of government. President Trump and the First Lady are working with NORAD to answer your calls. Call 1-877-HI-NORAD.— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   9:01PM The things we miss about Christmas TV This year’s Christmas programming is all very well but we can’t help hankering for the ghosts of telly past. Michael Hogan details his favourites from  Morecambe & Wise specials to a Bond film on ITV - read the full article. Morecambe & Wise   8:44PM How old is Santa? #Santa last seen in Beira, Mozambique. Did you know that NORAD intelligence indicates Santa is AT LEAST 16 centuries old?? #NORADTracksSanta— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   8:25PM The Acropolis Santa has just done a fly-by of another of the new wonders of the world - the Acropolis in Athens:   7:56PM Santa is on schedule #NORAD confirms #Santa has arrived over Chisinau, Moldova. #Santa reported the weather is clear and his is on schedule— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   7:43PM Santa is in Europe! The Big Man was last spotted in Vilnius, Lithuania. #NORAD confirms #Santa has arrived over Vilnius, Lithuania— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   7:33PM The 'Nanny State' Christmas lunch: Everything you should be eating, according to official advice With a measly portion of turkey, pallid boiled potatoes and just a quarter of a glass of champagne, this is what Christmas dinner might look like if public health guidelines were followed to the letter, Sophie Jamieson writes. Dubbed the "nanny state approved Christmas lunch", the menu to keep you below Public Health England (PHE) recommended calorie intake allows for only a quarter of a pig in blanket, a tenth of a serving of Christmas pudding and a twentieth of a mince pie.  Taxpayers Alliance handout showing a visual representation of a Christmas lunch as approved by the National Health Service's nutritional guidelines PHE guidelines say the average man should keep below 2,500 calories per day. The figure is 2,000 calories for women.  The bleak festive spread was created by the pressure group the TaxPayers' Alliance, who say PHE spend £40 million a year telling people how to live healthy lives. Read the full story. 6:57PM The best Christmas TV When you're taking a break from following Santa's journey around the world, here are the best TV offerings this year, including  All Star Musicals and  Mary, Mel and Sue's Big Chistmas Thank You. Dr Who Credit: BBC   6:25PM How does the Santa tracker work? People always ask how #NORAD tracks #Santa on Dec 24th! We use infrared sensors from Rudolph’s nose to determine Santa’s exact location throughout the night! To talk to a NORAD Santa Tracker, call 1-877-HI-NORAD. http://ift.tt/2kT4Z6P (Desktop browsers only)— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   5:44PM Children in Russia - it's time to go to bed! #NORAD Just spotted #Santa over Russia! Children in Russia, it's time to go to bed. #NORADTracksSanta— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   5:43PM How to host a family Christmas... without having a breakdown Do you remember waking up on Christmas day, filled with excitement and joy? Did you jump out of bed and rush downstairs to see if Father Christmas had successfully navigated the chimney/central heating system and delivered that all-important toy on your wish list? Good times. The chances are your first waking moments of Christmas Day are sprinkled with slightly different thoughts these days. Has the turkey finished defrosting? Will the kids like their presents? Is there still time to barricade the house to prevent the in-laws gaining access? Well, worry no longer. Read our guide that answers all you anxiety-ridden prayers. How to have the perfect Christmas   5:16PM Taj Mahal Santa has just visited India - cameras picked him up flying over one of the modern wonders of the world:   4:53PM The Christmas crystal ball Christmas Day is a bit like Groundhog. You wake up, stick the turkey in the oven, placate yourself with an odd concoction of coffee and Bucks Fizz, watch the kids tear open their presents, slave away in the kitchen some more, and finally pass out on the sofa. Tick, there goes another year. Here are the 24 things bound to happen at your big family Christmas tomorrow.  4:42PM Conquering Everest Santa is going to have to tug hard on those reins and get the reindeer flying high. He's coming into Nepal, home to eight of the 10 world's highest peaks, including the tallest Mount Everest. Nepal guess who is coming soon...that’s right����.Time for good boys and girls to get to �� and catch some ��.�� http://pic.twitter.com/7EQUPdofev— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) 24 December 2017 4:36PM Getting through Russia Santa is back working his way through Russia. It's a long, hard slog - Russia takes up an eighth of the Earth's land area - but Santa misses no one out on Christmas Eve. 4:12PM Christmas code-words Are you expecting to welcome friends and relatives tomorrow? Christmas day can be a bit of a war-zone, but everyone just tries to dust their resentment under the carpet because hey it's Christmas, and in the spirit of said holiday, thou shalt lie and deceive rather that tell the truth. If you do actually want to find out what everyone round the dinner table is actually thinking than read this: What people say at Christmas... and what they really mean 4:00PM No holiday on Christmas day in Thailand Santa is now dropping off presents in Thailand. 85 percent of the population in Thailand is Buddhist, and 14 percent practice Islam. As such, Christmas day is not taken as a holiday in Thailand but many lights and decorations still adorn the streets of Thailand's capital Bangkok during the month to celebrate the King's birthday on 5 December. Since the previous king passed away last year though, the celebrated holiday has moved to 28 July. 3:28PM From Saint Nick to Saint Graham Credit:  Christopher Baines/BBC From one jolly bearded fellow to another - read Graham Norton's Christmas special agony uncle column here while you wait for the other one to hurry up with your presents already. 3:19PM The Las Vegas of Asia Santa is about to go over Macau, an autonomous region on the South coast of China dubbed the 'Las Vegas of Asia' because of it's bounty of casinos, and the bustling nightlife. You might want to turn down the light on Rudolph's nose Santa - you're not going to need it to light the way over here. The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel Credit: Kin Cheung/AP   2:52PM What to do after unwrapping the presents? After the presents, there is the turkey, but then how about a winter walk or maybe a film (and none of those slushy romantic ones please)? You could even book yourself into a mindfulness retreat if it's all become too much. We've wracked our brains for a range of activities to try out once Santa has done his job and all the presents have been ripped open.  How to keep the family entertained over Christmas 2:37PM Great wall of China Santa has just crossed over the Great Wall of China, which was built by the Qin dynasty to keep northern invaders out of their territories.  No such problems for Santa - nothing can get in the way of him and his reindeer tonight, they've got presents to deliver. Santa has a great view of the Great Wall #NORADTracksSanta thanks to @verizon for boosting our signal! http://pic.twitter.com/rEpRMxwkZW— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) 24 December 2017 2:20PM 1 billion presents delivered! A congratulations are in order for a certain Mr Claus, who has just dropped off one billion presents this evening. However with 6.6 billion more people still waiting for their pressies, Santa still has a long night ahead of him. 2:16PM Valentine's Day on Christmas Eve Santa is in Japan. Christmas Eve is a big deal for young Japanese couples, who treat the evening as we would do Valentines Day. No one is quite sure why the evening became an event for couples, but pop-star Tatsuro Yamashita’s 1988 song, “Christmas Eve” about the sadness of spending Christmas alone, popularised the romantic ideals of being close to that special someone on Christmas Eve. Meanwhile over here we're just thinking about all the pressies Santa is about to drop off. 2:02PM There's the Sydney Opera House It's flashback time. Here is Santa doing some sightseeing as he flys over some of Sydney's most famous landmarks. #NORAD spotted #Santa flying through Sydney, Australia! See the video! http://ift.tt/2BuqvW2 NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) 24 December 2017 1:54PM Have yourself a very smug Christmas Are you watching Santa scoot around the world safe in the knowledge that all your Christmas day plans are sorted? I bet you're feeling pleased with yourself, and so you should be. However, if you're still flying around frantically trying to tie up all the loose Christmas ends then have a read of our guide to having a smug Christmas, and catch a glimpse of how the other (more organised) half live? How to have a smug Christmas, in ten supremely self-satisfied steps 1:35PM White Christmas? Not in Australia Santa has touched down in Australia. No dreaming of a white Christmas here as it's the height of summer in Australia, with average temperatures of  30C However in 2010 the ssemingly impossible happened as 11 inches of snow fell in New South Wales just a few days before Christmas day. No such luck this year mind. 1:27PM Have you got Christmas dinner covered? While Santa is busy going around the world sorting out the presents, who is sorting out the turkey covered on the big day? We recommend you start your prep for the big Christmas day meal today and save yourself any extra stress on the day. You can prep the vegetables, make the stocks for the gravy and roll up your stuffing balls. Still feeling nervous about cooking Christmas dinner? Take a gander at our ultimate guide to cooking the perfect Christmas dinner. How to cook the perfect Christmas dinner 1:10PM We hope Santa has wrapped up warm Santa is currently flying over the Eastern tip of Russia with the temperature at -17°C. Chilly stuff - so make sure you put some warmed mince pies out on the side for when he eventually comes round to you. 1:02PM Change of Telegraph Christmas Elf That's me done for the year. Over to Richard Jones for more Santa tracking tracking... 12:41PM A peaceful place Santa is currently on his way to the Federated States of Micronesia, population 104,937, which we've previously listed as one of 16 countries that do not have an army. Can you guess the 15 others? 12:13PM The rise of the Christmas Eve box In case you haven't already heard, there's a new Christmas trend in town – and today is the day when it comes to fruition. The Christmas Eve box is a package full of small gifts that kids get to open the night before Christmas. Think of as an early bird's stocking, only without the connotations of mouldy feet. You can find out more about what to put in these boxes (there's still time to cook one up at home – though you'll need to get creative) by reading our useful guide. Ho ho ho, merry Christmas Eve. 11:41AM Q: Why is Rudolph's nose red? A: Because it's hotter than the sun. Here's some science from Norad, on how they use the heat from Rudolph's nose to follow their man... Santa spotted on DSP satellite from the heat off Rudolph's nose! http://ift.tt/2C3iyKJ NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   11:31AM Eyes to the skies He's off! We have our first Santa spotting of Christmas Eve 2017, with Norad reporting that his red sleigh is currently zooming over Russia, en route to New Zealand and Australia.  Now that they've got Santa locked on their radar, you can follow his progress in the video at the top of this article. Godspeed, Santa Claus. 11:31AM Urgent: Presents needed Are you just waking up to the realisation that it's Christmas Eve? Have you hitherto buried your head in the snow, unwilling to even countenance the idea that you might need to buy a semi-random assortment of objects for your friends and loved ones? Does the thought of a last-minute trip to the heaving High Street make you want to heave in an entirely different manner? Then fear not, because we've rounded up some gift subscription ideas that a) will make great presents, and b) can be bought from the comfort of your front room, without so much as the need to put on a pair of pants. Take a look at the below, and heave a sigh of relief. Last-minute Christmas gift guide: how to do all your shopping ... without going to the shops 11:30AM The wait is nearly over Well boys and girls, we're getting close. It seems that Santa is currently doing some last minute quality control. Here's a leaked image from his HQ in Greenland...   11:30AM Santa's journey in numbers Santa will travel an estimated 510,000,000km on Christmas Eve, which means he'll average 10,703,437.5km/hr, or about 1,800 miles per second. According to calculations in 2014, there are roughly 1.85bn children who can hope to receive presents. With an average of 2.5 children per household, that means Santa has to slide down 740m chimneys.  To hit those numbers, Santa needs to visit 390,000 homes per minute – or 6,424 per second. And what of the big guy's expanding waist line? Well, if each house places a 200ml glass of semi-skimmed milk and a mince pie by the fireplace, Santa will make his way throughy 148m litres of milk – enough to fill around 60 Olympic-size swimming pools – and chomp on 740m mince pies. As there are around 250 calories in a mince pie and 100 calories in the glass of milk, that means Santa will consume 259bn calories on Christmas Eve alone. Let's hope his trousers are elasticated. 11:30AM Fake news? A quick word on sources. This time last year, the Santa tracking world was split asunder by an apparent disagreement between the two main tracking organisations. While's Google's tracker reported its first sighting of Santa at 10am GMT, Norad's tracker lagged about 30 minutes behind. And it remained thus for the rest of the day: where one would see Santa arrive in, say, Madrid at 11pm GMT, the other would spot Santa in the same location half an hour later. Little has been said publicly about the confusion since then. The two organisations have apparently closed ranks after the division – leaving online conspiracy theorists to run amok. Are there two Father Christmases, sharing the burden of delivering gifts to every (good) child in the land? Was one tracker detecting an echo in time, the logical consequence of  the vertiginous speeds at which Santa must travel? Had Google picked up a genuine unidentified flying object? No one has the answers to these questions – but suffice to say that if the same happens again this year, we at The Telegraph will treat Norad's tracker as the official timekeeper. No disrespect, Google, but those guys have got the nukes... 11:29AM Why does NORAD track Santa? While we wait for Santa to file all the obligatory flight plans and put the finishing touches on his sleigh packing (we imagine he's much like any father on Christmas Eve right now, desperately pushing another bag of presents into a car boot that's already jammed full), let's take the opportunity to look back on how this Santa tracking business started. The year was 1955, and an advert promoting Santa's Toyland at the Sears department store had been published in the Colorado Springs newspaper, offering excited children the chance to speak to big man himself. The only problem? Rather than listing a dedicated Sears phoneline, the advert referenced a top secret hotline at Conad – Norad’s predecessor. The Sears advert that started it all Over at CONAD, all was calm and well, when US Air Force Col. Harry Shoup, director of operations at the nuclear missile base, noticed the red phone on his desk ringing. Col. Shoup had two phones, and you can imagine what the red one was for. "Only a four-star general at the Pentagon and my dad had the number," recalled his daughter Pam. Presumably fearing the worst, Col. Shoup picked up the receiver. Pam continues: "And then there was a small voice that just asked, 'Is this Santa Claus?'" Shoup was a straight-laced and disciplined man – much as you would expect for the director of operations at the US's nuclear HQ – and he reacted with due annoyance, suspecting he was the victim of a practical joke. But then the little voice started crying. "And Dad realised that it wasn't a joke," says Shoup's daughter. "So he talked to him, ho-ho-ho'd and asked if he had been a good boy and, 'May I talk to your mother?' And the mother got on and said, 'You haven't seen the paper yet? "'There's a phone number to call Santa. It's in the Sears ad.'" Shoup took the reins and ran with them. Soon, he was on local radio every hour, updating listeners on the whereabouts of an unidentified flying object that had the unmistakable look of a sleigh. From one small mistake, a tradition was born. Every year hence, the nuclear has run a Christmas Eve hotline for children, updating them on the whereabouts of the Great Benefactor In The Sky. The Norad Santa Tracking Operation HQ, in 2014 Over the years, Conad/Norad and Santa have proved to be a perfect fit. After all, who better to spot where Santa's sleigh is flying than a major operation dedicated to monitoring the skies? And what better way for the joint US-Canadian military division – men and women who routinely spent their time checking radar screens for signs of impending nuclear apocalypse – to spend their down time than talking to children about what they wanted for Christmas? In 2007, Norad partnered with Google to put the Santa tracking ritual online, and now children around the world can follow Santa's snow-flecked footsteps as he delivers presents during the night before Christmas. With the help of our live blog, of course. 11:29AM Good morning... ... and welcome to The Telegraph's Christmas Eve live blog, where we'll be tracking the movements of good ol' Santa (that's Father Christmas or even St. Nick to you and I) as he dashes around the world, delivering gifts and joy to all those children who have been well behaved over the course of the last 12 months. According to (un)official estimates, there's a while to go before Santa starts doing his thing. So, put the kettle on, get some breakfast inside you, fish out those dusty binoculars from wherever you left them this time last year, and get ready to join us for the ride.
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morningusa · 7 years
He's made his list, he's checked it twice, he already knows who's been naughty and nice. That's right: Santa Claus is coming to town – and you can follow him as he makes his way around the world. Every year, the boffins at Norad (the North American Aerospace Defense Command) kindly dedicate December 24th to tracking Father Christmas as he darts from chimney to chimney, country to country, and continent to continent, delivering gifts while voraciously consuming sweetmeats. Their service began by happenstance in 1955, when a Sears ad in a local paper offering the chance to speak to Santa mistakenly printed the top secret phone number of Conad – Norad’s predecessor. US Air Force Col. Harry Shoup took the first call from a young boy wanting to talk to Santa in good humour, and so a Christmas tradition was born. Now, every year, thousands of volunteers staff telephones and computers to answer calls and e-mails from children (and adults) around the world. As of 2007, search engine Google has also provided an online tracker, in partnership with Norad. Join us below to follow Santa's snow-flecked footsteps around the world. And keep your fingers crossed that when he arrives at your house, he'll find your name on the good side of that list ... 12:07AM Santa visits UK!  Father Christmas has visited the UK and delivered his gifts - have you got what you wished for? For all you Santa Trackers in the UK, it looks like #Santa is on his way to your house! How do you like to prepare for Santa’s arrival? Milk and cookies? A hand-written letter? Let us know in the comments! #NORADTracksSantahttps://t.co/gSvRD6ezKo— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   9:48PM Melania Trump: As soon as you go to sleep, Santa will be there More from the White House press pool: First Lady Melania Trump, wearing a red dress and white heels with floral print, spoke quietly into the phone, smiling and nodding as she listened to children on the other line.  “How are you? Merry Christmas. Are you tracking Santa? Do you know where he is right now?” she asked.  She asked them if they made their lists and assured them that Santa is en route: “As soon as you go to sleep, Santa will be there.” She wished the kids and their parents a merry Christmas.  US President Donald J. Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump participate in NORAD Santa Tracker phone calls at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida Credit: AFP   9:43PM Trump: Wishing for a relative to get out of hospital better than asking for some toy According to the White House press pool, the US president engaged with a couple of children: The president was receiving calls both before and after we left.  He told Casper from Virginia (not sure if Casper is a girl or boy): “What would you like more than anything?” [kid responds. Press can’t hear.] Trump: “Building blocks, that’s what I’ve always liked too. I always loved building blocks...well I predict Santa will bring you building blocks, so many you won’t be able to use them all.” He talked to another kid, Brian (unsure of spelling), 5 years old.  “So you want your grandma to get out of the hospital? That’s what your wish is? That’s great. That’s better than asking for some toy or something, that’s much better, right?” “So your grandma’s gonna be good,okay, she’s gonna be good.” Donald and Melania Trump Credit: Getty   9:41PM The Trumps help out Donald and Melania Trump have been manning the phones for NORAD: #NORADTracksSanta’s mission has reached the highest level of government. President Trump and the First Lady are working with NORAD to answer your calls. Call 1-877-HI-NORAD.— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   9:01PM The things we miss about Christmas TV This year’s Christmas programming is all very well but we can’t help hankering for the ghosts of telly past. Michael Hogan details his favourites from  Morecambe & Wise specials to a Bond film on ITV - read the full article. Morecambe & Wise   8:44PM How old is Santa? #Santa last seen in Beira, Mozambique. Did you know that NORAD intelligence indicates Santa is AT LEAST 16 centuries old?? #NORADTracksSanta— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   8:25PM The Acropolis Santa has just done a fly-by of another of the new wonders of the world - the Acropolis in Athens:   7:56PM Santa is on schedule #NORAD confirms #Santa has arrived over Chisinau, Moldova. #Santa reported the weather is clear and his is on schedule— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   7:43PM Santa is in Europe! The Big Man was last spotted in Vilnius, Lithuania. #NORAD confirms #Santa has arrived over Vilnius, Lithuania— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   7:33PM The 'Nanny State' Christmas lunch: Everything you should be eating, according to official advice With a measly portion of turkey, pallid boiled potatoes and just a quarter of a glass of champagne, this is what Christmas dinner might look like if public health guidelines were followed to the letter, Sophie Jamieson writes. Dubbed the "nanny state approved Christmas lunch", the menu to keep you below Public Health England (PHE) recommended calorie intake allows for only a quarter of a pig in blanket, a tenth of a serving of Christmas pudding and a twentieth of a mince pie.  Taxpayers Alliance handout showing a visual representation of a Christmas lunch as approved by the National Health Service's nutritional guidelines PHE guidelines say the average man should keep below 2,500 calories per day. The figure is 2,000 calories for women.  The bleak festive spread was created by the pressure group the TaxPayers' Alliance, who say PHE spend £40 million a year telling people how to live healthy lives. Read the full story. 6:57PM The best Christmas TV When you're taking a break from following Santa's journey around the world, here are the best TV offerings this year, including  All Star Musicals and  Mary, Mel and Sue's Big Chistmas Thank You. Dr Who Credit: BBC   6:25PM How does the Santa tracker work? People always ask how #NORAD tracks #Santa on Dec 24th! We use infrared sensors from Rudolph’s nose to determine Santa’s exact location throughout the night! To talk to a NORAD Santa Tracker, call 1-877-HI-NORAD. http://ift.tt/2kT4Z6P (Desktop browsers only)— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   5:44PM Children in Russia - it's time to go to bed! #NORAD Just spotted #Santa over Russia! Children in Russia, it's time to go to bed. #NORADTracksSanta— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   5:43PM How to host a family Christmas... without having a breakdown Do you remember waking up on Christmas day, filled with excitement and joy? Did you jump out of bed and rush downstairs to see if Father Christmas had successfully navigated the chimney/central heating system and delivered that all-important toy on your wish list? Good times. The chances are your first waking moments of Christmas Day are sprinkled with slightly different thoughts these days. Has the turkey finished defrosting? Will the kids like their presents? Is there still time to barricade the house to prevent the in-laws gaining access? Well, worry no longer. Read our guide that answers all you anxiety-ridden prayers. How to have the perfect Christmas   5:16PM Taj Mahal Santa has just visited India - cameras picked him up flying over one of the modern wonders of the world:   4:53PM The Christmas crystal ball Christmas Day is a bit like Groundhog. You wake up, stick the turkey in the oven, placate yourself with an odd concoction of coffee and Bucks Fizz, watch the kids tear open their presents, slave away in the kitchen some more, and finally pass out on the sofa. Tick, there goes another year. Here are the 24 things bound to happen at your big family Christmas tomorrow.  4:42PM Conquering Everest Santa is going to have to tug hard on those reins and get the reindeer flying high. He's coming into Nepal, home to eight of the 10 world's highest peaks, including the tallest Mount Everest. Nepal guess who is coming soon...that’s right����.Time for good boys and girls to get to �� and catch some ��.�� http://pic.twitter.com/7EQUPdofev— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) 24 December 2017 4:36PM Getting through Russia Santa is back working his way through Russia. It's a long, hard slog - Russia takes up an eighth of the Earth's land area - but Santa misses no one out on Christmas Eve. 4:12PM Christmas code-words Are you expecting to welcome friends and relatives tomorrow? Christmas day can be a bit of a war-zone, but everyone just tries to dust their resentment under the carpet because hey it's Christmas, and in the spirit of said holiday, thou shalt lie and deceive rather that tell the truth. If you do actually want to find out what everyone round the dinner table is actually thinking than read this: What people say at Christmas... and what they really mean 4:00PM No holiday on Christmas day in Thailand Santa is now dropping off presents in Thailand. 85 percent of the population in Thailand is Buddhist, and 14 percent practice Islam. As such, Christmas day is not taken as a holiday in Thailand but many lights and decorations still adorn the streets of Thailand's capital Bangkok during the month to celebrate the King's birthday on 5 December. Since the previous king passed away last year though, the celebrated holiday has moved to 28 July. 3:28PM From Saint Nick to Saint Graham Credit:  Christopher Baines/BBC From one jolly bearded fellow to another - read Graham Norton's Christmas special agony uncle column here while you wait for the other one to hurry up with your presents already. 3:19PM The Las Vegas of Asia Santa is about to go over Macau, an autonomous region on the South coast of China dubbed the 'Las Vegas of Asia' because of it's bounty of casinos, and the bustling nightlife. You might want to turn down the light on Rudolph's nose Santa - you're not going to need it to light the way over here. The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel Credit: Kin Cheung/AP   2:52PM What to do after unwrapping the presents? After the presents, there is the turkey, but then how about a winter walk or maybe a film (and none of those slushy romantic ones please)? You could even book yourself into a mindfulness retreat if it's all become too much. We've wracked our brains for a range of activities to try out once Santa has done his job and all the presents have been ripped open.  How to keep the family entertained over Christmas 2:37PM Great wall of China Santa has just crossed over the Great Wall of China, which was built by the Qin dynasty to keep northern invaders out of their territories.  No such problems for Santa - nothing can get in the way of him and his reindeer tonight, they've got presents to deliver. Santa has a great view of the Great Wall #NORADTracksSanta thanks to @verizon for boosting our signal! http://pic.twitter.com/rEpRMxwkZW— NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) 24 December 2017 2:20PM 1 billion presents delivered! A congratulations are in order for a certain Mr Claus, who has just dropped off one billion presents this evening. However with 6.6 billion more people still waiting for their pressies, Santa still has a long night ahead of him. 2:16PM Valentine's Day on Christmas Eve Santa is in Japan. Christmas Eve is a big deal for young Japanese couples, who treat the evening as we would do Valentines Day. No one is quite sure why the evening became an event for couples, but pop-star Tatsuro Yamashita’s 1988 song, “Christmas Eve” about the sadness of spending Christmas alone, popularised the romantic ideals of being close to that special someone on Christmas Eve. Meanwhile over here we're just thinking about all the pressies Santa is about to drop off. 2:02PM There's the Sydney Opera House It's flashback time. Here is Santa doing some sightseeing as he flys over some of Sydney's most famous landmarks. #NORAD spotted #Santa flying through Sydney, Australia! See the video! http://ift.tt/2BuqvW2 NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) 24 December 2017 1:54PM Have yourself a very smug Christmas Are you watching Santa scoot around the world safe in the knowledge that all your Christmas day plans are sorted? I bet you're feeling pleased with yourself, and so you should be. However, if you're still flying around frantically trying to tie up all the loose Christmas ends then have a read of our guide to having a smug Christmas, and catch a glimpse of how the other (more organised) half live? How to have a smug Christmas, in ten supremely self-satisfied steps 1:35PM White Christmas? Not in Australia Santa has touched down in Australia. No dreaming of a white Christmas here as it's the height of summer in Australia, with average temperatures of  30C However in 2010 the ssemingly impossible happened as 11 inches of snow fell in New South Wales just a few days before Christmas day. No such luck this year mind. 1:27PM Have you got Christmas dinner covered? While Santa is busy going around the world sorting out the presents, who is sorting out the turkey covered on the big day? We recommend you start your prep for the big Christmas day meal today and save yourself any extra stress on the day. You can prep the vegetables, make the stocks for the gravy and roll up your stuffing balls. Still feeling nervous about cooking Christmas dinner? Take a gander at our ultimate guide to cooking the perfect Christmas dinner. How to cook the perfect Christmas dinner 1:10PM We hope Santa has wrapped up warm Santa is currently flying over the Eastern tip of Russia with the temperature at -17°C. Chilly stuff - so make sure you put some warmed mince pies out on the side for when he eventually comes round to you. 1:02PM Change of Telegraph Christmas Elf That's me done for the year. Over to Richard Jones for more Santa tracking tracking... 12:41PM A peaceful place Santa is currently on his way to the Federated States of Micronesia, population 104,937, which we've previously listed as one of 16 countries that do not have an army. Can you guess the 15 others? 12:13PM The rise of the Christmas Eve box In case you haven't already heard, there's a new Christmas trend in town – and today is the day when it comes to fruition. The Christmas Eve box is a package full of small gifts that kids get to open the night before Christmas. Think of as an early bird's stocking, only without the connotations of mouldy feet. You can find out more about what to put in these boxes (there's still time to cook one up at home – though you'll need to get creative) by reading our useful guide. Ho ho ho, merry Christmas Eve. 11:41AM Q: Why is Rudolph's nose red? A: Because it's hotter than the sun. Here's some science from Norad, on how they use the heat from Rudolph's nose to follow their man... Santa spotted on DSP satellite from the heat off Rudolph's nose! http://ift.tt/2C3iyKJ NORAD Tracks Santa (@NoradSanta) December 24, 2017   11:31AM Eyes to the skies He's off! We have our first Santa spotting of Christmas Eve 2017, with Norad reporting that his red sleigh is currently zooming over Russia, en route to New Zealand and Australia.  Now that they've got Santa locked on their radar, you can follow his progress in the video at the top of this article. Godspeed, Santa Claus. 11:31AM Urgent: Presents needed Are you just waking up to the realisation that it's Christmas Eve? Have you hitherto buried your head in the snow, unwilling to even countenance the idea that you might need to buy a semi-random assortment of objects for your friends and loved ones? Does the thought of a last-minute trip to the heaving High Street make you want to heave in an entirely different manner? Then fear not, because we've rounded up some gift subscription ideas that a) will make great presents, and b) can be bought from the comfort of your front room, without so much as the need to put on a pair of pants. Take a look at the below, and heave a sigh of relief. Last-minute Christmas gift guide: how to do all your shopping ... without going to the shops 11:30AM The wait is nearly over Well boys and girls, we're getting close. It seems that Santa is currently doing some last minute quality control. Here's a leaked image from his HQ in Greenland...   11:30AM Santa's journey in numbers Santa will travel an estimated 510,000,000km on Christmas Eve, which means he'll average 10,703,437.5km/hr, or about 1,800 miles per second. According to calculations in 2014, there are roughly 1.85bn children who can hope to receive presents. With an average of 2.5 children per household, that means Santa has to slide down 740m chimneys.  To hit those numbers, Santa needs to visit 390,000 homes per minute – or 6,424 per second. And what of the big guy's expanding waist line? Well, if each house places a 200ml glass of semi-skimmed milk and a mince pie by the fireplace, Santa will make his way throughy 148m litres of milk – enough to fill around 60 Olympic-size swimming pools – and chomp on 740m mince pies. As there are around 250 calories in a mince pie and 100 calories in the glass of milk, that means Santa will consume 259bn calories on Christmas Eve alone. Let's hope his trousers are elasticated. 11:30AM Fake news? A quick word on sources. This time last year, the Santa tracking world was split asunder by an apparent disagreement between the two main tracking organisations. While's Google's tracker reported its first sighting of Santa at 10am GMT, Norad's tracker lagged about 30 minutes behind. And it remained thus for the rest of the day: where one would see Santa arrive in, say, Madrid at 11pm GMT, the other would spot Santa in the same location half an hour later. Little has been said publicly about the confusion since then. The two organisations have apparently closed ranks after the division – leaving online conspiracy theorists to run amok. Are there two Father Christmases, sharing the burden of delivering gifts to every (good) child in the land? Was one tracker detecting an echo in time, the logical consequence of  the vertiginous speeds at which Santa must travel? Had Google picked up a genuine unidentified flying object? No one has the answers to these questions – but suffice to say that if the same happens again this year, we at The Telegraph will treat Norad's tracker as the official timekeeper. No disrespect, Google, but those guys have got the nukes... 11:29AM Why does NORAD track Santa? While we wait for Santa to file all the obligatory flight plans and put the finishing touches on his sleigh packing (we imagine he's much like any father on Christmas Eve right now, desperately pushing another bag of presents into a car boot that's already jammed full), let's take the opportunity to look back on how this Santa tracking business started. The year was 1955, and an advert promoting Santa's Toyland at the Sears department store had been published in the Colorado Springs newspaper, offering excited children the chance to speak to big man himself. The only problem? Rather than listing a dedicated Sears phoneline, the advert referenced a top secret hotline at Conad – Norad’s predecessor. The Sears advert that started it all Over at CONAD, all was calm and well, when US Air Force Col. Harry Shoup, director of operations at the nuclear missile base, noticed the red phone on his desk ringing. Col. Shoup had two phones, and you can imagine what the red one was for. "Only a four-star general at the Pentagon and my dad had the number," recalled his daughter Pam. Presumably fearing the worst, Col. Shoup picked up the receiver. Pam continues: "And then there was a small voice that just asked, 'Is this Santa Claus?'" Shoup was a straight-laced and disciplined man – much as you would expect for the director of operations at the US's nuclear HQ – and he reacted with due annoyance, suspecting he was the victim of a practical joke. But then the little voice started crying. "And Dad realised that it wasn't a joke," says Shoup's daughter. "So he talked to him, ho-ho-ho'd and asked if he had been a good boy and, 'May I talk to your mother?' And the mother got on and said, 'You haven't seen the paper yet? "'There's a phone number to call Santa. It's in the Sears ad.'" Shoup took the reins and ran with them. Soon, he was on local radio every hour, updating listeners on the whereabouts of an unidentified flying object that had the unmistakable look of a sleigh. From one small mistake, a tradition was born. Every year hence, the nuclear has run a Christmas Eve hotline for children, updating them on the whereabouts of the Great Benefactor In The Sky. The Norad Santa Tracking Operation HQ, in 2014 Over the years, Conad/Norad and Santa have proved to be a perfect fit. After all, who better to spot where Santa's sleigh is flying than a major operation dedicated to monitoring the skies? And what better way for the joint US-Canadian military division – men and women who routinely spent their time checking radar screens for signs of impending nuclear apocalypse – to spend their down time than talking to children about what they wanted for Christmas? In 2007, Norad partnered with Google to put the Santa tracking ritual online, and now children around the world can follow Santa's snow-flecked footsteps as he delivers presents during the night before Christmas. With the help of our live blog, of course. 11:29AM Good morning... ... and welcome to The Telegraph's Christmas Eve live blog, where we'll be tracking the movements of good ol' Santa (that's Father Christmas or even St. Nick to you and I) as he dashes around the world, delivering gifts and joy to all those children who have been well behaved over the course of the last 12 months. According to (un)official estimates, there's a while to go before Santa starts doing his thing. So, put the kettle on, get some breakfast inside you, fish out those dusty binoculars from wherever you left them this time last year, and get ready to join us for the ride.
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