#Mr “Hypersexual Warcrimes” over here!
shopboughtchaos · 1 year
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Okay, I'm not very used to showing off my stuff but... it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day and I would be remiss not to take advantage and mention that I wrote a story about pirates. I mean, they never refer to themselves as such, but that's just semantics, really. So, may I introduce my adult dark fantasy novella: The Lies We Tell Ourselves. *** "In a world still bearing the scars from an ancient magical conflict, those who wield magic – or are changed by it – are condemned as abominations, their lives forfeit.
Raised at sea under the tyrannical rule of his father, there is nothing the young Captain Fiaer Dradorn won’t do for the knowledge of a lost treasure that drove his father’s obsession. Even start a war.
Betrayed to the mercy – and consequences – of catastrophic, uncontrolled, magic, Fiaer is left with nothing but the belief in his own monstrosity and the overwhelming desire for revenge.
As his plans take form, he realises that true monstrosity is less what someone is, and more who they chose to be. A choice he must make before others make it for him." *** It's available from all reputable booksellers, I believe, worldwide but for certain I know for a fact it's in Waterstones, Barnes & Noble, the Big River, and best of all, direct from the publisher: https://www.lunapresspublishing.com/product-page/the-lieswe-tell-ourselves In summary:
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And a couple of Sneak Peeks, cause I'm nice, I'm new, and I'm not at all sure what I'm doing:
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shopboughtchaos · 8 months
There is an old shark in the waters around Keset. It is not the season for her... She should starve here
The world's most notorious pirate captain has a strange question for an elderly woman he doesn't know. "Is there hope?"
The Lies We Tell Ourselves is a year old today! My little book baby is a whole year out in the world already. He's already done such amazing things: He's been longlisted for a BSFA, He's been recommended for the Hugos by two different bloggers (that I know of - a friend searches for me, for me) He's even impressed my mum, by page 5, no less! Happy Birthday, Fiaer. Papa's so proud of you
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