#Mrs. Ring/Lynn/Isen
awriterstransition · 7 years
Gifts And Goodbyes
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Gifts and Goodbyes
       I met Lynn and Mrs. Ring later in the morning and they had just as equally cleaned up, they smelled fresh, but their clothing had a hint of musk to them, the same guard from yesterday was more than happy to follow along beside us after what happened yesterday. Apparently Gavin the Adestrian guard, carried me back to the embassy over his shoulder, and thankfully dressed me before doing so. This scared me though because I didn’t like doing being a mess in public, sexual things were fine with me, but I didn’t like the idea of others seeing me with fur matted with cum and smelling of male and female sex. To ease my mood Davin, the guard told me there was hardly anyone on the road when he carried me to the embassy.         Davin also explained that he was a long term resident of Cadara, he knew some fun locations to visit and even gave us the grand tour of the Noble Quarter of the city, showing us historical monuments, like the Orphanage of Wolfric Von Clarence one of the older Kings of Mincara, apparently King Wolfric’s mate the old queen of Mincara, couldn’t bear children so he adopted three children at random. It was said that one of those he adopted was human. Which caused a huge three day riot because that meant the human could be a king of Cadara. Though at the mention of humans, I had to ask about humans on Ecorein, because Lynn had never told me there where humans once on Cadara.        Lynn told me about the massive war that was caused because of some kind of misunderstanding. Apparently the human king was killed by a Mincridarn assassin. The king obviously countered this but the confusion and anger drove the humans of Ecorein to hate Mincridarins, so humans would abuse the Mincridarins and treat them like feral animals. War was the only option in the end, and the Mincridarins won that war, but in the end it turned into a slaughter. The humans lost their country, and there homes, and humans spread to the wind and slowly died out. There hasn’t been a living human seen in a hundred years.         Lynn explained that this is why Mincridarins had such a hard time trusting the humans from Earth, and why there were so many that didn’t want the royal government involved with them. After that war all the mistreatment and abuse brought about by humans, Mincridarins expected Earth humans to be no different so everyone expected another war to bloom, and with how advanced these modern humans were, Mincridarins were scared that a war would lead the Mincridarins to extinction. This history was never stated because Mincridarins feared that if humans found out their past, that they wouldn’t even talk to the Mincridarins.         After this simple brief history I understood why Mincridarins had to be so heavily regulated when it came to who could live on earth. They had to prove that they weren’t monsters, and try to provide a stable peaceful relationship. After that history lesson, the three of them kept telling me more about the history they couldn’t share on earth, talking about magical dangers, problems with demons and beings of shadows, and monsters in general. Most of the world beyond the city gates was populated with strong and dangerous beasts, Giants the size of castles, spiders the side of houses, chimeras, and wild feral dragons. Ecorein was a dangerous world, and it wasn’t meant for humans on earth, because it had taken years to coordinate some mutual understanding with the beasts, or at least the ones that had enough intelligence to speak properly. Though Davin cut in making a simple comment. “And that’s not even talking about the ones in the sea.” Which wasn’t a very reassuring thought.          “Then what about Matra, what are the monsters like there?” I asked looking up at Lynn who seemed to understand more about these monsters than anyone.          “Matra has giant insects, there are bees and wasps the size of your for arm. Crow fiends, which are giant black birds that make nests in some of the trees in Matra. They have thick Bone armor and three eyes on their head. Though as long as you don’t cross into their territory you’ll be fine. Then there are fruit spiders, that make nests in the branches of the Iron Bark trees and that live on the juices of the Gogen fruit, which is a giant water melon shaped seed that hangs from tendrils in the Iron Bark Trees. The fruit spiders are about the size of an average dinning chair, but their normally docile unless you provoke them. They kind of act like pigeons and you can scare them away if you want, and the fruit spider’s webs make great threads for fabric when treated properly, but their venom isn’t toxic but it’ll defiantly hurt for month.” Lynn explained and I was kind of dreading Matra because of my bad relationship with insects.          “Then there are Dragon sprites that live off of the vast amount of magic in the region, they aren’t evil but they do like to play pranks, and tease Mincridarn tree dwellers by stealing things and casting simple illusions. But on the forest floor there are beasts too dangerous to naturally fight.”         “Like the Ancient wolves?” Davin added and Lynn just looked at the dragon who fell silent under Lynn’s firm gaze.          “Yes like the Ancient wolves, which are ten times the size of the wolves on earth, they can grow to the size of large trucks. Then there are Black Queen Snakes, which can sometimes climb the Iron Bark Trees if there large enough, you can think of them as basilisks just without the ability to turn people into stone. Then there are also Chimera’s, and that’s only a few of the tangible beasts. That’s not even talking about the elementals and spirits that are born from the pools of magic around Matra. Spirits are normally not a problem and they just tend to be playful but it’s the corrupted spirits you have to watch out for, those ones will not hesitate to try and cause you physical harm. The Elementals as well, they’re normally calm unless provoked or corrupted. A lot of new beginner mages live in Matra to train in their fields of magic, so these mystical problems aren’t normally a problem.” Lynn explained and that was reassuring, but now it made sense why the people Matra found shelter near the top of trees.        Davin led us around the town till the early afternoon, where we made our way to the beach, it may have been a cold day but there were a few Mincridarins relaxing and laying on the beach enjoying the sea’s cool air. The sea was a shimmering blue, nothing like the ocean on earth. We walked across the protected beach, enjoying the wet sand underneath our hooves, paws and scales.          “Isen I’m going to transfer to Matra?” Lynn said looking at me, and I looked at him and Lynn pulled me close and capped my muzzle closed with his hand. “Isen so help me, if you try and say anything against it I will hurt you.” I pulled his hand off my mouth and looked at him. “The New York Sanctuary needs a mage, and you’re perfect Lynn.”          “Isen I’m warning you say anything against me again and I’ll beat your ass again… and not in the sexual way.” Lynn had to add because of the excitement the guard showed. He then capped my muzzle again and looked down at me.         “Isen I nearly lost you, please stop fighting me, because I’m not going to listen to you. I will keep my promise, I won’t try and kill anyone if you die, but at least let me stay close to you. I love you even if you don’t love me. I want to protect you.” Lynn looked off towards the sea when he spoke and then back down to me. His words were simply and I felt bad for abusing him and leading him on, allowing them to think I had died when I hadn’t.         “Will you not counter me again if I find a mage to take my place?” I gave into Lynn’s words, he was a bull when he wanted to be and nothing I was going to do was going to stop him. So I nodded in agreement, because it’s not like I had the right to refuse him, I had hurt him enough and he was trying to be with me. Lynn smiled happily and held me a bit tighter, allowing his tone and tEnder arm to surround me in his warm and soft touch. I could smell that familiar Irish soap that still clung to his fur even though it was a bit muskier than it was yesterday, as we continued to walk along the beach until Mrs. Ring spoke up.         “I’m thinking about coming back to Ecorein as well.” Mrs. Ring stated and Lynn and I looked at her, the hyena seemed nervous and she didn’t seem to want to talk about, but it seemed like she needed to get this off her chest. “I don’t want to stay on Earth.” Mrs. Ring finally stated as if she finally got a weight off her chest.          “I hate it, Earth, it’s all too much. The technology, the weapons, I can’t even get a fair job beyond the sanctuary. Even military contractors won’t let Mincridarins join them, because of the view of the American government and other governments. They don’t want too much of their military information leaked to us. But the schooling system, it’s so good and I know Andrew loves it there. I want to give him a better life, he deserves it, I can’t take that away from him…. I don’t know what to do!” Mrs. Ring called out in anger looking at me, and her form slumped, ever since he had gotten more personal with me she had become more emotional and expressive.          “A mother’s duty is to her child Mrs. Ring you know that.”          “I know dammit.” Mrs. Ring groaned pushing back her ears as she looked at me sadly.          “I’ll ask Sir Baal about it, there have been a few talented individuals that came through the portal maybe one was a teacher, but I doubt it, and if there is, they probably went to North Arc. But Mrs. Ring you should stay on Earth for Andrew, that little cub deserves a better education…”          “I know but I’m not sure what to do anymore, things have just been happening to him ever since you’ve been gone Isen. He’s just tired all the time, he doesn’t want to go to school, and he doesn’t even want to spar with the other cubs in his class. He kind of just sits in the corner. The teacher is worried about him because his grades are falling and he doesn’t play with anyone in his class anymore. I don’t know what to do, the doctors say he’s fine, but that’s it. I can’t figure out what’s wrong with him because he hardly talks to me anymore.” Mrs. Ring explained frantically, she was truly frightened and I could see why, but I think I also knew why Andrew was acting the way he was.          “Mrs. Ring he’s probably depressed?” I simply stated and Mrs. Ring looked at me confused.          “Depressed?”          “He’s sad, he’s lost two male figures in his life. You’re moron of Mate, and Me. You’ve told me before he thinks of me as a father. To him I’m dead.” I explained and I looked at her and she seemed lost in a few emotions, angry, sad and confused.          “Isen, would you please talk to him?” Mrs. Ring asked and my heart felt weak, because if I was right then Andrew’s depression was my fault, but I couldn’t talk to him the contracts I had signed prevented that, and I couldn’t go back to earth, not anymore it would create chaos, and now knowing Mincridarn history I understood why.          “I can’t Mrs. Ring you know that, I’d be breaking the contract I signed, and you can’t either. You know Andrew couldn’t keep something like this a secret.”         “Then what do I do?”  Mrs. Ring protested rather annoyed with me, her muzzle curled up in anger, and I fell silent, and turned away from her harsh gaze.          “Mrs. Ring move to Matra with me, Andrew just needs to know Isen is alive, and Isen won’t have the balls to tell you to do that, even though he knows that’s what you need to do.” Lynn countered flicking my snout creating a hollow thump that made me flinch. I looked at Mrs. Ring sadly, because Lynn was right, it was either Andrew came to live in Matra or he moved on an forgot about me.          “Lynn’s right, but Andrew should stay on Earth and learn from humans, it would give him a better life. He could do so much if given the chance.” I countered and Mrs. Ring took hold of my arm and pulled me close and wrapped her own arm around my shoulders.           “First I think it’s important to think about Andrew’s opinion, and I’m sure he’d give up leg just to see you alive again.” Mrs. Ring countered roughly, still relatively annoyed with me about beating around the bush, but she shifted the conversation, just as quickly as she shifted her gaze to Lynn who was very unamused with Mrs. Ring stealing me away from him.         “Hey he’s mine too.” She simply countered, and I didn’t counter her, because I didn’t want an my rear smacked raw again, so I just let the two glare at each other as we walked. After a few hours on the beach we walked to Lynn’s and Mrs. Ring’s shared room in the Inn, where we had some farewell sex, and we of course made sure to include the dragon. This time however I was conscious when I walked back to the Embassy during the early night.          “I’m so jealous, I wish I could find a female like you Isen.” The dragon simply stated scratching his loins, where his cock was still somewhat exposed in his pants, and hard from our shared sexual escapade.         “Well why are you looking for a female? I’m a male.” I simply countered and the Dragon laughed at this and knocked me in the shoulder, which hurt even with my new Mincridarn form. The Davin took me back to my room and wished me a good night’s rest. The female slave was tidying up my room when I entered, and when she saw the state I was in, she came to me and simply told me to wait while she started a bath.         The next day, I met Lynn and Mrs. Ring on not so good terms, I was going to leave for Matra today, we already preplanned for a week of fun, but I had to move on and they understood this. They didn’t debate it and they simply asked that I wait for them to return; they wanted to give me something. I wasn’t sure what they had planned, and I was half expecting them to return with a chest full of dildos, not that’d mind a chest full of dildos, but still wasn’t expecting them return with what they had.         I was waiting in my room while the female slave was brushing my fur down, when Davin opened the door and let them inside. IN their hands were gift wrapped boxes, a small and a medium sized one. The slave took her leave and the two sat down with me on the bed. Apparently they come up with the idea and split the cost of the gifts.         I tore open the largest first, and was rather stunned by what was in my hands, an entirely new laptop, a full on gaming laptop specially made for massive amounts of storage. In total Lynn told me the laptop had one and half terabytes of usable storage space. The laptop had this wonderful dark blue and black color pattern. He even told me he enchanted it to be nigh unbreakable, and weather resistant. He proved this by slamming the laptop on the ground and jumping on it. I wanted to scream because it was an amazing gift, and I was scared he had truly broken it. But in the end Lynn’s enchantments held and the laptop was perfectly safe. Though the box wasn’t empty, inside there was a tall and thick blue plastic zipper case of CD’s, containing human shows and movies of all kinds, organized by genre. They told me they had ransacked a DVD store, but they made sure that most of them were new because they didn’t want the CD’s ruined, they wanted them to make sure they lasted as long as possible and Lynn aided once again with his enchantments and rune writing abilities, by making the CD’s resistant to damage. They tied it all together with large laptop bag and small wireless mouse.         Lynn opened up the mouse and reveal a small glowing vial containing a yellow crystal, it was a crystal fragment that could contain magical energy, and then turn that magical energy into electrical energy, so the crystal powered the wireless mouse. This was all so much I wanted to counter them, all of this, must have taken a few thousand dollars.         They told me not to care about the price, it was set of celebratory gifts wrapped up into one, A full recovery gift, with welcome to our world, welcome to your new home, and finally a happy birthday gift because they knew they’d miss my birthday this year, which was in just a few weeks.        The last gift was creation of Lynn’s, it was a magical energy converter much like the battery in the mouse, but this one was larger and could store and handle much more than the small crystal. It was made to recharge the laptop, so I could properly use said laptop. The gifts were amazing and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I hugged them both happily and kissed them just as much. Lynn told me about special charms on all the items which protected from all kinds of damages, and theft. The bag was enchanted to only be used by me so no one could open it or pry anything open. It was also enchanted to lighten the load of items it contained. So the shoulder bag was near weightless, but only to me. It was enchanted like Thor’s Hammer, only I could lift and use it.         I owed them big time for everything they had given me, and the accepted this happily and planned to hold this over me, but in the end Davin came to collect me. We all had to say our goodbyes, and I kissed them both goodbye, and they deserved nothing less.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Some Much Needed Explanation Part 2
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Some Much Needed Explanations Part 2
        Once the emotions had settled and I was able to calm Lynn enough to talk to him, I asked my first question. “Who is Master Gageth, what is the brand there talking about?” My words were simple but Lynn hesitated, and Mrs. Ring took a seat on the bed near my feet, her hands ran over my shins in order to comfort me. I was fine, hurt but fine.          “I’ve told your stories of my Master, the dead spirit who trained me in Magic while I still lived in Ende. Well that Master of Magic was Master Gageth. He is… Was, one of the first creators of the Mage City, where Mages live and get trained. Master Gageth was a Master of Rune Magic and said to be the third most powerful Mage among the Council of Ten Masters. Gageth’s Brand is a mark that acts as Key. Some magic even for most master mages is still forbidden. But The Brands we bear give us access to those forbidden spells. The Ten Masters can have one student who bears the Brand at a time, when this Brand is placed the only way to remove it is the student… Dies.” Lynn explained his muzzle hardly able to properly say anything about the Grave. He kept glancing at me from the side but he could never look at me directly.          “Why can’t I see the Brand? where is it?” I asked feeling my back but Mrs. Ring gave simple sounds of disapproval and took my hand and put it in my lap.          “Isen don’t scratch your back, you don’t want to fiddle with the bandages.” Mrs. Ring simply explained and when she said don’t scratch a simple itch started to form underneath the bandages. Darn seed psychology.          “The Brand is hidden on your back, it can only be seen in the reflection of a mirror and or Refraction. It can’t be normally seen, but it can be seen through alternate means. So when you were under the water the illusion I used to hide the brand was nullified; because the water refracted the image.” Lynn explained leaning on his arms truly bothered, and he wasn’t able to sit still, his fingers played simple games while his hands were clasped together, he leaned on his knees and covered his face.          “The illusion was supposed to protect you, I knew humans couldn’t use magic but when you were attacked a month after coming here by a demon out for blood during the festival of Spirits I had to do something. That’s why I started training you in magic, and breaking the law…. The Brand it was birthday gift. Training you was against the law, and if anyone found out that would mean you would be executed, so it was the only way I could protect you. I had to get Permission from Gageth to take on his Brand, and then pass his brand on to you. The Brands are special marks because they allow you to bypass some government laws, because when someone bears the brand regardless of who they are, they can be trained in magic regardless of what any government says. The Brands have some other special perks but that’s the only one I cared about. This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have trained you in magic I shouldn’t have given you a soul sword.”          “Oh Gods Lynn, you gave Isen a soul sword? Why would you do that?” Mrs. Ring protested looking down at Lynn and then at me, and something seemed to click in her mind.          “Wait is that why you cut your hand last week?” Mrs. Rings Attention on me and I just simply nodded, and her face fell and she looked at me. “You can’t tell anyone about that Isen, no one. Soul swords are rare weapons nearly outlawed across our world, only a few souls swords publicly exist. They are dangerous and powerful, and if anyone knew you had one, the HPD won’t be the only one who’ll come for your head. Mincridarins will too.”          “I know… I’m only supposed to use it for emergencies.” Mrs. Ring still looked worried and she took hold of my hands. “Why do you have to have so many targets on your back?” Mrs. Ring asked me rhetorically, her words sincere and soft, and her words created a silence in the room, that made it hard for anyone to speak afterwards.          “When are you going to do the experiment?” Lynn asked breaking the silence that was just created after nearly a minute of nothing. Though the silence turned into a sullen mood, because after what I heard I knew Lynn was scared of losing me, and this time instead of fighting to protect me he had to let the fate’s decided that. That alone left him terrified, and I could see this fear over his entire face.          “They’ll pick me up tomorrow, I won’t be leaving. Some doctors will stop by and start with the preparations and then I’ll be shipped off to the lab. If it’s successful I should be out of the hospital in three months, after going through Physical therapy.” I explained and Lynn nodded, and he got up from the chair, and went to the door, but before he left he glanced back at me.          “I…… I’ll go pack up your things.” He simply stated painfully, the stallion didn’t say goodbye before he left, closing the door behind his tail. Mrs. Ring looked at me sadly, but she leaned forward and kissed my forehead. “Please Isen call me when you’re safe.”          “I will… Thank you Mrs. Ring, and take good care of Andrew, and try not to be so harsh on your students while I’m gone.” I said simply leaning back into the pillow on the bed with the help of Mrs. Ring. The female Hyena just smiled, and clutched my hand not wanting to let go.          “Isen I love you.”  I smiled and I held her hand.          “I know, I’ll miss you Mrs. Ring.” I simply finished and Mrs. Ring nodded, and softly crying she let go of my hand and walked away saying a simple goodbye under her breath.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Some Much Needed Explanations
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Some Much Needed Explanations
         “What happened Lynn?! I got a call from one of my friends saying that Isen was in the Clinic.” Mrs. Ring called out frantically when she saw Lynn sitting by a door. The stallion looked up at Mrs. Ring and stood up to confront the female Hyena.          “He’s inside getting questioned by the Sir Tavrin, and a Royal Mage.”          “What happened Lynn!?” Mrs. Ring protested, taking hold of Lynn’s robes before forcing him back and into the wall. If the Mincridarn knight who governed the sanctuary was involved it was nothing good, and she needed answers, because all she had was a cryptic text saying Isen had gotten hurt and was in the clinic.  Lynn took hold of Mrs. Ring’s wrists and sat her in a nearby chair before looking down at her.          “They found out about his magic.”          “Oh Gods No. What are they going to do to him?” Mrs. Ring asked fearfully looking up at Lynn and Lynn fell silent.          “They can’t execute or imprison him, he’ll be fine. He bears one of the Ten Master Brands.” Lynn simply explained and Mrs. Ring looked up at Lynn and relaxed in some regard, but her entire form was still very much uneasy.          “How did he get that brand?”          “I gave it to him.”          “You gave it to him Lynn? Lynn where did you get that Brand?”          “Master Gageth gave it to me, I’ve taken his place as one of the Ten Master Mages.” Lynn explained and Mrs. Ring fell silent from shock, and she shifted unpleasantly in her seat, took her hands back.          “I’m sorry sir for acting so rashly, please forgive me.” Mrs. Ring apologized, and she acted in such a way because the Ten Masters was a title similar to a knight, but it bore weight in every country across their world. Lynn sighed when saw Mrs. Ring’s mood suddenly shift and he pulled up a chair in front of Mrs. Ring.          “Please don’t talk to me like that, I only took up the title to continue my Master’s legacy, I don’t want to be treated as a noble. Please don’t call me Sir or Master, just call me Lynn. You don’t need to be scared of me, just talk to me like I’m a citizen.” Lynn countered softly and Mrs. Ring looked at Lynn and relaxed.          “Lynn please tell me what’s happened?” Lynn nodded and he soon told Mrs. Ring everything he knew and it wasn’t much, but it was enough to put Mrs. Ring through a series of emotions. Mainly anger at Aldure for what he did to Isen. She also made several remarks about knocking one Aldure’s fangs out. Though Lynn kept these remarks suppressed because it was something she’d do if given the chance, but it wasn’t long until they finished talking that Sir Tavrin and the Royal Mage exited the room.  Lynn stood tall and approached them.          “The Brand is real.” The Royal Mage said looking at the knight and then at Lynn. “I just need proof of your bearing of title.” Lynn nodded and he held out his hand and from his hand, shadows grew from his fur and projected a black mark above his hand. The Royal mage fixed his glasses on his nose and took Lynn’s hand and started to look it over. He was quite for some time as the Mage was reading the small shifting inscriptions.  But he let go of Lynn’s hand, and looked at the knight.          “His Brand is real.” The Royal mage simply agreed and he looked up at Lynn and took a bow. “Master Lynn.” The Mage simply stated, to further prove his validation.          “Damn. I was hoping it didn’t have to come to this.” Sir Tavrin said looking up at Lynn as he brushed back his ears in annoyance. “Lynn this is a problem, Isen can’t stay on Earth we can’t let humans know a human mage has been trained.”          “What do you mean he can’t stay on Earth, he can’t go to Ecorein, the Anti-human protesters would devour him.”          “Lynn you don’t understand, what you have done could throw us back nearly two years of negotiating. If he wasn’t branded I would have taken him to Cadara and have him executed for breaking the law…” Lynn nearly knocked the knight’s skull in after saying that and even Mrs. Ring got up to protest but Lynn held out his arm to hold her back.          “But he does have the brand.”          “I can only think of one other option Lynn, its dangerous and experimental-” and when Lynn heard this he took hold of the knight’s clothes and pushed him against the door.          “You will not finish that sentence.” Lynn protested bitterly boring holes into knight’s eyes with his own gaze.          “Lynn, it’s either that or he dies. You’ve given the government no other choice. Were already on damage control as is, the negations we’ve been having with the human government involves the council of Masters. They were the ones said they wouldn’t train any human in magic without proper citizen protections and rights. Master Pell here is an ambassador for the council to help deliberate negotiations, with the American government. His word is the word of the councils.” Tavrin explained nodding to the Royal Mage nearby, and Lynn looked at the Mage angrily.          “Lynn for the betterment of Mincridarins you must make this choice, either let us Execute Isen for breaking the Mincridarn law, or you let us preform the experiment on him. Of course the second could be the death of Isen, but it also might give him a new life. Tell me Lynn what would you do if you had the ability to show our world to Isen?” The royal mage asked and Lynn just tightened his grip on Tavrin’s clothes, and he was about to speak up when Mrs. Ring interrupted him.          “Lynn, Isen will be safer if he can live in our world. The HPD already painted a target on his back. He can help out our kind no matter where he goes…Lynn I don’t want him to die either, I love him too.” Mrs. Ring said softly taking hold of Lynn’s shoulder and the stallion only became tense as he started to softly cry.          “I don’t want to lose him.”          “Lynn it’s either a chance of him dying or him or certainly dying. Which would you prefer?” Tavrin asked looking at the stallion who let him go, but who stood tall and towered over the knight and looked down at the male.          “If Isen dies, I’ll skin you alive and your whole family.” Lynn warned darkly as he took hold of the Knight’s neck and looked down at him. “Do I make myself clear?” The knight let out a cough of protest and he looked up at Lynn annoyed, and kicked the stallion back breaking free of the hold Lynn had on his throat…          “Don’t touch me like that again or it’ll be that last thing you do.” Tavrin countered and with that comment Lynn put his hand through the wall in anger. He glared down at the male and his body shed wisps of black smoke. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”          “Lynn I can’t control the fates, if Isen dies then he dies, but I’ll do my best to make sure he survives. This experiment if it can prove truly useful will do many good things in the future. Isen won’t die in vain… IF he dies.” Sir Tavrin explained brushing himself off, the threat of death doing nothing for him. “However it doesn’t matter what you would have preferred. Isen has already signed the agreements to go through the experiments, it was merely a matter of turning them in.”          “What?” Lynn protested looking down at the male.          “Lynn, you are not related to Isen in any way, you are not joined to him. He is not mentally impaired or not incapable of making his own choices. He is of sound mind so what he does with his life is not up to you.” Tavrin countered, and hearing this Lynn’s form slumped his heart wounded by the words, but Sir Tavrin was right.          “Then why did you even say it was my choice?!” Baron yelled in just confusion letting out some of internal turmoil in his words.          “What? You don’t think I love to cause a little bit of panic; it was fun to watch you struggle. You know you’re not as scary as some make you out to be.” Sir Tavrin said as he started to walk away. “Good Day Mrs. Ring, good bye Lynn.”  With those words Sir Tavrin and the Royal mage walked through a door and disappeared from sight.         Mrs. Ring came close and pulled Lynn’s fist from the wall and pulled him close, “Its ok. Isen will be ok.” Lynn wasn’t sure but he hoped, and he accepted Mrs. Ring’s comfort. Until he heard Isen call out to him from the recovery room.          “Lynn you need to fix the wall before you leave.” Isen called out and hearing Isen’s voice Lynn froze for a moment softly cried because his mind only thought of the corpse he might find in his care and the fact that he might not here Isen’s voice again. Lynn pushed Mrs. Ring to the side and opened and entered the room. He looked down at Isen and was filled with a mix of emotions. Fear, Anger, Sadness, Confusion, and Happiness because when he saw Isen sitting on the medical bed his torso bare and his stomach wrapped in bandages. He was happy Isen was alright and safe, terrified that Isen might die, sad because Isen was put in this situation because of what he had done, and confused because he didn’t know how to react to Isen going over his nose and agreeing to the experiment. He couldn’t think of anything to say so he let his body just take the lead and he came close to Isen and pulled the human into his chest.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Matra, Master and Minions     Part 4
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Matra, Master and Minions part 4 (Explicit)
       I decided upon wearing a blue silk vest with a soft hood with ear pockets on top. My ears stood up in these pockets keeping the hood in place over my head, I smelled of sex and I didn’t want to be seen, so I suppressed my magical presence and my soul; with those suppressed people would have a hard time noticing me move about. I was essentially a living ghost, and I moved around the city looking for some kind of bath to get rid of Master Raven’s scent, even if by a fraction. I felt like I needed to bathe myself for at least a day to even feel remotely normal again. I did find a bathhouse eventually, and shifted inside past the female tending the counter, without her noticing. I removed my clothes and tucked them inside the laptop bag, the bath house was busy so I blended in and disappeared among the patrons, with my presence suppressed.         I found a corner of the bath house and sat my things down behind me, and dipped into the warm steamy water using my magic to add steam to the air, just to make it that much harder to find me. It was a simple trick, and one of the few things I could do on such a large scale. I didn’t know much about magic, I never took Lynn’s lessons seriously, and my book had always came first, but that didn’t mean I didn’t know anything, I still knew quite a bit beginner magic. Thinking about how magic could have helped protected me, I knew I should have paid attention to Lynn’s lessons a bit more.        I ended up stealing another Mincridarn’s soap and using it on myself, it was a simple scent of flowers, and I probably shouldn’t have stolen a female’s soap, but it did its job and I left the bath house catching no one’s attention. I simply got dressed and left, hood over my head, and then my stomach growled as I was starving, I needed to eat something, but where to go?          “Hey, you didn’t need to steal my soap, you could have just asked.” I heard a female voice call out from behind me, and I turned around to look upon the face of a vixen wearing simple gray robes, which she was adjusting as she came closer to me.          “How did you sense me?” I asked simply confused because no one should have been able to sense my presence.          “I can’t, but I can smell you. That soap was a personal blend, I know its scent well, so when it disappeared I just simply followed its scent. Do you like it?” The vixen asked explaining how she tracked me, as she came closer to me and took a sniff of my neck, I backed away from her not wanting her to catch to much of my scent, because I didn’t want her to notice the smell of sex, or who it was that had raped me.          “You used a bit too much by the way, you don’t need all that much.” She simply informed and I just watched her start and walk away towards the railing, I felt like she wanted me to follow so I came to her side, and she leaned on the railing looking across the opening in the forest that trees didn’t grow in.          “Sorry about stealing it, I just needed something to cover up my scent.”          “You’re not in trouble are you?” The female asked looking at me, I shook my head. “No I just couldn’t stand it.”          “Yeah, it can get bad if you’re not careful about bathing often.”         “Yeah.” I simply agreed simply to cover up the fact I was lying.         “Why are you hiding your presence?”          “So I can’t be found.” I simply stated, and the female stood up and looked at me.          “Would you like to come to the temple with me, I could use some help cleaning up the grounds. I’ll feed you when you’re done.” The mention of food made my stomach turn and I felt embarrassed because she wasn’t deaf, and she could perceive me in some sense, so I couldn’t hide my hunger from her.          “Sure.” I simply agreed, and the Vixen nodded and lead me away, and I followed her not sure what to expect though. We walked through the city until we came to a large walled off structure at the end of a bridge. The walls were thick and the bridge was wide. The doors to the temple were as thick as I was, and decorated with magical wards that kept out evil. Mincridarins could be seen coming in and out of the temple, but instead of the altar being inside it was outside and uncovered, and in the massive courtyard Mincridarins were praying to the gods on mats and pillows. It was quiet and the female nodded me to continue following her, so we walked closer to the shrine.         I gave a simple thanks to gods as we passed the shrine, before following the female into a building behind the shrine, inside she washed her paws and dried them, I mimicked her and stepped up on to main floor of the building. She lead me to a closet filled with brooms fashioned from thick leaves. Rags and buckets of water. “You sweep I mop.” The Vixen instructed as she rolled up her sleeves and bound them in place, before filling a bucket with water from a small fountain in the closet. I followed her, and started to sweep as she commanded.         The simple act kept thoughts off my mind, and I was able to relax, being near the temple made me feel safe because I could remember Lynn… I missed him… Mrs. Ring I loved her deeply and I cherished Andrew, I wanted them to be happy and I wanted to be with them. I wondered when they’d come to Matra, like they talked about. I could understand packing and all the paper work needed to leave, but would it be weeks, months or was it possible they were already here? No Lynn would have tracked me through the laptop, I’m sure he put a tracking spell on it; I’m sure of it. It’s something he’d do, the over protective stallion. The last thought made me smile to myself, it was a warm though that I missed.          “Hey cat you’re done.” The vixen called out to me shaking me from my thoughts and I looked at her, she was panting and sweating. “You can call me Isen.” I stated handing over the broom not realizing how much I had done until she had spoken to me, and taken me out of my thoughts.         “Isen, well come with me, my dad is cooking lunch.”          “I thought you were cooking it?” I simple questioned watching and following the female like a stray dog.          “Dad wanted to make something special, he saw how focused you were on your sweeping. He wanted to cheer you up.” The vixen explained as she carried the things to the closest and dumped out the water and hung the rags.   “Also call me Viara.” Viara simply added as she motioned for me to follow her deeper inside the temple and into a small room, where a place set for three was laid out on the table that was just a foot above the floor; very Japanese.         I sat down on a pillow and Viara sat at the table next to me, and soon enough her father soon entered carrying a boiling black pot of some kind of food. The Male fox sat the meal down in the center of the table and revealed the lid when he sat down. A thick green soup, with white particles floating about, looking much like rice.          “Gogen soup.” The female simply stated, her tail shifting about happily as she served herself a bowl, and then took mine and served me. Her father served himself.         “Shall we have a blessing?” The father asked looking at me, and I held out my hands. We formed a triangle.          “God of Harvest thank you for this meal, may you continue to provide the world with sustenance.” The father simply said and we dropped hands, I watched them take the bowl right to their lips and start swallowing the green mixture, so I did the same. The soup tasted like sugar, pure thick wet sugar, with sour grains of rice. It was filling in some way but I’d defiantly have to clean my teeth after drinking it.         The father covered the pot and got up. “I’ll be right back, I’ll fetch the bread.” He simply stated and he left through a door not far away and came back with a loaf of bread and a cutting board. He cut large pieces of bread free and with the bread we cleaned the thick sugar water from the bowls. My stomach was satisfied for the time being, but it didn’t feel right eating something as sweet as this for a main course.         But I didn’t want to say that because I didn’t know too much about Matra, and this could be normal and I’d just look like an idiot. So I thanked them for the meal, and got up to leave. “Isen we are caretakers of this temple, it’s our duty to give people a place to rest and fill their stomach. You are always welcome here, so don’t be a stranger.” The father stated as I went to the door.          “I’m sure I’ll be back sir.” I simply confirmed and he smiled warmly enjoying their company.          “Good, I could always use someone to help clean the house when Viara slacks off.” The father joked lightening the atmosphere with his laugh as the daughter protested this. I once again thanked them for the meal, but after that I left the temple, just so I could wander the streets for some place I could rest, or call home. -Elsewhere- “You lost him?!” Ambassador called out in anger looking down at Master Raven as he sat on a couch in front of the female tigress who was fuming in anger. “I should have known better than to trust you with this, I stretched my neck out for you, and you might as well have cut my head off. I knew should have known you couldn’t have handled this, separated duty from your job. I should have listened to my sister.” The Ambassador simply cried out in anger, wondering what to do now, she had come to pick Isen up and take him to the embassy, and get him settled into his job, she had Matra citizens waiting for his lessons on human culture, and even two Adestrians from the Adestrian embassy.          “My slaves will find him, and bring him back.”          “No! You’re done. You’re lucky I don’t let the guards drag you to prison. You assaulted and raped a noble, not a citizen, he was not only working with us by contract but Adestrians as well. When they learn of this, and the fact that we can’t even take care of him, do you realize ramifications of what you’ve done? Your actions are right on the edge of treason. Your personal actions have caused a transformed human to run around without supervision, if citizens learn of this do you realize what that could mean? But no it’s not only that, it’s the transformed human apprentice of one of the Ten Masters. You actions have not only ruined relations with Adestria, when they find out, not if they find out, but also the quite literally fucking over our relations with the Mages Council, who also have control a large portion of Tax revenue, with magical schools created to help train students of all ages who can live in the Mage city, libraries both for mages and for our own people, and that’s not counting the large magical citizen populace they control. They also protect Tarva from spiritual attacks. It’s because of the Mages council that Tarva still is still a city” The ambassador explained bitterly and aggressively, before she groaned and felt her face pushing back her ears. “Gods, the mountain of paper work I’m going to have to do.”          “He gave me permission.” Master Raven said trying to find some way to counter the Ambassadors words, against him.          “And that makes it right! Gods, are you kidding me? Dammit Raven swallow your pride. This isn’t about you, this about the people of Matra. You’re lucky by the end of this you even have your noble mark anymore.” The Ambassador explained and Master Raven hands tensed.          “What are your talking about? The Raven family has been one of the oldest family lines in Matra for generations, we hail from the Old Queens first royal circle. You can’t do that? You’d be erasing centuries of history.” Master Raven countered, and the female just sat up and fixed herself.          “And how far the name has fallen, you’re not even a black bird like your father. You losing the family mark would be a blessing. You’ve shamed your Ancestors enough, the least you can do is give up the name willingly. Now I have to go and clean your damn mess, again.” The ambassador countered roughly as she got up and started to walk away.          “Wait, what if I can fix this?” Master Raven called out just before the Ambassador left his line of sight, even though he didn’t move his head to follow her.          “That’d be the day you give up your name willingly.” The Ambassador countered knowing Master Raven would never do that. Master Raven didn’t say anything when the Ambassador left, and when she did his hands were firm fists. He had to fix this, or he’d lose everything.         That meant trusting his slaves could find Isen first, before the royal guard, in the end Master Raven got to his feet and went downstairs to wait. He was alone and nervous and he couldn’t hide his nervousness because if he couldn’t get Isen to accept him, or maybe forgive him, this would be end for him, he be nothing and have nothing, he wouldn’t even have his name anymore. Those depressing thoughts clouded his mind until he felt a familiar presence suddenly explode outwards… Then came the sound of bells signaling the city was under attack.          “That idiot better not die!” Master Raven called out in anger as he bolted from the brothel to follow magical presence. It wasn’t all that far but it still meant running through a crowd of scared citizens crying out in fear, and panic. Mincridarins may know how to fight but fighting wasn’t something everyone could do.         When Master Raven got to the capital market circle, he saw Isen standing amongst a group of soldiers and mages but he was in front of them, everyone’s gaze was looking up at a Black Queen Snake. It was Giant and let out a loud hiss that spray the area with poison. Thankfully Isen had put up a barrier to protect himself.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Transformation Part 2
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Transformation Part 2
        I never got sick from eating meat, so that was good to know. It’s been two weeks since I’ve been stuck here in the hospital. I can move around, but only like a new born horse, a lot of my writing looks like crap too. But Dr. Ray has taken me out of diapers, thank the gods because there where points I nearly lost myself and started playing with my new phallus under the wet padding… It’s not like I can’t, but still it would have just made any conversations with Dr. Ray or Mrs. Olive incredibly awkward. Though after the first week I was taken out of the critical watch room, as Dr. Ray called it, and I was taken to a shared hospital space with a fellow transforme.         Henry was a human just like me living in a sanctuary, he was dying of leukemia at age eleven, the cancer was terminal and he would have died by the end of the month. Though he told how he was laying in the hospital bed and how a Mincridarn knight came to him in shiny armor, and told him about the experiment. He told me how his parents were terrified, but they had no choice, they agreed to the experiment. I asked Dr. Ray about Henry and he explained that the transformation is like a super intense gene therapy. It completely changes the body and the structure of the DNA, so it was entirely possible to go through the experiment and be cured of some forms of long term or deadly medical issues. Henry underwent transformation, and was cured of Leukemia and turned it a surprisingly playful fruit bat.         Though because of the transformation Henry can’t go back to Earth, so his parents went under the transformation as well so they could be with their son. Henry lost his mother during the transformation, but his father is alive and well a bat just like his son, he and visits the Henry often. Henry is in his second month of physical therapy, he can walk, and do things as if he was human, but he’s still working on flying. His father isn’t happy about his son trying to fly but he does his best to be supportive.  When they’re physical therapy is done their going to move into a special apartment building for transforme’s in Cadara. There they’ll be able to get used to life without technology, and help other Mincridarins settle into American society.         But they are one of the lucky families, most families try and mimic what Henry and his father did, and sometimes each one of them ends up dying, or only a parent comes through. The experiment is tragic but life changing for the few that can go through it, in more than one way. So far out of the two hundred people that have gone under the transformation process, only eighteen have come out it unscathed, perfectly normal and healthy. Thirty four have lost some kind of function, unable to move a limb, some can’t walk, some have developed Alzheimer’s, and some can’t even remember they were human in the first place. The Thirty four count as Failures to doctors, but the doctors do their best to help those weakened by the transformation. Out of the fifty two who survived, ten have committed suicide, three others are on a suicide watch, and another has been locked and restrained in order to protect the staff and patients, from his insanity caused by the loss of his daughter, who was dying of cancer as well.         It’s now week three and I’m nearly halfway done with my food testing. I can walk firmly but my hand writing is still crap, I also break the pencil far less now then I once did. I forgot how strong Mincridarins really were because the pencil was like paper thin ice, it just shattered when I held it too hard. My physical therapy has turned less into therapy and more into combat training. I end up sparing with some of the other adult patients often, and the combat training seems to work, because it’s a mix of movement and balance. The hardest part for me was learning to walk with my tail lashing about behind me, now I can walk rather well and can use my tail to keep balance.         It’s still weird to be able to control the movement of my ears, my claws on both hands and feet. Because by the end of learning how to control my claws I had ended up scratching Dr. Ray three times in one way or another, and Mrs. Dove plenty more. My sense of smell is sometimes a bit overwhelming, I can’t spell in kind of spice or I will either sneeze or my nose will burn, mostly both at the same time.         I’m going to wait to contact Lynn and Mrs. Ring, I just want to have a bit more control of my body before I tell them how I’m doing. They’ll both skin me alive for waiting, but I want it to be more of a surprise. Dr. Ray said they’d have to sign a non-disclosure agreement before talking to me but I could call them at any point afterwards. The doctors also had to do a secondary testing of my sperm which Dr. Ray got with his magical hands. The results showed that I couldn’t have children of my own, which was kind of sad, but I always thought adopting might be something I do in the end anyways.         It’s week six now, I’m in my second month of physical therapy, and I’m starting to fine tune my motor control, I can use a pencil without breaking it now, and Dr. Ray also started me in Gymnastic training. So I’ve been using the beam for the past week to practice balance and flexibility. Fuck Lynn’s going to love how flexible I’ve become, because apparently a standard for the feline Mincridarins, is that they have double jointed limbs. I can put my feet behind my head, and do a proper set of splits without it feeling like I’m going to tear myself in half. When no one was around I even got a taste of my personal flexibility, shot right down the back of my throat; Salty…yum.         Though by week six I noticed some growth out of place, on the top of my head my fur started to grow and elongate giving me a small hairdo that wasn’t all that interesting. Dr. Ray cut this off and explained to me that the growth was some of my human DNA showing through. It was a normal side effect, so it was nothing to worry about. Just a quick trim.         One of the Human transforme’s was a striper and Opal, she preferred this name and even had some of her fur died a dark blue, mainly around the hands, feet and the tip of the tail, and also around the neck. She found out I was gay, and being that we were both gray short haired cats she wanted to do something fun for the doctors…         The doctors, nurses and some adult patients came to watch out little show. Opal had shown me how to use my flexibility to work the poles, and my new found strength. Mrs. Ring and Lynn would have lost their minds if they had seen it. I’d have to put on a personal show for them when I saw them next time. Dr. Ray treated me a bit differently after that, he’d make sexual remarks and be a tease himself. It was harmless fun, and I played along for the most part as I continued my Physical Therapy.         Week eight was the first time I actually called Lynn and Mrs. Ring over Skype, when they saw me they were reasonably upset, and they gave me a furious lecture for an hour that I was forced to listen too. But by the end I was able to tell them how my physical therapy was going, some of my stories and how much I was loving my new Feline form. A gray American short hair with thick black stripes, and a soft gray underbelly.         They demanded I strip for them so they could get a better look at my entire body, I of course had to tease them, there was no way I couldn’t, but when that little show was done. Lynn started to cry loudly and covered his face with his hands. He was beyond happy that I was safe and still myself, he couldn’t wait to see me in person.         At this point we set up a date and time to meet in Cadara, I couldn’t go back to earth so they had to come back to Cadara to visit which was completely fine. The trip just had a wait time. Though we both ended up ending the call, but not before they demanded a video call tomorrow which I was forced to agree to in the end.         Week ten         My health review was underway, but by now I was able to eat anything I wanted, I could eat sugar and chocolate thankfully, and raw meat of the farm and fish variety. I was able to function on my own, I walked with ease I could even see some familiarity with my hand writing. The next two weeks were just long term close review, just to make absolutely certain that I was truly stable. They did many blood tests, testing for everything and anything. Dr. Ray cataloged my sperm one finale time, god I loved his hands, and he was more than happy to use them but this time, he became evil and teased me the bastard. Left me dripping for two minutes, wouldn’t finish me off no matter how much I begged him to just take my seed. It was totally inappropriate but I wasn’t going to mark him down.         My blood tests showed the same results, and my sperm actually did change, it must have been the chemicals or I was still going under minor transformations internally, but I now could bear children. The sperm based on genetic testing was healthy, though Mr. Ray had to take another sample just to make sure, that was a fun escapade I’d have to tell Lynn and Mrs. Ring about.         But while I was waiting for the tests to be confirmed that I was healthy I practiced and trained myself on the beam, having a new found love for the gymnastic equipment. I met a few of the healthy newcomers, or at least the ones that would talk to me.         On my finale day I was given a warm goodbye, by the hospital staff that would love if I returned and put on one of my shows again. I wasn’t sure but it sounded like a fun idea; and they were also entirely serious about the remark as well.         Outside the hospital a black van picked me up, and drove me off to the portal, because of the non-disclosure agreement I was forced to sign before leaving the hospital, I can’t say anything about where or what the portal looked like, or anything about the building I was lead through and screened.         But what I can tell you is that when I came through and left the Portal compound as I shall call it from now on, it was raining. It was pouring, I had never felt ran on my pelt so I had a little fun in the rain before one of the guards forcefully led me to a truck and inside. From inside the truck the sky shook and I had to cover my ears from the loud blasts of thunder. It was like a cannon firing off in the sky above me. Now I understood why animals were so terrified of storms, it wasn’t the rain they were scared of but the sounds created in the sky above.         I smelt metal because of the rain, the rain made it hard to smell anything because all I could smell was rain and wet dirt.         However I soon realized I wasn’t going to the Transformee’s Apartment house in the city, where I was supposed to go and stay for a week for lessons on how to live and act in the Mincridarn home world. I was instead taken to the Adestrian Embassy in the Royal Palace. Apparently my contract with the Adestrians still held ground no matter where I went, and what happened to me, so I still worked for them, just not on Earth.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Warm Scales Part 2
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
Warm Scales Part Two
        My week was pretty plain, I stayed mostly at home under Lynn’s watchful gaze, and my bodyguard’s. I’d talk to Mrs. Ring on the phone, text her as well. I’d do what I could to answer any questions I could for Aldure. Though he was still had his moments of stress when he was trying to understand our technology, as well as, try not to break it. I cooked and cleaned in order to clear my mind when I wasn’t writing, but when I was writing that was all I did. Though when the weekend came around I knew I had to do something else. So I simply decided this was the day I was going to take Aldure around the sanctuary.         Lynn was busy with his police work, so Ilian and Aldure’s two guards were our only protection. Aldure hadn’t really left the apartment since he first came to it. So this was the first time he actually got a proper look around the Sanctuary, so he had plenty of questions. So like museum guide I took the lead and started to explain everything to Aldure, at least everything I could.          “This sanctuary is set up on the southern end of New York City, it’s five by five city blocks. In the center going vertically; is the park, grave yard and temple. The blocks going around the perimeter of the sanctuary are regulated for housing. ON either side of the park, going vertically by three blocks is the stores, restaurants, and markets, but also the fire station and the police department which share building space with one another. IF you have any problems with disturbences you just have to call 911, all phones in the sanctuary are already locked to the police and fire station, so you won’t end up calling a human controlled police station.” I explained gesturing around to buildings as I explained, Aldure followed my gaze as I looked around, but he said nothing, just taking in my words.          “New York City in the contract we signed with them, Cadara owns all the land and this sanctuary, and this sanctuary acts as an embassy for their people. However because of this, the Mincridarn government personally regulates law and problems such as fire, building regulations. New York City will provide us power and water, at the cost of the American government. This sanctuary and the few others across the ten states so far are the only places Mincridarins and Adestrians are allowed to live in, these sanctuaries were created as signs of good faith.”          “But where do you go to train and spar?” Aldure asked and I looked up at the dragon, because this was a common question.          “On the right side of the sanctuary in the market district on the back side, or facing away from the park is the Arena, and a large specialized gym tailored to all kinds of Mincridarins. Each day of the week there are classes specializing in types of combat, and weaponry? Today, Saturday, is spears and Leggala Royal Martial Arts hand to hand combat training. On Sundays, sometimes we’ll have human martial arts instructors come in and teach. We’ve had all kinds of martial arts, Mix Martial arts, Tai’ Chi, Wing Chun, Kung Fu; and that’s just naming a few.         In the Arena every month give or take a few days we’ll have fighting tournaments, that are recorded live and you can watch these fights in your apartment on channel one.”          “Where do you get healed if you’re hurt?”          “The clinic is right next door to the gym for obvious reasons. It has a mix of human, and Mincridarn healers non-magical and magical.”  I simply answered and Aldure nodded as we continued to walk around the Sanctuary.          “Is flying regulated?”          “Yes and no, in the area above the sanctuary flying is permitted for avian breeds, but you aren’t allowed to fly beyond the boarder of the sanctuary. We don’t have a lot of Avian breeds here, but you’ll see one every now and then flying about.” I explained and Aldure nodded looking at the sky where a single avian Mincridarn was flying off somewhere.         The streets and the sidewalks were filled with Mincridarins walking around talking and or playing. Since there was no cars, cubs played in the streets free of fear of being hurt. Mincridarins were incredibly social, it wasn’t normal for them to be locked away in their homes. They were active and loved doing physical activities and being around others. So as we walked we got looks from many Mincridarins that we passed. They gave kind greetings, some of them as we walked by called out to me seductively; cat calling me.         An older Mincridarn female even came to me and offered us some of her cooking when we passed by her window. The old Feline handed out some fresh cookies, oatmeal raisin. Mincridarins in some rare cases had stomachs similar to the animal they took after so chocolate and sugar were highly regulated. There weren’t really any kind of deserts, other than some well baked berries and fruits. So the cookie wasn’t very sweet, but it was still rather good. Aldure and I thanked the old feline, and the guards as well since they got one from the female as well.          “Is there any bars?”          “What kind of bars are you looking for because there are a few?” I asked and Aldure looked down at me.          “Just want to know.”          “Well, we do have an old Irish pub on the left side of the park in the market area, there are a few other bars but those bars are normally inside special clubs.” I answered keeping the idea of strip clubs to a minimum because of the cubs that were around. Strip clubs for Mincridarins weren’t looked down upon, in fact Lynn told me they were fairly common. The definition of Bar for Mincridarins was a little skewed because a bar for them was a strip club, and unlike most human strip clubs, it’s normal for the servers, to be fully nude, and not gender biased. So it was entirely normal to be buying drinks for females and be served drinks from a stark nude male. Mincridarins and Adestrians weren’t homophobic in any regard. Though some had problems dating the same gender, it wasn’t same thing as being homophobic, because they could easily have a gay friend and not be bothered by them, it was just the act that bothered them.          “Do you have any public bathes or pools?” Aldure asked and I looked up at the Aldure.          “It’s on the right side of the park on the north end behind the arena.” I informed and Aldure nodded and stretched his body.          “The shower is too small, I can’t spread out my wings when I bathe so I can’t wash myself properly.” I nodded, wondering about that because it’s not like it was a bad thing, but I realized every now and then Aldure had a small musk to him, now I understood why.  Though another thing to understand about Mincridarn and Adestrian customs, was that it was totally normal to bathe with a friend, sister, bother, mother or father, at any age, even as adults it was common for the son to bath with his father or relative.         They did this in order to properly clean the fur, and check for any kind of parasitic insects that might have taken hold. Because of this thinking, public bathes are normal and not sex segregated. Females of any age could bathe with males of any age. Even when I first became Lynn’s roommate I bathed with him in a nonsexual manner.          “I wish most of my friends could see this world, no matter where I looked it’s just amazing. The level of human technology and the intellect required to build and craft such buildings and such small things.” Aldure said as he continued to look at buildings as we walked by them. Each of them run down in their own way, but slowly getting repaired and cleaned. Even after nearly five years of the Mincridarins coming to earth, the buildings were still very much unpleasant, and needed plenty of help. Slowly the buildings were getting better but it still took a while.          “Sometimes we humans don’t realize what is in front of us until we take a step back and actually think about the things around us. We use computers but we don’t understand how the circuitry and programing of the computer work. And sometimes when we look back at before such things were created we don’t realize until then how wonderful the technology we have really is.” I added as I kept a nearly even pace with Aldure. The dragon just simply nodded, and for some time we only just walked looking around.         Every now and then Aldure would ask a question and I’d answer him, we talked to others, had a few laughs as we told some stories of our past. But when lunch came around we sat down at a restaurant. “The Serpents Bite”, the restaurant was owned and controlled by two twin sisters, green tree snakes from Matra, a country to the Far East. Where cities and villages are built in the ancient and giant trees that covered the landscape.  The Serpent’s Fang, was a restaurant tailored to cooking only spicy foods from all across the world, mainly recipes from the Mincridarn home world, but there were some human dishes such as curry, and chili.         We were sat down by a teenage stag, his antlers still rather small, just a two point rack. He wore a simple Green apron with a white button up shirt and brown slacks. He gave us menus, Aldure and I both ordered waters to start with.          “So I guess I’ll pay.” I called out knowing in a way it would be rude not too, I was showing Aldure around for the most part anyways.          “No I’ll pay, I have one of the plastic card thingy’s.” Aldure countered dropping his menu too look at me, I just looked at him, his gaze was firm and I could tell he wasn’t going to budge. The noble spirit of the dragon coming forward. “Do you even know how to use a credit card?” I asked simply and Aldure face flushed, and he mouthed quiet words to try and counter but he slouched in defeat.          “No.” Aldure simply stated and I expected this, but he brought his head back up and looked at me.          “But I’ll owe you a meal.”          “That’s fine.” I simply agreed and Aldure perked up hearing this, and looked down at his menu; drinks came not to long after. I was given a normal sized cup, Aldure was given the pitcher. The water was cold and it was a simple comfort before we ordered our meals.         Aldure ordered the spicy chicken curry, as spicy as it could be, I ordered the Avrin, which is a Mincridarn vegetarian dish, and where spicy peppers from the Mincridarn home world are cut open and stuffed with warm riced sautéed with spice based herbal sauce. The peppers were like large hand sized jalapenos, and they had a similar taste but a much firmer kick.          “You know humans would think were on a date.” I said as Aldure was drinking from the pitcher, my words caused him to cough up the cold water into his hand and he looked at me with large eyes. A female wolf quickly came over to help clean up Aldure with a hand towel. Though Aldure shooed her away and she left the towel, and he dried off his hands, as he spoke.          “What are you talking about?”          “Showing you around the town, taking you out to eat. I’m just saying, most people would call this a date.” I explained and Aldure fell quiet and looked at me, and spoke after a moment.          “Well it wouldn’t be a bad date.” Aldure admitted, and I gave small laugh because in my own opinion if Aldure and I were dating I wouldn’t say it was bad either. Though my simple remark lead into conversations about Lynn and Mrs. Ring, and some of my comments turned ears. Mincridarins didn’t need to look at you, and it took some getting used to, but you don’t look for their eyes when you’re trying to talk privately but there ears; because they swivel around to catch your conversation if there interested in listening.         As we talked about Mrs. Ring and Lynn, the conversation shifted towards escapades and other males and females I might be interested in, and my “Type”. During this conversation I got plenty of turned ears, but we both fell silent once our food had arrived. We didn’t talk as we ate, the food was too good to be distracted from. I paid for the meal after drinking a tall glass of milk to wash away the heat of the pepper I had just eaten. But regardless of what I tried to do the edges of my mouth still burned, but my stomach was satisfied.         After I got my card back, and Aldure and I left to walk the streets with the guards who had been outside watching the door. Aldure brought up the idea of going to the public bathes, even the guards seemed interested in the idea and by how Aldure asked me it seemed the plan hinged on my agreement. So I didn’t turn it down, plus a warm bath after all the walking we did sounded like a fun idea anyways. Plus I had always wanted to see what Adestrians looked like under all their clothes. Aldure normally bathed with his guards and Ilin bathed with the guards as well, so I had never seen them naked; and come on they were well balanced thick walls of muscle and scales, I had to get a better look at them.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
      If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote. For every post I’ve tagged it with “Part (then a number)” so you can search for specific parts. If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
         It had been a few days after the ruined date I had with Mrs. Ring and her son Andrew; the playful third wheel. Though I thought about it as ruined, Mrs. Ring loved it regardless. Battle didn’t scare her in fact it kind of just proved her point; that I needed someone like her to protect me even more. I had tried to explain that it wasn’t a good thing, but she was a Mincridarn, and she wasn’t going to let it go, so I gave up trying.          For the most part the Adestrian military fully agreed to give me a protective detail, just one Adestrian guard was sent to keep a close eye on me and protect me. He followed me everywhere. It was nice but also incredibly annoying. Being under his, the Yellow Drake’s intimidating gaze, now made me understand why there were so many celebrity story lines, where the celebrity runs away from their body guards. His gaze was oppressive and suffocating, I couldn’t even go to the bathroom by myself anymore. He even made a point to prevent people from coming to close to me. Which was a good thing because I was now free, and I had many persistent stalkers who wanted to be my mate and or mate with me. So it wasn’t all bad.          It was Lynn’s idea to go to the temple Wednesday morning, my secondary long distance protective detail. Ever since the HPD (Human Prosperity Division) tried to kill me he was different, he was distant in all most every sense; it was hard to talk to him. He was always busy looking out for me, it like he was there but somewhere else mentally. He almost lived in my apartment, with Aldure. It’d take some effort just to get him to leave, and leave my protection detail with to my new body guard. In a way it was good because he was focused on something else but, in the same way, he practically gave up on trying to date me or be my mate again. It was a weird sensation but that bothered me.         The one reason that Lynn brought the idea of going to the temple was because he was very religious, like most Mincridarins. He was devote believer in the Gods of Creation, and he hadn’t gone to the temple in a while. It was about time he visited and prayed.          See that was the one interesting thing about the Religion of the Mincridarins, there was no true set day for religion, no set time to pray, not set times on how many time a person needed to pray. No true philosophy of enlightenment, or better understanding. The Gods of Creation, was a religion based truly and fully based on faith, the belief in that the Gods of Creation truly existed. In some cases, they had true and very real reasons to believe in their gods.            See Mincridarins, in their Dimension, where their world resides, Demons, and Angles are true and very much real. Interactions with such beings are very normal, and regular. Both Angels and Demons still clash but those that talk to either party hear stories of the gods of creation and their actions. It’s even said that two of the gods of Creation, the Goddess of Quire; The Goddess of Water, is sealed inside the body of a Female called Lilyanna Malrin, who lives with and is joined with the God of Assassination, in the royal Palace in Mincara; the Mincridarins; Capital city. Both of these “Gods” are well known for their limitless and incredible magical feats. It’s said that Lilyana Malrin, came to a beach off the coast of some foreign country, looked up at the massive tsunami that would drown much of the city. She simply raised her hands and the entire wave just stopped in middle of its crest. And as if it was nothing sent the water back into the ocean and settled the waves. The God of Assassination is said to be so deadly and so precise, he can slaughter three thousand soldiers in under a minute. Such feats of magic, even to most masters of Magic, is beyond comprehension, the amount of magic required to do such tasks is immeasurable.         Also simply, Lilyanna Malrin and her Mate have both openly stated that they were gods, and after knowing some of their stories it hard think of any way they could be lying. Summoned Angels and Demons have both confirmed these claims.
         Though there is plenty of support of Human religion, the fact that such claims, and provable evidence in the existence of Gods, and Goddess exist. The Mincridarn Religion of the Creation, is widely supported. Though it’s still shunned and looked down upon, because closed minded people still can’t believe the stories and claims.         Though the Mincridarn religion also spreads fear to many, because of the reliable evidence and claims. In some Middle Eastern countries Mincridarins are out right banned as well as their religion. Some countries and states have done the same. Mincridarins are only able to actually to live and visit ten states across America; anywhere else is dangerous.          I personally follow the religion, I was one of those people that would say “If you can prove it I will come”. Mincridarins have proved the existence in gods and therefore I go to pray and worship. So I visit the temple with a few Mincridarins every week to pray for an hour.           Unlike most buildings in the Mincridarn Sanctuary, every building is normally run down and broken in some state, cracked bricks, old ruined floors, dilapidated houses, ruined leaky roofs; terrible, oh so terrible wallpaper, and so many mechanical hazards.          The temple was the only purely Mincridarn built structure, the building was made with old Medieval style techniques and a few modern shifts, due to regulations. The temple was the size of a proper church. It had to massive doors capable of fitting any kind of Mincridarn breed, and or Adestrian. The doors were made with two inch thick pieces of ancient oak, reinforced with metal braces and nails. The doors were carved with the images of the Gods of Creation. The craftsman ship was nothing beyond short of museum worthy. But unlike most modern buildings the old oak doors were built on a track, and slid into the walls. They were never locked.          I could never push open the doors, but Mincridarins could do it with frightening ease, each door would probably weigh around a thousand pounds. So a simple bell was installed for us weaklings, and the caretaker of the temple would come and open them for us. The Caretaker of this temple was and older Gentleman, an old buffalo. He was kind and gentle just as he was strong, he loved playing with the cubs and watching them for the mothers and fathers that entered to pray. In fact he built a small playground in the garden behind the temple just for them.            The Caretaker, as I only know him as, because when someone becomes a caretaker they no longer have a name but a title. The Caretaker wasn’t around which I expected, since I could see plenty of Mincridarins in the massive open hall when I entered. The old Caretaker was probably just watching the cubs.          All humans are supposed to take off their shoes, while Mincridarins are supposed to clean their feet in a small water bath nearby. Towels were simple and clean.          The solid stone slab floors were cold but comfortable. Light streamed down inside the temple from outside through stain glass windows. Which had no pictures of Gods or Angels or Demons, they simply were patterned to added color and atmosphere to the room.          I took a small pillow from a wooden shelf on the wall, which was made for my size. There weren’t chairs or pews, just the floor and an altar. I didn’t say anything because the temple would echo my words to Lynn, and Lynn was dead quite. I knew better than to say anything anyways, because Lynn grew up as Grave Keeper, his very life revolved around religion and religious rites, and he had punished me for speaking or saying anything before. The temple was not a place to converse but commune; Nothing else. If you wished to speak you do it outside. Phones were a big No, anything that caused sound beyond simple whispering was loathed. So either the phone was silent or it was placed in a bin to be taken later.          I simply turned my phone on silent and walked with Lynn, as his feet clopped and echoed through the hall. I simply took a seat on the floor where the space was open. I sat on floor pillow, while Lynn went to the altar.          The Altar was at the front of the hall up two small steps, on this gray stone slab altar with rising steps of its own, were large one foot tall statuettes. Each of the statuettes represented the idea of what one of the gods of creation were. No one touched them other than the caretaker. It was forbidden to touch them, they were sacred objects. Each of the statuettes were placed in a category, fifty one to the left were made of the cleanest white Marble possible, and these represented the heavenly gods. Fifty-one of the blackest of natural stones represented the Gods of the Underworld. Eighteen of the stones in the center were made from the dirtiest gray possible, a mix of black and white never too much of one color. These represented the Gods of Gray, or the Gods of balance. They watched over the mortal plane, and protected the mortal plane from Divine and Dark Influences. They were the Law Keepers of the Gods.          One thing to know about the Gods of Creation, Black and white didn’t mean the same thing for Mincridarins, both Black, White and Gray were just categories. Black represented the Deepest Abyss in the hearts mortals, but that didn’t mean Sin, or Evil but the nothing. The Black Gods Governed over the Nothingness; the loss of everything that makes a person a person. They ruled over the underworld to punish those who have done wrong and evil things in their life but that doesn’t make them evil, it’s simply their job to punish. The White Gods Govern the idea of Existence, everything that is not nothing but still something. They look over the Heavens to grant peace and purity, but that doesn’t make every white god good natured. Gray represents a balance between nothingness and existence, a cycle of both, life and death; rebirth. Gray is the embodiment of neutrality, neither good nor evil, but both at the same time. This is why the Gray represented the mortal plane where life is finite, and protected it from Divine and Dark influences.          I normally prayed to the Gray gods, the Goddess of the Library, who governed over stored knowledge, to help me in my writings. The God of Creation, to help me come up with ideas about what to write about. Finally I would pray for good health, to protect me from sickness. Normally once you’re pray to the gods you converse with them, to tell them stories about your life. It’s like entertaining them. Lynn explained it to me like listening to the radio. The gods could listen to anyone and could change between who was praying, so they weren’t likely to hear your but that didn’t mean they couldn’t. In a way it was like confession but you didn’t need to speak to anyone but the gods and yourself. It was kind of nice at some points, to just know that someone might honestly be listening to me and my silly problems.           I’d normally stay and pray for an hour to just relax and kind of meditate, just talking to the gods or anything that might be listening to me. Spending an hour in near total silence was normal for most Mincridarins, and when I finished I looked at Lynn who was still praying to the Black God of Burial. Though the Burial was a Black god that didn’t make it evil, it was kind of like talking to a telecommunications company. The god of Burial would take prayers and pass them on to those that had died.          Lynn was praying to his Parents, his Parents died when a demon attacked his home, trying to claim souls from the dead his family tended. It was a blood bath, and he had watched his parents die. However because of his natural affinity to the darkness, he had slain the demon who had been weakened in combat with his parents. He missed them terribly, but even if Lynn was given all the magic in the world he’d never try and take his parents from paradise, he’d just have to wait until the day he died to see them again.          But what I found interesting to watch was the ceremonial stance Lynn took whenever he prayed. He would never fall to the floor and lower his head in prayer, he never sit upright and meditate. He would stand straight up, bring his right leg back, bend it to the point he was partially kneeling. He’d bring up his hands up, and a foot away from his face, lower his head and close his eyes, with left hand on top of right hand, level with his eyes brows he’d pray.          On special occasions, I’ve seen Lynn pull out his Gray Robes, and preform powerful magical cleansing rites on the Graveyard around the temple; to keep dark beings away and to help the dead pass on. He normally preformed this during the Festival of Spirits, a day with communing with the dead and when the walls around the mortal plane were weakened on purpose for just a single day. It was both a good and bad day, because that was the day that dark entities would run rampant or take hold, but it was good because that was day when the souls of the dead could come to the earth to speak with their loved ones.
         Ever since the Mincridarins had come to Earth, their strange rules and magical laws have affected this world as well. Many people visit the graveyards just to see those they lost again, but this also causes plenty of fear, and turmoil. And the Festival of Spirits is both feared and or loved. Though I personally haven’t lost anyone I love yet, though I hope that never happens anytime soon. I have personally met Lynn’s parents, and they are boisterous, and playful, but utterly happy. They made the Festival of spirts awkward sometimes, because they want me and Lynn to get joined as well, and to adopt cubs of our own.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Queen of The Ring Part 2
        I knocked on the door to Mrs. Ring’s room, the door soon opened up revealing an angered human. A lean blond haired male, and a tailored black suit. He was buttoning up his suit when he looked at me, he didn’t say anything he just walked away. The sound of his shoes sounding off with every step, as he went down the hallway and then finally out of sight. I walked into the room with Andrew in my arms, and saw Mrs. Ring removing the ruined cloth from her body and dumping it into the trash bin.          “What was that about?” I asked causing Mrs. Ring to turn around a bothered look on her muzzle for a moment, but it calmed after a moment, and she came over only wearing her bandage made underwear. She took Andrew from my arms.          “You won!” Andrew cried out happily, and Mrs. Ring nuzzled the pup’s nose, smiling before kissing his cheek. Mrs. Ring pulled me into the room, and she closed the door.          “That used to be my manager, he wanted me to throw the fight.” I actually laughed at that, looking at Mrs. Ring to see if she was serious. I watched her sit down with Andrew, and she simply nodded not much of a scratch on her. The fight was quick, unpleasantly quick, it almost seemed like a waste to buy tickets. But that was Mincridarn fights. They were either quick, or something that lasted for nearly twenty minutes. That was also why most Mincridarins got in the arena for nearly a tenth of the cost. This for one makes it easy to get tickets, but that also means they get taken quickly, which makes it hard to get them.          “You’re serious? Doesn’t he know anything about Mincridarn customs?”          “I told him that, but apparently he was an idiot and said that I would throw the fight to someone, and a huge bet was placed on that weakling. When I won the fight, whoever it was lost a lot of money. Humans can be real idiots. They have no idea about our belief in honor, to throw a fight like that shames the family name. I will not shame the name of my mother. She fought for the right to keep the Ring name alive, and I will not throw a fight and tarnish what she fought to protect.” Mrs. Ring explained with vigor and I nodded in understanding, though I didn’t like the fact that big money was lost. Something of like that was not good news, because who knows, who might have lost the money.          “Mrs. Ring just try and be careful, greedy humans tend to lash out. They may try and hurt your or Andrew. Because, you never know who’s the one who lost the money, and what that means. Humans have killed each other over a lot less.” I explained knowing it was better be forward with my fear because Mrs. Ring was only here for three years, that didn’t mean she knew everything. There was plenty she had never heard about, or seen.          “What are you talking about? This isn’t some show on TV?” Mrs. Ring protested hearing my warning, not enjoying the idea that because she didn’t throw a fight, someone might try and hurt Andrew.          “Mrs. Ring, where do you think they come up with the ideas for some of those shows? I’m not saying it will happen, but when big money is won and lost, it tends to attract the more dangerous kind of humans. Humans that sometimes will try and make a point to not challenge them. Mrs. Ring just be careful, that’s all I’m saying.” I continued and Mrs. Ring sighed and nodded, she was bothered by my words but she didn’t lash out, since she knew I was only trying to help.          “I understand.” Mrs. Ring finally admitted, and Andrew looked between us, his ears lying flat scared of my words and the idea of someone wanting to hurt his mother. However Mrs. Ring picked up on this and she quickly wrestled her son to the couch and started tickling his sides, causing him to burst out into laughter and try and push away.         I couldn’t help but smile seeing this, and I went to the desk and picked up the med kit, locked it closed. I gathered Mrs. Ring’s clothing and her bag, and brought it over to her. Mrs. Ring put on her clothing giving me a simple thanks. She picked up her bag, pulled it over her shoulder and took her son’s hand, and we left the room.          “So what now Mrs. Ring?”          “How about dinner? It’s late and it’s about time we got a proper meal, and a cookie for Andrew.” Mrs. Ring answered and I smiled seeing how excited Andrew got over hearing he could have cookie. He took my hand and looked up at me his tail wagging, forgetting everything I had said earlier. We came to a back door to the Arena, one of the few doors attached to a car garage.         However something felt off, it felt like I was being watched, so I stuck out my arm out before Mrs. Ring touched the door. She looked at me and I laid my hand on the door, and I could feel a sinister presence just beyond. Someone was just beyond the door, and it was looking for blood. Sensing this I looked at Mrs. Ring and told her to remain quiet, and she quickly knew something was up and she pulled Andrew away from the door. Heading back to the hallway corner. I followed behind her before I spoke up quietly.          “Something is wrong; ever since Lynn has trained me in magic I’ve been able to sense dangers. Something is beyond that door and it wants to kill. I’m not trained enough in magic to try and fight it, but I can try and figure out what it is and see if the area is safe. I need to call Lynn. It could be a spirit, and he’s the only one nearby that could deal with it; if that’s the case.” I explained as I took out my phone, and Mrs. Ring didn’t counter me, and she just watched me call, knowing ever since Mincridarins had come from their world to earth, spirits had gotten far more powerful and dangerous.          “Lynn… No I’m sorry it’s not that. But something isn’t right, I think there is an evil spirit in the area parking garage.” I explained cutting of Lynn’s words, hardly allowing him time to speak, and after a moment he fell silent and very serious. Lynn gave a simple response and the phone clicked off.          “Give him a moment, I’m sure he’ll call us back soon enough.” I explained and Mrs. Ring nodded in understanding as she watched me unwrap my hand, and cut the skin again. Drawing blood again, much to her own protest.          “What are you doing you idiot?” Mrs. Ring questioned smacking me before taking my bandages and started to wrap my wounded hand. I pulled away from her, and grabbed her wrist. “I’ll be fine. I’ll go and take a look.”          “Are you insane?” Mrs. Ring protested fear full of letting me go out into danger.          “Mrs. Ring it could be something else. Whatever it is, I need to take a chance and see if I can’t help Lynn deal with the problem. This isn’t the first time I’ve helped him.” I countered and I let her hand go feeling Andrew grab my side.          “Don’t go.”          “I’ll be ok, I promise.” I finished unhappily, hating to see Andrew like this, but I pulled away from him, and Mrs. Ring brought him close. I gave a simple thanks and walked towards the door.         When I came to the edge of the door I started mumbling to myself, holding my bleeding hand up feeling it softly. “Shift the power of soul, push and pull it, and reshape it into what I desire, may it be sword or shield, helm or boot. Exist, Mark of the Gray God.”         After speaking this to myself I could feel the blood from my hand slowly shift around it to the back, and I turned it over to see the blood shift and form into the mark of the third Mincridarn deity. Simple in shape but in a way that’s what gave its unique form. A circle, with a single dot in the center, and centered on the circle in a perfect six part separation, were small spikes. From one of the separations facing the wrist, a steam of red blood, small and thin wrapped around my wrist, looping around it twice. When it settled the blood fell away like flecks of paint, revealing a shimmering silver pendent.         I took this pendent in my hand pressed it against my cut. “Dimen.” I demanded and the pendent shimmered green, and sent out a pulse out of green light that quickly closed the wound and stopped the bleeding. Once healed, I tightened my grip feeling the spikes prick my skin.         I opened the door and stepped out into the open, seeing nothing but a lot of cars. Even now more than ever I felt something watching me. I felt the malicious presence still near, and I felt my phone vibrate, picking it up I answered.          “What is it Lynn?”          “What level are you on?”          “I think the second? It’s not very large space.” I continued to explain, being careful of my surroundings.          “I feel something near, but I can’t sense where it is. It seems like it’s everywhere, and it’s watching me.”          “Isen act natural, you’re surrounded by human gunmen. Their hiding behind the cars.” Lynn explained very quietly and carefully.          “Damn… I’m sorry for wasting your time Lynn. I swear I feel something, but maybe I’m not used to this sixth sense kind of thing yet.” I lied speaking normally as I made my way back to the door.          “Lynn sorry, but maybe we should take later… Maybe you can come by my home for some tea.”          “Really?” Lynn questioned rather surprised by my set of words.          “Yes Lynn. I never did give you that chance to prove to me that your better, but I’ll have a roommate now. I hope it doesn’t bother you.”          “Any time I can get with you is fine with me.” Lynn agreed happily, before falling silent.          “Lynn, you never really explained the laws on magic usage. Well at least clearly, you always made it seem so vague.” I continued looking around the room knowing my voice echoed, so that anyone or everyone could hear me. Being with my back to the door, I could look out and see if anyone was going to approach me.          “Someone is coming towards you, Magnum right hand, Sig tucked away in his pants. A knife in his belt, another on his ankle. Large form, baggy clothing, well-built body judging by the muscle tone. I’m guessing military, do you want me to disable his weapons?” Lynn explained quickly through the phone, his power on the first floor just below allowing him to sense everything with an extreme accuracy. Lynn’s abilities to manipulate the shadows granted him the name of the Green Demon, even demons recognized his powers and praised him.          “No I’ll be fine Lynn, thanks for caring. I pulled it out just in case anyways.” There was silence, and after a moment the male came out of the shadows and raised the pistol to my face.          “Alright.” Lynn simply responded, and I ended the call looking at the angular shaved look on the military looking man, with a dark and short military cut. His body covered with pedestrian clothing most likely to blend in. Camo pants with a green shirt, it seemed military and that’s why he could blend in. Most Mincridarins had some form of military training, so military human agent hanging out with Mincridarins wasn’t uncommon, military humans were also one of the few set of people that was a bit more accepting of their strength.            “Hand your phone over, before I put a bullet between your eyes.” I simply smiled and stepped forward, and put the barrel of the gun right to my fore head.          “Do you know anything about Mincridarn customs and laws?” I asked and I heard the hammer get pulled back.          “I won’t ask again, hand it over.” I listened to this and slammed my finger down on to one of the spikes, piercing my finger. With that I handed over my phone, briefly coming in contact with his hand. I then took control over the blood in his body, forcing him to remain still. I took the phone from his grip the Magnum from his hand.          “It’s custom, that if you’re going to threaten the life of a Mincridarn, they have all right to defend themselves with no need to hold back. They are allowed to kill and protect their life. You threatened my life in a Mincridarn controlled territory. So I have just as much right to hold nothing back.” I explained releasing the male from my magical grip, hearing this the gun was pulled away from my hand, a look of annoyance crossing his face.          “What do you want?” I questioned and the human male looked down at me.          “That’s my business.”          “You do realize I could just wave my hand and force you to tell me. There are magical spells that take over the mind and force it to speak only truths.” I continued and the male just glared at me as he holstered his pistol and grabbed my arm and forced me against the wall.          “Since I can’t kill you I’ll just have to keep you out of the way.” He continued as he pulled out hand cuffs and I smiled hearing this.          “Ten Shi Doma.” I simple stated and after a moment the male fell to the ground unconscious. “The same could be said about you. Sleep well.” I finished as I watched a female enter the area, carrying a broad sword on her side. At this point I knew something was off, because my bracelet started to vibrate softly.          “That’s a soul Sword Isen I can feel it.” A voice called out in my head, and I stepped over the male’s body and into the garage again. Walking towards the female young nearly my age, maybe just a little older. Hair pulled back, she wore ballistic armor, but was altered to give plenty of movement.          “I know Mark I can feel it too.” I responded aloud speaking to the consciousness of the Soul Sword I had just summoned.          “So you have one as well.” The female called out to me, her hand on the pummel of her blade.          “How did you get yours, their forbidden in this world?” I asked knowing that having Mark was a forbidden by the Mincridarn government. Soul swords were too powerful to just let wander and shift between owners.          “I could say the same.” The female called out drawing her blade. “Ravage the body and cut the soul, bathe in the blood of my enemies…Exist Murder.” The female summoned and after a moment the blade shifted to a warm vibrant red. She used both of her hands and brought it down into a combat stance.          “I guess it’s about time I added another Soul Sword to my collection.” The female continued with a large smile, as she sent out a surge of magical energy, her body glowing red from the power of her blade. She was weak, she had hardly any kind of magical presence. There was no possible way she could properly master a Soul Sword with such a weak soul.          “Drawing the blade you intend to fight? I guess you intend to kill me as well if you plan on stealing my Soul Sword?” I asked as I brought up the bracelet so that it hung in the air. I broke the pendent free of its chain, and like a coin flicked it back behind me, where it stop just behind my head. And then expanded with gray light.          “How much do you know about Soul Swords?” The female asked as she watched me bring the foot sized glowing mark in front of me with single thought. I placed my hand on Mark and looked at the female wondering what kind of element would be best for this. Judging by the fact that her blade was called Murder, could mean that it was a dark magic oriented blade. Seeing the look of the female her dark colored protective padding. The Look in her eyes, I knew she had a dark soul, and that must have been why the blade took to her.         So having nothing else to go off on I smacked the circle and after a moment it grew bright white, and the pummel of a blade came out. I pulled this free and revealed a shimmering white wood grip, a beautiful gold D guard. I continued to unsheathe the blade pulling it free to reveal the silver blade of a colichemarde. A blade designed for puncture, with its long and thin blade, but had a wide blade base so it could hold up against the defensive blows of a heavier blade. I then grabbed the floating marking, and it came up my arm left arm creating a heavy armored silver armor, along with a small buckler for protection.          “Mind if I ask why you’re here?” I countered and the female smiled and gave a small laugh.          “Were here to kill you… You side with unnatural beasts and freaks of nature. You and every Mincridarn should be killed. They don’t deserve to live on this world. This is our world and the fact that you keep on accepting them, helping them adjust, means you are the greatest threat, and you must die for the prosperity of the human race.” She explained and hearing this I became defensive as I watched the other guards come out from behind the cars holding heavy, military grade rifles.          “Isen, this has become too dangerous. Back away you shouldn’t fight this alone, you’re not ready for this kind of combat.” Mark said speaking up for my own well-being.          “Can you blind them with a flash of light?” I asked telepathically through the bond I shared with my soul sword. I watched the guards take aim at me and at that point I could feel the spike in another dark magical presence, and human killer’s weapons crumbled in their hands. Everyone turned around and watched as Lynn walked nearer at a truly slow pace. His dark intent in both his eyes, and felt through the magical presence that dominated the area. Making it hard to breath, and making every movement harder and heavier.         He came close and smacked one of the guard’s unconscious, when he had stepped in the way and drew a pistol. The female turned towards Lynn and scowled, annoyance on her face as she looked at Lynn. Feeling his power she knew she had no chance.         Lynn walked right up to the female grabbed her blade and with the pummel knocked her unconscious. He then looked at the guards and they all passed out, falling to the ground. Lynn walked right up to me and his face softened, and his magical presence faded quickly.          “Are you ok?” Lynn asked as he touched my face looking over my form to see if I was hurt.          “I’m fine Lynn, I promise. But it looks like the HPD, is getting more bold. They had military grade weapons and somehow, someone is supplying them soul swords.” I sighed looking at Murder, the red blade In Lynn’s hand. I canceled the magical weapons and armor I wore, and the armor and sword blew apart into a small blast of white light and particles of white light. I reattached the mark to silver cord around my wrist and looked up at Lynn.          “I think their killing human supporters and transition aids. I was their target. But that idiot you talked about early didn’t just put a bullet in my head he waited oddly enough. He even told me he couldn’t kill me so I wonder if he was with them or he was something else. Either way HPD is starting to get quite an arsenal.” I explained and Lynn froze his ears falling back in fear, scared that I my life was now in the cross hairs of the Human Prosperity Division.          “Maybe I should stay near you then. I don’t want you getting hurt. This isn’t about the romance, this is about your life now Isen. I don’t want to see you die. If they are getting this bold, then your life is in serious danger, it’s too dangerous to stay here unprotected.” Lynn protested and I nodded in understanding.          “I’ll talk to the Adestrians, I work for them now. Maybe I can ask for their protection.” Lynn nodded in agreement feeling my shoulders, before pulling me close, hugging me.          “Lynn please let me go.” I spoke up after a moment, when let me go I stepped back and started walking away. “I’m going to go and check up on Mrs. Ring.”          “Alright, I’ll take care of these HPD Agents.” Lynn agreed, turning around to look at the ground but sure enough the HPD agents were gone. When we both saw that, we knew something dangerous was a foot. If they had magic and soul swords, the HPD was now more than just a simple terrorist group, which fought against Human and Mincridarn interaction and equal rights. They were now a forced to be reckoned with.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Queen of The Ring
        I knocked on a back stage door, and soon enough it was answered by a nervous Mrs. Ring who quickly pulled me into the dressing room, so she could pull me close into her arms, her firm arms squeezing me tightly, soft tears of happiness came down her cheek. “I’m so glad you’re here, I never thought you’d come.”          “I’m sorry it took me a moment.” I apologized hugging Mrs. Ring back, before she let me go, and I lifted up the intimidating hospital grade medical kit.          “Just in case.” I smiled, and Mrs. Ring gave a small laugh seeing this and she nodded in understanding, as she went back over to the mirror and sat down at stool, so she could brush the knots out of her fur. That way during the fight the fur didn’t get snagged on, and therefore create a good grip for a grapple. I soon grunted as Andrew jumped up into my chest, quickly catching him in my arms, stumbling back by his attack.          “Isen I made this for you in class.” Andrew said as he held up a crudely drawn picture, very basic but appreciated. I took this from Andrew and walked over to Mrs. Ring, looking over the picture smiling.          “Is this supposed to me and your Mother being joined?” I asked seeing the gray link between the canine black female stick figure, and what I assumed was me, another stick figure. Mrs. Ring looked at me in the mirror and gave a sigh.          “I told you not to give that to him.” Mrs. Ring protested scolding Andrew, who just smiled happily in my arms, his tail ecstatic and wagging with excitement          “It’s fine.” I simply countered nuzzling Andrew’s nose with my own, feeling its cold wetness, before setting him down on the floor.          “I’ll put it up on the fridge when I get back home, now go and sit down. While I help you mother get bound up for her match.” I continued and the small canine quickly ran away, rather happy with me being around, a large happy smile on his muzzle. Though unlike most human children, Mincridarn children were incredibly well behaved, so Andrew went to the couch in the room, and fell silent leaning over and drawing on the table.          “You don’t have to help me with the bandages, I can do it.” I simply shot Mrs. Ring a glance, and put the kit down and unclicked the locks and took out a set of bandages.          “Just brush your fur.” I simply demanded and hearing this Mrs. Ring did as she was told, and I got down on my knee, put her foot on my leg and started to wrap her foot and shin with the thick white bandage.          “You know I’ve never been back stage before.” I added looking around the room, the bare walls gray and basic. The furniture sat on a worn, and an old carpet, tan; which blended in with the wooden pieces around the room. I looked up at Mrs. Ring who was wearing only a simple white shirt slightly damp with sweat, and athletic shorts black shorts around her hip.          “Not many humans are allowed, not even human press is allowed back here. Some of those humans are large pervs, abusing our customs and culture just to make something to enjoy as they touch themselves.” Mrs. Ring explained as she brushed her arms with the thick black comb.          “The guards were pretty heavy on security, I nearly didn’t get through until the stage manager came out and said something.” I added, as I took up Mrs. Ring’s second leg and started to wrap it as well.          “So you’re doing a bare bone fight?”          “The last one of the day.” Mrs. Ring explained before removing her shirt, revealing her bandaged breasts. She never wore a bra, she always said it felt so unnatural and weird. So she always bound her breasts.          “So should I prepare some Ice packs?”          “Already in the cooler.” Mrs. Ring admitted as she put down her brush and looked down at me, watching me finish before she stood up. She then dropped her shorts reveal the cloth bound men’s style underwear, because unlike most animals, some female Hyena breeds like Mrs. Ring has a distended clitoris, which gave her a cock like vagina. So even in the underwear I could see the fair sized vagina tucked tightly away.         I didn’t say anything because this wasn’t my first time being this close to it, or her covered female form. I simply thought about the match. A bare bones fight was a fight that meant a fight fought in the nude, with no weapons, only hands and feet. However do to human regulations, and TV ratings, Mincridarins had to cover up their female and male parts. IF the bandages broke during the match it would mean an instant stop, so the bandages can be rebound. Sometimes fighters would tear of their own coverings just to call time out. Because unlike most human fights, there was no such thing as a time out, a Mincridarn fought till they passed out, or were knocked unconscious. Bare Bone fights because of this, is a far more brutal concept.         I got up and picked up another roll of bandages and started wrapping Mrs. Ring’s hands. “Just try not to get too many bruises, alright?”          “I know.” Mrs. Ring admitted with a sigh, though she was truly happy that Isen was here by her side. Her happiness couldn’t hide itself, and her tail wagged on its own, as she enjoyed Isen’s soft touch, watching as how he wound the bandages around her hands and wrists.          “Isen….” Mrs. Ring started, hesitated to say what was truly on her mind. She wanted to deeply express her attraction, and the fact that she wanted to dedicate this fight to him. She wanted to prove that she was a capable mate, and that she could protect him from danger. That Isen could rely on her, and she could prove herself to be a strong female, worth his attention and his affection.          “What?”  I simply asked hearing the comment fall away, wondering what Mrs. Ring was wanting to say.          “Thanks for the bandages, my last ones were getting old anyways.”          “No problem, I brought the kit just in case I need to do any stitching, or take care of any scratches.” I admitted and Mrs. Ring smiled hearing this, and once I was done felt the bandages around her fingers. Thin but enough to protect from basic claw attacks.          “I need to get ready for the ring, take Andrew and go sit down. I got you front row seats, I don’t want you to miss anything.” Mrs. Ring admitted, mainly because she didn’t want Isen to miss anything, she wanted to prove to him that she could protect him, and that she was a worthy mate. So she wanted him to watch her closely so he could see her strength in person.          “Well thanks for telling me now, I got tickets. Do you have any idea how much those things cost?” I groaned in agitation, remembering the few favors I had to use just to get two seats, for him and Andrew.          “That’s why, I took care of it. Now just get going.” Mrs. Ring finished, shooing me away with a large smile. Taking me to the door before she snapped her fingers and summoned Andrew to her side. “Go with Isen and be good, and maybe I’ll get you a cookie when I’m done fighting.”          “Yes Mother.” Andrew agreed happily holding up his arms, and I smiled and picked up Andrew and with him in my arms I left Mrs. Ring alone in her dressing room.         When Isen had left Mrs. Ring alone and the door had closed, she steadied herself on the door panting as her hand had traveled between her legs, and she thought about Isen taking her. Shifting her fingers down into the entrance of her distended, cock like clitoris. She moaned softly wanting to be with Isen, she hadn’t had a male in over a year and she need some release, and she was going to make sure she proved to Isen that she deserved it by winning this fight. However Mrs. Ring stopped because she if she didn’t, she’d ruin her underwear.         After nearly an hour of waiting, the entire Arena filling up with spectators, Isen sat in the damn front row normally only reserved for high paying sponsors and clients. The fact I was there right next to the ring, I immediately knew something was up. However the ushers, and some of those that he sat with, humans who owned a major portion in the arena, kept their distance not wanting to interact with me too much.         However unlike most TV shows, Mincridarins stuck to traditions so Mrs. Ring’s entrance and the heavy set female bear, weren’t introduced with music or anything. They mainly just walked into the center of the Arena. The stands were quiet for the most part even the humans were to uncomfortable to get excited. Because a fight between Mincridarins was a silent matter, speaking up during a fight was shunned, because that meant possibly aiding the fighters and confusing them, or even distracting them. To keep the fight honorable, the crowd was told to be normally quiet.         An armored guard, a rhino, wore heavy Kevlar padding and thick steel shields on his wrists. It was then that the referee took out a mic and started to speak to the crowd, if you counted yelling as speaking.          “Silence!” The rhino demanded, and with that his heavy and booming voice carried through the speakers, the entire Arena hushed in stone cold silence listening to the Rhino referee.          “Good. Our finale fight will be between our champions, Ring, her own name perfect as she is our reigning queen of the ring.” At this the entire stadium filled with noise, howls, and cries of happiness and even boos, this was allowed because it wasn’t during the fight. However one of the few boos came from the human sitting next right to me, and I just glared at him, I didn’t need to say anything. After being with Lynn so long, I knew how to intimidate those I disliked with a single stare, and soon after looking at the human he fell silent shifting in his seat uncomfortably.          “But we have a champion challenging her, possibly someone to take her throne.” The rhino continued and the entire stadium cried out in happiness. “To challenge the Queen of the Ring we have the beast of the Wild Forest, Enthalra!” The rhino let the arena continue on with its happiness, neither fighter sponsoring themselves, to add commotion to the arena. They just simply glared each other down.          “Silence!” The Rhino soon demanded and everyone feel quiet.          “Tonight we have a bare bones fight, agreed by our Queen of the ring. No weapons, or magic, your body is your only weapon. Do you both agree with this?” The Rhino asked and the Enthalra raised her left hand, and soon afterwards Mrs. Ring did as well.         With that conformation, two females got into a combat stance. “Before we start however, we have a dedication.” The rhino called out and the entire stadium fell silent a soft murmuring filling the area. Because dedicating a fight to someone, was a show of loyalty, trust, and love. IF someone was making a dedication that meant this battle was meant to attract the attention of a mate, and hopefully if it went well, that would mean plenty of things, but if it didn’t. Both people would be shamed by the loss, but most of all, the one that is making the dedication, because they failed.          “The Queen of the Ring would like to dedicate this battle, to the Human Angel! Isen Dale!” The Rhino called out as he looked down at me, a beam of light coming down over my seat. This action collecting everyone’s attention in the room, most of the Mincridarins murmuring quietly still rather surprised by this.          “I Challenge that!”         A familiar voice called out, and soon enough the light over my form shifted over the crowd and landed on Lynn. He stood tall and made his way out of the stands. I soon shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I heard other challenges called out around the entire arena, and other Mincridarins came forward.         Challenging a dedication is a way of express ones heart, to risk shame in order to prove that they are the better mate. That they are stronger and better suited, then the one first making a dedication. The challengers made a small disconnected circle around the ring, standing firm. Hands by their side all looking at Mrs. Ring, challenging her right to be deemed the better mate.          “We have thirty Challengers?!” The Rhino called out, out right confused by the turnout. He expected this to just go over smoothly. He didn’t expect things to get so out of hand, so he came forward, dropping down from the lifted platform and towards me.          “What do you say Isen?” The Rhino asked, looking down at me pointing the mic towards my lips. I stood up, knowing this was ridicules, but this was how Mincridarins found their mates. Their world was one of combat, and strength. Their world filled with hundreds of dangers, so finding a mate that could protect you from those dangers was how they learned to survive and live.          “Andrew please stay right there.” I simply commanded and Andrew nodded, knowing what such a turnout meant, and he wasn’t happy about it either. I took jumped over the protective railing and beside the Rhino. I took up the mic and brought it to my lips.          “I am a human? I’m not a Mincridarn, I don’t need strength to protect me from dangers. I’ve lived a happy life with very little problems. Do you really think I care about how strong you are? Do you really think I care about how good you are at fighting? I care about the heart and the mind, I have hardly any standards, but I care about how open minded you are, accepting of me and what I like.  What I care about is your ability to care about those around you, to hold out your arms even to those that you hate. I care about you learning to be better than who you are through actions and learning… I’m honored to have so many that care about me, but please this is enough. If you want to fight for my name, I won’t stop you, but I won’t care. IF you want to be with me you’ll have to find your own way, not through combat.” I finished as I looked at Mrs. Ring who had broken her stance watching me. Feeling slightly shammed because of what I said, because she made this dedication in hope of proving herself to Isen. To think that such a dedication meant nothing to him truly hurt.          “For some of you that might be harder than others, but I understand. So thank you Mrs. Ring, I came here for you tonight. No one else, so everyone else please go to your seats.” I finished before clicking off the mic and handing it back to the Rhino. Mrs. Ring perked up hearing this and she looked at me in surprise, and a small smile came to her lips, and her tail waged softly hearing this.         My words seem to have struck the heart of some of the others and the fidgeted, their forms confused and saddened that what they were trying to do meant nothing to me. I came over to a large Reindeer, his body built like a wall, I touched his forearm and looked at him. His eyes sad and he looked down at me.         I pulled the head of the male closer and kissed his nose. “I don’t care about how strong you are, but I understand what this means, so thank you. Please go and sit down.” I simply finished and the reindeer nodded and left. I continued to send the challengers away, knowing that turning some of them away hurt them far more than anything else in the life. They were risking shame and ridicule just for a chance to show me that they were a better mate. I also knew most of them, some of them by name others by memory. I had interacted with each one in some form, helping them adjust, find a job or helping them in school. Mincridarins were naturally kind hearted, they were like steel beasts, with a golden hearts. They may be intimidating, but they naturally cared for one another, they were big softies with fur.         I came in front of Lynn and looked at him sadly. “You should have already known I wouldn’t agree with this.”          “What makes her better than me Isen? Why are you willing to be with her, why aren’t you giving me a chance?” Lynn countered looking down at me with sad eyes, soft tears starting to form around his eyes.          “What has she done for you?” Lynn continued just trying to find some answer for my choice.          “Nothing. But I know her, and I know she has a hard time expressing herself more than anyone. She’s done nothing for me, but kiss me. For someone like Mrs. Ring, that means more than anything. She did this because she doesn’t know how to express herself in any other way, she is a female trained only in combat and fighting. She doesn’t understand how to express her desires or feelings beyond combat.” I explained feeling Lynn’s muzzle, and he nuzzled my hand, holding it close with his own. Softly crying as he enjoyed my soft touch on his fur.          “What do I have to do, to prove to you I can be your mate?” Lynn softly wept, and I pet the side of his muzzle kindly.          “Go and sit down Lynn, learn to let go.” I simply finished, and pulled my hand away, and Lynn softly cried hearing this.          “I can’t Isen, I can’t let you go. I love you, please stay with me.”          “If you want to prove to me that you’re better than learn to let go, and accept my choices and decisions. Now leave, I don’t want to force you back in your seat but I will if I have too.” I simply explained using my magic to create blade of air around my right thumb, and with that I cut a deep into my left hand’s palm, drawing plenty blood and making it drip on to the floor. I knew Lynn knew what such an action meant. He trained me in magic personally, he had given me this unique weapon and he knew of it’s power. I was willing to use it, seeing how hard Lynn was being, he almost seemed to cling to me like a hopeless child. This was my life not his, I had the right to do what I wanted, he just seemed to want to counter that.          “Isen, you don’t need to cut yourself. I’ll go I promise just please let me fix you hand?” Lynn said reaching for my bleeding hand but I pulled this away, a soft look of fear in his eyes not wanting me to be in pain, but also because he knew what I was willing to do.          “Go sit down Lynn.” I countered and walked away, leaving a trail of blood on the ground.          “Isen?” Mrs. Ring called out quickly rushing to my side seeing the blood, she took my hand in hers. “What are you doing you idiot?” She countered with an angry slap to the back of my head.          “It’s nothing I can handle it.”          “Lynn you cut your hand! You need a medic! You need to go to a hospital!” At this point I cried out in pain, a purple light came up from my wound and glowing needles started to sew my cut closed. Mrs. Ring looked at Lynn who was still standing nearby, his eyes closed as he concentrated on the healing.          “Fuck.” I cried out in pain, having to increase the magic I already had around my wound so I could increase the pain tolerance, in a way to numb most of the pain.          “Lynn stop you’re hurting him!” Mrs. Ring called out in anger seeing, her snout curling up in a harsh growl of anger, she didn’t remotely like the idea of Isen being in pain. She even started to walk towards Lynn, but before she could leave I grabbed her wrist.          “Please stop, its shadow magic. It’s called dark suture, it’s a healing spell, and it’s just incredibly painful. Just let it go, the pain will pass.” I cringed having guessed Lynn wasn’t going to let me walk away while I was injured.  But soon enough the pain passed and Lynn turned and walked away, leaving me in Mrs. Ring’s arms as a nearby medic looked over my hand, and helped me back to my seat when he found the wound was properly closed. However he put my hand in a thick bandage just to keep the blood contained if the wound reopened.          “What were you thinking cutting your hand like that?” The feline medic protested looking at me rather bothered by what I had just done.          “It’s nothing you have to worry about, thank you for the bandage.” The medic nodded unsure, but left nonetheless. I watched Mrs. Ring enter the ring and the Rhino soon joined her. Andrew pulled my wounded hand into his grasp, and he looked at me sadly knowing blood was a bad thing. He was scared for my life, and he pulled me close softly crying, thinking I was honestly going to die.         I calmed his down just as the match started, and we watched Mrs. Ring fight.
0 notes
awriterstransition · 7 years
Paper Work and Promises Part 4
       “Hello sir.” I responded quickly, getting to my feet and putting my phone away. Ameleth waved a hand silencing me, and I just stood in front of the adult Adestrian, remaining quiet.         “I can’t stay long, I simply came to say good-…. What is that smell?” The dragon asked sniffing the air catching the smell of the chicken in the oven. Hearing this, Aldure sniffed the air and looked at the kitchen and then at me.         “It’s my cooking sir.” I responded collecting the attention of the two dragons.         “It smells delicious.” Ameleth said a look of surprise on his food, as if he didn’t expect met to cook. However I smiled as I went into the kitchen. “What is it?”         “A chicken with a honey herb glaze, stuffed full with an herb and garlic stuffing. I’m slow cooking it for dinner, so the juices really settle into the meat. By the way what do dragons like for desert?” I asked and Ameleth cringed, falling silent, visibly nervous as if debating on the idea on leaving.         “Don’t you have to go sir?” I added with a small smirk, wanting to tease the large dragon, who gave in to his duties. He sighed with a soft black flame escaping his lips, and he looked down at Aldure.         “I need to leave now, be good.” Aldure nodded and hugged his father, who kissed the side of his son’s muzzle. He looked at me and came over to me and handed over a tablet from his pocket.         “You can use this to contact me. I’ll be in the human world for some time but I won’t be able to respond quickly.”         “I understand, but can I say something?”         “Go ahead.” Ameleth agreed as I put the tablet on the counter.         “The bottom part of this building is finished. It would be better to start sending in Adestrians, it would be hard to handle so many Adestrians ounce. So slowly working in a few at a time would be best. This way they can also help me handle other Adestrians. Send who you need to, I’ve dealt with criminals and slaves, I know when to keep my lips shut.” I explained and Ameleth fell silent for a moment, and after a moment nodded.         “You’re probably right, how long should I wait for sending in each one?”         “It’ll depends but give me two days with each one you send. There aren’t a lot of rooms, but that should at least get rid of priority targets. That will also give me plenty of time to set up a better plan for interacting with your kind.” I continued and Ameleth listened intently knowing my advice mattered.         “I’ll have to go through my list, but you should expect one next week, but I guess I should take my leave now. Thank you Isen for agreeing to do this.” I nodded in understanding and picked up the tablet, looking through its screens and apps.         “Sir are you sure you gave me the right tablet?” I asked before Ameleth left. I asked this because of the gallery I came across of Ameleth in sexual poses, nude and sometimes with rock hard cock between his legs. I didn’t have much more time with the pictures, as the tablet was yanked from my hands, a look of sheer embarrassment on the dragon’s muzzle, he turned off the tablet.         “Please forget what you saw?”         “Why? I don’t understand why you’re ashamed? You’ve got quite a sword.” I countered and Ameleth looked down at me somewhat bothered by my words, though it did seem to take away plenty of his shame. The black scaled dragon breathed out a small flame, and he tucked the tablet in his arm.         “I must have accidently swapped the tablets, I’ll have one of my guards bring it by.” He sighed as he looked at his son. “Remember your promise.”         “I know, I promise to be good.” With that Ameleth gave Aldure’s horned head a simple rub, and with no others words Ameleth left the room closing the door behind him.         “That was rude, he’s your commander shouldn’t you have at least updated him? On your progress?” I said turning to one of the cameras in the room, realizing that after the dragons had entered the guards hadn’t. Which most likely meant they must have set up the security system, and they were able to watch what was going on.         “He stopped by our apartment first.” A voice said coming over an intercom, and hearing this I nodded and looked at Aldure who looked around the apartment, looking over everything. It almost seemed like Aldure’s first time. Though even after the first time Mincridarins were still rather amazed with their surroundings, acting like cubs in some regard. Looking over everything, careful not to touch anything, because they didn’t want to break it. Aldure seemed the same, he just looked around, his hands close to his side, though there were times where he seemed to want to touch the wall, but he stopped himself.         “What was your father talking about when he meant promise?” I asked and Aldure turned to me and then back to the apartment.         “If I’m good and can adjust to the human world, I don’t have to go to Red Wing Academy.” Aldure responded before I came closer to his side and took a hold of his hand. Knowing many horrible things about the academy from one of the males that would come by and mount me.         “Come and sit down.” I said pulling Aldure over to the couch and sat him down, well he let me pull him, there was no way in hell I could pull him by force. Aldure looked up at me as I picked up the TV remote, and tuned on the TV, switching the channel over to the news.         “Do you know how to handle the TV remote?” I asked handing the remote over and Aldure who nodded though he looked at the remote and became confused.         “I have, but this one is different.” He answered and I sat down next to him, and started to point out the different kind of buttons to him, explaining to him how they worked. Though after a while we settled on an action movie, in order to help pass the time and relax while we waited till dinner came around.         “Isen, thank you… I really don’t want to go to Red Wing.”         “I understand, no one wants to a military academy if they have a choice.”         “You know about Red Wing?” Aldure asked surprised, and I looked at Aldure and agreed simply by nodding silently, before explaining how I knew.         “One of the officers on the force was from Red Wing. Though he’s not an Adestrian, but he ended up dropping out, by breaking the rules on purpose. He hated it there, it’s rigid and formal, he said it was so dominating, and he seemed to have no voice. He just gave up and quit and got himself expelled. Trust me I’ve heard enough from him to know that it’s not the best place for everyone. The fact you don’t want to go and you’re willing to do whatever it takes, shows some of the stories have to be true. So knowing that, I’ll do what I can to help you.“ I explained and Aldure smiled and felt the remote in his hands unable to feel the difference between the buttons, because of his scales and his large hands, in fact in order to use the remote properly, Aldure had to use his claws to press the buttons.         “Have you ever had a mate before Aldure?” I asked and Aldure perked up hearing this, he looked at me and shook his head, listening because he had never been asked such a question before, and seeing Aldure’s reaction, I groaned slumping into the couch.         “Damn, I need help. I don’t know what to do anymore. I want to go on a date with this female, but I’m scared that I could just end up getting her hopes up, and hurting her in the end. She deserves someone that can stay by her side, and I want to be with her, but I don’t know if I could stay by her side. I don’t want to play with her heart, and she truly loves me, and she’s trying her hardest to get with me. She wants to go on a date with me… What should I do?”         “The fact that you’re asking yourself that question shows that you want to be with her. IF you want to be with her, all you have to do is try.” The intercom answered and I looked up at the ceiling hearing the guard’s voice and sighed, Aldure did as well before turning to look at me.         “Do you like her?”         “I like a lot of people, but in the old apartment she was neighbor. I helped take care of her son, and helped her when she was in trouble. I liked being around her while Lynn was away. She’s kind of cute when she gets nervous. She hates showing emotions, so when she does she tends to explode with anger or embarrassment. Andrew is a sweet cub as well, smart too, and full of energy… But that’s also why I don’t want to hurt them. I like them but I don’t want to play with their hearts. They deserve someone that can stay by their side.”         “You’re thinking about this too hard then. If you care this much about not hurting them, then you don’t have to worry about hurting them. You just have to take that first step.” Aldure smiled as he put down the remote, and I gave a small smile hearing this and nodded and pulled out my phone. Knowing what to do now.        I shifted through the contacts, and came to Mrs. Ring’s number, I hesitated for a moment but remembering what Aldure said, I tapped the button and brought the phone to my ear, hearing it ring for a few moments. Then I heard Mrs. Ring’s voice on the other end.         “Isen? Is something wrong?”         “You never told me when your match is? How am I supposed to watch if I don’t know when to come?” I asked with a small smile trying just to act normal, in order to keep calm while my heart beat escalated in my chest. Because this was the third time I had ever agreed to a date, I had been with Lynn so long I forgot this feeling. It was exciting but it made me beyond nervous as well, to the point my entire body started to become stiff.         “Wh…what?” Mrs. Ring stuttered, I didn’t need to see her I could hear the shock her voice. “Are you sure you can come? Don’t you have other dates? What about Lynn?”         “I left Lynn because I wanted a chance to be with someone of my own choosing, and I would like to try and be with you.” I could hear the phone get crushed in Mrs. Ring’s grip, because it suddenly fell silent, giving it a warning ring. I knew if anything that she was safe in this territory, so I knew it wasn’t someone else breaking her phone. IF anything it was her own surprise that crushed the phone, and knowing this made me smile, because finding the idea of her crushing her phone in public because of his call. The look on her face, she must have seemed so adorable.         “How did it go?” Aldure asked when I pulled away from the phone, I sighed feeling the heavy weight on my chest lift like a catharsis, my entire body able to finally relax. I smiled looking at the phone, before tucking it away in my pocket before responding.           “I think she’s happy about it… But I don’t know when I’m supposed to see her.”
0 notes
awriterstransition · 7 years
Paper Work and Promises Part 3
After nearly an hour of crying Mrs. Ring came out of the bathroom, having cleaned herself with the towels. She got herself under control, and she sat down at the small dining space by the kitchen. She still had a hard time looking at Isen, so she just remained quiet covering her eyes with her hands. She sighed gathering herself, until she heard the sound of a glass cup collide with the table. Revealing her face, she saw the cup of wine, and she followed Isen’s hand up to his face, who seemed visibly worried.        “Are you ok?” I asked softly rubbing Mrs. Ring’s back, wondering if she was sick, with how she looked, tired and exhausted, he could see why. “You’re not sick are you? You can tell me anything.”       Mrs. Ring took in a long breath before releasing it with a heavy sigh, she picked up the glass and started to drink the bitter contents. The soft kick waking her up, though she didn’t drink much, just a few sips.        “I’m sorry for bothering you, maybe I should just go.” Mrs. Ring answered as she started to get up, but my firm hand kept her down. There was no way I would let Mrs. Ring leave in this condition, she didn’t seem well, and letting her leave seemed like a dangerous idea.        “Mrs. Ring if you try and leave I’ll get out the hand cuffs. Stay, sit and relax. Andrew is in school for another hour, you don’t need to leave for a while.” I protested, and Mrs. Ring gave a small laugh, though it was still weak and faint. Mrs. Ring nodded knowing I would do just that, because it wouldn’t have been the first time I had done it. Though, those times did lead to something far more sexual.        “I don’t know what it is, but you’re really hard to refuse.” Mrs. Ring smiled and I walked away and into the kitchen to get a plates of food and silverware. I sat down next to Mrs. Ring and put a plate in front of her before handing over the silver ware.        “A medium rare roast, with a glaze of lemon zest and few herbs. I used a packet this time, so I don’t remember, but I think there was crushed pepper; so try not to sniff it.” I explained giving a bit of details on the main part of the meal. “I had to use some magic to accelerate the cooking.”       Mrs. Ring nodded and looked at me, blushing softly when she looked away, because this almost felt like a proper date. Just them alone; a quiet atmosphere, well cooked food and some wine; it was almost like a TV show worthy.        “How has your magical training been going Isen?”       I sighed hearing this, and cut into the meat spilling its juices, and taking a bite of the roast, the soft coppery taste adding plenty of flavor. “It hasn’t, I haven’t been able to practice much. I got to a part of my book that got too interesting, and I’ve started spending more time on that then training. Even then I still hardly trained. I wasn’t bad, but I’m was still very much learning plenty of things. I just seemed to be good at Manipulating, not the casting. Dragon Dialect still escapes me.”       Mrs. Ring listened to me with a small smile, and as I explained myself after swallowing the food. Halfway through she started to eat her own meat as well, and used the wine to wash the food down.        “I’m still find it strange you have a soul large enough to be a master. You can be a Master Mage and you hardly focus on training.”        “I grew up without using magic my entire life, I almost have no need for it. It’s nice for simple things but I don’t want to get involved in the advanced arts, because that means I have to stop writing. I’ll just try and master manipulation.”        “Haven’t you gotten offers from the Mage City in our world?” I nodded hearing this, but ate another bite before pulling away.        “Three this year, two this week. When they heard I moved out of Lynn’s apartment, I had a mage come right to my door and ask me to come to their college to train. I turned them down of course, but still it was an interesting offer, I just prefer this simple life more.” I explained knowing that being a Gray Mage, one of the few mages that use every element magic, and have the ability to be a master naturally, was beyond rare. It almost sounded like the idea of a good Anime, but still, I’d rather spend my life writing my book then leave and train in magic. Finishing my book just seemed far more fulfilling then trying to become a master of magic, and getting slammed with years of training, and work.        “But they are persistent I give them that.” I sighed and Mrs. Ring smiled glad that Isen wasn’t willing to leave. She liked having him around, his presence just seemed to shift the mood, and he’d get everyone’s attention whenever he walked into a room. He never seemed to not smile, he seemed truly happy with his life, he felt at home, he felt at ease, and he was naturally calming. His touch sweet and soft, his voice caring and protective. He was like a mother and father to everyone at the apartment, so when he left it felt so wrong.       I watched Mrs. Ring fall into silence, as she looked down at her food, she ate quietly deep in thought. Though her mood did seem better, so I didn’t push and just sat in silence and ate. It was near the end of the meal until Mrs. Ring spoke up again, looking up at me as she took out a small picture from her wallet. It was one of the few pictures she had, but she treasured it the most, it was with Isen, he was showing them how a photo booth worked. Andrew was sitting in her lap while Isen was leaning into her nervous form, a large smile on his face.       Isen was the first human she had met, and the only one she found safe being around, most humans shunned her or were scared of her, some even hated her presence, but Isen didn’t care he alone accepted her with open arms, and a bright smile. He showed her most of this world, and its opportunities, and if it wasn’t for him she would have had to return to Mincara. He was the one that finally found the perfect job for her as a combat instructor and ring fighter. He alone gave her the reason to stay and raise Andrew in this new world, trying to give cub a chance to succeeded, and get a better life. Possibly even a human job in the main city.        “Isen… I love you.” Mrs. Ring said softly nearly mumbling, her eyes glued to the small picture. I grew nervous hearing this, and my hands tensed up because I didn’t know how to respond. I’d heard this plenty of times, but I had affected so many lives, that people so many want to be with me.        “Mrs. Ring…I” I started until I caught sight of the clock. “I think it’s time to go and pick up Andrew. It’s one forty-five.”       Mrs. Ring pulled away from the picture and looked up at the clock, and seeing it she put the picture away and chugged the wine. Without even thinking she leaned down and kissed Isen’s cheek. “Thanks for the meal.”       With that Mrs. Ring left, and as soon as the door closed she just realized what she had done and she nearly screamed, out her embarrassment. She stifled her surprise with her hand, and she quickly shifted out of the building to go and pick up Andrew, her tail wagging happily behind her, because even though she was shamed by what she had done. She was truly happy she had done it, because for once it felt right.       I just remained still, trying to understand the kiss, I knew Mrs. Ring loved me, but she had always been so shy in expressing her emotions. She hated doing it because she thought it made her appear weak, so the fact that she had kissed me, put some truth to her words. Knowing this made the idea of what to do all the harder.       However I didn’t remain on the subject for too long, because I took care of Mrs. Ring’s plate, my own. Before I sat down in front of the TV with my phone, looking through the hundreds of messages and voicemails. Each one asking me on date, some confessing their love to me. But when I came to Mrs. Ring’s number, I hesitated feeling the side of his face; remembering the kiss.         This wasn’t a game, I wanted to date others, but I knew that maybe I wouldn’t like him or her. I however didn’t want to play with their hearts, and give them false hope, and for someone like Mrs. Ring that feeling made me all the more regretful, because I wanted to try to be with her. That kiss alone told me enough, but I didn’t want to hurt her, if it didn’t turn out like I wanted. I didn’t want to toy with her feelings. She deserved so much better than a chance, she deserved a mate that truly cared about her and Andrew.        “Bite me…” I protested softly in agony, just as the front door opened and Ameleth walked in with his son. Changing the entire topic of thought.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Paper Work and Promises Part 2
 I sat on the couch with a heavy sigh of relief as I found nothing broken and personally moved everything to a safe location. So I did nothing allowing the guards to set up security sensors and cameras, but being the most capable for the delicate tasks, I was forced to help them set of cameras and security locks on the windows, doors and walls. They even add air scanners to the vents to make sure no dangerous gases could get into the room. But by the time it was lunch the work had settled down and the guards took residence next door and set up their own room, leaving me to cook.       It was nearly an hour afterwards that I head a knock at the door, hearing this I shifted the pan to the side, off the burner before moving to the door. I pulled it opened the door and saw Mrs. Ring standing there holding a bottle of wine in her hands.        “I owed you a bottle after you gave me one last time.” Mrs. Ring explained, and I nodded and allowed Mrs. Ring to enter the room, just as a few guards stormed into the room through the bathroom door.        “Guys, it’s only Mrs. Ring.” I protested finding their antsy behavior rather annoying, though that did show that they were well trained guards. Mrs. Ring quickly grew defensive herself, seeing the Adestrian guards and put out an arm to protect me just in case. She was a mother alright, I thought to myself finding her protective nature rather comforting.       “What’s going on Isen who are these Adestrians?” Mrs. Ring asked glancing back at me, slowly backing me into the kitchen, away from the guards, who were also tasked to protect me and Aldure, since I know worked for their government. Mrs. Ring’s actions, in their eyes made her a threat, so they moved their hands to their weapons tucked away in their formal garments.         I took the bottle from Mrs. Ring and shifted away from her protection, and back to the stove, setting the bottle on the counter. Mrs. Ring turned back to me still very much defensive, and the guards kept their distance their hands never leaving there weapons.        “They’re protecting me, I now have a job working for the Adestrian military.” Mrs. Ring when I said this looked at me confused, but she relaxed to some degree finding this explanation acceptable.        “When did this happen?” Mrs. Ring interrogated, looking down at me waiting for a response.         “Just today while I was working at the Library, their commander came to me and offered me a job introducing Adestrian citizens to earth, just like had when I lived with Lynn. They been tasked to protect me, so just relax… That goes for all of you.” I said turning away from the stove, and looked at the three Adestrian guards. Who in turn got up from their defensive stance, but still remained holding their weapons.          Though after some tense silence Mrs. Ring breathed and let go and looked at the guards. “Mind if I open the bottle? I need a drink.” I gave a small laugh, and stepped back going to the fridge and pulled out a can of Guinness Stout.         “Drink this, no point on wasting wine.” I offered and Mrs. Ring nodded popping the top, and quickly sucked in the foam from the beer, and sipped on its dark color. Seeing this the guards relaxed, and put their hands down and started to walk away. However I stopped them before they left entirely.         “I’m making dinner, roasted stuffed chicken.” The dragons looked at me confused with why I was mentioning this to them.         “Why are you telling us this?” The captain of the squad asked and the other two didn’t like this response at all because they could already see me prepping the stuffing. Already assuming that I was offering them a dinner.             “Dinner is a six, you better be available.” I added and the Squad leader, looked at me still unsure, but looking at the others he gave in and nodded.         “I’ll see what I can do.”        “There is no see, you will do it, or I’ll sit you down at the table myself. I’m cooking and I don’t want to waste this. Plus I want to know my protectors better. You are my neighbors after all.” I countered firmly, and the dragon somewhat stunned by my comment, had made him fall silent, though after a moment he sighed and looked down at me, before letting out a deep breath, a small green flame escaping from his lips.         The squad leader gave in, and nodded. “You said six?”        “Six sharp.” I agreed, and with that the guards left through the bathroom door.         “You haven’t changed at all.” Mrs. Ring smiled, as she put down her beer and her smile faded.         “Everyone misses you Isen. The building just doesn’t seem right without you around… It feels darker.” I looked at Mrs. Ring, her face heavy and weary. It was apparent she hadn’t been sleeping well, and it seemed that something was eating at her.         “What’s wrong?”         “Andrew really misses you, he begs me to take him here. You were a better father to him then his own ass of father I mated. He really cares about you, and he wants to play with you again.” Mrs. Ring explained and I nodded in understanding, and turned back to my cooking, creating the glaze for the chicken.          “You know, I have no problem with him visiting. I told you last time, if you need someone to watch him I’m far more available now. I can cub sit him after school.” Mrs. Ring nodded as she chugged the beer, before crushing the can against her skull, flattening the can to a disk.           “Isen, I have a match this weekend, I’d really like it if you were there.” Mrs. Ring offered quickly, as if she had given into some kind pressure. When she finished speaking she fell silent, leaning up against the counter. “I could use some help keeping an eye on Andrew. He gets a little wild when I fight, and I don’t want to leave him at home.”            “You have no idea how many Mincridarins have asked me out on a date. Jinxy asked if we could celebrate him finally getting his first job, and Aron has been begging me, literally got on his knees and begged me to go on a date with him. Lynn came to me just this morning while I was working and begged me to go on a date with him. I don’t know, something tells me if I choose to do something with you, or someone else I’d lose out on interacting with everyone else.” I explained, not trying to be mean or rude. I wouldn’t mind going but I was free of Lynn I finally had a chance to go and interact with other males and females. I wanted this chance to finally be able to make my own decisions. Hearing my response, Mrs. Ring’s muzzle fell sadly, and she turned away from me so I couldn’t see her face.        “Can I use your bathroom?”          “Go ahead, you know where it is.” I simply agreed and moving in such a way to avoid eye contact, and to keep me from seeing her face she shifted into the bathroom, and slammed the door shut. The walls were very much sound proof so I never heard anything Mrs. Ring did in there, in fact she was in there for some time to the point of the guards went to check on her.        When the green scaled captain entered he had found her sobbing on the floor leaning against the wall, with wet fur around her eyes. “Miss, what can I do?”          “Nothing.” Mrs. Ring simply responded, getting to her feet with the help of the dragon.         “Isen was always there when I needed him, he treated my son and me far better than any male I had been with before. I trusted him… dammit!” Mrs. Ring cried out, pushing the guard away softly crying into her arms crouching on the floor. Hugging herself, in order to try and calm herself.          “I want to be with him, but he’d never want to be with me. I’m a bitch with baggage. He has so many that adore him and love him, so many others far better looking, stronger, and all around better. I hate this…” Mrs. Ring explained crying softly hiding her head her arms.          “I came here, because I wanted to try. I wanted to be with him, I wanted to find a mate I didn’t deserve. I wanted to get a father for my son that he deserved. But what chance do I have? Lynn begged him to come back, Isen is bound to go back to him. This was my only chance of changing his mind. I begged the gods for aid, but who knows if there listening?” Mrs. Ring cried unable to control her emotions, and at this point the dragon was uncomfortable, because he hadn’t expected to walk in on this emotional turmoil.           “Miss, in this world nothing is certain. He could be there for you, you just have to keep hoping and maybe the gods will be kind to you.” The dragon said nervously, knowing an emotional female was a forced to be reckoned with.             Mrs. Ring looked back at the dragon, the fur around her eyes so wet that they couldn’t absorb any more tears. Though his words calmed her down, and she cleaned her eyes with her sleeve, feeling pathetic in front of the dragon. She got to her feet ashamed at what she had just said to the dragon. The guard picked up a towel and handed it over, and Mrs. Ring cleaned her eyes.            “Please don’t tell him about this.”         “About what?” The dragon simply asked and Mrs. Ring smiled, softly laughing.         “Thank you, but I’ll be in here just a bit longer.”          “I understand.” The dragon simply agreed as before he left the room closing the door. /Isen 7 notes
Paper Work and Promises     I pushed the cart full of books, reviewing the codes, on the stickers along the spine of the book, so I could properly put them back in place. It was a simple job that allowed me to listen to music as I worked. However this happened to make me vulnerable because after a moment my head set was pulled down to my neck.    “Isen can we talk?” Lynn asked, and I turned around to look up at Lynn, who plainly seemed upset. It was hard to not see it on his muzzle. It had been a week since I left him, and I was able to escape the confines of the black mail. I knew what Lynn talked about, so I simply nodded as I worked allowing the stallion to speak.     “Isen, please can you come back. Ever since you left everything feels empty. I miss you, I miss being around you. I’m sorry about everything I forced on to you, but I don’t want to live without you anymore. I’m sorry about blackmailing you. I’m sorry about abusing you.” Lynn continued to speak as I worked, and as I tried to move away he came in front of the cart and looked at me sadly.    “Isen I’ll do anything.” He begged softly, his hands growing tense to the point they bent the metal rim of the car into jagged sharp edges, his hands came away unscathed.     “Lynn I came here, wanting to experience this strange new way of life, living around your kind. I never once intended to stay so long in your apartment. I planned on working and saving money to buy my own place. But when you blackmailed me that forced me to throw that out the window, and submit a fair portion of my will to you. I was willing to do it because most of your rules were easy to follow, but when you punished me, and you threatened Jinxy. I realized it was about time I left. I’m not your mate Lynn, I never was. I was just some roommate that you owned in more than one way. You may have liked me maybe loved me, but I never loved you, I only thought of you as my abuser. Lynn I deserve to choose who I want to love. I deserve to date who I want too as well.” I explained and Lynn struck the edge of the cart with his hand denting they metal with his aggressive blow of agitation.     “Then Lynn please let me become your mate.” Lynn begged taking hold of the cart.     “Ever since we stopped living together. Do you have any idea how many males and females have called me or texted me asking to go one a date? I was just asked by three others.” I continued and Lynn looked at me sadly.       “Please Isen, let me earn you back. Please let me date you. I want to be with you. We lived together for three damn years, we mated just as often. I miss coming home to you, and smelling you’re cooking, seeing your smile. Ever since you left I’ve been beating myself, hating what I did… You deserved far better.” Lynn continued softly crying. “To me Isen, you were my mate, and no one could ever replace you.”     I touched the side of Lynn’s muzzle and he nuzzled my hand, and he looked at me giving a soft smile with sad eyes. The two glowing emeralds looking at me longingly. “I have to work a lot more, I don’t have a lot of free time. I can’t set up dates very easily anymore, but if I can, I’ll see what I can do.” I explained and Lynn nodded, his eyes closed as he nuzzled my hand, a smiling coming to his face.    He took my hand softly and kissed the top of it, before I drew it away, since my cock was already getting excited. I may want a chance of choosing my mate, but my cock had been with Lynn so often, any kind of foreplay or sexual contact quickly got a rise out of me.     “Thank you Isen.” Lynn smiled as he wiped his eyes and let go of my cart.      “But it’s still my choice, if I fall in love with someone else you better back off.” I countered and Lynn’s smile faded a little, but he nodded in agreement.      “I understand Isen, I just hope I can earn the right to call you my mate.” Lynn finished and I pushed the cart forward and away from Lynn. Continuing most of my work until I ended up running my cart into someone’s side, because they had been standing right around the corner.        “Sorry about that.” I simply apologized before I gawked looking up at a tall tower of black scales, a naturally muscular form. He wore regal clothing red and gold, all finely pressed and cleaned. His guard another Adestrian, a red scaled dragon on two legs with large wings and a thick tail. His body covered in a well maintained midnight black suit, white shirt and tie. His hand reaching into his clothing.      The Adestrian, the regal black dragon turned to me and smiled as he brushed his side. His fangs a clean bright white, his eyes a slit and a soft red. Turning to his side he reveal a large beautiful great sword to humans, but a board sword to the dragon. He glanced over his shoulder looking at his guard, and simply gestured for him to calm down.      “I honestly didn’t even feel it.” The dragon explained with a deep bass in his voice that sounded like a giant drum being struck, every word he spoke I felt through my entire body, right down to my bones.      I had only ever heard of Adestrians, I’ve never thought I would see one. They were very reclusive, and mainly stayed in their own country, at least that’s what Lynn said. So seeing one was beyond the confines of their country was strange, and very much out of place.    “Hello sir.” I said with a shaky voice, kneeling softly before the large dragon for a moment, before coming back up my hands still on the cart. I took note of his rank, a general based by the blades that hung from his left shoulder, by formal threads. I removed the head phones from my head knowing that by Lynn’s explanation, that the Adestrians were very dignified and showing respect was key to living, because no matter what, Adestrians were nearly two or three times the strength of any Mincridarn; not only that but they also had a natural life span of nearly two hundred plus years.     The Adestrian General’s smile grew seeing me submit to him, and this seemed to relax him. “Thank you Isen Dale.” The noble said resting his hand on his blade. “Would you mind coming with me?”     Knowing even Lynn had a fear of fighting or countering an Adestrian, I knew better than to turn down the polite invitation. “No sir.” I agreed and the dragon nodded and ushered me forward with massive hand, and I left the cart and followed behind the wings and tail of the dragon as he lead the way to a conference room in the back of the Library.  The guard opened the door and the General crouched under the door frame nearly kneeling in order to do so, but once inside he was forced to lean forward, his horns scraping the ceiling.     “Please meet my hatchling.” The General introduced, as he shifted my view to a younger and smaller looking dragon, he was leaner, his wings still very large and his tail nearly the length of his body. Though he wore a similar red regal clothing decorated with golden threads. The dragon was sitting on his knees, so when he stood up his head scrapped against the ceiling as well. The dragons were easily seven feet based on the fact that they had to crouch to be in the room.    “Isen Dale, this is Aldure.” The father introduced and I gave a simple bow to the dragon, who seemed visibly nervous seeing this.    “Please Isen don’t do that.” Aldure countered before he sat back on his knees and pointed to a nearby chair. “But please sit.”    I nodded and came to the dragon’s side, even sitting on his knees, he was my height, and just a little more. The father pushed some of the chairs out of the way and sat down across from me, before speaking up.     “Isen I have an offer for you.”     “What offer?” I asked and the father nodded, knowing that this question was going to be asked.      “Before I start, my name is Ameleth, General of the Adestrian royal high guard, I was tasked with creating a foot hold in this strange new world by the queen. But my position as General means I have to travel often across Adestria. So I’ve tasked my son with taking over the embassy while I’m not around.” Ameleth explained as he looked at me and then at his son.      “What does this have to do with me?”      “The embassy is the very building you moved into, well before it was completed. But that’s not the problem in fact, it’s far better this way, because we had already planned on asking you to aid our citizens in getting familiar with this world, its items, customs, and laws. We created the building to allow for other races because we hope that by doing this we could provide a proper place full of opportunity, for interaction between races. When the manager of the building had informed me that you had asked to reside there, I thought this was an excellent time to act. So I personally came here, to ask for your assistance.” Ameleth explained and I nodded as I listened though, I was bothered by the idea that I had been allowed to stay if I hadn’t even agreed.        “I’m sorry but I can’t be much of a help. I’m always working now, even if I wanted to I’d always be busy.” Ameleth nodded in understanding.       “We’d pay for your aid, and we’d allow you to stay in the apartment without any cost.” I perked up hearing this, and if I had a tail it’d be wagging.       “Seriously?”       “I guess you’re on board for the idea?” Ameleth laughed happily seeing my reaction, his laugh like a church bell.      “Of course, I don’t mind helping out and the fact that I’m getting paid only makes it easier, but just being able to live in the apartment for free, that takes so much off my mind.” I explained and Ameleth nodded as he picked up a brief case, not even bothering to use the handle and pushed it in front of me.       “Inside are papers, security documents, information and tasks that will be asked of you, payment and so on. Please sign for your approval, and once the building is completed next month we can start having you work.” Ameleth continued and I popped open the suit case and took out the folders, and reviewed the contracts and paper work, one by one I signed them. There was nothing binding about them in fact they seemed fairly lenient, just simple work application type information. Once I finished this I pushed the brief case back. Ameleth reviewed the documents and when he was satisfied he closed the lid.      “Was the monthly salary fair?” Ameleth asked and I nodded.      “I hardly spend much money unless it’s to buy food and simple repairs, but since you’ll fixing these on your own. Its gives me plenty of cash to use as I want, I could possibly quit this job if I wanted to.” I explained and the dragon nodded while listening.       “Actually I would recommend that, once citizens start making residence you’ll have plenty to do.”        “Nothing I’m not already used to explaining.” I countered and the Dragon smiled as he looked at his son.        “Isen, I’m sorry to impose buy my son will be residing with you as well based on the papers you signed.”        “I noticed, but I’m guessing that’s because you want me to help teach him about this world as well?”       “Yes, very perceptive, but this will also show us if we need to make any last minute modifications to the apartments as well. So if you have any problems please speak up, I’ll see what I can do.” Ameleth complimented before further explaining the plan.       “No problem, I’d be happy to help take care of your son while your away.” Ameleth smiled and leaned over the table and kissed his son’s muzzle.       “I’ll be off then, the guards are already unpacking your things.” Ameleth said speaking to his son, and hearing this I froze.      “Wait, what! Sir my stuff is already in the room. I have some very delicate items.” I protested and Ameleth looked at me and nodded as he took out his phone.       “I’ll make a call and tell them to stop for now, but you should head home then so they can better move your items.” Ameleth said and I nodded quickly rushing out the room, scared that they could have broken my computer or any of my hard drives that I bought, since they have plenty of my stories on them. /Isen 4 notes
Calamity Part Three     When I had returned back to the old apartment building, I was greeted by Mrs. Beatrice who was standing at her desk. “I told you to stay at the desk where were you yesterday when I got back?”      “Sorry, I was helping the new guy into his apartment.” I explained with a sigh as I came to the desk, and hearing this Mrs. Beatrice calmed down and took in a small breath a small smile coming to her beak. “Next time when you leave the desk can you at least put up a sign.”       “I’m sorry, but I’m leaving.” Mrs. Beatrice froze hearing this trying to process what I had just said, but when she had, she quickly hollered out her protest.     “What in the gods names are you saying?!” The penguin called out in anger as she came around the desk before standing in front of me. “You can’t leave!”      “Mrs. Beatrice, I’m already set up in my new home, I’m here to get my stuff.”       “You better bring it the fuck back.” Mrs. Beatrice countered aggressively poking me in the chest, causing a mild pain because of her strength. I simply took her hand and looked down at her, and said nothing and she looked at me sadly.        “Why are you leaving? I thought you liked it here?” I pulled the penguin into a hug and rubbed the back of her head. She was like a mother to everyone in the apartment, even to me in some manner. So I didn’t want to leave her so bothered or upset.     “I just felt it was about time that I moved out, and started to try and live on my own for a bit.”  I sighed not telling her about the black mail, or about what Lynn did, before I pulled away and started to walk upstairs.      “Will I get to see you again?” Mrs. Beatrice asked sadly, and I looked at the banister.      “I don’t know.” I replied and with that the penguin fell silent and let me continue on my way. I used the key to the apartment and walked inside, and heard nothing but silence. Whenever Lynn was deeply upset he always used his magic to go to a retreat, somewhere secret where he could go and calm down. Not even I knew where it was, but it wouldn’t have been the first time, and when I entered the bedroom I found a few boxes laying on the bed, and some duct tape to the side. I formed the boxes and soon enough started to put my things away, my books, my left over clothing, what other electronics I had and some pictures I owned. I even collected the games I personally bought to play on Lynn’s game station. By the time I had finished I had at least three boxes to move and a few pictures.      Seeing this, I pulled out my phone and called a cab, and started to carry my things down stairs and set them by the door. By the time I had gotten to my finale box others started to take notice, especially Mrs. Ring from next door who had come down stairs with Andrew in tow.      “Isen?” She called out seeing a few others surrounding me, all of them very much upset. I looked at Mrs. Ring as she came near and she saw the box’s and looked at me. “What’s going on? What are those for?”      “I’m moving out.” I simply explained, and her entire mood feel hearing this, her mouth moving trying to make words but nothing but miss matched words fell from her lips. Until she was finally able to speak up. “What? Why?”       “I just think it’s about time I move out as well.” I simply responded and even Andrew became saddened by this and came close grabbing my hand.       “Don’t go.” I hated the look on Andrew’s face, he was truly upset and in fact he had started to softly cry and pulled into my hip. Only made this moment even harder, I hated making cubs cry so when Andrew did it was hard to keep a distance.       “Did you and Lynn have a fight? I thought you liked living here with him.” Mrs. Ring questioned looking at me just trying to understand this sudden change. Mrs. Ring knew something was off, and she knew if this was going to happen she would have, if not the entire building would have heard about it at least a week prior. The fact that I was leaving so quietly and so quickly, she understood something else was being hidden from her.       “I can’t explain, I’m sorry.” Hearing this Mrs. Ring picked me up and forced me against the wall, easily holding me up with one hand.       “Don’t give me that shit, what happened? I’ll beat him senseless if I have to, you don’t have to leave you can move in with me if you have to. You don’t need to leave like this.” However by this time there was the sound of the horn, and I looked at Mrs. Ring and grabbed her hand.      “I need to go.” I simply protested and Mrs. Ring dropped me before turning away, feeling betrayed. Isen was always there for her, he was always around when she needed him, she was a friend and Isen had never told her a damn thing. She owed Isen so much, and she trusted him, but he couldn’t trust her.       “Fuck you!” Mrs. Ring snapped back in anger, as tears started coming down the side of her muzzle as she stormed away. Pulling Andrew away with her, I watched her until she disappeared from view, and with the second horn honk. I started too picked up a box and carried it down stairs and outside.       The Mincridarn taxi driver put the car into park and popped the trunk and got out, taking the keys with him. “Do you need help Isen?” The caby asked, and I nodded not really questioning the fact that the rabbit knew my name. It wouldn’t have been the first time that had happened.        “Just a few boxes.” I explained and with that the caby came up the steps, and helped me put things into the trunk, before helping me into the car. With that he started the car and looked back at me.         “Corner of Iron and Crimson road” I said before the rabbit asked, hearing this the caby turned around and with that started to drive away.       “What’s with the boxes?” The driver asked looking in the rear view mirror as they came to the first stop.        “Moving.” I responded as I started to dig through my wallet, wondering if I need to use a card or cash.          “Why are you doing that? I thought you and Lynn were mates?” The caby asked as he started drive away from the corner.  I sighed and looked at the rabbit and he saw my look and nodded in understanding.         “Sorry, I guess it’s not my business.”       “Thank you.” I sighed, leaning back in the seat enjoying the car ride, one of the few things I haven’t really experience in a while.  Though when the car was parked, the caby was kind enough to help me take my boxes inside in my apartment. I paid for the ride in cash, luckily having enough and with that I closed the door, and looked out into the empty space. One by one I unpacked my boxes and with how little I had, it took me under an hour and I was able to settle into my new living room just as work on the apartment started over head, loud banging, nail guns firing, and plenty of loud movement.       I found the remote for the TV and turned it on, turning it up I went into the kitchen and made a simple breakfast. Trying to answer calls and text messages, as my phone continually vibrated for over an hour with aggressive complaints, and worried questions. Though it only settled down after two hours. and once those hours were up I called my employer.     “Isen did you really break up with Lynn?”      “Were in a damn city how the hell did you find out? You don’t even live in my apartment.” I protested and the female on the other end gave a small laugh. Truly bothered with how quickly word spread about what had just happened.       “Facebook, and twitter, and Instagram, and snapchat, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the news covered it. Your relationship was a pretty big deal.” The female responded as if she was going through her phone at that very moment.  I groaned leaning back against the couch, and the female gave a small laugh.        “Do you need more hours?”       “Please, I can keep the apartment if I work full time, the expenses are workable and that’ll give me time to find a roommate or something. To help pay for them.” I explained and there were sounds of agreement.      “Alright, just come in at seven-twenty, tomorrow morning.”     “Thank you.” I sighed ended the call after I got something similar back from the employer.
0 notes
awriterstransition · 7 years
Calamity Part 3
 When I had returned back to the old apartment building, I was greeted by Mrs. Beatrice who was standing at her desk. “I told you to stay at the desk where were you yesterday when I got back?”      “Sorry, I was helping the new guy into his apartment.” I explained with a sigh as I came to the desk, and hearing this Mrs. Beatrice calmed down and took in a small breath a small smile coming to her beak. “Next time when you leave the desk can you at least put up a sign.”       “I’m sorry, but I’m leaving.” Mrs. Beatrice froze hearing this trying to process what I had just said, but when she had, she quickly hollered out her protest.     “What in the gods names are you saying?!” The penguin called out in anger as she came around the desk before standing in front of me. “You can’t leave!”      “Mrs. Beatrice, I’m already set up in my new home, I’m here to get my stuff.”       “You better bring it the fuck back.” Mrs. Beatrice countered aggressively poking me in the chest, causing a mild pain because of her strength. I simply took her hand and looked down at her, and said nothing and she looked at me sadly.        “Why are you leaving? I thought you liked it here?” I pulled the penguin into a hug and rubbed the back of her head. She was like a mother to everyone in the apartment, even to me in some manner. So I didn’t want to leave her so bothered or upset.     “I just felt it was about time that I moved out, and started to try and live on my own for a bit.”  I sighed not telling her about the black mail, or about what Lynn did, before I pulled away and started to walk upstairs.      “Will I get to see you again?” Mrs. Beatrice asked sadly, and I looked at the banister.      “I don’t know.” I replied and with that the penguin fell silent and let me continue on my way. I used the key to the apartment and walked inside, and heard nothing but silence. Whenever Lynn was deeply upset he always used his magic to go to a retreat, somewhere secret where he could go and calm down. Not even I knew where it was, but it wouldn’t have been the first time, and when I entered the bedroom I found a few boxes laying on the bed, and some duct tape to the side. I formed the boxes and soon enough started to put my things away, my books, my left over clothing, what other electronics I had and some pictures I owned. I even collected the games I personally bought to play on Lynn’s game station. By the time I had finished I had at least three boxes to move and a few pictures.      Seeing this, I pulled out my phone and called a cab, and started to carry my things down stairs and set them by the door. By the time I had gotten to my finale box others started to take notice, especially Mrs. Ring from next door who had come down stairs with Andrew in tow.      “Isen?” She called out seeing a few others surrounding me, all of them very much upset. I looked at Mrs. Ring as she came near and she saw the box’s and looked at me. “What’s going on? What are those for?”      “I’m moving out.” I simply explained, and her entire mood feel hearing this, her mouth moving trying to make words but nothing but miss matched words fell from her lips. Until she was finally able to speak up. “What? Why?”       “I just think it’s about time I move out as well.” I simply responded and even Andrew became saddened by this and came close grabbing my hand.       “Don’t go.” I hated the look on Andrew’s face, he was truly upset and in fact he had started to softly cry and pulled into my hip. Only made this moment even harder, I hated making cubs cry so when Andrew did it was hard to keep a distance.       “Did you and Lynn have a fight? I thought you liked living here with him.” Mrs. Ring questioned looking at me just trying to understand this sudden change. Mrs. Ring knew something was off, and she knew if this was going to happen she would have, if not the entire building would have heard about it at least a week prior. The fact that I was leaving so quietly and so quickly, she understood something else was being hidden from her.       “I can’t explain, I’m sorry.” Hearing this Mrs. Ring picked me up and forced me against the wall, easily holding me up with one hand.       “Don’t give me that shit, what happened? I’ll beat him senseless if I have to, you don’t have to leave you can move in with me if you have to. You don’t need to leave like this.” However by this time there was the sound of the horn, and I looked at Mrs. Ring and grabbed her hand.      “I need to go.” I simply protested and Mrs. Ring dropped me before turning away, feeling betrayed. Isen was always there for her, he was always around when she needed him, she was a friend and Isen had never told her a damn thing. She owed Isen so much, and she trusted him, but he couldn’t trust her.       “Fuck you!” Mrs. Ring snapped back in anger, as tears started coming down the side of her muzzle as she stormed away. Pulling Andrew away with her, I watched her until she disappeared from view, and with the second horn honk. I started too picked up a box and carried it down stairs and outside.       The Mincridarn taxi driver put the car into park and popped the trunk and got out, taking the keys with him. “Do you need help Isen?” The caby asked, and I nodded not really questioning the fact that the rabbit knew my name. It wouldn’t have been the first time that had happened.        “Just a few boxes.” I explained and with that the caby came up the steps, and helped me put things into the trunk, before helping me into the car. With that he started the car and looked back at me.         “Corner of Iron and Crimson road” I said before the rabbit asked, hearing this the caby turned around and with that started to drive away.       “What’s with the boxes?” The driver asked looking in the rear view mirror as they came to the first stop.        “Moving.” I responded as I started to dig through my wallet, wondering if I need to use a card or cash.          “Why are you doing that? I thought you and Lynn were mates?” The caby asked as he started drive away from the corner.  I sighed and looked at the rabbit and he saw my look and nodded in understanding.         “Sorry, I guess it’s not my business.”       “Thank you.” I sighed, leaning back in the seat enjoying the car ride, one of the few things I haven’t really experience in a while.  Though when the car was parked, the caby was kind enough to help me take my boxes inside in my apartment. I paid for the ride in cash, luckily having enough and with that I closed the door, and looked out into the empty space. One by one I unpacked my boxes and with how little I had, it took me under an hour and I was able to settle into my new living room just as work on the apartment started over head, loud banging, nail guns firing, and plenty of loud movement.       I found the remote for the TV and turned it on, turning it up I went into the kitchen and made a simple breakfast. Trying to answer calls and text messages, as my phone continually vibrated for over an hour with aggressive complaints, and worried questions. Though it only settled down after two hours. and once those hours were up I called my employer.     “Isen did you really break up with Lynn?”      “Were in a damn city how the hell did you find out? You don’t even live in my apartment.” I protested and the female on the other end gave a small laugh. Truly bothered with how quickly word spread about what had just happened.       “Facebook, and twitter, and Instagram, and snapchat, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the news covered it. Your relationship was a pretty big deal.” The female responded as if she was going through her phone at that very moment.  I groaned leaning back against the couch, and the female gave a small laugh.        “Do you need more hours?”       “Please, I can keep the apartment if I work full time, the expenses are workable and that’ll give me time to find a roommate or something. To help pay for them.” I explained and there were sounds of agreement.      “Alright, just come in at seven-twenty, tomorrow morning.”     “Thank you.” I sighed ended the call after I got something similar back from the employer.
0 notes
awriterstransition · 7 years
Cub Sitting Part 3
      I was sitting down with Andrew when there was a knocking on the door, luckily Lynn had given me permission to not wear a diaper any longer so I had cleaned myself off after lunch. I walked to the door and pulled it open having gotten messages from his mother that she would be arriving soon. In front of the door she stood, with a bandaged right shoulder, no top, revealing her breasts. Her legs were still covered by the shorts. “Hello again Mrs. Ring.”        “Hello again.” Mrs. Ring said stepping past me when I let ushered her inside, she walked into the living room and looked down at her son.      “Was he good to you?”       “He was just fine Mrs. Ring, I really didn’t mind, it gets quiet around here sometimes with Lynn gone, and when I don’t have to work.” I smiled and I watched her pull out a wallet, I took this from her and put it back into her bag, before removing the bag itself from her shoulder.       “I said you don’t have to pay me and I was serious.” I countered setting the bag by the TV.       “Andrew, why don’t you go home, I’m sure your dad is back.” Hearing any reference to the male physically agitated her. But she looked down at her cub, giving a simple hug before letting him leave. The door closed behind him and there was simple silence.       “Isen why are you so good to us?” Mrs. Ring asked as I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and a single glass, I had been letting the wine air out in the counter so I simply added the wine to the glass before handing it over.        “What do you mean?” I asked watching Mrs. Ring take a sip of the red wine.        “You’re a human, one of the few that actually treat us like living beings. You even more so, you’re nearly an angel Isen.” Mrs. Ring expressed before moving to the couch and sitting down. I followed behind her and sat next to her.        “I live to write, even if I don’t make a cent out of it, that is my passion, that is what I love. Even in death, in heaven I’d still be living like this, happily writing. I truly don’t mind, it’s good sometimes to be distracted.” I said turning the female around so her back faced me before pushing her down against the arm rest.        “Mrs. Ring I simply don’t care, who or what you are, if you kind to me I’ll be the same back, if your mean so will I.” I explained as I pulled out a set of black thin gloves from the drawer, the long gloves came up to my shoulder, and were enchanted to enhance my own strength. Mincridarins, had skin like sheet metal, it was not easy to manipulate if you were not of equal strength.       I removed myself from the couch and brought Mrs. Ring’s legs up on to the couch, before taking her free arm to start with. “I wish that idiot would at least do something like this for me, but no he locks himself in a room playing games.” Mrs. Ring growled in anger and then in pleasure as I worked her arm.        “Lynn said if I planned on not having a job that I better learn to at least give him a good time when he got home. So he started teaching me massaging techniques, I don’t work much but it’s still fun to learn.”         “I just wish that fang faced pup would grow up and get a life, he wastes money on games and consoles. It’s fucking ridicules. The bastard even spent my money on pornographic games, a damn dating simulator.” Mrs. Ring protested in anger after drinking more from her glass, and she was silent as I moved back up to her shoulders, being careful to not cause her pain.         “We haven’t mated in over a year, he keeps turning me down every time I ask to sleep with another. He then has the balls to go and ask to sleep with another female… I wish I had never been joined with him.”         “You could always break it off.”         “And shame my family name? I can’t do that.” Hearing this I added pressure to her bruise, causing her to groan in pain.         “You’re shaming your name because you don’t take care of your own son. DO you have any idea what he’s going through? Do you even talk to him anymore? He was crying because he hated hearing you fight.” I continued and the female fell silent, a depressed look coming over her muzzle as she looked at the glass of wine in her hand.        “You need to start thinking about him, not about your name. He is your son, and you’re always fighting. I’m sure you’re parents if they understood wouldn’t hate you for breaking it off. If anything that idiot is shaming his family name by not being a proper mate and father.” I expressed and Mrs. Ring’s ears fell back.        “I hate this. I hate fighting… Fuck that feels good.” The tense air quickly falling away with the growl of pleasure.  I smiled hearing this before applying a bit more pressure and concentrating on the area. Her body visibly sank into the couch, her toes curling in pleasure. There were a few audible pops as her spine adjusted to my touch.        “Did you ever try setting up a new bank account only in your name so he can’t touch the money?” I asked and she looked back at me, and then at the glass as she drank more of the red wine.        “No, I probably should though.” She admitted and with that I poured her more wine.         “Set a date and time, and if you ever need me to watch your son, I’ll be happy to do so.” I admitted before moving back down to her left leg, slowly picking it up to better massage the firm thick legs, his hands trailing over the soft fur.         “IF letting you watch my son get’s me a massage. I might have to drop him off more often.” Mrs. Ring said a playful smile as her tail shook softly with excitement between her legs. I slowly moved up to her feet and worked the tender and firm paw pad covered foot and toes. My motions causing them to pop, releasing the bent up tension.        “Mrs. Ring, you should make a day where you plan a fun time with Andrew, even if it’s just going to the park. He just wants you to notice him, why do you think he’s getting so much trouble?” I continued catching the mother attention, as I started to work on her other leg.       “How do you know that?”       “You’re always fighting, you hardly pay attention to him, he starts fights because he knows you like fighting, and getting into trouble is the only way he gets your attention. He misses playing with you.” I explained and the mother took a sip of the wine, as she listened.       “I hate it when other mothers tell me how to raise my pup.”        “I’m not a mother.”        “I know and that’s why it’s annoying…. It’s annoying because your right.” Mrs. Ring admitted as I started to work on her other paw, smiling and looking down at her before rolling her over to work on her other arm.        “I’m not trying to be a bother. But if you ever feel an argument coming on send Andrew to me, he doesn’t need to hear you arguing day and night. He loves you, and it hurts him deeply because you argue.” I continued and the female nodded in understanding, her head leaning against the arm rest.        “You’re doing more for me then my mate has done for me in over a year.”       “Well maybe it’s about time you found someone better.” I continued as I came back to her shoulders which brought my own face close to hers, there was a simple silence once I did that. Being so close I looked deeply into her dark yellow eyes. I gave her a kind smile after a moment and she looked away as if embarrassed before pushing me to the side     “I should go, thanks for the wine. I’m sure I’m going to need it.”      “Take the bottle.” I added as I picked up the uncorked bottle and handed it over.      “Isen I couldn’t do that.”       “Mrs. Ring, I don’t drink and I can always get another.” The female smirked looking down at me, before accepting the bottle.      “Way to flaunt your money about.” I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.      “You know that’s not what I meant.” The female simply smiled as she finished her glass before putting it down, and picking up her bag. She looked at me with a kind smile before giving a half assed salute, with two fingers.       “See you around the building?”       “See you later Mrs. Ring.” I agreed and with that the mother left, closing the door behind herself. I sat back down on the couch looking at the puzzle on the table, “I should probably leave it there. Just in case”, and luckily I was right, because not ten minutes after his mother had left Andrew had entered the apartment nervously.      I simply sighed and waved the pup over, and he rushed over and hugged me. I pulled him up on my lap and he soon started crying again. Then muffled through the walls came the familiar yelling, I simply turned up the TV and drowned out the hateful words. I pet Andrew’s head and held him close watching the TV, until Lynn came home.      He saw the sight, and sighed unhappily. “I’ll go and try and break it up again.”       “Please do, I think she broke the wine bottle I gave her.” I added, and with that Lynn left the apartment.
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Cub Sitting (Major Fetish Diapers)
There were firm knocks on the front door, I was at the sink cleaning dishes, when I heard these. Lokking at the clock on the stove. “8:00, Lynn must have forgotten his badge again.” I said to myself as i went the front door, undid the locks.
When I pulled open the door I expected Lynn, I was however mistaken instead I saw Mrs. Ring, a Hyena with a thick muscular form and fair sized breasts. She was wearing a simple white tank top, and black athletic short. A sports bag over
her shoulder.
“Mrs. Ring, whats wrong?” I asked knowing Mrs. Ring was a strong willed female that hated asking for favors. She would ask for something unless she was desperate.
“Isen, I’m so sorry to bother you but Andrew got suspended from school again. Can you please watch him, I can’t take him to the Arena its to dangerous. Please watch him I have no one else to turn too.” Mrs. Ring explained pulling a smaller young male into view, and wearing a black shirt and jean shorts. He looked at me angrily annoyed and then at his mom.
“I dont need a sitter.” Andrew protested getting a smack on his head.
“Like I’m going to leave you alone your grounded for a month and thats final.” I watched the mother’s anger.
“Andrew come inside. Leave your mother alone.” I simply stated and the cub stepped inside feeling his head.
“Isen thank you so much, I’ll try to make up for this.” I simply smiled and felt the female hug me.
“Mrs. Ring It’s ok, just get going I’ll call you if anything happens.” I said pulling the female off of my form. She kissed me happily and then said her goodbye before quickly left.
I closed the door and looked at Andrew who was silent. “I’m doing dishes I’ll be done in a bit. Watch some TV maybe the last time you get to watch some.” I said with a smile walking past the cub.
“Are you wearing diapers?” Andrew asked catching something off about my scent.
“Yes.” I simply agreed as I walked into the kitchen.
“I’m being punished by Lynn.” I simply stated which was my natural go to response.
“So its true, you do wear diapers?” Andrew asked disgusted by the idea of wearing diapers.
“Yes.” I simply stated as I went to the sink to clean the dishes. Andrew looked at my rear. Before walking away with a dark smile. With swift hands he pulled down my pants revealing my soiled padding.
“You look just like a cub, did you poop yourself?” Andrew said with a dark smile, and hearing this I looked down at him and pulled out my cell phone.
“Do you want me to call your mom?” Andrew’s muzzle gaze grew angered and he said nothing else and just walked away. Seeing this I pulled up my pants and went back to work. I heard the TV turn on, and though my back was turned I felt his eyes on my back.
But nothing was stated between the two for hours even after I went back into my room to continue writing.
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