#Mtas Rambo
thekawaiifruitworld · 1 month
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sandrockers · 1 year
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He deserved it
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lotostar · 4 months
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some sketches
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sandara-and-coco · 1 year
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Sleeping baby goats 💤💕
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paofia · 2 years
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Baby Rambo 🐐
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sandrockbandit · 1 year
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the greatest of all time /affectionate
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sandrockianblues · 2 years
Can we get some head cannons for the bandit gang playing uno 💜
Come here, like, approach me- *gets out step stool and kisses your forehead* thank you for asking 🥹💜
Everyone feel free to ask more!!
Playing Uno
(Characters: Logan, Haru, Andy)
First of all, why the heck would the builder think it’s a good idea to play any sort of family friendly game with the bandit boys??
Haru: so incredibly smart that he’s like one of those uni students you hear about that you need to avoid when it comes to specific games to specific majors…except, Sandrock is essentially post-apocalyptic, so it’s just him being well-rounded in the most random shit regarding math or science or both. Literally a god at the game even when he’s not trying. Man knows how to plan and strategize. Knows his opponents like the back of his hand. If he drew a blank card mentioning confessing to his crush, he’ll pass. He’s willing to take the L and draw more cards. Who is he? Logan? He can bounce back no problem. But oop, someone pisses him off? Oh, look at that, their turn has been skipped. The color has been changed. And oop, gotta draw 2, no wait, 4, wait-
Andy: cheeky adorable bastard that cheats like an experienced gambling man. He’s got his own set of Uno cards that he’s slipping into the game and switching out in his hand, playing with whatever card suits his needs next. Of course, Haru notices. But it keeps the game interesting for reasons (I.e. Logan having no idea about it.) He’s here to win and make someone (Logan) cry if he’s lucky. He’s the one that keeps the Reverse train going. He’s the one that has someone (Logan) picking an obscene amount of cards from the draw pile. The only way to get him? Hoping he draws one of the many blank cards (thanks to his added stack) that says “Confess to Crush (Jasmine) -OR- Draw 25”. Gets him every time.
Logan: this mf would win Mario Kart every time if it wasn’t for the existence of blue shells. So, in a normal game, he could very well win. But paired with his genius friend and co-parent, as well as their child, he literally has no chance. Inventor of the “Confess or Draw” card in their game, it’s his only saving grace to having some form of a chance to win. His repeatedly bruised ego and his strive for success keeps him going, he’s no coward. But he’s got a painfully long streak of being the recipient to skipped turns and horribly timed usage of wild cards and witnessed numerous upsetting “Reverse!” cycles before his eyes as he watched on. Has flipped the table one too many times, but WILL stay until the end of the game. Just to make sure. If he draws the blank “Confess or Draw” cards don’t doubt that he’ll literally do whatever it takes to win, including marching right up to the builder and confessing there on the spot because he’ll be damned if he draws 25 more cards after encountering three “Wild Draw 4”- (almost won naturally once, but deadass forgot to shout “Uno!”, no one saw him for three whole days after that incident.)
Rambo: #1 card eater. Haru and Logan once got into a fight with Logan screaming “fuck you!” to him in a moment of intense stress, hopping upon Rambo to ride off when Rambo hacked up something in front of Haru’s feet. A chewed and saliva-slicked “Reverse” card that the bomb maker held up in shock for his friend to see. They were both too stunned to even fight or calm themselves from the hysterical fit it brought on.
Jasmine: it doesn’t matter that she’s good at Uno. No one can win against her. You just can’t. It’s against the rules. Two men and one boy are such softies for her that they can’t imagine letting her lose or having her sit there with a full hand of cards. Like, could Andy really let his future wife sit there as he hits her with a skipped turn? Fuck no. But Jasmine knows they’re letting her win and it’s fine. Because the winner always gets treated to a free meal and she’s not above scheming.
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Ep 01: When Logan met the Builder.
This episode occurs post MtaS “The Goat” Main Mission. ⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️ spoilers ahead!
Chapter 01: Trust is Earned
The harsh Eufala desert sun beats down on the bandit duo as they ride across Sandrock. Their white knuckles gripping the reins of their trusty steeds as sand flies behind them. Nightfall is approaching and they need to reach their destination beyond the desert boundary to Atara. An acquaintance of Grace's awaits with news of the impending threat, set on destroying Sandrock and all those within its boundary. Whatever it takes... it’s part of his destiny.
Logan’s bright blue eyes set on the horizon with his head held low to avoid any flying sand. it shouldn’t be much further until they reach Atara. Time is of the essence.
Logan whips the reins and kicks his heels. Rambo picks up speed, navigating sand mounds and gravel pits. Interweaving the grand rock formations in which Sandrock is known for. The agility of such a beast is majestic, for surely, such a heavyweight would substitute strength for agility. Rambo’s legs ride over the sand like a racehorse on turf. He is free. If you saw him in water, you would possibly mistake him for a dolphin, his grey mane and weightlessness mimic that of the beautifully designed dolphin. The grace in his strides leave even the highest paid race horse in the dust.
A second set of hooves follow close behind.
Haru: “I don’t think we will make it by nightfall!”
Haru’s back and legs are growing tired, he doesn’t have the stamina to hold onto his steed quite like Logan.
Haru: “I need a break!”
Logan ignores Haru’s request. And keeps on riding.
Flicking the reins once again, Logan knows it’s just past the horizon. They can make it if they just keep going.
Haru: “LOGAN!”
Haru digs his heels into the side of his beast and Merle let’s out a mighty “BAAA” setting his sights on Rambo. You see, in the ocean if Rambo was considered a dolphin then Merle would be a Swordfish. Much faster than Rambo but out of hierarchy would always stay behind, except in these cases.
Merle quickly darts in front of Rambo and stops him in his tracks.
Logan heaving: “WOOOOOAAAAAA.....".
Logan: "HARU….. Atara is just beyond the break! We can reach the boarder before midnight!”
Haru jumps off Merle and gives his tasseled hair a stroke. Haru whispers into the beasts ear.
Haru: “Thank you my friend.”
Haru unstraps his satchel from Merle and begins unpacking his rucksack.
Haru: “You can keep going, but I would rather not freeze to death once the sun sets…..”
Logan rolls his eyes and let’s out a sigh. He knows Haru is right, Haru is ALWAYS RIGHT.
Haru: “Given the lack of cloud coverage today, tonight is going to be extra cold, I suggest we start a bonfire.”
Logan’s heavy boots hit the ground with a great thud as he dismounts Rambo. He gives Rambo’s head a tussle to shake off the sand from his thick mane.
Logan smugly: “Who is running this ring Haru? Last time I checked I recruited you!”
Haru let’s out a scoff and turns to look up at Logan who stands in front of him silhouetted by the sun beaming around him.
Logan was a tall man, with the body of a Greek god. Chiseled features and muscles on muscles. His eyes, a deep ocean blue with a subtle hint of green around his pupil. He was a beautiful specimen of human design. It would be hard for anyone not to notice his rugged good looks and stature, he oozed sex appeal.
Haru: “Given the lack of sleep and empty belly you wouldn’t make it to midnight my friend…. You are lucky I promised your Pa to stay by your side…. Because you are as stubborn as you are reckless!”
Haru goes back to setting up camp. Logan mutters under his breath.
If there is anything that Haru can hold to his merit, he is as loyal as a dog. He would go to end of the earth for his friends and he cares for them as if they were his own family. In fact since being on the run from Sandrock, Haru and Logan were just that, family.
Before long the bonfire is lit and the camp is set. While huddled around the fire Haru pours tea, while Logan grills the Yakmel steaks. It’s getting cold.
Haru hands Logan a cup of tea and settles himself across the fire staring into the flames. In that moment both of them forget that they are on the run, home was now a distant memory and everything that comes with the ‘normal’ life ceased to exist.
Haru: “How bad is it?”
Logan puzzled: “How bad is what?”
Haru: “Being alone”
Logan looks up from the grill to see Haru zoned out gazing into the fire.
Logan shrugs his shoulders and goes back to cooking the steaks.
Logan: “I don’t care too much for company anymore. Being on my own means I don' need no bodies permission and I can come and go as I please.”
Haru: “Hmmm”
Logan: “Since Pa’s been gone….”
Logan swallows the hard lump that has formed in his throat.... his emotions. It’s still hard to talk about his Pa. Even with Haru.
Logan: “….. I haven’t felt the need to have anyone close by"
Haru looks up from the flames to look at Logan. He is aware of the pain Logan carries and the guilt he ultimately feels.
Logan: "Its just easier not to have feelings. Besides....."
Logan takes a deep breath.
Logan: "We have more important things going on Haru. Like saving this godforsaken town."
Haru nods his head.
Haru: "Even if the townsfolk dont appreciate it."
Logan takes the grill off the fire and walks over to Haru.
Logan: "We are doin this for ma Pa. His promise to Sandrock was to always protect its people."
Haru reaches out his plate and Logan slides a Yakmel steak into it. It hits the plate with a sloppy squelch. Not the most appetizing meal, but it will provide enough sustenance for the weary travelers.
Haru raises the steak to his mouth and takes a huge mouthful. His hunger is immeasurable.
Logan sits down on the opposite side of the bonfire and starts to devour his meat like a ravenous dog. Decorum wasn't a priority right now. Especially as Logan hadn't eaten in 2 days, being a bandit on the run meant the regular meal was hard to come by.
Haru goes to speak with a mouthful of food.
Haru: "So ho'bout that builder ey?"
Haru winks at Logan.
Haru: "Not to bad on the eyes..... and a combo to boot! She kicked your ass Logan!"
Logan lets out a sarcastic laugh.
Logan: "She was lucky I went so easy on 'er... I knew Grace was behind me the whole time, I just wanted to give 'er a taste of what its like going up against a real outlaw."
Haru lets out a wail of a laugh.
Haru: "Come on Logan! Admit it! She had moves... She beat me for peetsake."
Logan shrugs his sholder toward Haru.
Logan: "Like I said... a REAL outlaw."
Haru kicks sand towards Logan in playful jest. He places his empty plate down and lies down on his back staring up at the endless abyss.
Haru: "Anyway she was a looker...."
Logan continues to hoover down his last pieces of food. Not taking much notice of what Haru is talking about.
Logan: "Mmmmm"
Logan rests his plate beside him and stretches out beside the fire, his legs almost reaching Haru's head.
Haru: "I hope we get to see her again... I think she would really like me."
Logan looks over at Haru. Haru's cheeks are blush as he reminisces on his encounter with the builder. Its sweet, Haru has a crush and Logan can see it all over his face.
Logan: "Well she might be a looker but she would soon enough stab you in the back!... That's the dangerous type!"
Haru whips his head around to look at Logan in shock.
Haru: "What do you mean? Shes helping us Logan!"
Logan shakes his head and stares into the night sky.
Logan: "Don't trust noone Haru, even the pretty ones. They will rip your heart out! Remember trust is earned."
Haru: "But Grace vouched for 'er! Shes one of the good ones!"
Logan shakes his head.
Logan: "Grace is only here to better 'er standing in Atara Intelligence, she wants to make Chief Commissioner one day!"
Haru: "Oh comeon Logan! Grace is our friend! We wouldn't be here without 'er!"
Logan scoffs.
Logan: "Humpffff... That might be true. But everyone has their own prerogative Haru. You would be smart to remember that!"
Haru turns back around and nestles into his rucksack. Its cold out and the stars are outnumbering grains of sand.
Haru: "When this is all said and done, I am go'n to marry dat girl!"
Logan lets out a scoff.
Haru was like a puppy, he fell hard and fast. But not Logan, he was hard headed and as stubborn as a mule. It would take quite a woman to break this bad boy.
Haru let out a prolonged yawn and before long he is fast sleep. Logan settles himself on his back staring into the sky, closing his eyes as he dreams of the days events.
It had been a long time since Logan had felt the warmth of a woman's touch on his skin, smelt their sweet aroma or combed his fingers through their hair. Logan longed for the feeling of a woman's touch and caressing her full bosom in his hand, slightly flicking the peach nipple in his fingertips. He had yearned for a woman for so long, he wanted to quench his thirst and succumb to her animalistic instinct. He reached down into his leather pants and touched his pulsating appendage.
His breath begins to quicken and his hand glides along the shaft of his member. He pictures a woman straddling his waist as he lifts her into the air, his hands grabbing onto her posterior with force as her arm wrap him in for a warm embrace. He has her high in the air and places her on his member, they gasp as the immediate pleasure sweeps over them both. With each pulse he becomes more and more hard. He grabs the her hair and pulls her head back as he sucks the sensitive skin surrounding her neck. She moans and grinds deeper and deeper. Logan lets out a deep growl as he feels the wetness of her core pulsate against his member. She digs her fingernails into his shoulders as he lets out a mighty heave. With the last of his energy they crumble into a heap on the floor, both heavily breathing as they lay on the ground. Logans head resting on her stomach, the rise and fall giving him a sense of calm and comfort. She combs his hair so delicately and kisses his head as she catches her breath. His hand wrapped around her waist so tight, he never wants to let this go. This feeling he longed for, the sense of comfort and love. This place felt like home.
As he catches his breath he tilts his head up to see the woman's face. It was only then that Logan would see the woman he was craving and yearning for. The woman he craved was the builder!
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Photo Inspiration from Reddit: "https://www.reddit.com/r/MyTimeAtSandrock/comments/vtf5qz/any_logan_lovers_out_there_time_to_meet_him_in/" from @Pathea_Games
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amelia-haynes · 4 months
i don’t have a whole lot scripted for my MTAS dr
i want to experience things naturally and see what happens out of sheer curiosity
things i do have scripted are:
*some spoilers for the game My Time At Sandrock ahead*
• The Doctor and River Song are still my parents, but their names are River and Jonathon Haynes (the Doctor always chooses John as a fake name so that makes sense to me)
• My name is Amelia Jessica Haynes
• Why Haynes for a last name? Who knows. It just came to me and stuck.
• Magic exists, which explains some of the video game-esque ness of the DR, everyone has a band that they can wear and it’s their inventory and we can transfer things to people when giving things to them, like buying stuff or just pull it out of our inventory and give it to them
• I’m a powerful witch but that’s a secret
• Those who have magic have to go to the University to learn to control their powers - typing that out just made me realise it’s like Charles’s school for the gifted youngsters - once they are fully trained they are now forced to serve the Alliance for the Free Cities to fight the evil empire Duvos
• The Evil Empire Duvos is actually part of the game i didn’t make that bit up
• When my parents discovered I have magic they hid it so the Alliance doesn’t take me away
• I’m still a builder for Sandrock
• Instead of Logan kidnapping Matilda, I push her away and he kidnaps me instead, resulting in my arm breaking while trying to fall off Rambo to escape
• Justice and Owen find out about my powers
• When I fight Logan at the Hide Out, that’s when he and Haru find out about my magic and I throw a dagger right through Logan’s hand whoops
• heals his hand with magic
• *insert trauma during the raid of Sandrock*
• Logan saves me from the event that gives me trauma
• Matilda does NOT fly off into space….she presses the self destruct button
• basically i have PTSD from the traumatic event during the raid whoops
• The Alliance figures out I’m a witch but decides they need me in Sandrock so I continue living my “best” life lol
• The Alliance sends two doctors to help out, Dr. Mary who is a healer and Dr. Iza who is an empath
• Dr. Iza is a psychologist who i see for months to try and heal
• Logan is with me every step of the way during my healing process
• At some point when I begin to finally get better, I get really low and walk to where the Hideout is and ope turns out I can talk to ghosts and Howlett is there who the fuck knew not me
• When Logan and I go to the caves to figure out who’s using his name to scare off tourists, the arrow he gets shot with is laced with Dragon’s Breathe which is poisonous and has no cure and he surely is gonna die
• But Dr. Mary and Fang come up with a cure and I use my magic to save him
• Logan and I start dating lul
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thekawaiifruitworld · 18 days
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lotostar · 1 year
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vvv Close-ups vvv
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lotostar · 1 year
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Nightly monster killing⚔️
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Also did a version without the cacti
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sandrockers · 11 months
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The builder loves the goats and they love the builder!! 💖🥰
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sandrockers · 9 months
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I’m so happy with the new update~ Jay finally has her real hairdo instead of her pigtail wig that looked like it came from the dive buzzard LMAOO (although imma imagine jay will put her hair up in pigtails one day and Logan will make fun of it looking like that monster bird 🤨🤣)
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I ALSO LOVEEE the new outfits!! I’m obsessed with the top (and yes I’m ignoring the hat that comes w this outfit LOL)
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My new favorite outfit for Jay✨
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Also surprisingly wearing it with black jeans instead u can match with Logan, but ima stick with blue jeans
Since it matches with Rambo more 🐐💖
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lotostar · 1 year
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Silly bandit on his silly goat
AAAAH I love Rambo's design so much
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sandara-and-coco · 1 year
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Baby Merle & Baby Rambo 💗
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