eldricktobin · 2 years
Public writing notes because I need room to jot and hopefully a laugh is had:
What to call a /magazine/ for Those Who Look at Female Presenting Nekkids?
I thought "Fresh Surprise" but maybe that's stupid?
This /magazine/ is half and half [ha!] Open it one way and it's women as women, flip it over and it's damned convincing people presenting as women. It's marketed to Genetic Donation Centers *cough* and the point of having notes about it- besides a title-
>-It has gifts for females and those presenting female. Not cologne and masculine attractiveness boosters. Perfume to reel in those attracted to the feminine.-<
It has funny limericks for advertising that you can swap the cards around. After all these are obviously from one of Those publications and so it plays into that without any limerick being from the too out there school of thought. Smut Reviewer Tagline Reel entries need not apply.
Each comes with 6 samples, and anywhere from 12 to *30* gifting cards. Maybe youre hoping for a reaction. Maybe you know the gifted party and the card attached isn't appropriate. So swap it.
Example time.
"I'm not saying you stink\ Maybe you think that you do\ Try some of this\ Next time you're in the loo."
Kind asshole energy. Or just Kind but maybe an asshole. Nice and Kind? Well, there's always a blank one too... best this has is kind and pleasant.
The perfume is a sample of something nice, pleasing, maybe even expensive, but they didn't ask, and you don't know them. This is likely unsolicited
Even 1 plain "behold a gift!" is in every issue just in case nothing fits Your Personality as Gift Source... and the blank is Too Hard to fill out.
<<<Now then, thoughts on the title? Limerick addition? Bueller?>>>
As for thoughts on the Concept, this is for the "m" seeking "f" mag. There are other publications to fill every * seeking to ogle ** and I'm just asking about this one for my own writing.
"There's no money here..." my writing my world, yes there is. The entire cornucopia is catered to. And while the work is in Teh Futor, even 50 years from now, on our own Earth in our own timeline, something solid in your hands will appeal.
And people will always have aromas to enhance or... exchange.
So yeah thoughts?
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