#Mun needs to recalibrate
sword-and-lance · 3 months
Haha nothing quite like realizing you’ve been friends with someone who outright lies about you (about rather serious things, at that!) behind your back to everyone you know
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nnyhil · 1 year
[Oh dear. I'm having feelings. I watched some lore videos on SPOOKY MONTH so I could be all caught up and possibly interact with characters from that universe, bUT OH MY GOD. Possible spoilers under the cut...]
[CULTS?? ELDRITCH ABOMINATIONS??? my dude if johnny visits this town he's gonna have some traumatic flashbacks or SOMETHING. especially if one of those THINGS notices him and takes interest due to his past relationship with ""THE MOOSE"". I'm... gonna need some time to digest this information. IT WAS SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE]
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wivendev · 5 months
Major Update #3 0.035
Good afternoon my fellow humans! Hope you are all doing well back on earth. Why do I say this? Well, I have been stranded on the Mun for the past few weeks! Which is why this took so long to produce (it takes a long time for the transmission to go through). But while I've been out on this rocky ball of nothingness I have a new update to share with yall! So jump in your rocket ships and lets fly to a whole new planet in Wiven!
Whats new?
This week has been very exciting with Wiven's most developed game to date being released! It was worked on all week to make sure it was polished and perfected! It packs many features under the hood and today we are going to explore all the content it has to offer! Oh yeah and I should probably tell you the games name, Aliens Invade!
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Aliens Invade
Aliens invade is set on the planet Duna and you are in the colony named "Wymd". You are one of many divisions that come here regularly, when all of a sudden, UFOs appear and rain aliens down on the colony! You must now fend off the aliens from the colony to save the planet from the alien forces!
The Base / Colony
The colony is your base of operations! It has a weev named Dane there who sells you upgrades (more on those later), some trees to breathe, and rocks to mine minerals (more on that later as well). But aliens are not the only threat my friend, your own breathes are. Whenever you leave the base, you will slowly lose oxygen over time! So make sure to not let the meter run too low or you will die!
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The Blaster
The blaster is your main source of fighting off those FREEDOM HATING ALIENS! The blaster also has many upgrades that you can give it!
Upgrades are sold by the weev named Dane! Dane has a very uhm, VIOLENT attitude when it come to these invaders, and wants you to help! How can you help? By blasting those aliens dangit! But in order to do it efficiently, you need UPGRADES! The upgrades sold by Dane will increase damage, range, speed, outer wall defenses, and the AMCB (More on that later). All of these will help you to fight of those NON FREEDOM LOVING ALIENS!
Bullet types
Bullet types allows you to buy different bullets that will increase the damage of your blaster (they also have cool colors!). Also a special Nuclear bullet can be bought, but its only in a prototype phase so use with caution! (Any and all nuclear burns caused by the nuclear bullet will not be covered by the company.)
Range upgrade
The range upgrade allows the player to shoot with a wider area. This makes the crosshair bigger so you can shoot the Aliens more effectively!
Recalibration upgrade
Your gun is out of tune and slow, it needs to be recalibrated! The recalibration upgrade allows the player to fire bullets faster, and with each upgrade, it gets more and more fine tuned!
Outer wall defenses
This upgrade is a one time purchase that restricts the Aliens from being able to enter the colony (Its really effective!)
The Auto Mineral Collector Bot (AMCB)
This cutie patootie gradually mines and collects Minerals so you can put them towards your upgrades without having to get them yourself!
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"wait, what are minerals? how do you buy upgrades"
Minerals and Alienor
Alienor is the main currency and it is used to upgrade the blaster given to you at the start of the game. Its collected from damaging aliens! The upgrades bought with this currency are the range, recalibration, and bullet upgrades!
Minerals are not fully developed yet and will be given their full potential later down the line. You can collect them by lifting up your gun on rocks scattered around the planet and breaking them. But be careful as you may have to leave the colony to collect some of these! These allow you to upgrade your base! From adding the outer walls, to developing the nuclear bullet!
The Wave System
Aliens Invade has added a whole new system to Wiven! This comes in the form of waves. Each wave, more and more Aliens will spawn and some may even become mutated!? There are 10 waves and on the final one a boss spawns which you must defeat! After all of the waves are over, an infinite mode starts so you can play to your hearts content! (I haven't even gotten past wave 7 :C)
The Endings
There are 3 endings that are planned for Aliens Invade. One where you beat the game, one where you blow up the Alien's space ship, and finally one where you DIE.
What does the future hold?
Well that is all I have for this update and I must say it was CRAZY! I hope yall are as excited as I am that the team managed to pump out a game in ONE WEEK! Something else that is also super exciting as well is we are skipping the minor update for next week and going straight to the major! We have 2 NEW games that are planned to be showcased, so be on the lookout for this week's Leak of the Week as it may hold some incite to these new games! Also, because these updates are coming out so constantly, there is talk among the team of a beta release! Nothing is set in stone yet but just know this could be coming in the near future!
Thank you everyone for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. I am now going to figure out how in the world im going to get off this rock. Thats all from me, BAM OUT!
-... . - .- / .-. . .-.. . .- ... . ---... / .--- ..- .-.. -.-- --..-- / .-. . -.. .- -.-. - . -.. --..-- / ..--- ----- ..--- ....- .-.-.- / .- .-.. ... --- / --. . - / -- . / --- ..-. ..-. / - .... .. ... / .-. --- -.-. -.- / - .... . .-. . / .- .-. . / ... --- -- . / .-- . .. .-. -.. / --. .-. . . -. / --. ..- -.-- ... -.-.--
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mirorbo · 4 years
Imagine so much shit going down in your tabletop game that you have to adjust a LOT of canon for an Ask B.log
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sasorikigai · 4 years
Can I have like... the whole relationships building meme for Hanryou plz?
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RELATIONSHIP BUILDING || @sonxflight​ || accepting (part 1) 
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
In their relationship, nonsexual touch is such a frequented gift. Hugging, especially for them is a connection that is deep and bonding. They both are huggers, and for them, touch = love. To feel touch with another human is to feel connected, seen, validated, and loved. Hanzo couldn’t fathom to be away from not being touched again, for entire energetic system resets, recalibrates, and loses the gift of momentum when he’s absent from such sensation. After just a single afternoon of embrace, fully clothed and not directly sexual, his MOJO could be quick to return in some fundamental way. Some core function of his soul, his happiness, resonates with Ryou, and Hanzo would be once again recharged in a way that he had not been, since he lost that precious, exquisite touch with Harumi. 
Send ☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
Name: Ryou Sakai, aka [くそったれ]  Ringtone: Poets of the Fall - Someone Special Picture: 
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Last text received: from Ryou [くそったれ] : How would you feel if I smacked your tits back?   Last text sent: to Ryou [くそったれ] : It’s not as pliant as your ass, but I dig your fucking infatuation with my tits. 
Send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses.
Daughtry - World on Fire 
Going down like a dead man walking One step from a body in a coffin Just one, one of the fallen Waking up to a blood moon, howling Can't drown it out, even with the medicine Tearing through me like a bullet of adrenaline Arms heavy, face down on a death bed Blame the gods while choking on the violence In the end, silence is deafening
Send 👋 for three things that describe our muses relationship.
👋  Soulmates: While a lot of these examples of romance tropes have to do with two people slowly realizing their feelings for one another, the Destined To Be Together involves couples who know right from the start that they are in love. Their intense immediate bond is what maintains their resolve that they’re meant to be together while the universe, typically, conspires to separate them.
👋  The Second Chance at Love: They have been deeply hurt in the past, and have spent years avoiding any kind of romantic relationship. Now they will meet and learn to give love another chance. This is a hopeful trope that readers enjoy because it enforces the theme that “it’s never too late.”
👋  Back-To-Back Badasses: When two people are completely surrounded, outnumbered and outgunned, by simply coming together and having their backs against each other, they are suddenly much more capable. Usually involves a lot of spinning and may lead to Radial Ass-Kicking. The fully realized fight scene of this image is the Bash Brothers. A warrior's most vulnerable area is his back, and by putting their backs together, two warriors can eliminate this disadvantage and turn it into an advantage.
Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours.
“I am wholly satisfied that I’m your entire galaxy and you will never experience euphoric things that excite every part of your body.” A huge smirk, then a grope of Ryou’s ass follows. 
Send 👤+ a muse name for my muse’s opinion on that muse (with the other muse/mun’s permission).
“The very fabric of my existence was rewoven because of Ryou’s physical and emotional support, and he becomes so ingrained that he is my constant, regardless of where I would end up.” 
Send 😍 for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them.
“His easygoing, down-to-earth persona, uncanny ability to read my mind, and of course, his ass.” 
Send 💤 for my muse to say something about yours in their sleep.
“Your ass is on fire!” 
Send 📖 for my muse to read out an entry in their journal/diary about yours.
It’s hard trying to fall asleep; it’s a juggle of keeping my mind distracted enough to fall asleep before the thoughts of my mind leaves me hollow and my eyes flinging open to stop it. How the truth of my loneliness unfurls, ceaselessly seizing the wind, bearing me against the current. I could never escape from thinking about you, for you follow me to this day, for every brutal handprint staining already blood reddened mark on my being had been touched by you and no one fucking dares me to probe the hard exoskeleton of my being. How you effortlessly render me malleable. 
Send ✉ for a written letter from my muse.
Loneliness is such a dangerous thing, for everyone knows there are forms of cruelty which can injure a man’s life without injuring his body. They are such as deprive me of a certain form of food, necessary to the life of the soul. As the starved roots will wither and rot, rootlessness and homelessness robs me the sense of belonging. Perhaps I wasn’t meant to be migratory as I have thought I’d be. It’s not stemmed from having the feeling of having an existence that is not meaningful or fruitful, but turning to exclusionary groups in the squadron, which only increases the feelings of alienation and rootlessness. 
Who am I, after all, drifting without a background against me? My recognitions does not speak much when the criminality of my past has been resurfaced through the uprising of the syndicate that had once gone defunct. The viciousness of memory is such a terrible gift and this wasn’t mine to begin with. I don’t think I can do this alone, Ryou, I need you with me on this. Whether I risk myself being burned under the inferno and of course, I am dragging you to be burst in the flames and spill unneeded blood as well. But you are the only one I have, and I need to summon all the buried courage in me to face this, and I can’t do it alone. 
I need you in this with me, take the quickest flight up to Boston and meet me there in the morning. 
Send📱for a voicemail my muse left yours.
Agent Sakai? Hello, this is Dr. Anderson of Massachusetts General Hospital. You were listed as Commander Hasashi’s closest kin. He was involved in a botched mission, and thankfully, his brain injury could be dealt in the most urgent manner. It is my understanding that you are still on flight when you receive this, and Commander Hasashi has been conscious even when he was admitted, but he was in a lot of pain, so we put him under with an appropriate dose of morphine. Please contact us asap and make your way here. 
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cuz-tony-stark · 5 years
post-ffh spider pete meets evil!tony rp with @wallcrawlparker but literally just a plotty thread to make the muns suffer more
Stark Industries, New Wakanda — September 2nd, 2022
“What?” Tony demanded flatly, eyes locked on the screen.
Hope Van Dyne leaned in, pointing out the inconsistency in the quantum chronoton particles.
He spotted it, amended it with a flick of his hand, and resumed his task. “Thanks.”
They both wordlessly went back to work recalibrating the modified quantum generator. In Tony Stark’s lab at Stark Industries, glimmering infinity stones — red and blue and green, reality and space and time — wavered between them, each in separate containment units as they observed the pattern of warping particles. If they found the right balance, it could be possible to manipulate the very fabric of space and time. It was just a matter of finding the right balance…
That, and Hope had drawn the line at experimenting with three at a time. Stark could respect that.
Yet another failed beep and red flash grated on Stark’s nerves. He sucked in a breath and growled, yanking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose. “God dammit…”
Hope glanced at him with a raised brow. “When’s the last time you slept?”
Stark sighed, slipping his glasses back on. “Last Tuesday maybe? Biologically I don’t need sleep anymore.”
“As you’ve said. But just because you can function without it doesn’t mean you’ll be operating at one hundred percent. Or even eighty, for that matter,” the brunette informed him, tapping away at the keys.
Stark raised a brow right back at her. “Are you trying to tell me—“
“That you’re sleep deprived? I’m surprised you have to ask me that. You made a mistake.”
“A small one! You caught it.”
“But I had to catch it.”
“Hope!” he insisted.
“Tony!” she imitated.
Stark glared at her for a long moment… then he sighed and closed down the program. “If it’ll make you stop giving me shit, I’ll go sleep. You’re welcome.”
“Thank you,” Hope muttered distractedly.
Stark made an overly exasperated noise and started to dramatically trudge away. “I swear, what the point in being global secretary of defense if no one gives me any respect around—“
Stark whipped around. “What was that?” he demanded flatly, rushing back to the console.
Hope’s voice was calm despite the red flashing lights and dire words that left her lips. “Cascade failure. Containment on the space stone is failing. We need to shut it down.”
“There is no shutting it down, it’s self sustaining. Friday, evac the building and take us to twenty thousand feet.”
“Yes Boss!”
The alarm was getting louder now, more insistent as Stark and Hope rushed to contain the particles. The whole lab lurched as outside, the repulsor engines fired violently and launched them even higher into the sky. A few windows cracked, but the structure held, escape pods sealing around people at their desks and sending them hurtling into the sky.
“Twenty seconds to failure, Boss.”
Stark grabbed two data cubes and downloaded the schematic and all their experiments. He shoved one into Hope’s hands. “Friday, take her out!”
“You bastard!” Hope gasped.
It was all she had time to say before an escape pod sealed around her. Repulsors fired, roaring as the pod crashed out through the window.
“Ten seconds.”
Stark’s eyes seared a neon cyan blue, his Extremis activating. He sealed himself in his gleaming white silver armor, nanites boiling up through his pores and closing around his body as he punched in a last ditch effort to contain the stones. Blue, green, red lights flitted together and sparked.
“Three seconds, Boss!”
“Shit…” Stark growled.
He abandoned his efforts and closed his helmet, activating layer upon layer of energy shields—!
“Two! One!”
Stark braced himself for a blast, but that wasn’t what he got.  A rippling swarm of red and blue and green seared over him...
New York City — September 2nd, 2023
In another universe and roughly one year into the future, Stark remanifested in the coming dark of a dying day, high above the New York City skyline.  His brows furrowed inside his armor as he turned, not even having to speak to open a search.
Information flooded his visor.  Most recently there was something about some idiot kid superhero’s identity coming out... but what was far more interesting was the love letter of a digital eulogy that had his face on it.  He was a little younger, sure, less silver in his hair... but...
“I’m dead?” Stark muttered, wrinkling his nose in puzzlement.
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Test Tube? Your story? Actually, can we just get everybody's stories?
[Sorry this took so long to answer. After a long debate with myself, I have decided that the best way to answer this question is as a sort of Fanfiction. I’ll put it after a cut because I don’t want to flood anyone’s dash. I’m not sure if I’ll do an answer like this again or not, but I felt it was necessary for this one. Please comment if for some reason the format isn’t working and you can’t read it.]
Response story length: 1889 words.
The ask shone dauntingly on the Mun’s computer screen. The sun stretched through the window, warming her back and making the dust and smears on the computer’s screen all the more noticeable, and the contents of the inbox harder to read. Still, she knew it was there, she had read it a hundred times. She almost wanted to print it out, to twiddle it between her fingers and contemplate what to do about it.
She didn’t know why she was so hesitant to answer. She knew this would come up sooner or later. In fact, Fan and Lightbulb had already answered this very question. Yet, now she gave pause. Was there something she was afraid of? Was it someone’s story?
“You feeling ok?” the gravely voice caught her off guard, and she shot backward, her rolling chair creaking and tipping. She flailed her arms, willing it to land back on it’s five wheels, which it thankfully did.
“Yeesh, didn’t mean to scare ya,” Knife folded his arms and chuckled. “Gotta say, your reaction was priceless though.”
The Mun blew a strand of hair out of her face, before raking her fingers through it to return it to its place. She scrunched up her face in annoyance, but relaxed quickly. She never could stay mad at the characters of one of her favorite cartoons.
“So, what’s bothering you?” She turned to see Paintbrush, as well as the most of the others, riding atop Suitcase. The only one unaccounted for was Bow. One by one they jumped on top of her desk.
“It’s nothing,” the Mun sighed, making a quick movement to close her computer. Fan raced forward and grabbed the edge of the screen, pushing it back up.
“Not so fast!” Fan propped the screen into a better position for him to read it. “Did someone say something mean?”
“No, nothing like that!” the Mun answered quickly. “I just don’t know how to answer the last question!”
“This one?” Fan read it over. “What? That questions easy! I’ve already answered it!” He patted the Mun’s hand. “All you had to do was ask!”
After he relayed the question to the others, they all sat in a compliant circle on the desk. Except for Suitcase, who sat at the end of the Mun’s bed.
“Who first?” Fan asked.
“Well, since out of all of us here right now I was here first, I’ll go first!” Knife jammed his thumb into his handle at about chest level in a proud sort of way. Fan gestured for him to go on.
“I took a nap, and I woke up in the knife drawer.”
After about half a minute of silence, Lighbulb began to applaud while the others exchanged looks.
Fan raised an eyebrow. “That’s it?”
“Well, uh, yeah?” Knife suddenly seemed unsure of himself, not realising they were expecting more.
Lighbulb continued clapping. “Ignore the haters, sharp guy. Some people just don’t understand the art of concise storytelling!”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Paintbrush waved their hands. “Aren’t you, like, a pocket knife or something?”
Now Knife looked embarrassed, but only briefly. “So?” he snapped at them.
The Mun butted in before the argument could escalate. “Actually, we don’t own any pocket knives, so it makes sense to me. The knife drawer was probably the closest thing.”
Knife folded his arms again, like he had just won the argument. Paintbrush scowled, but didn’t bicker any further.
Suitcase kicked her legs nervously. “I guess I’ll go next then.” Her eyes followed the movement of her feet. “I had just wandered off after, well, you know…”
Knife looked off to the side, and the others twitched and coughed nervously. Most of them hadn’t been there, but they had heard about the double elimination and had come to their own conclusions.
“I was just sort of wandering aimlessly, and night fell, so it got pretty dark. I didn’t even really notice the transition. I just kind of ran into a wall, and then another, and then I was surrounded by walls.” Tears were forming in her eyes. “I found something soft to sit on, but, I was so scared. I thought I might be trapped in there forever.”
The Mun moved from her chair onto the bed, wrapping her arms around Suitcase. She knew it was what her followers would want her to do, and more importantly, it was what she wanted to do. Everyone was always talking about how they wanted to give Suitcase a hug, and she felt lucky, no, blessed to be able to do so.
Suitcase took in a breath, stealing herself. She was far stronger than she had been at the beginning of season two, she was just uncertain of herself right now, uncertain of her actions. She finished her story. “Then the Mun found me, and everything got better. She took me to see the mountains.”
After about another minute of silence, Paintbrush finally spoke. “You want me to take it from here?”
Suitcase smiled and passed the conversational batton.
“Well, not much to say from me.” Knife shot them a glare, but they ignored it. “Typical story really. I was walking and I tripped over a tree root. I did a bit of a summersalt and next thing I knew I was trapped between a music roller and a toy telephone.”
“Eerrgg!” Everyone’s attention snapped to Test Tube at her outrage. “Did seriously nobody see what it was that brought them here?”
“Did you?” asked Paintbrush snidely.
“Eh, heh. No.” Test Tube shot back. “That’s why I’m asking all of you!”
“Well, what’s your story?” Suitcase chimed, trying to break the tension that was growing once again.
“Well, my anomaly machine was going haywire, and everyone kept disappearing, so I decided to look around. I took one second to recalibrate my portable anomaly machine, but I dropped it when I smacked into a tree branch. When I tried to pick it up I realised I was stuck.” Test Tube grumbled. “I look away for one second and I miss seeing a possible scientific breakthrough.”
“Heh, sounds familiar.” Out of poor judgment, Fan nudged the person next to him for effect. This happened to be Paintbrush, who was already on edge from previous arguments.
They snapped slightly. “Well, at least Test Tube here was doing something to help and not taking selfies!”
Fan gasped. “I’ll have you know, I was updating my blog! After all, someone had to change your statuses from ‘alive’ to ‘alive, but missing’.”
“Oh, yes, because thats sooo much better!”
Suddenly the bedroom door creaked open, the Mun’s mom arriving at just the right time. “Am I interrupting something?”
“N-not at all, Mrs. Mun!” Paintbrush took the initiative, calming their anger. Despite all, Paintbrush always seemed to take the most resposibily, treating their role as a house guest very seriously.
“I brought hot drinks.” She pushed the door open further, revealing a tray full of mugs. Most of them were expresso mugs full of hot chocolate or tea, since regular mugs were too big. The Mun jumped up to help distribute to steaming drinks, hot chocolate for most, and coffee for Knife because he preferred it. There was also tea for Paintbrush, a special calming blend that the Mun’s mom had secretly chosen for them, and a mango peach tea for Suitcase, one of the Mun’s mom’s favorite.
There was one extra mug.
“Have fun, everyone!” The Mun’s mom tucked the empty tray under her arm, waving goodbye as she closed the door.
Everyone nursed their drinks for a while, the Mun helping Suitcase with her’s.
“Sssssoooo,” Lightbulb whistled. “Can I go next?”
“You already went.” Paintbrush’s voice was laced with annoyance, but the tea had mellowed them out a little. “You fell asleep in a cave, woke up in the Mun’s basement, climbed the stairs, and ravaged the chocolate chips.”
“Well, yeah, but, I mean,” Lightbulb bit her cheek in a sort of pout. “I always tell it more eloquently.”
“Well, I guess the only one left is Bow.” Fan observed.
The Mun suddenly felt the calm she had be building dissipate. “Well, she’s not here, so maybe another day.” She said hastily.
As if on cue, the bedroom door clicked open once again. This time it was the Mun’s dad. Bow was resting in the palm of his hand.
“So then I said… oh, look, we’re here.” Bow backflipped out of his hand and stuck the landing on the desk, earning another applause from Lightbulb.
The Mun looked up at her dad in surprise. She didn’t expect him of all people to be hanging out with Bow. He shrugged. “Ikea chairs needed assembling. She seems to have an intricate knowledge of chairs.”
“You should see them.” Bow examined her hand, as if she was proud of work she probably hadn’t done. “They’re almost worth bringing chairs back in style for.”
The Mun’s dad left without another word. Bow smiled, still looking at her hand like she had just done her nails. “I like him, he’s easy to talk to.”
“Say, Bow,” Fan spoke up. “We were just telling the Mun here about our experiences of getting to this world, for an ask. Care to join?”
Bow slid into the circle, grabbing the spare hot chocolate. “Don’t mind if I do. You’re all missing out on the best story, after all.”
The Mun could feel her forehead sweating, but she sat back and listened anyway.
“So, get this. I was floating around Purgatory Mansion, like always, makin’ my rounds and all that, when suddenly,” She sat up excitement, drawing the others into her story. “It felt like something was tugging on my tail. Then, the floor opened beneath me and I got pulled through. I got more and more solid, and my legs came back. But my tail vanished, so that was disappointing. Then I was here.”
“What did the hole in the floor look like?” Test Tube asked, eyes wide and eager. The Mun twiddled her fingers.
“It was just black, like darkness.”
Test Tube sat back in disappointment. “Aw man, really? That just normal ghost summoning stuff.”
“What were you hoping for?” asked Fan.
“You know, a wormhole or something. But those are blue. Space time and reality stuff is almost always blue.”
The Mun, meanwhile, was trying to play off her relief by taking long sips of hot chocolate. So Bow hadn’t known after all.
Most of them already knew it was the Mun that tore the holes in reality. She had apologised, and they had forgiven her. What they didn’t know, or care to ask, was why.
She had been selfish and greedy, that was why. It was every fan’s dream, wasn’t it? To bring their favorite characters into real life. To get to live with them like friends and family.
So she had messed with reality, the dangerous fabric. Hard to tear, even harder to mend. She had seen a wormhole, once, opening and closing without leaving anyone behind. It had been more than just blue. None of them knew it yet, but she had found Test Tube’s portable anomaly machine, and if the readings said what she thought they said…
She had to fix this soon, not just so the contestants could return home, but for the sake of reality itself.
[Thank you for reading.]
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ruginite · 7 years
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Universe: Main Verse AU Species: Non-Enhanced Human Rating: R (for ptsd related themes and language) Headcanons: W.I.P. Rules: Like for a starter. Message to plot! Thread Type: Mulit-Para. Background Info: Below the cut. 
Bastian's childhood was as normal as normal could be with loving but sometimes busy parents. A therapist mother and Army Vet turned FBI agent father.
He's had a temper all his life, a loner sort of attitude. Preferred taking things apart and putting them back together again, then going and hanging out with 'friends'.
He graduated with a perfect 4.0 average though at the same time was voted 'Most likely to get arrested.' due to his never waning stand offish attitude with fellow classmates.
He didn't get arrested. He enlisted with the Army the day after graduating and shipped out to boot camp not long after. If the old man could do it so could he. And chose "Artillery Mechanic' not the kind to want to stay behind the lines.
By his second tour, he'd found his nitch. And even friends. Brother's in arms within his unit. But like most things, nothing good lasts. On his fifth tour, his platoon was ambushed mid transit, fish in a barrel. Everyone but himself and a fellow mechanic, Sergant Saltman, D. were killed in the fire fight. Bastian and Derrick taken prisoner.
He and Saltman were held prisoners for six months, Satlman losing his life (hot through the back during the duos attempt to escape) before their location could be discovered and a plan implemented to retrieve them.
Once home again, Bastian was found to be unfit for duty, due to severe ptsd, survivor's guilt, and only able to recover about 80% mobility in his hands. Due to them being repeatedly broken, during his captivity. He was given a medical discharge with honors at 25.
He spent a year living at home with his parents. Trying to recalibrate. Reinstate himself as a civilian; but it didn't work out. Three months after his twenty-sixth birthday, Bastian left home again. With nothing but a note of apology in his wake.
He needed space. He needed time. Work things out on his own, and come to terms with reality and that six months of hell.
He's a drifter. Working where he can find it. Mostly washing dishes or if he's lucky mechnical work. He keeps in touch with his parents, though perhaps not as much as they'd like. To busy running from the nigthmares in his head, and the ghosts of his unit (particularly Satlman) that just can't seem to le
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