#Music for Relaxation and Sleep with Sailing Visual Background
sampleminded · 7 years
Wiggs Dannyboy’s Theory of Floral Consciousness
"Humankind is about to enter the floral stage of its evolutionary development. On the mythological level, which is to say, on the psychic/symbolic level (no less real than the physical level), this event is signaled by the death of Pan. Pan, of course, represents animal consciousness. Pan embodies mammalian consciousness, although there are aspects of reptilian consciousness in his personality, as well. Reptilian consciousness did not disappear when our brains entered their mammalian stage. Mammalian consciousness was simply laid over the top of reptilian consciousness, and in many unenlightened—underevolved, underdeveloped—individuals, the mammalian layer was thin and porous, and much reptile energy has continued to seep through. When our remote ancestors crawled out of the sea, they no doubt had the minds of fish. Characteristics of mammal consciousness are warmth, generosity, loyalty, love (romantic, platonic, and familial), joy, grief, humor, pride, competition, intellectual curiosity, and appreciation of art and music. Inlate mammalian times, we evolved a third brain...whose principal part was the neocortex, a dense rind of nerve fibers about an eighth of an inch thick that was simply molded over top of the existing mammal brain. Brain researchers are puzzled by the neocortex. What is its function? Why did it develop in the first place? Moreover, neuromelanin absorbs light and has the capacity to convert light into other forms of energy. So Ely was correct. The neocortex is light-sensitive and can, itself, be lit up by higher forms of mental activity, such as meditation or chanting. The ancients were not being metaphoric when they referred to "illumination." With the emergence of the neocortex, the floral properties of the brain, which had, for millions of years, been biding their time, waiting their turn, began to make their move— the gradual move toward a dominant floral consciousness. When life was a constant struggle between predators, a minute-by-minute battle for survival, reptile consciousness was necessary. When there were seas to be sailed, wild continents to be explored, harsh territory to be settled, agriculture to be mastered, mine shafts to be sunk, civilization to be founded, mammal consciousness was necessary. In its social and familial aspects, it is still necessary, but no longer must it dominate. We need a more relaxed, contemplative, gentle, flexible kind of person, for only he or she can survive (and expedite) this very new system that is upon us. Only he or she can participate in the next evolutionary phase. It has definite spiritual overtones, this floral phase of consciousness. The most intense spiritual experiences all seem to involve the suspension of time. It is the feeling of being outside of time, of being timeless, that is the source of ecstasy in meditation, chanting, hypnosis, and psychedelic drug experiences. Although it is briefer and less lucid, a timeless, egoless state (the ego exists in time, not space) is achieved in sexual orgasm, which is precisely why orgasm feels so good. Even drunks, in their crude, inadequate way, are searching for the timeless time. Alcoholism is an imperfect spiritual longing. In a hundred different ways, we have mastered the art of space. We know a great deal about space. Yet we know pitifully little about time. It seems that only in the mystic state do we master it. The "smell brain"—the memory area of the brain activated by the olfactory nerve—and the "light brain"—the neocortex—are the keys to the mystic state. With immediacy and intensity, smell activates memory, allowing our minds to travel freely in time. The most profound mystical states are ones in which normal mental activity seems suspended in light. In mystic illumination, as at the speed of light, time ceases to exist. With an increased floral consciousness, humans will begin to make full use of their "light brain" and to make more refined and sophisticated use of their "smell brain." We live now in an information technology. Flowers have always lived in an information technology. Flowers gather information all day. At night, they process it. For one thing, information gathered from daily newspapers, soap operas, sales conferences, and coffee Hatches is inferior to information gathered from sunlight. (Since all matter is condensed light, light is the source, the cause of life. Therefore, light is divine. The flowers have a direct line to God. Our own nocturnal processing is part-time work. The information our conscious minds receive during waking hours is processed by our unconscious during so-called "deep sleep." We are in deep sleep only two or three hours a night. For the rest of our sleeping session, the unconscious mind is off duty. It gets bored. It craves recreation. So it plays with the material at hand. In a sense, it plays with itself. It scrambles memories, juggles images, rearranges data, invents scary or titillating stories. This is what we call "dreaming." Some people believe that we process information during dreams. Quite the contrary. A dream is the mind having fun when there is no processing to keep it busy. In the future, when we become more efficient at gathering quality information and when floral consciousness becomes dominant, we will probably sleep longerhours and dream hardly at all. Plants collect odors as well as emit them. The rose may be in an olfactory relationship with the lilac. Another possibility is that between the trees a kind of telepathy is involved. There is also the possibility that all of what we call mental telepathy is olfactory. We don't read another's thoughts, we smell them. We know that schizophrenics can smell antagonism, distrust, desire, etc., on the part of their doctors, visitors, or fellow patients, no matter how well it might be visually or vocally concealed. The olfactory nerve may be small compared to a rabbit's, but it's our largest cranial receptor, nevertheless. Who can guess what "invisible" odors it might detect? As floral consciousness matures, telepathy will no doubt become a common medium of communication. With reptile consciousness, we had hostile confrontation. With mammal consciousness, we had civilized debate. With floral consciousness, we'll have empathetic telepathy. A floral consciousness and a data-based, soft technology are ideally suited for one another. A floral consciousness and a pacifist internationalism are ideally suited for one another. A floral consciousness and an easy, colorful sensuality are ideally suited for one another. (Flowers are more openly sexual than animals. The Tantric concept of converting sensual energy to spiritual energy is a floral ploy.) A floral consciousness and an extraterrestrial exploration program are ideally suited for one another. (Earthlings are blown aloft in silver pods to seed distant planets.) A floral consciousness and an immortalist society are ideally suited suitedfor one another. (Flowers have superior powers of renewal, and thelogevity of trees is celebrated. The floral brain is the organ of eternity.) Lest we fancy that we shall endlesly and effortlessly be as the flowers that bloom in the spring, tra-la, let us bear in mind that reptilian and mammalian energies are still very much with us. Externally and internally. Obviously, there are powerful reptilian forces in the Pentagon and the Kremlin; and in the pulpits of churches, mosques, and synagogues, wheredeathist dogmas of judgment, punishment, self-denial, martyrdom, and afterlife supremacy are preached. But there are also reptilian forces within each individual. Myth is neither fiction nor history. Myths are acted out in our own psyches, and they are repetitive and ongoing. Beowulf, Siegfried, and the other dragon slayers are aspects of our own unconscious minds. At the birth of Christ, the cry resounded through the ancient world, "Great Pan is dead." The animal mind was about to be subdued. Christ's mission was to prepare the way for floral consciousness. In the East, Buddha performs an identical function. It should be emphasized that neither significance of their heroics should be apparent. We dispatched them with their symbolic swords and lances to slay reptile consciousness. The reptile brain is the dragon within us. When, in evolutionary process, it became time to subdue mammalian consciousness, a less violent tactic was called for. Instead of Beowulf with his sword and bow, we manifested Jesus Christ with his message and example. Jesus Christ, whose commandment "Love thy enemy" has proven to be too strong a floral medicine for reptilian types to swallow; Jesus Christ, who continues to point out to job-obsessed mammalians that the lilies of the field have never punched time clocks.) At the birth of Christ, the cry resounded through the ancient world, "Great Pan is dead." The animal mind was about to be subdued. Christ's mission was to prepare the way for floral consciousness. In the East, Buddha performs an identical function. It should be emphasized that neither Christ nor Buddha harbored the slightest antipathy toward Pan. They were merely fulfilling their mytho-evolutionary roles. Christ and Buddha came into our psyches not to deliver us from evil but to deliver us from mammal consciousness. The good versus evil plot has always been bogus. The drama unfolding in the universe—in our psyches—is not good against evil but new against old, or, more precisely, destined against obsolete. Just as the grand old dragon of our reptilian past had to be pierced by the hero's sword to make way for Pan and his randy minions, so Pan himself has had to be rendered weak and ineffectual, has had to be shoved into the background of our ongoing psychic progression. Because Pan is closer to our hearts and our genitals, we shall miss him more than we shall miss the dragon. We shall miss his pipes that drew us, trembling, into the dance of lust and confusion. We shall miss his pranksterish overturning of decorum; the way he caused the blood to heat, the cows to bawl, and the wine to flow. Most of all, perhaps, we shall miss the way he mocked us, with his leer and laughter, when we took our blaze of mammal intellect too seriously. But the old playfellow has to go. We've known for two thousand years that Pan must go. There is little place for Pan's great stink amidst the perfumed illumination of the flowers. When Western artists wished to demonstrate that a person was holy, they painted a ring of light around the divine one's head. Eastern artists painted a more diffused aura. The message was the same. The aura or the halo signified that the light was on in the subject's brain. The neocortex was fully operative. Maybe, as Dr. Dannyboy has postulated, all these things, including disease and our relationship with time, are merely bad habits. If so, an ultimate victory is possible. For individuals, if not for the mass. And maybe evolution—playful, adventurous, unpredictable, infuriatingly slow (by our standards of time) evolution—will rescue us eventually, according to a master plan. To physically overcome death—is that not the goal?—we must think unthinkable thoughts and ask unanswerable questions. Yet we must not lose ourselves in abstract vapors of philosophy. Death has his concrete allies, we must enlist ours. Never underestimate how much assistance, how much satisfaction, how much comfort, how much soul and transcendence there might be in a well-made taco and a cold bottle of beer. Thus, thou must vow upon this day that shouldst thou be living still when these events transpire, that thou wiltst battle them and refuseth prosperity to any immortalist thrust that doth not rise from man's soul and heart as well as his mind. Do promise me now." Alas, because they fight with reason only, making no advance in the area of soul and heart, true immortality wiltst be denied them. If I am truly immortal, I am my own grandchild, my own descendant, my own dynasty."
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riisinaakka-draws · 7 years
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It has only been a little over a year since I started watching the show and joined the Black Sails fandom. I posted my first fanart exactly one year ago and it was the one above. Thus far I have drawn over 100 of them. I tried different mediums and styles, both for practice and for capturing the essence of the things I wanted to share. Some of them are great, some are silly, some are a bit out of character or not so good in other ways and some ended up surprising me in many ways. All are nonetheless very precious to me.
Under the read more there's a list of all my doodles thus far. Most of them feature Flint, Silver or both of them (there will be more of the other characters in the future, no worries). I have to admit I laughed quite a lot while going through these again. This is a really long post.
This is a list to show what sort of things there are and also for my own amusement and archiving purposes. The list is in chronological order, from first to the latest.
I tried to make this as concise as possible, but the tag/navigation page is here if you want to find something specific or don’t want to go through all this:
- Flint takes care of Silver's leg in the darkness of the captain's cabin.
- Some quick doodles of Flint, ballpoint pen
- Sharkdate cuties (really scrappy doodles of Silver gazing at munching Flint)
- Progress. A continuation to previous pic. Silver holding a cup, covered in blood and looking affectionally at Flint. Here’s a giffed version.
- Silver and Flint go for a night walk in winter and Flint finds the streetlights amusing. Modern Au, beanies and the BS logo
- “See any treasures, Capt'n?” Billy to Flint who is looking at something “shiny” with his spyglass.
- What if Silver stole that certain ponytail and made it into "a rabbit's foot"? And what if Flint had a medallion with pictures of the Hamiltons and later a lock of dark curls... I returned to this idea several times after this, lol. (still secretly wishing that anyone would write a ficlet about this).
- Overload of Blackbeard - several doodles of different adaptations of BB
- Shark hunting. Flint has the shark on his lap and Silver stands in front of him. Composition inspired by that infamous Wolwerine and Nightcrawler cover.
- A gif of Blackbeard with flowers in his beard (I share a birthday with Ray Stevenson, that's why).
- a quick sketch of displeased Jack
- The Red Lollipop. Flint eating candy which is distracting to Silver, inspired by this awesome post (x). Silver steals the sweets and peels some potatoes. Bonus: Randall and Betsy the Cat.
- Draw me like one of your quatermasters... Flint doodles sleeping Silver in the Captain's log.
- Random sketches of Silver and Flint. Learning to draw their faces
- Flint with a horrible mustache and Silver with a long braided beard. (I should redraw this someday..)
- Flint takes Silver for a ride (modern Au with motorcycles). The Walrus gang follows "the flagship"
- Black Sails moomin AU, part I (I had so much fun with these).
The domestic modern beach au serie with 15+ doodles, various characters, inspired by this hilarious post (x). - Jack takes pictures of everything and Vane ends up buried in the sand - Silver puts some lotion on Flint (Billy tosses people up in the background) - Max and Anne Bonny enjoying each other's company - Rogers is going to get hit by a beach ball "accidentally". Anne, Max, Vane and Jack in the background - Ben Gunn shows his ship kite to Billy Bones - Vane and Flint swim butterfly. Silver (*.*) - Vane flips his hair like a merman, Eleanor is drinking and enjoying the view. - Mr Scott and Mr Gates enjoy their drinks at the bar while others fight in the water. Max and Eleanor gossip together. Anne and Jack hold hands like otters on swim rings. - Silver and Flint sleeping on the sun, Flint has a book on his face - The Ranger Crew swimming. Jack is slathered in sun lotion, Anne waits for him and Vane makes a joke. + Mysterious swimming trunks. - Silver is the sneakiest shit and likes to creep underwater and drag people down by their legs. - Silver and Flint eating ice cream + some early sketches in a gif - the Fucking Warship (minivan) rides to sunset, Vane is forgotten in the sand but do not worry...
- Silver and Flint sing the song "Dynamic Duet" from Starkids' Holy musical B@tman!
- Nooooooooo! Flint shaves his head, Silver doesn't take it well.
- Silver's character development. From little shit to actual scary fuck
- A HUG. (silverflint, done before s4. I really needed a hug)
- Bloodthirsty Bunny & Squinting Squirrel, (furries, i am so sorry)
- Flint brings water to Silver, a scene from the show. <3
- Sweetness of touch. Flint gets his hair/head touched by his loved ones.
The Walrus crew acquires some chicken. A lot of them. And a parrot. - Billy and Joji are tending them - people playing board games and ignoring the chickens - a coc- I mean a rooster between Silver's legs - Silver holding some chickens and Flint meeting "the Captain Flint"
- Flint gets his ginger crown back...sort of
Chickens, part II. Flint sends his regards. Teach has taken Anne and Jack to fishing and they get a surprise "gift" from the Walrus.
Fanart about Silverfin, a thrilling and unbeliavably funny (nsfw) silverflint fic by @jadedbirch and @zoinomiko (can’t tag u for some reason..).
Go read it :D I made some (sfw) fanart inspired by it (spoilers). - a comic of the tragic night - reunion and crowns (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
- (a recap, not really a tutorial) about some of my messy work methods.
- Anne Bonny, without her hat, ready to kick your ass, season 3
- A portait of Max
- Every fashionable pirate captain needs a hat! Silver buys some silly pirate hats. Inspired by @vowel-in-thug​'s fic (part V, nsfw) and the CBeebies Bedtime Story etc.
- "Support". Silver and Flint approaching the Maroon camp.
- A portrait of Long John Silver on his way of becoming the legend
- Swords and time. James McGraw - Captain Flint. Sword placement comparison, gif experiments etc. (I really like this one)
- A canary. Flint finds a sad-looking caged bird aboard a merchant ship and then reads books to it in his cot. Inspired by @old-long-john​'s sweet and beautiful fic (x). Also thanks to @captain-flint​ for spotting the bird cage in s1.
Inktober 2016, 20+ doodles, various characters - Silver, a sad little face doodle - A bringer of death and destruction (Flint as an angel of sorts). Quick doodle with a brush - Silver and Flint. A little doodle with an ink-dipped cotton swap - "Hungry", Silver and Flint find the whale and prepare to hunt sharks. - "SAD?" NOT TODAY! There's always Silver Lining. Silly and shitty puns. - "Hidden", The treasure has been buried. - "LOST", Silver and Flint look for a bird on board the Walrus. - "ROCK", Ben Gunn and Billy Bones play rock-paper-scissors. (sorry, still no better doodle of them) - "BROKEN", Benjamin Hornigold misses his chair. - "Lock the door", Flint on the floor of his cabin when they were becalmed ;_; - "TRANSPORT", Anne Bonny takes Jack Rackham to safety on a horse. - Madi, a little sketch - "Dufresne admires his new tattoo" - "TREE", What difference does it make? Captain Naft shares his insight. Froom and Crisp agree. Morley and Randall (+ Betsy the Cat) are not impressed (for obvious reasons...). - "RELAX", A nice afternoon at the seaside with some of the brothel girls - A little sketch of John Silver again, because I cannot resist him. - "Flint has a meeting with Death". - "ESCAPE", Flint has retired and Silver still sails the seas. Occasionally he visits James and steals some of his baked goods (with some help from his crew and birdies). - "FLIGHT", a sketch of a parrot on a napkin - "SQUEEZE", Jack Rackham enjoying his bath - "LITTLE", a little sketch of Max and Anne kissing in little rain, under Anne's huge hat. - "Surprise", Charles Vane lurking in the water - "And then! You won't believe what the.." Hal Gates and Billy Bones spend their free afternoon gossiping and having fun - "Forget-me-not" / "one dozen", Miranda finds some familiar flowers and thinks about Thomas. - "BURN", Thomas, James and Miranda, just eyes. Inspired by the powermetal duet "Wish I Had An Angel"
- Oooh, What does my reflection shoooow ~. (Lovable) Little shit.
- Accidents with the spyglass. Flint acts like an asshole, Billy and Gates are having none of it, Silver is yet to learn.
- Death builds a raft and follows the Walrus.
- Portrait of Eleanor, the Merchant Queen of Nassau
- "long johns and puns". Silver is looking for a new pirate style and Billy offers to help.
- Black Sails Moomin AU - part II
- Silver at the wrecks, light and visual practise
- Eleanor Guthrie and James Flint, looking in / out. visual practise, parallels and contrasts
- My Heart Will Go On, but I'll keep your ponytail and get a parrot for my duets. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
- Muldoon's tattoo ;_;
Some of the following have season 4 spoilers:
- Eleanor does some embroidery (of bees and fuck-yous)
- How Silver gets his new crutch (Israel Hands is handy)
- Flint and the Wanderer above the sea of fog
- Flint's mouth saying FUCK infinitely, a gif experiment
- "That's my wee lad, Gimli." Berringer's locket and asshole Rogers.
- For a moment there was a Hat Trio. Teach, Jack and Anne
- Silver and Madi, canon kiss
- The Spare Ginger. Silver doesn't like Eleanor's plan. Madi and Israel Hands try to comfort him.
- Eleanor Guthrie, a green portrait
- Long John Silver must make a tough choice, while Flint enjoys his capture at Eleanor's expense
- All those extra spyglasses in 4.08. Maybe the answer was Israel Hands' hoarding.
- Fresh air on the balcony of the Walrus. (a drawing of the ship at night). There're celebrations on the deck, Flint and Silver have a private talk.
I find it endearing how this list ends with the balcony one. Like a parallel (ha!) to the first one, where Flint and Silver are having a private moment on board of a ship, although it is a different ship and at a different time. A year ago I had no idea where this all would lead me and how much I would learn and get to experience *pats my past-self in the back awkwardly and fondly*
Looking back at them (doodles) I feel both proud and slightly embarrassed of my enthusiasm. I have never done anything like this for any other fandom. I have never felt so much and had such an urge to engage in this sort of thing.
This show, its creators and crew, this fandom. Just something unbeliavable.  I cannot find the words to say how much I appreciate you all. The brilliancy, the humour, the love in all kinds of forms. I am so glad I stumbled on this show (it was a gif or a fanvid about ep 2.05 that made me aware of this show, btw. I cannot remember it clearly anymore and for a moment I thought Crossbones was a pilot for Black Sails and almost missed everything, but that's a story for another time...)
Know this: I have loved sharing this experience (the show, the fandom) with you and I appreciate everything you have given to me or shared with me. I will treasure this. (I apologize not thanking more people individually, but this post would’ve never reached its end otherwise).
*throws hearts and forehead kisses to the best and inspiring fandom and the greatest show that broke my heart and healed my soul so many times*
All the possibilities and love to you. Thank you <3
(This is not a goodbye, btw. There’s still so much more to come!) (◠‿◠✿)
P.S. All this started as doodles so that’s why I have kept using that word eventhough it doesn’t really apply to many of these anymore...
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celtfather · 5 years
St Patrick's Day #451
Happy St Patrick’s Day! Two Hours of St Patrick’s Day music and a free Celtic album that you can download today on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.
Xavier Boderiou, Stringer's Ridge, The Selkie Girls, Kennedy's Kitchen, Gillian Boucher & Bob McNeill, Beyond the Field from Single, Lissa Schneckenburger, Kinnfolk, Jesse Ferguson, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Catherine Koehler, The Kissers, Stephanie Claussen, KALOS (McKasson & McDonald), W Ed Harris, The Rowan Tree, Fir Arda, Celtic Conundrum, Avourneen, Tami Curtis, Pauline Scanlon, The Flailing Shilaleighs, The Wild Irish Roses, Kilmaine Saints, Ockham's Razor, Onde, Skeleton McKee, Battlelegs, Hugh Morrison, Eileen Ivers, Jiggy, Wolf Loescher
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The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is here to build our community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, buy the albums, shirts, and songbooks, follow the artists on Spotify, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
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0:08 - "Wedding Reels" by Xavier Boderiou from Laimm
2:58 - WELCOME
4:45 - "Pikeman's March / Who'll Be King but Charlie? / Cliffs of Moher" by Stringer's Ridge from Handmade
10:57 - "Smeorach Chlann Domhnaill" by The Selkie Girls from Running with the Morrigan Pronunciation: Smear-Rock Clan Dow-ohl
15:32 - "Tootsie's Flowers, Money In Both Pockets, The Whiskey Of Truth" by Kennedy's Kitchen from The Whiskey of Truth
20:20 - "Race for the Sun" by Gillian Boucher & Bob McNeill from Race for the Sun
25:35 - "Three Hugs for Luca" by Beyond the Field from Single
34:35 - "The Fair Maid By the Sea Shore" by Lissa Schneckenburger from Song
37:49 - "New Rigged Ship / Lady's Cup of Tea / Drag Her Round the Road" by Kinnfolk from Kinnfolk
41:01 - "The Sally Gardens" by Jesse Ferguson from The Sally Gardens
43:45 - "Jiggle the Old Bones" by Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer from Sleep Deprivation
48:30 - “May Morning Dew” by Catherine Koehler from Stone Upon Stone
52:07 - "Foggy Dew (feat. Monica Martin)" by The Kissers from Three Sails
56:38 - "Ae Fond Kiss / Rory Dall's Port" by Stephanie Claussen from The Road Home from Skye: Scottish and Irish Tunes
1:04:18 - "Geordie" by KALOS (McKasson & McDonald) from Harbour
1:07:36 - "Crowley's/Johnny D's" by W Ed Harris from Turas Ceilteach Pronunciation: Tour-ahs Kell-tuk kell-tach
1:11:40 - "One And All" by The Rowan Tree from Kolar's Gold
1:13:59 - "O'Carolans Welcome" by Fir Arda from Greenhouse Sessions Part 2
1:18:26 - "A Chance" by Celtic Conundrum from The Promise
1:22:17 - "Sparrow" by Avourneen from Sparrow
1:28:55 - "Hills of Connemara" by Tami Curtis from Caird Cavort
1:31:04 - "The Eighteenth of June" by Pauline Scanlon from Gossamer
1:35:13 - "Old Man Colm" by The Flailing Shilaleighs from Yours to Discover
1:38:37 - "The Adventures of a Young Rose" by The Wild Irish Roses from Full Bloom
1:40:23 - "Off the Wagon" by Kilmaine Saints from Off the Wagon (Acoustic Sessions)
1:42:47 - FREE MUSIC
1:44:01 - "The Moving On Song" by Ockham's Razor from Songs from Potter's Field
1:48:22 - "Le Metamorphose" by Onde from Maelstrom
1:53:42 - "Streams of Whiskey" by Skeleton McKee from Edinburgh Underground
1:56:25 - "Ability Scores" by Battlelegs from Save the Humans
1:59:40 - "Ballad of Thomas Higgins" by Hugh Morrison from The Other Side
2:04:09 - "Shine" by Eileen Ivers from Scatter the Light
2:08:35 - “Man of Aran” by Jiggy from Hypernova
2:12:59 - CLOSING
2:13:52 - "Legacy" by Wolf Loescher from Sheep's Clothing
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was edited by Marc Gunn with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. The show was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
WELCOME Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic musician and podcaster. This show is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. Please support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at celticmusicpodcast.com. You can also support this podcast on Patreon.
Marc Gunn St Patrick's Day Music Shows
FRI, MAR 13: Interstellar Ginger Beer & Exploration Co, Alabaster, AL @ 7:00 PM
SAT, MAR 14: St Patrick's Day at 5 Points, Birmingham, AL @ 2:30-5 PM
SAT, MAR 14: The Camp, Huntsville, AL @ 7:30 PM
If you haven't done so yet, Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts. It is free. Yes. All 450 episodes are FREE to listen to. So go listen and download the show right now. And if you want a free podcast app, you can find a link to it in the shownotes as well.
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As a patron, you get to hear episodes before regular listeners. When we hit a milestone, you get an extra-long episode. You can pledge a dollar or more per episode and cap how much you want to spend each month over on Patreon.
A super special thanks to our Celtic Legends. These amazingly generous folks pledge $25 or more per month. Thanks to Shawn Cali, Hank Woodward, Annie Lorkowski, Tiffany Knight, robert michael kane, Lynda MacNeil, Kevin Long, Nancie Barnett, Miranda Nelson, Carol Baril, Scott Benson, Marianne Ludwig, Patricia Conner
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is a for-profit endeavor that is funded by you. I cannot pay royalties to artists because of the nature of podcast. It’s cost-prohibitive. You can read about that on my website.
So I found a different way to give back. A portion of the money raised from compilation CD sales and from your Patreon donations is donated to Celtic Non-Profits. We already donated money to the Savannah Irish Festival to help some of the artists featured on this podcast. We are also sponsoring the Texas Scottish Festival in May. And now in September, we’re also sponsoring Middle Tennessee Highland Games & Celtic Festival. We have donated over $35,000 to Celtic Non-Profits.
But I want to stress, that’s not me. That’s all of us. Everyone who supports this podcast is supporting Celtic culture through music. These festivals bring our musical heritage alive. So thank you for being a part of that.
CELTIC PODCAST NEWS While you’re there, I want to ask you to post a review on Apple Podcasts. Right now, we are 37 reviews away from 1000. That’s incredible to think about especially considering I haven’t asked anyone to post a review in a long time.
If you listen to podcasts, I want to recommend a couple that I enjoy and are Celtic in nature. Irish Music Stories is put out by Irish musician Shannon Heaton. She looks at the bigger stories behind traditional Irish music. It’s extremely well-produced and well worth subscribing
Erin’s Isle is a short travel podcast. Erin brings you the delightful parts of Ireland in intriguing stories that’ll make you want to learn more. Her show is even syndicated on Aer Lingus and British Airways. It’s that good. And a lot of fun!
If you want more St Patrick’s Day music, check out the St Patrick’s Day podcast. It’s a 7-part series I released years ago. It’s music with minimal chatting. It’s perfect for playing in the background of your own Paddy’s Day party.
I’d be negligent if I didn’t tell you about my own personal podcast. The Pub Songs Podcast is the virtual public house for Celtic Geek culture. I put together several St Patrick’s Day episodes including the latest which is a Sci Fi St Patrick’s Day. Because, well, I’m a geek.
You can find more podcasts by me and others in my Mage Podcast Network or when you subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. Because I tell you what’s new in the Celtic podcast world in every issue. And it’s still free!
TRAVEL WITH CELTIC INVASION VACATIONS Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
LEARN IRISH DANCE Irish music, dance, and culture have global appeal, but not everyone has the opportunity to access lessons in their neighborhood.
Online Irish Dance offers courses for people who want to learn the basics of Irish dance for fun—no matter where they are in the world!
The course called Irish Dance Basics for Ceili Dancing is specifically designed to teach students the basic movements required in ceili, or group, dancing. The moves are taught with music of varying speeds, and modules are included that introduce stretches and strengthening exercises to keep students’ bodies safe while they practice.
Sign up today at online-Irish-dance.teachable.com and use the code SPD2020 for 25% off any course in the school through March 31, 2020.
I should point out. They are not a sponsor of the podcast. And I have no affiliation. They asked if I’d share. It sounded like something I thought you might be interested in.
FREE MUSIC How would you like a free album of Celtic music? Every year, I compile the 17 Free Celtic MP3s for St Patrick’s Day. In fact, if you listened to and enjoyed show #250, then you can now download every single one of those songs for free. Follow the link in the shownotes.
There are NO STRINGS ATTACHED. The download page is on our Patreon. It’s open to the public. So you can just click and download the free MP3s. You don’t need to sign up for a single thing.
Now if you want MORE FREE MP3s, you can also subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. Every week, you will get a few cool bits of Celtic music news. It's a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Plus, you'll get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free, just for signing up today.
And if that’s not enough… I want you to have a Free CD of mine. It’s an album of Irish songs called Happy Songs of Death. I actually featured it on episode #83 of the podcast. But you can have the physical CD. I will swallow the cost of the disc. You just have to pay for the shipping. Follow the link in the shownotes. I don’t know how long this offer will last. So get it soon!
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to [email protected]
David (Daithi) O'Brien emailed: "Hi Marc. I live in Mn, and have always enjoyed the St. Patrick's day performances at the Landmark Center in St. Paul. I remembered that your birthday is on the 17th, and thought you might enjoy our Minnesota Nice celebrations. 2 of my old Step Dance groups will be performing along with I don't know how many Indie musicians. Sorry I didn't think about reaching out to you until the end of February, but if you have the chance, give the frozen north a try."
Bernard Nieuwendijk emailed: "Dear Marc, I just found out about this band, does it fit your show? http://www.auli.lv/en Love your show btw, promoting it whenever I see a chance!"
Jeff Peterson wrote on our blog: "Thank you again, Marc. Nice music to listen to while at work. :)"
Stacia Ahlfeld wrote: "My son and I listened to this while we worked on his schoolwork. He really liked it! I did too, of course. It's fun to have a kiddo who enjoys Celtic music like me. Hope you have a great day!"
Amy Hineline sent a photo: "Recovering from total knee replacement surgery. Waiting to go home."
Barb Spears emailed: "Hi Marc!  I'm a newbie to podcasts and just downloaded an APP. I searched music and found your podcast - my first!  I love Celtic music having green blood in my veins and am a Ceili dancer who enjoys our Irish culture and community here in St. Paul MN.   As I listen to this great music, I am digging out of a very cluttered home office. The upbeat music is keeping me going as I tackle this rather daunting task.  No pics - nobody should see the mess I have!"
Helen Withers emailed: "Hi from Helen Withers in Falcon, Colorado. We attended the Larkspur, Colorado Renaissance Festival in the last two years. We have repeatedly sat in the audience to see, sing with(from the audience) and enjoy a musical trio called "Music the Gathering Band" They have at least one CD, & recently finished at the Brevard RenFaire. You may like them for one of your podcasts."
She sent another email: "Also, there's a band from one of the Carolina states, called Syr. We saw them live in Estes Park, Colorado & really enjoyed their music too. Thank you, Helen Withers in Falcon Colorado."
  Check out this episode!
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jaeeursula · 6 years
Reflection Post
​Personal Development and Leadership allowed me to search within myself to find my life’s task. As I began my mastery journey, I felt a little scared.  I had decided to master a program that I had no experience in.  I remember asking the counselor if I were making a bad decision since Instructional design was new to me.  I chose this program with hopes of becoming a Training Facilitator.  I thought it would be beneficial to know what goes on behind the scenes of training.
My personal triumph was that I found the perfect program for me and that I could actually accomplish completion with my hectic schedule and having a family.
Strategies for Learner Engagement gave me the knowledge needed to understand how to create curriculum and learn design strategies.  While learning the ADDIE and SAM instructional design models, I learned how to design infographics.  This class also pushed me to get involved with my classmates by way of a group project.  The exciting part about this exercise actually became that my partner and I were from the same city and neighborhood.  The group project not only allowed us to grow from each others’ strengths but we built relationships that we took into our future classes.
My personal triumph was completing an infographic and being able to contribute positive feedback on a subject that I was not familiar with.  Seeing that people that had experience with design input my suggestions in their work was refreshing and encouraged me to strive for a good design as well.
Visual and Verbal Communication in Instructional Design informed me of visual design theories and how to apply them.  This course gave me the opportunity to learn how to create an interactive Keynote presentation.  Learning how to use this new (to me) software was not just challenging because it was new to me but I was a first time MAC user as well.  I found myself spending a lot of time becoming familiar with using the computer.  I called friends constantly for how to use the computer.  
My personal triumph was completing the task of providing an interactive presentation.  Learning how to graph using Keynote was my most fulfilling given task.  
Corporate Training and Motivational Development gave me the opportunity to learn techniques for media design and learn my presentation style.  While learning the Conscious Competence Theory, I was able to prepare my first presentation using iMovie.  This video presentation allowed me to make effective graphic designs to include within my presentation.
My personal triumph was being able to verbalize professional video content.  I realized during this course that enunciation is the key to engaging video presentation.  
Instructional Design and Evaluation was one of my most difficult courses.  Although everything that I learned throughout the Instructional Design and Technology program was new to me, I found it difficult to apply the ABCD model.  I just could not figure out how to make my learning outcomes measurable.  Once I learned the importance of writing, I was able to provide more meaningful content. I reached out to the Full Sail learning lab to help me get on the right track.  This course provided me an opportunity to learn different training approaches and effectively communicate learning objectives.
My personal triumph was completing my Training Needs Analysis.  It was very important to me to be able to effectively communicate learning objectives.
Digital Media and Learning Applications gave me the knowledge needed to engage digitally inclined learners and use digital media design principles.  This course reminded me that there are different types of learners and it is important to provide content that engages all learners.  In this course, I learned how to use HTML while creating an interactive quiz. I found myself enjoying the use of colors and changing font sizes.  
My personal triumph was figuring out how to change the font colors and sizes.  In an effort to provide beautiful content, I played with different colors throughout the course.
I would probably say that Music and Audio for Instructional Design was my favorite course.  I went into it a little scared as this was the professor from my most challenging course.  Once I realized that it was a new course with new material, I relaxed just a little. I gained knowledge of the roles of music in learning and how to create professional voiceovers. This course challenged me to learn how to use GarageBand. I enjoyed listening to my classmates’ projects and how they took their voices to new levels during their voiceovers.  I learned how to listen, properly record myself, and combine recordings to make the perfect production. I now know that a great music producer provides beats as well as edits the imperfections of his/her artist. This course made me want to have a side job as a voice over actress.
My personal triumph was being able to listen to hear breaths and background noises during recordings for editing.  I found myself listening for breaths while listening to the radio in the car.
Filmmaking Principles for Instructional Design was my 2ndfavorite course during this program.  It challenged me to create a compelling story, examine video techniques, and study the importance of visual learning.  When I received my starter kit, I questioned myself what I would do with a camera and tripod.  I had no idea that I would actually create my own film.  This course had me examining movies for shadows. Learning how to create a storyboard has become extremely useful for narration and image timing. While at work, I have been asked had I done a storyboard.  Had I not taken this course, I would have been totally lost when asked that question.
My personal triumph was positioning my fill light correctly.  I spent an entire day trying to remove shadows from my still pictures and film clips.  
Game Strategies and Motivation taught me strategies to motivate learners to engage in instructional activity. Whether using gamification or game play, learning is more engaging.  Coming up with a game concept was a difficult task for me. My original thought process of a game was plain and simple, have fun.  I never thought about the outcome of learning something.  I guess it made me go back to my Instructional Design and Evaluation course. What is it that I want the learners to get from this task?  
Learning the components of a game and how to apply them in my game concept was my personal triumph.
Learning Management Systems and Organization allowed me to present and deliver instructional content.  The course also allowed for me to understand virtual learners. I learned the importance of research for the creation of content during this course.  Good research led me to what I wanted the learners to learn and how to make a simple task more meaningful. Research was also the determining factor for my choice of a LMS software.
My personal triumph was deciding how to make a bath bomb into an actual course.  The decision to make the course more about the ingredients versus actually making the bath bombs allowed me to have more than one task during the LMS course.
Media Asset was an exciting course because I was able to show myself my own technical abilities.  I was able to convey all the knowledge gained throughout the entire program.  Being able to create work that once took an entire month to be perfect, within a week was very rewarding for me.  It showed me that I retained my knowledge as well as I was able to apply it. Not only did I apply gained knowledge, I stepped outside the box and learned how to use the Adobe XD software to create my interactive infographic.  Along with the infographic, I completed a Training Needs Analysis, training video, and a game concept. All the media assets created supported the Training Needs Analysis.
My personal triumph was actually completing each task within a week with no problems.
I chose the topic Training for Improved Productivity for my final project.  My final project was to prepare a Training Needs Analysis with 3 media assets to support it. In order to complete each task, I had to refer back to theories such as rapid prototyping, cognitive load, Gagne’s nine events of instruction, and learning is visual.  Without the knowledge of these theories, I would have had difficulty of completing the final project in a timely manner. Knowing how to use color and font size to guide learners’ attention helped when determining my asset’s color scheme.  Although I enjoyed preparing and viewing my final iteration of each project, I was most proud of my training video.  Within the video, I used storytelling, met the needs of visual and auditory learners, used iMovie to create the film, and used GarageBand to edit narration, remove breaths, and add ambience to my voice.    
I have learned so much during my mastery journey.  All the late nights, minimum sleep, and family neglect was well worth completing my Masters Degree.  I truly look forward to the continual use of my gained knowledge.  
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pozitivnapsihologija · 10 years
2 Hours of Watterfalls Lullaby, Music for Relaxation and Sleep with Sailing Visual Background 2 Hours of Watterfalls Lullaby Music for Relaxation and Sleep with Sailing Visual Background - babies lullabies, baby lullabies, baby lullabies online, baby lullaby, baby lullaby music, baby lullaby songs, brahms lullaby, lullabies for babies, lullabies music, lullaby music, lullaby song, lullaby songs, lullaby songs for babies, Lullabys,
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