#Musings ¦¦ Matthew Bardham
unrclypirxte · 21 days
Matt left the army with an OTH Discharge for fighting and disobeying orders. He happened to also get away with abuse of power as he never got found out before he left.
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unrclypirxte · 1 year
@vendettamuses said: “Relax, I’m not looking for any trouble. I’m here on behalf of uh… ah, shit, what’s her name… Dumbo. You know- the short girl with the big ears?” The Privateer clearly couldn’t give less of a shit and was probably only here delivering a message because he was threatened to do so. “Yeah, came by because I was told to let you know she’s not doing too hot. She’s in the clinic back at the camp on a vent- a fucking vent. Can you believe someone on this island had a whole ass hospital setup? Oh yeah- anyways, she wanted to tell you she was sorry. You know, in case she doesn’t make it. Would be surprised if she did the way she was bleeding everywhere.” — to Matt and Beth :3c
Talking on the line that separated privateers and pirates, none daring to cross, Beth and Matt were having a good old natter. There was even some laughter, joyful shoves. Everyone was okay. All was good. And then HE had to show up.
She opened her mouth to speak, but was shushed when he began his non-urgent message. The pair shared a look of disinterest until the penny dropped. Just as suddenly as they were smiling, they were scowling. Confusion mixed with annoyance, and, in Beth's case, boiling rage.
Why was he so nonchalant? How could he be? Beth tensed, and Matt... Matt was unreadable.
"We've got to go," Matt said first, earning a scoff from the woman beside him.
"I can't, Vaas will—"
"Shut the fuck up, think for yourself. Get in the car."
And that left very little room for argument. Matt grabbed Beth by her bicep, grip white-knuckled as he barreled towards the nearest truck. He threw her inside, ordered the driver back to the compound, to the only person he knew would have any sort of equipment. Maybe see Hoyt and ask what's going on. But, for now, they needed to get there.
The ride was a blur, with Beth yelling something obscene. But then they stopped, out Matt hopped, and Beth had no choice but to trail along like a puppy. He all but barged into Hoyt's building, ignoring guards as they called out, and shoved his way into where Piper was being kept.
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The sight made his stomach drop, hands to grow clammy and his breathing heavy. He ignored the " doctor " at her bedside and approached. He placed a careful hand upon her hair as Beth stood at the door watching with that familiar predatory gaze.
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"Piper?" Matt called, not trying to be quiet. No, this wasn't the mainland. No formalities here. "Hey, you with me, darlin'?"
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unrclypirxte · 1 year
@vendettamuses - Cont. From this old thing!!
Matt was a man who prided himself in reading others and predicting their next words. But Piper had definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, BLINDSIDED him with this one. So much so that he lowered the sandwich from his lips and looked at her with an almost wide-eyed stare before his features returned as per the norm.
Was she..?
His heart sped up and stopped all at once in a confusing burst of anxiety. His brows furrowed as he processed the confession and the implications, if there were any ( she was very open about it ) . He swallowed the thick lump in his throat, quick to clear his throat and draw in a deep breath. Clearly, he wasn't used to this.
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"Are you asking me out, Piper?" His voice was quieter than usual, one of a tentive nature, as if he was indeed wrong and it was embarrassing to ask. But nevertheless, he remained calm and collected. The usual Matthew Bardham you'd come to expect, with a hint of nerves.
"I mean... are you sure? You know me, an' I... I think there's better for you," Oh God. He wasn't outright rejecting her, no. He was simply, in his mind, reminding her of who he was. Who she'd be with. As if she didn't know already. "I like you a lot, Pip... I want you to be making the right decision."
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unrclypirxte · 2 years
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Now You See Me Starters! - ACCEPTING
@fantasmalforces said: i’d like to express a sentiment to you about our relationship . - from Piper to Matt 💜
Piper always had a peculiar way of saying things, Matthew had come to realise; it reminded him of Beth to a degree, except the pirate sounded borderline INSANE or UNHINGED and Piper just... it was different. It was different, and he couldn't pinpoint exactly why.
He took a bite of the mango he had been given by Sam before he took his break, taking shelter beneath a bunched up set of palm-trees and the shroud of nearby shrubbery. It was still swelteringly hot, but slightly more bearable than if he decided to eat beneath the sun. He was having a good time, and a good day, really.
And it was getting better.
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He couldn't quite help the way his lips quirked into a smile when Piper flopped at his side to also join him on lunch. Matt offered a quiet ' hello ' before allowing silence to set, as per the usual. Enjoying the quiet of the hellhole of an island, he almost rolled his eyes when she spoke. But luckily, what she had to say was intriguing.
"You would?" He asked cautiously, examining Piper as if this was a giant trap of some kind. "...what's the sentiment?"
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