#My Hawke is called Marth btw
your-shield-of-love · 2 years
Have a Hallowen gift for all of the FTM Hawke's out there:
Hawke: *staring at Varric's hairy chest*
Varric: (smirks) "Everyone loves the chest hair."
Hawke: (Lil sad tone) "I wish I had chest hair."
Varric: (Sincerely, softly) "I would give you mine, Hawke."
Hawke: ... *smiles*
Hawke: (teasing) "Give it to me then!" Reaches for Varric
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your-shield-of-love · 3 years
So I have an AU. Where there are multiple Wardens and Carver Hawke also becomes a Warden instead of dying at the start in DA2.
My HOF (Kalle) goes to Kirkwall every two years. One year at Kirkwall, one year in Fereldan.
The first year she makes friends with Varric, some locals and eventually my Hawke.
Now, Kalle is a non-binary pansexual. She uses she/her pronouns but prefers male titles - "Arl, Boyfriend, Mr" etc. She's the Surana origin btw. A shapeshifter.
My Hawke - who was Marianna Hawke is a transgender male. Called Marth. A rogue.
These two played a few times together as kids before Kalle was sent to the circle.
So eventually at one of Kalle's stays in Kirkwall, they date. They're eachothers impossible (because wow these two can do anything) boyfriends but a couple of months later they break up, they're extremely happy to just be best friends for the rest of their lives. But those months are the wildest and Varric during the entire thing thinks they're one of the strongest couples he's ever seen.
Also Marth totally wishes for Kalle to become a dragon.
So yeah Marth is left in the fade, but Kalle totally breaks him out (probably transforms into a dragon to impress him and voila!)
My AU summary of
Marth & Kalle's relationship.
Also the two totally wait till Trespasser to tell Cassandra they dated for a small time.
This isn't my Dragon Age Canon Universe, as I said it's an AU, but it is my favourite AU.
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