#My guys are very slightly plot relevant in that one?? 👀👀👀
illdothehotvoice ¡ 2 years
*deep inhale* okay not gonna lie kind of wish most Legends Arceus discussion wasn’t Ingo centric the climax of the game is so fucking interesting on its own why was I led to believe Ingo was involved in the slightest please please I care about all these characters so much Ingo isn’t even involved that much okay bye-
15 notes ¡ View notes
prongsmydeer ¡ 3 years
Ayesha liveblogs Hook S1
My first three thoughts about this show: 1) The theme song is a bop 2) This is the second Thai series I’ve seen with a main character called Man, is it that common a nickname in Thailand? and 3) The fact it took them less than a minute to make a pun about his name is promising 
It is slightly inconvenient when their name is Man because it makes describing the men a little more confusing kjhgkjhg 
“You’re the Man... We’ll see” Already Tracksuit Guy is giving off suspicious vibes 
“Your favourite horoscope app also says you shouldn’t fight” I feel like Man’s motivation is like 35% loyalty to friends, 65% loving to pick fights
I didn’t actually retain who the love interest was from the intro song so now I’m just looking at every guy who crosses Man’s path like 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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This is the first show I’ve watched where the characters actually could take a punch (or the makeup department was not brought in) because there ain’t a mark on either of those boys
I know Man started this fight during the middle of a volleyball practice but does the entire volleyball team all really need to chase Man at once?? Ten to one doesn’t seem fair 
I hope his lover is not introduced via fight scene fkhfkjfh but I feel it will be a much more dramatic entrance than this
Update from 30 seconds later: I KNEW IT, the slow pan and perturbed look scream, “I am about to go on a love journey against my better judgement” 
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Saifah is immediately more open and friendly than I thought he was going to be jkhgkjhkgj guess I should not judge a perturbed look by its cover
Does the “Mr. Saifah” thing mean they’re different ages or is it just a politeness thing I can’t tell both of their uniforms look like university ones jkhgkjgh 
Even if her path with Saifah may not go anywhere I like Dao she’s neat
Wow these volleyball guys are assholes they can’t beat Saifah and Man by double-teaming them in a fist fight so they resort to pulling a box cutter??? THIS IS EXTREME ESCALATION WHO LET YOU IN THIS SCHOOL
Dad’s not-so-subtle World-Thought-You-Fixed-Your-Match trauma seems like it’s going to be a real downer throughout the coming episodes
“If you want dad to care, you have to do something to show him,” That’s a lot to put on Man; I’m not sure that academic or social achievement really can fix years of grief and alcoholism, Ying
The makeup department was brought in for Saifah’s bruises, RIP
Oh good, the dramatic black cutaways are back, it’s really selling me on Saifah and Man’s common ground that they both have only one braincell and that braincell is going (ง'̀-'́)ง
Visual demonstration:
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[Upon realizing Saifah got beaten up by the volleyball team] “You sit this one out Mr. Saifah” Well, based on everything we’ve learned about Man so far, this response tracks
Pop and Jay are incredibly patient friends to deal with Man running around campus challenging whoever bugs his friends to a fist fight 
I feel that it was very relevant information for Saifah to disclose that Man was about to go chase some guys who had just threatened to STAB BOTH SAIFAH AND DAO
I realize that the volleyball team is probably necessary to the plot movement of the show I just don’t like it 
“It’s in your pocket” “She’s a witch!” Why is Dandao’s hobby being a magician it’s very funny 
I knew Man and Saifah would eventually fight but wow it worked its way in much sooner than I thought and on the most minor of their daddy issues (daddy won’t spend time with me)
I know there hasn’t been even the barest hint of romance yet but hmmmmmmmmmmmmm don’t like this
Every man in this show needs therapy but Man Capital M is certainly moving himself up higher on the list why are you fighting and crying at this nice boy who has been nothing but kind to you just because your dad doesn’t pay attention to you GET A JOURNAL, MAN
“Perhaps I was wrong for thinking you loved him,” said Ying to her dad, carrying literally all the emotional intelligence and labour of this whole family on her back
“What happened to your face?” Hongyok really needs to have some boundaries kjhgkhg she has broken into Saifah’s apartment and crawled into his bed what part of this seems like he should be volunteering information for you
I’m glad she’s his sister but that only makes this SLIGHTLY less weird
As a side note am I crazy or should they have cast the sisters opposite looks-wise because Ying resembles Saifah more and Hongyok resembles Man more
They are so convincing with the Saifah/Dandao energy I had to look up if this is actually a gay romance and I think it is but I didn’t look that hard
“How can you have a boyfriend?” Hahah they are both going to have boyfriends (also yikes @ Mon and Saifah’s friendship with Dao being centred around her romantic availability)
Why does Hongyok make it sound like their father is a minor crime lord: 
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“This gym belongs to our dad, so the money isn’t going anywhere” So Man’s dad works there but Saifah’s dad owns it? Ooooh that sounds messy
“I didn’t expect [Man] to grow up to be this hot” “I also didn’t expect.. that my little sister would grow up and be this way” Saifah had me in the first half of that sentence, not gonna lie
I can only imagine that the Hongyok actress does not have a brother because her acting says more “obsessive neighbour lady” than sister
As a fellow little sister to an older brother, I do not relate
On the other hand, Ying is giving off INCDREDIBLY accurate oldest daughter energy, being her family’s therapist, making sure they keep going, running the gym, training her brother, etc.
“I’ll help you” Fatherhood ended with Wanchai, now Ying is Man’s Best Dad:
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I haven’t found a moment to comment on Man’s Metallic Jumpsuit yet but it’s certainly something 
“If you quit, then it won’t be as much fun for me” FINALLY an an iota of relationship-building jkjhgkhg
Very glad Man is apologizing and being honest about why he was upset. COMMUNICATION!!!!
The layers to all these dynamics (Saifah liking Dao, Hongyok liking Man, Saifah and Man eventually supposed to fall in love -- so much to unpack here)
“If you like her, then go after her” Terrible advice, do not listen to ur sister Saifah
“Your love life is on the rise. Women will approach you. Choose wisely and be sure to use that charm of yours” notice that the Fortune Teller did not tell Man he had to choose one of the women approaching him. Tarot Reader said Gay Rights 
“He needs to learn how to talk to women first” I mean,,,, does he though? Ghjghkg perhaps not for romance anyway
Why is the only cheerleading move in these fictional Thai universities making a V with your hands:
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Fhkjhgkjhg Saifah has flirted more in the past 30 seconds with this Cheer Captain than he has with Man in the past two and a half episodes 
LMAO I love that Saifah’s first interaction with Man’s friends is bamboozling them into cheering practice
I very much knew that a double date is where this whole sibling scheme was going Saifah and Hongyok really need to coordinate their Tricking People Into Dating Me activities 
Everything Man and Dao do to convey that they are similar simply foreshadows that Saifah has a type lmao (rowdy people who enjoy magic and boxing I guess)
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Saifah remembering that he can kick one of the volleyball team members while his arms are bound is character development 
“This is not over” How many times do you have to outnumber and jump someone to realize that the feud isn’t worth it 
“You have taken the Risk Management class with Ms. Ann haven’t you? You should be able to see it” This professor is a little aggressive and negative but educators be like that sometimes (also bc of the braces and the babyface I really thought for a sec she was just a very sassy student asking questions kjhgjhgg)
They’re really making a point of the class difference here with Saifah’s fancy sports car and Man’s earlier counting money for his food
“If you want to participate in any kind of sport, I’ll support you, but not boxing” is this bc of the rigged match accusation or some other Mysterious Dad Reason
Why does Saifah’s family keep saying the dad’s tagline like this kjhgkhgkh it really is giving Minor Crime Lord energy:
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KGHKJHGKHGKHG Saifah’s shirt has a brand or a phrase on it so instead of making him change or refilming the scene they just BLURRED IT OUT HAHAHAH
IS this a gay romance? Again, so far all we have seen is heterosexual crushes and while I’m not opposed to either of them being bi (hey me too) I’m like,,,, where is The Energy, you know???? 
Which isn’t to say like every romance (or every queer romance specifically) needs to move fast or start early or whtv but I’m just looking for a sign that they are even getting closer? Is the end goal for them to be BFF Boxing Rivals or Boxing Lovers?? I simply cannot tell
“She’s cute; No!” it’s possible that I misremembered why I put this on my watch list fjkfjfk disappointing 
I’m not sure what I like less the fact that the one fat character in this show always has to have food in their hands or the way that Saifah and Mon behave with a slightly possessive energy towards Dao (like she is ur friend u are not entitled to more than that sorry)
Maybe it IS gay? This face says gay and nervous but perhaps I only see this because I am gay and nervous 
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“I would never think of Dandao that way” I CAN’T READ THIS SITUATION
It’s anyone’s guess where this show is going but my current hypothesis for the love formation is: 
Hongyok <3 Man <3 Saifah <3 Dandao <3 Man
Idk where the BF plays into this but he hasn’t shown up yet
Dao seems like a piece of work around Man but she is also a bro bc she didn’t leave him in the lurch for his shopping date with Hongyok
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This whole time I thought that Saifah’s Dad Arun and Man’s Dad Wanchai were both boxers and fought against one another but it now seems like Arun was Wanchai’s manager? This show confuses me at every turn 
“I don’t care about anyone else” Thank u Man for carrying all of gay energy of this show in your eyes
“I never thought you so low as to gang up on us” Not to poke holes in your smack talk, Man, but the volleyball team has literally been doing this since the first ten minutes of this show
“Can I punch this asshole in the face one time?” Based on how bad a dad he’s been so far I bet Wanchai is going to say yes but wow the volleyball captain is so disadvantaged in a fight against Man and Saifah that he has to ask permission from Man’s Dad for a freebie punch
“Then do whatever you want” WANCHAI YOU SUCK!!!!!!!! 
I guess all of the bonding between Man and Saifah will take place exclusively through them fighting people together and I’m willing to accept that
“The look in your eyes is scary,” said the Opposing Boxer, while Saifah looked sort of like he wanted to throw up
Take a shot every time Man starts crying at the end of a fight 
TRAINING MONTAGE <33333333333333 
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“My brother is very busy” my money is on Kawin the Opposing Boxer from the Rival Gym being Dandao’s brother lol
Also my money is on the boyfriend not existing loooool
“Where’s the toilet?” said Man, as if he were not outside of the apartment building, jkhgjhgkjh excellent excuse-forming
Update on the Kawin situation: He’s def who is picking Dandao up, just not sure if she was lying about who he was (my guess is he is bro and not bf but that would be a weird lie)
I like Sing it’s about time an adult man in this show displayed some emotional warmth towards a young man
“I was the obstetrician for both of you” First of all, not how I thought this elevator exchange was going to go, second of all, how did u know that Saifah was Saifah he wasn’t mentioned by name kjghjkghgjh
I guess he didn’t know who was who, but even so how did the doctor figure that one of them was Arun’s kid??? Was he just creeping on the guest sign-in orrrrrrr
Hahahah Dao’s magic tricks really add something to the show 
“Besides, I don’t want to love anyone right now,” Dao’s bf confirmed for fake, Kawin confirmed for brother?
Hahaha Man is about to be forcefully recruited into the cheerleading team and I’m thrilled what a fun turn
Aside from their general bravado, Man’s growing list of parallels with Tine of 2gether include 1) Joining the cheerleading squad 2) Being roped into schemes by his friends and 3) Being both highly confrontational and also unable to say no to people kjhgkjhgkjhg
Update from later: Also the double competition day
I’m growing more convinced of my love hypothesis, Dao def is catching feelings for Man and Man is not yet giving straight vibes 
“Can you address me more casually” “I don’t think that is a good idea” is it because YOU don’t want to catch feelings Man 👀👀👀👀👀👀
IT’S A METAPHOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man: I think we should start slow and build our way there
Saifah: No, I think we should just go for it!
“I will take care of the thing between Kawin and Dandao” Well aside from the fact I’m pretty sure they’re brother and sister, I think Man, Saifah and Dandao have been super patient with your teenage meddling in things that aren’t really any of your business thus far, Hongyok
At least Saifah and Man seem amused by it lmaoooo
“His name is John Boy, and he’s half-American” John Boy certainly seems like a stereotypical name for an American Character
Hongyok’s behaviour is really escalating is it really necessary to stake out someone’s workplace in order to investigate whether your brother’s crush has a fake boyfriend 
You can’t mope every time that Man hangs out with Dao, Saifah, u do not have a monopoly on her time
I know Hongyok’s dad technically owns the gym but I wish she would read the emotional room clearly Man isn’t interested eeeeeeeeep
It’s stopped having any ounce of comedy to it even if that’s what the show is intending STOP MAKING MOVES ON SOMEONE WHO IS VISIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE AROUND YOU
Fjghkjhgkjhgjk I guess it was time for some plot tension anyway they haven’t had the Hammer of Saifah’s Dad come down so a double contest day is a fair point of stress
Are they seriously HELICOPTERING TO THE BOXING MATCH RICH PEOPLE ARE CRAZY (also Saifah better pray his dad doesn’t look at his bank statements)
“Man? You can keep your underwear on” All I’m saying is if this show is truly supposed to lead SOMEWHERE gay I would like a little more romantic tension 
I’m not an expert in muscle mass but I feel like Saifah should weigh significantly more than 145 pounds when you consider how tall he is and how muscular 
“That’s our friend,” said Pop and Jay, as if their only interaction with Saifah had not been him tricking them into attending cheer practice in Dandao’s stead
“There’s a TV at the hospital“ if Ying and Wanchai can see the boxing match at the hospital how is Arun not yet aware of his son’s Boxing Contest Betrayal 
That didn’t take long to become relevant it’s lecture time
“You don’t know a thing. You should keep your mouth shut!” Aside from the fact that Arun is making some valid points about the danger/career path of boxing, the weird sensitivity he has around the topic of Wanchai, and the fact he has kept his run down gym running for this long, makes me feel like the real love story is Wanchai x Arun
Same energy as Rasa x Fugaku there’s something about the Bad Dad x Mediocre Dad energy that makes this concept kinda great
“If you disobey me, I’ll close the gym” Eat the rich
“Don’t worry buddy, I’m fucking cool with it” jkhkjhgkj maybe this doesn’t translate well but what a funny way to offer your support to Saifah, Man 
I feel that this show is headed in the direction of a Kawin and Hongyok romance which is even weirder considering that he’s in med school so he’s probably at least in his mid-20s and she’s presumably still in high school
SIR??? That is a child you have in your arms [Stanley from the Office voice] Have you lost your mind? ‘Cause I’ll help you find it!!!
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Saifah has invited both Dandao and Man to his family reunion so it’s about that time in the show where I start asking for a throuple
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Arun has decided the correct course of action in witnessing Man and Saifah’s friendship is to simply ignore Man’s existence
“Don’t you like to box too?” ARUN HAS BEEN CALLED OUT BY GRANDMA 
“I don’t trust anyone but you,” said Arun, like he didn’t have a wholeass other child (I mean I’m just saying that Hongyok already seems pretty driven and business-minded)
All thing said though, Saifah and Arun fight pretty politely vs Man and his dad with Wanchai’s cutting comments about Man’s abilities and pushing him into strangers to get beaten
“Everything in your life belongs to me” Saifah really needs to check out the raisedbynarcissists subreddit 
At this point it’s almost good that there’s been no romance between Saifah and Man because running away from home to be a boxer AND be in gay love would make his situation even more complicated
“I don’t want to go home” “You don’t have to” 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
The Costuming vs Background choices in the past few eps have been VERY good
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“Then you should come to my house” It doesn’t take a genius to see where this is going, the Kawin/Saifah/Dandao/Hongyok trains are all about to collide 
Good for the boys for making it to the next round!!! Also an incredibly expected turn of events that Arun is using his son’s stress-related hospitalization to be an ass towards an injured Saifah 
The Collision of Stupidity I was waiting for (there’s a lot to unpack here but let’s just throw out the whole suitcase):
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Dandao (left): Pretending that her brother is her boyfriend for no clear reason except to drive men away (which, fair); Man (centre):  Slowly being absorbed into a throuple-esque dynamic between Dandao and Saifah; Saifah (right): Has recently run away from home and been hospitalized on account of Daddy Issues and His Boxing Dreams, staring at his sister in the arms of his crush's boyfriend-brother and his sort-of boxing rival
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And on the other side we have: Hongyok (left): In the aforementioned arms of the boyfriend-brother; initially trying to suss out Dandao's lies but now just deep into hanging out with Kawin under the guise of tutoring;   Kawin (right): Medical student/boxer who has been trying to be left alone but now has a tutoring gig with some moderately weird vibes with this teenager, sister of his sort-of Boxing Rival
I take back everything I said about Saifah’s perturbed look during his introduction, clearly, the image above is his perturbed look
Also, why is Kawin hiding behind Hongyok??? What is he afraid of?? The fact that he’s hanging out with a teenager in his house because that is kind of weird
“You two are twins” This only makes the situation like 5% less weird (mostly bc it means Hongyok and Kawin are a lot closer in age than I thought - like a year or two at most)
You know, that’s on me for forgetting that not every system requires a bachelors degree to join a medical program 
“Think of me as garlic for vampires,” said Kawin, of pretending to be his twin sister's boyfriend to keep men away
Why does it have to be because of her mom’s car accident can’t Dandao just not want to date people out of her own volition lmao
LMAO @ Kawin throwing his ankle weights down before leaving like an anime protagonist
I knew the boys would eventually have to fight but I’m sad because I want them both to win
“You like those two, don’t you?” I’m just saying a throuple would really answer a lot of your existing relationship issues
“You have to choose. Just like how I’m going to go for Kawin” Well, that one was fairly obvious and I guess not as weird as I thought it was
Ghkhgkhgkjg did Man not think to ask permission before inviting Saifah to stay at Pop and Jay’s place? Unbelievable but also completely believable 
“I forgot you’re here” Gkjhgkhgkhg even funnier
Awww they’re still training together even though they’re opponents I’m love them <333333
You do not sound convinced about your romantic stances, Man: 
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Also it is not lost upon me that the above sentence can be read in two ways (you would be a better fit for Dandao than I would) (Dandao would be a better fit for you than I would) 
“I don’t know what I would do if you had said you like her too” this is literally the exact same thing that happened in Good Morning Call and the answer is THROUPLE
“Dandao and Saifah are meant to be together” I don’t care if there hasn’t been any romantic tension alluded to I choose to believe that Man is in unrequited love with Saifah (and also with Dandao but that’s a different thing) here are my reasons:
1) I’m 70% sure lgbtq+ was in the genre listing 
2) Man hasn’t been very clear about his romantic feelings in any particular direction
3) Man did both boxing and cheering because he goes both ways
4) Let me have this 
I did see the awkward kiss between Saifah and Dao coming but NOT THE CAR ACCIDENT
You know what, this is my fault, Saifah warned me early on about the family angle and I chose to assume it was a Naruto and Sasuke kind of thing 
Also I am so glad they’re not brothers that makes the lens through which I was viewing this show much less uncomfortable my life flashed before my eyes (though admittedly it no longer makes sense for there to be romance in any case the vibes are too weird)
As a side note: Big ick for Hongyok since Man is HER brother??
I figured after they revealed that Arun was Wanchai’s manager that he was the one who fixed the match but STEALING SOMEONE’S BABY AND BEING A SHITTY PARENT TO THEM IS NOT APPROPRIATE REVENGE, WANCHAI, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!
“My son could live a comfortable life. He wouldn’t have to struggle as the son of a boxer who had to serve a man like you” INTERESTING MOTIVE, STILL NOT A GOOD ENOUGH REASON TO KIDNAP SOMEONE’S CHILD AND COMMIT???? PATERNITY FRAUD? IDENTITY THEFT? I DON’T KNOW BUT IT’S VERY ILLEGAL!!!
“And Man... I wouldn’t have to take that good care of him.” So it was a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to be a neglectful father???? You do see how that’s worse, right!!!! I hope all of your kids past and present punch you in the face
“Everything’s going to be okay,” said Dandao, as if Man’s adopted father and the man who raised him had not just confessed to kidnapping him and purposely neglecting him while his best friend lies in critical condition after a car accident 
“Is there a worse thing that could’ve happened?” You know what, that’s fair, this probably is the worst case scenario
“And Ying isn’t even my sister” [Ying as Yondu from GOTG voice] He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy
“And when he wakes up, please tell him that I care about him very much. And that I love him very much too.” YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN YING IS THE SISTER/PARENTAL FIGURE THAT MAN NEEDS
I’ll acknowledge the irony of Yondu also technically being a kidnapper but he loved and nurtured his adoptive son unlike SOME people 
“Saifah is not my real brother” he’s not your biological brother, Hongyok, but he’s your real brother he’s the real brother that you lived with for your wholeass life
Well this is an incredibly awkward breakfast hangout: 
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I guess this means that Man and Saifah are going to be adoptive bros now??? I can’t see Saifah’s parents being cool with Saifah going home with Wanchai, Child Kidnapper Extraordinaire 
“I’ll try and get custody of both of you” Yeah, I thought so 
“You can call me, Dad” You’re moving a little fast, Arun, Man still needs time to adjust to his new set of family
Also what you wanna bet Arun tries to pass on his business to Man, New Old Son, Fine Arts Student, and Business Hater 
Saifah’s Mom/Man’s New Old Mom has had weirdly few lines for her amount of screen time lmao like I know it’s not about her but she BIRTHED him
“No matter, what you and Man are BOTH my brothers” I love Ying 
“When Saifah wakes up, imagine how he will feel” I’ve been thinking about this nonstop how do you explain this kind of thing to someone after they wake up from a medical coma 
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“Both of you are like my brothers” Ying and Hongyok are the pillars of this weird, weird family
What I wanna know is who told Saifah this whole fucked up story?? Was it Hongyok?? A nurse??? A distraught voicemail from Man??? The newspapers?!
“My parents told me” Well I guess that answers that question -- what an uno reverse card “you are not adopted but we did take custody of you unknowingly”
I’m glad that Saifah and Man still have each other, their sisters, and their sense of humour
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“I was wrong for giving you mixed signals when I knew you had feelings for me,” That was a surprisingly mature and self-reflective response to your romantic issues, Dandao
This has been a rough week for Saifah, he got hit by a car, needed a major medical procedure, found out he was reversed kidnapped and his biological father sucks, broke his leg and therefore his boxing dreams, got rejected by his crush, AND found out she likes his best friend, what more can life throw at him
“I want you to come home” NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU WANT WANCHAI
“I’m not running away” “If that’s the case you should face your problems” (“It’s me, I’m your problems,” said Wanchai in the subtext)
“Thank you, my son,” said Wanchai, as if that would fix any of the years of trauma Man has accumulated as a direct result of his actions
Also!!!!!!!!! You thought you’d raise a baby his whole goddamn life and you wouldn’t have any parental feelings towards him??? WANCHAI WHAT WAS YOUR GAME PLAN
Dandao’s mom’s sassy “What do I do with this” look towards Dandao and Man’s candlelit antics is a much needed reprieve from the depressing reality that them getting together will break Saifah’s heart in two
Gkjhkjhgkjhg I know Kawin told her to get them to talk but why does Hongyok think that her birthday party is a good place for settling a custody battle 
“I didn’t even raise Pop. But he chose to give me a chance and forgive me,” what is Pop’s father, the Fairy Godfather of Deadbeat Dads kjghkghkgjh?
“Think carefully, and you’ll know who loves you the most, and who you love the most,” I don’t think this advice applies to WILFUL KIDNAPPING AND NEGLECT
I hate to agree with Arun, but much like he said I do not forgive Wanchai but respect Man’s right to choose where to live
From the outside perspective people will see Saifah and Man calling both Wanchai and Arun their dads and assume they are the sons of a gay couple so eventually we have circled back to Rasa x Fugaku energy 
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Good for them though:
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It doesn’t really seem fair for Ying and Wanchai to be upset by an article quote from Man which misrepresented his statement and came in the aftermath of his father confessing to KINDAPPING HIM 
While I appreciate Wanchai being there for Man, I’m still “EUGHH” every time he says “my son” to him
Highkey love Saifah’s ringside analysis of Kawin and Man’s fight  
“Remember, it’s about having fun” non-traditional advice from Wanchai for this point in a sports tournament but fair 
Good for Man!! It was an expected victory but a deserved one nonetheless
“After having many punches thrown at you, you’ve learned to keep a tighter guard. Just like in life,” What a pointed simile from Kawin lol
Fugaku x Rasa Boxing AU that I never asked for but will accept with mixed emotions 5ever:
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Yay for Ying going back to school! And yay for Saifah getting to run the gym like he wanted! All good things
“I’m going to tell you, I got into medical school“ Hongyok’s tutoring sessions with Kawin were actually tutoring sessions who knew!!
A much more convincing assertion of romantic opinion than Man’s was:
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“Do you know why all of the cards you picked were hearts? It’s because all of my heart belongs to you” Dandao is right this is v cheesy but a sweet gesture from Man
“All of this while, it’s like my life was hit with hook after hook. I almost got knocked out many times. But it was you who were always there for me,” r u telling me that’s why this show is called Hook oh my god
“As things are starting to settle down, I’m starting to feel that I don’t really deserve to be here with everyone,” You’re not wrong Wanchai but do u really want to disrupt your children’s lives AGAIN
“So I’ve decided to go my own path. Don’t look for me, Man. I’ll love you always.” Come on dude it’s the last six minutes of the show do you have to inflict endless trauma around everyone around you and also did you forget you have a whole other son my god  
I’m happy things worked out in the end for Man and Saifah but hoo boy what a journey
Re: the genre question, it seems I was subject to a vague synopsis and an inaccurate episode summary, and I feel that my confusion was understandable:
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(They did not start a boxing club at their university, and they did not fall in love, they were just very nice friends and later, convoluted family)
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