#My main takeaway is I would die for monster lady
themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 6X21 Let it Bleed
whelp let's see what happens
oh it's chuck isn't it
oh it's not
it's the past
oh this man is dead
and this is why we don't live alone
that is 100% not how howard Phillip Todd Screwdriver lovecraft died
"or read the copy I had already made"
"hi, bobby singer, paranoid bastard, nice to meet you"
oh nice I love that
Who wrote this
ah sera gamble
man she's a good writer but she doesn't like Dean and it SHOWS
Take Lisa and Ben and kill her bf
man Lisa does NO deserve this
Dean went Dad Mode SO QUICK
This scene HURTS ME
ah shit mans is spiraling
is...Crowley hitting on him
to be fair, Crowley at least understands when somethings a threat
his face??
he's bluffing
Balthazar is all they had huh
Isn't...HP lovecraft...taught in schools?
mans is a fan
any lovecraft fan is Red Flags
the other guy?
the trench coat really does help as a descriptor
ahaha "it's never friendly...I imagine"
ah so it must have worked
Cas took them
Angel powers and No Morals is...heh
they summoned and then it killed them
mental ward, that's comforting
the dual angle is fun though
"we're making a few inquiries" *GRUFF SCREAMS*
shit hell did a number on him huh
whiskey and coffee DEN NO
yeah he's taking this how you'd expect
Sam calls Cas huh
I love the invisible thing it hurts so bad
Crowley they're actively looking for you
Crowley this didn't work
call on the bat phone huh?
they placed him taller
...oh he sucks up the souls
aw he's grumps
"That won't happen"
well he picked up ultimatums from dean at least
Cas has been there too
"do you believe in monsters" "yeah" OOO
ah possessed his mom
first person who believed him :(
the man is running on f u m e s
he has a point, Dean cannot trust for SHIT
and he HAS earned the trust
come on Dean, you do have to
I hate you
ah the professor
of course Bobby dated her
900 YEARS?
ah he's also mad because he slept with her
she wants purgatory closed Neat
I changed my mind I LOVE HER
"drinking your feelings Sam" BALTHYYYY
"I'm officially on your team...you bastards"
yeah cas and crowley...do not trust each other
whoopsie sam
the thudding noises
jesus christ Dean
hey remember the exorcism you used in season 1
jeez she does know how to pick her insults
shit she used herself as leverage
female bodies in supernatural are
glass in mouth yum
...dean is...out of character I think
everything else is ok?
that is a lot of blood
she'll be dead by midnight? :(
"she'll wake soon" SHe-S FUCKING INTUBATED
Boy this is not how relationships should work
both of them are SHIT at this
ah amnesia
"lost control" uh
at least he still gets to apologize
man the struggle to smile HURTS
boy he has had a SHIT few days
and now he will no longer be talking about feelings
boy he looks miserable
honestly it...bodily autonomy but also...idk
they need to be Out
dammit Cas
ok so
1. Dean and Cas are like. both are exhibiting unhealthy behaviors and the other is too shit at people to figure out that what they're doing is fucked.
2. Female bodily autonomy and lack thereof is like...a running theme here, I'm sure you could track it.
3. Sera Gamble wrote Dean out of character. Just slightly, but it's there.
4. I fucking love balthazar
5. I fcuking love Bobby
6. I love the monster professor lady literally so much more now she's SO COOL
7. I hope Lisa and Ben are safe, and yes overwriting her memories is a shit thing to do, but also getting her killed is a shit thing to do
8. None of you people know how trust works
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very-grownup · 4 years
The Year is 2020 and I Watched Neon Genesis Evangelion for the First Time, Part 2
Episode 8.
Misato takes a bunch of teen boys out on a military rendezvous thing because she is at the point in her life where they are the only ones who think she is cool and don't judge her for her terrible lifestyle and alcoholism.
We meet a new friend, Asuka, who has red hair and is German (to contrast with Rei who has blue hair and is Japanese). She establishes her dominance by slapping teen boys and refusing to be embarrassed when the wind blows her dress over her head. She thinks Shinji sucks because he has poor self-esteem and empathy is hard and society does not have an understanding place for teen boys who manifest their issues through passive depression. She has an EVA and she loves getting in the robot because it is cool and powerful and strong. Her EVA is red which does make it objectively the coolest of the giant robots so far. She comes with her own inappropriate adult guardian named Kaji who has poor boundaries, does nothing to deter her crush on him. Kaji sabotages Misato as an authority figure by flirting with her and alluding to a sexual history. I guess it makes sense because fourteen is a prime age to begin noticing people sexually and the combination of that and the adolescent desire of the tantalizingly distant adulthood makes that one hot, relatively young teacher you have a fascinating source of fantasy.
All of the boats are named after Shakespeare plays except for the one called "Over the Rainbow". I like this.
This is the first episode where I notice Shinji is referred to as something which the subtitles have decided to call the "Third Children" so that I know these are bad subtitles that would rather be literal than good even though this is my first time watching the series!
A majestic sea pancake with teeth attacks from the water and basically all these ships are fucked and probably a lot of sailors die and Asuka gets in the robot and makes Shinji also get in the robot because she wants him to know how cool her robot is.
Asuka seems like the kind of girl who doesn't expect her peers to like her and who will pursue the approval of cool adults instead and doesn't mind not being friends with her peers as long as they fear/admire her because those are more reliable feelings than friendship.
Kaji /fucks off/ while the boat is under attack because he's not actually here to protect Asuka and these teens AND the giant robots are super disposable. Misato briefly thinks he's going to be helpful before realizing he's ditching. I feel like that's probably a lot of their dynamic - Kaji letting Misato down even though each time he shows up part of her thinks maybe he won't suck. This is probably Misato's relationship with a lot of people. There's a reason she drinks.
There's a cool underwater fight scene which is also a city destroying fight scene because the cities of the 20th century are underwater due to Incidents. They refer to the power plug and the cord Asuka's robot is attached to as the umbilical cord and hey I hate that. The only two remaining battleships get fucking jammed into the sea pancake's mouth simultaneously like hotdogs and then blow up and that's considered a win. /So many sailors are dead from this incident/.
Kaji fucking ditched to bring Shinji's dad a briefcase with some fucking space blob DNA encased in a fancy casserole dish and they refer to it as Adam and fuck you know nothing good ever comes from things named Adam. This concludes my report on Episode 8 of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Episode 9 and 10 behind the cut.
Episode 9.
Asuka hates being in Japan and all her peers hate that she's in Japan. Asuka derives her self-worth from excelling at something she is used to having no competition in (piloting a giant robot) and being homesick just pushes that need harder. Shinji is upset because Asuka's aggressive and enthusiastic approach to the thing he is most frightened of makes him feel like less of a man and also less grownup. Also she has boobs and he is fourteen and girls existing is maybe as distressing as giant robots.
Someone in this episode realizes that having fourteen-year-olds pilot the giant robots is both a stupid and embarrassing decision when Shinji and Asuka's poor teamwork cause an Angel to duplicate itself which is the opposite of giant robots.
There is a lot of giant robot slapstick in this episode and it's very good and I laughed.
Kaji has stuck around to sexually harass Misato and make her workplace awful and make everyone, including Misato, not take his harassment seriously because they used to date so it's not harassment it's just falling into an old bad habit and it's depressingly realistic.
Misato is made entirely responsible for Asuka and Shinji's slapstick failure even though Asuka is supposedly Kaji's responsibility. She comes up with a very stupid plan to help them synchronize via DDR and being humiliated in front of their peers. Humiliating teens IS funny. But it also feels cruel when you consider Misato is the closest thing to an ally Shinji has. How much of Misato's poor decision making (with respect to the kids' emotional wellbeing) is a result of Misato living her best worst life and how much is the result of Misato being stressed out and doubting herself and her decisions and so much else because of Kaji's constant negging and flirtatious presence? She's already in over her head with the Shinji situation.
Shinji and Asuka are forced to live together in Misato's tiny shitty apartment and do everything together and in tandem and it's mostly a comical training montage of how much they hate each other.
There's a night when they're alone and they steal the opportunity for privacy. Asuka sleepwalks onto Shinji's futon and she still has boobs and Shinji is still 14 and he moves in to kiss her while she's asleep, until he realizes she's crying for her mother in her sleep. He removes himself from temptation, realizing that Asuka's just a fucked up kid, too. But it's a realization that comes with resentment: he wanted that fantasy of the peer who is also a sexy, confident grown up because it makes Asuka both an aspirational power fantasy figure and a sexual fantasy and if she's just a messed up kid like Shinji she can't be either.
It's sad because the whole episode encapsulates how NERV is failing these kids as well as why. Misato makes Shinji and Asuka figure out how to synchronize and work together but in a bad shitty way where they don't really understand each other because this is the military. Misato's job is to defeat the Angels and doing that efficiently and quickly takes priority over Shinji and Asuka's well-being as individuals. So, it works in the moment, but they aren't any closer to each other or understanding each other. There is no /time/ for empathy.
Their synchronized battle at the end of the episode against the duplicated monster is visually very cool and exciting and dynamic and a great sixty seconds of animation and it's clearly mostly a light gag episode to support the resources going to those sixty seconds. But that's sort of sad too, isn't it? This concludes my report on Episode 9 of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Episode 10.
Okay so we started Beastars which has some really gorgeous use of colour that manages to echo the distinctive and striking style of the manga while being very much its own thing and we end the night with Madoka where tonight were time loop death pacts, so the Evangelion episode kind of got overwhelmed.
There's an Angel egg in the depths of an active volcano and Asuka's giant robot has to be put in an adorable space suit so as not to be crushed/melted by the pressure. Asuka's got a box to trap the egg in. I think they want to get the egg out of the volcano because if it hatches in the volcano it'll explode but they don't seem to have a plan for what to do with the egg if they manage to remove it from the volcano (they don't, obviously; egg hatches and has way too much mouth).
The main takeaway is that Shinji's dad is 100% ready to fucking nuke his son if it's necessary to stop the volcano from volcanoing with the Angel? I'm not actually clear on this point, but I am clear that Commander Ikari will nuke his son, possibly for many reasons.
It ends with Misato taking the kids to a hot spring because they couldn't go on their class trip to Okinawa (even though surely all the beaches are radioactive?). Surprisingly, you do not see the ladies in the hot spring, although Shinji gets a boner hearing Misato admire Asuka's breasts and skin. A penguin is the first creature to see Shinji's erect penis. This concludes my report on Episode 10 of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
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daleisgreat · 4 years
The Punisher (1989): Unrated Cut
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This has been one I have been meaning to be covering for a few years now. Longtime readers here may remember my friend Matt I reference semi-occasionally when I review one of his gag gift movies here. Every now and then though he will legit surprise with me with an awesome movie gift as with today’s example. Matt knows I am a huge fan of the comic book character, The Punisher, and that all three of the live action Punisher movies are guilty pleasures of mine. Up until a few years ago I already owned both the Thomas Jane and Ray Stevenson Punisher films on BluRay, but the original 1989 Punisher movie I only owned a bare bones DVD release that I thought was the only home video version of that film. Matt surprised me a few years back by tracking down an international release of an unrated director’s cut of The Punisher on BluRay. Turns out in North America, right on the precipice of the film’s released it got traded studios as its original studio was in the process of being acquired. Turns out the new studio was not confident in the drawing power of Dolph Lungdren anymore so the 1989 Punisher film was among the first wave of movies to hit the straight-to-video market. Internationally, The Punisher received theatrical releases, and performed well, which is why it landed an international BluRay release. Thank goodness my BluRay player recognizes international regions, but my only nitpick with it is the lack of subtitles. So this version of the film on BluRay is the ‘Unrated Cut’ which is how the director, Mark Goldblatt, originally envisioned the film. The 80s were the era of the gratuitously violent action blockbusters with the likes of Rambo, Robocop, Commando, Terminator and countless others dominating the box office. The Punisher was shot for that demographic, and Goldblatt stated in the commentary how he had to take the film to the MPAA nine times before toning down the movie enough to earn an ‘R’ rating.
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The film wastes no time with a lengthy origin story as it kicks off with a gang leader being acquitted of all charges for murdering Frank Castle (Dolph Lungdren) and his family five years prior. A news reporter recommends the gang to be on the lookout for ‘The Punisher’ vigilante, which the gang laughs off the journalist’s warnings, only for the gang to instantly meet their demise mere minutes after arriving home from court. The Yakuza arrive in town to capitalize on The Punisher’s fallout, with Yakuza leader Lady Tanaka (Kim Miyori) forcing replacement gang leader Dino Moretti (Bryan Marshall) to partner up with her after kidnapping the children of Moretti and his allies. Trying to keep tabs on this whole mess of a situation is the ‘Punisher Task Force’ consisting of Frank Castle’s former partner, Jake Berkowitz (Louis Gossett Jr.), and fellow detective Sam Leary (Nancy Everhard). Following all this setup, The Punisher is essentially 1980s action film 101, with Castle tearing it up against the Yakuza in a couple of entertaining shootouts in a casino and later on in a funhouse, complete with Yakuza members firing away at Frank while breezing down a curvy slide. Completing the over-the-top 80s action formula is the cheesy one-liners, with my favorite featuring Berkowitz grilling Frank on his vigilante warfare, “What do you call 125 murders in five years?” to which Castle dryly retorts, “Work-in-Progress.” Eventually everything comes to a head when Punisher and Moretti team up to rescue Moretti’s kid in the Yakuza stronghold, where the most intense fighting sequences emanate from in the entire film. The unrated cut pulls no punches, with the most gruesome fatalities transpiring as Castle and Moretti work their way to the final confrontation with Lada Tanaka.
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When I re-watched the film with audio commentary from Mark Goldblatt he made sure to pinpoint which parts he added back in as he originally envisioned for this unrated version, and how he stands behind this version being the definitive cut of the film. Other interesting tidbits from the commentary was how the film wound up being shot in Australia, regrets of not having the Punisher’s trademark skull icon on his shirt in the film and informing in-depth on the film trading studios and going direct-to-video in America. Goldblatt also mentions in the commentary how there is a workprint cut of the film, which he stated he does not stand behind since it was cut before the core movie finished filming. Said workprint cut is included as a bonus feature, and is actually eight minutes longer than the unrated cut. The main takeaway I had with the workprint cut is it has a whole new 17 minute opening on the origin of The Punisher that happens five years earlier where it shows Castle and Berkowitz making a bust on a routine stakeout that clues the gangsters in to Frank’s family location where they ultimately make a hit on Frank’s family. That whole 17 minutes is briefly alluded to in the unrated cut in the form of a five second flashback of the family’s demise. This prologue adds a whole new dynamic to the film, but I can see why Goldblatt wanted it cut since it brings a snappier pace to the overall film. Also worth mentioning is that the workprint is presented in its original adapted 35mm form, and how the editors did a commendable job cleaning it up for the HD version on the BluRay.
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Other extra features is a 21 minute interview with Mark Goldblatt. If you do not have time to invest into the commentary track, then this interview is a recommended alternative as it hits most of the same beats and goes into Mark’s other Hollywood successes. Also included is a quick five minute interview with Dolph Lungdren where he has fond memories working with the stuntmen in the fight sequences and wishes the movie would have had a theatrical run in America. For those who are fans of reverse box art, I recommend taking advantage of that here, as this BluRay’s alternative artwork is pretty remarkable. Rounding off the BluRay is a gag reel…..which would not load on my BluRay player, so that will have to be my loss. The Punisher: Unrated Cut BluRay was a surprise hit gift from Matt! I will stand behind Goldblatt by safely assuring his unrated cut here is the must-see version of the film. A solid slate of extra features only helps makes this BluRay the definitive home video edition of this movie. If you dig the over-the-top action films of the 80s, then odds are this 1989 take on The Punisher will be right up your alley. Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed I & II Deck the Halls Detroit Rock City Die Hard Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Grunt: The Wrestling Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hell Comes to Frogtown Hercules: Reborn Hitman I Like to Hurt People Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Last Action Hero Major League Man of Steel Man on the Moon Man vs Snake Marine 3-6 Merry Friggin Christmas Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpions Revenge National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets Not for Resale Pulp Fiction The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VIII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Pilgrim vs the World The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Slacker Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Sully Take Me Home Tonight TMNT The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild The Wizard Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
19 TV Show Endings That Properly Annoyed The Fuck Out Of People
19 TV Show Endings That Properly Annoyed The Fuck Out Of People
If you don’t like spoilers, just a warning: There are many.
How I Met Your Mother
“I know what happens in the final episode but I still refuse to actually watch it. I hated that we spent a whole season on Barney and Robin’s wedding only for them to get divorced. They should have stayed together.” – shannybecca
“You waited for nine years to find out who the mother is just for her to die and for him to end up with Robin again. Absolute bullshit.” – temia423e5b2bb
“The show spent multiple seasons exposing how Ted and Robin just didn’t work, and that she never truly loved him in the way he needed to be loved. Why beat the dead horse and then decide hey, never mind, actually let’s resurrect this horse into a terrifying zombie horse that NOBODY asked for?” – michaelc46ae06697
CBS / 20th Century Fox
“To this day I’m so bitter that they canceled the show in the middle of Season 5. It made it practically impossible for the writers to wrap up all loose ends and give us a satisfying conclusion. It deserved better. Especially given that Season 5 was hands down the best season.” – Aniela, Facebook
“The last season of Angel was such a mess. I honestly don’t get people who say it’s overall such a better show than Buffy.” – Samantha, Facebook
The WB / 20th Television
“The show steadily lost quality after Season 4, but the very last episode was soooooooo bad. I was hoping that at least it would end with some semblance of coherence, but it was everything it was never supposed to be. There have been multiple fan-made endings that are 1,000% better than what we got.” – mandelam
“The end of Dexter was an abomination. Sure, let’s dump Deb’s body into the ocean, sail off into a hurricane, and then somehow emerge later on as a lumberjack…all after abandoning your son to live with your murderous girlfriend. Cool.” – jessr4282695d6
“I don’t know one person who saw it who liked it. They just undid eight seasons of character development in one episode.” – ryana4764f34c6
Showtime / CBS Television
Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life
“Those last four words and then just a black screen. I did not wait all those years to go back to Stars Hollow just to have a hole in my heart.” – amandawilsonc
“How in the world could they not let Jess and Rory end up together? And after all those years still leave us with a sentence that could mean so many things for the character’s life? Should’ve just left it the way it was.” – puckvandenb
Saeed Adyani/Netflix
Pretty Little Liars
“We waited seven seasons for them to reveal the person behind everything was a character that we’d never even met!” – eviem48fbd8f63
“Spencer has a secret evil British twin who was involved with the awful British doctor who used to be engaged to her adopted sister? And the twin decided to ruin the lives of her and her friends using a ridiculously complicated board game that blew out poisonous gas? It was complete nonsense.” – cazboline
“Pretty. Little. Liars. What. The. Shit.” – preetv1
Freeform / Warner Bros. TV
Gossip Girl
“Dan as ‘Gossip Girl’ makes no sense – they try to explain it but there are so many plot holes. How did Dan end up with Serena when he was literally the worst?! And what happened to all of their college degrees? Did anyone graduate? Did anyone do anything meaningful with their lives other than be rich and get married?” – cazboline
Warner Bros / The CW
Hemlock Grove
“Without a doubt, Hemlock Grove. The first season was so good, and I stuck by through the weird second season. The whole third season was a total clusterfuck and the ending was so out of character.” – rnharris21
“I get that it was unexpectedly closed, but the writers didn’t even try to wrap things up in a logical way. They were like: ‘OK, we’ll just kill everyone.'” – Marie, Facebook
Christos Kalohoridis / Netflix
“They took us to places so deep and on crazy journeys. To have Hannah and the girls just left like that was so blah.” – k8eloe
“I loved this show and in the beginning, I felt such a connection to Hannah. But as the series went on, instead of growing and learning from her experiences, she became more and more self-involved, and everything still worked out for her.
“It’s just frustrating how a character can make awful choices and treat her friends horribly, but still have people on her side.” – ryanc321
“The end of Season 8 ended perfectly with JD and Elliot, tied up all loose ends, but then Season 9 happened, which not only revolved around a completely different set of characters at a different hospital, but ended up being a disaster that I didn’t even bother to finish watching.
“It just made me mad that they ruined a perfectly good ending to try to squeeze out more money from the show.” – autumnr490c351ce
ABC / Disney–ABC Television / Via scrubs.wikia.com
Mad Men
“I don’t think it deserved an open ending. I wanted everything to be tied up and make sense. Don Draper just became a completely different person and all of a sudden found happiness and peace? No!” – lauraelizabethx
AMC / Lionsgate Television
Desperate Housewives
“For the women to all move away and never speak to each other again? After everything they went through and the years of friendship? It was just so lazy. The writers couldn’t be bothered to give any character a proper ending.” – cazboline
“It was one of the best shows and then, after all they went through together, it ends with the ladies never seeing each other ever again. And the weird ghost montage…and the cliffhanger secret box? Nope.” – erinc4190a01bd
ABC / Disney–ABC Television
In the Flesh
“Is she alive or dead? We will never know and it’s driving me crazy!” – katherine1244
Des Willie / BBC / BBC Three
“I love that show with all my heart but the ending was just too damn heartbreaking and frustrating. Arthur only found about Merlin’s magic when he was basically on his death bed, Gwaine died, Morgana died, Mordred died, Gwen was left a widow, not to mention the weird modern-day element at the end.” – Hannah, Facebook
“I like to pretend the last episode doesn’t exist. It was such a great show that just felt really rushed at the end.” – Kathleen, Facebook
BBC / FremantleMedia
“One of the main characters loses her memory and never gets it back. Just ends with her forgetting all about what happened over the last five years. Never gets to say goodbye.” – mpudelka14
“After five seasons and investing so heavily in Chuck and Sarah’s relationship, a cliffhanger?! REALLY, GUYS?! I need to know if she remembers.” – annad460a4a7b2
NBC / Warner Bros
The Mindy Project
“It felt so rushed and just very messy. It didn’t compare to the previous seasons at all. The finale didn’t feel like a finale.
“I just didn’t feel like some of my favourite characters on television were given a proper send-off.” – Tayla, Facebook
Hulu / NBCUniversal
Quantum Leap
“Love the show, and after five amazeball seasons, it was such a let down to learn that Sam never made it home.” – Doreen, Facebook
NBC / NBCUniversal Television
Major Crimes
“In the final season the showrunners decided to have a tantrum because the show had been cancelled. The main character was killed mid-season and then an entire legacy was erased. At the end, a murder was committed and covered up. The takeaway? Follow the rules and be successful, and you will die a terrible untimely death and be forgotten. If you break all the rules, whine, and do everything selfishly you will get away with murder.” – Jen, Facebook
Art Streiber / TNT / Warner Bros Television
“As a kid I rooted for Ross and Rachel, but growing up I realised she should have stayed on the plane. It was a phenomenal job experience to be in Paris, one that would have helped her career skyrocket, not to mention how toxic their relationship was.” – roo95
“The only good things that came were Monica and Chandler getting their kids.” – viviand413fc924f
NBC / Warner Bros. Television
And finally, people are very split about Lost
“It was terrible. They didn’t explain of the plot lines. They were dead?! And the last scene in the church. And the Man called Jacob who guards the light. The smoke monster who was actually his brother. I’m so confused.” – sarlyn887
“The ending of Lost only pissed off the people that didn’t actually understand Lost.” – Bryant, Facebook
Bad Robot / ABC
LINK: 19 Movie Endings That Seriously Infuriated The Fuck Out Of People
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