#My man deifntiely got demons inside him and I wanna find out
thisispoggers · 2 years
A Tadashi Headcanon!
It's probably just me BUT I'd say that Tadashi is the type to become a completely different person when he's COMPLETELY sure that no one he knows is watching him.
Not in a bad sense but more on the sense he starts to act his age and acts a lot more impulsive.
Ya know...like a young college student?
Like my guy passes by the park and knows he could never do a complete 360 degree spin on the swings but like "What if I can?"
Then he comes home and have to tell his aunt that "no I didn't get mugged okay I just slipped and fell" to cover up his tracks.
This dude probably learned several languages just to voice act his favorite anime characters back when he was 13 and that's how he programmed Baymax with several language options and he will never admit what he had done to learn them.
Also, I could clearly imagine that he would create little mini-robot projects that was inspired by different things he has seen.
He definitely created sum monstrosities that was 100 percent inspired by different types of medias, just imagine seeing him build a Shiteyan'yo robot to terrorise people.
Like just imagine the possibilities.
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