#My sister be mass producing these much AU ideas and makes ME the unpaid (actually no I am not even PAID) intern who makes them for her
charlotte-queen-owl · 5 months
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CURSE!Tsumiki AU 👻
Curse!Tsumiki is kind of like Rika but not hostile, In this AU. Curse!Tsumiki is child turned curse after death. Toji found her wandering around and decided to keep her around (kind of like wormie). Megumi meets Curse!Tsumiki when Toji had to leave for a job and couldn't find a babysitter. Curse!Tsumiki learns to call Toji 'Papa' when she hears MUCH younger Megumi call him that. Curse!Tsumiki took care of Megumi most of the time before Gojo Satoru came and took them both in.
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