#Myvan? I got that. Marcnath? I got that.
imthepunchlord · 28 days
For your Zodiac Heroes, I think I remember that you said romance/shipping would take a (large) step back in your AU, but do you still have thoughts about which characters might end up together and if yes, do the results of the polls have any influence on the potential pairings?
A little, as I wouldn't mind working off the Chinese Zodiac compatibility chart.
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Though not too strictly as it can be debatable on who truly matches with what Zodiac wise, and if what they have truly clicks with them in terms of the general Zodiac personality traits (not to say this is THE prime traits, every site I've looked at has some additions but at lot is the same). So what we got poll wise isn't going to match with the Zodiac compatibility chart perfectly so it, at most, can be a light guideline on relationship dynamics.
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As for ships... I'm mostly pretty open. Myvan may be the only for sure ship at this time, everything else is pretty much possibilities.
I can say the for sure what's not happening though.
No Adrienette and no Marcnath.
So if you're new, sorry to say that both are notps and won't be happening in any of my future writing.
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official-ladyblog · 6 years
Is there any Miraculous ship you don't like or find disguising?
Hands down, the disgusting ship for this fandom is Gabriel and (a typically aged-up) Marinette. The fact that the thought even occurred to ship them is… troubling.
But otherwise, I have a pretty open view about shipping! I try not to judge others based on who they like to ship, and on this blog you’ll see a ton of multishipping from yours truly. Of my least favorite ships, I think they’d be shipping Alix with guys, especially Kim (between queer vibes from her, and that I’ve preferred Kim with either Max or Ondine), Adrien with Chloe or Lila (I don’t see either of them as good influences on him), and Rose with Ali (Julerose since day 1 boiiiiiiiii). And I suppose I must admit… I’m not the biggest fan of Ninette or Alyadrien, monogamously (I do enjoy OT3s or OT4s of the Best Friend Squad). I see either of the components in much better ships with just about every other character, yet with each other I just don’t feel it. 
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