delusional-mishaps · 2 years
Got any bad sanses x reader headcanons??? (Mainly with Nightmare, Error, Killer, Horror, and Dust) I love them all so picking one is hard….is it ok to ask for a possible poly relationship because everyone crushes on Y/N? And they are easily flustered cause they love them all.
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bad guys poly!!! bad guys poly!!!! bad guys poly!!!! bad guys poly!!!!!! YEAAAA!!!!!
loosely the part one to the wedding headcanons
so you're like the most protect person in the entire multiverse
also maybe feared??? how'd you get these evil murder men to just follow your every whim???
nah because these mfs will literally do anything for you. A N Y T H I N G. i mean they literally already kill people so they can and will kill someone for you if you wanted.
aero would most likely be the one you started dating first. he caught a glimpse of you once on a mission and thought you were pretty/handsome/attractive/whatever you prefer and was like "woo mama i need to meet that person" and then showed up in your house one time KSNKSC
"i don't remember taking my halloween decorations out??" "awww you think i'm a decoration? am i really pretty enough to be a decoration??" "AHHHH IT TALKS"
and then you threw something at him. he dodged and you two just stared at each other for a few minutes after BAHAHAH
from then it was pretty common to come home to him eating half the junk food in your pantry, legs kicked up and watching whatever trash tv is on. your house is a mess. your life may or may not be in shambles. you don't like him very much.
but he grows on you!
one day he asks you out and at this point you were ACTUALLY starting to like him so you agree to date him
he wanted to try to keep you a secret but he has a big mouth and wanted to gush about you so he accidentally let slip once that he had a partner and everyone was like "oh?????? aero had a partner????? who is it????" because he NEVER gets serious about anyone ever so this is a big deal
and then he's like "hey babe wanna meet my family that's actually other versions of me" and fed up with his shit you say "you're insane" and then he and four others pop by your house and you're like "maybe you're not insane" BAHAHBANSNXK
look at you now you not only have ONE criminally insane skeleton friend but you have FIVE of them!!
eventually you start dating all of them somehow. why would you wanna date these insane little men??? dw i do too they're so silly
some took longer than others (delusion took the longest while pisces took the least amount of time) to get into a relationship with. but not being in a relationship never stopped you from flirting with them <3333
delusion would get the most flustered any time you would flirt with him. aero likes to flirt back and it's real hard to truly fluster him, but sometimes when you're being truly sentimental he'll get all blushy and shy <33 true feelings really get to him :O) don't let him know i told you
sometimes there are spouts of jealousy. despite his distant behaviour, vendetta does like when you hang out with him and he noticed when you hang out with him less than the others. just make sure to spend equal time with your boys <33 it won't totally stop the jealousy but it will certainly help
they are all super possessive of you. like, sometimes frighteningly so. you can't go out anywhere without one of them, and the entire time they'll be GLARING at anyone that even looks at you.
they are all very different lovers so what you can't get from one of them, you may get from another
pisces would be more-so the "gentle lover" out of the five. cuddles and purrs while the two of you lay in bed watching a movie and snacking. he's always making sure you're well-fed and taking care of yourself. he tells you he loves you a lot
grimm likes to treat you like royalty. he likes to spoil you, show you how much you're worth to him through possessions. of course, he can never truly show you just how much you mean to him solely through material gifts, but it's still nice to be pampered. plus your closet is fucking awesome. he sparsely says "i love you", but when he does, he says it with absolute adoration
aero leaves you with quick kisses, fleeting touches and hitched breath. he was the first of the five to get into a relationship with you, and he likes to hold that above everyone's heads. he likes to play tricks on you, but they're never terribly mean, and he always makes it up to you. he only ever says "i love you" when it's just the two of you, when you're alone and focused solely on each other.
vendetta likes to be alone, but he likes you even more than that. if he's having a particularity bad day, he'll search you out and whisk you away. you calm the erraticness of his fucked up soul. he's always been rather shy in public affections, but he won't hesitate to tell you that he loves you no matter who's around.
delusion is an odd one to date. he is very distant, both physically and emotionally. yet, he's entirely devoted to you. he'd burn worlds just to show his love for you. he, like grimm, will shower you in gifts, but his are always handmade. sentimental. he's only ever said "i love you" once. it slipped out once when you did something stupid. he got flustered and you didn't see him for a good few days after that.
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