phonemantra-blog · 1 year
If the Earth were an exoplanet, then we would be able to see evidence of the existence of an intellectually developed civilization here. The Earth's atmosphere is rich in oxygen and molecules such as methane, which are a sign of the presence of life. In addition, the atmosphere contains traces of molecules such as nitrogen oxide and freons, which are strong indicators of an industrialized civilization. Using actual observations of the Earth's atmosphere from Canada's SCISAT satellite, the researchers studied the spectra of sunlight passing through a cloudless region of the Earth's atmosphere. This allowed us to create a basis for what the spectra would look like when the Earth transited in front of the Sun when viewed from another star system. [caption id="attachment_51243" align="aligncenter" width="780"] James Webb[/caption] James Webb could detect life on Earth Next, the team added simulated noise to the data and reduced its resolution to simulate the observations that the James Webb (JWST) might have made had it been light-years away from Earth. Scientists have been able to identify many molecules of exoplanets similar to ours and within 50 light-years of our planet. [caption id="attachment_51244" align="aligncenter" width="780"] James Webb[/caption] The researchers applied their methods to the Trappist-1 exoplanet system, which is 40 light-years from Earth and has seven known planets, several of which are potentially habitable. Using the data, the team demonstrated that JWST would be able to identify both biological and technological signatures if they were present on these exoplanets. Although JWST will not be able to detect physical structures on other planets, its ability to detect oxygen, organic and synthetic molecules in the atmosphere of a nearby exoplanet will be an important step in the search for advanced life in the Universe.
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phonemantra-blog · 10 months
It took engineers three months to plan this “operation.” The American Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA shared the latest news from Mars. NASA's Odyssey orbiter captured an unusual view of the Mars horizon with its camera. The department itself called the resulting photos “stunning.”  [caption id="attachment_84900" align="aligncenter" width="780"] NASA[/caption] The images were taken from an altitude of approximately 400 kilometers above the surface of Mars - approximately the same altitude at which the International Space Station orbits Earth. NASA said: The Odyssey orbiter captured clouds and dust in the sky of the Red Planet, as well as one of its two tiny moons. The spacecraft captured a series of panoramic images showing the curved Martian landscape beneath transparent layers of clouds and dust. As noted by NASA, ten images “stitched” one after another offer not only a stunning new view of Mars, but will also help scientists gain new insight into the Martian atmosphere. NASA Odyssey captured stunning photos of the Mars horizon https://youtu.be/gm_g93wNj_8 Jonathon Hill from Arizona State University explained:  If there were astronauts in Mars orbit, they would see exactly this prospect. No Mars spacecraft had ever captured this view before.  The reason this species is so unusual is the difficulty involved in creating it. Engineers at the mission and Lockheed Martin Space, which built Odyssey, spent three months planning the THEMIS observations. The infrared camera's sensitivity to heat allows it to image ice, rock, sand and dust, as well as temperature changes on the planet's surface. In October 2023, NASA Odyssey marked 22 years since its arrival at Mars in 2001. 
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months
From live broadcasts to science series and space music videos The American Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA announced the launch of the NASA+ video streaming service with a selection of content about space. A kind of “space” online cinema, like Netflix, Apple TV+ or Okko. [caption id="attachment_80897" align="aligncenter" width="760"] NASA[/caption] As NASA emphasized, the new NASA+ is a free, ad-free streaming service that includes live broadcasts and original video series. No subscription required to view. NASA launched “space Netflix”: the NASA+ streaming service is free, without advertising or subscription [caption id="attachment_80898" align="aligncenter" width="760"] NASA[/caption] NASA+ is available on most major platforms through the NASA app on iOS and Android mobile devices, as well as Roku and Apple TV. Users can also watch the webcast online at plus.nasa.gov . Users are offered live broadcasts, a collection of documentaries about NASA missions, as well as scientific series, educational videos for children and space music videos .
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months
More than 11 years have passed since Curiosity landed on the Red Planet. The American Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA shared the latest news from the expanses of the Red Planet. As the press service said, the Curiosity rover will celebrate its 4,000th day on Mars, continuing to engage in exciting scientific research. [caption id="attachment_80803" align="aligncenter" width="780"] NASA's[/caption] We are talking about Martian days, or sols, which are slightly longer than those on Earth. In Earth days, Curiosity passed the 4,000-day mark a little earlier. As NASA said, the rover recently received the 39th sample and stored it for detailed analysis. To study whether ancient Mars had the conditions to support microbial life, the rover gradually ascended Mount Sharp. This is a 5-kilometer-high mountain; its layers were formed during different periods of Martian history and clearly show how the planet’s climate has changed over time. This is experience: NASA's veteran rover Curiosity spent 4,000 days on Mars The final sample was taken from a rock called Sequoia (all of the mission's current science targets are named after locations in California's Sierra Nevada). Scientists hope the sample will reveal more about how Mars' climate and habitability evolved as the region became rich in sulfates, minerals that likely formed in salt water when Mars first began to dry out billions of years ago. [caption id="attachment_80804" align="aligncenter" width="641"] NASA's[/caption] More than 11 years have passed since Curiosity landed on the Red Planet. The rover was launched from Cape Canaveral on November 26, 2011, and landed on Mars on August 6, 2012. At the time of writing the news, Curiosity’s “experience” on Mars totals 11 years, 3 months and 1 day, or 4110 Earth days.
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months
Recent studies using JWST and Earth-based telescopes reveal the presence of heavy elements in the ejecta of material from the gamma-ray burst GRB 230307A Recent observations from JWST and ground-based telescopes have confirmed the presence of heavy elements in the ejecta of material from the gamma-ray burst GRB 230307A.  Classified as a kilonova, GRB 230307A is considered the second brightest gamma-ray burst. One of the notable consequences of kilonovae is the generation of heavy elements such as tellurium, which is classified as a metalloid in the periodic table. Scientists also suggest that iodine, essential for life on Earth, may be generated by kilonova gamma-ray bursts since both elements are located next to each other on the periodic table of elements. [caption id="attachment_77016" align="aligncenter" width="780"] JWST[/caption] Tellurium is an extremely rare element on Earth, even rarer than platinum, and is used in various metal alloys, semiconductors, oil refining, and solar cell production. Although rare on Earth, tellurium has been found in planetary nebulae and ancient stars. Recent observations have also shown the presence of iodine in these space objects. JWST helped detect the presence of tellurium and iodine from the gamma-ray burst GRB 230307A Lasting 200 seconds, GRB 230307A was approximately 1000 times brighter than traditional gamma-ray bursts and is the second brightest gamma-ray burst ever detected. It was discovered in March 2023 by NASA's FERMI space telescope, and subsequent observations were made using JWST's infrared and spectroscopic instruments 29 and 61 days after the flare. Kilonovae are the result of the merger of two neutron stars and are thought to produce rare elements that are significantly heavier than iron. The brightest kilonova was discovered in 2022 and named BOAT (Brightest of all time, the brightest of all time). Observations of gamma-ray bursts have been carried out for more than 50 years, the first was recorded on July 2, 1967, and confirmation of this event came in 1969. Gamma-ray flashes are classified into short and long, with short-lasting less than two seconds and long-lasting several minutes. Scientists hope that with the use of JWST and ground-based observatories, it will be possible to detect and study even more kilonovae and expand our understanding of the synthesis of heavy elements in the Universe.
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months
New observations from the JWST space telescope have revealed several details about the surface of Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon. Ganymede is almost a planet, except that it does not revolve around the Sun, but around Jupiter. If it revolved around the Sun instead of Jupiter, it would have the status of a planet. It has a complex structure - a molten core that creates a magnetic field, a surface layer similar to that on Earth, and an ice sheet with a hidden underwater ocean. The satellite even has an atmosphere, although its density is low. Ganymede is even larger than Mercury and approaches Mars in size. The Galileo and Juno missions, as well as telescopes on Earth, studied the chemical composition of Ganymede's surface. However, with such extensive knowledge, unknown details remain, especially regarding its surface. In a new study, a team of researchers from the United States, Europe, and Japan examined the surface of Ganymede using the JWST space telescope's NIRSpec and MIRI instruments. The main author of the study was French planetary scientist D. Bochelet-Morvan from LESIA, an observatory in Paris. [caption id="attachment_76971" align="aligncenter" width="600"] JWST space telescope[/caption] The surface of Ganymede consists of two types of relief: light icy areas with troughs and dark areas. Light areas occupy about two-thirds of the surface, and dark areas occupy the rest. Both types of landforms are ancient, but the darker areas are older and have many craters. In this case, the light relief penetrates through the dark one. The JWST space telescope studied in detail Ganymede CO2 is present on Ganymede, but it is associated with other molecules, which especially attracts the attention of scientists. Mapping the distribution of carbon dioxide will help figure out how it is bound to which molecules. There is also water ice on Ganymede, but it is amorphous. JWST carried out a mapping of ice distribution and properties. Based on the temperature range, no clear surface ice was found on Ganymede. JWST observations indicate that some CO2 is bound to water ice, but only about 1% by mass. The rest of the CO2 is found in various minerals and salts. The greatest amount of water ice is observed in the areas of Ganymede's poles, where ions from Jupiter bombard the surface of the satellite. It may also be due to a combination of micrometeorites that become embedded in the ice and ions that reactivate water vapor in non-ice-covered areas and form cleaner water ice, which JWST easily detects. In addition, scientists note differences between the poles of Ganymede and other regions of its surface. Part of these differences are due to Jupiter's strong influence on its moon. The connection between Jupiter and Ganymede can be compared to the connection between the Sun and the Earth. Just as the solar wind affects the Earth's magnetosphere, the plasma emanating from Jupiter affects Ganymede. In addition, Ganymede's magnetic field interacts with Jupiter's magnetic field, which contributes to the formation of auroras on Jupiter. The connections between Jupiter and Ganymede are complex, with some effects extending to Ganymede's surface chemistry due to the irradiation of the moon's poles by Jupiter's plasma. New research has greatly expanded our understanding of these aspects, but scientists have not yet been able to fully interpret the observations. As the authors of the study note, the results obtained will significantly help in optimizing future observations using the MAJIS spectrometer of the JUICE (JUpiter ICy Moons Explorer) mission, which will continue research on Ganymede. The mission was launched in the spring and will reach Jupiter in the summer of 2031. 
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months
NASA lucked a sample from the Bennu satellite, collecting 70.3 grams of material. This exceeds their expectations despite problems during collection. Scientists will be able to conduct multi-year studies and share samples with other agencies NASA recently successfully returned the first sample from the asteroid Bennu as part of the OSIRIS-REx mission. On September 24, the capsule successfully landed on Earth after a seven-year journey. The mission's original goal was to collect at least 60 grams of material, but the agency has now announced that they have managed to collect 70.3 grams. [caption id="attachment_72772" align="alignnone" width="780"] NASA[/caption] Scientists did not know in advance the exact amount of material collected, since they could not perform the necessary maneuvers with the spacecraft to estimate the mass while transporting the sample to Earth. They were unable to perform acceleration maneuvers that would have allowed them to measure the mass due to a problem that occurred during collection when a rock blocked the door of the container containing the collected material. To prevent the loss of the sample, the container was quickly removed from the spacecraft. NASA delivered 70 grams of material from the asteroid Bennu in the OSIRIS-REx mission Initial estimates of quantities were in the hundreds of grams, but significant uncertainties arose in these estimates. Despite this, the collected material is sufficient for further research. There were also some unexpected complications when opening the container. Engineers had trouble removing 2 of the 25 fasteners that hold the sample inside the collection mechanism since only certain tools can be used inside the sealed box. The team was able to collect 70 grams by holding the lid and carefully picking up all the grains of sand using tweezers. Engineers are now working on a new procedure for opening the container, which they hope will allow even more material to be collected. The Hayabusa 2 asteroid sample return mission only collected about 5 grams from the Ryugu asteroid, something scientists have been actively working on since 2020. Scientists have already conducted a brief analysis of the material located outside the OSIRIS-REx container. According to one of the researchers, Pierre Harcourt, his group can work on even a small particle for years. The sample will be divided among various laboratories in the US and abroad, returning part of the sample to the Japanese space agency JAXA in return.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
Analysis of a sample collected from the 4.5-billion-year-old asteroid Bennu by the OSIRIS-REx mission showed the presence of abundant water and carbon, supporting the theory that life on Earth may have originated from space Named after an ancient Egyptian deity, asteroid Bennu represents to scientists "a primordial artifact preserved in the vacuum of space," making it an attractive target for scientific research. The asteroid's intersecting orbit also makes it easier to launch missions to it compared to collecting samples from the asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter. NASA said a sample collected from the asteroid Bennu contained abundant amounts of water and carbon, supporting the theory that life on Earth originated in outer space. This discovery was the result of a seven-year journey by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. [caption id="attachment_65584" align="aligncenter" width="635"] OSIRIS-REx mission[/caption] According to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson at a press conference at the Space Flight Center. Johnson in Houston, where the first images of black dust and pebbles were presented, carbon makes up almost 5% of the total mass of the sample and is present in both organic and mineral forms, and water is found within the crystalline structure of the clay minerals. The outer layer of Bennu is so loose that if a person stepped on the surface, he could fall through. The OSIRIS-REx mission provides new data on Bennu - abundant water and carbon content on the asteroid Conclusions about the composition of Bennu's soil were made based on preliminary analysis using electron microscopy methods. “This is truly an astrobiologist's dream,” said scientist Daniel Glavin, adding that there is still a lot of work ahead and that the sample will be shared with laboratories around the world for further study. The researchers are not yet focused on the main sample, but on those particles that lie at the top of the sample collection mechanism. The rest of the sample will be tested later. [caption id="attachment_65585" align="aligncenter" width="780"] OSIRIS-REx mission[/caption] Scientists believe that the reason Earth has oceans, lakes, and rivers is because it was subject to water-bearing asteroid impacts 4 to 4.5 billion years ago, which contributed to its habitability. At the same time, all life on Earth is based on carbon, which bonds with other elements to create proteins, enzymes, and the building blocks of the genetic code - DNA and RNA. Scientific discoveries aside, a deeper understanding of Bennu's composition could prove useful if humanity ever needs to divert its trajectory. While there is no risk of impact with Earth until the mid-21st century, the chances of an impact increase to about 1 in 1,750 between now and 2300, according to NASA. When the OSIRIS-REx probe bombarded the asteroid with nitrogen to collect material in October 2020, a shutter designed to seal the sample became stuck open, allowing some material to escape into another compartment. "The best 'problem' is that there is too much material and it's taking longer to collect than we expected," said OSIRIS-REx deputy sample manager Christopher Snead. NASA plans to preserve at least 70% of the sample in Houston for future research, a practice first begun with lunar samples during the Apollo era. The remaining samples will be sent for public display at the Smithsonian Institution, Space Flight Center in Houston, and the University of Arizona.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
The new laser system will be able to protect spacecraft from collisions using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms NASA, in collaboration with West Virginia University, is developing a multi-functional space laser system that will be able to protect the nation's space assets from catastrophic collisions and other potential space threats. Using artificial intelligence algorithms, these space lasers will deflect or even be able to deorbit objects that could threaten operational satellites in low Earth orbit. If the technology is successful, this system could be used to deflect an incoming meteorite. [caption id="attachment_64320" align="aligncenter" width="780"] NASA[/caption] More and more countries are launching satellites into space as part of their space exploration programs, and the vast majority of them are in low Earth orbit. As a result, the region is becoming increasingly populated with damaged or failed satellites. NASA space lasers: Earth's first line of defense against catastrophic collisions with space debris Because of their colossally high speeds, even the smallest of these pieces of debris can cause catastrophic consequences for operational satellites, other spacecraft, or even people working on the ISS. The ISS had to change its orbit several times to avoid collisions with space debris. The situation has gotten so bad that many scientists around the world are even calling for a treaty to mitigate the threat from space debris. Many innovative solutions to the problem of uncontrollable objects in low Earth orbit have been proposed or are in development. So, NASA and West Virginia University began developing a new system. Over the past few decades, the science and engineering of using lasers to defend against threats and neutralize targets has evolved significantly. Improvements to sophisticated military laser systems are already being tested by the US Navy, Air Force, and Army. The Israeli Ministry of Defense has also deployed lasers to protect its borders from airborne threats. West Virginia University has received funding from NASA to develop a smart system that can use already developed laser technologies to counteract collision threats. This system is not designed to destroy debris like a military laser that shoots down a missile or drone. The space laser is designed to repel debris using a process called laser ablation, as well as pressure from the laser's light. Laser ablation works by vaporizing a small piece of a target, creating a molten mass on its surface. This mass, along with the photon pressure of the laser itself, pushes debris out of its orbit, changing the overall trajectory enough to prevent it from colliding with another object. Another advantage of this system is its versatility. Many proposed solutions to the space debris problem target large pieces of debris. This one will be able to target small fragments or pieces of debris that are difficult to get rid of but could cause significant damage if they collide with a working satellite. As noted, the long-term goal of the project is to create and deploy a network of space lasers around the world.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
The mission will conduct scientific research on the Moon, including collecting regolith samples, testing global navigation systems, radiation resistance, and protection from lunar dust Firefly Aerospace announced the completion of the development and assembly of the Blue Ghost lunar lander. This will be Firefly's first lunar mission, scheduled to take place in 2024 as part of NASA's CLPS program to commercially deliver payloads to the Moon. In total, Firefly won three orders from NASA in this program, the total amount of which exceeds $230,000,000. [caption id="attachment_64122" align="aligncenter" width="780"] NASA's[/caption] Blue Ghost lander for NASA's CLPS lunar mission planned for 2024 The team conducted extensive qualification testing of the Blue Ghost rover and each of its components to ensure that the module will withstand all the stresses during launch, en route to the Moon, and during landing. The next major milestones for the Blue Ghost 1 mission will be payload integration and testing ahead of the mission's launch in 2024. At the same time, Firefly is already preparing for its second lunar mission, Blue Ghost Mission 2, which will first launch a satellite into lunar orbit in 2026 and then deliver several payloads to the far side of the Moon. The second mission will consist primarily of payloads from commercial customers.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
On October 14, NASA will launch sounding rockets into the shadow of the annular solar eclipse to measure changes in the ionosphere. The mission is named after the Egyptian god of darkness On October 14, an annular solar eclipse will be visible in the western United States. While eclipse hunters can enjoy the show, NASA scientists will be hard at work. The mission is called Atmospheric Perturbations around the Eclipse Path (APEP), which is not coincidentally the same name as the Egyptian deity of darkness. Apep pursued the sun god Ra, his sworn enemy, and when Apep caught up with Ra, a solar eclipse occurred. [caption id="attachment_64061" align="aligncenter" width="780"] NASA[/caption] The sounding rockets will be launched from the White Sands test site in New Mexico and will be aimed at the ionosphere. During an eclipse, the ionosphere experiences a decrease in temperature and density, which creates disturbances and can affect satellite communications. Sounding rockets, also known as exploration rockets or suborbital rockets, are designed to conduct scientific experiments and measurements in suborbital space. They are launched to a height of 48 to 145 km above the Earth's surface. “If you imagine the ionosphere as a pond with small ripples on the surface, then an eclipse is like a motorboat cutting through the water. It creates strong ripples directly in front of it and behind it,” said Aro Barjatya, a professor of physics at the Aerospace University. He is leading a mission in which three sounding rockets will measure changes in the atmosphere during the eclipse. After the annular eclipse, the sounding rockets and their sensors will be sent to NASA's Wallops Flight Center, from where they will be relaunched during the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. This pair of solar eclipses will be the last major eclipses visible in the United States until 2044.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
Ingenuity reaches top speed on 60th flight NASA's Ingenuity helicopter made its sixtieth flight to Mars, during which it set a speed record of 28.8 km/h. Before this, the maximum speed at which Ingenuity moved was 24 km/h. [caption id="attachment_60985" align="aligncenter" width="780"] NASA[/caption] This time Ingenuity flew 340 meters at an altitude of 16 meters. Flight time was 133 seconds. It was the fastest helicopter flight over the surface of Mars. NASA Ingenuity helicopter sets flight speed record on Mars [caption id="attachment_60986" align="aligncenter" width="500"] NASA[/caption] As part of the previous flight, Ingenuity also set a record, but not for speed, but for altitude: it rose 20 meters above the surface of the Red Planet.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
NASA's final plans have emerged for the ISS to be decommissioned at the end of this decade. As part of these plans, NASA and international partners considered proposals to create a spacecraft that would take the station out of orbit. Under current policy, NASA and most international partners plan to keep the ISS in operation until 2030, by which time its core structure will be too worn out to safely accommodate astronauts. However, the question arose about how to safely dispose of the 100-ton structure. [caption id="attachment_60032" align="aligncenter" width="780"] NASA[/caption] Placing the station into a higher orbit is not feasible due to the colossal amount of energy required, as well as overloads that could lead to the destruction of the station. The alternative is a controlled descent into the atmosphere, where the station will burn up and the remaining debris will fall into an uninhabited area - into the ocean. NASA opens final chapter for ISS: new plan to deorbit the International Space Station Initially, it was planned to use Russian Progress robotic cargo ships to send the ISS into the desired orbit, but a year-long study by NASA and partners showed that this option was ineffective. Unstable relations between Russia and other partners, as well as Russia's withdrawal from the ISS in 2028, make this plan not reliable enough. As an alternative, NASA proposes that American companies develop their own spacecraft to remove the station from orbit, which will be used for the final phase, when the orbit, with a natural decrease in altitude, becomes insufficient to enter the atmosphere. A new device can be a modification of an existing one or a completely new project. Since the device has only one attempt to complete its task, it is expected to have a high level of fault tolerance and system redundancy.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
Psyche is scheduled to launch on SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket on October 5. The mission promises to reveal the secrets of the history of the solar system and the composition of our planet. After successful fueling and testing, NASA's Psyche spacecraft is ready for launch on SpaceX's Falcon Heavy. The mission is scheduled to lift off on Thursday, October 5, from Spaceport 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. [caption id="attachment_60017" align="alignnone" width="780"] NASA[/caption] Technicians at the Astrotech Space Center (Florida) have completed the final stage of assembly. This is the amount that will allow the vehicle to connect to the top of the rocket once it is secured inside the payload fairing. NASA begins preparations for the launch of the Psyche spacecraft Psyche's journey in space will last almost six years, the device will travel approximately 3.6 billion kilometers before approaching the asteroid of the same name, which is located between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists suggest that the Psyche asteroid is part of the core of a planetesimal body, which is likely composed of iron and nickel. Scientific data will be obtained by studying the asteroid from its orbit, which will help researchers gain a better understanding of the composition of the Earth's core. Additionally, Psyche will host a groundbreaking technology test, the DSOC (Deep Space Optical Communications) experiment. This is a high-capacity optical communications system that will be tested during the first two years of Psyche's voyage.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
After the historic landing of the OSIRIS-REx capsule, the spacecraft sets off on a new mission to the asteroid Apophis The second asteroid survey will take the OSIRIS-APEX spacecraft (it has been renamed) to an object relatively close to Earth. The NASA spacecraft that successfully brought valuable samples of the asteroid Bennu to Earth is embarking on a long journey to study an asteroid previously considered a potential threat to Earth - Apophis. The spacecraft used the moment of return when approaching the Earth to enter the trajectory to Apophis. 20 minutes after dropping the return capsule with samples of the prehistoric solar system, OSIRIS-REx activated its engines to change its trajectory. The new route will bring OSIRIS-REx much closer to the Sun, crossing the orbit of Venus several times and returning to Earth, which will ultimately allow it to rendezvous with Apophis. Contact is expected to occur on April 8, 2029. OSIRIS-APEX will not collect samples from Apophis but will study the asteroid for 18 months. Near-orbit activities will include imaging and mapping of the asteroid, as well as close approach maneuvers similar to those conducted to obtain material from the asteroid Bennu in October 2020. Although it will not be possible to analyze the composition of Apophis samples on Earth, this mission will advance the understanding of its subsurface characteristics, composition, and properties. [caption id="attachment_60012" align="aligncenter" width="780"] NASA[/caption] NASA sends spacecraft on new mission Apophis is an attractive object located near the Earth. It was previously considered a potential threat to Earth in 2068. Today Apophis is considered safe. Apophis' closest approach to Earth will take place on April 13, 2029, when the asteroid will pass at a distance of about 32,000 kilometers. Apophis is a typical near-Earth asteroid, as Olivier Hento, an astronomer at the European Southern Observatory (ESO), notes: “By studying it, we will gain more information about asteroids, most of which formed close to Earth. In a sense, Apophis can be seen as the debris left over from the formation of the Earth." While Bennu is a type B asteroid with a high carbon content, Apophis is a type S asteroid composed primarily of silicates and nickel-iron. Such remnants from the prehistory of the solar system are common within the solar system and can provide clues about the origins of the planets and the processes that led to their formation. Apophis will also be useful in planetary protection programs. “Although Apophis does not pose a threat, it is very similar to other near-Earth asteroids that could potentially collide with the Earth,” notes Olivier Hento. However, upon closer examination of the asteroid Bennu, OSIRIS-REx discovered that the appearance of the object was not the same as originally seen. So details about Apophis will become known when the probe comes closer to it for direct study. In addition, according to the plans of scientists, this may not be the only visit to Apophis. NASA's Small Bodies Assessment Group recently urged the agency to look for ways to fly past Apophis before it approaches Earth.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
Information is being circulated in the scientific community about NASA's plans to put the New Horizons spacecraft into hibernation mode. The decision will temporarily halt all scientific research in the Kuiper Belt and is causing confusion among scientists and space enthusiasts around the world. What is especially surprising in this case is that the New Horizons program was included in the list of “plans for the next decade” with a mission to Pluto and the Kuiper belt. The billion-dollar New Horizons spacecraft is at risk of shutting down due to a minor funding shortfall of several million dollars. Moreover, there is no clear plan yet as to when and whether the device’s operation will be resumed. The scientific community and leaders in the field of space exploration have expressed their concerns, but no comments have yet been received from NASA. [caption id="attachment_53534" align="aligncenter" width="780"] NASA[/caption] NASA plans to shut down New Horizons spacecraft Earlier this year, information emerged about the possible existence of a second Kuiper belt in the Solar System, which opens up new opportunities for further research. Although scientific research is underway in this area, NASA wants to suspend the spacecraft until new data is obtained or other discoveries are made. As noted, there was previously a proposal to turn the New Horizons mission into a heliophysics mission and disband the current team. Currently, such an idea has lost its relevance, and, without an alternative plan, NASA wants to simply turn off New Horizons and disband the team responsible for this project. Missing opportunities to make significant scientific discoveries is a major concern for the astronomical community. They hope that watchdogs such as GAO, the Office of Inspector General (OIG), and the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) will begin to scrutinize this decision. Additionally, it is important that the Office of Science and Technology of the President (OSTP) and the NASA Council participate given the potential consequences of NASA's actions. The future of the New Horizons spacecraft remains in doubt. Both the scientific community and space fans are awaiting a resolution to this situation.
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