phonemantra-blog · 11 months
New observations from the JWST space telescope have revealed several details about the surface of Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon. Ganymede is almost a planet, except that it does not revolve around the Sun, but around Jupiter. If it revolved around the Sun instead of Jupiter, it would have the status of a planet. It has a complex structure - a molten core that creates a magnetic field, a surface layer similar to that on Earth, and an ice sheet with a hidden underwater ocean. The satellite even has an atmosphere, although its density is low. Ganymede is even larger than Mercury and approaches Mars in size. The Galileo and Juno missions, as well as telescopes on Earth, studied the chemical composition of Ganymede's surface. However, with such extensive knowledge, unknown details remain, especially regarding its surface. In a new study, a team of researchers from the United States, Europe, and Japan examined the surface of Ganymede using the JWST space telescope's NIRSpec and MIRI instruments. The main author of the study was French planetary scientist D. Bochelet-Morvan from LESIA, an observatory in Paris. [caption id="attachment_76971" align="aligncenter" width="600"] JWST space telescope[/caption] The surface of Ganymede consists of two types of relief: light icy areas with troughs and dark areas. Light areas occupy about two-thirds of the surface, and dark areas occupy the rest. Both types of landforms are ancient, but the darker areas are older and have many craters. In this case, the light relief penetrates through the dark one. The JWST space telescope studied in detail Ganymede CO2 is present on Ganymede, but it is associated with other molecules, which especially attracts the attention of scientists. Mapping the distribution of carbon dioxide will help figure out how it is bound to which molecules. There is also water ice on Ganymede, but it is amorphous. JWST carried out a mapping of ice distribution and properties. Based on the temperature range, no clear surface ice was found on Ganymede. JWST observations indicate that some CO2 is bound to water ice, but only about 1% by mass. The rest of the CO2 is found in various minerals and salts. The greatest amount of water ice is observed in the areas of Ganymede's poles, where ions from Jupiter bombard the surface of the satellite. It may also be due to a combination of micrometeorites that become embedded in the ice and ions that reactivate water vapor in non-ice-covered areas and form cleaner water ice, which JWST easily detects. In addition, scientists note differences between the poles of Ganymede and other regions of its surface. Part of these differences are due to Jupiter's strong influence on its moon. The connection between Jupiter and Ganymede can be compared to the connection between the Sun and the Earth. Just as the solar wind affects the Earth's magnetosphere, the plasma emanating from Jupiter affects Ganymede. In addition, Ganymede's magnetic field interacts with Jupiter's magnetic field, which contributes to the formation of auroras on Jupiter. The connections between Jupiter and Ganymede are complex, with some effects extending to Ganymede's surface chemistry due to the irradiation of the moon's poles by Jupiter's plasma. New research has greatly expanded our understanding of these aspects, but scientists have not yet been able to fully interpret the observations. As the authors of the study note, the results obtained will significantly help in optimizing future observations using the MAJIS spectrometer of the JUICE (JUpiter ICy Moons Explorer) mission, which will continue research on Ganymede. The mission was launched in the spring and will reach Jupiter in the summer of 2031. 
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months
California startup AnySignal has come out of stealth mode with $5 million in funding for its multifunctional space radio platform. The company hopes to beat competitors such as L3Harris Technologies AnySignal's product operates across multiple frequency bands and includes ground equipment for testing hardware, modems that can be upgraded to different wavelengths, licensing support, and software that allows interoperability with various onboard systems, according to the company's COO and co-founder Jeffrey Osborne. The Los Angeles-based startup hopes its focus on providing comprehensive end-user products will give it an edge over major radio vendors such as L3Harris Technologies, an aerospace and defense giant that earned more than $22 billion last year. [caption id="attachment_72169" align="aligncenter" width="780"] space[/caption] An L3Harris spokesman said there are currently more than 180 AppSTAR radio platforms in orbit, and the company provides ground segments for many of them. However, Osborne said that while traditional leaders provide comprehensive services, AnySignal strives to optimize performance and reduce costs by tightly integrating its offering with customer needs. California-based startup AnySignal is entering the space market with unique space radio technology. Think SpaceX vs. ULA. The first company is vertically integrated and has established itself, while the second is much more fragmented, and this has led to differences in differentiation and market leadership John Mulsbury, chief executive of AnySignal, is a former SpaceX engineer who helped manage the development of the rocket signal processing system, the Starshield military product line, the Starlink space communications network, and the Dragon 2 capsule. Osborne, who is also a founding member of Canadian small satellite operator Kepler Communications, reported that the first launches of products from AnySignal can be expected as early as November on board the SpaceX Transporter 9 mission. He added that their radio is also scalable to subsequent Transporter missions and will be used on hypersonic vehicles next year as part of test programs. The AnySignal data communications platform has a dual-antenna GPS receiver and is compatible with Ultra High Frequency (UHF), S-band, L-band, and X-band. Frequencies in these bands are used for a variety of space applications, from communications with Earth to communications between two spacecraft in orbit. The radio is not compatible with the Ka-band and Ku-band broadband spectrum. Osborne said AnySignal already generates revenue from commercial and government customers. He also said the company plans to expand its team of eight employees to 15 by the end of this year, and to 30 by the summer of 2024. The primary focus of the expansion will be the development of the engineering and sales team to increase manufacturing and testing capacity, meet DoD security contracting requirements, and prepare for the development of additional products.
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phonemantra-blog · 10 months
ISRO announced the successful launch of the ASPEX experiment and revealed plans to study solar wind using Aditya-L1 The Indian space agency ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) announced that the Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX) payload on board the Indian Aditya-L1 satellite has begun to function normally. Aditya-L1 was launched on a PSLV-C57 launch vehicle from Sriharikota on September 2. The satellite is placed in a halo orbit at the L1 Lagrange point, located between the Earth and the Sun. The goal of the Aditya-L1 project is to study solar wind and space weather. The information obtained by the satellite will reveal the origin, acceleration and direction of the solar wind, as well as understand its impact on Earth. [caption id="attachment_85365" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Aditya-L1 mission[/caption] Aditya-L1 mission: instruments begin collecting data on space weather and solar wind Aditya-L1 is the second ISRO spacecraft to move beyond the Earth's gravitational sphere of influence after the successful Mars Exploration Mission. Aditya-L1 carries seven scientific instruments, including four solar observation instruments and three plasma and magnetic field measurements. ASPEX includes two important instruments: the Solar Wind Ion Spectrometer (SWIS) and the High Energy Particle Spectrometer (STEPS). STEPS was launched on September 10th and SWIS started on November 2nd this year and has already shown results. SWIS, using two sensor units with a full 360° view, operates in planes perpendicular to each other. This spectrometer monitors solar wind ions, particularly protons and alpha particles. According to ISRO, SWIS has successfully measured these particles, which are a major contributor to the solar wind. An energy histogram obtained from one of the SWIS sensors over two days in November shows changes in the number of protons (H+) and alpha particles (He2+). These data provide a rich set of information about the behavior of the solar wind. This measurement will help resolve questions about the properties of the solar wind, its basic processes and influence on the Earth. Also, the change in the proportion of protons and alpha particles observed by SWIS has the potential to provide indirect information about the occurrence of coronal mass ejections at the L1 Lagrange point. After careful analysis of the collected data, the scientific community expects to gain new knowledge about the characteristics of the solar wind and its impact on Earth from the ASPEX experiment on the Aditya-L1 satellite.
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phonemantra-blog · 10 months
The problem arose when one of the three gyroscopes gave incorrect readings. The team is working to fix the problem, but for now all scientific missions are suspended NASA has suspended all current science missions of the Hubble telescope due to a gyroscope malfunction. The problem arose on November 19, when the telescope went into safe mode after one of its three gyroscopes gave erroneous readings. The team quickly resumed work after fixing the problem, but the unstable gyroscope attracted attention twice, causing the telescope to go into safe mode again on November 21 and 23. After the incident on November 21, the agency was able to restore operations. However, on November 23, the telescope went into safe mode again, prompting NASA to suspend all science missions until the cause was determined. [caption id="attachment_85327" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Hubble Telescope[/caption] Hubble Telescope temporarily suspends science missions due to faulty gyroscope Gyroscopes are important components of the Hubble Telescope, helping to measure its rotation speed and determine its direction. The NASA team is actively working to determine the cause of the gyroscope malfunction. The gyroscopes were last replaced during the shuttle's fifth and final executive mission in 2009. Six gyros were replaced as part of this mission, and the faulty gyro is one of three that are still operational. Despite the need for another service mission, NASA believes Hubble will continue to make breakthrough discoveries with the James Webb Telescope for the rest of this decade, and possibly well into the next. The space agency has not released details about when it hopes to return Hubble to service once the gyroscope problem is fixed. Even if you need to turn off the faulty gyroscope, the telescope will be able to continue working, since NASA claims that for Hubble to continue moving and participate in scientific missions, one working gyroscope is enough. Hubble launched in 1990 and spent 33 years exploring our Universe, giving us iconic views of the cosmos, including a spectacular view of the Creation Pillars, which was also photographed by astrophotographers and the James Webb Telescope.
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phonemantra-blog · 10 months
The James Webb Telescope helped observe the disappearance of the disk around the young star SZ Cha Data obtained with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) allowed us to draw conclusions about the process of planet formation in gas-dust disks. It turns out that the amount of ionized neon in these disks can serve as an indicator of the rate of planet formation. Previously, astronomers have already observed disks of gas and dust around young stars, but the process of their formation takes a very long time - hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years. It is almost impossible to observe changes in disks over short time intervals. In a new study, James Webb was able to detect changes in one of these disks where planet formation occurs. In observations made by a team led by Catherine Espaillat in 2008 using NASA's Spitzer Telescope, an infrared spectral line associated with doubly ionized neon ([Ne III]) was seen. The signal came from a disk of gas and dust around the young star SZ Chamaeleontis (SZ Cha).  [caption id="attachment_82600" align="alignnone" width="780"] James Webb[/caption] James Webb Helps Find Key to the Rate of Planet Formation When an atom collides with a photon, it becomes "ionized" and "doubly ionized" atoms lose two electrons. In the SZ Cha disk, the amount of doubly ionized neon appears to be very low compared to disks typically exposed to X-ray emission from young stars. The appearance of this neon indicated that the dominant type of radiation in the SZ Cha system was "extreme ultraviolet" (EUV) radiation, capable of destroying gas and dust in the protoplanetary disk, but not as quickly as X-rays. X-ray radiation destroys the protoplanetary disk 100 times faster than ultraviolet radiation. From this we can conclude that the rate of “evaporation” of the disk and, accordingly, the time during which the formation of planets is possible depends on the energy and type of radiation.  In 2023, Espaillat and her team conducted a new long-term observation of the SZ Cha system using JWST's MIRI instrument. The scientists found that the amount of doubly ionized neon was significantly reduced compared to singly ionized neon. Additional observations using ground-based telescopes allow us to study the properties of protoplanetary disks in even more detail. For example, the CHIRON spectrometer on the SMARTS telescope at Cerro Tololo Observatory measured the blueshift of alpha hydrogen from the star SZ Cha. The blue shift is a Doppler-type change that indicates that something is moving toward our detectors, in this case hydrogen. Scientists interpret this phenomenon as a "stellar wind" of particles emanating from the star. This wind is thought to be dense enough to absorb ultraviolet radiation, but still transmits X-rays, indicating the latter's dominance in the evolution of this star system.  The discovery of doubly ionized neon in 2008, but its absence in subsequent observations, supports the assumption of X-ray dominance in the SZ Cha system. Thus, the amount of doubly ionized neon can serve as an indicator of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation affecting the protoplanetary disk. Astronomers can use this value to more accurately determine the time it takes planets to form in such a system before their disk disappears.
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phonemantra-blog · 10 months
The James Webb Telescope helped observe the disappearance of the disk around the young star SZ Cha Data obtained with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) allowed us to draw conclusions about the process of planet formation in gas-dust disks. It turns out that the amount of ionized neon in these disks can serve as an indicator of the rate of planet formation. Previously, astronomers have already observed disks of gas and dust around young stars, but the process of their formation takes a very long time - hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years. It is almost impossible to observe changes in disks over short time intervals. In a new study, James Webb was able to detect changes in one of these disks where planet formation occurs. In observations made by a team led by Catherine Espaillat in 2008 using NASA's Spitzer Telescope, an infrared spectral line associated with doubly ionized neon ([Ne III]) was seen. The signal came from a disk of gas and dust around the young star SZ Chamaeleontis (SZ Cha).  [caption id="attachment_82600" align="alignnone" width="780"] James Webb[/caption] James Webb Helps Find Key to the Rate of Planet Formation When an atom collides with a photon, it becomes "ionized" and "doubly ionized" atoms lose two electrons. In the SZ Cha disk, the amount of doubly ionized neon appears to be very low compared to disks typically exposed to X-ray emission from young stars. The appearance of this neon indicated that the dominant type of radiation in the SZ Cha system was "extreme ultraviolet" (EUV) radiation, capable of destroying gas and dust in the protoplanetary disk, but not as quickly as X-rays. X-ray radiation destroys the protoplanetary disk 100 times faster than ultraviolet radiation. From this we can conclude that the rate of “evaporation” of the disk and, accordingly, the time during which the formation of planets is possible depends on the energy and type of radiation.  In 2023, Espaillat and her team conducted a new long-term observation of the SZ Cha system using JWST's MIRI instrument. The scientists found that the amount of doubly ionized neon was significantly reduced compared to singly ionized neon. Additional observations using ground-based telescopes allow us to study the properties of protoplanetary disks in even more detail. For example, the CHIRON spectrometer on the SMARTS telescope at Cerro Tololo Observatory measured the blueshift of alpha hydrogen from the star SZ Cha. The blue shift is a Doppler-type change that indicates that something is moving toward our detectors, in this case hydrogen. Scientists interpret this phenomenon as a "stellar wind" of particles emanating from the star. This wind is thought to be dense enough to absorb ultraviolet radiation, but still transmits X-rays, indicating the latter's dominance in the evolution of this star system.  The discovery of doubly ionized neon in 2008, but its absence in subsequent observations, supports the assumption of X-ray dominance in the SZ Cha system. Thus, the amount of doubly ionized neon can serve as an indicator of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation affecting the protoplanetary disk. Astronomers can use this value to more accurately determine the time it takes planets to form in such a system before their disk disappears.
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phonemantra-blog · 10 months
The James Webb Telescope helped observe the disappearance of the disk around the young star SZ Cha Data obtained with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) allowed us to draw conclusions about the process of planet formation in gas-dust disks. It turns out that the amount of ionized neon in these disks can serve as an indicator of the rate of planet formation. Previously, astronomers have already observed disks of gas and dust around young stars, but the process of their formation takes a very long time - hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years. It is almost impossible to observe changes in disks over short time intervals. In a new study, James Webb was able to detect changes in one of these disks where planet formation occurs. In observations made by a team led by Catherine Espaillat in 2008 using NASA's Spitzer Telescope, an infrared spectral line associated with doubly ionized neon ([Ne III]) was seen. The signal came from a disk of gas and dust around the young star SZ Chamaeleontis (SZ Cha).  [caption id="attachment_82600" align="alignnone" width="780"] James Webb[/caption] James Webb Helps Find Key to the Rate of Planet Formation When an atom collides with a photon, it becomes "ionized" and "doubly ionized" atoms lose two electrons. In the SZ Cha disk, the amount of doubly ionized neon appears to be very low compared to disks typically exposed to X-ray emission from young stars. The appearance of this neon indicated that the dominant type of radiation in the SZ Cha system was "extreme ultraviolet" (EUV) radiation, capable of destroying gas and dust in the protoplanetary disk, but not as quickly as X-rays. X-ray radiation destroys the protoplanetary disk 100 times faster than ultraviolet radiation. From this we can conclude that the rate of “evaporation” of the disk and, accordingly, the time during which the formation of planets is possible depends on the energy and type of radiation.  In 2023, Espaillat and her team conducted a new long-term observation of the SZ Cha system using JWST's MIRI instrument. The scientists found that the amount of doubly ionized neon was significantly reduced compared to singly ionized neon. Additional observations using ground-based telescopes allow us to study the properties of protoplanetary disks in even more detail. For example, the CHIRON spectrometer on the SMARTS telescope at Cerro Tololo Observatory measured the blueshift of alpha hydrogen from the star SZ Cha. The blue shift is a Doppler-type change that indicates that something is moving toward our detectors, in this case hydrogen. Scientists interpret this phenomenon as a "stellar wind" of particles emanating from the star. This wind is thought to be dense enough to absorb ultraviolet radiation, but still transmits X-rays, indicating the latter's dominance in the evolution of this star system.  The discovery of doubly ionized neon in 2008, but its absence in subsequent observations, supports the assumption of X-ray dominance in the SZ Cha system. Thus, the amount of doubly ionized neon can serve as an indicator of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation affecting the protoplanetary disk. Astronomers can use this value to more accurately determine the time it takes planets to form in such a system before their disk disappears.
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phonemantra-blog · 10 months
Even earlier The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) discovered the two most distant galaxies at redshifts 13.079 and 12.393. This discovery supports the Big Bang theory and further confirms the picture of galaxy formation. The discovery was made possible thanks to a gravitational lens played by the galactic cluster Abell 2744, also known as the Pandora Cluster. This cluster is located about 3.5 billion light-years away, and its gravitational field bends the structure of space-time in such a way that it “magnifies” distant galaxies. Using JWST and its ability to probe early galaxies magnified by this gravitational lens, researcher Bingjie Wang of Penn State University and her colleagues in the JWST UNCOVER program were able to discover these two galaxies with the highest redshifts. [caption id="attachment_82136" align="aligncenter" width="650"] James Webb Space[/caption] Cosmological redshift occurs due to the expansion of the Universe. The further away the galaxy, the more the universe expanded as the light from that galaxy traveled through space to reach our detectors. Galaxies that existed just 300 to 400 million years after the Big Bang emit infrared light that is invisible to the human eye but can be observed by the NIRCam camera and JWST's NIRspec spectrometer. The James Webb Space Telescope discovered two unusual distant galaxies The researchers were able to identify enlarged images of these two high-redshift galaxies - UNCOVER-z13 and UNCOVER-z12 (z indicates redshift, which is the letter used in astrophysics). UNCOVER-z13 has a redshift of 13.079, making it the second most distant galaxy known to date. We see it as it was just 330 million years after the Big Bang. The most distant confirmed galaxy, JADES-GS-z13-0, has a redshift of 13.2 JWST discovered it in 2022. The second galaxy, UNCOVER-z12, has a redshift of 12.393 and ranks fourth on the list of most distant galaxies. We see it as it was just 350 million years after the Big Bang. These two galaxies stand out because of their appearance—unlike other galaxies at comparable redshifts, they do not appear as small dots. In contrast, the UNCOVER-z12 galaxy has a disk approximately 2,000 light-years in diameter, six times larger than other galaxies observed during this period. “The two galaxies have very different properties. Their differences will be the subject of further research. We expected that these galaxies are formed from similar materials, but now we see significant differences between them,” noted Bingji Wang. Despite these differences in the properties of the galaxies, both are fully consistent with the Big Bang model, even so early in the Universe. The model explains how, after the creation of the Universe, galaxies slowly grew, merged with other galaxies and gas clouds, and actively formed stars. This growth contributed to an increase in the diversity of elements contained in young galaxies and the introduction of heavy elements - heavier than hydrogen and helium. The galaxies discovered by UNCOVER JWST are young and small, with low concentrations of heavy elements, and are actively forming stars, supporting the Big Bang theory, as noted by Joel Leja, a member of Wang's team. JWST has the ability to detect galaxies at even higher redshifts than UNCOVER-z13 and -z12. But they were not captured by the gravitational lens created by the Pandora Cluster.
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months
Recent studies using JWST and Earth-based telescopes reveal the presence of heavy elements in the ejecta of material from the gamma-ray burst GRB 230307A Recent observations from JWST and ground-based telescopes have confirmed the presence of heavy elements in the ejecta of material from the gamma-ray burst GRB 230307A.  Classified as a kilonova, GRB 230307A is considered the second brightest gamma-ray burst. One of the notable consequences of kilonovae is the generation of heavy elements such as tellurium, which is classified as a metalloid in the periodic table. Scientists also suggest that iodine, essential for life on Earth, may be generated by kilonova gamma-ray bursts since both elements are located next to each other on the periodic table of elements. [caption id="attachment_77016" align="aligncenter" width="780"] JWST[/caption] Tellurium is an extremely rare element on Earth, even rarer than platinum, and is used in various metal alloys, semiconductors, oil refining, and solar cell production. Although rare on Earth, tellurium has been found in planetary nebulae and ancient stars. Recent observations have also shown the presence of iodine in these space objects. JWST helped detect the presence of tellurium and iodine from the gamma-ray burst GRB 230307A Lasting 200 seconds, GRB 230307A was approximately 1000 times brighter than traditional gamma-ray bursts and is the second brightest gamma-ray burst ever detected. It was discovered in March 2023 by NASA's FERMI space telescope, and subsequent observations were made using JWST's infrared and spectroscopic instruments 29 and 61 days after the flare. Kilonovae are the result of the merger of two neutron stars and are thought to produce rare elements that are significantly heavier than iron. The brightest kilonova was discovered in 2022 and named BOAT (Brightest of all time, the brightest of all time). Observations of gamma-ray bursts have been carried out for more than 50 years, the first was recorded on July 2, 1967, and confirmation of this event came in 1969. Gamma-ray flashes are classified into short and long, with short-lasting less than two seconds and long-lasting several minutes. Scientists hope that with the use of JWST and ground-based observatories, it will be possible to detect and study even more kilonovae and expand our understanding of the synthesis of heavy elements in the Universe.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
Reconnaissance of the TRAPPIST-1 b atmosphere using the James Webb Telescope: evidence of the influence of “stellar pollution” in the transmission spectra Astronomers have received new data about the planet TRAPPIST-1 b from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This planet is the closest to its star in the TRAPPIST-1 solar system, which is 40 light-years from Earth. The new observations help deepen our understanding of the star's influence on exoplanets in the habitable zone of cool stars, where there is the potential for liquid water to exist on the planet's surface. “Our study found no evidence of an atmosphere around the planet TRAPPIST-1 b. This could indicate that the planet is either bare rock or has clouds in its upper atmosphere, as well as the presence of a dense molecule such as carbon dioxide, making its atmosphere too thin to detect. However, we have seen that the star is the main factor influencing the observations, and this has implications for observing other planets in the system,” said Sagan astronomer Ryan McDonald of the University of Michigan. The team's main interest was determining the influence of the star on observations of planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. If we don't get this star right, it will be much more difficult to detect any atmospheric signals on the habitable zone planets TRAPPIST-1 d, e, and f. The James Webb Space Telescope obtained a spectrum of the planet TRAPPIST-1 b TRAPPIST-1, a star smaller and hotter than our Sun, is located about 40 light-years from Earth. The discovery of this star system, consisting of seven Earth-sized planets, has attracted much interest from scientists since its discovery in 2017. Three of these planets are in the habitable zone and are of potential interest in the search for life. [caption id="attachment_64849" align="aligncenter" width="780"] James Webb Space Telescope[/caption] This study, led by Olivia Lim of the Trottier Institute for Exoplanet Research at the University of Montreal, used transmission spectroscopy to study the characteristics of TRAPPIST-1 b. Astronomers examined the light from the central star after it passed through the planet's atmosphere during the transit. This made it possible to see the unique “fingerprints” left by molecules and atoms in the atmosphere. One of the main results of the study was the identification of the significant influence of stellar activity and “contamination” on determining the characteristics of an exoplanet. "Stellar pollution" refers to various factors such as dark spots and bright regions in the photosphere of a star. The team found strong evidence that they play a critical role in shaping the transmission spectra of TRAPPIST-1 b and likely other planets in the system. The activity of the central star can create "false signals" that can mislead observers into thinking they have detected a certain molecule in the exoplanet's atmosphere. This result highlights the need to take stellar contamination into account when planning future observations of all exoplanetary systems. This is especially important for systems like TRAPPIST-1 located around red dwarfs, which can be particularly active and have spots on their surface.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
The world's largest radio telescope observed Barnard's Star in search of signals from alien civilizations Barnard's Star is a small red dwarf star located just six light years from Earth. Despite its proximity, it was discovered only in 1916, when E.E. Barnard discovered a particularly high intrinsic velocity of this star. It was seen on Harvard Observatory photographic plates taken in the late 1800s, but as a small and faint star, it received little attention. But since then, Barnard's star has become one of the most studied red dwarfs. Barnard's Star was one of the first stars to have planets discovered. Already in the 1970s, it was announced that there were giant planets in the orbit of this star, but further observations refuted these results. Then in 2018, astronomers measured the star's radial motion, indicating the presence of an exoplanet around 3 Earths in mass around the star. However, subsequent observations refuted this discovery, indicating that the radial fluctuations seen earlier were caused by starbursts. Recent studies have confirmed that Barnard's star does not have nearby planets that could be larger than 70% of the size of Earth and potentially habitable. [caption id="attachment_62723" align="aligncenter" width="780"] FAST radio telescope[/caption] The FAST radio telescope scanned Barnard's Star in search of extraterrestrial signals This makes Barnard's star somewhat unusual since most red dwarfs have planets. For example, the star Kepler-42, similar in size and age to Barnard's star, has at least three exoplanets. So while Barnard's Star isn't a strong candidate for extraterrestrial life, a recent study has made detailed observations of the star looking for signs of an alien signal. The study used the 500-meter spherical radio telescope FAST. The Chinese telescope has an antenna design similar to the Arecibo Observatory but is significantly larger. FAST operates in the frequency range from 70 MHz to 3 GHz, making it a good tool for searching for alien life. During the study of Barnard's Star, the astronomer looked for emissions that might be noticeable if an alien civilization were sending radio messages in our direction. The team focused its search on signals coming from Barnard's hypothetical super-Earth b and took into account the Doppler effect caused by the relative motion between it and Earth. As might be expected, the study found no evidence of an alien signal. However, this study was mainly a test of the capabilities of the FAST telescope. Future studies, especially those aimed at nearby stars with confirmed planets in the habitable zone, will have a higher chance of detecting signals.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
If the Earth were an exoplanet, then we would be able to see evidence of the existence of an intellectually developed civilization here. The Earth's atmosphere is rich in oxygen and molecules such as methane, which are a sign of the presence of life. In addition, the atmosphere contains traces of molecules such as nitrogen oxide and freons, which are strong indicators of an industrialized civilization. Using actual observations of the Earth's atmosphere from Canada's SCISAT satellite, the researchers studied the spectra of sunlight passing through a cloudless region of the Earth's atmosphere. This allowed us to create a basis for what the spectra would look like when the Earth transited in front of the Sun when viewed from another star system. [caption id="attachment_51243" align="aligncenter" width="780"] James Webb[/caption] James Webb could detect life on Earth Next, the team added simulated noise to the data and reduced its resolution to simulate the observations that the James Webb (JWST) might have made had it been light-years away from Earth. Scientists have been able to identify many molecules of exoplanets similar to ours and within 50 light-years of our planet. [caption id="attachment_51244" align="aligncenter" width="780"] James Webb[/caption] The researchers applied their methods to the Trappist-1 exoplanet system, which is 40 light-years from Earth and has seven known planets, several of which are potentially habitable. Using the data, the team demonstrated that JWST would be able to identify both biological and technological signatures if they were present on these exoplanets. Although JWST will not be able to detect physical structures on other planets, its ability to detect oxygen, organic and synthetic molecules in the atmosphere of a nearby exoplanet will be an important step in the search for advanced life in the Universe.
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