slashthem · 1 year
the ballroom was teeming with bodies ( only most of them alive ), all brought together by one common purpose. a birthday -- or was it some anniversary? regardless of whatever the occasion might be, gomez didn’t need an excuse to celebrate. the decorations were... appropriately gauche, and a shrill melody cut through the room, just short of unbearable.
it was -- magnifique.
gomez glided throughout the room; pecking hands, dramatically bowing to different lords, baronesses, family, friends, enemies. each one earned the same suave smile, the same boast about the evening. this is where gomez thrived, in fact, he radiated an energy that demanded your attention the moment he stepped into the room.
the dancefloor lay empty, an open wound in an otherwise crowded room. this would not last very long. this is where the evening would truly begin. 
him and fester had somehow become the center of attention, flaunting some dance they’d practiced throughout their childhood. his laugh roared over the music, coming to an instant halt at the sight of his beloved wife. 
❛  it’s  my  turn ,  gomez .  ❜ came @sometimesdeadly’s voice over the music, and gomez instantly let go of fester. as if he had never been there at all, his brother spun away through the crowd. 
the music swelled to a finish, and a slower, more romantic (and chilling) melody took its place. gomez extended his hand, bowing low. ‘ to dance with you, cara mia, would be nothing short of ecstasy. ’ with that, he pulled her towards him; holding her close to his chest. ‘ lead the way, darling. ’
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haemosexuality · 11 months
my thoughts on the movie UwU
ok first of i LOVED what they did with mike's character???? its different from the games canon (or different from the most popular theories??? i can never remember what is actually canon and whats accepted fanon) but its sooooo interesting. making him the brother of one of the victims was SO unexpected but it worked really really well. tho going into the movie with preconceived notions ab the story fucked me up somewhat bc i took so long to accept he wasnt michael afton 😣 tho i feel the movie mightve been setting fans up that way lol
on that note his brother confused me somewhat? cuz he was one of the missing children but he wasnt one of the 5 spirits was he??? maybe he was and i just didnt notice KSBSKDBSKD ill look out for it on my second watch
WILLIAM. MOTHER FUCKING AFTON. OH MY GODDDDDDD THAT WAS FUCKING INSANE and honestly seeing everyones reaction to it was SO cool. when springtrap appeared everyone screamed and clapped. when he started dying everyone screamed and clapped even louder. and when he said "I ALWAYS COME BACK" everyone LOST THEIR FUCKING MIND SCREAMING CRYING YELLING CLAPPING WHOOPING IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD
AND THE VANESSA REVEAL????? i think thats completely different from game vanessa lore mostly bc william aftons daughter in the game was elizabeth/baby and shes fucking dead but idk vanessa lore so who knows. all i know is that it WORKED MAN i did NOT see that coming but i HONESTLY REALLY LIKED IT AND AGAIN EVERYONE IN THE THEATER LOST THEIR MINDS WE WERE ALL LIKE "WHAT?????" (edit: i saw an youtuber point out that this cant be the same vanessa from sb bc this is set in like the 90s and sb's in the future. maybe this is something like, they put two vanessas so we know that sometimes different characters just have the same name and dont get too hang up on mike smith vs michael afton lol)
i also like how they did williams character. i usually dont like purely evil 2d villains but i feel that fits afton way more than "sad scientist goes insane cuz he lost his kid oh no :(". like it just fits fnaf!!!!!!!
another thing that was completely different from the game was the animatronics. like in the game theyre "like animals" but in the movie they all seemed very, aware??? msking decisions? they def had a mind and it was cheesy sure but i also liked it. i just loved this movie. and everything about it. i went into it knowing it was absolutely not going to be 1:1 with the game so i dont mind im just so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not gonna remember all of them but I WANT THE MIDNIGHT MOTORIST HOODIE
max did NOT deserve to die that upset me. she was fine!!!!!!!
also the violence wasnt anything super crazy but it was def more than i expected. also they swore
also golden freddy wasnt a girl in the movie. F cassidy
i like mikes character sooooo much ive said so before and im saying it again. vanessa too
this one is only for the brazilians in here but i actually liked the dub? this sentiment might change after i watch the og version but it wasnt terrible. williams voice was 10/10
balloon boy was funny every single time. fuck this bitch. also the cupcake
THE ITS MEEEEEEEEEEE i wish they did more its mes BUT I SAW THAT!!!
the scene were mike calls abby to the kitchen so they could 'talk' and the aunt was there.... actually broke my heart how dare you
i missed phone guy 😭
i thought i wouldnt like it but i love how expressive freddy is its so funny. chica bonnie n foxy too but him especially
ok i those were all my immediate thoughts!!! i wrote this a few hours ago when id JUST gotten back from the theater and now im gonna go watch it again so bye <3
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ceabu · 3 years
dear anon who sent me an ask 3 hours ago. i can do what i want and im not obliged to bend to ur needs. i dont want to get into unnecessary discourse over a thing im not interested in lol so kindly leave me alone.
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cindtrillella · 7 years
Am I the only one on the fence about Game of Thrones in terms of the plot, characters, etc.? Like i'm MADLY in love with this show but I do agree with certain points people who dislike D&D's writing?
So i'm gonna explain why on a court-based post. Judge asks if the show is still good. Prosecution saying yes, defense being no. Just gonna post why on each sides.
• For starters, why are people complaining about how quick everything is going? If the show has 8 more episodes, what do you want them to do? Talk about the fucking flowers growing in high gardens? This shouldn't be a shocker. They've still gotta cover a lot of shit within 8 episodes.
• Incest has been in this show from season 1-7 and damn near half of Westeros is born from incest. At this point, why does this shock people? No ones shipping or supporting incest whatssoever, but seriously?
• Idiots who say that supporting Daenerys/Jon means that you support incest in real life is like saying that since we love watching war and killings that we support this in real life as well. You guys have got to come with a better defense than this. Its dumb. And boring.
• The people complaining about how quick people are getting to places crack me up. Jorah kidnapped Tyrion and rowed him to a completely different continent in 2 episodes. Daenerys said that Jon's boat ride to Dragonstone took 30 days. Why would the show film an entire time gap, which they've NEVER done before? With 8 episodes left, they've gotta get right to the point.
• My only defense for Jon possibly bending the knee is that his desperation for saving the North and humanity has always been straight-forward. He doesn't care about how desperate it looks. He's after one mission and has always been after it.
• Daenerys obviously doesn't fall in love with Jon over the course of six days. People watch episodes and think that the time gap is within a week, and these are people who've been watching the show from the start. You should know better. Jon has been in dragonstone for weeks according to Sansa, and took longer to get back to the Walkers.
• The contradictory statements that people make about Daenerys is so pathetic. People hate her for killing and not listening, but worship Cersei. Its a fucking war. What do you expect? Just say that you dislike her and move on. Lmfao.
• I think that Arya threatening Sansa was to fool Lord Baelish. I can't see Arya actually killing her sister over a disagreement.
• "Can't believe that Jon Snow fell for someone so evil" oh give me a fucking break. He fell in love with Ygritte who was a wildling that killed for sport and got exactly what she deserved. An arrow through the heart. Daenerys isn't HALF as savage as Ygritte was and if she survived, I could definitely see her harming him again if she didn't see what she said.
• I've shipped Dany/Jon since season 4 when the two knew nothing about one another, but since they apparently date in the books, I think they should've spent this season quickly developing their relationship, then eventually married/had sex in season 8. People ship Jon with Ygritte more because they gave the couple 2 seasons to develop. I know they don't have the time, but yeah.
• Arya threatening Sansa? Seriously? These girls haven't seen each other in AGES and almost right away, their arguments are going a bit too far. Even their reunion was trash. Sansa's reaction to seeing a sister that she thought was dead was a C- in the emotional department, which is completely out of character for her.
• Bringing a white walker to Cersei? Seriously? Considering that she conspired to kill Ned, Jon should've loosened his collar about meeting up with her. He says NOTHING like "That bitch murdered my father", "Hell no! She's betrayed me!" Nothing. Just, "Fuck it I wanna kill the white walkers lets go."
• I will admit that that scene with Tyrion telling Daenerys that Jon loves her was unnecessary. Like we know this already based on Sir Davo's hints. What's the point of wasting an entire scene to explain what's known? We've got 8 episodes like we don't have time for this.
• The ease that the others feel about going to see Cersei is a bit too mellow. All of these stories they've heard about her killing to get what she wants and they think its a good idea to go like she didn't just use wildfire to kill 1000 people.
• I know I just ranted about the time gap, but Jon Snow getting a raven to Dany in such a short period of time during the fight with The White Walkers was a major reach. I don't care how fast that boy ran. Unless he's the damn Bolt, nobody is getting to a pen and paper AND getting it to her in that short period of time.
• Jaime Lannister is so fucking stupid. Your father was gonna execute your brother, and you're surprised at Tyrion murdering him. Why the hell are you so angry about that? It was either Tywin or Tyrion.
• If Jon bends the knee to Dany, I will fucking riot. How the hell did you go from "i'm a king!" to "Fuck it take the North omg you're beautiful." Like it makes no sense. Daenerys already said that she'd fight for you. Why give her the north to add more icing to the cake that she already has?
• Tyrion's character has become COMPLETELY washed. Like if I started watching the show during this season, I would wonder how he's a fan favorite. Old Tyrion would've said "Fuck this shit, i'm out. She's not listening and I could be sleeping with a thousand whores." What's his purpose if their meetings consist of arguments and that's it? Send him back to Kings Landing with Jaime then.
• Why are the episodes shortened? Why don't they just do 10 episodes per season so they can carefully plot these storylines? Everything's rushed.
Overall, I still love the show! I'm not Jonerys or Jonsa though because both fanbases are a little crazy tbh.
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 10 "If he has an idol, color me 17 different shades of shook." - Brian
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Alex C going home is literally making this the best day of my life... The only thing that's better is knowing that there's a VERY good chance he also left with an idol in his pocket, which is one idol out of the game, on top of the person I didn't want here the most. Now it's just Sarah, and a loose Kendall left vs the world, and they won't make it anywhere. Another great thing about this round is that Brian won immunity for our whole tribe, so now we're safe and guaranteed a spot in the top 14. I'm honestly not surprised I made it this far, but now I really just need to continue to lay low, with the consistent maintaining of control of our tribe. The one thing that was interesting this round is that Alex C. apparently found an idol for the Brawn tribe, and had to give it to a member of the Brawn tribe, so he chose Drew, as to where Drew gave it right back to him (all according to Drew), which now means that either Drew is coming up with some BULL FICACTA (Jewish term, don't judge) or he's actually telling the truth, and there's a very good chance Alex C, the dumbass of all dumbasses, left the game with an idol in his pocket. Other than that, there isn't much to add to this round unfortunately. At least now I know about idols and how they work, and that the Brawn one is out of play. I wouldn't be surprised if another idol has already been found, but I'm getting no luck looking for it. I think I'm going to propose to my alliance with Drew, Steffen, Ashton, Trace and Dom that we need to all compare notes and look for it together to get it, but what that really means is that there's a VERY good chance that if Dom finds it, he's going to give it to Trace, if Drew or Steffen find it, they're going to give it to me, and if I find it I'm definitely giving it to Steffen. I have enough people willing to give me an idol because they think it'll help me out, and you BEST BELIEVE I am not giving that idol back like Drew did.... What a fucking bozo
I just have to reiterate how happy I am that Alex C is gone. I just can't believe it. I think Sarah is going to think I had something to do with this, but oops?
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So considering we won immunity, I figured it'd be a pretty lul day for me, and I'd be able to just calm the fuck down for a half a second, but clearly that was never going to happen because so much information got thrown at me yesterday from Drew, and I didn't even expect that information to come my way but it did. Firstly, Drew found the Beauty idol, and had to will it to someone on my tribe, and OF COURSE he picked me, and then I gave it back to him as a sign of trust (same I did with Steffen) and I know when I ask him for the idol as well, if I'm in trouble, then he'd easily give it to me, which is fucking fantastic. ON TOP OF THAT, I found out that Kendall told Drew that Sarah I guess found the Brawn idol, willed it to Crow? and then ended up getting it back (at least that's how I assume Sarah got the idol, and again, her having the idol is all hingent on what Kendall told Drew, and then Drew relaying that to me). Now I am very aware of every idol in the game (minus a potential Villains super idol), which is actually amazing because I am 99% sure I am the only one that knows about Drew's idol and Steffen/my idol because Steffen and Drew were both VERY focused on not telling anyone, and I'm assuming that Crow/Sarah/Kendall/Drew/I know about Sarah's idol, but Kendall has no idea that she made that oopsie, and that it's going to come back to bite her. Being immune is awesome, and people are anticipating a f14 merge, but I just don't think it's realistic. I think we're merging at 12 or 11, and we have a swap after this, which would be pretty awesome. Going into this later phase of the game, the only thing I have to worry about at this point is an angry Pippa and a potentially still bitter Sarah, because I went after her during the joint tribal, so I just need to be careful of that. I am overly confident in A LOT of my relationships, but I'm NEVER going to be too confident, not making too many concrete deals when we get to merge because I know that people talk. I am done offering deals and alliances, and I'm going to let my social game shine through and just get included in as much as I can, and show that I am game to work with anyone, so that way I can continue to know more than anyone. Knowing the most in this game shows that you're an incredible player, and definitely holding onto more information about idols than everyone in the game is already impressive, and I have the Isaac move on my resume, and now I have to get to merge and be ready to make more important moves.
okay jk I misunderstood Drew. Sarah does not have an idol. Kendall was planning to tell Sarah that Drew had an idol, so this way Sarah could run to the Villains on the Brawn tribe and tell them that Drew had an "idol," which is funny enough because Kendall doesn't know that Drew actually has an idol, so that plan would've blown up the fact that Drew actually has one. On 9/15/17, at 10:35 AM, Drewbert wrote: > lol yeah still no word on where the Hero, Villain, or Brain idol is LOL YEA LUL I HAVE THE HEROES/VILLAINS IDOL, and I am quite sure there's only one of them, so you just don't know buddy ;) I've been thinking about it, and definitely going to the finals with any combination of Dom/Trace/Ashton is my best bet. I legitimately hope that we can get to the final six of this game with that alliance that I have, and then let my f3 with Trace and Dom reign through, and then I can maybe beast it out. As much as Steffen and Drew trust me, and honestly I trust them the same, them getting to finals could result in a big loss for me, but I do know that they are arguably two of the biggest players left in the game, along with Sarah and Tommy and Brian, so now I know that those people are going to be under fire more than others. I just need to continue to target weaker players I'm not working with, so that way I can let the targets be the main threats until at least final seven, and then people might start looking at me and I'm going to have to start making moves. My ideal situation is that I can truly blow the fuck out of people's games if they get me once, I use my "second chance" idol that Steffen and I share, and then convince Drew that the next round I need to borrow his idol, but hopefully this is later in the game, and will turn to the point that I am the biggest threat, and then I just have to find a way to steamroll to the end. I know this game isn't going to be easy, but I'm very ready for merge and I'm ready to start this merge off right and start making power moves and make a name for myself. People don't see this underdog coming.
Current Alliances: Trace - Ride or Die Steffen - Ride or Die Drew - Ride or Die JT^2 - Tommy and Trace Drinking a cold one with the boys - Dom and Trace Menninists - Ashton, Trace, Dom, Steffen, Drew Solomans - Andrew, Steffen, Pippa Disbanded 30s Alliance? - Kendall, Andrew, Pippa, Drew Cross Tribal Pregame Friends Deal - Crow, Brian, Steffen I really just need to spend some time on Jonathan in the near future because he's the only one, who I don't have much with, but from what I heard, he was the bottom of the villains, so it shouldn't be too difficult, but there's also a great chance he goes home this round. Praying for more alliances and mixed deals to fall into my lap. This is only the beginning, and another alliance made is another opportunity to better position myself. Just staying as cautious as possible
I also need to not ask Andrew what’s happening at tribal because he’s going to think I’m playing too hard and that I’m being intrusive, and especially after I most recently screwed him over, I gotta just tread lightly with him and continue to prove to him that he can trust me. Where it’s funny, because the person, aside from Crow/Steffen/Trace (it's all a tie between these four), I like in the cast the MOST is Andrew, and I fucking ADORE him, and it’s just unfortunate that he might get fucked because of me on his swapped tribe, but if he makes it out, I'm going to be eternally grateful, and I'm going to need to find a way to not make a concrete deal with him at merge because he knows that I did that last time in Soloman (since he hosted me), so I just can't do it again.
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Everyone's like "Crow ur fine." "Crow ur totally safe." but Crow knows better, momma didnt raise no fool! i still see the hero/villain split and i still see my ass on the wrong side PLUS no bitch seems to want to talk to me about game whatsoever but when I bring it up they're like "yea I'm down!" and its like well.....hmmm if you were really wanting to play with me, wouldn't you come to me earlier? so I can't wait to get 15th and be a victim of yet another iconic robbery. the fact that Kage is making it farther than me is honestly enough to make me nauseous
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[9/15/17, 2:25:51 PM] Do m: Ok but real talk [9/15/17, 2:26:02 PM] Do m: Drew and Steffen are huge threats [9/15/17, 2:36:33 PM] Trace Demarest: yeah i think we need all 6 of us in the merge regardless [9/15/17, 2:36:39 PM] Trace Demarest: that would make me feel much much safer [9/15/17, 2:37:51 PM] Johnny (Kuang Si Host): Especially with two massive targets in our way before any of us get targeted [9/15/17, 2:38:22 PM] Trace Demarest: yeah exactly [9/15/17, 2:38:29 PM] Trace Demarest: and i don’t think either of them have idols tbh THEY BOTH HAVE IDOLS YOU FUCKING MORON LMFAOOOOOOOO
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I have a lot to say since Alex has been voted out so I'm just splitting it into two confessionals because this one is going to be my explanation not only for Alex, but for everyone in the game I couldn't fully explain my motives to, because I know there wasn't a single person in the game that knew all 4 of these reasons: 1) What this vote was was a statement back to the people who had rose to power through voting out Isaac. Even if you were no longer with Sarah, it went to show that the people she tried to and succeeded in damaging weren't going to let it happen without repercussions. There's a law of returns in these games, and I wanted to make sure this was seen through to. If Isaac going was a statement to it no longer being heroes vs villains, then I wanted to make a statement that everyone wasn't just going to lie down and die, and that I could work with the villains as well. 2) That brings me to the second reason. I needed to collaborate with the villains. Junior and I had a discussion about how this tribal was going to be the one everyone on Brawn and Beauty was eyeing in order to see which directions the 5 of us (3 heroes and 2 villains) would go after such a massive blindside that redefined allegiances. Would the heroes come together and take the easy vote, would one hero flip, would villain turn against villain, or would a solid 4 come together to take out a hero? Obviously the latter was decided on. Isaac going and me being on this disaster of a brain tribe is me new slating it. I wanna work with villains. Fuck hero strong. I'm going to do what I think I have to do to survive from here on out. 3) This is one that I couldn't really disclose to people. I wanted Drew to lose possession of his idol. Getting you to hold Drew's idol for that tribal was easy enough, since you basically voiced you wanted to hold it anyway. And Drew with an idol is too much power for him. Quite frankly, I would rather go far without him, and if I want to blindside him eventually, him having no idol is fantastic. I'm sorry Drew, but I don't want this to be your 200th win. 4) This last reason could sting a little, but honestly I just didn't wanna move forward with you. When figuring out between Brian and Sarah, and then deciding on Tommy, you were very condescending through a large portion of the ordeal. You yelled at me in pms, made me and I know for a fact other people, feel stupid and belittled for thinking what we thought. For me, treating other people like that - with no common courtesy or self-awareness of your immaturity - doesn't fly for me. And if I feel that morally you don't deserve to go further in the game, then I won't have a problem voting you out. I think you're inherently a good person, but I think you need to do some maturing in those regards. There's something in Survivor about faking it till you make it in terms of social game where you really have to hold in a lot of what you want to say because it could just be social suicide. This was your social suicide. 
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Okay whew I'm submitting this right after my Alex confessional but hello it's vote out one of the last 4 brains day and I wanna launch myself off of a building! Because I will feel immensely guilty voting any of these people out! Basically Junior and I have formed a final 2 on this brain tribe, figuring that if we do not swap it could very well get to that point that we are decimated so much that we are left with 2 people who have to duke it out, in which case if I'm sitting there with someone then I'm playing an idol on myself to auto-survive the tribe. But now that leaves us with the massive dilemma of taking out Jonathan or PIppa. Pippa is someone who obviously I have an extremely close relationship both in and out of this game. She is one of my best friends not only online but just in general, so voting her out makes me want to throw up not gonna lie. Then there's Jonathan, who I have established a very good relationship with. I feel like we get where each other is coming from but I know he's dangerous. But then I know it's also dangerous to move forward with Pippa, unless I get in a scenario where Junior and I have to vote her out - which I will do. There's just no way I can go into a swap with Pippa, so am I banking on us losing again for Pippa to go and Junior and I to stay? Maybe so! The thing is, Junior wanted Pippa gone this round not only on the off chance I would back out in taking him to f2 of this tribe, but also because he feels like keeping Jonathan in the swap as a threat is a good idea for a meet shield. But that's only if we swap. And of course there's a problem in taking Pippa into a swap considering I would be seen as with her, and I would probably get targeted over her if people try to split us up. So idk! I wanna vote out Jonathan tonight and I'm gonna feel like shit if it happens. Or I could just be getting blindside. I'm paranoid about Pippa letting slip that I have 2 idols so that she could blindside me, but I also think if I tell her we could use these to save ourselves once we're final 2 on the tribe, then she'll wanna take me for that safety. I s2g though I do not wanna go out with 2 idols, so I might give one to Pippa to hold. And then if it's me her and Junior at an f3 scenario on this tribe I'll just say I'm playing one on her in case Junior plays an idol which I really don't think he has because I've convinced him so much I'm taking him to the f2 of this tribe. Important side note if I survive this swap however - I had a good talk with Kendall last night. We both got good explanations out of each other for why Isaac and Alex got voted out. And I think she would wanna work with me down the line. That's the other thing. Idk if Pippa would wanna work with her at this point, and according to Kendall from Sarah - Pippa and Sarah are getting kinda close. Which is a big no no for me because I need Sarah out ASAP. But Kendall wants Sarah out too, but she just doesn't probably have numbers for it on the beauty tribe right now since apparently Sarah and Tommy are super close, and Sarah has Johnny who questionably has Trace. BUT apparently Johnny has voiced to Kendall that Sarah shouldn't be around too long so I don't fuckin know. There's too many damn layers to all this and I'm just trying to survive this swap man.
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I could have totally fucked myself trying to be my typical, shady self. Since I was telling both Drew and Kage what they wanted to hear, I was cautious with my words. But secretly, I wanted to keep Drew, so I was trying to come up with a possible plan that could save him. But before I even got around to doing that, I find that Drew has run to Kage to tell him that I told him I was voting him (after I specifically told Drew not to) so he made my choice much easier. I don't put it past Drew though to get close to flipping the table on me, but as long as Kage trusts me, I should be good.
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http://youtu.be/SIAHbeRte3M here
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