snippyrocket · 3 years
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@lionfanged​​ sent:
' he is not coming back, proton. it is time to move on. ' his right hand finds proton's left, limp and lifeless at his side. the skin pressed against atticus's own was cold, clammy, like all of the life had drained out of him at news world-shattering. ' kanto is no longer safe. please, let me take you to hoenn, and i will protect you, shinya. '
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Move on.
The words sound far colder than Atticus likely intended them to. Proton knows that he’s only trying to protect him, wanting to pull him free from the sinking ship that is Team Rocket before he gets sucked under amongst the wreckage.
But how can he? His world -- everything he’s known for the past decade or so of his life -- is crumbling all around him.
They were supposed to be untouchable.
It feels like a sick joke. Title, rank, loyalty... None of it mattered, in the end -- their efforts paid back in kind with the cruel sting of abandonment. Years of work have slid straight down the gutter, as Interpol and the League likely seek to swoop in to take advantage of the chaos and flush out those unfortunate enough not to make a stealthy exit in time.
And for what? What great, terrible thing had led to their downfall? One boy?
Was Sakaki’s ego really so fragile that a child was all that it took to topple his empire and betray those who had served him, loyal and steadfast, for all this time? Was he really worth so little that the boss would not take him along? That he would leave his executives in the lurch without a word of explanation -- knowing how the abandonment would reopen old wounds and leave his youngest feeling vulnerable and exposed?
Even if their relationship had turned sour and resentful these last few months, he couldn’t have seen the betrayal coming as it suddenly rounded the corner and slammed into him -- hard -- leaving him winded and breathless in it’s wake.
Had he pretended to care just to better use him to his advantage? If even Sakaki would not have him, then did that mean..?
He barely registers the hand reaching for his own.
The heart is an awful, treacherous thing, and though Proton -- no, Shinya -- is nothing but utterly silent as he’s tugged away and his feet start to move, the seeds of mistrust have already been sown.
A single look at Atticus says far more than words could ever manage:
Will you abandon me, too?
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akkivee · 4 years
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favlie · 10 years
paint tool sai just stopped working wTF
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