#NO ONE asked but i’m thinking about it because i’m listening to folie rn which is the OTHER album i feel this way about
annarubys · 2 years
revenge is my favorite mcr album but the black parade is my favorite album of all time. this is a sentence that makes sense to me
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emometalhead · 2 years
hi ashley 😁!!! i know ur at work rn so there’s no rush on this, but i think i finally want to get into fall out boy (i know i’m late 😔 i keep pushing it off)…and i know u love them, so do u have any recs/any good starting points??!! love u !!
Hi Kelsey!! Thank you for you patience! I really wanted to make sure I had time to answer this thoughtfully.
For starting points, I recommend just listening to their most popular songs. I will say this about every band's most popular music, but it is popular for a reason!!
Most popular Fall Out Boy songs: (with albums in parentheses)
Sugar, We're Going Down (FUTCT)
Dance Dance (FUTCT)
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race (IOH)
I Don't Care (FàD)
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (SR&R)
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs (IOH)
Uma Thurman (AB/AP)
Immortals (AB/AP)
Centuries (AB/AP)
From there, decide which sound you gravitate toward most. I recommend listening to the album of the song you enjoy most next! You can also choose an album based on my descriptions if that is more up your alley.
Now here's a quick breakdown of the albums. I'm going to give a short description of each, and input some personal opinions. (Excluding Evening Out With Your Girlfriend and Take This to Your Grave, because I feel like they're best to get into after you've gotten into the later stuff.):
From Under The Cork Tree (2005): The heaviest of all the albums listed. Definitely reminiscent of their early punk rock roots. Iconic with its long, random song titles. Essential for understanding the band's start and progression. I think every band's "breakthrough" album says a lot about them. This album is special to me, because it was my starting point.
My favorites from FUTCT:
Dance, Dance
Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Touch Me"
Infinity On High (2007): More sonically experimental than FUTCT. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'd recommend it as a starting point. It feels the most transitional out of all their albums. This is not to discredit it in any regard. The album is great! Personally, I didn't get really invested in it until after I got really invested in the others that were out at that point. (Everything except MANIA, as it did not exist.)
My favorites from IOH:
Bang The Doldrums*
"The Take Over, The Break's Over"
Hum Hallelujah
Folie à Deux (2008): I'm not able to be objective in any sense about this album. Lyrically my favorite album. It is my favorite, and I highly recommend listening to it from start to finish. This album has a perfect flow. At minimum, on your first full listen you need to have it in order rather than on shuffle. Every song is my favorite, so the three I'm about to list are my most recent obsessions. This list changes every few months.
My favorites from Folie:
I Don't Care
Save Rock And Roll (2013): Fall Out Boy's return album!! If you want to get invested, watch The Young Blood Chronicles!! Each song from this album has a music video, and they all tie in like a movie. This album is so fun sonically!! A little poppy! Securing that pop punk+rock title!! If you want a mix of yelling and ballad, this is the album for you.
My favorites from SR&R:
Death Valley
Miss Missing You
Alone Together
American Beauty/American Psycho (2015): This album has a lighter sound. Not boring by any means, but it is their most mainstream. I think you understand what I mean without further explanation. My input is the same as my starting point with this ask. The songs are popular for a reason!!
My favorite songs from AB/AP:
Fourth of July*
Uma Thurman
MANIA (2018): A bit sonically experimental in comparison to the other albums. This album definitely shows life experience and a wide variety of influences. To me, it feels like a very natural progression from their older stuff. Lyrically, some of the same themes are there. They're just being expressed with an older, more lived mindset. This is one of my favorite albums. I think it flows well, and is fun to listen to while still giving me emotional feels.
My favorite songs from MANIA:
Sunshine Riptide
The Last Of The Real Ones
I think that's the full introduction I want to give! I'm sure you'll dive in and form your own opinions, but I hope this is at all a helpful guide. Let me know what you think as you listen!! I'm so excited that you're giving them a try! I'm also entirely willing to make an introduction to the band post in terms of the members and lore. (Aka fan theories and what I deem important or memeable moments in the band's history.) I put asterisks next to a few songs. If those intrigue you lyrically, I would be very excited to explain the background of them. (It ties in MCR!!)
Thank you for this opportunity to ramble about my favorite band!! This was a lot of fun to type out.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How many walls are in your bedroom? It’s your typical four-wall bedroom. What do you think about Fall Out Boy? I like their older stuff and my favorite album of theirs is Folie à Deux by a mile. Haven’t been able to keep up much with their new material, but I definitely don’t hate the stuff they’ve been putting out. Do you know where Guatemala is? I wouldn’t know where to find it on a map but I know it’s somewhere in the middle of North and South America? At least I’m pretty sure? Do you find musicians attractive? I mean being a musician isn’t necessarily a criterion for me to be attracted to someone, but sure I’ve come across good-looking musicians in the past. Do you like hard boiled eggs? They’re okay but I like soft-boiled more.
Do you know anyone named Hector? Nope. Would you move to another country for the one you love? We’ve had this conversation before and she has vehemently scolded me when I said that I honestly would, but idk that’s me. Then again, we’ve never been in that situation so I don’t really know how I’d actually act when it came to that. Do you own an instrument? We have a keyboard, but it’s for everyone’s use. I don’t own any of my own. What do you usually have for lunch? Ever since the quarantine started my family has only been having very late breakfast and dinner, so I’ve technically been skipping lunch for over a month now. But before this whole thing started my lunch would typically be whatever my mom can cook, which is pretty limited – fried chicken, sisig, and giniling with varied soups are her usuals, if I remember right. Ever had a pregnancy scare? I would have absolutely no reason to have one. What do you think about the Purple People Eater? I’ve never heard of this before. What the hell is that looool Are you pale or tan? Tan. What's the weather like right now? It’s windy, just a tad chilly, and comfortable enough during the night which I’m thankful for, but the days are excruciatingly hot. Sometimes it’ll be very humid and the air becomes too heavy and difficult to breathe in, and it usually means it will rain that night, but that’s seldom. I get headaches almost everyday now because of the rapid temperature changes, and it suuuucks because we’ve run out of Biogesic in the house. Do you like cats? No. We have such different personalities and I can tell all of the ones I’ve encountered don’t like me. But for the next few days I’ll probably have a brief soft spot for cats because my sister’s cat, Arlee, passed away last Sunday. We were never close and her tail always got bushy whenever she saw me, but it was the first time I had to deal with a pet cat dying and I was still pretty shattered by it. What's the best part about Wal*Mart? I dunno, I can’t relate. Do you think Akon is amazing or annoying? I think neither of him. I mostly don’t mind him. Do you like the buzz cigarettes give you? I’ve... never gotten a ~buzz from them before? Am I smoking wrong? Lmao. But uh idk it’s weirdly pleasurable overall, and now I’m ever so slightly disgusted with myself for even being able to say that now. Are you a practical joker? Nope, I hate pranks. Do you like pop? This is slang for soda right? No I don’t. I feel like my tongue is being cut off every time I try it out and that always ruins the whole experience for me. What are you looking forward to? Eating the box of sushi sitting beside me. Angela surprised me for my birthday and had the sushi delivered to my house :) Have you ever laughed so hard you couldn't breathe? I’m sure most of us have. What's your favorite band? This question has been everywhere recently. I like Paramore the most but just so I give a different answer for once, I also enjoy alt-J. Do you feel stupid when you spill things on yourself? My mom has conditioned me to think this way, so yes. I feel pretty stupid when I drop or spill anything. Are you excited for summer? In the current global situation? It’s hard to feel excited for anything, especially when experts have recommended closing everything down until at least August. Have you ever snuck out? No. My mom would’ve found out easily. It’s always easier to ask for permission cause she’s never said no anyway. When's the last time you were kissed? :( A month and two weeks. Would you ever eat popcorn & salsa? I’ve never tried them together; I think it’d be a weird combination plus salsa already isn’t my dip of choice anyway. Do you sleep with the television on? Nah but close. I’ll sometimes sleep with Netflx or YouTube playing on my phone, depending on what I feel like listening to before falling asleep. Would you ever want to be able to be invisible? I’ll fantasize about it sometimes, sure. What does your favorite shirt look like? Don’t have a current favorite shirt since I can’t go out anyway. What's your favorite scent? Gabie’s perfume or any freshly cooked food. Skype, Msn, Aim, or Yahoo? All of these are pretty much ancient now. What's your favorite time of the day? These days I’m really loving these hours in particular – midnight onwards. It’s nice to finally be alone considering I’m cooped up in a house with family literally all day, and it’s nice to use the alone time listening to lo-fi and answering a survey or two. Do you hate the phrase ''love ya'' when coming from a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah it wouldn’t sit well with me if it came from Gabie. But I say this regularly to my friends. What do you do when someone in the room has b.o.? Look away if I’m forced to be with them, or just move away altogether if I’m not talking to them directly. What movie would you like to see right now? Not really in a movie watching mood rn. I just watched Two for the Road a couple of nights ago and that’s enough for me, hahaha. How many times a day do you shower? Just once. What do you think of the name Chloe? It’s cute! It’s already common where I live so it’s not one of my top baby name choices, but I really love the name and I think this spelling in particular is cute. Do you like Hollister? When I was 14, sure. I was mostly invested in them because Louis Tomlinson of 1D’s girlfriend used to be a Hollister model HAHAHAHA. These days I largely don’t care for the brand. What's your favorite alcoholic drink? I always go for a Long Island Iced Tea whenever they have it on a menu. Do you like 80's music? Like, 0.0003% of it. Just not my decade for music. Do you have to wear glasses or have contacts? I wear glasses. I choose not to wear contacts. Do you play Halo or Gears of War? No for both. How do you feel about cleaning? I think it’s...necessary lol? I don’t really actively feel anything for it, other than it has to be done every now and then. What do you think of emo kids? I think we should leave ‘em be. Do you like the movie Grease? I don’t like musicals. Do you like singing? Only by myself or if I’m absolutely shitfaced drunk.
What's your favorite Jim Carrey movie? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, WITHOUT A DOUBT. There's a knock at your door at 4 in the morning; what do you do? Welp, given that there’s been a recent disturbance in our village where a construction worker broke into a neighbor’s home, I’ll probably be more wary this time around and just ignore it. I’ll stay alert for a few minutes to see whether they start breaking in after being ignored or simply walk away so that I’m ready to wake up my parents and start screaming if they do the former. Do you like peaches? I hate all fruits. Ever lost a best friend? Not to death, but I’ve drifted apart from a best friend.
Ever heard of a town called Wadena? No. Only Wakanda, heh. Have you ever been to a funeral? I’ve never been to a funeral; I’ve only visited wakes. We were pretty sheltered when it came to death and I would dread the day I’d have to go to my first funeral because I don’t know if I’d be capable of processing the events. What's your favorite sport? Pro wrestling if it counts. If it doesn’t, tennis is my favorite to watch while table tennis is my favorite to play. What do you think about homeschooling? Egh the homeschooled kids where I live always turn out to be a bit weird or not very sociable, so I’m kinda biased against it. I don’t know if homeschooling in other countries can say the same, though. What do you think about French people? I don’t think anything of them. Thankful for their pain au chocolat though. Do you like your parents? Yes. They’ve worked harder than anyone I know to get to where they are now and to be able to provide as much as they have for their three kids. I respect them tremendously for that. I just wish we were more open and expressive and affectionate as a family in general; that would literally solve like 9732 of my problems. And I also wish that my mom wasn’t verbally abusive at times. What do you think about Minnesota? OMG nothing, stop. Do/did you like high school? It had its ups and downs. I’m mostly in the middle about it, like I can’t say I enjoyed it cause then that would betray the things I hated about it, and I can’t say I mostly hated it cause that would invalidate the good times. I did learn a lot though, that I can say for sure. Do you have any Asian friends? All of my friends are Asian. Is it cold where you live? Not even barely. Do you find accents attractive? No. I find most of them difficult to follow which is why I always need subtitles when I view anything foreign haha. Do you hate it when people make spelling mistakes? No, unless they act like a know-it-all but still fuck up their spelling. Would you ever let your boyfriend/girlfriend do your makeup? I would DEFINITELY let them do my makeup – she’d be the first person I would run to hahaha because I don’t know the first thing about applying makeup. Do you like to shop? Not like every week, but it is fun to fall down the rabbit hole and start grabbing clothes heh. How long are you on the computer during a 24 hour period? These days I’m not on it for long, which I’m really happy about! When the lockdown started I was really worried that I was gonna be too dependent on my laptop and never close it for the entire quarantine period, but the opposite has been happening. I really just open it in the evening when I take surveys, so that’s around 3-4 hours. Is money really that important? It is for me, and for everyone else in this third world Southeast Asian country. Have you ever broken a bone? Nope. Who is your favorite family member? My dog. What size bed do you have? Just a twin size, nothing special. Can’t wait to earn on my own and buy me a much bigger mattress. What age do you want to be married? Late 20s, if possible. I want to be ready for kids by the time I hit my 30s.   What's the last thing your wrote? A Facebook message for Gabie. What do you think of your town? It’s mostly uneventful here, but I think I prefer living in a calm city cause I suppose it would be exhausting living in a city that’s so hectic all the time. My situation also gives me a healthy balance of busy and quiet which I think has helped my wellbeing. When's the last time you played hide & go seek? Years and years and years ago. I think it was when we first moved into the house and it was still mostly empty.
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peachykeenjack · 7 years
every music ask
thank u friend
1: name 11 bands you listen to regularlyfall out boy, bastille, julia nunes, khalid, tool, cobra starship, drake, halsey, the neighbourhood, panic! at the disco, & porter robinson2: is there a band with only one song you like?yes lmao i tried listening to other go radio songs but i only liked goodnight moon.3: what is a very unpopular band you're into? tell a little bit about themalready answered!4: name a great band you recently discoveredcaravan palace!5: which rare recording of any band would you like to possess?i had this one version of "the world is ugly" by my chem that i would fight someone to have again6: is there an artist whose solo career you prefer over their work with their band(s)?zayn tbh7: which is you favourite side project by any band member?patrick stump's solo stuff was gold8: which song do you think should everybody listen to at least once in their lives?africa - toto9: explain why your favourite song is your favourite songbecause, fuck dude, broken halo just?? destroys me? "i clipped my wings don't feel nothing no more" like just fucking kill me10: any bands you got into after seeing them live?finish ticket!11: any bands your friends got you into?ria mae and caravan palace!12: a band which is the only band from their genre you like?hmmm not really?13: an unpopular opinion on which is your favourite song by any band?already answered!14: _th favourite song by your _th favourite band?let's go fave song by fave band. rn young and menace - fob15: _th favourite album by your _th favourite band?let's do 2nd for this one! wild world - bastille16: favourite album artwork?folie a deux!!!17: favourite booklet design?tbh idk18: favourite concept album?american idiot - green day19: which bands would you like to see live one day?fall out boy pls ;_;20: which was the longest concert you ever attended?already answered!21: a musician whose music you enjoy but whom you dislike as a person or vice versa?drake tbh22: list 10 favourite songs by your top 10 bands (each)i'm just gonna do top 10 songs i'm lazy. in order!broken halo - phantomsreinventing the wheel to run myself over - fall out boybohemian rhapshody - queenanother sad love song - khalidstarboy - the weekndkitchen sink - twenty one pilotsclementine - sarah jaffeknockin on heaven's door - bob dylanhome - edward sharpe and the magnetic zeroes23: favourite singer (only for voice?) and favourite drummer/guitarist/bassist (only for playing their instrument)marina, and probs frank iero24: favourite songwriter/lyric writerpete wentz tbh25: somebody you absolutely adore as both a musician and a personalready answered!
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