elbdot · 1 year
Did you know that I think in ultra sun and moon that lusamine and gladion see mohn earlier than this, at least according to what I think is this story's timeline as it has lusamine meet mohn and decide not to remind him instead of gladion. Still a good story, just curious.
I saw that secret ending and while I think letting him go was a good choice, I'm just not a big fan of how they executed it. Overall there were a lot of writing choices in USUM I had a problem with, while other moments I appreciated. It's a shame how they tried to downplay Lusamine as a villain and an manipulative, abusive parent and instead made her a "sympathetic anti-hero". I like that they added interactions between Hau and Guzma, but Hau having to "grow up" by becoming more serious instead of just enjoying battles I'm also not a hUGE fan of in its execution, because I think Hau should be able to be both. Serious when he needs to be but otherwise upbeat and lighthearted like he used to be. I think just having FUN battling is OKAY and Hau's optimism and joy is in my opinion one of his greatest strengths as a character. He lights up the room! :D
This is why I continue to stick to the original Sun and Moon storyline and don't include anything introduced in USUM, except for maybe some of the additional Pokemon some characters get.
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whimsicottonnee · 5 years
The Thesis of Pokemon Games : Why The Galar Region and SWSH Games Offers a Complete Reworking of the Series’ Central Thesis
 Pokémon as a plot-driven series can, first and foremost, be characterized by its insistence on the dual concepts of nostalgia and locality : particularly when combined as ‘local nostalgia.’
I’m not really going to go into my whole argument of how this is pulled off by the game developers and which aspects best contribute and remind us of ‘local nostalgia’ because most of us already know. All it takes is one listen of the ost for Twinleaf Town or Aspertia Town for players to become intensely nostalgic for older games. The running theme of the player’s mother, in my opinion, is one of the major keys to achieving this, as well.
So, the theses of pokémon games (or at least a good number of them!!) deal with the player’s local sphere and the expansion of it. It’s a game about going off to college or just simply moving away from home. It doesn’t have to be the player’s lifelong home, necessarily. Shadows of Almia, the Hoenn games, and the Alola games are the best examples I can think of where expanding your local sphere does not necessarily mean that the player’s never been outside of the in-game residence before. But despite being from another region, Chicole Village is undoubtedly the player’s home in Shadows of Almia. Partner Farm is the bedrock to which the player returns, repeatedly, to meet old friends and family before embarking off again to an adventure even further away. In the Alola games, the player has recently moved from Kanto, yet it’s clear through gameplay and character interactions that the player considers Hau’oli Outskirts to be their home. The player’s mother, equally key to constructing a hometown as the score partnered with it, is another symbol of nostalgia. The game’s storytelling, in most if not every game, is designed so that the player only knows their mother as a kind, warm, supportive, and ever welcoming presence : home is where the heart lies or “east or west, home is best.” So, in embarking from these cozy, nostalgic areas with the warm wishes of your mother, the innocent aspiration of moving out is well-portrayed in the series.
Here is where ‘backyard theory,’ as I like to call it, begins. The player (save for the Galar player, who routinely has the secret of meeting characters and locations spoiled by Hop) has very little, if any, knowledge of the region that surrounds their cozy hometown. The player must gain their first pokémon and travel down unfamiliar routes catching more and more unfamiliar pokémon. There is guidance to the story, of course. Roadblocks are constructed to prevent entering “too-difficult” levels, and a combination of the professor, rivals, and enemies provide incremental story, but there’s room to explore. Some games leave enough room that players get lost their first run-through (@ the Sinnoh and Johto games). Each town is new, and the player is welcome to aimlessly explore these areas : speak with the locals, peek into apartment buildings and chat with the occupants, accept items from kind npcs who reinvigorate the optimistic worldview of the series, etc. In time, the player expects theme songs to play at certain areas, expects the sounds that the pokémon make, and expects dialogue. Previously unfamiliar buildings become “oh that’s Guzma’s dad’s house” or “that’s where the boy who plays Unwavering Emotions lives.” And while this is a mechanic of most games (after all, exploration is a fundamental aspect to rpg), the pokémon games take it further.
Certain symbols become emblematic. The Pokecenter, in particular, becomes a bedrock of nostalgia. It certainly helps that the theme is only altered, never rewritten, between every iteration of the series. Soon, the player’s backyard and local sphere is no longer confined to their hometown but encompasses the entire region. Every player has a ‘first time’ entering Undella Town, but the music becomes hauntingly nostalgic once players have become familiar with it. There’s a reason why, despite only being a route theme, DPPT’s Route 209 got a remix in the latest Smash rather than, say, Sycamore’s Theme.
So, once the climax occurs (be it capturing Giratina or saving N from the actions of his abusive father or helping Lusamine’s loved ones save her from her own derangement), it’s not the Champion-to-Be but instead the local girl from Twinleaf Town with the Eterna Roserade and the Snowbelle Snover and is friends with the swimmer kids down by the resort. The varying plots of the various pokémon games aside, the climax of the series is when the local sphere become the entire region. And it’s at this point that you’ve earned being the Champion, regardless of your team’s coverage and levels.
Alola, in a sense, did one of the best jobs in capitalizing on this universal thesis in making the Champion theme, the player’s theme, an extraordinary remix of the entire game’s theme, but that’s another meal altogether.
 Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield turn all of this on its head. There are so many npcs that the player cannot speak to, and, in most of the larger cities, there are more npcs that the player cannot interact with than there are npcs the player can interact with. Motostoke struck me significantly in the beginning of the game because I ran around the city wondering why there were so many public areas, like shops and boutiques and plot-related venues, that I could explore but only three or four private residences that I could enter. Most npcs are found in passing along the street. As they pass the player, a small speech bubble pops over their head as if they’re mumbling to themself or merely speaking to the player in passing. Fundamentally, the player cannot interact with the locals. Most places that the player does explore is also heavily driven by the plot with either Leon or Hop telling the player to go to them in order to advance the… ‘story.’
The ‘story’ is going gym to gym with repeated encouragement or roadblock without being allowed to consider the weight of heavier concerns : i.e. the chairman killing the entire region through a weirdly futuristic pokémon that supposedly is thousands of years old. Everyone the player can speak with in the towns already knows the player, since the ‘Gym Challenge’ is broadcasted on regional telly for private enjoyment (another mesh of public and private spheres that simply feels jarring for such a private-based series). Many npcs will tell the player “I’m routing for you, you know!” or “You’re my favorite Gym Challenger!” without giving any information about themself. The player no longer expands their local spheres ; they simply allow locals to get to know the regional superstar.
The climax of the game is the player saving Leon after he has already significantly weakened the legendary pokémon on the player’s behalf so that the player may succeed in finishing Eternatus off and capturing it like any other Dynamax pokémon. Thus, the three who ultimately save the region from being sucked of its life by the Darkest Day are the three superstars who have had their entire careers broadcasted regionally on television.
The player’s mom never calls or shows up throughout the game once the player leaves their hometown, and she’s never given a personality. She’s cute, alright. milf rights. But one of the wonders to many other pokémon games is the knowledge that your mother had something similar once. I’ve been referencing the Sinnoh, Unova, and Alola games a lot, but I truly think these games understood ‘local nostalgia’ the best of the main series games. In the Sinnoh games, the player’s mother shows up in Hearthome and speaks of old days in the Contest Hall. In Unova, the player’s mom seems well-acquainted with cleaning up the mess left after pokémon battles. In Kalos, once of the more shallow games in the series for local nostalgia, the player’s mom was a famous Rhyhorn racer with a story of her own. In Alola, the player’s mom’s Meowth and her friendship with Kukui paint her character vibrantly ; it also certainly helps that one of the end cutscenes to the game is the reiteration of the first cutscene with her on the deck relishing the Alolan sea breeze. In Galar, however, there is none of that characterization. Her own pokémon, a Kanto Munchlax, says nothing of her character ; why not give her something that lets the player understand that she is a Galarian village mom? Give her a Skwovel or a cute Chewtle to characterize her. She never encourages the player to come home for a nap if the player ever gets tired. And, so, despite the hometown theme being really lovely and charming (and the Budews in the front yard being a heartwrench), the idea of nostalgia is almost nonexistent in the game.
My personal take on the nostalgia of Postwick is not within the game itself. It’s more the idea of Postwick, for me. The hype of the game and the humor behind the starter release and the lovely lofi remixes that came out for the trailer themes before the Debates began is what is nostalgic for me. Driving through the desert around the town I live in with the windows down in the one-hundred-degree heat listening to SWSH lofi remixes is what makes me nostalgic for Postwick : not the narrative of the game.
And, while that’s a personal experience, all of the other above reasons are why Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield simply feel hollow. There was a sacrifice of local nostalgia for the sake of how ‘cool’ superstars can be.
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storylocke · 5 years
The Light - Ch 2
[Virginia stepped outside and was stunned to see it was already night. Or maybe it was much earlier than her or her mother thought. She looked at the ticket to check the time but couldn't find one… Curious. Ah well, she was out of the house and allowed to explore, no way was she going back to let her mother know the technicalities!
Iki Town was all uphill but Virginia didn't mind. The night was beautiful and as her mother said, getting to see a show by herself was a real treat. She was more than rested and no one else was around, so she lets herself muse aloud as she played out her future success.]
Alright, Verge! You're in the middle of a challenge! We gotta win, and we're going to win if you just-! [What was that?! Her excitement dies down as she starts to look around. No one was in sight… so why did she feel like she was being watched? She curls her fists as she glances at the tall grass that had made its way across the road. Didn't Mom say the path should be clear? Hnnnggg… but it had been years since her mother lived here. Longer than Virginia had been alive. Maybe the road had gone into neglect. She starts to back away though as the grass starts to rustle, but the creature suddenly charges toward her in full on aggression!]
[Slows down in her charging as she sizes up her target, her sharp teeth bared as she approaches, but it comes off as something of a sick smile on her face] Light… I love Alola's light… so warmmm…
St-stay back! I don't have any lights! I didn't even bring a flashlight!
Young Man's Voice:
Over here!
Man's Voice:
What's going on?!
[The Yungoos pauses as her attention turns to the road behind the girl. She lets out a low growl as she bristles her fur in anticipation before a Litten darts between Virginia and the Yungoos as a Rowlet lands beside him.]
Ah, it's you! [Little less concerned and grows a bit haughty as he stares down the menace.] I saw a couple of Skull Grunts pass by, but they were heading the other way. I sure wish you punks would try challenging the League or something instead of causing so much trouble all the time.
Did you-??? [That was the same voice she heard a moment ago. She can't help but look back wondering if the other voice she heard was a Trainer. …. No one. Well not really no one since there seemed to be a straggler in this wild pack.]
[Little slow to the party as he pulls up on the other side of Litten. He was wasn't built for land, you guys!] Wait a minute, Zossie?! What are you doing out here? We've been looking for you. We know you were the one to tear up the Boss's chair, but he's not mad-
[Scoffs at him] It tasted like cardboard and electrical appliances. [Her smile turns a bit wider, more disturbing as she gazes up at the girl again.] I've found something better… more tempting…
Why not have a taste of this? [He hops a moment and appears to reach for something under his wing, but it's not an item that flings out from underneath. Leafage attack! … It doesn't do much, but made her flinch.]
[Did not like that at all! She rears back a moment and looks ready to return the favor but the three Pokemon guarding all step forward as though to dare her to try. Starts to back up instead and lets out a Growl at the tiny owl.] As if I have time for the likes of you! [Flees Back the way she came]
[The group remains tense until the rustle of brush finally dissipates and there comes a collective sigh. Virginia stood still shaking as she didn't know what to expect from the apparent guild now.]
That was awesome! How'd you do that?!
[Soft sigh] Well, I've been practicing. It's no captain magic, but at least I'm not so useless now.
Ah, ease up, buddy. That's still better than the rest of us right now. Main thing is we got the girl safe. [They all turn their attention to her] You okay, kid?
Th-thank you. [Smiles at them and gives a little bow] I never knew so many Pokemon could talk before! What are your names?
[They all exchange a nervous glance to each other before the bird speaks up.]
[Curious as he looks her over more carefully] It's a lot more common around here these days. For someone not from here, you don't appear too surprised.
Is it that obvious?
[Shakes head] Nah. Melemele is a pretty small place, so between the three of us, I feel like we know just about everyone on the island.
[Guess she's going to stick out like a sore thumb no matter what she does around here, huh? Sheepishly.] I just moved in yesterday, but this is my first time out of the house. [Perks up as she looks back at the Rowlet] I have a talking Meowth back home. It was a shock when we met, but maybe you would know him?
[Thoughtful] Just moved… [sits down and raises a paw] Well, let's Tackle these one question at a time. You can call me Kukui, [points to the Rowlet] that one is Ilima-
[raises wing] Greetings~
[Motions to the Popplio] -And this is Hau.
[Raises paw as though waving] Hiya! So what were you doing out here all alone then?
[Ah...yes...that. It probably did seem silly to mention she had a Pokemon but then have no way to defend herself back there.] I… well…
Man's Voice:
There you all are!
[The group turns to see a tall, thin man in a white lab coat. He gives them a wave as he comes up the road from the same direction Virginia had.]
Oh! It's the professor! [Waves back and starts to trot over] Good evening, Prof. Lillie. What are you doing out so late?
[Wry laugh] I wouldn't call it late just yet but… [He's getting ahead of himself] I should ask the same about you. How's it going, Verge? Didja find all the Charjabug already? I thought we wouldn't start that until tomorrow.
[Bit uneasy] So you two already know each other?
Of course, where are my manners? Gentlemen, this is Virginia Faba. I've been talking with her the past few months over the phone, as you all might know. She's just moved here and is enrolled as a student at the Battle Agency.
[Nods happily] And if these three know about that, then I assume you're "the boss" Hau mentioned?
Eh… yes and no. They don't actually belong to me, they've just been staying with me at the lab while we try to figure things out. Um... Actually, to answer your first question, I'm out here looking for my daughter. Have you seen her by chance?
…. …. … Is she a Yungoos?
….. …..No?
Sorry, we almost got attacked by Zossie before you showed up.
Oh no... Was she okay? I mean, does it look like we're going to be able to get her back or... [The three Pokemon don't seem to want to answer in front of their guest, but the soft shaking of their heads tells him that they may have lost her... Looks between them all though and it doesn't look like anyone was hurt in the encounter so… looks to Virginia] You must be very strong then, or at least quick thinking. You've got to battle with me some time so I can give you an assessment.
Later, Molayne. Virginia didn't fight, and all Ilima did was scare the deranged thing off.
Which doesn't bode well for your girl if the weasel is still out there.
Still no sign of Miss Lillie either, but didn't she leave with Guzma earlier? She should be fine with him.
They're right, I haven't seen anyone out here tonight until that happened. Of course, I don't live far from here, so- Wait! [Hastily goes to pull out her ticket.] I was on my way to the Ride Pokemon Show. My mom received a free ticket, maybe they went to see it too?
[Nods] It's likely she's made it to town by now either way. Come on, let's get a move on.
[As the others start to continue uphill, Virginia starts to twist her fingers nervously as she stays on the edge of the grass.]
Um, professor… I have a bit of a confession. [They all look back in confusion] If, um… if we're planning to split up to look for her, I don't have any way to defend myself if that thing comes back.
[Somewhat suspicious] I thought you'd just return home real quick to grab your Meowth. We'll just go on ahead.
I don't actually own Looker though. My mom said she had a Pokemon for me tomorrow, but swore the road to town was clear when she sent me out. If I return home, she won't let me leave again.
[The plea in the girl's voice seems to raise some concern and the group returns to her side of the grass.]
Then one of us needs to go with you.
[Looks between the other two] And not just for tonight either. [To Virginia] You said you're going the the Battle Agency, right?
Yes…? [Shifts a bit uncomfortably.]
Then eventually I need you to defeat Team Rocket using the Battle Agency. I'll try to regain administrative control while you distract them.
Me? But I'm a terrible Trainer! It's why mom mother won't let me have my own Pokemon!
Seriously, prof- [ahem] we just met her!
"Eventually," you guys. [Crosses arms and looks down at the Litten] But that is a large request to drop so suddenly. Hate to tell you, old friend, but the Battle Agency won't even be open for a few weeks.
Then it'll give us time to get her ready. Ilima, you going with her? You seem eager to get involved after that last encounter.
….. [Looks at Hau] His family is the one normally involved in these affairs.
I want to stay behind and look after Lillie and Cosmog.
We're gonna be moving fast too, you can't expect him to keep up like this when he has trouble catching up already. [To Hau] No offense.
[Waves it off with his flipper] None taken. Besides, Ilima, you're the only one who can fight.
[Well while they're bickering, she'll just ask the professor] Cosmog…?
[Runs hand over his face. Hoo...boy. It might do well to keep Hau close if only so he doesn't get the girl in trouble with his big mouth.] Please… Don’t tell anyone about this… About Cosmog… It’s… It’s a secret, okay? We all want to help, but things have gotten far beyond our understanding.
Oh… um, okay. I won't tell anyone then.
[Nods. Good. Now to these three] Doesn't anyone want this thing?! [That got their attention as the three Pokemon retake their places and quietly look up at him] I think we should let her make the call if she [with emphasis] decides to go through with it. Virginia? Which of them do you want to stay with you?
I… uh… [Looks between all of them]
[Huffs at him] Mo, you're already thinking the same thing I am, so don't be acting like there's any choice in the matter.
Well, I do really like cats. [Turns to the cat] Could you do me a favor?
[Tenses up, slowly looks back at her] Me? Nah, nah, nah! Not me. Sorry, but something already came up. I need to be working behind the scenes, remember? Infiltrating the system?
Oh… okay... It's just you seem to know a lot about all this, so I thought you might be able to help me out. [Not Popplio, not Litten then, but looking at the somber little bird, she can't help but feel wrong.] You've been pretty quiet during all this. You're actually a Trainer, aren't you?
…… [confusion and uneasiness, they all stare at her unsure how to answer.]
… I was once, but that was a long time ago.
We all were actually. [Slight laugh] Probably why no one wants to go. I'm not even sure how much help we'd be except advice. How'd you guess?
Just a feeling. Looker, my Meowth, he can't really fight either but we talk all the time. I've kinda suspected something was strange with you talkers.
Huh? Oh! I wasn't lying about there being lots of Pokemon here who can. Just makes it harder to tell who is and isn't secretly human in this messed up place.
Yeah… Here, why don't I give you one of mine for now? At least as a real Pokemon we know he can protect you, but we'll be sure to stay close by.
[Brightens up as he hands her the ball and just HAS to see what she got] Awww! A Fennekin! [Picks it up and lifts it practically over her head as it squeals at her happily] Thank you~
That little guy is full of surprises. I received him from a friend in Kalos a while back, so there's no telling what he'll evolve into. They have a case going on that's more mild than Alola's, but... Ah… we're not really sure what our case is.
Well, if it's anything like my cousin went through, I wouldn't worry about it. The Voices will be sure to fix all of that~! Starting with finding your daughter. [Starts to walk off towards town with she gets caught by the professor's long arm clapping her on the shoulder] Hm?
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not yet, Chu Pi. That just opened an entire can of Wurmple.
…. [Blinks at him. More curious than concerned.] Have you never heard of the Voices? Or are you wondering about my cousin? Because he lived in Orre, but if you know where he went, I'd love to know what happened to him.
[Motions between himself and Hau] Oh, our families are intimately aware of those things. Verge, have YOU started hearing voices? Sudden impulses? Feeling reckless? Lack of control over yourself?
[Amused] Don't most teenagers, at some point?
[Annoyed] More extreme.
[Ah… she shouldn't have said that. Now they all look very serious on the matter] My mind is always racing with lists of what I want to, or need to do; schoolwork, and recalling facts, little daydreams, music, and um… [she didn't want to say how frequently she had the voices of her parents or herself scolding her for one reason or another. They didn't need to know everything anyway.] And you know, stuff. It comes and goes. But I'm really feeling it right now~!
Comes and goes…? [Wait… whaaaa?? Shakes off the confusion] That just brings up even more questions!
What happened to us taking turns with the questions?
[Waves him off to quiet him] If it's possible to have it go away, I'd rather if we tried to find Anabel while the power is hot. Verge, I'm sorry you might miss your show, but would you mind helping us?
Oh! I want to help though. The show was just a means to leave the house. [Looks down at her new pet] Come on, Fennekin, let's see what's out there!
Verge, wait! I'm not sure you know where-!
[Aaand she's gone. Flies up a bit to see if he can still see her as she races into the grass down the road.] She changed her attitude rather quick, didn't she?
Receiving a Starter does that to them, I think.
Yeeeaaah… [Flits tail in thought. Deep breath] But something is weird about this. All the elements are there, but we still can't tell if she's a Chosen or just unfortunate. Come on, we better make sure she gets-
There goes Fennekin. [Puzzled, but somewhat expectant tone] …And she disappeared as well.
Other three:
… … …
[The professor lifts his glasses slightly as he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose] Kukui, I've dealt with a lot of children over the years, but I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
Hau and I traveled with the last Chosen. I'm not saying things will go exactly the same as last time, but at least we've an idea of what to expect. If he stays with you, I'll go with her just to keep an eye on things.
What about me?
We'll still need your help, I'm sure, but for now I'm going back to Verge's house so I can follow her. Why don't you three see if we can contact the Kahuna somehow and meet us at the gates?
But what about Anabel?
She's still got Guzma with her, I think she'll be safe for a while. I hate to say it, but finding Tutu might be the best thing we can do. He knows way more about this than all of us combined.
Right… We'll see you at the gate then.
[The little Litten found the door closed when he arrived, but scurried around the corner where he could leap up to the small balcony and peer inside. Virginia was talking to her mother, looking very sour about it, and he felt a twinge of dread. The girl had warned them that if she went back to the house she might not be able to leave again that night. If only he could get in and explain the situation… For now all he could do was press his ear to the back door and try to listen.]
Ha! Scared of losing, I bet! You got into one encounter and already you're running home to me. And what about those Pokemon that came to defend you? You didn't even think to use one them to fight? Pokemon like someone able to command them, it's how you earn their respect. It's how you get any respect in this world, you demand it! [Lets out a sigh and softens a bit as she runs both her hands through her daughter's wavy dark curls.] What are we ever going to do with you?
I would have taken one, but they already belong to Professor Lillie. [Holds up the Poke Ball she got.] I got to finally meet him in person, and he even gave me a Starter! See?
Huh. [Takes it and looks it over. It has a little sticker on it that looks like a flame. Gives it back.] Just "gave" it to you? Or was there some stipulation?
I… [She knows she couldn't teller her about the "favor" at the Battle Agency, or how she had been hearing voices all day- maybe even THE Voices if the professor and his team were right. Bites her lip a bit in thinking she could still tell her mother the truth but was it enough?] Well, he did ask me if I could help him find his daughter. She apparently went out with a friend earlier and didn't come home.
[Smiles smugly] And there's your catch. But that sounds like a simple enough exchange. [She turns her back as she takes a few steps, a finger to her lips in thought.] Though this is the same gentleman you've been in contact with the past few months. Purely business, I know, but it wouldn't be very becoming for a young girl to be be making friends with an old man.
[Ahem] He's not that old, actually… Maybe around your age?
[Turns back to her with a gleam in her eye] Then perhaps it's time I had a word with him. I wonder if the girl might be around your age instead of some young assistant of his. Even if she were younger than you, a sort of motherly or sisterly approach to her would paint you in a good light with the community. And our family needs good publicity right now. ...I could work with this.
[Curious buuut hesitates] …. Sooo... does that mean I can I go?
Yes, go! You'll need to catch up now. I'll need to make a few phone calls while you take care of that. And you better tell me all about it when you get back.
[Brightens] I'll make sure to give you a full report! [And with that, she's out the door, takes a deep sigh of relief, and heads back for the road only to come around the corner and- Oh! A Litten is climbing over the railing to the deck.] Hello... Is that you, Kukui?
[Bit of a shake and perches himself on the rail as he can be somewhat at her level to speak.] You got it! So what was that all about?
Just my mom being… Mom. I told you she'd be mad. BUT! She said I can go, and that's the important thing~! I'm sorry you had to come looking for me. I'm not even sure what happened. I kind of blacked out. Where are the others anyway?
They got started on the search. I just thought I'd come back to tell you that we're meeting everyone else at the gate to Iki Town. [She gives a nod and starts back up the road to town like she had before. He leaps down from his perch and gives a trot to keep up beside her. Sorry, Verge, he's not dropping the subject.] So what was that but about using Mo to boost your reputation?
[He would have to catch that part, wouldn't he?] Ah, well I don't know what she's planning yet, but I won't fret about it. She said she'll talk to him, so it's not like there's anything you all won't know about when it happens. [Soft hum as she smiles a bit to herself] You really worry about him, don't you?
Yeah… you could say that. Back when I was human, you could say we've grown up together. We came from different islands but met up when it came time for us to do our Trials. He was a pretty sickly kid, and a real homebody, so I tried to make sure to stay close and help him out. He's gotten a lot better, but I guess I still worry. Especially since everything started to go screwy around here, I'm scared he's in over his head.
[Huh, that's a long time.] I wish I had friends like that. So who did you used to be? Back when you were a Trainer.
Me? Still Kukui, [puffs up a bit of playful pride] just a lot bigger and more impressive looking. I was the Pokemon professor for Alola before he took over. In fact, Molayne's been staying at my lab while we try to figure this world out.
[Stops short and he slows down to look back at her] You mean he's not really a professor?
[Stops too now] Huh? No, no, no! He still is. Believe me, if anyone was going to take my place, I'm glad it's him. [Grin] First Captain, then a professor at the Observatory, a member of the Elite Four; he really did the best of the three of us. [Y'know, saying all that out loud kind of makes their earlier conversation seem silly in hindsight.] You're in good hands. Maybe he wasn't the one I should have been worried about.
[There's the gate, but there's no one here yet. Curious as she's not sure if he means now or way back when.] You mean back during your trials? Who was the third one?
[Before he can answer, the little cat's ears perk and he looks swords the stairs. Footsteps, but also...music? Virginia seemed amused too as she watched a moment to see what was coming down when a boy in a back t-shirt and over sized slacks came jogging down the steps and the lyrics he was singing to himself became clearer.]
Ha! There he is now. [Hollers] Guzma!
We don't have an agent or anyone to help us, but we're going to be big someday soon! 𝆕 [Huh? Someone call him? There's a girl over there, but he swore it was a man's voice. Comes over.]
Him? But he's just a kid like me.
[Somehow appears even more confused than she is] Did I miss something?
Over here. [They both look down to see the Litten take a seat between them.] We told ya there was a new girl coming, yeah?
[Crosses his arms across his chest, a bit coldly] Yeah? [Looks at her, but he seems more smug than bitter to finally meet.] Fresh as Oran Berries, shipped all the way here from Hoenn. But that's got nothin' to do with me.
[Annoyed] Guzma…
[Holds out hand for him to take] It's a pleasure to meet you nonetheless. My name is Virginia Faba. My father spoke highly of you, even if mostly in regards to your brute strength. [The boy doesn't take her hand and instead stares at her all the more perplexed as her mind started to race. Maybe her father had actually said the guy was a total brute, now that she thought about it, but at least her words sounded better.]
[Hmmph. Turns to the Litten] No really, where'd ya pick up this chick? Flattery don't do much, but...thanks? [Still, puffs up with a bit of pride] I don't know how he'd know me, but I did score pretty well in a Double Battle at a Friendly Competition the other day. Guess he's a fan of the battle scene, huh?
[Just shakes his head] Just remember, you can only know your real strength when show care and understanding of your Pokemon.
Oh yeah? And who went and made you my new guardian, fluffykins? It's bad enough I live in a Hen House, and those chicks are full of unwanted advice. [To Virginia with a mix of annoyance and wry amusement as he explains.] Whenever I hang out with the ladies from the office, they always humble-brag about their families while pretending to be complaining. I’d much rather hang out here by myself and see if I can set a new record for the most Malasadas eaten in a single sitting! [Virginia stars to giggle even as she tries to hide it behind her hand.] See? She gets it. [Crosses his arms across his chest and glares down at the cat] You don't think I'm taking care of myself? Here, I'll even prove it to you. Ya wanna have a battle?
He can't fight. [Slight bounce] But I'd love to! It'd be my very first Trainer battle!
Ha! I knew you were fresh! Be careful, girly, 'cause you're about to get crushed!
[Slight squeak] I was thinking more like short tussle?
[Cheeky grin] What? You got a problem short stuff? I can stand guard even when I’m squatting! [Does so]
[Sigh] If we're gonna do this, don't be Mudbray about it. I'm playing referee. One-on-one, loser pays standard.
Um… okay. I'm not sure what that means...
Fine by me, let's do this!
[They each take ten steps apart from each other to lay a space for them to battle. Take a moment to get into position and finally Kukui calls for a clean start. As the battle gets underway, Virginia sends out Fennekin while Guzma shows off a Skarmory! That's a Pokemon she recognizes! Virginia gets a wide grin.]
Okay! I know what to do here~! Fennekin, use Inferno!
[Not even concerned] King's Shield!
[The flames look flashy at least but… nothing happened?] Wait, what?!
Tch, you didn't think I'd send out a Pokemon with an obvious type disadvantage without having a way to defend itself, did ya?
Yes, well… [slight huff as she clenched her first] I can guard too! Fire Shield!
[Amused] Guard Swap.
[Okay, now it's his turn to huff at this] What are you guys even doing? This isn't fighting!
Maybe I just plan to see what you're capable of right now.
[Runs a paw over his face as he's trying to keep from commenting. Stop messing with the girl, jerk.]
[Saw that.] What? Ya told me to play nice.
I don't need you to go easy on me. Try Inferno again!
[This time it does hit! ...And the bird is still standing. That's not good. Skarmory gives a sharp little screech though as the Burn sets in though.]
[Heavy sarcasm] Oh no, my first defeat! [Goes to recall it] I will admit, that's some nice firepower ya got going for such a small fry. Where'd ya get that little fuzzball anyway? I don't even know what that Pokemon is called.
[She knows he basically gave that to her, but she'll take the compliment at least as she lifts the little fox to snuggle him and let the boy run his hand between the Fire-type's ears.] It's a Fennekin, I haven't named him yet. Isn't he just adorable? I just got him today from Professor Lillie. He should be meeting us any minute… OH! I think I see him now!
[Slightly suspicious] Yeah… how convenient…
Ah… maybe I should go.
[Annoyed] What did you do?
Nothin'! But did you know… Everybody at Game Freak loves sweets? We got a full case at the shop the other day, and Gracie let me take some home. [Tries to look at Virginia to drop the hint and nods his head to the gate.] I thought after a battle ya might want some? So I should go get some?
[Smooth, real smooth there] Just be honest. Why are you-?
[Takes a moment to catch his breath] Guzma, where have YOU been?!
[All three look over to see the professor huffing as he makes his way toward them with the other two Starters close behind.]
Please tell me that if Anabel isn't with you, you know where she is.
You look pale, sir, are you alright?
For the moment, but you all should know, there's a powerful presence coming from the sky!
What?! Is it another Ultra Wormhole or a voice?
A Wormhole! I wonder if that means something came in or went out.
It is pretty amazing. [Looks to Guzma] Why would Aether want to set up a branch here in Alola anyway?
How should I know?! Not like I got anythin' to do with them. Heck, I haven't even been off Melemele Island yet.
It is still something worth investigating.
[Had been stroking the fox in her arms but shifts him to one side as she tries to raise her hand] Um… excuse me… I think I'm lost again.
Ehehe… sorry, Verge. [Clears throat] Aether Paradise is a large conservation group that tries to find and protect wildlife. However, and this was years ago, mind you, they somehow got started on interdimensional studies. The Ultra Wormholes are natural to Alola, and something I've studied for years, but they took it even further by trying to make contact with the creatures that live on the other side.
[Perks up] I've heard about that! That's what brought the Ultra Beasts over, right?
Well, that's what ended up happening, but I don't think that was planned…
No, they were trying to find their way into other worlds. Experiments trying to find a world far different from Alola. That's what I heard anyway.
That's actually how my parents ended up meeting was after my dad ended up in some kind of alternate Alola. But my wife theorized that there's hundreds of smaller worlds that line the "Dreamscape" between this Alola and the cyber one. Except a few years ago… [glances at Guzma] at least it only feels like a few years ago, something went wrong. This monster, not just an Ultra Beast, but a real monster, got loose.
I wasn't there when it actually broke out, but I know it's because the Aether President and, um… the leader of Team Skull went into one of those Wormholes. We think whatever is behind all this followed them back here. Things were still okay for a while, but the gateways have gotten out of control!
[Nods] Which, unfortunately, has caused a lot of trouble in keeping track of anything. Days and nights don't function properly anymore, people seem to be dropping in anachronistically, [flustered noise as he points to their companions] people and Pokemon arriving in the wrong forms, it's a mess. But if it turns out that we're not even in our own world anymore, but in the Created World, then a lot of things would make sense. At least, that's my hypothesis at the moment. Of course, I wouldn't know, but it does feel too realistic to be Cyberspace, doesn't it? [Turns as he catches something out of the corner of his eye] And Guzma, where are you going!
[Had been slowly trying to sneak away from the group, and freezes a moment mid-step] To get a drink?
[Exasperated] Alright, but you're still avoiding my question. Where is Miss Lillie? Wasn't she with you?
[Opens mouth to say something… shuts it. Grins as he does little finger guns] Sophocles! [Starts to run off]
… … [holds a wing up like a hand to talk behind to Virginia] If it makes you feel any better, I wasn't around for any of this that they're referring to so I'm just as lost as you are. [Clears throat, starts to fly to where he can hover for a moment] Don't worry, I think I'll try to stay with him to make sure he stays on task.
But- [Aaand he's already flying that way]
I think that would be a great idea, actually. No offense, old friend, but you seem to be pushing quite a few buttons with him lately. [Smiles warmly] Besides, I think Ilima might be able keep up with him better.
[Looks up at Virginia] … Guess I'll keep an eye on her for a little longer.
At least that way we all can team up on this. One person who knows what happened, one who doesn't. But sometimes it helps to see things better when you can get an outside observation.
Yeah, that too. [Sighs] But in this case I think it's less that Guzma doesn't know and is instead covering for Anabel. I've a terrible feeling I know where she went. Let's try this search thing again. [Motions for all of them to follow as they enter town]
A/N: Oh snap! It actually fit! 8O The opening to SM/USUM is veeery slow going, so I apologize for just how long this is. I think even with TPP speeding through, we still didn't through all these introductions in the first hour. But hey! We've almost got the gang all here! You know who's coming next. <3 Which on that note, I'd like to point out that I did debate on whether to use the professor's first name or last name for his name tag, and decided to go with Lillie even if that might be a bit confusing for those of us who associate that name with, well... Lillie. But the Pokemon professors always go by their last name except when a very close friend might refer to them, so everyone would be calling him "Lillie" anyway except for Kukui and maybe Guzma when he's feeling haughty. So it is what it is I guess. 
Also, I gotta say, I'm sure a lot of guys here are looking pretty out of character, but it's still both funny and interesting to put together a personality based on their dialogue, since Pokemon never uses voice acting (except the Pokemon of course and a few exceedingly rare occassions like for music) the influx and tone is entirely up to interpretation. That said, I am finding Guzma being a total brat when he was a kid to be hilarious, while on the flipside Kukui seems to have gotten a lot more serious.
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asklyra · 7 years
Finally beat Ula'ula Island! Thoughts after the break:
In accordance with my own rules (you can’t use a Pokemon until every other Pokemon in your team are at least the same level) I can finally add Ditto Lv. 30 to the 6th team slot! I’ve never used Ditto before. I’ve read Choice Scarf is the best item for it, so it’ll always go first, but I don’t have one!
Finally! Dartrix evolved into Decidueye! My team is incredibly weak to fighting! I’ve been waiting so long for this! Plus, I almost never use Ghosts.
It is at this point I realize I never even said what my team is! We have Sandslash, Alola Sandslash, Decidueye, Heliolisk, Ditto, and Eevee. Of note, The Sandslash and Ditto have their hidden abilities, and the Eevee has the egg move Wish. Also of note, the Sandslash, Heliolisk, Ditto, and Eevee all have very strong IVs.
Oof. Using a Ditto is rough. So far it’s a hit-or-miss. I can’t even win consistently with it. Gotta figure out a good hold item for it.
The Abandoned Thrifty Megamart was pretty cool!
Golly, Guzma is hard! It might be typical in real Pokemon battles, but you don’t expect an NPC Trainer to use Sword Dance. This is easily the weakest team I’ve ever composed, but even still they have good moves/abilities/EVs. So if I almost got swept, I could easily see someone losing here. Which is good! Challenge!
On the other side of the coin when I used my Sword Dance Ice/Steel Sandslash (which I shouldn’t have yet, shhh) for the rematch, I utterly devastated him. One Pokemon, full health at the fight’s conclusion.
Ah ha! Berries! I’ve been giving Ditto Mago berries to hold and it’s doing much better!
Okay that same strategy did not work for round 3 against Guzma. Unexpectedly, his Pinsir was super threatening. Between Brick Break and X-Scissor everyone was getting shredded. In a twist of fate, Ditto was the one to finally bring the Pinsir down.
We’re just going to ignore what happened, huh? I was getting attacked from all sides but we’re all just cool now. None of you are even acknowledging it. And you know what? Why would you? My endlessly smiling, silent protagonist butt won’t even say anything about it!
Huh… There was no travel scene this time as we drove toward Poni Island. I am disappoint.
Pretty happy about the game’s challenge at this point! I just wish the levels would even out!
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dontfindyourcenter · 6 years
Chapter 22:  I don’t know about you, but here’s chapter 22
Rules: https://dontfindyourcenter.tumblr.com/post/177027661290/rules
Previous chapter: https://dontfindyourcenter.tumblr.com/post/178360375750/chapter-21-trial-7-seven-trials-a-swimming-six
The moment I walk out of the trial room, Lillie runs up and heals my pokemon again.  Yay!  Then it’s up the stairs I go…
At the top of the stairs, Lillie says “I can feel the strong power of the moon”, like she’s an ocean all of a sudden.  Then we stand on two platforms and each blow our respective flutes.  I turned my volume up for this and it turns out we both manage to sing a passable harmony without any apparent rehearsal.  Honestly, it makes me feel like Tori and Lillie have been missing their true callings throughout this game - if they’d just spent this whole time honing their gifts as flute prodigies, they’d be famous by now.  In any case, playing the two flutes at the same time must level Nebby up a few times, because it’s a lunala now.  And just to ruin the anime’s assertion that all pokemon can only say their own names, it turns out that the cry of lunala sounds like “mahina-pea!”  I was never particularly fond of the pokemon-say-their-own-names thing, but I’ve got to say, I’m not quite sure why that’s less plausible than “mahina-pea!”  Anyway, I had my volume turned up and it sounded mostly like “eaaaaa” to me.
Nebby then picks up Lillie and I and brings us into Ultra Space, which as it turns out, looks like an abandoned aquarium.  “How surprising.  It’s more beautiful than I would have expected…” says Lillie.  Lils, you either had really low expectations or you inherited your mum’s rose-tinted glasses for anything with the word “ultra” in its name.  This place is just creepy.
We soon run into Guzma, who calls us stupid for following him and Lusamine.  Not an unfair assessment.  “It’s all dark here… I’ve got no clue what’s going on,” he says.  I didn’t know Ultra Space held screenings of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice.  
No, it turns out Guzma tried to catch a Nihilego, one of the ultra beasts floating around the area, but he ended up with his mind and body possessed and found out what fear felt like.  Gee, I wonder if this is foreshadowing something?  Spoiler alert: yes.
Then Lillie and I run forward and see Lusamine.  Lillie gets in an absolute killer of a speech here, which I just had to google so I could transcribe it in full; “Children... Children are not just THINGS that belong to their parents! Pokémon are not just THINGS that a Trainer can do whatever they want to!  I am alive!  Cosmog is alive!  We are not things for you to collect!  We're not made for you to just discard when you get bored with us!  That is terrible, Mother! You are terrible!"  
It’s a really powerful, well-earned moment; everything in the stories of Lusamine, Gladion and Lillie has paved the way to this confrontation, from the references to the experiments that Aether Paradise performed on both Nebby and Type:Null, to the fact that Lillie kept talking about how her mother chose her outfits for her back when she was dressed suspiciously like a Nihilego.  The fact that this whole segment was excluded from Pokemon: Ultra Sun and Moon is part of the reason why I was so underwhelmed by those sequels.  As it stands, in those games, Lusamine just seems like she gets forgiven at the end without either of her children calling her out for ignoring them.  Also, in those games Lusamine’s obsessed with Necrozma instead, so is it just a complete cosmic coincidence that she still ends up dressing Lillie like a Nihilego?
Sorry, you don’t come here to hear me going on tangents about which aspects of these games do or don’t work for me.  As we’ve firmly established by now, you come here to see if my pokemon die and make me burst into tears.  You monster.  You terrible, terrible person.
Just like the first time Lusamine fought me, the first pokemon she sends out is a clefable, while mine is Digit Al the magnezone.  This time, though, the clefable is surrounded by an aura which boosts its special defence, thanks to Lusamine’s Ultra Beast-melding powers.  Luckily, it only takes a couple of Charge Beam attacks before Digit Al’s special attack is high enough again to do serious damage with his Flash Cannon move.  Soon, the clefable has been beaten, having taken away a shade under half of Al’s health.
Lusamine sends out her bewear next, and since Al’s speed actually decreased a little when he evolved into magnezone, I decide the safest bet is to switch pokemon.  Enter Wash the toucannon, who has to contend with a bewear whose defense stat has been raised one stage by the creepy Ultra Beast power.  I decide to use my favourite strategy with Wash, which is to use Beak Blast and assume that the opponent  will burn itself by using a move that makes contact.
That doesn’t happen, though; instead, I am the witness to the most elaborate example of self-sabotage I’ve seen in quite a while.  The bewear uses Pain Split, a move which takes the current health of the user and the target and splits it so that each pokemon ends up with the average amount of health.  Since neither pokemon has taken any damage yet, though, Wash’s health stays exactly the same, while the bewear’s health gets lowered by a pretty reasonable chunk, since bewears in general have quite a bit more health than toucannons do.  Then Wash’s Beak Blast attack hits, doing even more damage, and on the next turn he’s able to use Drill Peck to finish it off.  So that’s a whole member of Lusamine’s party beaten without Wash taking a single hit point of damage.  Unexpected, but I am not complaining.
Next up, Lusamine sends out her mismagius (which has its speed ultra-beast-boosted), while I switch out Mr Nancy.  The mismagius uses… Pain Split?  Again?  Okay!  This time it doesn’t even seem to do anything - I wouldn’t be surprised if mismagius and Mr Nancy started off with the exact same number of hit points, because neither health bar seems to be affected by the move at all.  Then again, I didn’t get that long to look at mismagius’s health bar before Mr Nancy used Crunch and took out more than half her health.
To Lusamine’s credit, it looks like she does use Pain Split at tactfully advantageous moments sometimes; that’s what she uses this move, too, doing quite a bit of damage to Nancy while bringing mismagius’s health back to the point where my second Crunch attack doesn’t quite kill her.  On the following turn, though, she gets cocky and uses it again, and while that does leave Mr Nancy with less than half of his health left, it doesn’t heal the mismagius quite enough to keep the next Crunch from killing it.  That’s three of Lusamine’s pokemon down.  Cool!
Lusamine’s penultimate pokemon is a special-attack-boosted lilligant, and since Wash did so well in his last match, I decide to send him out once again.  This match-up is the least challenging so far; the lilligant tries using leech seed, and when that misses, Wash’s Beak Blast attack knocks it out in one hit.  Last pokemon now!
And… surprisingly, Lusamine’s milotic is just as easy!  Hedwig beats it in one Leaf Blade attack after it basically wastes a move using safeguard.  Sorry, sadists - none of my team are dead!
Time for a long old cutscene, everyone!  Lillie calls on the legendary pokemon to save Lusamine when it looks like she’s having a bit of a wobble; Lusamine celebrates being back in her normal form by saying Lillie is becoming beautiful; then the whole of Ultra Space starts shaking.  Fun fact; after Guzma starts saying “What now? What’s going on?” while the space we’re in shakes rapidly, I got distracted by something on the TV, and when I looked back thirty minutes later everyone was still looking around in panic in the middle of an earthquake and Guzma was still saying “what now?  What’s going on?”  Guess no-one thought to actually do anything in that time.
Then a bunch of Nihilego turn up and Lillie says “there are so many Nihilego!!!”  She’s right!  Good thing Nebby the lunala turns up to take us away.  Hapu pops up in between the unconscious Lusamine and Lillie says “Hapu… Is my mother…?” while looking at the two of them.  Bit oedipal, Lil, but whatever floats your boat.
Then the lunala asks me to try and catch it.  Uh, that’s sweet, but there aren’t really any open slots on my team at the moment, pal.  Please don’t take it personally, I’ll always like you as a friend.  It’s not you, it’s me.  I hope you’ll understand.  
I do have to catch it to move forward in the game, though, so I get Loki to use Thunder Wave and Foul Play and then lob a ball at it.  Since there aren’t any dead characters from franchises I’m in the fandom of called “Nebby”, I decide to call it “Remus” (because his nickname is Moony, do you get it) and send it to the PC box.  I like to pretend that I’ve set it free.
“Nebby, you belong with Tori now,” says Lillie; “She will be the one to raise you.  Just like any parent should raise their child.”  Uh, about that…  
Seriously, she keeps saying stuff like that for a full couple of minutes of tearful dialogue.  “See the world… Have battles against strong Pokemon where you can use your full power...That’s the kind of world Tori can share with you!”  All while Moony/Nebby is sitting on an island in poke pelago.  Way to make me feel guilty, Lillie!  It’s not my fault I’ve gotten attached to the team I’ve already got.  Granted, it IS my fault that I’m playing a game where I’m never allowed to withdraw any pokemon from a PC, but that’s neither here nor there.
Then as Lillie rushes off to be with her mum, Nanu turns up at the top of the Altar of the Moone to tell me that the Pokemon League has been built now.  Yay!  He offers to take me along with him, but I say no; I’m pretty sure there’s a section of Vast Poni Canyon I forgot to explore the first time round, and I don’t want to go to Mount Lanakila without every item I can get my hands on.  
I’ll leave all that for another day, though.  I’m knackered after all that.  End of Chapter 22.
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