sonperior · 5 months
the dichotomy of wanting to follow people vs not wanting to alert them to your presence so you can screm into the void about it
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 7 months
🌹Eternally Your's And Mine 🥀- Chapter One
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Ayo let's good Corpse Husband Zachary AU. It's taken me a while to get this written out but I'm liking how it comes out so far. ♥️
Word count: 2k, holy shi-
Fic starts under cut:
Just how lucky did you get? After getting in an argument with your ex you had decided to finally pack your things and leave even if it was a bit….difficult to do so. You spent your time sleeping in hotels for about 2 weeks as you searched online for a place to stay that was preferably not close to your old place.
Your efforts finally paid off when you found an old victorian house for a surprisingly cheap price. The pictures you had seen looked like the house would need just a little bit of work but also appeared to have kept itself together and tidy all throughout the years. It was quite a drive but you would take anything to get out of this town.
Your thoughts of the house were interrupted by the sound of the radio, it was some radio show and the two hosts were discussing some paranormal activity in the past “So, Crybaby Lane is up next on the list! Those who visit the spot of the wreckage claim to smell burning woods and hear voices. One may also see a shadow guarding the entrance to the trail. Look closely and you'll see rubble from the former orphanage. This all due to an incident back in 1958 when-”
The voices were put to a stop when you reached down and changed the radio station. “Dumbasses….” You muttered to yourself as he kept your eyes on the road. It was so stupid how easily people would fall for some myth made to keep kids from doing stupid shit. Even if it wasn’t, it was probably because of the high electromagnetic field making people paranoid and seeing things. Everything had an explanation after all.
Your hands would clench tightly before unclutching around the wheel to keep your body moving somewhat, driving for almost 7 hours straight probably wasn’t a good idea…. But it paid off when you finally entered the neighborhood you had seen in the pictures. The neighborhood had good reviews from what research you had done with all the neighbors being nice, you had seen there had been an incident back in 1884 but with that being almost 200 years ago there was no bothering to dig deep into it.
There was a slight change as you pulled up into the driveway while driving over the gravel. You sighed softly once the car was finally parked. You rubbed your eyes before glancing up at the house and to put it short….it was way more beautiful than what you had seen in the photos.
It was a beautiful victorian house, the decor and the style seemed to be a mix of dark blue and red with gold. It had at least 3 floors from what you could tell, the website had also mentioned a basement too. Walking around the yard of the house to admire it, you walked into the back yard and your breath was taken away by a beautiful rose garden. Most of the roses had been wilted however. Oh well, you knew there would probably be some work to be done anyways.
After a few minutes of walking around the house and finding the key, in a pot next to the door like the landlord had told you, who oddly wasn’t here to give you a tour of the house or anything. You shrugged it off and put the key into the lock of the door before pushing it open. You took a few moments to let your eyes adjust to the lighting of the house as your hand felt the wall until it turned on the lightswitch. Well that was good, for such an old house it had modern electricity. Wouldn’t have to worry about wasting money to have somebody come in and do a little bit of wiring for a fortune.
You took a few minutes to look around the area, the decor seemed to have a theme of blue and gold and it was quite pretty. There was an old record player with some vinyls on the shelf under it, and a grand piano in the corner of the corridor. Most of the furniture was what you expected with it being old fashioned and fancy. You were surprised at how clean and tidy it had been kept after supposedly being left alone for almost 200 years. But eh, less work for you. You would have to do some more exploring after getting everything settled.
Sighing softly, you walked back out of the doorway and towards your car and started to start taking in boxes of things, the sun was setting and so it was better to just go ahead and get this all over with so you could go lay down after driving for so long. It was going alright as you just brought your bags of clothes in first and set them down in a guest room you found that was suitable to sleep in for tonight until you got fully settled. The problems came as you started to bring in the boxes of heavy things, you had already been pretty tired from driving. Grabbing a box of books, you stumbled as your arms threatened to accidentally let go.
You just about did when there was the sudden feeling of another pair of arms on the other side of the box, helping you lift it up before you dropped it.
Surprised, you jumped and stepped away from the box immediately out of fear that it might be somebody possibly trying to steal all your shit, you hadn’t really thought that would happen since this was a nice neighborhood but maybe this was the opportunity to let out some anger if this mf was actually trying to take your stuff. Your thoughts of beating a bitch up were interrupted by the person clearing their throat quietly before speaking up, his voice soft and mellow.
“H-Hello, Y…Y-You’re the….uhm… new t-tenant here, right?” He stuttered between his words and appeared very nervous but also had a soft and kind demeanor at the same time. His hazel eyes that were averted away to the ground seemed to glow slightly with the way the sun shined down on them as he spoke. He had dark green hair and was wearing a light green shirt with some comfy looking tan pants.
You raised your eyebrow in slight suspicion, why the hell was he asking this as if he hadn’t just spawned out of nowhere? The man seemed to notice the look on your face and he quickly tried to explain. “S-Sorry- I forgot to….introduce m-myself, I-I’m Simon, I uhm….I live in t-the house b…beside you. I’ll be y-your neighbor.” Simon explained softly as he gestured over to the house right beside your new one. It was a nice cozy looking one and you could see many plants growing around and inside the house.
You calmed down a bit as you realized the situation and nodded your head. “Name’s [MC], nice to meet you, Simon.” You responded while you started taking the rest of the boxes out of the trunk and setting them down on the ground so they would be easier to pick up later “Say….You wouldn’t happen to know where the landlord is right? They were supposed to give me a tour, or…at least I thought they would.”
Simon perked up a little, he seemed like the type of person that just liked to help people but had been walked over by a lot of people. “O-Oh, uhm….I-It’s a bit w-weird I guess, they'll p-probably be here a-around uhm….n-nighttime? I don’t t-think I’ve seen them in the d-daytime at all….B-But! They’re r-really kind s-so you w-won’t have any p-problems!” Simon assured as he adjusted his grip around the box in his arms. You nodded and gave him a kind smile, picking up another box off the ground, you two started to bring the boxes inside and into the room you had picked.
You two had just finished bringing all the boxes at last and you flopped down on the fancy couch in the living room. Fortunately for you, Simon had brought some pastries and some homemade lemonade as a housewarming gift so luckily you didn’t have to worry about making food or anything.
“Gonna be honest with you Simon, I can’t cook for shit so you can be expecting me to be coming over more often for some food.” Simon looked a bit surprised at your words before he smiled shyly and glanced down to the floor. He seemed a bit…nervous to be in the house almost?
“I-I’m glad you e-enjoy it…..” Simon responded quietly as he rubbed his arm in a nervous manner. “Have….Have you h-heard a-any of the…uhm….rumours before you moved in?
You raised your eyebrow at that. Rumors? You hadn’t seen anything and if there was anything about it you were too focused on getting out 0f your past situation to care about any dumb old rumors. It would probably stay that way too.
“light on. After saying your goodbyes to each other, Simon walked back towards his house right beside your new one. Rumors? No…? Should I have? I’m not the superstitious type really.” You responded as you took another sip of the lemonade. Simon shifted his weight from one leg to the other nervously before finally speaking up again.
“Back in about…the late 1800s there was a man that lived here….I-I haven’t h-heard exactly what h-happened but there was an incident with a camera and it ended up killing his partner and he died in the hospital later that day. There’s rumors that say you can see him in the upper stairs windows or the uhm…rose garden….The most popular one is that if you take a picture of the house then your camera will explode too just like what happened to him…” Simon explained with a solemn look on his face as he spoke. “I-I’m not s-sure how true i-it is….I keep seeing him stare at me through the window when I go out.....B-But I j-just wanted to let you know.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh at his words. Simon’s face instantly went from solemn and worried to confused as he looked up and his eyes darted onto your laughing face. You quickly stifled your laughter before trying to explain. “Sorry, but like I said, I’m not the superstitious type and I don’t believe in all that. I mean….I’ve been interested in it back when I was little and had my own encounters but all of those ended up having reasonable explanations. I appreciate you for telling me but I think I’ll be fine.” You assured him with a smile.
Simon looked surprised but he nodded his head nonetheless at your words. “O-Okay….Y-You’re very b-brave, [MC]. N-Not that t-there’s anything t-to be a-afraid of, like y-you said!” Simon responded as his nervous smile came back on his face and he twidled with his thumbs as he spoke. You stood up and set your cup down on the table before walking over to Simon and putting your hand on his shoulder. He slightly tensed up for a second at the sudden touch as he looked up at you. It was about 9pm at this point so it was already dark.
“Thanks Simon, and also thanks for the food and helping me with my boxes. I think I’m going to be heading to bed though soon. I had a really long drive here.” You explained to him as the two of you started to walk back out onto the porch where you had already flipped the porch Once he was finally gone you let out a loud sigh as you closed your eyes and leaned against the door for a minute to collect yourself. It had taken a lot out of you to just hold that conversation for that long especially with everything you’ve been through in the past month overall.
You walked back into the bedroom down the hallway where boxes had accumulated in the corner of the room. Scouring through the boxes for a few minutes until you found your bag and changed into something a bit more comfortable so you could lay down. You got underneath the rose imprinted quilt and sighed softly, pulling the covers up to your chin because of the chill in the house. You’d have to bring that up to the landlord when you met them. You reached over and turn off the light from the lamp before closing your eyes for the night.
“What a shame…” He thinks as he looks at the figure laying in the bedroom from the end of the hallway. Don’t worry, my love. You’ll meet me very soon.
Zachary and Simon belong to: @clrdgaze
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sixpillarsofgenesis · 3 months
Timeline for Lies of P
Disclaimer: This is a fan-made timeline of Lies of P for my fanwork Blue Butterfly Record with the assumpting that the game itself takes place in the middle of the Belle Epoque, with the events of the game happening shortly after the release of Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, published for the public on September 1st, 1900. This will cover 40 years before the game itself by my estimation, and some major events loosely before the events of the game.
1493: Phillipus 'Giangio' Paracelsus and his twin brother are born.
1514: Paracelsus achieves immortality via research into the homunculi - his brother, believing him dead, takes his place.
1674: A descendant of Antonio Corea is found to be a Listener, and is converted into the Gold Coin Fruit Tree after being brought to what would eventually be Krat.
1853: Giuseppe Geppetto is born.
1854: Valentinus Monad is born.
1857: Camille is born.
1861: The Casati Act is passed, requiring mandatory education.
1867: The Path of the Pilgrim is made.
1869: Fearing the advancement of war between the Papal States and Italian troops, the Alchemists left for safer territory and landed in Moonlight Town.
1869: Simon Manus is born.
March 1870: The Alchemists discovered Kroud and Ergo underneath Moonlight Town after an Alchemist (later revealed to be a Listener) heard the Ergo.
July 1870: After reports of Ergo's power are discovered, the Alchemists found the City of Krat and began to build.
September 1870: Rome becomes the Capital of Italy.
1871: Lorenzini Venigni is born.
1872: Hotel Krat is purchased by Antonia.
1873: Geppetto moves to Krat and invents the first 'Puppets'
1874: Sophia Monad is born.
January 1877: Romeo "Lampwick" Marino is born.
December 1878: Carlo Geppetto is born on New Year's Eve. During childbirth, Camille C. dies giving birth to her son.
1880: Venigni makes Pulcinella under his parent's supervision.
1881: Free education is established in France.
1881: France introduces Electricity in the Universal Exhibition of 1881
1881: Carlo is turned over to St. Frangelico's Church for daycare, and handed to a maid puppet in the likeness of Camille after.
July 1881: Storia di un burattino begins publication, and Carlo is read the story by Camille every week.
1881: Camille's ego awakens, and she saves Carlo from falling from a great height. She is taken by the alchemists, leaving Carlo to be placed back in Geppetto's care.
1882: By popular demand, Storia di un burattino is revived for serialization.
1882: Secular education is made mandatory in France.
1883: The Venigni parents are killed by Arlecchino.
1883: The Adventures of Pinnochio are published - a signed first-edition book is given to Carlo.
1884: After a dispute with the Monad Charity House, Carlo is enrolled as a boarding student with tuition to be paid on the first of every month.
1887: Fearing the potential dangers of Paracelsus' influence, Geppetto attempts to murder him.
1890: Paracelsus returns to Krat under the assumed name of Giangio.
November 2nd, 1892: The Blue Butterfly Record is played for the first time.
December 1892: Romeo graduates late due to a postponed exam due to a broken arm, but remains at the Monad Charity House to stay with Carlo.
January 1893: Romeo's Father Francesco, owner of the Red Lobster Inn, is the first known death of the Petrification Disease. After his death, his most senior employee Maria takes charge.
January 1893: The Tuition Incident takes place.
May 1893: Carlo resolves the Tuition Incident, and successfully graduates as the first person to complete all three Specialties (Stalker, Workshop Technician, Alchemist) with a distinction in Ergocraft. Geppetto does not show up for his graduation.
August 1893: The Petrification Disease Quarantine Zone is established.
1894: The Rose Estate Incident happens; Sophia Monad goes missing, and Romeo, Carlo, and Gemini are all declared dead, among others.
1895: Geppetto finds out Simon Manus is responsible for Carlo's death and breaks from the Alchemists
1896: The first attempt to craft the P-Organ, the Nameless Puppet, fails.
1896: 'Giangio' delivers the Arm of God to the Alchemists anonymously.
1896: The first Nameless Puppet fails.
1897: The Black Rabbit Brotherhood starts
1898: Cecile steals the Arm of God and hides it deep in the Malum District. This resulted in the first mass outbreak since the Rose Estate Incident.
1899: Pino is made, fails, and is set aside while a new power source is looked for.
1990: The Puppet Frenzy begins, two weeks before the Grand Exhibition is scheduled to start.
September 1st, 1990: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is published, and Pino is awakened.
(Canon) September 1st-3rd, 1990: Lies of P takes place.
(Blue Butterfly Record) September 1st-18th: Lies of P takes place, Real Boy Ending, Max Humanity [redacted]
November 2nd, 1900: Sophia expends the last of her Ergo to create the Blue Butterfly Record.
November 1st, 1901: The Real Boy Carlo Geppetto discovers the Blue Butterfly Record.
December 31st, 1901: Carlo Geppetto celebrates his 23rd birthday, and plays the Blue Butterfly Record before leaving Krat for good.
January 1st, 1902: All of Sophia Monad's Ergo is expended to send Carlo Geppetto (in all his forms) back in time to November 2nd, 1982, starting the events of the Blue Butterfly Record.
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addaxus · 9 months
Part three of the timeline is out!
Terror of El Ojos Diablos
1877-1884 (Age 21-28)
Word spreads about a notoriously violent and inebriated man. A man with the devil's eyes that allegedly flashed an unholy green before he began shooting anybody in his way, man, woman, or child. Folks who had been going about their business only to be gunned down by a drunk on the street. This earnt him the moniker El Ojos Diablos (Butchered Spanish meaning The Devil's Eyes). And the legends around El Ojos Diablos were so tall that identifying him proved difficult. This Wild West Boogeyman's descriptions ranged from overblown to hideous. Witness accounts proved untrustworthy because of the terror and superstition that surrounded him. The only constants about El Ojos Diablos were that he wore a tattered poncho and spoke Spanish.
Any outlaws who rode with El Ojos Diablos never lasted long. They died either because they irritated the boss, were a convenient meat shield, or for some other reason that benefited El Ojos Diablos—as bitter and selfish as he was.
El Ojos Diablos committed crimes for two reasons: To keep his men around and to ensure he had a regular supply of alcohol and bullets. For the devil suffered from frequent mood swings and terrible visions, which did little to improve his already sour demeanor. Alcohol relieved his agony while also putting him to sleep. He appeared to want to drink till darkness overtook him so that time would pass swiftly. Bullets put an end to any grievances he had. And if he ever ran out, you can bet he'd crawl out of whatever hole he'd hidden himself in to start the cycle all over again.
El Ojos Diablos' terrible tales spread far and wide. Tales that eventually reached Encanto. This was too much for the Madrigals because El Brujo's acts paled in comparison to those of El Ojos Diablos. So much so that Alma forbids any mention of Bruno's existence. Alma, Julieta, and Pepa all deal with their sadness privately in different ways.
Agustin pays frequent trips to Julieta since his accident-prone antics get him hurt all the time. This helps them to become more intimate. Agustin discusses the incident in Perdition, but he is too ashamed and guilty to go any further.
Felix Freeman, a former Caribbean Island plantation slave turned excellent marksman known as Halcon Eye, sought out Él Ojos Diablos in 1878. He wishes to join forces with Terror Numero Uno. As a test, Él Ojos Diablos has Felix compete against his present marksman, an annoying braggart named Ramon, whom Halcon Eye then kills with a single shot through the heart. Felix rides as Él Ojos Diablos' unofficial right-hand man for four years. He essentially became the gang's longest-living member, a feat deemed unthinkable given the low life expectancy when riding with the devil's eyes.
Agustin and Julieta married joyfully at the end of 1882. Meanwhile, El Ojos Diablos and his crew are hiding out in Revelation, New Mexico. When El Ojos Diablos shoots down five street youths who insulted him, Felix witnesses his true cold-blooded character.
Unable to follow El Ojos Diablos any longer, Halcon Eye persuades fellow gang members Buscemi, Quinn, McGinley, David, and Levine to grab what loot they could and depart to Mexico. This sentenced all five of them to death. Nobody leaves Terror Numero Uno unless it's with a bullet. He'd pursue them to the ends of the Earth. And he did so.
The deserters, led by Felix, did everything they could to elude their former leader while fleeing to Mexico. They each die one by one. Buscemi has a hole blown through his face; Quinn is shot up until Felix puts him out of his misery; McGinley gets left behind after his horse is slain but remains defiant till the very end; David commits suicide out of sheer fear and paranoia; and Levine is killed just as they reach the Rio Grande.
Facing the end, Felix manages to kill Diablos' remaining men, leaving only himself and the devil. He is unexpectedly saved by a swarm of glowing butterflies, allowing him to escape by leaping into the Rio Grande. The now-alone El Ojos Diablos vows to kill Felix if they ever cross paths again.
Felix floats down the river till he reaches the site of Pedro's death. Felix pursues a golden butterfly into Encanto after dragging his ass out from the river. When Alma questions him, Felix decides to provide an incomplete truth: He and his buddies were attempting to cross into Mexico when they were pursued by outlaws, his comrades were slaughtered, and only he escaped. This response suffices for the Madrigal Matriarch, who greets him as a new inhabitant of Encanto.
Felix keeps his vow and works hard to become a better person. He falls in love with Pepa, which leads to marriage. Their wedding day turns into a hurricane when a scraplet detailing El Ojos Diablos’ latest misdeeds causes Pepa to become emotionally distraught, though Felix is quick to calm his beloved down.
1885 (Age 29)
Agustin and Julieta’s daughter Isabela is born. A few months later, so is Felix and Pepa’s firstborn daughter Dolores.
1887 (Age 31)
Agustin and Julieta’s second daughter Luisa is born.
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year
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The Bullock Hotel’s Intense Ghost Deadwood, South Dakota
In the late 1800s, Seth Bullock traveled to the Black Hills gold strike with a wagon full of supplies to sell to the miners that worked in Deadwood, South Dakota. He spent the rest of his life here as a merchant, rancher, sheriff, U.S. Marshall, and hotel owner. At age 21, he was a Montana Territorial State Senator who played a role in establishing Yellowstone as a national park.
When he and his partner arrived in Deadwood Gulch, in 1876, he found a hell-bent, rowdy mining community. Wild Bill Hickok was shot in the head and killed the day after he arrived.
Within a few short months, Seth was appointed sheriff and with several handpicked deputies he was able to clean up the town. Seth was a tall, imposing man with a steely-eyed stare, who demanded respect. He was an honest and fair businessman who often solved potential violent situations with intelligence and creativity.
A territorial judge liked to tell the story of when Bullock stopped a dangerous miners strike. These men hadn’t been paid, so they camped out in the mine refusing to come out. Bullock not wanting to injure anyone dropped a foul, smelly substance down the airshaft. The striking miners eventually surfaced in search of fresh air.
He managed to keep law and order in Deadwood without ever firing a shot or killing anyone.
In 1884, riding on his ranch, Bullock ran into three rough-looking characters. One of these men was Theodore Roosevelt, the future president of the U.S. The two men became life-long friends  and during the Spanish-American War in 1898, Bullock enlisted as one of Roosevelt’s famous Rough Riders.
After a fire destroyed Bullock’s hardware store on Main Street, in 1894, he and his partner Sol Star had a luxury hotel built on the site, the Bullock Hotel, which remains open today.
Seth Bullock passed away in 1919, at the age of 70. Many eyewitness reports indicate his ghost haunts his hotel.
A long-time employee of the Bullock Hotel shares several compelling guest experiences.
One morning, he saw a little boy point to a photograph of Seth Bullock, that the hotel displays and explain the following excitedly. “Dad, that is the man who helped me, last night when you and mom went downstairs. I told you I left the room to explore and got locked out. I was lost, and he approached me, he said he could help. He led me back to our room and opened the door without a key. See, he has a big mustache but he was wearing a big hat and wore cowboy boots. ” He pointed to the photo “That man has the same eyes.”
This employee states this incident was the first of many that convinced him the stories about Seth Bullock haunting the hotel were true.
Working the front desk, late one night he received a frantic call from a guest staying on the second floor. She complained, there is a dirty man out in the hallway smoking a smelly cigar when no smoking was allowed.
The employee asked her to describe this man. “He is tall, has a large mustache, he stared at me rudely. He is dressed like a cowboy with a large hat and boots tucked into his pants.”
There was no one of that description staying in the hotel.
The employee goes on to explain that many guests have given similar descriptions of a man they saw in this same hallway.
In Room 211, where Seth Bullock died, guests have experienced everything from items being misplaced to objects being thrown across the room. Witnesses state while walking in this hallway, they heard their names whispered.
Music is heard in this area with no source and maids state they often find themselves locked out. One used a towel to keep the door propped open only to see it fly across the room. Maid carts also move without assistance on this floor.
Electrical items turn on and off in this room even when they are unplugged. Guests report they felt a strong presence that appeared to be watching and then later followed them.
The Bullock staff keeps a notebook in their lobby so guests can record their experiences. It is believed many other ghosts besides Bullocks remain at this hotel.
The hotel’s kitchen, bar, and basement all have had multiple incidents of unexplained activity.
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psalm22-6 · 1 year
This is an excerpt from Fifty Years Among Authors, Books and Publishers (1884) by James C. Derby, who worked with George W. Carleton, the first (to my knowledge) publisher of Les Misérables in the United States. 
The next successful venture was Victor Hugo's “Les Miserables,” and although we were in the midst of the Civil War, the book made a great hit. It was brought out with the same expedition as were Michelet's books, one volume at a time. The sale was not large at first, but the newspaper critics soon made it popular. Carleton spent ten thousand dollars in specially advertising it. He soon felt the effects of his enterprise in the extraordinary demand for hundreds of thousands of volumes. At the book trade-sale of George A. Leavitt & Co., one wholesale dealer purchased twenty-five thousand copies, — the largest sale, it is believed, ever made at auction of any one book. 
In this connection a curious incident occurred. The immense popularity of “Les Miserables” had attracted the attention of a Cuban, who called upon Mr. Carleton one day and proposed to purchase an edition of the work if rendered into the Spanish language, the books to be shipped to Havana. The Cuban proposed to pay part of the cost in advance and the remainder on the delivery of the books. Carleton fulfilled his part of the contract, when the Cuban directed that the books should be sent downtown, where he desired them packed in hogsheads [a cask for holding wine]. This extraordinary proposition aroused Mr. Carleton's suspicions. He at once demanded the balance of the money due or return of portion of stock. The latter request was more than fulfilled. One can imagine Mr. Carleton’s surprise when the drayman brought to his store sixteen hogsheads! He had them stored, expecting daily to hear from the Cuban, who did not put in an appearance, however. The hogsheads were then opened one after another, when it was found that Victor Hugo’s novel was the inside layer in each hogshead, which was, at each end, packed with glass lamp-chimneys! Thus, Mr. Carleton became an involuntary glassware merchant, spending a good deal of his time in selling lamp-chimneys. He realized, however, enough from them to remunerate him for the cost of the books.  
The Cuban, who Mr. Carleton says, was a fierce, piratical looking customer, was never again heard of. It is supposed that this enterprising Spanish merchant took this method of smuggling the books into Havana, because the importation of Victor Hugo's works had been interdicted by the Spanish government. 
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silver-heller · 1 year
♣Guns & Flowers Master list/Timeline
This is a canon divergent universe, and anything written here is of course subject to change!
Silver May - August 4th 1900
The only daughter of the Argenis family. Later adopted by Atlas and Mitzi May. Known for being quite the skittish recluse.
Mordecai Heller - March 28 1899
Atlas' golden boy, unforgiving and relenting, though Atlas claims he is more than that. Cold and professional by default.
Viktor Vasko - April 16th 1886
A mysterious and grumpy man who keeps his past and his secrets close to his chest. Though can be quite playful and teasing to loved ones.
Mitzi May - September 25th 1885
A musician who falls in love with Atlas and ends up helping out with the café and speakeasy. Overall friendly and playful, but isn't afraid to say it how it is.
Atlas May - January 3rd 1884
The owner of The Little Daisy Café and the Lackadaisy speakeasy. Known as an opportunist that is slowly collecting a menagerie of misfits. Known to be quite interested in the human nature and often pries into the psychology of those around him.
Rocky Rickaby - December 19th 1904
A rather rambunctious member of the crew who ends up asked by Atlas to look after Silver. Atlas, however, wonders what fate he has designated Silver to, seeing as Rocky is not entirely there.
Serafine Savoy - 1902
Mordecai's coworker at The Marigold, along with her brother, Nico. She had a short fling with Mordecai that ended up being a more permanent arrangement. Confident, spiritual, and appears to know more than she lets on at times.
Wick Sable - January 11th 1895
The man Mitzi has an interest in after Atlas' death. Has a fascination with rocks and is considered a pillar of the community, stopping him from financially supporting the Lackadaisy despite frequenting the speakeasy.
♣A Light In The Shadows
M | Two | Mordecai/Silver & Atlas | 1916/1920
When fleeing from New York, Mordecai is nearly killed for embezzling funds from the gambling rink he used to work for. Given a gun by Atlas, he is forced to kill the gamblers to save himself, marking his first kill.
♣First Days
M | Two | Mordecai/Silver & Atlas | 1916/1920
Mordecai stays with Atlas in Washington as he recovers. Atlas observes him in the meantime, while Mordecai begins suffering from lucid dreams.
Atlas encourages Mordecai to travel with him back to St. Louis, stopping at many cities along the way in the process. Mordecai notices Atlas often gets caught up in opportunities when he spots them.
Prohibition is proposed in the Senate.
Atlas offers Mordecai a job as his bookkeeper, and tells Mordecai to think about it. Mordecai is extremely reluctant considering what he's seen from Atlas so far, though feels he is destined for this life.
Atlas begins training Mordecai in some of his ways.
Mordecai continues helping Atlas in his various travels, but is still yet to accept the job in all this time.
Silver, reluctantly, is married to Valentin.
With a fair amount of money now, thanks to Atlas, Mordecai parts ways with Atlas to deal with some "unfinished business".
Atlas meets Viktor during this separation.
Mordecai returns briefly to New York for revenge. Receives bullet related head injury in the process.
Mordecai is taken back to the Little Daisy to recover.
Prohibition is ratified.
Atlas can see Mordecai is cracking and coming to a decision, so he asks him that fateful question; "who are you?"
Mordecai accepts Atlas' offer for a job at the very end of the year. Atlas is thrilled, though curious what made him accept then.
Atlas converts the limestone caverns under his café into a speakeasy.
Atlas hires Viktor and stops him from making a drastic decision.
♣It's a Short Drive
M | One | Viktor & Atlas | 1920
Mordecai begins working with Viktor distantly. The lodge incident shown in Gravediggers through to Momentum occurs.
Mordecai goes back to St. Louis with Atlas as his shadow, while Viktor takes a break.
Atlas meets and courts Mitzi. Mordecai meets Asa and Mitzi.
The band begins working at the Lackadaisy.
Mordecai becomes a bookkeeper for the Lackadaisy.
♣A Light In The Shadows
M | Two | Mordecai/Silver & Atlas | 1916/1920
Silver is admitted into an asylum after attacking Valentin. Silver is soon taken into Atlas' and Mitzi's care months later.
♣First Days
M | Two | Mordecai/Silver & Atlas | 1916/1920
♣My Bloody Valentin
M | One | Mordecai/Silver & Atlas | 1920
Dress To Impress
M | One | Mordecai & Atlas & Tawny | 1920
Atlas becomes curious about Mordecai after noticing a few of his quirks concerning love and romance.
M | One | Mordecai & Atlas/Mitzi | 1920
Viktor and Mordecai work together again specifically for the Lackadaisy back in St. Louis.
Mordecai and Viktor become rather close, spending nights together and doing the dirty work of run-rummers/triggermen together. Mordecai is confused by this, though thinks it's nothing more than a friendly business partnership.
♣Lackadaisy's Ghost
M | Two | Mordecai/Silver/Viktor & Atlas | 1920
Mordecai's lucid dreams become worse after starting the job.
Mordecai develops feelings for Viktor around the end of the year.
♣Daughter of Mine
M | One | Mordecai & Atlas/Mitzi | 1920
Mordecai is informed May and Atlas have a daughter. However, he is not permitted to meet her.
Atlas and Mitzi get married.
Viktor and Mordecai's love for each other becomes more evident.
♣Love As a Scheme
M | 12 | Mordecai/Silver/Viktor & Atlas/Mitzi | 1922
Silver joins Viktor and Mordecai on the job after being introduced to them by Atlas.
Mordecai and Viktor make a promise that Mordecai will explore his feelings for Viktor if things with Silver do not work out.
M | One | Mordecai/Silver | 1922
I've Got Your Back
T | One | Silver/Viktor | 1922
♣Love As a Scheme
M | 12 | Mordecai/Silver/Viktor & Atlas/Mitzi | 1922
Mordecai confesses more properly to Silver.
Mordecai asks Mitzi and Atlas for permission to marry Silver.
Silver is accidentally shot in the head by Mordecai during a job, and presumed dead after being left in a house fire afterward.
Silver is saved and kept in hiding within the caves of the Lackadaisy.
Rocky joins the band, and the Lackadaisy, in extension.
Mordecai and Rocky become friendly acquaintances.
Silver reads the Great Gatsby. Rocky accidentally lets slip that it's Silver's favorite book now and, despite coming out that year, is able to convince Mordecai it was always that way and he heard it from the others.
♣The Day Met The Night
T | Two | Mordecai/Silver & Rocky & Atlas | 1925
Rocky is introduced to Silver and asked to look after him.
♣Mordecai's Rocky Road
T | Two | Mordecai/Silver & Rocky & Mitzi | 1925
♣The Day Met The Night
T | Two | Mordecai/Silver & Rocky & Atlas | 1925
Rocky's drug trip makes Mordecai curious about the rest of the caves in the Lackadaisy.
♣Guardian Angel
T | One | Rocky & Silver & Atlas | 1925
♣Oh Sweet Violin
M | One | Mordecai & Rocky | 1925
Atlas goes traveling for a while. He meets Serafine at a station while she is left waiting for her brother.
♣A Line Without a-
M | One | Mordecai & Atlas | 1925
Mordecai has a fling with Irene before breaking up and finally accepting his sexuality.
♣Miss Irene
T | One | Irene/Rocky & Atlas | 1925
Rocky begins dating Irene.
Atlas is killed mysteriously one night.
Silver is relocated by Rocky to hide in an apartment, via Atlas' instructions before his death.
Mordecai leaves the Lackadaisy to work for the Marigold, but not before kneecapping Viktor in an attempt to convince him to retire.
Mordecai begins working with Nico and Serafine.
♣Right Here
M | Three | Mordecai/Silver & Serafine & Nico | 1927
♣Prophetic Bubbles
M | One | Mordecai/Serafine | 1927
♣Mr. Sweet's Tidbits
T | One | Mordecai & Asa | 1927
♣Silver Bullets & Black Dandelions♣
M | 29 | Everyone | 1927
Mordecai realizes Silver is alive when he is given the task to kill Silver by Asa. However, he can not do it and freaks out on his coworkers instead.
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Pogrom is a Russian word meaning “to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.” Historically, the term refers to violent attacks by local non-Jewish populations on Jews in the Russian Empire and in other countries. The first such incident to be labeled a pogrom View This Term in the Glossary is believed to be anti-Jewish rioting in Odessa in 1821. As a descriptive term, “pogrom” came into common usage with extensive anti-Jewish riots that swept the southern and western provinces of the Russian Empire in 1881–1884, following the assassination of Tsar Alexander II.
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The perpetrators of pogroms organized locally, sometimes with government and police encouragement. They raped and murdered their Jewish victims and looted their property. During the civil war that followed the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Ukrainian nationalists, Polish officials, and Red Army View This Term in the Glossary soldiers all engaged in pogrom-like violence in western Belorussia (Belarus) and Poland's Galicia province (now West Ukraine), killing tens of thousands of Jews between 1918 and 1920.
The Kristallnacht Pogrom
In Germany and eastern Europe during the era of the Holocaust, as in Tsarist Russia, economic, social, and political resentment of Jews reinforced traditional religious antisemitism. This served as a pretext for pogroms.
After the Nazis seized power in Germany in 1933, Adolf Hitler publicly discouraged "disorder" and acts of violence. In practice, though, street violence against Jews was tolerated and even encouraged at certain periods when Nazi leaders calculated that the violence would “prepare” the German population for harsh antisemitic legal and administrative measures implemented ostensibly “to restore order.” For example, the orchestrated nationwide campaign of street violence known as Kristallnacht of November 9-10, 1938, was the culmination of a longer period of more sporadic street violence against Jews. This street violence had begun with riots in Vienna after the Anschluss of Austria in March.
Pogroms World War II
During World War II, Einsatzgruppen (popularly known as mobile killing units) received orders from Security Police Chief Reinhard Heydrich to tolerate and even encourage the indigenous populations living in newly conquered Soviet territory in launching pogroms.
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The pogroms (with varying degrees of spontaneity) in towns such as Bialystok, Kovno, Lvov, and Riga complemented the German policy of systematically eliminating entire Jewish communities in the Soviet Union. On June 29, 1941, as Nazi Germany and its Axis partner, Romania, invaded the Soviet Union, Romanian officials and military units, assisted at times by German soldiers, killed at least 8,000 Jews during a pogrom View This Term in the Glossary in Iasi, in the Romanian province of Moldavia. On July 10, 1941, Polish residents of Jedwabne, a small town located in Bialystok District of first Soviet-occupied and then German-occupied Poland, participated in the murder of hundreds of their Jewish neighbors. Although responsibility for instigating this “pogrom” has not been fully established, scholars have documented at least a German police presence in the town at the time of the killings.
After the War
Although the Germans abandoned them as a tool of annihilation policy, pogroms did not end with World War II. In Kielce, Poland, local residents launched a pogrom View This Term in the Glossary against surviving and returning Jews in the city on July 4, 1946. Mobs attacked Jews after false rumors spread that Jews had abducted a Christian child whom they intended to kill for ritual purposes. The rioters killed at least 42 Jews and wounded approximately 50 more.
The pogrom View This Term in the Glossary in Kielce was one of the factors that led to a mass westward migration of hundreds of thousands of Jews who had survived the Holocaust. Known as the Brihah, this movement brought Jews from Poland and other countries of eastern Europe to displaced persons camps located in the western zones of occupied Germany and Austria, and in Italy. A fear of violent pogroms was one motivation that led the vast majority of Jews to seek to leave postwar Europe.
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lboogie1906 · 14 days
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William Henry West (September 1842 - September 6, 1915) was a Civil War-era soldier and a police officer in DC. He was known for arresting President Ulysses S. Grant in 1872. This is the only known record of a sitting US President being arrested.
He was born enslaved to unnamed parents in Prince George’s County, Virginia. In 1863 West joined the Union Army and fought in the American Civil War. He was a soldier in Company K, 30th United States Colored Infantry, an all-Black unit created by the War Department on May 22, 1863. The Infantry was composed of African American troops commanded by white officers. He married Kathrine “Kate” Bowie (1867) and they would have six children.
On August 1, 1871, he was appointed to the DC Metropolitan police force. In 1872 he was on duty at 12th and M Streets where he was tasked with patrolling the streets in response to a series of accidents involving speeding carriages and pedestrians. On the lookout for speeders, he noticed a horse and carriage approaching him. He dashed into oncoming traffic and brought the carriage to a stop. He looked inside the carriage and recognized that it was President Ulysses S. Grant. He gave Grant a warning for speeding his horse and buggy and released him. The next day, he saw Grant again speeding his horse and buggy in the same area and stopped him. This time, he arrested the President. He took Grant to the police station, where the President posted a $20 bond and was released. After the incident, he and President Grant became friends.
In 1884, he and fellow officer, William H. White, were tried before a broad of the Metropolitan Police for neglecting their duties. They were both fined $25. In 1898, he was accused of not paying a debt of $40. He had borrowed money from a local lender known only as Mrs. Terrell. The loan agreement called for him to pay 10% interest per month until the loan was paid off. he paid $72 in 19 months but ceased paying prompting Mrs. Terrell to sue him. The case was later dismissed. In 1901, he was arrested for disorderly conduct following an argument. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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bobmccullochny · 7 months
February 15, 1898 - In Havana, the U.S. Battleship Maine was blown up while at anchor and quickly sank with 260 crew members lost. The incident inflamed public opinion in the U.S., resulting in a declaration of war against Spain on April 25, 1898, amid cries of "Remember the Maine!"
February 15, 1933 - An assassination attempt on newly elected U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt occurred in Miami, Florida. A spectator deflected the gunman's aim. As a result, Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was shot and killed instead. The gunman, an Italian immigrant, was captured and later sentenced to death.
February 15, 1989 - Soviet Russia completed its military withdrawal from Afghanistan after nine years of unsuccessful involvement in the civil war between Muslim rebel groups and the Russian-backed Afghan government. Over 15,000 Russian soldiers had been killed in the fighting.
Birthday - Astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was born in Pisa, Italy. He was the first astronomer to use a telescope and advanced the theory that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the solar system.
Birthday - Inventor Cyrus McCormick (1809-1884) was born in Rockbridge County, Virginia. He invented the horse-drawn mechanical reaper, a machine that freed farmers from hard labor and contributed to the development and cultivation of vast areas of the American Great Plains.
Birthday - Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) was born in Adams, Massachusetts. A pioneer in women's rights, she worked tirelessly for woman's suffrage (right to vote) and in 1872 was arrested after voting (illegally) in the presidential election. She was commemorated in 1979 with the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin, thus became the first American woman to have her image on a U.S. coin.
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lennart11412 · 8 months
Miguel de Unamuno
1864 – 1936
Poet, novelist, and playwright Miguel de Unamuno was born on September 29, 1864, in the Basque city of Bilbao. Unamuno’s father, Felix, died when the poet was six, and his mother, Salomé Jugo, gave her children a devout Catholic upbringing. Unamuno at one time wished to become a priest, but his love for a childhood sweetheart, Concepción Lizárraga, kept him from the priesthood. They would marry in 1891. Unamuno attended the University of Madrid, where he studied languages and philosophy and received a PhD in 1884. He returned to Bilbao after school and, in 1891, became a professor of Greek at the University of Salamanca. In 1900, Unamuno became the rector at the university. Throughout his life, he would publish essays on metaphysics, politics, religion, and travel. He also published more than ten novels and numerous plays.
Unamuno did not begin to publish poetry until the age of forty-three. His first book, Poesías (1907), used common Spanish to offer the poet’s impressions of nature and travel. Unamuno had translated the poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Giacomo Leopardi, and their influence on his early work is clear. In 1907, Unamuno published Rosario de sonetos lícos [Rosary of Sonnets, 1911], which was followed in 1920 by El Cristo de Velasquez [The Christ of Velasquez, 1951]. Begun in 1913, The Christ of Velasquez ran 2,538 lines and reflects the poet’s desire to define a uniquely Spanish Christ. Many people consider it to be Unamuno’s greatest poem.
During the summer of 1920, while El Cristo was in press, Unamuno prepared a volume of travel sketches, Andanza y visions [Spanish Travels and Visions, 1922]. Many of the prose poems in this volume were published in daily newspapers, and the book contains some of Unamuno’s most anthologized work. This book was followed by Rimas de dentro [Rhymes from Within, 1923], and another book of prose and verse, Rimas de un poeta desconocido presentadas y presentado por Miguel de Unamuno [Teresa: Rhymes of an Unknown Poet Presented by Miguel de Unamuno, 1924].
Before copies of Teresa reached Unamuno, political events forced a change in his life. On September 13, 1924, General Miguel Primo de Rivera launched a successful military coup in Spain. Unamuno published a number of articles critical of the new government. He was exiled without his family in 1924 to the island of Fuerteventura in the Canaries. His exile brought him international attention and acclaim. He left Fuerteventura for Paris on a private boat and, in 1924, he published De Fuerteventura a París: Diario íntimo de confinamiento y destierro vertido en sonetos [From Fuerteventura to Paris: Intimate Diary of Confinement and Exile Poured Out in Sonnets]. While in Paris he completed Romancero del destierro [The Ballads of Exile, 1928], which would be the last book of poetry published in his lifetime.
In 1930, King Alfonso of Spain removed the dictator, Primo de Rivera, and in February, Unamuno triumphantly returned home and regained his position as rector at the University of Salamanca. When General Francisco Franco took power in 1936, many of Unamno’s friends and colleagues were executed. At the university convocation, the poet angrily denounced Franco’s rebellion. General Franco gave permission to shoot Unamuno, but, to avoid an international incident, the poet was confined to strict house arrest, where he died on New Year’s Eve, 1936.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Evenets 9.23
38 – Drusilla, Caligula's sister who died in June, with whom the emperor is said to have an incestuous relationship, is deified. 1122 – Pope Callixtus II and Holy Roman Emperor Henry V agree to the Concordat of Worms to put an end to the Investiture Controversy. 1338 – The Battle of Arnemuiden, in which a French force defeats the English, is the first naval battle of the Hundred Years' War and the first naval battle in which gunpowder artillery is used. 1409 – The Battle of Kherlen is the second significant victory over Ming dynasty China by the Mongols since 1368. 1459 – The Battle of Blore Heath, the first major battle of the English Wars of the Roses, is won by the Yorkists. 1561 – King Philip II of Spain issues cedula, ordering a halt to colonizing efforts in Florida. 1779 – American Revolution: John Paul Jones, naval commander of the United States, on board the USS Bonhomme Richard, wins the Battle of Flamborough Head. 1803 – Second Anglo-Maratha War: The Battle of Assaye is fought between the British East India Company and the Maratha Empire in India. 1821 – Tripolitsa, Greece, is captured by Greek rebels during the Greek War of Independence. 1846 – Astronomers Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams and Johann Gottfried Galle collaborate on the discovery of Neptune. 1868 – The Grito de Lares occurs in Puerto Rico against Spanish rule. 1884 – On the night of 23-24 September, the steamship Arctique runs aground near Cape Virgenes leading to the discovery of nearby placer gold, beginning the Tierra del Fuego gold rush. 1899 – The American Asiatic Squadron destroys a Filipino battery at the Battle of Olongapo. 1905 – Norway and Sweden sign the Karlstad Treaty, peacefully dissolving the Union between the two countries. 1913 – The United Mine Workers of America launch a strike which eventually escalated into the Colorado Coalfield War. 1942 – World War II: The Matanikau action on Guadalcanal begins: U.S. Marines attack Japanese units along the Matanikau River. 1950 – Korean War: The Battle of Hill 282 is the first US friendly-fire incident on British military personnel since World War II. 1973 – Argentine general election: Juan Perón returns to power in Argentina. 1983 – Gulf Air Flight 771 is destroyed by a bomb, killing all 117 people on board. 2004 – Over 3,000 people die in Haiti after Hurricane Jeanne produces massive flooding and mudslides. 2008 – Matti Saari kills ten people at a school in Finland before committing suicide
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St. Raphael Church
225 E. High St.
Springfield, OH
St. Raphael's Church is a historic Catholic church in the city of Springfield, Ohio, United States. Established in the 1840s as Springfield's first Catholic parish, it is a Gothic Revival church building, the towers of which hold a prominent spot in the city's skyline. As a work of a leading city architect, the building has been named a historic site. None of Clark County's first residents were Catholics; the first Catholics moved into Springfield circa 1835, and by 1845, the community had nearly seventy Catholic families. The first priest to minister in Springfield was Henry Damian Juncker, the future Bishop of Alton, but his responsibilities elsewhere permitted him to visit Springfield only once or twice monthly, and services were held in private residences or in buildings owned by others. James F. Kearney was the first resident priest, coming in August 1840, but due to illness he resigned after one year's service.  
The members bought land in 1848, and the parish was officially erected in 1849 and dedicated to St. Raphael. Although money was originally lacking for the construction of a building, the parish's needs were supplied by wealthy Cincinnati resident Michael Cassily, and with his money the members built the foundation of a church building. Over the next quarter century, twelve different priests served the parish, holding tenures ranging from one to eighteen years. By the late 1860s, the parish was growing to the point that a single priest could no longer serve everyone: an assistant pastor was appointed in 1868, even though a second parish, St. Bernard, had been formed in 1860.   Another parish, St. Joseph, was established in 1884.
When W.H. Sidley became the pastor in 1873, he was distressed to discover the parish's diminutive complex: a small brick house of worship, a tiny frame house used as a school, and no rectory whatsoever. He soon arranged for the construction of a rectory, which was finished in the following year at a cost of $7,000. Two years later, he began a more substantial school building, three stories tall, which was completed in September, 1877, at a cost of $19,000. By the early 1890s, the church itself was proving insufficient for the parish's needs, and the process of replacing it began in early 1892 as the original brick building was destroyed. Six years passed before the completion of the replacement building, which was consecrated by William Henry Elder, the Archbishop of Cincinnati, on July 17, 1898. 
St. Raphael's was the high school parish of Daniel Rudd, an African-American newspaperman who founded the first Black Catholic Newspaper in 1886, "American Catholic Tribune." An Ohio Historical Marker honoring him was dedicated Dec 12, 2021. During the 1920s, the church prospered amid civil strife. In 1923, when Archbishop Moeller was raising money for Mount St. Mary's Seminary of the West, St. Raphael's was wealthy enough to provide $10,000 for the school fund, amounting to fully 10% of the total.   Its funds also sponsored Springfield Central Catholic High School, meant for students of all city parishes rather than for St. Raphael parishioners only.   Conversely, the church was the focus of rising Ku Klux Klan sentiment in Springfield. Among the most exciting incidents in the parish history occurred during a KKK parade: the Klansmen planned to process past the church, but the parish priest stood before the parade, blocking the way, and the Klansmen turned aside.
St. Raphael's is a high Gothic Revival structure, built of sandstone from Berea. Since construction in the 1890s, it has been one of Springfield's most distinctive buildings, due in large part to its two front towers — the bell tower is 135 feet high, and the principal tower 184 feet . By climbing 156 steps to the summit of the principal tower, one gains a panoramic view of the city and surrounding countryside.  The building's general plan is that of a streamlined Latin cross, with slight gabled projections near the rear forming the crosspiece. Three entrances pierce the facade, while lancet windows of similar height are placed at varying locations in the towers, and two-story windows fill the side bays. Widest and tallest are the windows placed in the rear-side projections and above the entrances on the facade. The Gothic stained glass window from the church apse depicts the Crucifixion of Jesus.
Both towers are topped with pointed roofs, surrounded by ornamental pointed roofs of far smaller sizes, while the roof of the main part of the church is a steep gable. Despite extensive Gothic Revival detailing, such as the pointed-arch windows and doorways, the building also retains some elements of the Romanesque Revival style, including the false buttresses and columns around the main entrance, as well as the sheer massing of both towers. By the time that the building was complete, parishioners had spent $75,000 on construction and ancillary costs.  The architect for St. Raphael's was Charles A. Cregar, first among architects native to Springfield. Cregar was responsible for numerous grand buildings in Springfield, including City Hall, and St. Raphael's is among the chief examples of his work.
St. Raphael's remains an active part of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati, but no longer as a separate parish: St. Joseph's and St. Raphael's have been combined into a single parish. The church building itself has received wide recognition: it was listed with the National Register of Historic Places on June 22, 1976, due to its historically significant architecture. It is one of six Cregar-designed buildings listed on the Register, along with the former city hall, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, the former Arcade Hotel, St. Joseph's Church, and the former Third Presbyterian Church.
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paulbeal · 2 years
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🌁 The Hebden and Cracoe Fell walk in the Yorkshire Dales
ℹ️ Hebden Suspension Bridge is located around half a mile south of Hebden village. It was built in 1884 after a tragic incident where a local man drowned while trying to cross the River Wharfe using the stepping stones. The bridge was constructed to address the transportation problems the villagers faced due to the destruction of Burnsall Bridge in a storm the previous year.
ℹ️ The bridge, designed as a suspension bridge, was built by William Bell, the village blacksmith, using 262 yards of redundant steel rope purchased from the Hebden Moor Mining Company. The funds for the project were raised through public subscription, and the bridge was officially opened in 1885 with a grand celebration that included a brass band and public tea.
ℹ️ Today, Hebden Suspension Bridge is an important footbridge that provides a public footpath across the River Wharfe for walkers. The bridge offers beautiful views of the river and is a popular attraction for visitors to the village. Recently, the National Park Authority has refurbished the bridge, ensuring that it remains safe and functional for continued use.
📚 More about the area and walk 👉 http://bit.ly/3XZPM3D
🔖 #HebdenSuspensionBridge #YorkshireDales
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thinkingimages · 3 years
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Yogi Pullavar Levitating in 1936
Poised Horizontally in mid-air with one-hand resting on the top of a cloth draped stick, which formed his only visible support, the levitated Yogi (apparently in a condition of trance) seen from in front.
[Indian Yogis performing acts of levitation have been documented as far back as 1884, but when a report and pictures were published in 1936 of Yogi Subbayah Pullavar, an Indian Guru, levitating for 4 minutes, a serious interest into Yogis and their power of levitation emerged.
On 6 June 1936, Indian Yogi Subbayah Pullavar levitated for four minutes in front of 150 witnesses. He was in a state of deep trance and, once back on the ground, his limbs could not be unbent at first.
Yogi’s feat was publicly observed and photographed in an exhibition that occurred in South India. The Illustrated London News printed the story and photos which were taken from various angles by P. Y. Plunkett who was a witness present that day and scrutinized the entire event.
Yogi Pullavar’s assistants erected a small tent in an open area where Pullavar began by ritualistically pouring a circle of water around the perimeter of the tent. Shoes were not permitted within the area marked by the circle. Yogi Pullavar then entered the tent where he remained hidden from view for a few minutes, after which the attendants then removed the tent. Once revealed, Yogi Pullavar was seen suspended horizontally several feet above the ground. He was in a trance, lightly resting his hand on top of a cloth covered stick. He was in a trance, lightly resting his hand on top of a cloth covered stick.”
Finally, he slowly sank in a horizontal position to the ground. The entire process took an estimated five minutes to complete.
When the tent was again removed, Yogi Pullavar was lying on the ground, still in a deep trance. Volunteers were asked to try to bend Pullavar’s limbs. His arms and legs could not be bent from their locked position. Attendants had to splash water on Yogi Pullavar and rub him down for five minutes before he finally came out of his trance and was once again able to use his limbs.
Is it possible for human beings to levitate? Throughout history there have been many anecdotal accounts of people levitating. Many religions have their traditional stories of levitation. Milarepa, the great thirteenth century yogi of Tibet, is said to have had the ability to levitate. The Ninja of Japan also reportedly were able to levitate. Some of the best records of levitations are among Christian documents which indicate that over 200 Catholic Saints have been credited with levitating.
One of the more remarkable and documented accounts of levitation is of St. Joseph of Cupertino born in 1603 in Apulia, Italy. He was born in a stable, was not well educated, but yet was considered to be very wise. He fasted for 40 days 7 times a year and was able to communicate with animals. He is said to have achieved his ability to levitate after over two decades of intense spiritual practice. He levitated before hundreds of witnesses including one incident when he levitated several feet above the ground in front of Pope Urban VIII.]
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myhauntedsalem · 2 years
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The Bullock Hotel’s Intense Ghost
Deadwood, South Dakota
In the late 1800s, Seth Bullock traveled to the Black Hills gold strike with a wagon full of supplies to sell to the miners that worked in Deadwood, South Dakota. He spent the rest of his life here as a merchant, rancher, sheriff, U.S. Marshall, and hotel owner. At age 21, he was a Montana Territorial State Senator who played a role in establishing Yellowstone as a national park.
When he and his partner arrived in Deadwood Gulch, in 1876, he found a hell-bent, rowdy mining community. Wild Bill Hickok was shot in the head and killed the day after he arrived.
Within a few short months, Seth was appointed sheriff and with several handpicked deputies he was able to clean up the town. Seth was a tall, imposing man with a steely-eyed stare, who demanded respect. He was an honest and fair businessman who often solved potential violent situations with intelligence and creativity.
A territorial judge liked to tell the story of when Bullock stopped a dangerous miners strike. These men hadn’t been paid, so they camped out in the mine refusing to come out. Bullock not wanting to injure anyone dropped a foul, smelly substance down the airshaft. The striking miners eventually surfaced in search of fresh air.
He managed to keep law and order in Deadwood without ever firing a shot or killing anyone.
In 1884, riding on his ranch, Bullock ran into three rough-looking characters. One of these men was Theodore Roosevelt, the future president of the U.S. The two men became life-long friends  and during the Spanish-American War in 1898, Bullock enlisted as one of Roosevelt’s famous Rough Riders.
After a fire destroyed Bullock’s hardware store on Main Street, in 1894, he and his partner Sol Star had a luxury hotel built on the site, the Bullock Hotel, which remains open today.
Seth Bullock passed away in 1919, at the age of 70. Many eyewitness reports indicate his ghost haunts his hotel.
A long-time employee of the Bullock Hotel shares several compelling guest experiences.
One morning, he saw a little boy point to a photograph of Seth Bullock, that the hotel displays and explain the following excitedly. “Dad, that is the man who helped me, last night when you and mom went downstairs. I told you I left the room to explore and got locked out. I was lost, and he approached me, he said he could help. He led me back to our room and opened the door without a key. See, he has a big mustache but he was wearing a big hat and wore cowboy boots. ” He pointed to the photo “That man has the same eyes.”
This employee states this incident was the first of many that convinced him the stories about Seth Bullock haunting the hotel were true.
Working the front desk, late one night he received a frantic call from a guest staying on the second floor. She complained, there is a dirty man out in the hallway smoking a smelly cigar when no smoking was allowed.
The employee asked her to describe this man. “He is tall, has a large mustache, he stared at me rudely. He is dressed like a cowboy with a large hat and boots tucked into his pants.”
There was no one of that description staying in the hotel.
The employee goes on to explain that many guests have given similar descriptions of a man they saw in this same hallway.
In Room 211, where Seth Bullock died, guests have experienced everything from items being misplaced to objects being thrown across the room. Witnesses state while walking in this hallway, they heard their names whispered.
Music is heard in this area with no source and maids state they often find themselves locked out. One used a towel to keep the door propped open only to see it fly across the room. Maid carts also move without assistance on this floor.
Electrical items turn on and off in this room even when they are unplugged. Guests report they felt a strong presence that appeared to be watching and then later followed them.
The Bullock staff keeps a notebook in their lobby so guests can record their experiences. It is believed many other ghosts besides Bullocks remain at this hotel.
The hotel’s kitchen, bar, and basement all have had multiple incidents of unexplained activity.
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