#NOT immune to. my boss is really handsome disease.
peachy-doodles · 5 months
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sorry. made another pretty guy. his names Jacq and he isn't an irredeemable bastard unlike the last one so we dont have to kill him okay <3
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returnn-of-the-mac · 5 years
One thing that really irked me about Fallout 4 was the lack of illnesses. Our bodies evolve alongside diseases, gaining immunity through exposure, which is then passed to the next generation. Then you have the Sole Survivor, who has effectively time-traveled to the future, and subsequently has none of this immunity. They should be very vulnerable to infection. How would the companions react to Sole getting horribly sick from what is the equivalent of a mild cough for the rest of the wasteland?
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Ayy, so this is another combined react! I felt like even though these two aren’t directly related, they could work together. So thanks for the rq’s @conspiracysnail and @doodledust2017! Please enjoy!😊
FO4 (❤️+ Nick & Deacon) Companions React: Sole Catching a Deadly Disease, Slipping Into a Coma & Waking Up
What was supposed to be a quick trip to the Kendall hospital to gather some supplies quickly turned into a night-long ordeal when Sole and their lover unexpectedly encountered an abnormally aggressive deathclaw. After a long and grueling battle, Sole and their partner emerged victorius.
Now the pair was trudging along a beaten dirt road when Sole suddenly felt ill. Very ill. Like nothing they had ever experienced in their 200+ years of living. Nevertheless, they continued to carry on.
“Um, hey. Maybe we should stop for a minute,” MacCready suggested, “You’re looking kinda...grey.”
Sole wiped some sweat from their forehead, assuring MacCready that they hadn’t slept well the night before. He seemed didn’t seem to buy it, but didn’t bother arguing.
Moments later, the urge to vomit suddenly overtook Sole. They desperately fished through their bag for something to suppress it—maybe a purified water?
“What’re you looking for?” MacCready asked, concerned, “Gun? Ammo? Gumdrops?”
Just as Sole opened their mouth to ask for a purified water, they fell onto their hands and knees and began vomiting.
“Eww,” MacCready grimaced and backed up a few steps, “You get food poisoning?”
Sole continued unleashing a seemingly endless stream of puke and their companion grew concerned.
“You...you gonna be okay? You must be running out of stuff to throw up,” MacCready warily approached, “[Name]? Can you still breathe?”
The vomit stream did not cease, and Sole felt themself losing consciousness. The last thing they remembered was being shoved to the side moments before fainting, narrowly avoiding the vile puddle in front of them.
“[Madame/Monsieur], you look unwell,” Curie noted.
Sole denied feeling ill and pressed on.
“Zis is zerious, my love!” The synth said firmly, grabbing Sole’s hand to get their attention. It was cold and clammy.
Sole was taken aback by their friend’s unusually stern tone, and Curie’s eyebrows furrowed.
“I apologize for raising my voice, [Madame/Monsieur], but I am zincerely worried,” she explained, “I knew exploring ze ‘ospital was a risk because you ‘ave not been exposed to many Post-War diseases. You’re immune zystem...it will ztruggle.”
Sole let out a long, rattly cough and Curie frowned
“Oh non...zis ees not good,” Curie fished through her supplies to see if she could find anything to treat Sole. She walked over to her companion and gently rubbed their back, hoping to soothe their respiratory tract. They coughed again— this time much harder.
“[Madam/Monsieur]! You’re pupils are constricting!” the synth observed, tenderly squeezing Sole’s hand, “Ztay with me, mon amie, please!”
Sole experienced tunnel vision as their lover’s pleas got fainter and fainter. Then, everything went black.
“Blue, you’re not looking too hot right now,” Piper commented, “Are you alright?”
Sole denied their illness and insisted on pressing forward. After about 5 more minutes of walking, Sole started to see black dots materialize around them. They began to sweat and shake their head frantically, trying to clear their vision.
“[Name]?” Piper stated. Her voice sounded comically deep, as if in slow motion “Arreeee yooooouu oookkkayyy?”
Sole giggled at the sound of their friend’s voice before the black dots completely overtook their sight. They felt their knees give way as the world went black.
“An’ so I told em: how old do ya think we are? Ten? A rubber chicken ain’t cuttin it. Neither is a whoopie cushion. That shit ain’t hard— uh...boss?” Gage paused, “Are ya still listenin’ to my story? It’s pretty damn funny.”
Sole weakly nodded, and Gage stared at them.
“You’re fulla shit, boss,” Gage chuckled, “Now, what’s on your mind? Ya look...spacey.”
Sole swallowed and took a seat on the ground, the world spinning.
Gage frowned.
“What’s wrong, babe?”
He took a seat beside them and noticed their ashen skin.
“You look like shit. Tell me what’s goin on.”
Sole suddenly felt chills and their skin went clammy. They shot their companion a panicked look before they felt their vision go blurry.
“Hey!” Gage yelled, grabbing his lover by the shoulders, “Hey! Talk to me! Fucking speak!”
Sole collapsed into the Raider’s arms and blacked out.
“You feelin alright?” Hancock asked, frowning, “You haven’t said a word since we left the hospital. That ain’t like you.”
Sole shook their head and continued moving forward. They wanted to answer, but they couldn’t. They were too nauseous.
“Hey,” the ghoul pressed, approaching a flat boulder. He sat down and patted an open spot ned to him, “Come here, gorgeous.”
Sole sat down beside their lover and immediately curled up next to him. Hancock put his arm around them, but now knew without a doubt that something was going on.
“No shame in needin to take a break,” Hancock murmured, kissing the top of Sole’s head, “If ya need an off day, we can just take the day off. No harm in that, doll. The Commonwealth can survive a single day without ya.”
Sole smiled and opened their mouth to say thank you. Before they could get the words out, however, they began to projectile vomit.
Hancock jumped in surprise, but immediately composed himself. He climbed behind Sole and [held back their hair/rubbed their back] as they continued to puke.
“Easy, easy…” Hancock cooed— more so trying to keep himself calm than Sole.
After a few minutes of non-stop vomiting, the ghoul felt his lover falling forward. He roughly tugged them back to prevent them from falling.
Sole now lay face up on the rock, eyes closed. The force of the puking and the dehydration had caused them to black out.
“Taffington Boathouse is just over the horizon,” Danse announced, “It would probably make for a safe place to spend the night— assuming the settlers have kept the bloodbug population under control.”
When Sole didn’t answer, the former Paladin turned around to check on them. He noticed his lover straggling behind.
“Soldier? How are you holding up? Do you need to take a break?”
Sole nodded and plopped down on a rock, curling up immediately.
A concerned Danse approached them, and put the back of his hand to their forehead.
“[Name], you’re burning up. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Sole closed their eyes.
Danse frowned and sat beside them. “Soldier, are you going to make it across the river? We could just camp out here for the—”
It was then that Sole went completely limp and began to roll off the rock. Danse sprung into action and caught them just before they hit the ground.
“[Name]! Talk to me, [name],” Danse demanded, holding Sole and grabbing their hand, “If you are unable to speak, squeeze my hand.”
Nothing happened, and Danse noticed how cold and numb Sole’s fingertips were.
“Oh. God. Dammit!”
Although Sole could neither move nor speak, they could still hear the commotion. They made one final attempt to communicate with their panic-stricken lover before they blacked out.
“Hey,” Preston began, slowing his pace, “I need to ask— we need to talk.”
An exhausted Sole mustered all of their energy to focus on their concerned companion.
“I feel like you haven’t been taking care of yourself lately. You’ve been pushing yourself too hard,” the Colonel explained, approaching his lover, “I hate to say this to you— and please don’t take this the wrong way— but you look horrible, babe.”
The words hurt Sole, but they knew Preston was right. They did feel terrible. Their entire body ached from head to toe, their lungs hurt, and they felt nauseous.
“You should rest,” Preston suggested, “Since we’re still pretty far from Taffington Boathouse, we can camp out here. I’ll gather some firewood. In the meantime, you should eat something.”
Preston handed Sole a noodle cup.
“It’s cold, but at least it’s packed with nutrients.”
Sole tried to pop open the lid, but their hands fumbled around clumsily.
“Are you okay? You’re shaking like a leaf, babe.”
Just then, Sole’s vision went blurry. The last thing they remembered was Preston shouting their name before they blacked out.
“Hold up, [handsome/gorgeous],” Cait began, “Ye ain’t lookin to hot. You’ve gotta take a break.”
Sole ignored the redhead and pressed onward, but the redhead roughly grabbed their arm and pulled them back.
“Oh no, ye don’t! We are stoppin here and campin out. I’m not gonna have ye pass out on me in the middle of a firefight. Got it?”
Sole tried to wiggle out of their lover’s grasp, but they were far too weak.
“Yer a stubborn one, ain’t ye. I’m not surprised. But ye can’t even shake free from my grasp and I’m not even tryin that hard. Now what if I were an enemy, darlin? Ye’d be good as dead.”
Sole sighed and sat down on a rock. Their head was pounding and their stomach was churning. The nausea was becoming unbearable.
“Hey,” Cait began, crouching next to them, “Yer lookin a bit...green. Do you need—” before she could finish, Sole began to vomit violently.
“Shite!” Cait shrieked, falling over backwards. She was covered in pink chunks. Despite being thrown up on, she shot back up and scrambled to her lover’s aid.
“See if ye can chug some water down or somethin,” the redhead suggested. Unfortunately, Sole’s stream of vomit failed to cease.
“Bloody hell! Are ye ever gonna stop!?”
Sole tried to regain control of their stomach contents, but they were unable to. After a solid two minutes of vomiting, Sole blacked out.
“Stop,” Nick demanded. Sole turned around, shocked by the detective’s uncharacteristically stern tone.
Nick sighed and approached his lover.
“You work so damn hard to ensure everyone is taken care of, but sometimes, you just need to take care of yourself, dear,” Nick explained, “You look exhausted. Still beautiful as alway, but jaded.”
Sole hated to admit it, but they knew Nick was right. They were wearing themself out. After leaving Kendall Hospital and coming in contact with hundreds— if not thousands— of foreign disease strands, they were feeling it now more than ever.
“Honey,” the detective began, placing his hand on Sole’s forehead, “You’re definitely running a fever. Please, just rest for tonight. You deserve it.”
Sole took a seat on a nearby rock as the detective searched his inventory for a blanket and food. As Sole watched their lover, they began to feel dizzy.
“[Name]?” Nick called, looking over his shoulder, “Are you alright?”
Before Sole could answer, their vision went blurry. They felt themself losing their balance on the rock.
“[Name]!” Nick cried.
That was the last thing Sole remembered before everything went black.
“Hey hotshot, you ain’t lookin too hot,” Deacon teased, “You actually look kinda cold. I see goose bumps on your arms!”
Sole tried to crack a smile, but they just couldn’t muster the energy.
“Baaaabe, you good? Do you need water or something? Oh! Maybe a teddy bear! I’ve got a ton of those!”
An exhausted Sole curled up on the ground, and their lover could sense that something was wrong.
“[Name], tell me what’s up,” Deacon pressed, “You look...horrible, actually. Are you sick or something? Did you contract some kinda disease at the hospital?”
Before Sole could answer, they started seeing stars.
“[Name]?” Deacon asked, worried, “Hey...you hanging in there? You look all cross-eyed. [Name]?”
Everything went black.
Sole groaned and opened their eyes slowly. The light was blinding and their entire body was numb. They could make out some shapes— some settlers and...a person sitting right beside them? They must be at a clinic in one of the settlements.
Before Sole could even finish processing the environment, there was a sudden commotion in the room.
“[Name]!” The mercenary cried, throwing his arms around Sole “You’re alive!”
Sole could barely breathe with how tight their lover was hugging them. In fact, they were surprised he even had this much strength. Sole tapped MacCready on the back a few times before he got the hint and pulled away.
“Heh, sorry,” he apologized sheepishly, “You were in a coma for two weeks. I...I thought I’d lost you.”
MacCready’s eyes started to glisten, and Sole mustered a small smile.
“I’m not crying,” he defended, “It’s dusty in here!”
His lover let out a laugh, and the mercenary lightened up a bit. He pulled Sole into another hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. I love you so much, [name].”
“MON CHERIE!” Curie shrieked, sobbing into Sole’s shoulder, “Oh, I zought you were gone!”
Sole pet their lover’s hair as they continued to bawl.
“You ‘ad a zerious virus. You caught it from ze ‘ospital. Ze Kendall one,” the synth explained, “I tried to ‘elp you as much as I could, but I zimply did not ‘ave the proper equipment.”
Sole continued to comfort their distraught companion. When Curie had finally stopped crying, she stared lovingly into Sole’s eyes.
“I don’t know zwat I would do wizout you, my love,” Curie breathed, “You mean ze world to me.”
“Blue, Blue, Blue, oh my god!” Piper squeeled, clinging onto Sole’s arm, “You’re alive! I thought that afternoon two weeks ago would be the last time I’d ever get to speak to you again!”
Sole smiled as their lover babbled on.
“I love you so, so, so, so much! To the moon and back! More than every last grain of sand on the beach! More than all of the dust in the Commonwealth!”
Piper planted a warm kiss on Sole’s cheek, and then pursed her lips.
“Don’t you dare go scaring me like that again, you goober!”
“Are ya— ” He stared at Sole, “Alive?”
Sole nodded and Gage grinned.
“I knew ya’d pull through it, babe! You’re the roughest, toughest [girl/guy] I know!”
Gage punched Sole’s arm— much to the annoyance of the onlooking settlers— and gave them a rough kiss on the forehead.
“Ain’t no germs gonna mess with us.”
“Hey, how’re ya doin, sweetheart?” Hancock asked, brushing loose strands of Sole’s hair to the side, “I’m so glad to see you’re doin okay. I love ya, doll.”
Sole smiled, and Hancock wrapped his arms around his lover.
“You sure had me spooked. And I’m not scared of anything,” Hancock laughed, tilting his head toward a mountain of used jet puffers.
Sole rolled their eyes and the ghoul chuckled.
“I know ya hate when I do that but...I just couldn’t fathom spending the rest of my life without ya. I love you so much, and I care about ya more than I’ve cared about, well, anything honestly.”
“There you are,” Danse sighed, squeezing Sole’s hand, “I’m glad to see you’re alright.”
“And now you can finally stop pestering me about [his/her] condition,” an annoyed settler— seemingly the doctor— remarked.
“Affirmative, civilian,” Danse growled, “Now if you would please give us some privacy. All of you.”
All of the settlers left the room, and Danse looked back at Sole.
“I was...scared, admittedly,” Danse confessed, “If I lost you, I honestly don’t know what I’d do.”
Sole smiled at Danse, and the former Paladin pulled his lover into a tight embrace.
The two sat in silence for a moment, Danse holding his lover close, before finally breaking the silence.
“I love you, [name],” Danse murmured, “So much.”
“Babe?” Preston whispered, “Oh my god. You’re awake!”
The Colonel beamed and pulled Sole into a tight hug. The settlers clapped.
“I really thought we’d lost you, General,” Preston explained, “You mean so much to me. You stuck by my side when I was at my worst, and for that I am truly grateful.”
Sole smiled and Preston gave them a kiss on the cheek before pulling them into another tight hug.
“Thank you for staying strong and surviving,” he whispered, voice wavering, “Being together with you is truly amazing, and I just couldn’t imagine— I don’t even want to think about it. I love you, babe.”
“Good mornin, sunshine,” Cait giggled, “How was yer slumber?”
Sole raised an eyebrow and Cait ruffled their hair. She was unusually giddy.
“Ah, I knew a few germs wouldn’t take down the tank! I knew ye would be survivin,” the redhead chirped, “Didn’t worry a smidge.”
Sole studied Cait’s face and observed her puffy red eyes, the dark bags that framed them, and her hollow cheeks. She looked like she had been to hell and back. Was she back on psycho? Sole hoped not.
Sole furrowed their eyebrows and looked deep into their lover’s eyes.
“W-What?” Cait cracked. Her lip was quivering, “Quit lookin at me like that!”
After a few moments of silence, the redhead finally broke down. She threw her head down on the pillow beside Sole and began to sob violently. Sole rubbed her back as she struggled to breathe.
When Cait had finally cried herself out, she stared at Sole, wiping away a string of snot with her arm.
“Yeah, yeah I’m disgustin,” Cait mumbled, “And no, I’m not back on psycho. I know that’s probably what yer thinkin. I’ve just been worried sick.”
Sole smiled and Cait hugged her lover.
“I’d never undo my sobriety. You sacrificed so much for me. I can’t thank ye enough for that, darlin. I hate to sound cheesy, but yer the light of me life.”
“My god,” Nick breathed, immediately pulling Sole into a tight embrace, “I’m so glad you’re alright.”
Nick looked at the young doctor in the room and nodded.
“Thank you,” he began, peering over Sole’s shoulder, “You are truly a talented young man. [He/she] wouldn’t be here without your hard work.”
The doctor smiled and left the room, leaving the couple in peace.
The detective held Sole and rocked them back and forth for a few moments before gazing into their eyes.
“Darling...I truly didn’t expect you to ever wake up from that coma. You were out for two weeks,” Nick explained, “By the time I got you here, you were in rough shape. I’m eternally grateful to everyone who came together to help you. And I’m so relieved that you’re alive and well.”
He planted a passionate kiss on Sole’s lips before pulling away and smiling.
“Get some rest, dear. You need it,” he stated, pulling the thin sheet up to Sole’s chin and fluffing their pillow, “I love you.”
“Well hello there!” Deacon laughed, his eyes brimming with tears, “Long time no see, babe!”
He playfully wiggled Soles hand around a bit before pulling them into his arms.
“I missed you so much,” he stated, wiping is eyes, “I really thought I’d lost you.”
He pulled back, forcing a small grin.
Sole raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t think you can escape me that easily,” he teased, “I plan on sticking around to annoy you for at least another few decades!”
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