worstloki · 3 years
I'm sorry if there's any spelling mistakes in this. I only just thought of it and had to get it out of me before I exploded. So naturally I rushed here and it all came gushing out in one big wave. So here ya go. Enjoy some Infinoki! 😁
"No! Not like tha—! Oh my gods..."
Power grimaced at the mess he'd made, eggshell now in the mixing bowl with the rest of the ingredients. "Oops?"
Mind sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Okay, let's try this again, shall we? Crack the eggs gently," she told him, emphasizing strongly on the word 'gently' as Power seemed to not have the word in his vocabulary.
Power scowled, grabbing another bowl to start over. This was now the third batch of ingredients they'd wasted and they were starting to run out.
Space sat on the counter, absently swinging his legs that shifted being gas, liquid and solid with each swing. It was like the entity could never choose what element he wished to stay in, always needing to shift and change.
He was helping Time with the icing which Space kept insisting had to be sugary. Time disagreed with this, saying it couldn't be too sweet as he took the bowl and put it in the fridge so nothing could happen to it until the cake was ready.
Reality was looking through the cupboards, frowning to himself. "There's not enough candles in here."
"Just grab whatever is there," Mind told him. "Soul, we're gonna need more butter."
Soul nodded, heading to the fridge to grab more butter. Thank gods they always had plenty to spare. Though it couldn't be said the same for the amount of eggs now gone.
Power was much more careful this time around which was good because those were the last of the eggs. Power gave a triumphant grin at finally managing not to get eggshell all in the mix and Space gave him a thumbs up.
"I still don't understand why I can't just create a cake. It would be so much easier and less..." Reality gestured around the kitchen. "Messy."
Mind rolled her eyes, adding butter to the mix. "Because the whole point of making a cake is to actually make the cake, not just make one appear by altering reality."
"Same difference," Reality told her with a shrug as he dropped a bunch of different candles onto the kitchen bench beside Space.
"We're meant to do this without magic," Mind explained simply. "It shows that we put effort into it, that we care greatly for him and that we were willing to go through all the hard work."
"It's a cake," Power pointed out.
"Oh, hush you and get the flour," Mind scolded him lightly, waving the spoon she held in her hand in mock threat to smack him with it.
Space picked up the Candles beside him, tilting his head to the side. "I like this one."
Time glanced at the candle and frowned. "That's for a wedding, Space."
"Is it?" Space tilted his head to the other side, inspecting the little man and woman embracing. "I still like it though. We should put this one the cake."
Time wrinkled his nose. "We shall not."
Space looked as if he wanted to argue when Power shouted causing everyone to look at him in either shock or confusion at the panicked yell.
Reality burst out laughing at the sight of the purple entity covered head to toe in white flour. "Oh my gods! I know Mind said to get the flour but I don't think this is what she meant."
Power scowled down at the powder covering the floor. "Shut up, Reality."
"Oh lord, look at you though!" Reality looked close to wetting himself, clinging to the bench to keep from falling over. "Someone take a picture, please!"
Power growled. "Don't you dare!" He snapped at Space who was holding up that Midgardian device they all knew now was called a 'phone'. Space slowly lowered it, glancing at Mind who was shaking her head.
"Get another bag and be careful this time, please. We've already wasted enough time as it is," she said pointedly.
Time gave her a weird look at that. "What about me has been wasted exactly?"
"No, not—" Mind groaned, looking as if she wanted to bash her head against the kitchen counter. "Enough messing around. He's going to be up soon and we haven't even began to cook it yet."
They all nodded, understanding that they did, in fact, need to get this done before he woke and began to all work in a more or less faster and efficient pace.
It almost went to crap when Space put the mixing bowl on far too high, splattering half of it out of the bowl before Soul pulled out the plug so no more would get thrown about. But otherwise it worked out fairly well, managing to get it into a baking pan and into the oven.
They tried cleaning up the best they could while they waited it to bake and after roughly fourty minutes, Time took it out the oven, nearly dropping it because he'd forgotten that the baking pan would be hot. He managed to get it on the table though before blowing and shaking his hands in a sad attempt to sooth the burning pain spiking through them. Soul just grabbed his wrist and dragged him over to the sink to wash them under cool water.
Space got the icing from out the fridge, one green and another smaller amount gold and set them on the bench. Mind watched carefully as Power spread the green icing over the chocolate cake before writing down the words in gold icing herself.
They went through the candles but couldn't find anything that would work for the cake. There just weren't anough candles.
"Well," Soul said after a pause. "There's different colored candles of these small little ones? How about one each representing one of us?"
Mind smiled. "That's perfect."
Finally, it was done and just in time too as they heard footsteps coming down the hall. They all scrambled, standing in front of the cake and it was a wonder that Power didn't get set on fire by how close he stood to the cake in his attempt to hide it.
Loki came into the kitchen looking only half awake and wearing only black bedtime pants and a large fluffy green jumper that practically swallowed him. He glanced up at them all, eyebrows knitting together in obvious confusion as to why they were all up and in the kitchen so early in the morning. Normally none of them but Soul was ever officially up before nine. Power was never up after after eleven. It was his first clue that something was up.
Then he took in the kitchen, green eyes going comically wide. It was...a mess. It looked like a bomb had exploded. There was flour all over the floor, eggshells covering the bench and a section of the ground, the bin overflowing with discarded ingredients and milk dripping off the bench. What on Asgard had happened here?
Loki turned his gaze back to the six entities with a raised eyebrow. "I do hope there is a good reason for this?"
Mind couldn't help the fluff that colored her cheeks. "Uh, well...you see we—"
"We made a cake!" Space exclaimed excitedly, apparently no longer able to keep it contained anymore as he moved aside, the other's taking it as a queue to do the same, revealing the cake they'd made together. "It's for you!"
Loki stared at it for a long moment, green eyes going through a thousand different emotions at once. It was nearly impossible to catch them all at Loki looked at each of them. "For me?" He asked uncertainly.
Space nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! It's your birthday, remember? We thought we'd do something special and made you a cake together."
Loki looked at a lose of words, apparently unsure how to respond to that.
Mind bit her lip. "We know it's not much but we didn't use any magic to make it. As you can, um, probably tell," she said, glancing back at the kitchen. "We just wanted to do something to show that we'd do anything for you even without having our seiðr to do it."
Loki blinked rapidly, walking slowly over before looking at the words written in gold icing on the cake.
'Happy birthday to our favorite Mischief god.'
There was even a small icing symbol that looks much like Loki's helmet.
Loki felt tears threatening to appear and blinked his eyes even faster to keep them at bay. "I...this is...thank you."
A relieved smile broke out across the entities faces, Space practically pouncing on the spot before rushing forward and wrapping his smoky looking arms around Loki's waist. "So you like it?"
Loki smiled softly as he nodded, looking up at the other's. "I love it. It's gorgeous. I couldn't thank you enough. It's the most heartfelt gifts anyone has ever given me."
Then they were all rushing forward to embrace their favorite Mischief god.
And if Loki questioned why there was flour covering the kitchen floor, Space would definitely have the picture to show him of that story later.
And that's it! The Infinoki is finally all out of my system (for the now) so until next time!
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