that-house · 27 days
My name is Invino Veritas, the greatest pop sensation to ever grace the radios of New Space City. What’s New Space City? It’s like Space City but in New Space instead of normal outer space. Try to keep up, idiot.
My incredibly normal and lame parents, Hal and Sarah Veritas, thought they were soooo funny giving their daughter a name like Invino, and then a traveling wish-god said “you think that’s funny? i’m about to be hilarious” and cursed me so that I have to always tell the truth as long as my blood alcohol content is above a .000000000000000000001. Yeah, you read the number of zeroes right. I can’t even breathe in the same room as a PBR without confessing that I do in fact think I’m smarter, hotter, and more talented than everyone else, which makes me fun at parties.
I was really pissed at that guy for ruining drinking for me forever, so I was majoring in homicide at NSCU to become a totally badass assassin and kill him, but my real passion was always music. When the EP I recorded in my dorm room, My Roommate Fucking Hates Me, caught the ear of a bigshot producer, I dropped out and sold out immediately. I bring an honest sort of grunginess to the New Space City music scene, by which I mean that I pay my stylist $700,000 an hour to make my hair look just a little bit messy before I step out on stage. Nothing too crazy of course, I have an image to maintain.
Smash cut to five years later and I’m six chart-topping albums into a seven-album deal with Lucifer the Lightbringer. Yes, that Lucifer, from the bible and, more famously, those really schlocky 3190s devilsploitation porn flicks. You know, Horns of Desire (3193) and the rest? Yeah, that Lucifer. He opened a record company with the money he made selling silicone casts of his film-festival-winning penis, and my blend of earnest naivety and raw ego was exactly what he was looking for in a star.
When he sent the paperwork, I said I’d have my lawyer look at it, but I didn’t have a lawyer and was too embarrassed to admit it, so I just waited a week and signed it without reading it. Turns out when my seven albums are done I go to Hell forever and so does everyone who’s ever listened to my music. Even on the radio. Or in an advertisement. Sorry. So yeah, I’ve really been procrastinating on this last one. To all my fans out there: make sure you preorder Always Read the Fine Print, because I don’t think I can cash those checks once I’m in Hell.
On the bright side, I think if I play my cards right I can convince him to greenlight a behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the album, and that’s basically a free pass to do whatever I want for a year or two as long as it makes for good footage. Obviously if anyone kills me before the album is done, the apocalypse is averted and only I go to hell, but think about this from a utilitarian standpoint: sure, a few trillion immortal souls are on the line, but I think this is going to be some of my best work yet. Plus, I hate getting killed. So whoever’s sending assassins after me, could you please stop?
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rinwhyte · 1 year
Recipe: Osmanthus Oolong Tea
Check out my new post!
Raleigh is a very strange city. There seems to be a bunch of different places the more you drive around. The are around NSCU, along Hillsborough Street, is home to a lot of places, and the international student body has brought with it a varied number of food places. One such place that pulls on my heart strings as a New Yorker, is Möge Tee, which is basically a “bubble tea place” near the…
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newswireml · 2 years
FEC rejects RNC claim that Gmail is ‘overwhelmingly’ biased against republicans#FEC #rejects #RNC #claim #Gmail #overwhelmingly #biased #republicans
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) dismissed a Republican complaint alleging that Google was providing financial support to Democrats by flagging their fundraising emails as spam “overwhelmingly” less often than Republicans’, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. The GOP complaint hinged on a March 2022 study from North Carolina State University (NSCU) that found Google’s Gmail app marked…
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pseud0knots · 3 years
like specifically. okay this is going to be very rushed because I have zoom therapy in 9 minutes now and also its been a minute since I reread longshot (1985) so forgive me if the lore is slightly off but imagine if when rita was captured on mojoworld after she went there with longshot in longshot (1985) she found out she was pregnant while imprisoned (because if I remember correctly they don't immediately turn her into spiral, she's imprisoned for some amount of time) but longshot who is the father obviously had already forgotten who she was and she volunteered herself for modification and let them turn her into spiral in exchange for them saving her child. like. I haven't fully thought this through but imagine. I can't think about spiral for more than like 5 minutes at a time without absolutely losing my shit is the problem
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caustic-sarcastic · 7 years
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North Carolina Science Olympiad State Tournament at NC State University!
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paok-fc · 5 years
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📸#Photogallery Αποκλειστικές εικόνες από την προπόνηση της Πέμπτης στην Ολλανδία - https://t.co/nScukwyjiW #trainingphotos #OwnTheTop https://t.co/grxgRDVA5s
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iphisesque · 5 years
hollywood? non lo conosco, io guardo solo film del NSCU (Nunzia Schiano Cinematic Universe)
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delightfulduez · 7 years
3 left!! Can be customized to a 2 piece!! This item will not restock!! #liamlí #swimwear #summer2017 #fashiondesigner #custom #greensboro#charlotte #raleigh #durham #winstonsalem #ncat #wssu #nscu
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There is a picture on my fridge of Leah on Christmas morning. The nurses in the NICU took it. She was only 5 days old. She was small enough that she fit inside of a small Santa hat (about the size to fit a small newborn’s head). She had her cpap in. Her eyes hadn’t developed irises yet, so they’re just black voids.
It’s crazy to see how far she’s come in less than 2 months. I didn’t realize how “sick” she looked the first time I saw that picture. I see it now. 
I’m so grateful nothing was seriously wrong with her. I’m so grateful she’s doing so well. I’m glad she’s out of the NICU and into a NSCU now. 
I can’t wait to get a picture of her next Christmas morning, when she’ll be a year old and opening presents.
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duskwod · 6 years
The NSCU, the Not-Spiderman Cinematic Universe - Woolie, upon learning that Jared Leto is going to play Mobius in a Mobius movie spinoff.
You keep saying Mobius when it’s Morbius
Mobius is the world that Sonic lives in the comics
Morbius is the vampire marvel character
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jakganim · 7 years
it’s the last day of january i made it just in time to write my jojo journal entry lmaO
ANYWHO. so 2018 huh. we all know 2017 was a shitfest. and if it wasn’t for any of you then i’m honestly genuinely glad it wasn’t. because it sure fucking was for me :’)) i’m glad that’s over. honestly speaking 2018 did not start off great either. actually it sucked. like terribly. i will delve into that later but it’s not a fun subject, be warned. either way, i guess my feelings from 2017 were kind of leaking into 2018 and i just wasn’t surprised.
despite the bad news, i suppose there’s some good news too. despite the fact that shit really actually went and fucking hit the fucking fan, i feel oddly good about 2018. i feel like it’s just... my year. i have faith in myself and my life, my direction, even if i don’t know where it’s going yet. i’m usually that person that never makes new years resolutions. i knew i’d never actually stick to them so i was like lmao why feed into that bullshit and just end up feeling bad when i don’t fulfill them. well strangely enough, i made some really minor resolutions and have been sticking to them very well. and for the first time i feel like i can really stick to them. they’re things that seem little but are actually really big for someone like me who has trouble following through with what i say i’m going to do and sticking to routines. 
so i started with a skincare routine. sounds small and mundane but... those are the things i have trouble keeping the most. i stick to a skincare routine every morning and night now. it’s actually doing things for me. i’m amazed. being able to keep one routine made it easier to start new ones. everyday when i come home or when my parents come home, i hug them and kiss them hello. that’s... really different for me. and it’s big. i’m a huge family person but i’ve never been particularly affectionate or close or open with my parents. we’ve got our issues with each other, especially my mother and i. we clash a lot and last year i was starting to resent her which is never a good sign. but then shit happened and now here we are and i knew that they would never take the first step so i’m trying to do it instead. i can tell they’re happier. i am too. 
for those of you who don’t know, jordan is not my legal name. but it’s going to be. i’ve been wanting to change my name for about 5 years now. i finally filed my name change petition and i’m excited for that. once everything is legally changed and all my documents are updated, i’ll start applying for jobs probably. with my name. my real name. jordan. what a feeling. i’ve never been more excited and proud. it’s like i’m finally me. like stepping out of my skinny jeans and just throwing on a pair of basketball shorts and getting comfy. i’m comfortable. i’ve never felt lighter. ironic considering the weight of a death in the family.
yikes that was a both a great and terrible transition. to whoever reads this, sorry. i just jumped right into it. welp, now’s the time to talk about that i guess. so yeah. in my last jojo journal entry, i mentioned my aunt, who’d had a stroke and was in the hospital. everything was really confusing at the time and we were all just holding our breaths, killing ourselves waiting for her to wake up. she was in nscu for almost a month. kept bleeding in the beginning, wouldn’t wake up, and they couldn’t perform any surgery on her. she was just laying there surviving off the many tubes they had in her. i visited her as much as i could. i stayed in what i like to call emotional limbo for that whole month just so i could keep it the fuck together. it was so hard to cry. i couldn’t cry. i teared up when i saw my cousin (her younger son) that first night i rushed to the hospital. watching his face crumble was what set me off but i couldn’t even cry then. it felt like i suffocated all through december.
she passed away within the first week of january. i wasn’t exactly surprised, and that could be a good or bad thing. idk. they’d moved her to pcu prior to that. essentially a hospice aka they were kind of just waiting for her to die. it was a saturday and i remember being at work when my cousin (another one, my extended family is very big lol) called me and told me to get to the hospital asap because she wouldn’t make it through the hour. but she sounded so confused, so unsure, that i too could not help but feel anxious. should i leave work early? should i not? i paced back and forth for a while, juggling answering phone calls and text messages from different cousins, all telling me the same thing but all being really vague about it. my boss didn’t even know my aunt was in the hospital for the past month. i didn’t know how to tell him. but eventually it got urgent. i asked him to let me leave. i know i could’ve just told him my aunt was in the hospital and was probably not going to make it. but i felt like saying it would make it happen so i didn’t, just told him i had a family emergency and needed to go. he tried to guilt me into staying by telling me we had a lot of reservations. i wanted to look him in the eye and tell him my aunt was dying and that i was fucking leaving whether he liked it or not. with those exact words. but i knew it would just make him feel bad and hurt myself in the process, so i didn’t. i left before i could snap at him.
i checked my phone as i got in the car and i was getting frantic messages from a close friend of mine. she sounded really distressed and bad things were happening. i had to sit back and breathe bcos i was scared for my aunt, scared for my friend, and it felt like i was getting hit by two trucks back to back and i wanted it to stop. but life goes on and i knew this too well and it seems these days the only thing i’m good at is dealing with high stress situations in the moment bcos i texted her back, though it felt off, like i wasn’t myself, like i couldn’t draw up any genuine emotions even though in my mind i knew i cared, so much, so deeply. but responding to her felt like grappling helplessly at loose sand, trying to keep it all in my grasp. in retrospect my brain was working double time to keep me in emotional limbo long enough to get through this situation. i had felt it bubble up for a second that moment i got in the car and checked my messages. my brain was like lmao fuck that, put that shit away.
so i picked up my mom cos she had no car atm and we went to the hospital together. my aunt was already gone when we got there. i had never seen my cousins and other extended family so gloom in my fucking life. they were all standing outside the room either looking like zombies or crying. my mother and i went in to say our goodbyes. my mom cried, unsurprisingly. i teared up for a second at that but once again, nothing happened. for a moment, i was jealous. after that, everything just felt like a haze. i spent a lot of time waving the tissue box at people whenever they needed it. i stared into the room from the hallway a lot. just looked at my aunt. tried to relay my thoughts to her. convey to her that she did well. she lived a good life. that i was proud of her. that i was sorry she had to stay in that hospital for so long. my cousins and i went down to the au bon pain in the lobby bcos they hadn’t eaten yet. we chatted like life was normal. it was a strange experience, yet everything made sense.
after that night, life went by in one crazy blur. i got sick like the next week which bled right into her wake and funeral. i had shit to do and places to go but everything just felt really unimportant. i remember sitting through a 4 hour meeting with my a cappella group’s e-board right before my illness went full out crazy on me. i was just starting to get sick at the time and i spent half the meeting staring at nothing and coughing into my elbow. it was hard to concentrate but i dragged my ass through it and left with a headache and bunch of responsibilities i didn’t feel like attending to. i finally cried after, well, everything. i wanted to tell my friend (the one mentioned earlier who sent me texts) what i was feeling, what i was thinking, and drawing everything back up from that night managed to push me over. it was some good shit. don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re weak for crying. crying is so good for you when you’re emotional. when you’re sad. i was letting go of a lot of things obviously. i needed that. 
and since then, i’ve been doing a lot better. for a while i thought about death a lot. it scared the shit out of me. still does. i, as a living person, am not actually capable of wrapping my head around the concept of death bcos... well, i’m alive. and that scared me more than anything. but after about a week, those thoughts faded. people once told me i handled these situations well but... i’d never actually had to handle “these situations.” not like this. not this close to home. they just came to that conclusion bcos of my personality. but now that i’m here, i’d like to at least try and believe that they’re right. i want to at least try and believe in my strength to overcome, to stay positive no matter what, to do better, to live happier. i have to. it’s my duty in this life. i need to fulfill nothing more than contentment. i want to one day leave this world knowing that i’ve lived. that i was happy no matter what happened. that i enjoyed this life. and hopefully in the process, offered something to the world. part of the reason i’m doing well is also due to the fact that my aunt really did live a pretty good life overall. she travelled a lot and loved to have fun. she had two lovely sons, one of whom got married last year. nobody at that funeral felt like she had any regrets (not that we’d ever REALLY know, but, the thought helps). she was happy. and so i want to be happy too. when the time comes that a funeral is held for me, i want people to think ah yes... jordan lived a goodass life. what a wholesome life. they were happy. i would want to inspire them to live better, just like my aunt inspired me to. and if in the future i have another life, i hope that person feels the same way, does better, lives more, with even more love, more care, and more sunshine coated smiles.
fin. 180131 | 11:27PM
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unilodgers · 4 years
Get Upto US$300 Amazon Voucher on Student Housing Raleigh, NC
Find and book the best student housing Raleigh, NC with Unilodgers and get upto US$300 Amazon Voucher. We offer the widest options and lowest prices for apartments near NCSU, William Peace University, Meredith College. Avail exclusive offers.100% free service. No booking fees.
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Get US$300 Amazon Vouchers on 103 Park Avenue Apartment Raleigh, NC 
Book 103 Park Avenue Apartment Raleigh, NC with Unilodgers and get US$300 Amazon Voucher. Explore apartments near NSCU, William Peace University and live comfortably! 100% Free Services. No Booking Fee. Free Cancellation.
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Get US$300 Amazon Vouchers on 104 Ashe Student Apartments Raleigh, NC 
Book your room at 104 Ashe student housing in Raleigh - NC near North Carolina State University. Discover a range of apartments with great amenities to suit every student’s preferences. 100% free service, no booking fees, free cancellation.
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Get US$300 Amazon Vouchers on 109 Park Student Apartments Raleigh, NC
Book your room at 109 Park student housing in Raleigh - NC near North Carolina State University. Discover a range of apartments with great amenities to suit every student’s preferences. 100% free service, no booking fees, free cancellation.
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Get US$300 Amazon Vouchers on 1301 Hillsborough Raleigh Apartments, NC 
Book 1301 Hillsborough Raleigh Apartments with Unilodgers and get US$300 Amazon Voucher. Explore apartments near NSCU and live comfortably! 100% Free Services. No Booking Fee. Free Cancellation.
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Get US$150 Amazon Vouchers on 1820 at Centennial Raleigh Apartments, NC
Book 1820 at Centennial Raleigh Apartments with Unilodgers and get US$150 Amazon Voucher. Explore apartments near NSCU and live comfortably! 100% Free Services. No Booking Fee. Free Cancellation.
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Get US$300 Amazon Vouchers on 2604 Hillsborough Raleigh Apartments, NC
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tz-tkd · 6 years
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投稿が少し遅れてしまいましたが、 #TzTKD #テコンドー #練馬道場 本日の #券売機ロト は… #練馬区 #在住 #在勤 または #在学 の #ナミ #サイ #イチゴ #ゴー さん、おめでとうございます。指導料10%オフ!今すぐ #練馬区立総合体育館 #剣道場 へ急げ! 但し、足元が悪いので十分注意するように。 #itftaekwondo #taekwondoitf #taekwondo #nerima #tokyo #itftao #itf #トレーニング (練馬区立総合体育館) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuiuM3-nscu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wm7hd5px6ove
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okhotdogs-blog · 8 years
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FUCK OFF NSCU I don't want your mommy boy engineer rejects
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pseud0knots · 3 years
anyways I'm thinking about how longshot has had his memory wiped so many times and in particular in longshot 1985 after he gets captured on mojoworld and separated from rita and I am almost certain if shatterstar were to tell him he's his son longshot's reaction would probably just be "Cool! :)" so shatterstar would tell alison first, even if he knew alison wasn't his mother. he would tell alison because he knows she loves longshot and understands what it is like to love him. and she would say "well, I guess that makes me your mother," and he would start to explain how no, actually but she would interrupt him. "that makes me me your mother."
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fernandogoyret · 5 years
Last project of this semester. AR and AI experience around the NSCU students publication.
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