moonyasnow · 16 days
🎶 and 💯 for veronica and any oc of your choosing!!!
Thank you very very much for the ask!!! ^^
Hmmm I wanna say Veronica likes something kinda in-between rock, folk, rap and pop? Her favorite band, for example, would be 'the Crane Wives', but she'd also be a fan of the rap artist 'NF' When I listen to a song and think 'Veronica would like this' most often it's because the song has a very powerful feel to it somehow? For examples of what I mean by it, 'KICK BACK' by Kenshi Yonezu (the first opening song of Chainsaw Man), or 'Usseewa' by Ado or 'Hell's Comin' With Me' by Poor Man's Poison. Basically the kind of song you'd wanna SCREAM along to But she also has an appreciation for more classical-inspired music, too, especially considering she grew up in Briar Valley. Some examples would be 'El Tango Egoista' by the artist nyanyannya, or the Kaleidoscope Orchestra's cover of 'MONTERO (call me by your name'. So definitely inspired by classical music, but not actually classical, if that makes sense. Basically: 'powerful' Whether that be musically or emotionally
I also wanna throw in Artemisia for this, if you don't mind! Because her preferred style of music is definitely closer to classical. Her favorite band would be 'Kalafina'! But other than that her favorite kind of music would be the kind that tells a story, the more tragic the story, the better. Some examples: The Tragedy of Dorado (by Kasamura Toota) Purgatory and the Canary Girl (by Hayakawa-P) Cinderella and the Poisoned Apple (by Yuzuhiko & Kagome-P) Witch (by Suzuki-P & Ryotai) Alluring Secret ~Black Vow~ (by Hitoshizuku x Yama) Regarding the Function of this Undiscovered Organ Called a 'Heart' (by adstlaxy) Moonlight Concert (by Akiko Shikata)
Just Veronica in this one! Fact #1: She's actually pretty good at first aid! Since her father is a doctor, he taught her how to perform some first-aid, and even though they didn't speak with each other much outside of it, whenever she was home from school on a break or something similar, she'd help out in his clinic. So she's got some decent medical skills, and could disinfect, sew up and dress a wound if the situation called for it. Fact #2: This more goes back to the history of her as a character, but some of the biggest inspirations on her were Felix from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and Oboro from Fire Emblem: Fates Fact #3: I feel like you could kinda intuit this, but she doesn't laugh often. She barely laughs at all, actually. Just like she barely smiles at all. But her humor is VERY sarcastic. Pretty mocking/insulting, actually... An example: She gives them her signature glare and speaks in a hostile tone of voice: "Absolutely elated." And the kind of humor she can actually end up laughing at is pretty similar, a sort of hyperbolically sarcastic, observational comedy— though again, also being quite mocking, basically making fun of someone.
Tag list: @another-random-paradise @thehollowwriter @faefum @cactus13-rolloflammesimp @beneathsakurashade
@nyx-of-night @theolivetree123 @babyghoul138 @skibidibabygirl
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chewycrunchytgirl · 4 months
hello tumblr user crunchytgirl, quick question: what's your favourite namari hime song(s)??
Hello leek, thank you for asking, it’s a complicated question to answer because there are so many good ones, but I can sort by which ones I like the most for different reasons
The song that first got me into nyanyannya as an artist outside of just pjsekai was Club=Majesty, and that’s one of my favorites in part because out of any song ever produced, that one had the biggest mental impact on me in interpreting its message. It hit even harder in a humorous way because of the fact that I was actually in a hotel room on the Las Vegas strip when I listened to it, already in the belly of the beast, so to speak, and the ideal of opulence at the cost of others sang about in Club=Majesty was surrounding me, and that I think me beginning to feel disillusioned, or even disgusted with the luxury I was currently experiencing (I was on vacation) was the first real rift in thinking to form between myself and my father, and led in part to my mental independence.
Sister=Sect Rouge was also pretty influential, and holds a special place for me, in the fact that that is actually the song that convinced me to come out to my best friend about wanting to transition and become a woman. I had long realized that things didn’t feel right as I currently was, but I had been of the mind that doing so would make me a flawed, defective woman unless I worked really really hard, and I had no use trying to justify (Justin⟹Jive⟹Justify reference!?) any extra work for myself, instead opting to feel the pain I know rather than the one I don’t. That all changed one fateful night when I had a dream and met one single, incredible character. Transmasc Sister=Sect Rouge. In he walked with such incredible confidence my girlfriend in the dream immediately broke up with me to go with him. He walked and spoke with an otherworldly swagger and influence. But the most important part? There was almost nothing different. He wore the same outfit, if a bit more minimalist, had the same voice, did the same things, overall the same except for a clear masculine presence that only existed in the realm of thought. And that made me realize that I think it didn’t really matter if I passed, or if I had a feminine voice, or if I dressed femininely, it only mattered that I had the confidence to simply be a woman. That was the catalyst that led to me coming out and starting my journey, and I have had so much joy since. Also the song is a banger and speaks to my previous experiences and critiques with religion when I was a kid.
I also have kind of a sleeper pick, in that I’m a big fan of Noel de Figaro. In the music you can hear how it resembles Noel’s part in El Tango Egoista and in that latter song hear his part break over time and melt into Sister=Sect Rouge’s part, and I think that’s neat. But more than that, Noel is one of only two characters in my life that I have ever truly kinned, and this song is the primary reason why. The whole song is about how truth and sincerity are the only things that matter, told through a somewhat condescending tone, perhaps, and if that were all it would make it one of the weaker songs on nyanyannya’s list, if not for the implications caused by what else we know about his character. Noel de Figaro is an alias. This man is lying as he preaches truth. He is failing as he preaches resilience. He is shrinking away as he preaches confidence. He is the contradictory spirit that posesses my own words and actions, and I think of him every time I think about how “the only true talent is endurance and willingness to practice” and then not practice at that thing, or when I say “austerity breeds power” and then I seriously overcomplicate whatever the thing is. I try my best every day to overcome these flaws, and I know he probably is too. Noel Beutel is my favorite Namari Hime character by far, and I feel conflicted after I realize that he’s probably one of the few who is dead. I think about his journey daily and I am spurred to keep living my life by the fact that I would want him to.
I’m also a big fan of Asu wa Subarashi, an old nyanyannya title featuring Kagamine Len before the Namari Hime series really took shape, and for the problems that song may have it makes me cry without fail every time I even think about it for too long.
Also for reference’s sake I have not read the nyanyannya light novels, and I joined the fandom around the time Kirapipi Kirapika released, so about 8 months ago.
I’ve also been trying to find the Kadoh-anna-ruk-ah Cyanotype album in disc form for a really really long time so if anyone has any leads on that please DM me
I’ve also been listening to Peacemaker on repeat lately
Sorry for the long response, I haven’t had anyone to talk to about this in a while
Oh also EDIT: fun fact I actually saw the Cyanotype album in a dream several months before I found out it exists! I had to prevent myself from spending all of my money on it, just like in real life :3
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nanjokei · 1 year
Thoughts on miku NT update getting delayed? I think she was supposed to get a major update for her anni but she just got a minor update and wat asked to wait 6 months for a ''real'' update
oh man, if i sound combative sometimes here its because this subject triggers my "vocal synth fans are way too angry at nothing" gag reflex, but im not mad at all just frustrated. also sometimes i just accidentally sound aggressive when my tone is actually neutral, so i hope you forgive me if i come off like that.
its difficult to speak about miku NT frankly because if you ever have anything positive to say about her or are patient about her release or even respect the circumstances she exists in... you get called a shill and/or people get mad— and someone on tumblr has picked a fight with me over it and refused to absorb anything i said about the subject, so i have a bit of fear naturally but...
well for one thing i didn't know about the huge update at all so thanks for telling me!
first of all i think the stated mission statement of miku NT aligns with how i see miku— v3 and v4 strayed too much from what miku actually sounds like, and people get really mad if you say this for some reason and accuse you of being picky or a boomer, but if you listen to any iconic song posted before v3, there is a mikuness present in her original version that is lost in the newer engines, is there not? (honestly i think this is true for every v2 vocal. especially luka. literally no one survived the transition to v3/4 but gumi and the VYs, but luka v4 is the worst. luka has lost her popularity and personality bc of how shit v4 is) she sounds more like fujita saki than miku the more she gets rerecorded. that is why NT exists, aside from crypton wanting to be software agnostic. miku NT is basically a V2 emulator, but the current commercial version is rough. it's enough for me to see the vision though. i say commercial because its clear the private version given out to crypton's trusted few (people like mitchie m and nyanyannya) and used in proseka sounds way more progressed... i'm assuming the huge update is either this or something beyond that. and perhaps, this huge update, if it sticks the landing, maybe means NT could be heading to a more presentable state. it could mean the release of kaito next (because it seems like to me that of the unreleased vocals kaito is the one they work on the most)
another thing people get mad at you for pointing out is how wat is the only person developing the engine... like, sorry, that is just how crypton's company culture operates, piapro charas are not their only product and those who handle them in the company are so few precisely because of how tight the vision is. and they barely make money from miku at all considering the licensing fees are practically nonexistent (for the sake of ease on everyone). so no it's not like how people think they can throw money at the project until it's suddenly successful. people think you can just hire someone from the outside to help develop it— arguably, yes— but if you read any interviews wat or other involved peoples give you immediately get the feeling that their vision is something so specific, they'd never involve a third party even if you put a gun to their heads. and i respect that. i can wait 10 years for NT to get good if it means miku will be miku forever and not fujita saki. if it makes people mad, they've literally never taken any version of miku off sale, you can buy miku v2 or 3 or 4 from their website right now if you wanted to. is it kinda bad they decided to put NT up for sale so early? yeah i can't defend that. but i also think that they underestimated the whole "make your own engine" bit. and people are hard on crypton because a lot of dumb missteps on their part like when the append update dropped and they used the incorrect audio for every demo, giving the impression that there was no difference or improvement.
comparisons to other companies don't work either— companies like yamaha and technospeech have entire research teams and periodically publish said research and then eventually implement such things into their softwares. such research is funded heavily by investors. they are company's companies. no comment on dreamtonics idk what is going on there. crypton on the other hand came in with like one guy lol. maybe it is a trap of their own design but lmao no one has to buy NT or pay attention to its existence if they hate it
i sincerely believe that vocal synth fans are raging bulls who root for products to fail just so they can hoot and holler and scream that they were right on the off chance they do fail, with 0 appreciation for the fact that for example every software has a different philosophy in its creation and a different end goal, yes NT is embarrassing at times and yes it could have been better. and? have they abandoned it? have they taken the money and ran? if they did not care they would have released the other cryptonloids and that would have been it. if there's any people whose vision i trust, whose love for their characters and the creators who love their creations that i unwaveringly believe in, it's crypton. (and vocalomakets. but that is not the point)
and i'm not even a crypton girlie!!!
i think literally everyone who buys NT aside from the clique-y cover artist twitter weirdos (who sit in a circle and shit on every new release) buys it with the understanding that at this point, it is a beta product against crypton's will, and you're in for the ride at that point. if people want piapro studio to be synthv, then they missed the point entirely. miku NT will never be realistic, and will probably never implement AI, because miku is not realistic and AI learning dilutes the mikuness. if people want synthv they should just buy synthv lol. if people think v4 miku is better (i'm telling yall she is not) then just buy v4 miku. what's the issue?
basically if wat tells me to jump i jump. i trust him on this even if it gets delayed beyond that. sorry if this strayed from what you asked me nonnie but as you can see I Have Feelings re:this
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