#Nancy the peach I reckon
indiafishydish · 1 year
You can’t seem to help yourself, Nick, apparently Dr. William J Travis also can’t help himself
How many more tooth will you lose? Well oh excuse me teeth.
Soul vibration. Y’all, they only take and keep taking.
The fact is Stephanie Bryant can still be killed and soak and danielle and all of your other girlfriends and who is the bathtub soaker ha
But you’re not fresh Nick and you’re not ever going to be a star so if you can’t change your behavior, you must be killed
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Potato brown and russets of millions
Doctors laughing. Lmao those idiot women
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I can go back to Dr. Lang and explain to him that he has an opportunity to be a good doctor but he will more than likely just dick me over the same way that Nick has taught me. Most men are in America.
I can go back to Dr. Nazir and he can take me over some more. I said dick don’t get ahead of yourself. Motherfucker, you’re a nasty piece of shit.
I don’t know why I would even consider going back to you. You’re such a fucking piece of dog shit it’s like oh my God can I show you this artwork and you actually use your brain or are you just going to gaslight me some more gaslight me some more I said probably you will gaslight me more just like you guys try to do all the time I guess like doctor like public I have a very difficult time believing that I would want to be a doctor because I think it’s beneath me intellectually speaking
Nick, this is a horrible horrible thing to say but I’m just gonna tell you right now if I’m not OK your daughter will not be OK and your family will be killed one by one
But since that’s not enough, Nick, we are also going to make sure that we make well on that promise to cut your legs off and all of that horrible stuff horrible, horrible, sarcophagus stuff
But you don’t want to kill the wrong ones because then the technology stops people like Nick don’t want anybody to have anything they want it to be the end of times fundamentalist Christian world where he can say and hallelujah brother I own this house that’s disgusting
Some of the wealthier people who own horse farms yeah, they decided to take some of the toys from the doctors in Kentucky because of genetic abuse. Dr. Lang is really pissed about it.
It’s not just genetic abuse. It’s the fact that they want to intentionally target people from other countries and then say I’m better than you and the reason is that Dr. Lang father is really his daddy uncle brother
Indian did you have anything else to add?
Dental work well I can’t trade people to make them feel better
Genetic abuse. Evelyn Carver is already at target because of people
When I say at target I mean potato.
They want to genetically abuse anybody who they deem superior to them genetically and Stephanie and Next thought that they were going to cross the line to apparently check my genetic information and I’ve been studying genetics since I was a kid but not only that I know a lot of things about genetics that a lot of Americans do not know so I’m a very, very shitty motherfucker because I want Americans to also be OK I said shifty
Bombay what else could I possibly add? What do you want me to talk about kings queens princesses all these other titles that I am hearing come back around and the fact that some of those people have what’s the genetics it’s not your business that’s very confidential information and Dr. Lang does not have that access. Neither does Mark even though that would be the joke check my blood to see if I’m really an Indian person the problem even there is that people are born in India. They are Indians and then idiots like Mark Saderholm and Dr. fuck bag Lang think that they are going to be so cluttered I said clever and that’s not clever
More sucking in fucking know I think that Nick wants something at Denises and I think that Dennis wants something from Nick. It gets really weird there because I’m not a fan of either one of them but I do think that Dennis has a certain left button said lust, cause he wants money.
Say whatever the fuck you want. I was a natural lefty in the first place all day.
You guys all are saying that I’m not a natural lefty even though I got my right hand hurt you know I also got my left hand hurt, right whatever believe whatever but I can tell you guys I’m very much a lefty
You cannot force a person to be a left-handed person and have a cash cow child you can’t do that America that’s not how that works so as far as your genetic abuse of trying to smash the hands of little children, do you need to stop? That’s not a question and I’m not smashing any hands.
I could stop you know because I know that somebody like Dr. Lang would be like oh my gosh I want that kind of royalty I’m gonna pretend to be that other guy and she had to listen to me. It’s still gonna turn against you motherfucker
Genetic abuse our servers can’t handle this Rebecca stop oh my gosh we have to read through all of this not only that but the doctors here don’t have access to my genetic information and this is a complicated shit wreck. No you really don’t. I’m not sure what you think you know but you’re wrong I’m about 99.999% right about that.
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lesbianrobin · 3 years
12 16 and 23 >:)
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
answered already and i can’t think of another one, so: here!!
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
okay so my instinctive answer was “change max’s response to b*lly being flayed” or “make nancy confront her flaws and grow as a person” BUT. killing two birds with one stone: i would have LOVED to see nancy get flayed instead of b*lly, exactly how you explained it in this post. it would have been genius and i really think it would have been such a better choice for the show.
there are plenty more self-indulgent changes i’d like to see, but they’re all just kinda petty or for my own enjoyment rather than what i think would necessarily make for the best narrative.
23. Unpopular character you love?
okay so the thing is that stranger things doesn’t really... have many unpopular characters?? i think that certain characters are definitely unpopular within particular circles, but i can’t think of anyone (any protagonist at least) who’s disliked widely enough for me to really classify them as “unpopular.” most of the protagonists are really lovable!! i’d say the most unpopular character that i love is jonathan, and he isn’t super disliked so much as he just doesn’t get a lot of attention, and there’s definitely a reason for that.
i think that st could really benefit from more of their protagonists having evident flaws that they have to reckon with. steve is popular for a lot of reasons, but i think a big one is just the fact that he had a really clear and solid arc where he did bad shit, realized, and made the conscious decision to change for the better. steve continues to evolve across each season and this change is acknowledged. this gives him complexity, makes him interesting, and develops his moral code and value system. compare that to jonathan! it was pretty creepy and wrong of him to take those pictures in s1, but he never really owned up to it in any meaningful way. he may have said he was sorry, but he also made excuses when nancy called him out on it, and then it was never addressed again. there may have been an opportunity to give him a lot of complexity in that moment, examine his behavior and have him acknowledge and change the way he looks at and interacts with his peers, but his and nancy’s argument doesn’t really do any of that, so the arc kinda just... dies out.
i’m about to just say a bunch of bullshit off the top of my head that may not be accurate so um ignore me but <3
most non-steve characters on the show will mess up, apologize or explain themselves, and then it’s not really touched on again. there’s rarely any significant, visible change in behavior or attitude. interpersonal conflicts are generally handled in such a way where the character is not the problem, but their actions are, and as such the solution is not for a character to acknowledge a serious fault and change, but for someone to simply say they’re sorry or for someone to simply say they’re forgiven. because the protagonists are rarely portrayed as being seriously flawed, this results in a cast of generally likable and sympathetic characters! however, in some cases, this backfires a bit, namely with jonathan and nancy. jonathan’s become incredibly bland while nancy (to me) comes off as ignorant and unwilling to acknowledge her own faults.
i don’t really have a conclusion or anything for this but.... i guess that’s my attempt at explaining why none of the protagonists are really particularly unpopular. which nobody asked for. thanks for the ask love xoxo peach on earth
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edengate5 · 6 years
She Wolf 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Four years on the job, I can’t believe I’m doing this all over again. Once upon a time, I was a rookie cop in the grand city of New York City. I thought that I would put my roots here, not far from the family, but nope!! Not in this lifetime! Truly, I thought with my fours years on the job, and my two years of being one of the Alphas around here would be enough for the pack.
Yet, here I am! A rookie again. I mean, I don’t mind, moving away again for my pack. For establishing new territories for them, I am honored to have that job. It only means that I am The Alpha here, my rules they must follow.
I clench onto my seatbelt, as we hit some turbulence as we hit cruising altitude. The only downside of claiming new lands are any threat there must be dealt, with no help from the clan, except I had my sister here.
Here is Hope County, Montana, the Big Sky State. I came here four months ago as Junior Deputy. The Rookie in the squad. My sister, whom I adore dearly, came here once she graduated high school.
I understand why she wanted to leave home so soon. It became too much with all the traditional wolves around. Since my sister is a Beta, mom and most of the blood relatives wanted her to assume her role. I knew my sister would never want to put her head down and follow just any Alpha or any orders to be honest. She questions and suggest her opinions. Maybe that’s why I took this job, because I want my sister to be my second.
Looking around, I can see the uneasiness around here. The tension can be cut by a butter knife. My shoulder tenses as we get closer to our destination. A hand on my shoulder snaps me out of it. I look over to my sister, seeing her concern in her eyes. Taking a deep breath, I calm myself. I can feel her sending me calm thoughts through our connection. It may be weak in this form, it is nice to have it though.
“Crossing the Henbane right now,” Whitehorse said, into the mic. Everyone turns as we pass a huge statute of the man we are going to arrest.
Joseph Motherfucking Seed
What kind of narcissistic asshole needs a statue of himself?! I do not like this one bit.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, on our left we can see the biggest asshole in Hope county; Joseph Seed,” I said sarcastically. I’m hoping with my sarcastic humor could lighten up the mood. I got my partner, Deputy Hudson, to chuckle just a bit and maybe Pratt to smirk, but it might be a trick of the eye.
“We are officially in Peggie country now. Are you sure you want to do this, Marshall?” my sister asks. He just looks at her then back to Whitehorse.
“How much longer?” Burke asks, ignoring my sister. I bite down a growl, glaring at the person in front of me. How dare he?! Another reason why I don’t like being a Rookie, because I don’t have enough power to say anything at all, no power to defend my pack.
“Just long enough for you to change your mind, so we can turn this bird around,” Whitehorse said, not wanting this confrontation. Burke lifts his paper up.
“You want me to ignore this federal warrant, Sheriff?” Burke questions him. I roll my eyes at him. The way he speaks, his tone of voice. Ugh! I don’t like this man at all.
“No, sir. I want you to understand the reality of this situation: Joseph Seed is not a man to fuck with. We’ve had run ins with him before and they haven’t always gone our way. Just sometimes….sometimes it’s better to leave well enough alone,” Whitehorse speaks. I can’t say I agree with the Sheriff on this one. I only heard from my sister about the Seeds, folks that she stays away from.
“That’s why we have laws, Sheriff. And Joseph Seed is going to learn that,” Burke says, folding his paper. I agree with him on the most part. If Joseph Seed is a threat to this community, he needs to go. Bye Felicia!
I tone out the rest of the conversation. I really hate flying in any aircraft. I want to really to focus on not losing my breakfast right now until Pratt had to throwing shade at me. Pratt wanted Nancy on this field trip instead of me, jabbing again with the whole Rookie thing.
“Come on, Peaches, we all know you have a crush on Nancy. Don’t need to broadcast it,” I said, teasing him. Pratt looks over his shoulder, as I smile back. I bet he thinks I don’t know about the peaches incident. Ha! Get Rekt!
“Leave it be, Pratt,” my sister tells him. He takes his partner’s advice and goes back to piloting the helicopter. I puff out my chest, smirking at his defeat. Suddenly, we come across the compound.
“Last chance, Marshall,” Whitehorse said, giving the man a way out. For some reason, Burke looks at me.
“We are going in,” he said. Whitehorse orders Pratt to settle the helicopter down. I can see many individuals arm themselves with guns, and I can see a guy using a flamethrower on a bonfire. God, I can smell the crazy from here.
“Aw, look everyone! They have a welcome party for us this late at night,” I said, noted more people coming forth.Hearing Whitehorse spilling out his rules. I keep them as suggestions right now, but I nod at him as he said them. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I open the door, hopping out. I wait until Whitehorse, Hudson, and Burke is with me. Pratt stays while my sister protects him. I look over my shoulder to see her standing by. She nods at me while I nod back. I fell in line, keeping at Whitehorse’s six. I see a lot of people taking arms right now, guns, and bats. They really hates us. Ugh and the smell stings my nose. I wrinkle my nose, trying to get rid of the smell. I stick close to Hudson a bit, seeing her tense up.
“You think they know what soap is, huh, Hudson” I said, looking around. She hits me at my side, checking me in place.
“I swear you and your smart mouth better not get us in trouble, Rookie,” she said, seriously. I frown. I don’t have a smart mouth. I just happen to say things without filter. I can hear dogs, barking up a storm, knowing what kind of threat I am. As we reach the door, I take that moment to appreciate the work on this door and archway. Really good woodwork here.
“Woah Marshall. Now we do this, we do this my way:Quietly, Calmly. Got it?” Whitehorse said, stopping the Marshall from opening the door. I take a deep breath, ready for this. I roll my shoulders back.
“Hudson, on the door. Watch our backs. Don’t let anyone of these people in. Rookie--on me. And you,...don’t do anything, stupid,” Whitehorse said, looking at him.
“Relax, Sheriff. You’re about to get your name in the paper,” Marshall said, reassuring him. I arch my eyebrow at him. Really?! The paper. I say a quick prayer to my moon goddess tonight. Asking for guidance and protection.
“You’ll be fine,” Hudson said, before she goes on to her post. Whitehorse opens the doors, and we follow. As we enter, I hear someone preaching.
“Something is coming. You can feel it, can’t you? That we are creeping toward the edge….and there will be a reckoning.”
I can sense my sister nervousness, but I reassure her that everything is okay. Yet, with every step I take its nothing but anxious. These types of people are not to be fuck with. I can see in their eyes, the craziness, the hunger.
“That’s why we started The Project. Because we know what happens next. They will come. They will try to take from us. Take our guns. Take our freedom…..Take our faith!”
I can see the power struggle between Burke, who wants this to end right here and now, and Whitehorse, who want to do this peacefully and safely. I vote for Whitehorse’s way at this time. I have thing to do. I don’t want to die in a shootout. I didn’t even finish RuPaul’s Drag Race Season Ten yet.Looking around, there are few of us and many of them.
“But we won’t let them,” a man before said. I confirm this man is Joseph Seed. A man without a shirt,showing his tattoos and his stupid man bun. I can see him holding on to rosary in his hands.
“Sheriff, c’mon,” Burke said, wanting to get this over with. He can’t read this room. Burke is going to cite a damn riot. Whitehorse holds his hand up, trying to damn communicate to Burke. My eyes flicks left and right, making sure no one gets the jump on us. My ears pick up people standing up, shuffling to surround us.
“We will not let their greed, or immortality, or their depravity hurt us anymore! There will be no more suffering!” Joseph goes on. The hell does that even mean! He keeps on rambling on, using words that even I don’t even know.
“Remain calm. Do not pull that trigger.”
“No fuck this. Joseph Seed! I have a warrant for your arrest on suspicion on kidnapping with intent to harm!” Burke yells at the man. I mouthed Bitch at him and a Fuuuuck for good measure. I can feel a certain shift in the room.
“Now, I want you to step forward and keep your hands where I can see’em!” Burke orders him. I can feel the stares and the anger pointed at us. Burke the idiot doesn’t see it. Joseph lifts his hands and his followers step forward before him, guarding him from us.
“Here they are...the locusts in our garden...You see they’ve come for me,”
I stand my ground, ready to take down at least two Peggies.
“They’ve come to take me away from you. They’ve come to destroy what we built!” That set everything off. Burke tense up as everyone start to yell at him, angry with him. All he sees are people with guns. Angry people with guns. Whitehorse calms him down, telling Burke not to touch his service weapon. I don't need for guns in close quarters, Boss!
Joseph comes down, calming his people with his stupid man-bun and yellow aviators. I huff, there is a scent that is annoying to me, a sweet scent, reminding me of meat, fresh meat. I re-focus on the tasks at hand and not on my stomach.
“We knew this moment would come. We have prepare for it. Go. Go...God will not let them take me,” Joseph instructs his people. All of them slowly leaves. One decides to try to shoulder check me. Internally, I laugh as he stumbles back. I look down on him as his friend leads him away. I look back in front of me and see crazy and his family.
Two men and one woman stand behind Joseph, staring at us. I didn’t take too much time to check them out, except for the woman. I notice that she doesn’t have any shoes. Why you don’t have shoes, gurl?! Maybe this is a violent hippie group.
“I saw the Lamb open the First Seal, and I heard as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts say come and see….”
“Step.Forward.” Burke orders. Joseph still rambles on, pointing at Burke and looking at Whitehorse.
“...and I saw, and behold it was a white horse..and Hell followed with him.” Joseph states, looking at me! Bitch! Is he saying that I am Hell? You know what fuck everyone one in this room! Fuck you, Burke for bring me here. Fuck you, Joseph for being a bitch. Fuck you people behind him, especially you with no shoes, hope you get hurt by a rust nail. Whitehorse is good though. He sometimes bring me fresh tea just for me at work.
“Rookie--cuff this son of a bitch,” Burke orders me. I did a double take on him like he’s the boss around here. I had a few words, but I can’t say them in a church. I look back at Joseph and he has the balls to say:
“God will not let you take me,”
“Guess what? It’s the Devil that sent me,” I said, with a crooked smile. WHOOPS!! Joseph’s eyes widen at the statement. FUCK! Stay calm and keep cool. Keep smiling. Everything’s fine. It’s s’okay. I can feel Whitehorse is already regretting hiring me at this point.
“Just cuff the man, Rookie,” Burke said. I place my pink cuffs on him, ignoring the stares I’m getting. I walk behind him, one hand on his shoulder, the other holding onto my cuffs.
“Let’s go.” Whitehorse orders. They walk in front opening the door. Once open, Hudson is there to greet us, shotgun ready. She can tell by the look on my face, I said something stupid. She always know.
“Marshall, take point. We’re going right on it. Stay on the path, Rookie,” Whitehorse orders us. I can see even more people upset with us, taking their beloved Joseph. It is making me nervous with all their guns...and smell.
“Back up! Back up!” Burke yells at them. I feel a little bit bad saying the whole Devil thing, but not that much. I can feel him tense up when he saw Burke push someone down to the ground.
“Don’t worry everything is going to be fine,” I said, urging him forward. In the corner of his eyes, he looks back at me, not saying a word. Fine be that way. Hudson looks up.
“Rook, Keep up,” She said, her hand resting on her gun. I nod at her, as the crowd is getting bigger and nastier. I can hear Burke barking orders and proclaiming his title over and over again. We were so close to the helicopter and doing so well, until someone decides to throw a rock at the Marshall, hitting square on his head.
He draws his weapon, making us draw our weapons on the crowd. Burke shoots a warning shot in the sky, pushing me forward. It gets chaotic from there. I rush forward, pushing Joseph inside, while my sister pulls him in.
I hop into my seat, helping her secure Joseph.Joseph sits between Hudson and Burke. I quickly turn to see the helicopter is up and the Marshall has someone trying to pull him out. I hold onto him and see that he shoots the person square between his eyes.
Some woman tries to do the same with me, but I punch her at her throat. She grabs onto her throat and I Sparta kick her, making her drop hundreds of feet in the air. I see more of them climbing this thing all because of JOSEPH SEED!
One was trying to open the door beside my sister. She desperately holds onto it to make sure that they don’t get in. I greet more Peggies trying to drag us out of the helicopter. Then there is blood everywhere. The ‘copter starts to go around and around, losing control. I grab onto my seatbelt and my other hand onto my sister. I look at her with a panic look, while she does the same.
We crash into the trees, rolling over and over again. I see darkness for a while. First, I hear someone humming and someone else talking. I open my eyes a bit, seeing figures and lights at first. Everything is so fuzzy, hazy and muffle.
I can smell pine burning in the fire, and taste the blood in my mouth. I can hear someone call for my partner. The sharp pain in my head hurts like hell. Then, I remember. Shit! We’re in a crash and need help. I look to see a headset and try to reach for it. I need to tell Nancy to radio in for help.
I growl a bit, missing it as it swings. Finally, I get it, but a hand stops me. Slowly, I move my head to see Joseph Seed, with no injury, stopping me. He stares at me and I stare back in confusion. I see more of his craziness in his blue eyes. What the hell is he doing?
“...to save a wretch...like me,” he mumbles. Oh Goddess, he’s sick! I try my best to be fierce, but everything hurts like hell. This is why I hate flying! Next time, I’m driving.
“..hat are ju..”
“I told you that God wouldn’t let you take me.” Joseph states. We look into each other eyes. For me, I mostly glare at him, daring him to do something. He lets go of my hand and holds onto the headset. I can see him clearly now.
“Dispatch,” he calls out. I can hear Nancy on the other line.
“Everything is just fine here. No need to call anyone.”
“Yes, Father. Praise be to you.” Nancy said, calmly. My jaw drops and my eyes widen. WE HAD A MOLE! Nancy! The woman who brought me a carrot cake for my welcoming party. That Nancy is the mole! A sharp pain shoots through my body. I let out a groan of pain, squeezing my eyes closed. Joseph takes this opportunity and leans really close to my face and whispers in my ear.
“No one is coming to save you,”
He climbs out, greeting his people. How many followers does he have? We weren’t ready for this. I see my sister handing there, blood across her forehead. Fuck! We need to get out of here. I look around to see that everyone is coming to except my sister. She’s not waking up! SHAYNA! I try my connection, but nothing returns.
“Begin the Reaping!”
My eyes widen in fear. They are going to kill us. I struggle to get my seat belt undone. I see them coming to the wreckage, grabbing Pratt and Whitehorse.
“Get away from me,” Hudson screams. She drops and is being drag off, along with my sister. I try to grab a hold on her, but all I did is smear blood on her jeans. I claw at the seat belt now.
“Jesus Christ! We need to get out of here!” Burke said. Joseph’s followers were about to come for us until a wall of fire come to block them off. I hear them say to let us burn. Burke gets his seat belt off and runs off.
“That fucking bitch did not just fucking leave me?!” I said, panicking. It’s not coming off and the fire is getting hotter by the second. Finally it lets me go and I shoot out of there like bats out of hell. I swear as someone notices me getting out. I hear bullets fly past me, but I am too fast for them.
“Fuck! FUCK! When I get my hands on Burke!”
With the moon’s light guiding me, I run on a deer path. I can smell something in the distance. I jump over a small stream to see a lone house with a lone Peggie. Immediately, I crouch down, behind a log, spying a random shovel on the ground. I pick it up. I test the weight of it, slowly approaching the man. He doesn’t see me coming until it's too late.
“Argh!” I wail on him. He is knock out and his weapon is mine. A glock with limited bullets. I check around me to see if someone is following me. I sniff around to smell no one, but I need to keep moving. I move the body to a nearby bush, and go into this small house. I can tell they looted this cabin. Windows are broken and the floor seems stable for the most part. I see a lit lantern and a tool box on a desk. I pray for something.
Yes! I grab some of the bullets and put them in my pocket. I run back outside and around the back.I cross the stream and stay away from a nearby bonfire. Suddenly, my radio comes to life, scaring the wolf in me.
“Hello?..Anyone hearing me? Hello? It’s Burke.. Hello?” I pick up my radio, crouching down in a bush.
“Burke?! Where are you? It’s-” But he cuts me off.
“Rookie?!..Um I think I lost them. I see a trailer nearby. Its next to a long bridge...I’m gonna try and get inside. Meet me there…” He cuts off his radio. If the need to be silent wasn’t key at this point I would have yell. No! Focus! I need to get back up and get my sister back. I look around and think I see the trailer Burke is going for. I stumble upon a bridge that would lead straight there.
I run across the bridge, gun in hand. I kneel behind a log again, looking around. I see an abandoned car, another toolbox, and a case. With my eyes I see nothing, yet with my nose I smell someone in there. I carefully go to the toolbox and case and I have more bullets for my handgun.
I see ammo for a rifle, picking it up for being safe than sorry. I hope there is a rifle around. I move to the car and check the hood. Cold. Good. That means no one used this car to get here. I quickly go to the door and open it, not expecting Burke almost tackling to the ground.
“Oh Shit, Rook. Sorry. I thought they got you,” He said, all bloody up. I glare at him.
“Yea no thanks to you,” I said, not hiding my anger. He looks guilty until he goes to this door.
“Come on...sorry,” he says. I’m right behind, checking the room on the right. I whisper a “Clear” and go back to see him checking outside and the room. Then he gets all scared and see how fuck we are.
“Oh Jesus! I had no idea. Fuck! We’re putting this whole family away! Fucking Lunatics!” he says angry. He sees a family photo of the Seeds on the wall during his little breakdown. I look at the photo when he threw it on the table. No one would never know how crazy this family is with this photo.
“We’re going to get out of this, Rookie. First thing’s first, gotta arm ourselves...Here,” he said, handing me a rifle.
“We can’t just leave them here. We need a plan to get our people back,” I said, putting in the ammo. He shakes his head.
“We need back up…..Look there is a road out there. We’re gonna take it. We’re gonna go northeast. It's probably only a few hours away back to Missoula. And then we are gonna bring the goddamn National Guard and we’re gonna take out there--” He stops talking when we both heard people. Peggies.
“They’re here!”
The window gets smash and we are thrown into a gun fight. I see someone trying to get closer. I line up my aim and shoot at them. They go down. I smash more fo the window open and leap out and kill another one when she pops her head up from her hiding spot. Burke follows me.
We hid behind a log and I peek out. Most of the bullets are coming from in front of me. I spy my little eye a gas tank. I shoot at it and it explodes, killing three-- nope four people.
“Get that car started! I got you covered!” I said, shooting back. Burke nods, scrambling to get to the car.
“I already got the keys,” he said. I can hear him struggle to get the car started. I spy more ammo for the rifle on some boxes on the trailer. I grab a few as I killed the last Peggie. I jump in the passenger side, loading up more ammo in the gun.
I see two Peggies shooting at us by the fence. I lean out and shoot at them. I killed one while the other one I miss.
“Nice work back there. I’d be dead if it weren’t for you. We gotta go back..we gotta be smart.” he said. He really needs to shut up. Half of what he says annoys me or maybe it's his stupid voice. Then I see a red flare in the air.
“Damn Peggies,” I mumble. I see up ahead the roads blacked.
“Oh no. Oh no!” They got the roads block. Anger gets the better of me.
“Just drive through them,” I yell, leaning out. I shoot at any Peggies I see. I don’t know if I killed them or not. My mission to get them off of us.
“Keep them off of us,” Burke orders me as he sees them following us.
“NO SHIT,BITCH!” I yell back. Burke drives around a building and goes off roading as I am trying my best to aim and shoot. I’m almost out of bullets. Fuck no more bullets for my rifle.
“There should be some dynamite in the back of the truck! Use it!.” Burke yells over the sound of bullets flying. I see them and grab five of them. With precision I blew the road behind us, making the Peggies swerve out of the way. I blew up one by luck. I have no idea where Burke is taking us as we pass some railroad tracks.Peggies are all around us and I’m low on bullets for my glock and low on dynamite.
“Burke, lose them!”
“I’m trying!”
I almost fell out as the car flies and lands again. I can see the box of dynamites go into the air and fall on the ground behind us. I shoot at the crate, creating a giant explosion, yet more Peggies descend on us. No dynamite left, just my glock.
Suddenly, we are getting hit by bullets from above. I look up and get into the car. They have a fucking plane?! What….THE FUCK!
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. They got air support too!” Burke cries out. I see a truck swerve in front of us. I lean out and take out two Peggies in the back. Their bodies slump and fall over. I can hear them scream “Purge the sinners!” and “Sinners!”
One. Two Th-Fuck Three. Missing one Peggie and wasting a bullet. This is a modern witch hunt here and we are the witches. I can bet we night burn at the stake if they catch us. Alive that is.
“Yeah! That’s it. Light ‘em up, Rook,” Burke cheers, as he sees them go down easy. I can hear my heart beating faster, and my clothes getting sticky with blood and sweat.
“They are not getting us, Rook,” Burke continues. I spit out saliva and blood. Fuck. They might get me though. I hold onto the inside of the car, as he swerves out of the way, not killing two cows in the road. I hear a roar of an engine. Immediately, I look up to see that goddamn plane coming back. I get in the car, praying no bullets hits us.
“Oh fuck. Oh Fuck! He’s coming around!” Burke screams as the plane unloads bombs around us.
“Drive through!” I scream, seeing through the smoke more roadblocks.
“You motherfucking Peggies!” I scream, leaning out. I shoot at them, getting three of them, but wasting ten bullets. Burke drives through the roadblock, getting to the bridge. I sigh in relief, as seeing a way out. Then out of my peripheral vision, a truck with a mounted machine gun comes from the forest and onto the road in front of us. I only have two bullets left on me.
Leaning out, I steady my breathing. C’mon Burke, keep it steady. Don’t fuck this up!
“Oh...no.no.No.No.NO! ROOK!” Burke screams. What in the world is he yelling about? I got this. My finger is ready to pull the trigger.
“INCOMING!” I couldn't react in time. Burke pulls me inside of the car, in time to avoid the shapernal of the bomb.I raise my hands up, trying to protect my face from the lights and fire. Next thing I know, we are flying in the air. I scream as the car dives into the water.
I try to see straight, as I open my eyes underwater. I can see Burke breaking the windshield as I see my radio float around me. Joseph’s cross sways with the water current. I can see pieces of concrete and steel raining around us. Then I see Burke swimming away, leaving me behind to drown. This is the second time he leaves me to defend myself. I fucking hate that guy!
I struggle to get out, my foot stuck. I start to panic as air bubbles leave my mouth, wanting to get air. With one pull, my pant leg rips, freeing me from the car. I struggle to get to the surface, dodging out of falling pipes. I can see the moon above as I see the darkness slowly engulf my vision. No….I can’t….
Everything is so heavy. My arms. Legs. Eyes.
“There were two in the truck!”
My ears pick up voices. I cough up water, as I open my eyes. I can feel how cold the wet ground is under my face. I lift my head, seeing that I made it to shore by pure luck. I turn to my back to see people on the bridge, looking for us, looking for me with bright ass lights. Are those flood lights or what?
“Check the shoreline!”
I hope Burke stupid ass didn’t get caught. I hope he swam to the other side and stay out of sight. With the injuries I have, I doubt that I can run anymore. My body is too heavy for me to even run at this point.
“No! Get off of me! I am a United State Federal Marshall!
Well I fucking spoke too soon. How in the hell did he get caught?! I huff. I work with goddamn idiots. Why did I leave my job in New York? We didn’t have to work with crazy hippie cults. We had normal shit like gangs, drugs, and mildly stupid people. I hiss out in pain, the throbbing of my head leaves me without any energy to move. Hopefully my uniform helps me blend in. My head lobs to the right, and my breath is stuck in my throat.
I see a guy, looking at me. I can’t tell if he is friend of for. My eyes close shut and I’m hoping he is an ally at least. He lifts me up, and I let out a whimper of pain. In pain and no idea if my sister is okay. Fucking Hell.
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news-lisaar · 4 years
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