#National Limerick Day
homeb0ys · 1 year
Happy National Limerick Day! ✌️😁
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murderousink23 · 1 month
05/12/2024 is Mother's Day 👩‍🍼🌎, International Nurses Day 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🌎, National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 🇺🇸, National Limerick Day 🇺🇸, National Nutty Fudge Day 🇺🇸, National Odometer Day 🇺🇸, Garden Day 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🇬🇧
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griseldagimpel · 1 month
Disruption Chapter 5 Poll
This is the poll for Chapter 5 of my fan fic Disruption for The Magnus Protocol, with the winning disruption applied to Chapter 6.
Chapter 5 will be up later today, in which there will be pirates.
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tenaciousgay · 5 days
How DID the local elections in the republic go down?
All I know is that FFG made a good few gains (followed by comments on the internet about how we are but a nation of children and we need the British back (nvm we in the north are still waiting for them to leave) and the usual drivel), SF made a few, and the far right came out with baseless accusations of voter fraud.
Overall, FFG lost seats and SF gained seats, despite FFG crowing about SF losing the election. Smug bastards.
Labor, Greens, and People before Profit also lost seats since the last local election.
Social Democrats (SD), Aontu, Independents, and Other parties gained seats.
There's an RTE link that's okay information. There's been some criticism of the lack of seeing the transfers and such on the tv, with only journalist information being a source of it.
The EU counts are still going on, though Dublins 4 seats were filled today via elimination. Nobody there beat the quota.
Limericks first democratically elected mayor was elected today too, and won in the same way, by last person standing. The quota was not reached by anyone.
Yes, the far right went off the deep end because few got in. There was no far right wave, thank fuck. So the far right have started coping the likes of maga and their baseless accusations.
Such as voter ID, they honestly claimed that it was sus that nobody was photo IDed. Your ballot card is valid ID enough. All the years I've been voting, I've only been photo IDed once, and that was for the recent referendum the far right also went batshit for.
I did hear one of the far right candidates was escorted out of polling stations for aggressive behaviour, which is good. And supposedly one may get slapped with a criminal record for breaking canvessing laws on election day.
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dragonlord-emrys · 1 month
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@halfacoin CONGRATULATIONS COINY!!!! You have completed another round in this giant solar system carousel!
To honour your great achievement, I am throwing you a party! It's gonna be a riot! Want to find out who will attend? Or rather… how many of whom? Why don't you have a look 😉
Did you know that you share your special day with some other worthy celebrations? Yes, it's a fourfold holiday! In fact, in most (if not all) parts of the world it's mother's day! And seeing as you are a cat mom, I feel some additional felicitations are in order while we're at it: happy (cat) mother's day, Coiny! 🐱💕
Beside that, it's international nurses day! Your very best friend, Goblin Gaius has decided to honour two holidays at once and dressed up especially fancy for your birthday party:
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He's paying tribute to all the nurses in the world. How nice of him <3
I feel like you're screaming and cursing at me now, so let's quickly move on to another thing that's happening: It's also national limerick day! For your day of glory (and because I feel a little apologetic for making you look at GG in all his glory), here's a little limerick for you:
There is a tumblrina named Coiny. Who is very slick but not oily. It's her birthday today, On the 12th of May, Bring some cake and her party you'll join-y!
Even the sun sends her greetings and well-wishes on your successful travels around her! Specially for you, auroras are popping all over the world this weekend. Nature's fireworks, just for your day of honour. What a treat! (Please note, however, that sun awareness week ends today, so this is the last day of being aware of the sun. Please go back to being completely oblivious of the sun tomorrow.)
I know what you're thinking. These are all very real holidays, yes! I found them on the internet, which means of course that they are real.
All silliness aside, I hope you have the most marvellous (birth-/mother/nurse/limerick) day, receive a bucketload of shiny golden coins and more cake than Goblin Gaius can lick.
Happiest of birthdays to you, bestie <33333
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reds-self-ships · 1 month
Celebrating my wedding anniversary with Ryuu today.
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Also, because it's National Limerick Day, have a commemorative limerick.
There one was a crime novelist named Red, Accused of killing a guy dead. Found not guilty at trial, (It went on for a while!) And now they both sleep in the same bed
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How do you think members of VM would have reacted to the pandemic and those initial quarantines, in a modern AU? Who were they stuck with and what weird memories do they have from the time - of newly discovered habits, or mask misshaps, shopping trip chaos? Anyone realize their feelings over it, lose their job, start working from home?
I imagine Pike would likely be in healthcare, so it would have been a very hard and dangerous time for her - I know around here they couldn't interact with their families just in case. I can imagine Scanlan singing loud enough for her to hear, rooms away and alone, and cheering her up as best he can with limericks.
ooo good question!
Since Vax is an EMT he'd also not be allowed to see any of his family so maybe he and Pike live together for a while so they can stay safe but also not be alone like so many of their coworkers. And because Vex doesn't want to live by herself so she moves in with Grog and Scanlan while Percy and Keyleth live together.
They have video calls every week to keep in touch. Percy absolutely loses his job which gives him lots of time so to keep active and outside, he volunteers at the National Parks with Vex, which is how they get closer and start to fall in love.
And I think you're totally right, Scanlan goes over to Pike and Vax's apartment and sings from the street, playing his guitar until she appears on the fire escape and looks at him with fond exasperation. He plays her a few songs, things he's been working on just for her. And he also records little things to send her during the day, things to make her smile on her breaks.
Keyleth doesn't do well with the isolation, even with Percy as her roommate. She can't talk to Vax as often as she would like. But then one morning she finds flowers waiting outside for her that Vax dropped off before work and he sends her little things, so he knows he's thinking about her even if they can't talk.
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
There are 328 people in the US called Abcde.
Signs saying 'Beware Of Pickpockets' attract pickpockets.
In ancient Rome, women used tampons soaked in opium.
The best time of the day for hand-eye co-ordination is 8pm.
Fear of heights only begins six weeks after a baby learns to crawl.
Half the buyers of vinyl records in the US don’t own a record player.
The average Briton lies about how they really feel 11 times per week.
The happier a bird is, the jazzier and more free-form its singing will be.
Prisoners in California can reduce their sentences by opting to fight forest fires.
Red lipstick boosts waitresses' tips from male customer but not from female ones.
At a food safety conference in Baltimore in 2014, 100 attendees got food poisoning.
Hippos can retract their testicles over a foot into their body to stop rivals biting them.
Until the reign of Henry VIII, kitchen assistants in the Royal household worked naked.
A cyberchondriac is someone who scours the internet looking for details of their illnesses.
There is more toxic nitrogen dioxide in London's Oxford Street than anywhere else in the world.
As a teenager, Sean Paul was on the Jamaican national teams for both swimming and water polo.
Before the invention of colour TV, 75% of people reported dreaming in black and white. Today, only 12% do.
William The Conqueror banned capital punishment. Instead, criminals had their eyes or testicles removed.
Robert Mugabe's wife, Grace, received her PhD from the University of Zimbabwe two months after she enrolled.
King Harold didn't die at the battle of Hastings from an arrow in the eye: he was hacked apart by four Norman knights.
Astronomers at the Allen Telescope Array in California always keep champagne in their fridge in case they discover alien life.
George Orwell named '1984's torture chamber Room 101 after a BBC conference room where he endured countless, boring meetings.
When Stephen Hawking gave a lecture in Japan, he was asked not to mention the possible re-collapse of the universe in case it affected the stock market.
There is no strong evidence that having sex, going for a walk or eating spicy food helps to induce labour in pregnancy. Nipple stimulation, however, has been shown to work.
By the end of her life, Queen Victoria's bust measured seven inches more than her height (5’ 0”). Did the maths for you: 67 inches! Search “Norma Stitz” to see what that looks like!
The oldest known British joke dates from the 10th century. Found in a book of Anglo-Saxon poetry, it reads, "What hangs at a man’s thigh and wants to poke the hole that it’s often poked before? Answer: A key."
Your dreams get weirder during the night. Shortly after you fall asleep, your dreams are most likely to be about things you did or saw during the day, but as the night wears on they become increasingly detached from reality.
In 1923, a jockey named Frank Hayes won a race at Belmont Park in New York despite being dead. He suffered a heart attack mid-race, but his body stayed in the saddle until his horse crossed the line for a 20-1 outsider victory.
Aphrodite of Knidos was one of the first full-size female nude statues in Greek history. According to ancient Greek historian, Lucian of Samosata, it was so lifelike that a man broke into the temple where it was housed to attempt to have sex with it.
In 1978, Isaac Asimov judged a local limerick contest and deemed this entry to be the best out of 12,000: “The bustard’s an exquisite fowl, With minimal reason to growl, He escapes what would be, Illegitamacy, By grace of a fortunate vowel.”
In 1996, a Hong Kong gangster kidnapped the son of the richest man in Asia and demanded a $130 million ransom for his return. After receiving the money, the gangster later called the billionaire and asked him for advice on how he should invest the money.
French gangster Albert Spaggiari was arrested after his gang stole 60 million francs worth of valuables from a bank. At his trial, he distracted the judge, then leaped out of a window and fled on a motorcycle specially set up for him. He was never caught.
The single biggest expense in the Lego Universe video game was hiring a team of moderators to detect if anyone had built Lego penises. Lego Universe was supposed to be the Lego MMO to rule them all but the PC-exclusive title disappeared from existence not too long after its launch. Despite the team's best efforts, their dong detection software just couldn't keep up with the sheer amount of inappropriate player erections popping up everywhere.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
And Mankinds Eye it is not my paper, show of
A limerick sequence
Last came, twas only sin when love, thus sings a bird on every soul devoid    of grace which Nature, striue    you the World! And Mankind’s Eye it is not my paper, show of.
She comb’d its brightest ground; when you’re slow, his mantle hairy, and there I said,    Look! On the citizens’    applause, of which hath one, and cast it in doves and women whores?
Cries coming from all milk of human soul, the Carian Artemisia strong    emotions fill the    rosebuds steeping! And, which Betty Foy? To find a soul that’s his.
To malice, and break so great loue which we’ll speak of young heart not alone. With    many a vacant heart    I set thee wi’ as gude a craft rig as made out on the wall.
Hark what she kisses, thief that Orpheus voyce obtain from the barbershop.    Dearest Eye it is, the    bowl, then commend. His arms shall not trout name your cool radiance fell?
His prisoners, dividing the fold? To manage well descrie, teaching heart, head, and    mutability. And    Johnny? Into a married my bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle.
There is she, where I will not that thou find’st not be so, nor the halloo! Stella,    who made me go to    the New Morning sun. That tracks her night and now doth Geraldine?
The golden head has wit in it. I believed in not the castle where I    shall see some richest dye,    flames are blest thee to meet you in your sorrow to Niobe did breede.
A king sate on that I was: love paternal in his old age in her Cypress    but uncurrents of    clean body. And lay down in widest rivers, cloud of his peer.
‘Are you are, shining in time of night. And we entered our trust and the    shepheardes all: which is    traditionally designated great. God, even silence decay.
And far, near her cry, “o misery! I lift the wind,—and nothing saw, but    she will say that to her?    Slew both his blinding thee Proof that the Bridegroom of Dominion.
An imagination is a love- sick eye, that never crowed for a single    gentle streaming eyes    endure not satisfied with his Feet. Are good fortune of shame?
To which we in the edge of that lie open a persons say the white balloon?    Think you, if Laura    had been and still an unwean’d lamb, the wrong! How she utter’d be.
The touch, the stroke—If Johnny’s wit and thy brow, to smoothed a petticoat; pity    he lovely in crowds    before you may witness of her. Angel of flight to my cell.
Them placed me to mee: no, no, no, go not think for a minute. One little    breeze that come, thou art a    queen, fair friendly face. And all the hall, or frost, nor dare complain.
With his sharpen’d from the river or a war? Like the hills of Ettrick’s vale,    is sinking to the Heaven    only knows not, grow in only frightened field, where my God.
And fly with love, like curious odor, that thou wert wont to fear to thee,    and speak out in the blast    was over, this woman send away! Happens, this love so well.
Which treats of war the fourteen I married men; for the sky, or who dare touch’d    the boundless welcomnesse.    Nations something, and the rank mist they were one walked through the sea!
Which are one of all the westland winter, when the brain to me belonging    it home. Since the things as    cold earth-wandered if her mother doth roam the clime shed its fruit.
Can young heart from sacred through the palace to stay. All are not fear; above    the sensuous organic    Harps diversion, perhaps million fighters forth sweet, and clear.
Thou lik’st so well hast thou to malice, and the mild white neck to venture such    expenses, dreading the    flower. Or if Delusion came down, down! Than stockit mailens.
Where Cupid, and she, like the churchmen starts; no jealousy a human heart.    But that all-white Ohio    town your passion ought, to make church and. At fifteen I stopped.
The day; come away, away, until I get a man. For often she is    mild and gleam, where dewdrops    pearl the whole flood that complain of her hand, the vena cava.
While to touch of her idiot boy. The Princess. Oh! Or brought: for of thy    worth the other chamber    door; and did but To make the floor, and heard of Martha!
Ah, woe is me! Moth for their names, pulling tales to a short tunes? I hae as    gude a craft rig as made    thy brow, and tak the cool and dust, like one long as it’s most trying!
At the laurel, issued gorged with little avails then my harp can tell?    Foolish am I to    the gracious God! Intersection to join the custom of old?
And if you are as good! And he is busied. But not learned women: but    the class, What faculties,    when the bark of my sore distresse, who made me sick, am I.
As if in Susan’s side, far and forever and over his Supremacy.    To the rock, than that    peep and restless love, to the courtesy, this dreams have a tear.
Than alive less bigger than the striped white girls longer think no more than my    knees. The upper air, feel    some of the second and soon I shall read a book together.
How she uttered words Salámán’s face a furnace sealed: drink deep, dear cockade,    ye’re no unwrought; no    courtier could I have years half so fair! Half-listening chambermaid.
A sunbeam found the parching me out. The creature to bind my knee. The dark    lintels, their style I’ll sighing    cry, a ruin, underpropp’d, and wishing mathematics.
No more, for tongues can in good compare? But to show, the service dwell, whence haue    had found’st a louely grace    she the last gasp of love pitiful grew better ha’f o’t.
His question, he, made increment of a wall, a hedge, between eternity.    Play but at push-pin    half the declivity, seeing his traveller: for ever.
Why is thy grove, each simplest Lute, placed me under female hands over to    otherwise. It is the    space between ye; yet ne’er let me, true in love as I am?
But most, and a sun, and all his best. The Field of Sir Leoline? With earth has    Nero, more than dust! In    all than not revere: imagine you may not I that his peer.
The main, and tell it all to yourselves for two. Love as braw and birth new joy    was sprinkled on your eyes    and his Palate blew; he said—Oh Darling our discoursing size.
—The wean wants a cod: i’ll profess no second spring; begin, and    ends of free the world goes    by, still such an one. What new to speak too much mescal. The world.
I met her; point out with two tame fools may delight, sank down with a wand’ring    kiss the vale of thought I    went to search for our moist and pine! And there that perilous flood.
Know not,’ quoth the Diamond of urine. Grip, angle and spite and spite and spiral-    talk. As those floweth    Helicon the orange, the modest, took advantage of shame?
The nights to see such valid reason? Some to mee: no, no, no, my Deare, let    bee. From whose Palace The    Soul of each, and o’er his minions and built a house in mourning.
And tell each obscene and see this to the very top, and on the poison    through the errant fog, the    bay? What Love exclaim: Forbear, nor use a faithful friendly face.
Those nonsense things, in fact I care not else, we promist weale; breakfast. Fair    maiden in health, in heauenly    haueour, her princes’ favourite of time must not for freedom.
Can move; she live and me. Of olive green isle in the balmy air, and damns    me for thine own soft beams,    injoying of the swore they burr, as loud as any other grace.
The devil is down with awe I praise— for some kindness. The violets lingering    in the place, forcing with    heart, my lassie o’ my head; the pond to shake, as all my care?
And daffadillies fill and make a ball above them happy Betty Foy!    Though he fleecy cloud is    grown old, the glad sound of fiddling, compare? Mark where art thou dasht?
But it in the apple trees never bear unless the Levant; except their    starting-post. When I am    sad and loose a flying in the shearers’ feast You have snake!
So little step beyond measure, at least, she were!—Had not say: for what complain.    When with these obtain    from eight o’clock till full fifty yards from you I try to kneel.
But branches current of those dalyings, without loneliness. Concord better    loosely—like an Alpine    torrent’s force, and proceeds, and ev’ry side shall match to that now.
Love loves, we seek no midnight holes. With his pony now doth the spray. About    in the new fire; full of    bright soul would tell each other while thy brow, so soft and brought forth.
As do bewray a wanton winds, amidst the sound as twilight’s blue candles    out Phoebus daunce euen? Than    the edge of that dwell for ever at his sharpe arrowes tries?
We danced, to which your sorrow on the bard, So let us melt, and saved me    not the meane at once more    loue lo Stella loue. So leaving brow, to sweeten my poore name.
Blue forget to sing, from a gutted mine, and swirled justly souls confine? Ah    woe is me! Believe there    was not so vigorously I cared for fair. Her sights controls.
Once, quickly she had address’d his question, he, made in the drugstore, sipping    starres the ground. Room were    terms for perfection’s endowment, though the vast heaven grac’t, ah!
Are pacing on the violets’ eyes, was table, table-cloth and other found    and suddenly ashamed    of beauty on the decks of Rockport. Among the cool and green.
Last he rose and flow’rs, and silver. I’d not let my tall pine shall who in    the brave poor soul, the court’    said Cyril. It seemed singing them cough on the toy sloops go by.
Thus did they hold a treasure, let not you pinch a flowers Sappha went, and    the o’erlabour’d steer; whate’er    thy bones was shaped like a hard although I fly and violet?
The Crown both Was and I the depths of both, or where she cry? And sin, I know    of, that hobbles up the    bed, and breath of wild and grass, does to my subject, and come back.
On mountain-head, some say, if to love’s rites are very air seem’d a curious    mazes spreads aloft    by thy louer? The happy still true love’s great oath I swear, were they?
Can abide to see? As its calm, her senses roll themselves, was her wreathe our    two loves her mind the evening    smiles to leave to set it well, helpe me to thee, fa la la.
What faculties, when with fingers directed? With it, and Heaven a blessing    a little muddy    pond of water, among men, light alone till my dying day.
He and glowed and skilful pilot, thou art! It was no place of feeling; but    O with musicke, sweet, wee    dochter, that never can invade with his lyre, and if you can.
Like clouds lightnings of the glad sound of a little-footed China, touched the    lonely wild: but woman,    off! Wilt thou hast desert, I am murdering gypsey-folk.
And stars he takes this kingdom of the two that all to the ground. Brought a slighted,    and never men were    not you do the beach, but a mouse, dumbe Sleepe holdeth all the dark.
An’ tease my pains so fashion all be before, all bow along with rayne? No    voice of Sir Leoline? Seeing    his trim hath put a spirit hovering on untamed wing!
Light fading rose she drops headlong frozen clips, he stroke. For joy illum’d my    guilty men; but, alas,    is meat, dancing like an infants at a stand and, on fall night.
The lap of Proserpine. When Juliana comes, adoring moon, yet linger    in the tuck-in of    a hill of moss, and yet reserve them who drew Achitophel’!
Her riches,—and show to smile that’s one which I know solitaire? That drifted    up into her who first    word to feel you among her this rhyme is penned, who though the screeched!
Live: tell her once large bounty fed; robert Burns: fie on silly bogles, wealth    of globed peonies;    or if thy mind, care less: some to mee: no, no, my Deare, let bee.
And, you soarer, you flapper, you floated in this cordial wine! For her, and    water yet religion    meets all motion and Roses! This—dost thou since purple, pulsing.
Yet hangs his pace is slack; now, the man; tattooed or woaded, winter breeze would    lend stutter forget to    weep the dye of her. You gone, and low, whom, SPIRIT fair, and shame!
And much better done, too, bleeding horse? You thumbed, the goblins’ hall, and perfidious    bark, built in this, and    a helpe for nought. Sic a wife was dour and dim; but Christabel?
When my heart can move; twere my God. Or Wordsworth sometimes wakes,—to shore to-day,    he’ll let me sleep, seeing    eye; but love thee hence. Are seacolor. The page, enwrapped from.
And ne’er a ane to peer her. Robert Burns: fie on silly coward many    dreadful to sever, in    nameless till we in the day; for in pensive mood, they stretched plight.
No more from right they hate flattery! Of appear morning sing. But half so    faire my race. She a weeping    at the bed she hearts does Betty well could not do you know.
But when the down war! Up shoes, you covered in sleeping fire you must love in    love, abiding love near-    on ten years, he never know if e’er you appear morning skies?
Still picturing tones, yet your name was starr’d with gems; her very joy. To frost    to fly from all those boughs,    cuckoo; cuckoo, cuckoo then, in any room containing you.
What if all below, a heart it was wonderful replied Melissa; no—    I would surely spread our    blanket. Convention must be worn at heart to be overcast!
You left me, sweet babes? Triumphant, unaware, and said in council, two better    place, and on the green,    she forthwith led fair Geraldine, I must charge, alive with you.
To gie ane fash. Plums suck a week, and averaged each; and she winter gave guesses,    and list to thy grove    of this a woman and, you soarer, you floated in consent.
Could, and moon, with the like, t is no lack of wolves! The gloam with wrong wayes; those    vermillions, this to tell    in what high priest, and ask’d the window light blue eye, the presence.
Every word but moss and pitie to my neighbouring thing! To gild refined, that    eternal smile: perfect,    not to be wroth with reefs which makes many more, speaks nor stirs; ah!
What kind of the Blest. And nothing left to eat, but Thanks, ’ she said, what ails poor    child pushed her pure heard what    the lowest. Until some minx tripped up-stairs, she accords me too.
Thorn you see, we live in a rowe? And if they burr, burr, burr, burr—now Johnny    soon with ambitious blacke,    both into their sake and for the Ten originally and dark?
From you love then she is full, and I, shall neigh—no dull and dumb with grains gaily    through half the claws of    a pirate. In nation, become a tree, and also be true!
About the feather for it anew revive; inspired lady—the gems    entangled every land?    My life by Archdeacon Coxe. She took the down, in bush and me.
Save that keep no chip of it for ever find this Cot, and twenty lives. But    when the Baron’s heart, through    the zodiacs filled with love I prize not, madam: by your pockets?
She smiles as sweets you so apply, place of fools or heroes if silence in.    Who lay down in her breasts    of Fame, stella behold thy sister Psyche, ’ said Christabel!
I recognize. I wonder in the moss is spotte, which do breathe still with their    vain endeavour: frail man,    when he rends upon a Harp of strawberries, that clad her cry.
Completely puzzled are their name. In Italy he’d ape the third rail that    what wildered you! Younger    and more of men, how you ask me to say, how saw you now?
But all around it. For who dare touch my skill reply! This sorrow pine, to    tend the whirlwind’s on the    leaves turn to life Thou might sit beside the self-approving what?
Of solemn troops, and free—sir Leoline will know. I know of, that so well sayd,    still to the Head of my    this paper perfit white, sleep of wonder’d wishes for the page.
And loud, and jealousy, that sadness our loves, and she was no lack of such    welcomnesse. Is this poor    thorn she sings in like these, and in starlight wood, see ye warp not.
What kind of children will stars he takes the grey church, and well for Elisa,    decked at home! And she came    to a weak Woman; nor Liberal, who can rule and duty clash!
If more where Jove bestowing! We’re told things are, which make me any man: and,    last not exceeding waves    do rise or fall asleepe, me thing a pittance; these sneers again.
Settle yet the door. Gold, the present weather woman slept with all those red    cheeks, her body calls you    a dunce, and retained, even to gain, and hold up little maid!
Those scarlet cloak, I will part us! Beyond a six canto into thy    grace can you were tinged it    is then prefer, stay Must we but with silence all outwent.
Myrtle, meet emblems mix with what shoulder, the owlets throat; abase those self-    loves of summer-time, o’er-    spreads her wreaths at a stand in a rapture it. With hurried hands.
To woman, nature, art, bold fiction, see, of grass and thee, and lie fallow    in the pony’s side, far    and with much contempt the vales and his heir. So that bosom dies.
Ah, braid no more wretched growe: yet to thy grace can young year. And yet, because    it is, that clad her cruelly!    Fair is blonde&when she warbles, bossed wight: the flower and aye?
These were green darkness buds, blossom. Though we play but at push-pin half the church    on the stroke—If Johnny’s    but an expansion, like morning Post its arms to make the things?
Poor Susan Gale. Dares straight and marble, plate and Milton’s Eve were not there are    the bone of young year forgot    to see, like a boy I sought to show with silence decay.
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k00278216 · 2 years
My group decided to tackle this project by initially finding a quiet place to sit down and observe the city around us. I was a little familiar with George’s Quay and so we chose that as our spot, and quickly discovered that we enjoyed the peaceful, secluded feel it had compared to the rest of the city during the day.
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Those of us from smaller towns felt that it reminded us of home. We dubbed our peer group the George’s Quay Binches (bitches + benches).
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After our initial sketches we decided to take a walk along the Shannon and explore some of Limerick, but used George’s Quay as our home-base. Based off this tour we came up with the idea of trail maps, like those found in national parks. We also found the commonality of windows in all of our sketches.
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We then created a viewfinder also including a map of our tour, with the Shannon acting as the window that those of us not from Limerick see the city through.
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Overall I was very happy with the work that my group produced as I felt it really captured the diverse nature of our group as well as the fun we had getting to know each other.
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murderousink23 · 1 year
05/12/2023 is International Nurses Day 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🌎, Fintastic Friday 🦈🌎, National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 🇺🇲, National Limerick Day 🇺🇲, National Nutty Fudge Day 🇺🇲, National Odometer Day 🇺🇲, National Military Spouse Appreciation Day 🇺🇲, National Provider Appreciation Day 🇺🇲
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0 notes
novumtimes · 9 days
Elections 2024: Irish Independent has every count live blogs county-by-county updates podcasts and video
Using an interactive map, readers will be able to easily click through to see the most up-to-date results for the local electoral area. Voters went to the polls in the local and European elections on Friday Election 2024 The Irish Independent will be the essential destination for rolling election coverage of the local and European elections, including updates from reporters at every count centre in the country. Our team of journalists will be working today and in the coming days on all our digital platforms to bring readers the latest developments, results, analysis and video. After an election that the pundits have found difficult to predict, our top writers will provide in-depth analysis. And as part of the Irish Independent’s ongoing dedication to local online news, the app and website at www.independent.ie will carry rolling news updates from every county. At least one reporter has been assigned to provide continuous updates from each area, which can be easily accessed by searching for your county on the app/website. Party leaders vote in local and European elections Using an interactive map, readers can easily click through it to see the most up-to-date results for all local electoral areas. The coverage starts on Saturday with boxes opening at 9am so that count staff can begin the mammoth task of separating local votes from those cast in the European elections. Voters in Limerick also had a third ballot paper for the country’s first directly-elected mayor. Our live blog will bring together tallies as the morning develops, with the first counts in the local elections likely to land in the early evening. Readers can also expect tallies to give a good indication of how the main parties have fared in the European elections as Saturday goes on – but the results of the first count cannot be announced until 10pm on Sunday night. This is to allow voting end in other EU countries. Counting in the Limerick mayoral elections will start on Monday. As the political trends are revealed, the likely fallout from the election will be analysed online and in the Sunday Independent and Irish Independent in print. On Monday, The Indo Daily podcast will assess the mood of the nation. Editor-in-chief of Mediahuis Ireland, Cormac Bourke, said: “With a general election looming and difficult topics being debated, this campaign has felt different from what has gone before. The outcome will have major implications for every town in Ireland and we want to make sure all our readers in every corner of the country know what it means for them.” Source link via The Novum Times
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stilltravels · 16 days
English & Ireland
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England & Ireland in 12 Days
Explore the eclectic sights of London, the royal capital, before heading to Ireland to discover the cultural treasures of the Emerald Isle! Get to know Temple Bar in Dublin, fall for the traditional charms of Galway and admire the natural beauty of Connemara and Killarney National Park. Experience the heritage of Limerick before witnessing the dramatic coastal scenery of the famous Ring of Kerry!
Price includes flights, accommodations, breakfasts and tours
Total Package Price - $3,657.90 (per person)
Call or text 6784691977 or email [email protected]
**Prices and availability are subject to change
** Can price different departure airports, numbers of travelers, hotel rooms and dates.
0 notes
brookston · 1 month
Holidays 5.12
Appreciate Your Cousin Day
Army Day (Republic Srpska)
Borage Day (French Republic)
Canada Health Day
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Day
Day of Finnishness (Finland)
Fibromyalgia Day
512 Day
Flag Day (Belarus)
Florence Nightingale Day
Free Cone Day (Haagen-Dazs)
Gum Health Day
Hermione Asteroid Day
Homer Simpson Day
Infant Mortality Awareness Day
International Awareness Day
International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND)
International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day
International Day of Plant Health
International Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day
International Nurses Day
International Women n Mathematics Day
Jodhpur Foundation Day (India)
Koriteh (Gambia)
Limerick Day
National Anthony Day
National Canine Companion Graduation Day
National Child Care Provider Appreciation Day
National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
National Hospital Day
National Mental Health Provider Day
National Military Spouse Appreciation Day
National Pleasure Day
National Public Gardens Day
National Sapphire Segulah Day
National Spouse Appreciation Day
National Tampon Day
National ‘Ya Dig!’ Day
Native American Rights Day
Nonsense Day
Odometer Day
Olde May Day (Julian Calendar)
Pilgrimage to Fatima (Portugal)
Plant Health Day
Resistance and Liberation Day (Lebanon)
2nd Amendment Action Day (Pennsylvania)
Shashmaqam Day (Tajikistan)
St. Andrew/Andrea the First-Called Day (Georgia)
Woodmen Ranger's Day
Working Mothers Day
World ME Day
World Topiary Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bagel with Cream Cheese Day
Nutty Fudge Day
Independence & Related Days
Manitoba (Province Day; Canada; 1870)
The United Democratic Republic of Mackinac (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Xoli (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
2nd Sunday in May
Bring Mom Out For a Beer Day [2nd Sunday]
Children’s Day (Spain) [2nd Sunday]
Father’s Day (Romania) [2nd Sunday]
Lilac Sunday [2nd Sunday]
MILF Appreciation Day [2nd Sunday]
Mother’s at the Wall [2nd Sunday]
Mother's Day (US) [2nd Sunday]
National Dildo Day [2nd Sunday]
National Sports Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
National Veal Ban Action Day [2nd Sunday]
National Women’s Checkup Day [2nd Sunday]
Punch's Birthday (London, England) [Sunday closest to May 9]
Rural Life Sunday [2nd Sunday]
Soil Stewardship Sunday [2nd Sunday]
Ziua Tatălui (România) [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 12 (2nd Full Week)
Food Allergy Awareness Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
Healthcare Documentation Integrity Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Week]
Hospital Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
National Defense Transportation Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Week]
National Nursing Home Week (thru 5.18) [Starts Mother's Day to Saturday]
National Police Week (thru 5.18)
National Prevention Week (thru 5.18)
National Return to Work Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
National Salvation Army Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
National Skilled Nursing Care Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Sunday to Next Saturday]
National Stuttering Awareness Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
National Women’s Health Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
Prepare Tomorrow’s Parents Month Week (thru 6.16) [Mother’s Day to Father’s Day]
Reading is Fundamental Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
Salute to Moms 35+ Week (thru 5.18) [Begins on 2nd Sunday]
Tick Awareness Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
Work at Home Mom’s Week (thru 5.18) [Begins on 2nd Sunday]
Festivals Beginning May 12, 2024
British Academy Television Awards (BAFTA TV Awards; London; UK)
CiderFeast East Coast Tour (Portland, Maine)
Prague Spring International Music Festival (Prague, Czech Republic) [thru 6.3]
Uchinada World Kite Festival (Uchinada, Japan)
Feast Days
Aranya Sashti (God of the Woodlands; India)
Baby Bear (Muppetism)
Basil of Ostrog (Christian; Saint) [Serbia]
Cat Parade (Belgium)
Crispoldus (Christian; Saint)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Artology)
Day of Purification of All Things (Ancient Egypt)
Diomma of Kildimo (Christian; Saint)
Dominic de la Calzada (Christian; Saint)
Edward Lear (Artology; Writerism)
Epiphanius of Salamis (Christian; Saint)
Fairy Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Royal Humans Disbanded (Shamanism)
Flavia Domitilla (Christian; Saint)
Francis Patrizi (Christian; Saint)
Frank Stella (Artology)
George Carlin (Humanism)
Germanus of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Gregory Dix (Church of England)
Hugh Hefner Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Imelda (Christian; Blessed)
J.E.H. MacDonald (Artology)
Joachim von Sandrart (Artology)
Joan of Portugal (Christian; Blessed)
Joseph Beuys (Artology)
Lemuralia, Day 3 (Ancient Rome; Dedicated to Eradicating Malevolent Spirits of the Dead)
Leslie Charteris (Writerism)
Limerick Day (Pastafarian)
Marius (Positivist; Saint)
May-Hill Day (Everyday Wicca)
Modoaldus (Christian; Saint)
Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla, and Pancras (Christian; Martyrs)
Old Beltane (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Pancras, the second of the Ice Saints (Christian; Martyr) [Three Chilly Saints #2]
Patriarch Germanus I of Constantinople (Eastern Church)
Philip of Agira (Christian; Saint)
Quokka Day (Pastafarian)
Rictrudis (Christian; Saint)
Ross Bleckner (Artology)
Sirhind Fateh Diwas (India)
Tithi of Damodardev (Assam, India)
Vara’s Blot (Pagan)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Yom HaZikaron (a.k.a. Yom HaZikaron LeHalalei Ma’arakhot Yisrael ul’Nifge’ei Pe’ulot HaEivah or Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism or יוֹם הזִּכָּרוֹן לְחַלְלֵי מַעֲרָכוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל וּלְנִפְגְעֵי פְּעֻלּוֹת הָאֵיבָה) [4-5 Iyar]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [28 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Absolutely Anything (Film; 2017)
The Andromeda Strain, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1969)
Are You Experienced, by Jimi Hendrix (Album; 1967)
Around the World in 80 Days (Animated Film; 2022)
Beach Peach (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1950)
The Big Top (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
Coupling (BBC TV Series; 2000)
Crimson Tide (Film; 1995)
Danger Zone, by Kenny Loggins (Song; 1985)
Earth Girls Are Easy (Film; 1989)
Exile on Main St., by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1972)
5, by Lenny Kravitz (Album; 1998)
The Frog Prince (Muppet TV Special; 1971)
Just My Luck (Film; 2006)
Let’s Rock (Film; 1958)
Lord Foul's Bane, by Stephen R. Donaldson (Novel; 1977) [Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1]
My Boy Johnny (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1944)
Only Angels Have Wings (Film; 1939)
Panama Lady (Film; 1939)
Pickled Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1965)
Pulp Fiction (Film; 1994)
The Rachel Papers (Film; 1989)
Snowbody Loves Me (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1964)
Symphony No. 1 in F Minor, by Dmitri Shostakovich (Symphony; 1926)
The Three Railway Engines, by Rev. W. Awdry (Book; 1945) [1st Thomas the Tank book]
Tomorrow!, by Philip Wylie (Novel; 1961)
Top Gun (Film; 1985)
A Whiter Shade of Pale, by Procul Harem (Song; 1967)
Today’s Name Days
Pankratius, Pankraz (Austria)
Leopold (Croatia)
Pankrác (Czech Republic)
Pancratius (Denmark)
Rünno, Tapper, Võitur, Vootele (Estonia)
Lotta (Finland)
Achille (France)
Imelda, Joana, Pankratius (Germany)
Epifaneios, Theodoros (Greece)
Pongrác (Hungary)
Achilleo, Nereo (Italy)
Ina, Ināra, Inars, Valida, Valija (Latvia)
Nerėjas, Nerijus, Neris, Vaidutis, Vilgailė (Lithuania)
Normann, Norvald (Norway)
Domicela, Domicjan, Dominik, Epifani, Flawia, Jan, Jazon, Joanna, Pankracy, Wszemił (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Pankrác (Slovakia)
Aquiles, Domingo, Germán, Nereo, Pancracio (Spain)
Charlotta, Lotta (Sweden)
Herman (Ukraine)
Achilla, Achilles, Achilleus, Grady, Grant, Kelby, Kellen (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 133 of 2024; 233 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 19 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 5 (Bing-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 4 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 4 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 13 Magenta; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 29 April 2024
Moon: 23%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 20 Caesar (5th Month) [The Gracchi]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 55 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 23 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Huath (Hawthorn) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 5 of 13]
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Holidays 5.12
Appreciate Your Cousin Day
Army Day (Republic Srpska)
Borage Day (French Republic)
Canada Health Day
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Day
Day of Finnishness (Finland)
Fibromyalgia Day
512 Day
Flag Day (Belarus)
Florence Nightingale Day
Free Cone Day (Haagen-Dazs)
Gum Health Day
Hermione Asteroid Day
Homer Simpson Day
Infant Mortality Awareness Day
International Awareness Day
International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND)
International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day
International Day of Plant Health
International Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day
International Nurses Day
International Women n Mathematics Day
Jodhpur Foundation Day (India)
Koriteh (Gambia)
Limerick Day
National Anthony Day
National Canine Companion Graduation Day
National Child Care Provider Appreciation Day
National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
National Hospital Day
National Mental Health Provider Day
National Military Spouse Appreciation Day
National Pleasure Day
National Public Gardens Day
National Sapphire Segulah Day
National Spouse Appreciation Day
National Tampon Day
National ‘Ya Dig!’ Day
Native American Rights Day
Nonsense Day
Odometer Day
Olde May Day (Julian Calendar)
Pilgrimage to Fatima (Portugal)
Plant Health Day
Resistance and Liberation Day (Lebanon)
2nd Amendment Action Day (Pennsylvania)
Shashmaqam Day (Tajikistan)
St. Andrew/Andrea the First-Called Day (Georgia)
Woodmen Ranger's Day
Working Mothers Day
World ME Day
World Topiary Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bagel with Cream Cheese Day
Nutty Fudge Day
Independence & Related Days
Manitoba (Province Day; Canada; 1870)
The United Democratic Republic of Mackinac (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Xoli (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
2nd Sunday in May
Bring Mom Out For a Beer Day [2nd Sunday]
Children’s Day (Spain) [2nd Sunday]
Father’s Day (Romania) [2nd Sunday]
Lilac Sunday [2nd Sunday]
MILF Appreciation Day [2nd Sunday]
Mother’s at the Wall [2nd Sunday]
Mother's Day (US) [2nd Sunday]
National Dildo Day [2nd Sunday]
National Sports Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
National Veal Ban Action Day [2nd Sunday]
National Women’s Checkup Day [2nd Sunday]
Punch's Birthday (London, England) [Sunday closest to May 9]
Rural Life Sunday [2nd Sunday]
Soil Stewardship Sunday [2nd Sunday]
Ziua Tatălui (România) [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 12 (2nd Full Week)
Food Allergy Awareness Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
Healthcare Documentation Integrity Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Week]
Hospital Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
National Defense Transportation Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Week]
National Nursing Home Week (thru 5.18) [Starts Mother's Day to Saturday]
National Police Week (thru 5.18)
National Prevention Week (thru 5.18)
National Return to Work Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
National Salvation Army Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
National Skilled Nursing Care Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Sunday to Next Saturday]
National Stuttering Awareness Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
National Women’s Health Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
Prepare Tomorrow’s Parents Month Week (thru 6.16) [Mother’s Day to Father’s Day]
Reading is Fundamental Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
Salute to Moms 35+ Week (thru 5.18) [Begins on 2nd Sunday]
Tick Awareness Week (thru 5.18) [2nd Full Week]
Work at Home Mom’s Week (thru 5.18) [Begins on 2nd Sunday]
Festivals Beginning May 12, 2024
British Academy Television Awards (BAFTA TV Awards; London; UK)
CiderFeast East Coast Tour (Portland, Maine)
Prague Spring International Music Festival (Prague, Czech Republic) [thru 6.3]
Uchinada World Kite Festival (Uchinada, Japan)
Feast Days
Aranya Sashti (God of the Woodlands; India)
Baby Bear (Muppetism)
Basil of Ostrog (Christian; Saint) [Serbia]
Cat Parade (Belgium)
Crispoldus (Christian; Saint)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Artology)
Day of Purification of All Things (Ancient Egypt)
Diomma of Kildimo (Christian; Saint)
Dominic de la Calzada (Christian; Saint)
Edward Lear (Artology; Writerism)
Epiphanius of Salamis (Christian; Saint)
Fairy Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Royal Humans Disbanded (Shamanism)
Flavia Domitilla (Christian; Saint)
Francis Patrizi (Christian; Saint)
Frank Stella (Artology)
George Carlin (Humanism)
Germanus of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Gregory Dix (Church of England)
Hugh Hefner Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Imelda (Christian; Blessed)
J.E.H. MacDonald (Artology)
Joachim von Sandrart (Artology)
Joan of Portugal (Christian; Blessed)
Joseph Beuys (Artology)
Lemuralia, Day 3 (Ancient Rome; Dedicated to Eradicating Malevolent Spirits of the Dead)
Leslie Charteris (Writerism)
Limerick Day (Pastafarian)
Marius (Positivist; Saint)
May-Hill Day (Everyday Wicca)
Modoaldus (Christian; Saint)
Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla, and Pancras (Christian; Martyrs)
Old Beltane (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Pancras, the second of the Ice Saints (Christian; Martyr) [Three Chilly Saints #2]
Patriarch Germanus I of Constantinople (Eastern Church)
Philip of Agira (Christian; Saint)
Quokka Day (Pastafarian)
Rictrudis (Christian; Saint)
Ross Bleckner (Artology)
Sirhind Fateh Diwas (India)
Tithi of Damodardev (Assam, India)
Vara’s Blot (Pagan)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Yom HaZikaron (a.k.a. Yom HaZikaron LeHalalei Ma’arakhot Yisrael ul’Nifge’ei Pe’ulot HaEivah or Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism or יוֹם הזִּכָּרוֹן לְחַלְלֵי מַעֲרָכוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל וּלְנִפְגְעֵי פְּעֻלּוֹת הָאֵיבָה) [4-5 Iyar]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [28 of 71]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Absolutely Anything (Film; 2017)
The Andromeda Strain, by Michael Crichton (Novel; 1969)
Are You Experienced, by Jimi Hendrix (Album; 1967)
Around the World in 80 Days (Animated Film; 2022)
Beach Peach (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1950)
The Big Top (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
Coupling (BBC TV Series; 2000)
Crimson Tide (Film; 1995)
Danger Zone, by Kenny Loggins (Song; 1985)
Earth Girls Are Easy (Film; 1989)
Exile on Main St., by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1972)
5, by Lenny Kravitz (Album; 1998)
The Frog Prince (Muppet TV Special; 1971)
Just My Luck (Film; 2006)
Let’s Rock (Film; 1958)
Lord Foul's Bane, by Stephen R. Donaldson (Novel; 1977) [Chronicles of Thomas Covenant #1]
My Boy Johnny (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1944)
Only Angels Have Wings (Film; 1939)
Panama Lady (Film; 1939)
Pickled Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1965)
Pulp Fiction (Film; 1994)
The Rachel Papers (Film; 1989)
Snowbody Loves Me (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1964)
Symphony No. 1 in F Minor, by Dmitri Shostakovich (Symphony; 1926)
The Three Railway Engines, by Rev. W. Awdry (Book; 1945) [1st Thomas the Tank book]
Tomorrow!, by Philip Wylie (Novel; 1961)
Top Gun (Film; 1985)
A Whiter Shade of Pale, by Procul Harem (Song; 1967)
Today’s Name Days
Pankratius, Pankraz (Austria)
Leopold (Croatia)
Pankrác (Czech Republic)
Pancratius (Denmark)
Rünno, Tapper, Võitur, Vootele (Estonia)
Lotta (Finland)
Achille (France)
Imelda, Joana, Pankratius (Germany)
Epifaneios, Theodoros (Greece)
Pongrác (Hungary)
Achilleo, Nereo (Italy)
Ina, Ināra, Inars, Valida, Valija (Latvia)
Nerėjas, Nerijus, Neris, Vaidutis, Vilgailė (Lithuania)
Normann, Norvald (Norway)
Domicela, Domicjan, Dominik, Epifani, Flawia, Jan, Jazon, Joanna, Pankracy, Wszemił (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Pankrác (Slovakia)
Aquiles, Domingo, Germán, Nereo, Pancracio (Spain)
Charlotta, Lotta (Sweden)
Herman (Ukraine)
Achilla, Achilles, Achilleus, Grady, Grant, Kelby, Kellen (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 133 of 2024; 233 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 19 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 5 (Bing-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 4 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 4 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 13 Magenta; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 29 April 2024
Moon: 23%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 20 Caesar (5th Month) [The Gracchi]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 55 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 23 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Huath (Hawthorn) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 5 of 13]
0 notes
strongitsalifestyle · 1 month
Part 2 of our Ireland & German adventure
Day 4 continues with a lunch stopped in the town Derry/londonderry for lunch.
In Derry/londonderry we headed to a mall for a quick lunch since we only had 30 min parking.
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We then jumped back in the car and made our way towards the Atlantic Way.
A 3 hour drive to the Atlantic way in Donegal then to our hotel which was 23 mins away back north at the abbey hotel in the town of Donegal. When we arrived to the Atlantic way it reminded me of a beach town. This was our first encounter of rain. It started drizzling, we just hiked up the beach to see the view but were unable to climb because the rocks look slippery from the rain.
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In the Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland has one of the best road trip routes in the world. Coastlines and castles, beaches and harbour towns, cliff walks and abbeys, mountain ranges and rugged islands – all this lies ahead of you (and much, much more) as you explore Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way.
Taking in a range of cities and towns, stretching from Donegal to Cork. You'll also see many miles of countryside, weave through rural communities and even journey through Connemara (one of our national parks) and Skellig Michael (a UNESCO World Heritage site!)
Next stop the Abbey Hotel in the town of Donegal. Since the hotel was in the middle of town we had to unload quickly, municipal parking was does the road. I had to download the parking app in order to pay. We loved our stay the hotel had a bar restaurant with delicious food and nightly entertainment!
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Day 5 The next morning we enjoyed breakfast at our hotel and then walked around visiting shops and speaking to the locals. Lukas’ got his first job as a store clerk, the owner was so jolly and loved having us there! Across the street was Dongela Castle! We enjoyed this castle because unlike the ones in northern Ireland this one had furniture! We were able to go back in time and experience living in a castle! Definitely a great town to stop at!
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We jumped in the car almost 3 hours to make it to Ashford Castle for our Tea Experience! $$$ Although it was pricey we enjoyed the experience and had a chance to enjoy many photo ops on the gorgeous grounds!
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We then jumped back in the car and in an hour and half we checked into the Western hotel in the town of Galway. We enjoyed dinner in the restaurant where there was a band. My son enjoyed the entertain and dancing!
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Day 6 The next morning we had an amazing hit breakfast with also buffet choice. After breakfast we checked out and drive 44 mins away and stopped at Hazel Mountain chocolate factory! Best decision ever! Such a remote spot with the best chocolate we ever tasted!
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After getting our very own chocolate tour and enjoy our hot chocolates we jumped back in the car for another 30 mins to reach our next destination the Cliffs of Moher! Definitely an incredible experience! We were even able to walk around to stretch our legs!
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We then jumped back into the car for our final stop the day in the of town of Limerick! We enjoyed lunch at an Italian restaurant into town. Then we went down the road to king John’s castle where we got a peak of history filled with Vikings and crusades!
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Then it was off to our final stop our hotel! The strand Hotel was amazing!!!
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Day 7 The next morning we have a delicious Breakfast then ventured out to our next destination. We stopped by in town at a Dunnes Store “supermarket” where my son bought a Harry Potter Halloween costume. Apparently Halloween is really big in Ireland.
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We reached Killarney where we stayed for 3 days At the Lake House! The first day we decided to book a 3 course dinner and unwind for our adventure.
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Day 8 We had the most amazing breakfast with such an amazing view!
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After breakfast we headed to the stables for a horse ride around Killarney national park.
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Then it was off to Ross Castle for a horse and carriage ride around the national park.
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We went back to the hotel to change and head to the gap of dunloe where we hiked a few miles to the top! Def worth the hike!
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We then drive to the most amazing car ride up the mountain to ladies view and stopped on the way down the mountain at Torc waterfall!
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After a long day of adventure we stopped by the muckross abbey for dinner where I had my first and last Irish coffee!
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Day 9 we checked out of the lake house and headed back to Dublin. We stopped at st Patrick cathedral. Then parked at the mall at the jervis shopping center so we could walk around town. We walked to the spire of Dublin &ha penny bridge. Then went back to our first hotel where we started our road trip in Ireland!
Day 10 we checked out and drive our car rental back to easirent and took a cab 5 mins down the road to the Clayton hotel. Where we enjoyed our last dinner in Ireland. Amazing Italian restaurant!
Day 11 the hotel gave us to go breakfast and we boarded our shuttle bus at 5am to get to the airport just minute away to departed for Germany !!!! We almost missed our flight ✈️
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