#Navigation System San Diego
sometimesanalice · 2 years
Like I Can (Part 2)
Summary: After yet another bad date and tired of swiping on apps, the Dagger Squad steps in to help you out by setting you up on a series of blind dates. Much to Rooster’s dismay.
Warnings: fuff, language, slight angst. Minors DNI
Length: 5.7K
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw X Female Reader
Part 1 | Part 3
(Here you go, lovely people! The wait is over! Enjoy❣️)
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When you had first told Rooster that you were moving to San Diego, it had felt like the first time in a long time in that things in his life were finally going his way. He was excelling in his career, he was mending his relationship with Maverick, and he finally had the opportunity to start putting some roots down.
He knew how lucky he was.
He had been thrilled to know that you would both be living in the same place for the first time since you were teens. Sure he might have gone a little overboard helping you find a place near him and showing you the hard-learned secrets of navigating the SoCal highway system, but he wanted you to be as happy here as he was.
You were the only person left in the world, outside of Maverick, who had known him the longest. You mattered to him.
It was clear that you thought it had been his doing for how quickly his friends had included you as part of the group, but he knew it was all you. They’d all been so surprised when his nice, sweet friend was the one who kept playing the raunchiest hands during Cards Against Humanity. You’d pretty much swept every round that night. He was pretty sure more than a few of them would trade him for you in a heartbeat.
While they liked you, they loved a competition. He should have seen it coming the second Phoenix volunteered to set you up on a date, because what one person does the rest will undoubtedly follow suit. 
And that’s how Rooster found himself watching you on your first of the dates from inside the Hard Deck, the chaos of it all drawing more than one set of eyes to where you were on the outdoor patio.
When he’d arrived at the Hard Deck earlier that evening, he was surprised to see you there already seated next to Bob with his other friends chatting away nearby. He didn’t remember you saying you were planning to stop by. 
You looked a bit more dressed up than how he usually saw you, wearing a fluttery looking sundress and your hair piled up on the top of your head. After making a quick stop to get a beer, he’d made his way over to you.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you tonight, kid.” Up close now, he could see some of the soft strands that had escaped your top knot and were framing your face. 
He was briefly reminded of the time you got bangs in high school. While he’d thought they had look nice on you, you on the other hand had immediately regretted them, pinning them back until they’d grown out.  
“Hey you,” you’d greeted him with an easygoing smile on your face, “I got here a little too early, but thankfully Bob was already here. He’s been keeping me company as I wait.”
“Huh? For what?” he’d asked a bit dumbly, his gaze bouncing between you and Bob.
Shit, did he forget someone’s birthday?
“She’s meeting my friend Casey from the animal shelter tonight,” Bob chimed in, speaking around a mouthful of sunflower seeds, “For the bet we all made the other night.” 
“Oh,” he’d felt his eyebrows pull together, glancing back to you, “I didn’t know you were actually going to go through with that.” 
He had never understood why you had such bad luck when it came to dating. He assumed you probably got a lot of attention in your day-to-day life, so your stories of dates gone wrong always left him baffled. Anyone could see that you were funny, intelligent, and had the best smile. If you’d been a stranger, he probably would have approached you out in a coffee shop somewhere if he’d seen you drinking one of those extra foamy cappuccinos you liked. 
But you weren’t a stranger you were his longest time friend, his most important friend.
“Why wouldn’t I?” you’d asked quizzically, tilting your head at him. “Outside of how competitive you all are, your friends were nice enough to go out of their way for me by setting this all up. Plus, it seems like it could be a lot of fun.” 
That was the thing though, he didn’t think you should have to be jumping through so many hoops to find a decent guy to date.
He’d met the guy you had dated before moving here a few times over FaceTime. He would usually try to engage him in some small talk always asking him about how many G’s he’d pulled that day before leaving for beers with the guys or some pick-up basketball game. It seemed to him like you guys had led pretty separate lives, but you liked him so the guy was fine in his books. However, when you had told him that you were moving out here alone, he couldn’t say he was too surprised. That guy was probably kicking himself now, because California looked good on you.
“Speaking of,” you’d reached out taking right forearm pulling it closer to you, he had let you turn and adjust it until you could read the time displayed by the dials on his watch. “I should probably head outside to wait for him there. You said we’d probably need to grab a spot on the patio, right Bob?” you’d asked turning away from him to confirm with the WSO.
“He said he was still looking for a dog sitter, but if he couldn’t find one he’d be bringing them with him,” Bob replied as he scanned the text on his phone, “That’s probably a good idea, just in case.”
He’d known this whole thing was going to be a bad idea, grasping the back of your stool he briskly turned you back towards him to give you a pointed look.
You’d just shook your head at him blithely and rolled your eyes, “It’ll be fine.” The expression on your face told him not to press the matter, even though he knew that would take a lot of willpower on his side.
Sighing in resignation, he had helped brace your forearm as you slid off the tall stool. You’d patted his chest a couple of times before making your way outside, the hem of your dress dancing around your thighs.
He had drunk that first beer a bit faster than normal, trying to focus on the conversation Coyote was attempting to have with him. Then he was waylaid at the bar for a while when he had gone up to get a second, spending some time catching up with Mav who had shown up and was sitting at the counter watching his fiancée as she ruled over her bar.
When he got back and looked out the window to check on you, he was expecting to see you out there talking with Bob’s friend and maybe a dog or two sitting at your feet, instead the scene before his eyes had him storming over to Bob who was already watching the madness unfold.
“What did he bring the whole damn shelter with him? There’s like 7 of them out there!”
“I had no clue he had that many,” Bob admits sheepishly.  
“He’s your friend, isn’t he? Shouldn’t that have come up in a conversation before this?” He liked Bob, but you were getting assailed by a few too many energetic dogs for his comfort. He can tell the guy is trying to wrangle them under control, and you’re generously laughing along while they vie for your attention, scratching as many ears as possible. 
“They seem to really like her. See how they keep licking her? Did you know that’s an instinctive behavior learned from when they’re puppies? It’s how they bond with others.” His attempt to bring some humor falling flat in Rooster’s ears.
“Not helpful, Bob,” he grunts into his beer his eyes glued on you.
Hangman struts up to them no doubt curious about what has the two of them staring so intently out the large window and lets out a low whistle, “Damn, that’s a lot of dogs.”
The sound naturally draws the attention of his other friends, and they are quick to drop everything to come gather around the window and observe the circus that is your first blind date.
The guy is standing trying to unravel the many leashes he is clutching onto, handing you a couple to hold on to as he works to disentangle the knot that’s formed. Your beer a casualty of the chaos when what looks like a Border Collie mix jumps up on the table.
“Oh shit,” he mutters when he sees you sneeze.
“What’s up, Rooster?” Natasha asked, glancing at him briefly before turning her eyes back to the flurry of fur outside.
“She’s allergic.” 
This is what he had been worried about when Bob mentioned your date might be bringing his dogs. He knew your pet dander allergy wasn’t usually too bad with a couple of animals, but being around this many couldn’t be good for you.
Now that you were settled in San Diego, you had told him you had been thinking about getting a pet. It was something that you were never able to have as a kid for the same very reason you were out there fighting back another sneeze. You were adamant about adopting one, but finding hypoallergenic pet in a shelter was harder than it was getting a missile to hit its target. 
When he sees you bring the back of your hand up to wipe under one of your eyes, he abandons his mostly untouched beer on the windowsill and marches towards the exit in a few long strides. Fingers already raised to his lips before he’s even made it outside. The sharp whistle he lets out the second his shoe hits the wooden planks of the patio surprising the tangle of dogs surrounding you into momentary stillness.
“Time to wrap it up, kid,” he hollers, jerking his head back towards the door.
Even haloed by the golden light from the setting sun, he can see how watery and red-rimmed your eyes have gotten. 
He sees you saying something to your date, handing him back the leashes as you step gingerly around the dogs towards him, making sure to avoid stepping on any of the happily wagging tails. 
You’ve got your shoulders pulled back tightly as you walk towards him, determination in every step you take. The force of your glare would be intimidating to anyone else, but he’s developed an immunity to it after so many years of having it directed at him. 
Although he doubts you can even actually see his face right now with how puffy your eyes have gotten.
“Are you kidding me right now? What the fuck, Rooster?” you fume at him.
Oh, yeah, you’re pissed. He’ll deal with that later. Standing up to his full height and crossing his arms over his chest, steeling himself in anticipation for whatever comes next.
“C’mon, I bet Penny has something for that,” he says gesturing to your face, “And then I’m taking you home.” 
He can tell you’re getting ready to give him a piece of your mind. Probably a very loud and vividly descriptive piece of your mind, but can’t be bothered to regret a thing. He knows he is in the right to intervene on your behalf. 
He’s looking out for you, like a good friend should. 
And you’re just standing there shaking your head at him, instead of listening to him when you know he’s right.
You’ve always been so frustratingly hardhead, so he pulls out the one thing he knows you can’t resist, “I’ll even stop for milkshakes.”
You look up at him skeptically with narrowed eyes before asking, “And I can drink it in the Bronco?”
That makes him chuckle, of course you’re negotiating with him. “Yeah, yeah. Now c’mon, time to call it.”
Rooster sees the moment the fight goes out of you as you turn back to Cashew, or whatever this guy’s name is. He looks a little like the crunchy granola type, if you ask him.
He grabs your hand pulling you with him back inside, not wanting to let you change your mind while the promise of a milkshake is still at the height of its power.
You tug back making him pause at the entry as you call back to Bob’s friend, “Thank you for coming, Casey. It was nice to meet you, but I think I’m going to head out. Good luck with your fundraiser for the shelter, I’ll make sure to spread the word.” 
That makes him smile to himself as he tows you with him, here you are clearly suffering with your allergies and still going out of your way for this person you’ve just met. You’ve always been too nice for your own good. Hell, you’ll probably get the whole team to donate to the fundraiser before he can even get you out the door.
Once back inside he pays the tab for both of you, while you swallow down the antihistamines Penny was able to find in the med kit she keeps behind the counter. The team is surrounding you asking questions about the date.
“I’ll tell you, but that information will cost you. You can Venmo the shelter your donation to their fundraiser and I’ll be happy to answer any questions once you send me documented proof of payment,” you say with a smug smile on your face.
He huffs a laugh while signing the receipt that Penny hands him as the cellphones are whipped out of various pockets. 
Such a little hustler. 
In school, you were usually the one to sell the most candy bars and wrapping paper during fundraisers. And he was always an easy target, you usually got at least $30 out of him every time. He was never one to say no to a good cause, or to you most of the time.
Bob apologizes profusely to you as he hands you a couple napkins when you start sniffling while gathering up your things. He watches as you just wave him off, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek and tell him not to worry about it. 
Shaking out the thoughts of you with the soft-spoken WSO from his mind, he starts to guide you out the door to his car with a hand on your back. His other hand involuntarily tightening into a fist as Fanboy calls out promising to do better than Bob when you’re both almost out the door.
He can hear your phone already blowing up with the nosy questions from his squad before he’s even buckled got you in.
And on the drive back to your place he lets you drink your chocolate cherry chip shake in the passenger seat of the Bronco, just as he promised he would.
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You weren’t too proud to admit that first blind date was a bit of a mess. 
While your eyes had been puffy for a couple days afterwards, you had also managed to get $700 in donations for the shelter from the Dagger Squad with all the questions you had answered for them while bleary-eyed. 
And it was Rooster who had ended up sending in the largest donation, which had surprised you since he wasn’t even participating in the bet. He had sent you a screenshot of his $200 contribution along with a text that simply said: “For the animals, thanks for not spilling your milkshake in my car like you did when you were 15.”
You’d sent him back a heart promptly followed by the middle finger emoji.
Thankfully the second date the next week was less eventful.
Fanboy had set you up with one of his friends from the escape room group he was in. When you’d admitted that you had never done one before he’d talked you through all his tips and strategies for how to beat it when you eventually tried one out. His enthusiasm could have been charming had it not come across as entirely mansplain-y. 
Why yes, you did know what a topographical map was and how to read it, thank you very much. 
You’d felt like some kind of oversized bobblehead since all you had been doing that evening was nodding along as an attempt to stay engaged with the conversation.
Rooster had stopped by when your date had left for the restroom. He was glistening a bit from the sweat he had worked up from the performance at the piano he had just given. It was a newer song for him, but he had still swept the rest of the bar up with his infectious energy.
“I can tell you’re bored out of your mind, kid. How about I show you how to do that four-in-one shot? Once you pick it up you might finally be some competition at the pool table,” he’d said grabbing your beer and swallowing down a few large mouthfuls.
From your spot at the high-top table, you could see more than a few hungry gazes in the crowded bar tracking him. Probably trying to figure out the nature of your relationship with him. 
When you shooed him away, he’d pulled down his sunglasses to give you a knowing look before taking your beer with him as he strutted away with a casual: “See you soon, kid.” 
He knew you too well. 
You weren’t bored per se, but you also weren’t having the greatest time.
When your date got back, it didn’t take long for the conversation to fizzle out, the long pauses feeling awkward rather than companionable. You’d both agreed that it probably wasn’t a great fit and left it at that. You’d even had Penny put his beers on your tab as a gesture of goodwill.
Plus, you had been trying to get Rooster to teach you that trick for ages, and you didn’t want to miss your moment now that he was offering. 
True to his word, he spent the rest of the evening teaching you his trick. You warred between watching him intently determined to nail the shot, and avoiding looking at him too closely. The tight jeans he was wearing bringing up some less than strictly friendly thoughts as he bent over the table to line up his shots. 
You were still terrible, but you also hadn’t had so much fun in a long time as you traded shit-talk back and forth with him. Cackling at the confusion on his face when he went to grab his beer only to find it empty. It was only fair, after all, he had taken yours.
It’s been a few days since then, and you are back at the Hard Deck for date number three.
From your time hanging out with the Dagger Squad, you’d learned that Coyote was a bit of a classic car aficionado. He had set you up with his friend, Will, who he had met at one of the vintage car conventions he had gone to in the area.
Will was already twenty minutes late when Hangman and Phoenix made their way up to the bar. The two keeping you company for a bit while they waited for Jimmy to get their next rounds, letting you know that Jake had already called dibs on setting up your next date.
“Get ready for a good time, Darlin’,” he boasted. 
“I keep telling you my guy is perfect. I already know they’re going to have some instant chemistry. I don’t know why you’re even bothering, I have got it on lock,” Natasha had retorted back.
He’d sent you a cocky salute before they’d both made their way back to the rest of the group in the corner of the bar.
When your date eventually arrived, you guys went through the typical small talk motions, trading the same tired questions that feel more like a casual interview than an actual conversation.
Since you already knew he had an interest in classic cars you had casually mentioned Penny’s ’73 Porsche to him as something to talk about other than the weather or what you did for work, and that’s how you found yourself sitting on your own waiting for him to return from where he was outside snapping away pictures of the sleek looking car.
You’re picking at the label on your bottle of Blue Moon to kill time, when you feel Rooster slide up next to you, the smell of his woodsy cologne giving him away before the print of his Hawaiian shirt does out of the corner of your eye. 
“Hey kid, you hungry? I could eat. What do you say to hitting up that taco place we like?”
You gesture to the coat draped on the back of the stool next to you, “I’m kind of on a date right now, Rooster.”  
“You sure about that? Kinda looks like you’re just sittin’ here alone to me.” Mimicking you he also signals to the empty stool next to you.
His words landing like a sucker punch.
“I mean, he hasn’t been out there for that long. It’s a sexy car, I get it.” 
And you did. 
However, it has also been like ten minutes now since he left you, and having Rooster point it out like that made you feel more than a bit self-conscious.
Especially when you look over and catch the rest of the team watching you guys with curious stares from across the bar. 
You knew having the dates here for their bet would put you directly in the spotlight, everyone wanting to see how things were going and how their friend stacked up against the competition. First dates were awkward enough without that kind of extra pressure and extra eyes. 
Now you were on the third one and things weren’t looking as promising as you had hoped when you first started. It would be humiliating if by the end of this they all thought that you were the problem. And it wasn’t like you weren’t trying, but being on display like this makes you feel like you’re wading through waist-deep mud while everyone watches you struggle from solid ground. 
When it came to dating, Rooster always had a much easier time of it compared to you. With those sunkissed curls and that toned body, it was rare if he didn’t get passed at least three napkins with phone numbers scribbled on them during nights out.
Even in high school you were always the one fielding questions from all the girls who were interested in him. Is he seeing anyone? Can you give him my number? He was naturally charismatic, of course people were drawn to him.
But you? You were just Bradshaw’s younger, tag-along friend. And then in college, it had always felt like you were the one who had to keep making all the first moves only to be left wondering why you had even bothered in the first place.
You never had a great poker face, and it’s clear you’re wearing your emotions on your face because when you turn back to Rooster his face immediately softens.
“I’m not trying to be an asshole,” he promises gently, as he reaches out to tug lightly on the end of the braid you had woven your hair in for the evening. “I just don’t get why you’re putting up with this guy ditching you like this. Especially when we could be getting tacos instead.”
Shaking your head ‘no’ to both the invitation and the insecurities that were trying to creep in, “I’m sure he’ll be coming back in any minute now.” 
You weren’t excusing his behavior, but you did also want to give him the benefit of the doubt. It could still get better, he could still surprise you.
“And guess what? Apparently Will drives a Bronco too. He pointed his out earlier when he brought it up, but I can’t see it from where I’m sitting. I bet you guys could talk about that if we decide to see each other again.”
Rooster stands up to get a better look out the window that faces the parking lot, “Well, that certainly is interesting, kid.” 
There’s a weird tone to his comment, but it isn’t one you are able to investigate further as Will returns back inside making his way to you.
You expect Rooster to go back to the rest of the squad, instead he makes himself comfortable on your other side. 
“That’s not a bad looking car, the Fuchs wheels are a nice touch, but I’ve seen better,” Will ignorantly gloats as he sits back down, pulling up photos of another car on his phone to show you. “It definitely doesn’t have anything on the 1975 Porsche 930 Turbo, with its single turbo flat-six and the flared rear wings. Now that beauty was made for speed.”
Mortified you glance to Penny hoping she didn’t hear any of that, but the stiffness of her spine tells you everything you need to know.
This obnoxious motherfu-
“Wow, that’s really something. Do you mind if I take a look, man?” Rooster asks pointing to Will’s phone before you can say anything in response.
“Yeah, bro. Go for it,” he says as hands his phone over, “Spotted that one at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance last year.”
You watch as Rooster swipes half-heartedly through a couple of the pictures before catching Penny’s eye.
“Uh-huh, neat. Hey, Penny?” he calls to her, as he sets the phone down on the bartop. “That’s your 911 S out there, right?”
“Sure is, Rooster.” She confirms playing along as she rests an elbow on the polished surface in front of him, a knowing smirk already gracing her features. 
“Well then,” a conspiring grin takes over his face as he nods his head towards wood sign strung up between the taps, “I do believe we’ve had not one, but two violations this evening.” 
Penny sends a wink his way as she wastes no time ringing the bell loudly and for longer than usual, undoubtedly for the slight at her car’s expense. The action causing the raucous crowd to erupt in cheers.
Disrespect a lady, the Navy, or put your cellphone on my bar you buy a round.
Will is still trying to figure out what’s going on as Rooster leans across you pushing the phone slowly across the counter back to your date with two fingers.
His face suddenly very close to yours. You can see the warm brown starbursts that surround the pupils of his eyes. 
“Let’s go get those tacos, kid. Drinks are on him tonight.” 
You watch as he slides off of the stool, pulling out his keys from the back pocket of his light wash jeans. 
He makes it a few steps towards the door before turning back to you, “I’ll meet you at the Bronco. It’s the only one out there so you can’t miss it.” Giving Will a sharp, pointed look as he passes. 
Slipping on his aviators and swinging the fob around his index finger as he struts out of the bar.
Not too long later you’re sitting on the beach with the warm California breeze on your skin, laughing as Rooster tells you about the time during training when half his squad ended up cleaning their gear naked. The Al Pastor tacos you ordered tasting extra delicious for whatever reason.
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Try as he might, Rooster could not stop watching you on your date with the guy Hangman had set you up with. 
And if he was honest with himself, he wasn’t trying at all. In fact, he was probably outright glaring and he didn’t give a damn. 
It was too loud in the bar to hear your laugh from where he sat, but he could certainly see you grinning at something this guy was saying to you.
Did you go shopping for this? The top you were wearing didn’t look familiar to him, he liked the way the straps were tied into pretty bows on your sun-freckled shoulders. Did you mean to look like some kind of a present waiting to be unwrapped?
It was clear to him that you were taking this whole thing more seriously than he ever thought you would.
“Jesus, Rooster. What gives?”  
“Huh, what?” he asked distractedly, his eyes remaining on you. He was barely paying attention to what was going on around him let along the game of pool he was supposedly playing with Hangman and Bob.
“Your leg, man. You’re about to set off the San Andres with all that shaking your leg is doing,” Jake says slapping him hard on the side of his thigh as he passes by to line up his next shot at the pool table. 
“Actually, San Diego sits on the Rose Canyon fault,” Bob corrects. 
“What is this, Jeopardy? That ain’t the point. What I’m trying to figure out is what’s got ol’ Rooster’s feathers in a ruffle over here.” His eyes calculating and his grin sharp.
Rooster hadn’t realized his leg was even bouncing up and down from where it was balanced on the foot rest of the high-top stool he was perched on.
What he did notice is that your date had gotten you a Michelob Ultra. 
You hated light beer. 
Who did this guy think he was just ordering you something without actually asking you what you wanted? Because there was no way in hell that you ordered that on your own. God, were these the type of men you were forced to put up with here in San Diego? He hadn’t even pulled out your chair for you, for fuck’s sake.
He could tell you were being polite by resting a hand on the base of the bottle, lifting it up like you were about to take a sip before remembering what was in your hand, and setting it back down again. 
He might as well have ordered you a water, at least you would have actually enjoyed that. 
The guy is massive and covered in questionable looking tattoos, in both quality and taste. Just like his choice of beer.
“Hangman, how do you know this guy again? What’s his name?” he asked, finally pulling his eyes away from you and your date.
“He’s a gym buddy, does those body building competitions,” Jake told him, probably for the second time that night based on the annoyance in his voice. “Really helped me to grow my pecs.” 
Why was he flexing instead of answering the goddamned question? 
“And his name?” he presses again, pushing his cue into Bob’s other hand officially done with the game. He pulls out his phone and sets to opening up a new tab on his browser getting ready to run a web search on the guy.
“Elijah, why?” 
“Elijah what? What’s his last name?” Rooster wasn’t sure what was so hard about this. For how much Hangman bragged about being the fastest pilot, he was really struggling to keep up.
“How am I supposed to know? We’re not that close, man. We share trainin’ tips, not life stories,” he lets slip. 
That would not work for him.
Downing the rest of his beer, tuning out the rest of whatever Seresin was saying to him as he stalks off to the bar. 
He’s just being a good friend he tells himself, since it was obvious Hangman hadn’t done enough due diligence when it came to you. 
Once there he orders another beer from Penny before rounding the bartop to where you sit with your back turned to him. He reaches out and plucks the room temperature Michelob Ultra out from your hand.
“Hey! What the-” he heard you start before turning to see him, “Rooster?” Your eyebrows pulled up in confusion.
“You’re welcome, kid,” he states concisely as he wraps your hand around the fresh, cold Blue Moon he had gotten for you instead. 
His fingers brushing the end of the long tail of the bow that danced along your arm as he pulls away, heading back to his vantage point by the pool table.
The pressure in his chest lessening now that you at least had a beverage you actually liked in your hands.
“What the fuck, man? That stunt better not have screwed with my chances of winning, they were clearly hitting it off. Did Phoenix put you up to this?” Jake complained, pointing an accusatory finger at him. 
Not bothering to reply, Rooster just waves him off as he watches you lift the bottle to your mouth, taking a sip for the first time that evening. A small smile on your face as you savor the flavor on your tongue.
Good. That’s good. 
He’s very pleased when he sees Elijah head out the door less than 10 minutes later. And downright smug when you settle yourself next to him with your Blue Moon in hand.
“Well?” Hangman presses, leaning on the cue stick in his hands, “How’d it go?” 
“It was going pretty well until he decided it was more important to lecture me about calorie content and muscle protein synthesis instead of just letting me enjoy my beer,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “So I told him we were probably on two different levels, and we decided to wrap it up for the night. I definitely heard him mutter something about needing a second pump session on his way out though. I hope he meant at the gym.” You scrunch your nose at that.
“Atta girl,” he smiles down at you as he bumps his shoulder against yours, watching as you blushed a little under the praise. 
“You all might as well just give me the winnings now, there’s no way any of you idiots are going to beat me. I hope you’re ready to have your feet swept out from under you, my guy is going to be your dream man,” Nat declares, her tone self-congratulatory.
And just like that, he wasn’t feeling so smug anymore.
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Read Part 3 here!
I am so blown away by the response Part 1 got! Thank you all so much for reading and all your kind comments! I appreciate every single one of you!
Written as part of @roosterforme’s #Love Is In The Air TGM Fic Challenge! Please go check out the fics on the playlist! There’s some great things already posted!
Song Inspiration Sam Smith’s “Like I Can”.
Thank you Jordan (@gretagerwigsmuse) and Emily (@roosterforme​) for your all caps energy and for letting me spam you with ideas!
@sehnsuchts-trunken​ @top-hhun-main​ @itscheybaby​ @prettylittlelauraa​ @startrekfangirl2233​ @marantha​ @callsign-viper​ @teacupsandtopgun​ @itsizzythebell​ @winterrebel04 @shanimallina87​ @angelbabyange​ @boltgirl426​ @oneelleandaneye​ @mizzzpink​ @anony1080 @cornishkat​ @green-intervention @torres-espana​ @uzumegui​ @2guysonascooter @dont-talk-me-down​ @fandomunite2107​ @alana4610​ @20th-centu-fairy-girl​ @candid-confetti @pariahsparadise​ @pono-pura-vida​ @donttouchmycarrots​ @ebonyhogan24 @nina-sj​ @eg-dr3amer3​ @whaledots-blog​ @a-beaverhausen​ @misty-inferno​ @angellwingsss​ @hangmanscoming​ @mandolin22​ @theweekndhistorybook​ @lilpeekabooze​ @high-bi-imgonnacry​ @deeahhmaa @ahintofkiwistrawberry​ @mrsdaamneron​ @ruewrote​ @spiderman-stilinski​ @jayniebop​ @melllinaa​ @my-soulmate-is-mycroft​ @mandolin22 @imaginecrushes​ @calsjack 
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False Confidence: Chapter 4
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Pairing: Javy “Coyote” Machado x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: The Athletic named Javy Machado the fifth sluttiest player in the NHL last year. He’s a known playboy who leaves every game with a different girl. As far as he’s concerned he’s living the dream, playing his dream job with the dream lifestyle. Unfortunately his friends and bosses don’t agree. At 33, they think it’s time for him to settle down. You’re a kindergarten teacher at an esteemed private school. You don't expect much when you finally accept your colleague’s invitation to attend her husband’s hockey game but when you accidentally get separated in the post-game rush, you find yourself in a compromising situation with the last person you’d ever expected to meet. When his PR rep suggests a mutually beneficial agreement, your hands are tied. How long will you have to keep up the act? And how long will you be able to?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, angst, fluff, fake relationship, suggestive language, anxiety, mild physical violence, school system inaccuracies, hockey inaccuracies etc. There will be individual chapter warnings. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Aaaaa!!! After the lengthy process of reposting all my old work, I can finally post an update and treat y’all to something new!!! Welcome back, y’all and thank you for rejoining me on this journey with the SDDU and specifically with Javy and Roadie 💚💛🩶
Previous Chapter // Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
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You try to still your restless hands as you sit in the parking garage of the Dogfighters’ arena. Javy had texted you directions to the staff parking section and now you’re currently working up the courage to get out of your car and go inside. You’re turning your phone over and over in your hands, debating texting Javy to ask him to meet you so you don’t have to try to navigate the unfamiliar building alone worrying about bothering him. You’d texted him an hour ago to let him know you were on your way but now you’ve suddenly lost your nerve. As you’re stuck against your mental roadblock, a knock on your window makes you jump so hard you feel your seatbelt chafe painfully at your neck. Your neck whips to catch sight of your attacker as your hand curls around the pepper spray attached to your keys. It relaxes slightly as a scowl crosses your face, replacing the wide-eyed panic as you catch sight of Javy, leaning an arm against the top of the window frame and smirking through the glass at you. You have a good mind to pepper spray him anyway.
Instead, you settle on shoving the door open, aiming to put him off balance but it seems you’ve underestimated exactly how big hockey players are. The door barely budges. You shove again, scowl deepening as Javy’s smirk spreads into a grin as he realizes what you’re trying to do. His laugh echoes off of the walls of the parking garage and when he throws his head back shifting his weight off the door, you give a particularly hard shove and the combination sends him stumbling back a few steps, and you feel a grin tug at the corner of your mouth, but you stifle the urge to smile as you hurry out of the car before Javy can go back to leaning against the door.
“Good to see you too, Roadie.” He says with a smirk as he straightens back up. “I was wondering what happened when you said you were on the way an hour ago and the drive is only thirty minutes.” Your lips part in surprise. “You okay?” He asks and you watch his carefree smirk morph into something else, his gaze firmer as he scans over your body like he’s looking for an invisible injury or ailment. You shake your head, dismissing his concerns.
“I’m fine.” You twist your hands around the strap of your purse and your eyes drift down to watch the repetitive motion.
“Well then,” Javy clears his throat awkwardly. “Shall we?” You nod, not letting up with the twisting until Javy’s hand enters your field of vision, held out in silent offer.
“Uh, you probably don’t want to,” you murmur, finally releasing the purse strap to attempt to wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans. “Sweaty,” you hold your hands up, heat rising to your cheeks as you explain and Javy gives you what you almost convince yourself is a fond smile before he takes your hand in his.
“I’m sweaty too, that makes two of us.” It’s like a cold bucket of water dumped on your nerves and you feel your lips part slightly in surprise as Javy leads you by your linked hands towards the door. “Come on,” he says as he holds open the door for you, not letting go of your hand. “The guys are going to love you,” he says, flashing that roguish grin at you that makes your heart thump as you momentarily forget exactly who he is.
The four-letter word is still pounding in your ears as Javy leads you down winding hallways that you know you should be committing to memory but you’re too distracted to pay attention to right now. Then he turns the corner and you’re standing in what looks a lot like the teacher’s lounge. There’s a group of twenty-some grown men of varying ages sprawled across couches and chairs. A few look up when you enter with Javy and he squeezes your hand encouragingly.
“Hey guys,” Javy says loudly and you feel the weight of dozens of eyes focus on you and you feel the desperate urge to sink into the ground and disappear.
“Roadie!” An excited shout draws your attention to where Jake’s chatting with a larger player who’s now watching you curiously, dark brown brows drawn together in a scrutinizing frown. Jake’s grinning as he waves at you before making his way to the front and wrapping you in a hug that takes you by surprise. It’s over before you can fully register it and then Jake has a hand on your back, beaming at the rest of the room. “Guys, this is Roadie, Javy’s girlfriend!” There’s an awkward silence as Jake’s audience tries to gauge whether he’s lying before the man Jake was speaking to earlier speaks up.
“FAKE girlfriend.” He clarifies and you feel the fire in your cheeks burn even hotter. He’s glaring and it takes you a moment to realize it’s not at you, but at Javy. Jake does his best to disperse the tense moment, saying something to the rest of the team that you don’t hear because you’re focused on the man who spoke up. Before you know it, most of the guys are clearing out of the space and Javy’s letting go of your hand to cross his arms across his chest.
“You just can’t leave well enough alone, can you Bradshaw?” His voice is hard and you can hear the irritation in it. You shift uncomfortably next to him as the other man pushes off the wall where he’s been standing and comes over to the two of you. Jake watches on silently, ready to step in if needed. You can’t help but feel like you’re intruding on a conversation that you have no right to be a part of.
“I can’t? What about you, that’s the reason she’s in this situation in the first place, isn’t it?” You hear it then, the fierce streak of protectiveness in his voice. His gaze drops to you then and all the animosity leaves it as he extends a hand out to you. “Bradley Bradshaw, nice to meet you.”
You take it nervously and he shakes it with a firm grip that somehow manages to ease your nerves. “You already met Bradley’s girlfriend, Zam.” Jake pipes up, doing his best to dissolve the tension still hanging over the room.
“Oh!” You do your best to help Jake out. “She’s really nice.” You do your best to make the compliment seem as genuine as it is, but something tells you it isn’t working. Bradley smiles at that and there’s a wistfulness in his eyes that transforms his face from the harsh presence he’d seemed before.
“That she is.” He says mostly to himself before he straightens. “Good to meet you, Roadie, but I’m late for a meeting.” He pushes past you and Javy and you let him go but Javy doesn’t seem to share the sentiment.
“Bradshaw, what the fuck!” Javy snaps at the older man’s back as he follows Bradley down the hallway. He almost crashes into the back of his teammate as Bradley stops suddenly. The door to the break room swinging shut with a muted bang behind him. Bradley rounds on Javy, shoving him against the wall with a swift movement before he gets up into Javy’s space.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Bradley snaps and Javy’s caught by surprise. When he doesn’t answer immediately Bradley pushes again. “Look, I know I’ve never said anything about your, quite frankly disgusting, behavior before now but that’s because you were just being irresponsible. But this? This is just plain cruel.” Fury starts to stain Bradley’s cheeks with splotches of angry red. Bradshaw’s always had a temper but Javy hasn’t had many occasions of facing it's brunt. “Now you’ve pulled that poor girl into your mess and she’s going to get hurt.” Javy bristles at that, shoving back against Bradley’s hulking form that’s keeping him pinned to the wall. Sure they both play the same position but Bradley’s built like a brick wall while Javy’s always tended to be on the more slender side so he doesn’t manage to move the older man much.
“She won’t get hurt.” Javy snaps, irritation crackling in his voice like lightning. “I won’t let that happen,” he insists, brows furrowing in frustrated determination.
Bradley answers with a barked laugh of haughty disbelief. “You know I already told Zam she’s crazy for even entertaining this but she seems to agree with you. You’re lucky I trust my wife.” Bradley snaps and Javy’s eyebrows rise in mock curiosity.
“Your WIFE?” He asks in a way that he knows is dangerously teasing. “Something you want to share with the class, Bradshaw?” Sure he’d promised Zam that he’d do his best to stop riling up Bradley but in his defense, the older man had started it. Bradley’s cheeks flush for a different reason this time and Javy feels his grip loosen.
“My girlfriend, you know what I meant.” He snaps but his voice lacks the bite it had earlier.
“Planning on popping the question, Bradshaw?” Javy asks, tilting his head slightly mockingly and Bradley reddens even more.
“That’s none of your business, Machado.” He straightens, releasing Javy from his grasp, and scowls at him. “Mind your own business, and for the love of God, don’t fuck this up. She deserves better than that.” He doesn’t give Javy a chance to respond before he stalks off in the direction of Zam’s office. Javy catches his breath as he uncurls the tight fists his hands have been in. As angry as he is, he can’t blame Bradshaw for his concern because he’s right. You DO deserve better. But unfortunately for you, he’s the best you’ve got right now.
Javy invited you to stay and watch practice so you’re perched in a row of seats a distance you’ve deemed safe from the glass and you’re tapping away at your laptop as you review lesson plans for the week and do your best to rework them to make sure Javy can make it to Octopus Stew Day. You’ve been at it for about twenty minutes when you look up to the sound of footsteps climbing the stairs up to where you’ve set up camp. Natasha gives you a wave as she approaches and you close your laptop, smoothing your hands over the top to clasp them in front of you.
“Hey there Roadie, can I join you? I had to finish up a couple of things but I wanted to chat if that’s okay?” You nod and she scoots past you to drop into the seat next to you. “How’re you handling things so far?” She asks, raising a knowing eyebrow at you. “I’ve known Javy for over a decade so bullshitting me isn’t going to work.” Your eyes widen in surprise. “You’ve really known him that long?”
She nods. “We met in high school back in New Orleans. He played for the boys’ hockey team and I played for the girls’. Though we became friends because we were in the same homeroom together. As much as I hate to admit it, he’s probably one of my best friends.” She looks down towards the ice where the players are running drills with a rueful smile. “So,” she turns back to you. “How long have you been a hockey fan?”
You blink back at her stupidly until you realize she’s serious. “I’m not.” You stammer out. “Josie’s been begging me to come to a game with her all season because she thinks I need to get out more, but I don’t know anything about the sport.” Nat doesn’t criticize that but simply adopts a thoughtful expression while she carefully looks you over.
“Do you want to?” She asks, finally, and your brow twists in confusion.
“Do I what?”
“Do you want to know anything about the sport?” She asks simply. “I could teach you if you want. It’s not exactly a necessity per se for a hockey WAG but it certainly doesn’t hurt.”
“What’s a hockey WAG?” You ask, feeling slightly stupid for not knowing, but Nat dismisses that immediately.
“Oh, sorry! A WAG is short for ‘wives and girlfriends.’ You’re a WAG now, technically so you should probably get used to the term. Josie can show you the ropes, she’s got more experience than the rest of the staff girls like Zam and Bugs. She’s the unofficial head of the Dogfighters’s WAGs. I wish I could tell you more about how it all works but that’s not really my wheelhouse, sorry.”
You nod, making a mental note to ask Josie about it later. “Thanks, and yes I’d love to know more about it. That way I’ll have something to talk to Javy about on our date later today.” You’d been trying not to think about it since Zam had mentioned it. She was setting up a press ambush tonight at a restaurant Javy had chosen for your first date.
Nat looks like she’s going to ask you more about that but decides against it and she turns towards the ice, motioning for you to join her. You pull out a notebook and pen from your bag and see Nat smile slightly as you open them, ready to take any notes. “So let’s start with the basics, the things you already know. There’s two teams, two goals, and one puck. The objective is, of course, to score on your opponent’s goal. Now let’s talk about the lineups. Each team is made of four offensive lines, three defensive pairings, and two goalies. The offensive lines and defensive pairings will take turns playing what we call shifts on the ice. At any one point, there should be six players on the ice for each team. One offensive line made up of a center, and two wingers, right and left. One defensive pairing made up of two defensemen. And of course one goalie. Usually, only one goalie plays per game unless the coach decides to swap them out if things are going south or they get injured. The second goalie still gets suited up in their gear and warms up to be ready to swap in for any reason if necessary.”
“Javy is a defenseman,” she adds. “He and Bradley are in a pair together.” She clocks your surprised expression. “I know they don’t exactly get along but it’s been getting better since Bradley started dating Zam. She basically told them they needed to knock it off. If she saw the shit Bradley pulled today she would have given him a dressing-down for sure.” She pauses with a small grin before she sobers again. “He’s not all bad, he’s just got a bad temper and a lot of baggage. He used to be a lot worse but I think he’s finally started healing.” You give an understanding nod.
“Anyway, back to the nitty gritty. Defensemen are, as their name suggests, in charge of defense and preventing the other team from scoring. The offensive players are the center and wingers. The center is usually in the center of attack formations and focuses on the middle of the ice. They pass more than any other player. That’s the position Jake plays,” she explains and you nod as you watch the scrimmage on the ice below you. The wingers support the center and they’re pretty versatile. Some are the goal-scoring types and others excel in playing near the boards and digging the puck out there. Reuben and Mickey are wingers. The goalie, of course, defends the goal, and that’s Bob. I’m not sure if you’ve met him yet.” You shake your head no.
“So those are the positions. It takes a while to get used to watching the lines change, there’s a lot of bodies moving around but I think the next thing to cover would be penalties. There are all kinds of ways to draw penalties but most of them involve physical play. When a player gets a penalty, they have to go into the penalty box. They spend 2 minutes in there for a minor penalty and 5 minutes for a major penalty. While they're in the box, their team must play short-handed. That’s called a penalty-kill for the penalized team since they're trying to kill the penalty by ensuring the opposition doesn’t score, and called a power play for the opposing team since they have the power advantage by having one more player on the ice. There’s also misconduct and game misconduct penalties that work differently but let’s just start here and hope you never have to learn about those.” She gives you a rueful grin and you smile back, nervously.
“I think that’s enough for lesson one. Next time we can talk about the offside rule. If you have any questions you can ask me,” she reaches over to take the pen from your hand scribbles her phone number into the margin. “Of course you could also ask Josie, Javy, or anyone else around here. And, of course, there’s always good old-fashioned Google.”
She settles next to you and the two of you watch practice and Nat explains what’s going on down on the ice and you interrupt with questions when you have them. You may not be able to follow a game yet, but you think you’ll be able to hold a conversation over dinner. So far, Javy has mostly focussed on asking you questions and you’re hoping to return the favor tonight and make sure you’re prepared to field any personal questions that are sure to be thrown your way at work as your colleagues continue to investigate your newly-unveiled relationship. You’re hoping the photos that will come out tonight will sate their interest but if you know anything about them, it’ll just feed the fire of curiosity. You need to get ready for war.
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A/N: Who’s ready for their first date??? What kind of shenanigans do we expect to ensue?
84 notes · View notes
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‘Cause You’re a Sky Full of Stars (I’m Gonna Give You My Heart)
Part Two of Sometimes All You Need (A Getaway Car)
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Description: After your whirlwind meeting at the bar, you and Jake finally go on your first date.
Disclaimer: Insecurities on the part of Gorgeous Girl,
Warnings: afab!reader
Word Count: 4460
A/N: Hi! I'm back! This concept took over my brain and I had to write Jake and Gorgeous Girl's first date. Like the last installment, I listened to a song to get the creative juices flowing. So without further ado, this part is sponsored by Coldplay's A Sky Full of Stars and this picture of Glen Powell. Thanks to @bradshawsbaby for their service and for bringing that sinful image to my dash! Also I have a billion thanks to @roosterbruiser for proofreading and feedback as well!
AO3: Cross-posted here! My Masterlist
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Next Part
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You wake up slowly, with your mouth fuzzy and eyes screwed shut. Your limbs feel heavy as you sit up, wrapped in a cocoon of your blankets. After detangling yourself, you shuffle into your bathroom and mechanically go about your morning routine. The sun is dipping through the slits in your blinds as you traipse downstairs and wait zombie-like, mug in hand, in front of your coffee maker as it finishes brewing your coffee. The first sip of the rich and dark brew reminds you of the whiskey you’d shared with Jake the night before. Flashes of the night before whirl through your mind as you contemplate whether 10 AM on a Saturday is too early to text him. To let him know that you’re thinking about him. At the very least, you can see if he’s texted you back after all, right?
“Text me, gorgeous girl!” His parting words from the night before sound even sweeter, ricocheting through your mind in the stark morning light as you stand barefoot, in your pajamas and bedhead, on your kitchen tile. Your toes curl unbidden as you think of the look in those green, green eyes as you said goodnight. The thought of those eyes has you unlocking your phone and navigating to your messages. His contact makes you grin. A tipsy, man-drunk you had picked the right choice, leaving 🤠💚 after his name. While the three messages you’d sent the night before are cringy, you’re half expecting there to be no response from Jake at all. But there they are, received at 6:30 in the morning.
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You gawp unflatteringly at the screen in your hand. Did he say he dreamed? Of you? It’s official. Jake Seresin is terrible for your mental clarity and your sanity. His messages are giving you whiplash outright. You’re haunting his dreams in one second, and he’s bantering with you about Batman in the next.
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You’re not expecting any more responses from him. Anyone awake at 6 AM on a Saturday is sure to have a busy day planned. You, yourself, have plans to meet your best friend for brunch in the city.  So you knock back the remains of your coffee and head back upstairs to get ready.
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You see Jake’s response when you’re collecting your things with sunglasses perched on your face nearly an hour later. You’re fully dressed in a graphic t-shirt, cut-offs, and sneakers for brunch.
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Butterflies run rampant in your stomach as you hook your phone up to your convertible’s sound system and blast music on the way to the restaurant you’d decided on with your friend for brunch. You meet her there promptly at 11:30, greeting her with hugs and laughter. It isn’t until you’re at the table and each holding a drink, fresh-squeezed orange juice and coffee for you and a mimosa for her, that the Spanish Inquisition begins. Callie, now back in San Diego permanently, broaches the topic of your date with James. She’d been the chief architect of your Tinder profile and your biggest cheerleader as you agonized over what to wear the night before.
“Sorry, Cal,” you grin at her, “James sucked!” At her glare, you spill the whole tale. Her glare softens into a wince as you mention all the things James said about his ex and his mother. It’s when you mention Jake that something changes. 
“Jake?” she asks.
“Yeah,” you’re smiling that giddy fond grin again, unable to make eye contact.
“And he's in the Navy?”
“A Naval Aviator?”
“That’s what he said, Cal.” There is a pause as you digest what she’s getting at. “Wait. Callie! You’re a Naval Aviator. Do you know him?”
You grasp your friend’s hands as you plead for more information. She carefully extricates herself from your grip, rotating her wrists, and primly pushes her sunglasses up her nose. She’s letting you stew in your realization, the bitch. If only she weren’t your best friend since you were twelve. As much as you hate her need for suspense at the moment, you also know you wouldn’t trade her for anyone else in the world. So you sip on your juice and wait. It isn’t until the food is on the table that she responds to your frantic questions.
“I know a Jake, who is a Naval Aviator. But a knight in shining armor, he is not. If I had to describe him, I’d describe him as a complete and total dick.” She lifts her hand at your falling face, gesturing at you to stop whatever your face is doing. “Do you remember a couple of months ago when I was back on North Island for that secret detachment mission?”
“Yeah, Cal, I do.”
“And do you remember that one night when we met for dinner at that place with the pitchers of spicy margaritas and the mouth-watering tacos? I was venting about this complete and utter asshole, callsign Hangman, who persisted in leaving everyone behind?”
You nod.
“That’s him. He’s changed over the past few months since the squadron was permanently assigned to North Island. But I’m still worried about what he’ll do to you. He goes through girls like he does those damned toothpicks he always has in his mouth. Sweet and gorgeous girls who want forever aren’t really his thing.”  She’s serious now. There isn’t a hint of the laughter usually on her face. “But, I also know you. He’s your type. He has been since we were giggling about boys for the first time. I’m not going to stop you from going out with him. You deserve to have someone who makes you smile like you were earlier. This is just a warning, and I want you to know I have your back. I will beat him up if he makes you cry. I also expect to be named your Maid of Honor if this relationship goes that far.”
You smile tremulously at your best friend and rock, grateful to have her support even if she isn’t happy about you seeing him again. The both of you begin to scarf down your meals in companionable silence.
When there’s barely any food left on the plates, you pick up the conversation again. “Cal, I should probably mention that he asked me out to dinner this morning. He’s picking me up at 6 at my place. Would you please, please, please help me pick out something to wear?” you beg, now, batting your best puppy dog eyes at your friend.
“Sure,” she grumbles, finishing the last of her mimosa. “What did he say was the dress code?”
You pull out your phone and check your messages.
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You hand Callie your phone, letting her scroll through your messages with Jake. Her eyebrows climb as she scrolls through the messages.
“It looks like he’s trying to impress you by doing something on the beach. What do you think about heading to that boutique downtown? The one where I found that gorgeous sparkly blazer you love so much?” She asks as you split the bill. Both of you get into your car and drive into the city with the summer breeze ruffling through your hair and the sun shining brightly.
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It had taken three hours for you and Callie to decide on an outfit for your date. You’d tried on what felt like hundreds of sundresses before ultimately picking out a green flowy dress and strappy sandals. Cute and casual but not sloppy. It felt like no time had passed between when you headed home and now as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You touch up your makeup and pursed your lips to apply lipstick in the same burgundy shade as the night before.
The doorbell rings, and the butterflies in your stomach decide to swarm up your esophagus. You open the front door to see Jake standing in front of you, wearing a pair of aviators and clutching a bouquet in his hand. He hands the bouquet to you with a heart-stopping grin. The arrangement is gorgeous, dark red carnations interspersed with sprigs of white baby’s breath.
“Hi Jake,” you grin, bringing the bouquet to your nose, inhaling deeply to get a whiff of the flowers’ delicate fragrance. “Please, come in. Let me put these in water, and then I’m ready to go.”
Jake steps in, and you close the door behind him. He’s wearing a soft sage-colored Henley t-shirt rolled up his forearms, a pair of worn jeans, and cowboy boots. You can hear him stomping behind you as you walk into the kitchen and grab a vase from a shelf. There is something different about seeing Jake Seresin in your house. He’s carefully examining everything, from the pictures on the walls to the books on your shelves. You finish up with the flowers and stand next to him in front of the bookshelf. He’s got your worn copy of Pride and Prejudice in his hands.
“Have you ever read it?” you ask, curious.
“I have. It’s my twin sister’s favorite book.” His eyes are fond as he flips to the bookmark you left the last time you’d picked the book up, right at Darcy’s first confession of love to Elizabeth.
“My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. In declaring myself thus I'm fully aware that I will be going expressly against the wishes of my family, my friends, and, I hardly need add, my own better judgement.” His voice is perfect. He manages to portray every emotion in Darcy’s voice while staring deep into your eyes. The moment stretches into something tender and heavy. You’re barely breathing, cataloging the flecks of gold and brown swimming in his eyes. You nearly kick yourself for breaking his gaze when you gently grab the book from his hands, close it, and set it on the shelf.
“Dinner?” you ask, grabbing the last of your things and putting them in your bag.
“Dinner,” Jake murmurs back, voice soft. He’s the perfect gentleman, pulling the front door open for you, waiting at the bottom of the stairs while you lock the door, and helping you into his behemoth of a truck.
The windows are down again, with the radio still tuned to the same country station. Instead of heading towards downtown San Diego, Jake points the truck north, driving up I-5.
“Where are we going?” you ask, enjoying the evening breeze as you cruise effortlessly on the roads.
“La Jolla. There is this amazing Italian restaurant on the beach. I thought we’d eat dinner there and then walk along the beach?” There’s a pause, and then, “But if you don’t like Italian, I’m sure we can find other restaurants in the area.” He sounds flustered.
You shouldn’t be feeling amused, yet you can’t keep the smile from your voice as you place your hand over his and say, “Italian is perfect.” You glance over at him, seeing that his aviators are once again snugly perched on his nose. You can see the light nervous blush coloring his golden cheeks. As much as you’d like to see how far his blush goes, you change the subject instead, asking, “How was your day?”
He seems too eager to respond, mentioning running in the morning, eating brunch, hanging out with some squadron members, and playing dogfight football on the beach. You’re not quite sure what dogfight football entails. Callie has mentioned it before too. When you ask Jake, his explanation, which involves two footballs and keeping score while defending your team from the opposing team's football, sets your head spinning. Keeping track of the rules for American Football is already too much. He’s scandalized, green eyes peering at you from over the rim of his aviators when you tell him as much. The rest of your trip to the restaurant is spent with him trying and failing to portray the football field verbally and describe plays to you. You’re smiling uncontrollably, regardless, when the truck pulls into a spot in front of the restaurant. As promised, the restaurant is on the beachfront. The sun is setting in blossoms of red and gold that transition to violet in front of your eyes.
“It’s a stunning view, isn’t it.” You startle at the sound of his voice, a little surprised to see the driver’s seat empty and Jake standing next to you in the open truck door. “Ready for dinner?”
“I’m famished,” you grin as you take his hand and hop out of the truck. You conclude that Jake draws attention everywhere you go, especially when you hear the giggling from the hostess and your waitress as she leads you to your table. Your waitress’ eyes goggle when Jake pulls out your chair for you before folding gracefully into his own across from you.
"What can I get you, sir?" she simpers, pressing her arms together to get Jake's eyes on her bosom.
"Darlin', do you know what you'd like to drink?" Jake asks you instead, ignoring the display from your waitress in its entirety.
"I'm not sure. I'd love to order a glass of wine." You waver, second-hand embarrassment for your waitress' peacocking melting into your tone.
"Can we have a couple of glasses of your house red, please?" Jake asks your waitress, once again keeping his tone polite and eyes on her face and not her over-exposed assets.
Her downcast face and Jake's smug, mischievous grin nearly have you laughing at the table as she walks away. Behind Jake, you can see a desperate powwow as your waitress, hostess, and other waitresses desperately try to get a game plan together to attract his attention.
“Gorgeous?!" You snap back to Jake and your table with a sheepish grin.
"Sorry," You’re grinning shyly as you respond, "our waitress, the hostess, and a few other waitresses all look like they're going to war behind you."
"War?" He drawls, eyes still looking right at you. "What exactly would they be going to war over?"
"You." You murmur, embarrassed to have brought it up. You continue at the sardonic tilt to his raised eyebrow, "They're going to wage war against me over you. I'm sure it's happened to you before. The waitstaff deciding that the girl you're having dinner with isn't as pretty as you deserve?"
There is an understanding look on his face now. You're unsure if you should say anything further, but save yourself the embarrassment and effort when your waitress returns with the wine. The next moments are full of Jake tasting the wine, deeming it acceptable, and your waitress pouring each of you a glass. You sip slowly at the rich, tart, sweet liquid and wait until your waitress has stepped away again.
This time, when Jake utters, "Gorgeous girl," in that Texan growl, your eyes are on him already. His hand is held upright, halfway across the table, fingers wiggling imperiously.
"Take my hand, beautiful?" You can't say no when asked like that and place your hand in his.
Satisfied, he continues, "I'm only going to say this once, so I hope you hear me and completely understand what I'm saying. Yes, it has happened before. But the waitstaff at a restaurant isn't who I'm having dinner with. When I'm out to dinner with a girl, all my attention is on her. I could care less if the sky is falling or elephants are roaming the restaurant and acting as the sommelier. My attention tonight is on you and only you." He punctuates that entire impassioned statement with a squeeze of your fingers.
You're flushed again, cheeks hot under his knowing gaze, and you evade his eyes by dipping your head to peer at your menu. Things are quiet as you order your entrée, something the menu says is lightly dressed in the house marinara sauce.
Once you're both alone at the table again, you murmur, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed anything. Just chalk it up to my rampant insecurities. I really like you. And I’m trying not to sabotage this, but I guess I just did.”
“Hey, sweets. It’s alright. You’re only human. And gorgeous. If I have to tell you that every day, I will.” He’s smiling now, a tender sweet curl to his lips. 
"Jake? I realized today that our worlds intersect far more closely than I thought they did. And I need to tell you this before we go any further."
"What do you mean?" He murmurs back with his voice pitched low to accommodate the serene environment in the restaurant.
"I mean, that I had brunch with my best friend today. Her name is Callie, Callie Bassett. I've known her since I was twelve years old. As I'm sure you know, she's a Naval Aviator, too. Her callsign is Halo, and she's on your squadron." His shoulders tense, hunching towards his ears as you continue. "She told me that I should be careful with you, that you aren't the type to look for forever in a girl. And I like you. I really like you, more than I thought I would, and probably far too much for how long we've known one another. But I want to give you and me a shot. I just need to know you're looking for the same thing."
“Gorgeous girl,” his voice is husky and a bit scratchy as he responds to your plea, "I know it may not look like it to my squadron, but I am looking for forever. The Navy has kept me moving all over the country and the world for years. It never felt right to look for forever when I knew that at a drop of a hat I could be sent anywhere in the world. How could I leave somebody to go through a life we built, all alone with me a million miles away? So I stuck to girls who weren’t looking for anything serious. And as my career grew, so did my reputation as a womanizer. Now, no matter how I look, I keep finding girls looking for one night, not forever. At least, I hope, until I ran into you in that bar last night."
His eyes are unbearably soft and sad as he sips his wine. You tug his hand forward and press a kiss on his knuckles, nuzzling at his hand just a little.
“Jake, I can’t say I have any experience in moving around the world and not being able to put down roots. But for now, all I have to say is, I hope we can build something good between us,” you murmur back. His eyes shine at your words.
Your entrées come out in a cloud of sweet tomato, garlic, and basil. After the serious conversation you had just had, the rest of the night is light. You compliment the food, share bites of each other's entrees, and chat about work, your families, about everything you can think of, including the likelihood that Jake is Batman. He pays for your meals despite your protests, leading you out onto the beach hand in hand. You both take your shoes off and walk barefoot through the sand, continuing to chat lightly.
You're about a quarter of a mile from the restaurant when Jake pulls you to a halt, tugging on your hand and pulling you towards him. His hair is windswept, as is yours, and he's smiling. You're both smiling, honestly, and have been for much of the night.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks. He reels you further into his embrace at your nod until your hand is splayed over his heart. He slowly brushes your hair aside and tips your head up. He carefully brushes his nose against yours and waits, letting you feel the lightest brush of his lips. 
"Gonna kiss you now," he groans before capturing your mouth with his. You melt in his arms, eyes fluttering closed as his tongue presses insistently against the seam of your lips until you part them. Your head is wholly occupied with Jake; his hands on you, his mouth on yours, his tongue, the taste of the wine you’d shared, the heady scent of his cologne, and the feeling of his muscular body holding you impossibly close.
Your breathing is ragged when he finally pulls away. You're desperately sucking in deep breaths of air because you're sure you forgot to breathe mid-kiss, your mind chanting Jake, Jake, Jake in a worshiping manner. When you glance at him, his lips are spit slicked and bitten red. He looks fantastic, and you nearly haul him back down for another kiss. You hold yourself back, though. Public indecency charges wouldn't look good on either of your records. He seems to be deliberating the same thing if the look in his eyes as he subtly adjusts the front of his jeans says anything. 
But rather than act on your mutual desire, he grasps your hand securely in his and leads you back to the truck. He'd nursed a single glass of wine all night, so you let him drive. He helps you up into the passenger seat, though this time, you stop him before he can close the door and tug him into another kiss. This one is softer, more chaste than the one you'd shared on the beach. As he finally pulls away and takes his place in the driver’s seat, you feel it will be impossible to keep your hands off him. Clearly, he's just as affected when he curls his palm over your knee, fingers tracing circles over your kneecap unconsciously.
The I-5 is quiet, for once. The roads are busy but not congested as Jake takes the exits toward San Diego. Instead of taking you home, though, Jake drives you towards North Island. The guard at the base gates greets him cheerfully and lets the truck through. Rather than go onto the base proper, Jake pulls the truck onto a small gravel-lined inlet that lets out on a small, deserted beach. 
"In Texas," he starts, nostalgia deep in his tone, "when we're out in the land surrounding the ranch, you can see the stars for miles. Since I left, I've been searching for a spot to see them. So every time I'm at a new duty station, I search for the perfect star-gazing spot. This is the one I found on North Island. I was hoping you weren't tired of me yet and that you wanted to stargaze with me for a while before I took you home?" He’s smiling as he tucks a toothpick into his mouth.
You grin back at him, murmuring. "Do you know any constellations? I've always wanted to be able to look up at the night sky and point out something. I don't think I can even point out the North Star."
“I know a few. My older brothers taught us how to point out the big ones. Things look a little different here than when we were in Texas, but I can teach you a few. I will make sure you can identify the North Star.” His eyes shine as he peers up to the sky, “It’s the perfect night for stargazing, clear without a cloud in the sky.”
“Is this why you wanted me to wear something I wouldn’t worry about getting sand on?” you ask, grinning at the wonder in his eyes.
“Partially,” he hums, getting out of the truck, helping you out of your seat, and walking you to the tailgate. 
“This,” he’s grinning again, toothpick grasped between his teeth, “is what I wanted you to wear something comfortable for.” You wait as Jake unlatches the tailgate and hoists himself up into the bed of his truck. He pulls out a couple of blankets from a steel crate behind the cab, unfolding one for the two of you to sit on and the other to place over your laps. He then hops off the truck bed and holds his hand to you.
You’re smiling again, laughing at the child-like wonder on his face at the thought of seeing the stars. You step closer, by-passing his outstretched hand, pluck the toothpick out of his mouth, and curl a hand around the back of his neck. His eyes flutter close at the gentle caress. You pet the short, spiky hairs at the base of his neck before dragging your hand down his throat. His eyes stay closed until you work his dog tags out from where they’d been lying against his skin. The metal is smooth and skin-warm in your hand. His name, call sign, and blood type are embossed on them. But you hadn’t gone for his dog tags to examine them. Nope. You wrap the chain in your fingers and tug, pulling his mouth, now smirking, down to yours. You peck his smiling lips, smattering soft kisses across his face as he hefts you easily onto the tailgate, his biceps bulging as he lifts you with hardly any effort. His hands stay on your hips, thumbs rubbing slow circles over you as you gaze into each other’s eyes. 
“Stargazing, sweets.” At your confused moue, he continues, voice gravelly, “I brought you here to show you the stars, not kiss your lipstick off. Can I take your shoes off?” 
You nod, watching as he slides his hands down your legs, undoes the straps of each sandal, and pulls them off. He sets them on the tailgate and hauls himself into the truck bed beside you before toeing his boots off. Jake crawls into the truck bed, sitting with his back against the cab. You join him. He pulls you to sit between his legs, your back pressed against his chest. 
You tip your head and imperiously order him to show you some stars. His laugh vibrates through you from your position nestled against his chest. Looking at the stars with Jake is an enlightening experience. He knows where the constellations are, even in San Diego instead of Texas. He even tells you some of the various myths about the constellations. The highlight of star-gazing with Jake is when you see a shooting star streak across the sky. 
“Close your eyes, sweetheart.” He rumbles out, “Make a wish.”
Make a wish? That you can do. For more enchanting nights with Jake. For more days and nights to get to know Jake. For a chance to show your friends and family the sweet nerd you’d seen underneath the muscle, the boy with stars in his eyes. It’s a thought that sticks with you even as you fall asleep alone that night.
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monarch-afterdark · 5 months
Titan History: Camazotz
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
For today's communication, we look to a Titan whose awakening was foretold by ancient legend, said to be the beginning of darkness falling upon the world; the demonic lord of the night, Camazotz.
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(Pictured above: Artistic pinup of Camazotz, courtesy of Outpost 33's chief expedition manager, Mohammad "Zid" Yazid)
Monarch Database File: Camazotz
Monarch Designation: Titanus Camazotz
Height: 164 feet
Wingspan: 402 feet
Nature: Bio-Sonic
Behavioural Classification: Destroyer
"A darkness will swallow the world, and the King of the Deep will rise and rise, and the sun will die on his tongue..."
The above quote, an English translation of an ancient Iwi prophecy, does well to invoke the fear that Camazotz plants deep in the hearts of those who hear it. A giant bat, with torn wings decorated with lethal spikes, demonic horns and fangs, and an armour-plated body, Camazotz is sure to be almost exactly how one would envision him upon hearing about him.
A nocturnal tyrant, only emerging under cover of darkness to claim the land for his own, Camazotz does not act on his own. A Titan ruler in his own right, Camazotz commands an army of draconic bat-like minions that will swarm his enemies and tear them apart at his behest, or battle smaller opponents while Camazotz brawls with his main quarry.
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(Artistic depiction of Camazotz and his minions battling G-Team pilots over San Diego, circa. 2019)
Camazotz has his roots deep in mythology, menacing humanity for thousands of years. On Skull Island, Camazotz is a beast of the night that lurks within the Hollow Earth, waiting for darkness to fall upon the island so that he can rise to conquer it. Some evidence uncovered by Monarch suggests that a temple dedicated to Camazotz rests somewhere in the Hollow Earth, complete with its own clan of bat-worshippers and a temple guardian who defends the territory in Camazotz's absence.
During the Monster Zero crisis, Camazotz awakened over San Diego, where he battled with G-Team fighter pilots alongside his army of minions. Following the battle, Camazotz retreated to Hollow Earth, waiting beneath Skull Island for his time to rise.
In 2021, Monster Zero seemed to posthumously grant Camazotz his desire. A storm generated by Monster Zero in the Pacific merged with the perpetual storm system surrounding Skull Island, plunging the island into darkness and chaos. Camazotz readily seized his opportunity and emerged from the vortex beneath the island.
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(Pictured above: G-Team pilot Audrey Burns creating a sonic boom in front of Camazotz's face to disorient him, circa. 2021)
Camazotz did battle with Kong, the Titan guardian of Skull Island, aided by his hellish army. The two Titans fought viciously, though Camazotz's aerial superiority granted him the advantage over the landlocked Kong.
A daring plan by G-Team pilot Audrey Burns, who had been mentally scarred by Camazotz in 2019, was put into place to disorient him long enough for Kong to turn the tide of battle. Facing her fears head-on and refusing to back down, Burns triggered a sonic boom in the demon-bat's face, disorienting him long enough for Kong to take victory, banishing Camazotz back from whence he came by punching him back down into the Hollow Earth.
While Skull Island was quickly rendered uninhabitable in the aftermath of the battle, Monarch believe quite firmly that Camazotz is still alive, biding his time until he can strike again. To date, Monarch have yet to authorise the expedition into Hollow Earth to locate Camazotz's temple.
And there you go! Camazotz is almost certainly a terrifying prospect, and the idea of him lurking deep in the Hollow Earth sends chills down Monarch's spine. While the Hollow Earth can take solace in having Kong as its protector, the outcome of their rematch will remain to be seen...
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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thoughtlessarse · 4 months
An Israeli drone company is proselytizing to American police departments about an autonomous drone system that can automatically launch police drones to fly to the sites of suspected crimes. One sheriff’s department in Louisiana has repeatedly tested the system, called Orion, which is already in use by the Israeli national police and, since October 7, many Israeli settlements, according to the company’s founder. Created by the Israeli company High Lander, Orion allows users to direct hundreds of drones at once by automating them to navigate and perform actions without user input. The software system turns drones into “next-generation security guards,” according to an Orion brochure. In February, High Lander held a demo event in Baton Rouge to showcase the “drone-in-a-box solution,” which the East Baton Rouge Sherrif’s Office first tested out last June. “The system will be a game changer for the fight against crime in Baton Rouge,” High Lander wrote in a LinkedIn post about the event, which was attended by officers from around the country. The company has used its pilot program in Louisiana to encourage other police agencies to check out Orion, and its February event in Louisiana was just one part of a tour that included stops in San Diego, Phoenix, and Miami, according to LinkedIn posts. Orion’s capabilities are startling. A police force could have drones automatically launch from charging stations when triggered by “events like gunshots, burglaries, and car accidents.” Once they deploy, the drones can perform pre-set tasks: releasing cargo; relaying live video feeds; identifying and searching for people, objects, or vehicles using AI and thermal sensors; and making announcements over loudspeaker. If the system gets multiple calls, Orion can automatically choose which to prioritize. A High Lander blog post about the project adds “new capabilities are being discovered all the time.” The East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office held “mock scenario testing” with High Lander’s system “approximately 5 times,” Casey Hicks, the department’s public information director, told The Intercept. Hicks added that the demos were conducted at the sheriff’s range facility and that they “are not aware of any use out in the community at any time.” High Lander did not respond to a request for comment.
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cdlhunter · 2 years
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Peterbilt SuperTruck II Shown for the first time ever. Peterbilt's new SuperTruck II demonstrator vehicle, on display this week at the American Trucking Associations Management Conference and Exhibition (MCE) in San Diego, is pretty spectacular. Initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the goal of the SuperTruck II program is to improve long-haul Class 8 vehicle freight efficiency by focusing on advanced, highly efficient powertrain systems and vehicle technologies that meet prevailing emissions and Class 8 tractor-trailer vehicle safety and regulatory requirements. Peterbilt SuperTruck InteriorSuperTruck II features a unique aerodynamic shape with a centered driver's seat that improves overall visibility, a right-hand entry stand-up door, pop-out windows, cameras in place of mirrors and custom tires and wheels. The truck features a 15-liter diesel 48 volt mild hybrid powertrain, a waste heat recovery system and a lightweight chassis for improved fuel economy. The split-level integral cab and sleeper features a large, wrap-around dash, 15-inch digital dash display for virtual gauges and critical vehicle data, an additional display for HVAC, infotainment and navigation controls, an articulated seat that rotates left and right and a pull-out desk. Youll find carbon fiber, aluminum and high-strength steel used all around the cab and chassis to save weight (about 4,800 pounds from the tractor and trailer). SuperTruck II has three targets: a greater than 100% improvement in vehicle freight efficiency (on a ton-mile-per-gallon basis) relative to a 2009 baseline for a long-haul freight application, demonstration of a minimum 55% engine BTE at 65 mph (104 km/h) on a dynamometer and the development of cost effective efficiency technologies. Written by Jason Cannon, CCJ #peterbiltsupertruck2 #peterbiltsupertruckii #supertruckii #supertruck #peterbilt #peterbiltporn #proudpeterbilt #proudpete #peterbilt386 #peterbilt359 #longnosepete #peterbilt362 #peterbilt381 #peterbilt389 #peterbilt379 #truckdrivers #truckporn #trucklovers #truckstop #largecar #diesel #cdljob #cdljobs #cdlhunter 🚛 Follow @cdlhunter https://www.instagram.com/p/CkT73rhp4YX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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U.S. Air Force starts modernizing the radar of the B-52 Stratofortress fleet
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 05/31/2023 - 1:00 PM in Military
A B-52H assigned to the 96º Bomber Squadron of the 2ª Bomber Wing prepares to refuel in the Rocky Mountains. USAF
In a significant step towards the modernization of the B-52 fleet, a 307th Bomb Wing B-52 bomber arrived at a Boeing facility in San Antonio to start the installation of the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar system. This milestone marks the beginning of a crucial phase in the United States Air Force's B-52 Radar Modernization Program.
The AESA radar, set to replace the outdated radar technology of the 1960s, brings a series of enhanced features to the B-52 in areas of greatest threat. Colonel Louis Ruscetta, Senior Material Leader of the B-52 Program Office of the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, expressed enthusiasm at the arrival of the radar, stating: "EFSA will greatly increase the navigation and targeting capabilities of the B-52."
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The relatively "cheap" update with installation of the AESA radar represents one of the most significant updates in the history of the B-52 fleet.
The state-of-the-art AESA radar not only reinforces situational awareness, but also offers advanced navigation and targeting skills. In addition, its adaptive design allows the integration of new features through software modifications, ensuring that the aircraft remains at the forefront to deal with future threats.
The installation process is a collaborative effort between Boeing, the original B-52 equipment manufacturer, and Raytheon, a radar supplier selected for the "BUFF" radar modernization program. Taking advantage of Boeing's extensive experience on the B-52 platform and Raytheon's excellence in radar systems, this partnership aims to expedite the deployment of AESA radar. The government shelf solution minimizes development time and test schedules.
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The B-52H is one of the current trios of long-range strategic bombers of the USAF. These aircraft routinely fly on long-term missions in support of combat operations and other training and test activities.
Valued at approximately $2.8 billion, the installation of the AESA radar represents one of the most significant updates in the history of the B-52 fleet. With initial operational capacity planned for 2027, this transformational enterprise guarantees the sustainability and combat effectiveness of the B-52 in the face of opponents of the future.
Raytheon's involvement as a radar supplier is critical to the success of the B-52 radar modernization program. Under the contract, Raytheon will take over the design, development, production and maintenance of active electronic scanning radar systems for the entire U.S. Air Force B-52 fleet. Based on your experience with the APG-79/APG-82 family of radars, Raytheon's advanced AESA radar will provide improved navigation reliability, improved mapping and detection range, and the ability to target multiple targets simultaneously.
Tags: Military AviationBoeing B-52 StratofortressAESA RadarsUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Diego Alves
Diego Alves
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janeeengelmanlaw1 · 10 days
Expert San Diego Disability Lawyers: Your Guide to Navigating Social Security"
For many, this process is more than just paperwork—it’s a critical lifeline during a challenging period. The journey involves numerous forms, strict deadlines, and, most importantly, proving that your condition meets the stringent Social Security Administration (SSA) criteria. That’s where having the proper support can make all the difference. The Law Office of Jane E. Engelman, your trusted San Diego disability lawyer, understands the system’s intricacies and is here to guide you every step of the way.
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watkinsbailsbond · 12 days
Top Reasons to Use a Local Bail Bonds Vista Service for Quick Release
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When someone is arrested, securing a quick release becomes a top priority for both the detainee and their family. A local bail bonds service in Vista, California, offers several advantages that can expedite the process, ensuring a fast and smooth release. In this article, we’ll explore the top reasons why using a local bail bonds service is the best choice for a quick release.
1. Familiarity with Local Laws and Courts
Local bail bonds services in Vista have extensive knowledge of the local judicial system. They understand the intricacies of how the courts operate, which helps speed up the bail process. A service like bail bonds Vista is familiar with the officers, judges, and clerks within the system, giving them the ability to navigate it efficiently and with ease. This familiarity means quicker results and often a more streamlined experience for the family and the detainee.
2. Immediate Response Time
When you or your loved one is arrested, time is of the essence. Local bail bonds services in Vista can respond quickly because they are nearby. Instead of dealing with a distant, national service, you can rely on the local vista bail bonds agents who know the area well. These services operate 24/7 and can be on the scene to help with immediate paperwork and court communications.
3. Personalized Service
Unlike large-scale national agencies, local bondsmen offer a personalized touch. A local bondsman San Diego or bail bonds Vista agent works directly with you, understanding the unique details of your case and providing customized advice. This personal attention can help relieve stress and ensure that you feel supported throughout the entire process.
4. Understanding of the Local Jail System
A local service that specializes in bail bonds Vista is familiar with the area’s jails and detention centers. They know the people who work there and the procedures that need to be followed to get someone released as quickly as possible. Their knowledge of jails in Vista, San Diego, and nearby areas like Escondido, ensures that they can expedite the release process efficiently.
For instance, services like Escondido bail bonds also understand the local holding facilities, which helps minimize the time a loved one spends in custody.
5. Expertise in Payment Plans and Flexible Options
Bail can be expensive, and sometimes families aren’t prepared to cover the entire amount upfront. Local bail bonds services often offer flexible payment plans to help ease the financial burden. Whether you're dealing with bail bonds San Diego, bail bonds San Marcos, or Vista, local services can offer financing solutions tailored to your needs, making the process more affordable without adding unnecessary stress.
6. Established Reputation in the Community
A local bail bonds service, like bail bonds Vista, has a vested interest in maintaining a positive reputation in the community. This means they often go above and beyond to ensure satisfaction and to maintain trust. National services may not be as invested in individual client experiences, while local agents build long-term relationships and provide compassionate support in tough times.
7. Connections to Legal Professionals
Many local bail bonds services have strong connections with local attorneys and legal professionals. They can recommend reliable attorneys, or work alongside them to provide the best strategy for securing a fast release. This relationship can benefit clients significantly when dealing with complicated legal matters. Whether you're looking for san diego bondsman services or need assistance with a bail hotline downtown San Diego, a local service will have the right connections.
8. Flexibility in Location
A local bondsman isn't restricted to one area. They can assist with bail across multiple cities, including Vista, San Marcos, and San Diego. If your loved one is held in another city, like Escondido, a local service can work seamlessly across these locations. Services like bail bonds San Diego and bail bonds San Marcos ensure that no matter where your loved one is detained, you can rely on a quick and efficient release.
Conclusion: Choose Local for Fast and Efficient Release
When time is critical, using a local bail bonds Vista service is your best option. With their knowledge of the local court and jail system, personalized attention, and fast response time, local bail bond agents can make a stressful situation more manageable. From offering flexible payment plans to maintaining strong community ties, local services stand out as the best option for anyone needing a quick release.
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Opening the Secrets of Successful San Diego Medical Billing: Expert Tips and Strategies
**Unlocking the Secrets‍ of Successful ⁤San Diego Medical Billing: Expert Tips and Strategies**
Medical billing is a crucial aspect of any healthcare‍ practice, ensuring that services rendered⁣ are properly reimbursed by insurance companies and patients. However, navigating the complexities of medical billing can ‌be challenging, especially in a city as ⁣diverse and competitive ⁣as San Diego. To help healthcare providers ​optimize⁤ their medical billing processes and maximize revenue, we have compiled expert tips and strategies for successful medical billing in San Diego.
**Benefits of Effective Medical Billing in San Diego:** 1. Increased Revenue: Proper medical billing ensures ‍that healthcare providers receive timely ⁣and accurate payments for their services, maximizing revenue potential. 2. Improved Cash Flow: Efficient medical billing processes speed up the reimbursement process, resulting in better cash ⁢flow ⁤for healthcare practices. 3. Compliance: Following best practices in medical billing helps ‍healthcare providers comply with ⁤government regulations and avoid costly penalties. 4. Enhanced Patient Satisfaction: Clear and transparent billing practices contribute to positive patient experiences, leading ⁢to improved patient satisfaction​ and‌ retention.
**Expert Tips for Successful San Diego Medical Billing:** 1. **Stay ‌Updated on ⁣Billing​ Regulations:** San Diego medical billing regulations are constantly changing. It is crucial to stay informed⁢ about the latest billing ‍rules and guidelines to ensure compliance. 2. **Invest in Training:**​ Provide ongoing training for your billing staff to keep them⁣ updated on industry best‌ practices and new technologies. Well-trained staff can help prevent billing errors and improve overall efficiency. 3. **Utilize Technology:** Implement medical billing software and⁤ electronic health record systems to streamline‍ your billing processes. Technology can help reduce errors, improve accuracy, ‌and speed up the reimbursement process. 4. **Outsource Billing Services:** Consider‌ outsourcing your medical⁣ billing to‍ a reputable billing company. Outsourcing can save time and resources, allowing you to focus on providing‍ quality patient care. 5. **Monitor Key Performance Indicators ⁣(KPIs):** Track important metrics such as average reimbursement time, denial ‍rates, and collection rates to identify areas for improvement and optimize your billing processes.
**Case Study:** In a recent​ study conducted at a San Diego medical practice, ‌implementing electronic billing systems resulted in a 20% decrease in denial rates and a 15% increase in revenue within the ⁤first six months.⁣ The practice also reported improved staff efficiency and reduced billing errors.
**First-Hand​ Experience:** Dr. Smith, a primary care physician in San Diego, shares his experience ‍with implementing electronic billing systems in his practice. “Switching to electronic billing has transformed our billing processes. We have seen fewer ‌errors, faster​ reimbursements, and overall improved⁤ revenue. I highly recommend investing in technology to streamline your medical billing.”
**Conclusion:** Effective medical billing is essential for the success ⁢of healthcare practices in San Diego. By following expert tips and strategies, healthcare ‌providers can optimize their billing processes, increase revenue, and improve​ patient satisfaction. Investing​ in training, utilizing technology, and monitoring ⁢key performance indicators are key ​steps towards​ unlocking the secrets of successful San Diego medical billing.
staying informed, embracing technology, and prioritizing accuracy are vital components of successful medical billing in⁣ San Diego. By ⁢implementing these ‌expert tips and strategies, healthcare providers can enhance their billing processes, ‍increase revenue, and achieve long-term success ‍in‌ the competitive healthcare industry‌ in San Diego.
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allstoplimo · 20 days
Discovering Ontario International Airport: Your Gateway to Southern California
Nestled in the heart of Southern California, Ontario International Airport (ONT) is an often-overlooked gem that serves as a critical hub for travelers navigating the region. While many visitors flock to the larger airports of Los Angeles and San Diego, ONT offers a more streamlined, less congested travel experience that makes it a standout choice for those looking to avoid the hustle and bustle of bigger airports.
Convenient Location and Accessibility
Ontario Internainal Airport is strategically located in Ontario, California, just about 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. This positioning makes it an ideal gateway for those traveling to both Los Angeles and the surrounding areas, including San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Its central location provides easy access to major highways like the I-10 and I-15, reducing travel time to key destinations.
A Modern and Efficient Facility
Opened in 1923, ONT has undergone numerous expansions and upgrades to meet the needs of modern travelers. The airport boasts a modern terminal with a wide array of amenities designed to enhance passenger comfort and convenience. With its efficient layout and clear signage, travelers can navigate the airport with ease, whether they're catching a domestic flight or an international connection.
Less Congestion, More Comfort
One of ONT’s biggest advantages is its relatively low congestion compared to its larger counterparts. The airport is known for shorter lines and quicker security screenings, which significantly reduces the stress often associated with air travel. This smoother experience is particularly appreciated by frequent flyers and families traveling with young children.
Expanded Flight Options
Ontario International Airport offers a growing selection of non-stop flights to major cities across the United States and internationally. Airlines such as Southwest, American, and Delta operate from ONT, providing passengers with a range of options. In recent years, the airport has expanded its international service, making it easier for travelers to reach destinations in Mexico, Canada, and beyond.
An Array of Amenities
ONT is not just about flights; it also caters to travelers’ diverse needs with a variety of amenities. The terminal features numerous dining options, from quick snacks to sit-down meals, as well as retail shops offering everything from travel essentials to souvenirs. For those looking to relax before their flight, there are comfortable seating areas and free Wi-Fi throughout the terminal.
Additionally, ONT provides ample parking with both short-term and long-term options, making it convenient for those who prefer to drive themselves to the airport. The parking facilities are well-lit and secure, ensuring peace of mind while you travel.
Community Engagement and Sustainability
Ontario International Airport is deeply committed to the communities it serves. The airport’s management actively engages in local initiatives and contributes to regional development projects. Moreover, ONT is dedicated to sustainability and has implemented various green practices to minimize its environmental impact, including energy-efficient systems and waste reduction programs.
Future Growth and Developments
Looking ahead, Ontario Murrieta Airport Transfer continues to evolve with ongoing improvements and expansions. The airport’s master plan includes the development of new facilities and enhancements to existing infrastructure, aimed at further increasing capacity and improving the passenger experience. These developments ensure that ONT remains a competitive and attractive option for travelers in Southern California and beyond.
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aparichit01 · 1 month
Effortless Property Ownership in San Diego
 Effortless Property Ownership in San Diego
Effortless Owning rental property in San Diego can be a rewarding investment, but it can also come with its share of challenges. Fortunately, expert property management services can make property ownership effortless. Here’s how professional management can simplify your rental experience.
 1. Hassle-Free Tenant Management
Dealing with tenants can be time-consuming and stressful. Property management companies handle all aspects of tenant relations.
- Thorough tenant screening
- Handling tenant inquiries and complaints
- Managing lease agreements and renewals
 2. Reliable Rent Collection
Ensuring rent is collected on time is crucial for maintaining a steady cash flow.
- Automated rent collection systems
- Managing late payments and enforcing lease terms
- Providing detailed financial reports
 3. Expert Maintenance and Repairs
Keeping your property in excellent condition is key to attracting and retaining tenants.
- Regular property inspections
- Coordinating repairs with trusted contractors
- 24/7 emergency maintenance services
 4. Compliance with Rental Laws
Navigating rental laws can be complex and time-consuming. Property managers ensure your property complies with all regulations.
- Knowledge of local, state, and federal laws
- Proper lease documentation
- Handling evictions and legal disputes
 5. Effective Marketing and Tenant Placement
Minimizing vacancy periods is essential for maximizing your rental income.
- Professional advertising on multiple platforms
- High-quality photos and detailed property descriptions
- Showing the property and managing applications
 6. Personalized Property Management
Property management companies offer services tailored to your specific needs.
- Customized management plans
- Regular communication and updates
- Dedicated property managers who understand your goals
By partnering with a professional property management company in San Diego, you can enjoy the benefits of property ownership without the hassle. This allows you to focus on other priorities while ensuring your investment is well-managed and profitable.
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countycourtrecords4 · 1 month
The Significance of County Court Records: Navigating San Diego Public Records Search
County court records are a cornerstone of legal documentation, providing detailed accounts of various legal proceedings. These records are indispensable for attorneys, researchers, and the general public who need to access information about civil, criminal, family, or probate cases. Conducting a "San Diego Public Records Search" can help you find these essential records, ensuring transparency and accessibility in the legal system. This article explores the importance of county court records and the process of accessing them through a public records search in San Diego.
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The Role of County Court Records
County court records encompass a broad range of legal documents that record the proceedings and outcomes of cases heard in county courts. These records include everything from court motions and rulings to transcripts and judgments. For legal professionals, these documents are crucial for case preparation, legal research, and understanding precedents. They are also valuable for individuals conducting background checks, investigating property histories, or researching family genealogy.
One of the primary ways to access these records is through a "San Diego Public Records Search." This search allows you to retrieve records related to specific cases or individuals, making it easier to gather the information needed for legal, personal, or professional purposes.
Conducting a San Diego Public Records Search
In San Diego, accessing public records, including county court records, has been made easier through online tools and databases. The San Diego Superior Court offers an online public records search portal that allows users to search for court records by case number, party name, or attorney information. This tool is particularly useful for those who need quick access to records without visiting the courthouse in person.
Online Search: The "San Diego Public Records Search" tool provided by the San Diego Superior Court is user-friendly and efficient. By entering a case number, party name, or other relevant details, you can quickly retrieve the records you need. This online system is especially beneficial for legal professionals who need to access multiple records in a short period, as it saves time and provides instant access to the necessary documents.
In-Person Requests: While online searches are convenient, some records may not be available through the online portal, especially those that are older or involve sensitive information. In such cases, visiting the courthouse in person may be required. The San Diego Superior Court’s records division can assist you in locating and obtaining the records you need. It is advisable to have as much information as possible, such as the case number or names of the parties involved, to facilitate the search process.
Requesting Copies: Once you locate the records through a "San Diego Public Records Search," you may need certified copies for legal purposes. Certified copies can be requested online or in person and serve as official documentation of the court proceedings. These are often required for legal matters such as property transactions, court appeals, or verifying legal status in various circumstances.
Privacy and Accessibility Considerations
While many court records are available to the public, certain records are restricted to protect the privacy of individuals involved, particularly in cases involving minors, sensitive family matters, or sealed records. When conducting a "San Diego Public Records Search," it's important to be aware of these limitations and to use the information responsibly.
Misusing public records, especially those containing personal information, can lead to legal consequences. Therefore, it is essential to respect privacy laws and use the data obtained through public records searches for legitimate purposes only.
The Impact of Accurate Record Keeping on the Justice System
Accurate record keeping is fundamental to the integrity of the justice system. County court records ensure that legal processes are documented and accessible, providing transparency and accountability within the judicial system. A reliable "San Diego Public Records Search" tool helps maintain this transparency by allowing the public to access court records efficiently.
These records not only serve the needs of the present but also preserve the legal history of the county. They provide a valuable resource for future legal cases, historical research, and public accountability. By maintaining comprehensive and accurate court records, the San Diego Superior Court ensures that the public can trust the judicial process and access the information they need.
In conclusion, conducting a "San Diego Public Records Search" is an essential process for accessing county court records. These records play a crucial role in the legal system, offering transparency and serving as a vital resource for legal professionals, researchers, and the public. Whether accessed online or in person, the ability to retrieve and use these records responsibly is key to ensuring justice, accountability, and informed decision-making in San Diego County.
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caitlinphleb · 1 month
The Top Phlebotomy Jobs in San Diego, CA: Opportunities Await!
Title: The Top Phlebotomy Jobs in San Diego, CA: Opportunities Await!
Meta Title: Discover the best⁣ phlebotomy jobs in⁤ San Diego,‌ CA and ⁣kickstart your career in‍ the ⁣medical field.
Meta Description: Are you looking for phlebotomy jobs in San Diego, CA? Explore the top opportunities in ⁢the area and ‌find your ⁣dream job today.
Introduction: Are you ‌interested in pursuing a career in phlebotomy in sunny San Diego,⁢ CA? If so, you’re in luck! ⁣San Diego⁤ is home to a thriving healthcare industry​ with plenty of job‌ opportunities ⁤for skilled phlebotomists. From ⁤hospitals to clinics to laboratories, there are​ various settings‌ where phlebotomists play‌ a crucial role in providing quality patient care. In this‍ article, we’ll explore some of the top ‌phlebotomy jobs in San Diego, CA and help you navigate ⁤your way to a successful career in this field.
Top Phlebotomy Jobs in ⁢San Diego, ⁤CA:
1. UC San Diego Health: UC San Diego Health ‌is one‌ of ‌the top healthcare ⁣systems in the‌ San‍ Diego⁣ area, known for its cutting-edge medical research and innovative patient care. They often have openings for experienced ⁢phlebotomists​ to join their team and contribute to their mission of ‍improving human health.
2. Sharp ‌Healthcare: Sharp Healthcare is another prominent ‍healthcare provider in San Diego, offering a wide ⁢range⁤ of medical services to the ⁢community.⁣ Phlebotomists at Sharp‍ Healthcare ⁤play a vital ‌role in collecting blood samples and ensuring accurate lab results for patients.
3. ⁢Scripps Health: Scripps Health is a leading healthcare organization ⁤in San Diego with multiple hospitals and clinics across the region. Phlebotomists at⁢ Scripps Health are valued members of the healthcare ​team, responsible for performing ‍venipuncture​ procedures with‌ precision and⁣ care.
4. Rady Children’s Hospital: Rady Children’s Hospital is a renowned pediatric medical⁣ center in San Diego, dedicated to providing specialized care to children and ​adolescents. Phlebotomists​ at Rady ⁣Children’s Hospital have ⁢the opportunity to work⁢ with‌ young‍ patients and make a positive impact on their healthcare experience.
5. LabCorp: LabCorp⁣ is‌ a ⁤national reference laboratory that operates several locations in San Diego, ​offering a variety of lab testing services to healthcare⁣ providers ‌and patients. Phlebotomists at LabCorp are responsible for collecting‍ and⁤ processing‍ blood samples accurately and⁤ efficiently.
Benefits of Pursuing Phlebotomy Jobs in San Diego, CA: – Competitive salaries: Phlebotomists ⁢in San Diego can earn competitive salaries, with the potential for advancement and increased earning potential over time. -‍ Job​ stability: The‌ healthcare industry in San Diego is robust and growing, ⁣providing phlebotomists with stable career opportunities. – Fulfilling‌ work: Phlebotomy is a rewarding career that allows you to make ⁢a meaningful difference in patients’ lives‍ by⁤ providing essential diagnostic information to healthcare providers.
Practical Tips for Landing a Phlebotomy Job in San Diego, CA: – Obtain certification: ⁣Many employers in San ‍Diego prefer ⁣to hire certified phlebotomists, so consider obtaining ‍certification from a reputable training program. – Network: Attend job​ fairs, industry events, and⁢ online networking ⁣groups to‌ connect with potential⁢ employers and explore job ⁤opportunities. – Polish your resume: Highlight your phlebotomy skills, experience, and⁤ certifications on your resume to stand⁢ out to potential employers.
the ⁣field of​ phlebotomy offers⁤ rewarding career opportunities⁣ in San Diego, ⁣CA for individuals who are passionate about ⁣healthcare and enjoy working directly with patients.⁢ By exploring the top phlebotomy jobs in the area,⁤ obtaining the necessary certification, and‍ networking with ​industry ​professionals,‍ you can ⁣kickstart your career ‍in this‌ growing field and⁣ embark on a fulfilling‍ professional journey. Don’t miss out on the⁣ exciting opportunities‍ that await you in the⁣ world⁤ of⁢ phlebotomy in San Diego, CA!
Remember these ‍top tips, ⁢be motivated, and⁣ begin your career journey in phlebotomy today!
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luxtransportation · 1 month
San Diego Airport Limo Service: Arrive in Style and Comfort
Traveling to new places can be tiring and exhausting. While navigating to an airport from long security lines to flight delays or long hours of flight can take a toll on your body and mind. However, Luxury Transportation can offer you a unique blend of comfort and style and successfully transform your chaotic journey into a stress-relieving one. Avail of San Diego airport limo services to experience a seamless and lavish ride to arrive at your destination.
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Why choose the airport limo service?
Unrivaled comfort and luxury
Luxury Transportation offers premium limousines that are tailor-made to provide a premium feel for every passenger. These limos are equipped with elegant leather seating, climate control, and the latest entertainment systems. Passengers can sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
Professional and reliable chauffeur
One can enjoy smooth rides with highly trained and professional chauffeurs. With the help of these professionals getting to the airport or any other destination will be convenient, stress-free and on time.
Seamless journey
Traversing the busy airport can be overwhelming. Utilizing limousine service in San Diego one can relish a seamless trip without having to worry about parking or unfamiliar routes.
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The Luxury transportation experience
Easy to book and schedule
You can book our online services very easily by following a few steps. We provide 24/7 services to accommodate your travel needs.
Customized services
We understand that every traveler has unique needs. You may need a child seat, some specific music preference shares, or some additional stops along the way. So we ensure that your every request is fulfilled as your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities.
Safety is non-negotiable and hence we ensure that every vehicle is meticulously maintained and gone through periodic inspections. Every chauffeur of limo in San Diego is background-checked and trained to handle any situation.
Perks of using an airport limo service
Efficiency and time-saving
You can save a lot of hassle and energy by choosing airport limo services. Enjoy a fast and reliable ride with us.
Stress-free travel
Let go of your stress with professional chauffeurs. You can lean back and enjoy the ride.
Impression and image
Make a statement by traveling in a luxurious limousine. It's great for impressing your loved ones or your clients. Riding in a limo in San Diego is sure to make a long-lasting impression.
Make your rides enjoyable and relieve your stress so that you can focus and get prepared for what is important. With Luxury Transportation, rides to or from Santiago airport will become the ultimate luxury comfort and convenience. Utilizing professional chauffeurs, lavish vehicles and customized services, we will win your heart. Choose your way to premium and the kind of ride that will transform your travel experience into something to remember.
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Enhance Your Home: The Aesthetic and Functional Benefits of a New Garage Door
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When your garage door isn’t functioning properly, it can wrench your daily routine. Whether you’re dealing with a door that won’t open, strange noises, or a complete breakdown, finding the right repair service is crucial. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best one? As a trusted provider of Garage Door Repair in San Diego, we’ve put together this guide to help you navigate the process. Here are the key factors to consider when selecting a garage door repair service.
Reputation and Reviews Matter
In today’s digital age, a company’s reputation is more transparent than ever. Before choosing a San Diego Garage Door Repair service, take the time to research their reputation. Customer reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the quality of service you can expect.
Check Online Reviews: Check online reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and the Better Business Bureau. Look for consistent positive feedback and how the company handles negative reviews. A company that responds professionally and resolves issues promptly is often a good sign.
Ask for Recommendations: Remember to consider the power of word-of-mouth recommendations. Ask friends, family, or neighbors if they’ve had any experiences with Garage Door Repair in San Diego. Personal recommendations are often more reliable than online reviews, as they come from people you trust.
Look for Experience: Experience counts when it comes to garage door repair. A company with years of experience will likely encounter a wide range of issues and know how to handle them efficiently. Look for a company that has been in business for several years and has a proven track record of successful repairs.
Expertise and Services Offered
Not all garage door repair services are created equal. Some specialize in certain types of doors or brands, while others offer a broader range of services. Choosing a company with the expertise to handle your specific needs is important.
Full Range of Services: A good Garage Door Repair San Diego service should offer a comprehensive range of services, from simple repairs to full replacements and new installations. Whether you need a spring replaced, a new garage door opener, or an entirely new door, the company should be able to handle it all.
Specialized Knowledge: Some garage doors require specialized knowledge for repairs. For example, if you have a high-tech, smart garage door system, you’ll want a repair service that understands the intricacies of these systems. Make sure the company you choose has the necessary expertise to work on your specific type of garage door.
Licensing and Insurance
When it comes to any home repair service, licensing and insurance are non-negotiable. These credentials protect you and the repair service in case something goes wrong.
Verify Licensing: In California, garage door repair services require a valid contractor’s license. This ensures that they meet the state’s standards for safety and professionalism. Before hiring a service, ask for their license number and verify it with the California Contractors State License Board.
Confirm Insurance Coverage: Insurance is equally important. A reputable Garage Door Repair San Diego service will carry liability insurance and workers’ compensation. This coverage protects you from being held liable if a worker is injured on your property and ensures that any damage to your home during the repair is covered.
Pricing Transparency
No one likes hidden fees or unexpected charges. When choosing a garage door repair service, look for one that is upfront about their pricing.
Get a Written Estimate: Ask for a written estimate before any work begins. This estimate should detail the cost of labor, parts, and additional fees. A reputable Garage Door Repair San Diego service will happily provide this information upfront, giving you peace of mind that there won’t be any surprises when the bill arrives.
Compare Prices: While it’s important to consider cost, don’t make it your only factor. The cheapest option is only sometimes the best. Instead, compare estimates from multiple services to understand the going rate. This will help you avoid being overcharged while ensuring you’re getting quality service.
Availability and Response Time: When your garage door is stuck or broken, you want to start a repair immediately. A garage door repair service’s availability and response time can make a big difference in your overall experience.
Emergency Services: Some San Diego Garage Door Repair services offer emergency repairs, which can be a lifesaver if your door breaks down outside normal business hours. If you need this level of service, look for a company that offers 24/7 availability.
Response Time: Even if you don’t need emergency services, response time is still important. Ask the company how quickly they can schedule your repair. A service that can respond promptly, ideally within 24 hours, is a good sign that they value your time and business.
Quality of Parts and Warranty
The quality of the parts used in your garage door repair can greatly impact the fix’s longevity. Additionally, a good warranty can provide peace of mind.
Use of High-Quality Parts: A reputable Garage Door Repair San Diego service will use high-quality parts built to last. Cheap parts might save you money upfront, but they often lead to more problems down the road. Ask the repair service about the brands and types of parts they use, and do a little research to ensure they’re reputable.
Warranty Coverage: A strong warranty is a sign of a company that stands behind its work. Look for a repair service offering a warranty on parts and labor. This warranty should cover any issues arising after the repair, giving you confidence that the job was done correctly.
Customer Service and Communication
Finally, pay attention to the importance of customer service. A company that communicates well and prioritizes customer satisfaction will make the repair process smoother.
Clear Communication: From the initial phone call to the completion of the repair, clear communication is key. The company should be responsive, answer your questions thoroughly, and keep you informed throughout the process. Good communication is a hallmark of a professional, customer-focused San Diego Garage Door Repair service.
Professionalism and Courtesy: How a company treats its customers can tell you much about its values. Look for a repair service that is professional, courteous, and respectful. This includes everything from how they answer the phone to how they treat your home during the repair. A company that values professionalism is more likely to deliver high-quality service.
Selecting the right garage door repair service in San Diego can be manageable. By considering factors like reputation, expertise, licensing, pricing, availability, and customer service, you can find a company that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.
Remember, your garage door is important to your home’s security and functionality. Please don’t settle for anything less than the best regarding repairs. Whether you need Garage Door Repair in San Diego, a complete Garage Door Replacement in San Diego, or a new Garage Door Installation in San Diego, choose a company you can trust.
Ready to schedule your repair? Contact us at All In One Garage Door today for expert service you can rely on. We’re here to help keep your garage door in top condition and ensure your home stays safe and secure.
For More Info-
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