#Need to form life bonds and make incredible discoveries with some kindred spirits
cabeswatercowboy · 5 months
Went for a lovely little expedition and caught some Henrietta vibes. đź‘Śđź’–
Summer's just around the corner and you can *feel* it in the air~
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
August Forecast for Virgo
Feeling foggy? It’s not you, Virgo—it’s the stars. The Sun is drifting through Leo and your twelfth house of rest, closure and healing until August 23. While your subconscious is working overtime (hello, vivid dreams), your usually spot-on linear-thinking abilities aren’t as sharp as usual. The solution: Work WITH it instead of swimming upstream. This is your annual time to rejuvenate before Virgo season (and your birthday time!) starts later this month. Tie up loose ends, escape off the grid and move at a more languid pace whenever possible.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, the celestial guardian of communication, technology and travel, also happens to be retrograde in Leo this same befuddling zone from July 26 to August 19, making it even harder to piece together a thought or complex sentence. But with a Leo solar (new moon) eclipse arriving on August 11, you COULD have a major intuitive hit or spiritual awakening—especially if you tame that overactive mind of yours.
Solar and lunar eclipses sweep in four to six times a year and redefine “business as usual.” This is the last one of 2018—and the second-to-last in a two-year series that’s fallen on the Leo/Aquarius axis beginning February 10, 2017. This group of eclipses has been revolutionizing your health and healing sectors, helping you figure out when to lean in and when to let go. The line between control and surrender has been reconfigured for you, Virgo, and you’ll have one last round of that on January 21, 2019, when a final Leo lunar eclipse brings events sparked today—and over the past couple years—together with a dramatic flourish.
Another reason to pace yourself? On August 7, changemaker Uranus begins its annual five-month retrograde, prompting you to scale back some supersized risks between now and January 6. We’re not telling you to shrink from sight or dim your light, but take note of whether you may have leapt a little TOO far beyond your comfort zone—and now need to tweak your plans. For this, you can thank innovator Uranus, which shifted into Taurus and your expansive ninth house on May 15, kicking off a journey of growth and discovery that will last until April 2026. In November, Uranus will make one last visit to Aries and your investigative eighth house. Take time to research, strategize and read the fine print before Uranus settles in for a longer trek in March 2019. If you’ve got big dreams that involve travel, study or starting your own business, do some behind-the-scenes plotting and aim to launch your plans next spring.
As Uranus in your future-forward zone slows down, you can get back to living in the present—and loving it—especially once the Sun moves into Virgo for a month on August 23. Don’t you have a birthday party to plan? With jovial Jupiter in your social third house until November 8, this could be THE year to throw an epic bash, perhaps one where you introduce all your fabulous friends from disparate parts of your life to one another.
There may be no better day to do that—birthday or not—than August 25, when the Virgo Sun forms a potent grand trine to trailblazing Uranus in your global ninth house and structured Saturn in your fifth house of passion and creativity. This “golden triangle” could be the perfect day for a romantic bucket-list trip or to share your talents with the world. The spotlight will happily seek you out, and with Mercury retrograde in the rearview as of August 19, you’re safe to raise the curtain on something original that you’ve been dreaming up. You might make your mark as a thought leader or have an incredible breakthrough in your love life. With ambitious Mars ending a two-month retrograde on August 27, you’ve got the all-clear to go full-speed ahead and start living out loud again.
And there’s no need to go it alone, Virgo. On August 26, the year’s only full moon in Pisces spotlights your seventh house of partnership. Where could you bring more balance to your bonds? A budding commitment could turn official, or, since full moons can bring transitions, you may decide to part ways from someone who’s no longer a fitting match. Should you choose the latter option, trust that that vacant spot will soon be occupied by a kindred spirit. In both romance and business, dynamic duos get a lunar lift as the month closes out. Choose your collaborators wisely, then start combining your superpowers!
Love & Romance
Ready for romance with a routine? On August 6, love planet Venus grooves into Libra and your stabilizing second house of money, security and values for first of two trips this year. This could spell a period of enhanced self-esteem—and a slew of sultry summer dates that involve dressing up for al fresco romance. You’ll be craving more upscale encounters, and “casual hookups” probably won’t cut it with your security zone activated. Single? Don’t be afraid to “pre-screen” dates to find out whether they’re looking for something lasting. Couples might take a big step regarding commitment or future plans. How sweet to be on the same page! But take note: Venus will go retrograde from October 31 to November 16, a time when you could have second thoughts or experience a romantic setback. Don’t rush into anything TOO regimented now if you’re not fully ready for it.
On August 7, Venus syncs up with passionate Mars in your sixth house of systems, service and self-care. It’s a good day to discuss the practicalities of love, relationships and all the little things that keep the wheels greased. It’s fair game to bring up your emotional needs, the division of expenses and whether you (both) feel supported and appreciated. But don’t just talk about it. SHOW how much you care by doing something out of the blue. Dating? Go green! Take a hike or yoga class instead of meeting for happy hour, or dine veg instead of on greasy burgers and heavy bar snacks.
Of course, with Mars retrograde until August 27, all might not be peaceful in paradise. Old arguments about petty stuff could flare as you try to make your date or mate “perfect.” Then, on August 12, the red planet backpedals into Capricorn and your fifth house of passion and romance for the duration of the retrograde. Romance could retreat into the shadows: A new affair might hit the skids, or couples may find themselves fending off jealousy and high drama. Retrogrades are disruptive by nature, so an ex could burst back onto the scene, or someone might be flirting up a storm with your S.O. Keep those fiery reactions in check.
Perhaps the most exciting astro event of the month is the August 26, Pisces full moon in your seventh house of committed unions. You might finally decide to make it official, possibly with a public announcement. Single? The two weeks following this full moon are powerful for finding someone with keeper potential. If you’ve been “slacking” a bit in your dating efforts, now’s the time to rev your engines!
Key Dates
August 9: Venus-Saturn Square Tough love isn’t easy, but sometimes it’s the best medicine. Today, constraining Saturn squares off with dreamy Venus. Even if your heart is saying yes, your head may veto that vote. If your timing is off or the object of your affection isn’t a worthy candidate, don’t waste any more time pursuing it. There’s no reason to settle for anything less than a stable and mutually fulfilling relationship.
Money & Career
Feeling scattered? Since June 26, ambitious Mars has been retrograde in Aquarius and your sixth house of organization, dulling the edges of your Virgo efficiency. Stress levels may have gone through the roof, and you could be second-guessing your decisions on just about everything. Easy now! You haven’t lost your keen judgment, Virgo, but you may have misplaced a little confidence. Slow down and pace yourself. You don’t have to figure everything out in a day. In fact, allowing things to develop through their own organic process can prevent you from making hasty mistakes. If it’s not coming together easily, don’t force it!
Mars stays retrograde until August 27, and on August 12, it will back into Capricorn and your reactive fifth house. Tempers and egos are running high, so dodge the divas and their demands—and be careful not to stir up any drama yourself. You may require additional reality checks from your levelheaded friends now.
This goes double because your ruler, communication planet Mercury, is retrograde in your twelfth house of illusions and hidden agendas until August 19, making you a bit paranoid. It will be hard to discern who’s really got your back, but an eye-opening Leo solar eclipse on August 11 could usher a new “guardian angel” type onto Team Virgo or spark an epiphany about who deserves a berth on your squad. If you’re not sure, you’ll get a glimpse soon after the August 26 Pisces full moon, which illuminates your partnership house and could bring an exciting contract or offer to join forces with someone whose skills complement yours to a tee.
Key Dates
August 19: Jupiter-Neptune Trine During this third in a trio of rare trines (the first was December 2017; the second was May 25), you may rediscover an affinity for someone you worked with in the past—in another capacity. But before you assume you can make magic again, test it out with a small-scale initiative, letting them show their true colors. Trust your gut under this alignment of these intuitive planets, which aren’t usually wrong about such things.
Love Days: 22, 26 Money Days: 6, 15 Luck Days: 4, 12 Off Days: 1, 11, 24
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