#Negev Summit
plitnick · 2 years
The Biden administration’s dangerous move to deepen military ties with Israel
The Biden administration’s dangerous move to deepen military ties with Israel
If one thing has characterized the Biden administration’s policy toward Palestine and Israel, it has been the minimal departure from the policies of Donald Trump. Outside of partially restoring some of the paltry aid we give the Palestinians, precious little has changed materially, despite some threadbare rhetoric to the contrary. One of Trump’s last acts in office was to switch the regional…
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
by Hugh Fitzgerald
For some reason, the international media is entirely uninterested in reporting about how some Israeli Muslims — Arabs and Druze — have rallied to help defend their country against Hamas. Bassam Tawil has more on this subject here: “‘Like…wtf’: Israel’s Arab Citizens Feel Lucky,” by Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute, January 25, 2024:
IDF Sergeant First Class (reserve) Ahmed Abu Latif, 26, a husband and father to a one-year-old baby, was killed on January 22 during the fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Abu Latif, a Muslim citizen of Israel, embodied the spirit of unity and patriotism in Israel in the aftermath of Hamas’s October 7 massacre of Israelis. He also represented a shining example of coexistence and unwavering love for Israel. In a message on Facebook at the beginning of the war, Abu Latif, who was working as a security guard at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, wrote:
Two days after the massacre, Israeli Arab blogger Nuseir Yassin, popularly known as “Nas Daily,” posted the following on X (formerly Twitter):
The atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7 — among the victims were also some Israeli Arabs — have pushed some Israeli Arabs who previously self-identified as “Palestinian-Israelis” to instead identify more closely with the Jewish state, declaring themselves to be “Israeli Arabs” or, as in the case of this popular blogger, Nuseir Yassin, shedding the modifier altogether, and now call themselves “Israelis.”
The Hamas atrocities did not drive a wedge between Jewish and Arab Israelis, as Yahya Sinwar may have hoped. Instead, the events of October 7 led to greater identification by Israeli Arabs and Druze with the Jewish state. Three-quarters of Israeli Arabs reported having “good relations” with Jews; almost as many — 70% — identify with the Jewish state, and far from wishing for its disappearance, recognize how lucky they are to be citizens of the only decently run government in the Middle East.
In Israel, Arab soldiers, both Muslim and Druze, have been fighting against the Hamas terrorists; some have been killed in Gaza, defending the Jewish state. Others were killed in Israel by Hamas on October 7; some Arabs, especially Bedouin, were taken hostage on that day. Druze have a long history of joining the IDF; the highest-ranking IDF officer who has been killed in this war was a Druze, Lt. Col. Salman Habaka. Another Druze casualty was Major Jamal Abbas, whose father and grandfather had both served in the IDF. Another Druze who answered the call on October 7 was a woman, Nisreen Yousef, who immediately volunteered to interrogate captured Hamas terrorists to discover where others were hiding; she passed on the information to the IDF, that promptly located and captured them.
The stories of these Muslims who volunteered to defend the Jewish state, and some who died in that struggle, should be more widely known. They undermine all the stories about Israel as an “apartheid state,” where Muslims are supposedly oppressed. These Arab and Druze volunteers for the IDF know otherwise; they are fighting for what they know is “their” country.
The stories about the Israeli Arabs whose rise to the summit of their professions also fatally vitiate the claims that Israel is an “apartheid” state. These stories need to be told. There is Samer Haj Yehia, the Chairman of Israel’s largest bank, Bank Leumi. And Judge Khaled Kabub, who in 2022 became the first Muslim, though not the first Arab, Justice on Israel’s Supreme Court. Jewish and Arab physicians work side by side in Israeli hospitals. Arab and Druze women have risen high in the medical profession and in academia. Prof. Mouna Maroun, Vice President and Dean of Research at University of Haifa and the former Head of the Sagol Department of Neurobiology, is the first Arab woman to hold a senior faculty position in natural sciences. Another is Prof. Mona Khoury-Kassabri, who in 2021 been elected Vice President of Strategy and Diversity at the university. It was the first time that a member of the Arab community was appointed to a senior position of vice president. “I am deeply honored to be the first Arab to serve as a Hebrew University Vice President,” Khoury-Kassabri said. 43% of Israelis who have just become doctors are now Arabs and Druze, a staggering statistic, given that Arabs and Druze are only 20% of the population. Compare that fact with the way Palestinians in most Arab states are prohibited from practicing certain professions, including engineering, law, and medicine.
Perhaps someone in the media will devout a program, full of human interest, to the Arab and Druze in Israel, some of whom have given their lives for the Jewish state. Others were victims of Hamas terrorists on October 7. And the program should explain the fact — never mentioned in the mainstream media — that 70% of Israeli Arabs now say they identify with the Jewish state as their country too, a place where they receive equal treatment before the law and where it is possible for Arabs to rise high in Israeli society — in law, banking, and especially, medicine. That might startle some of those mindlessly chanting about “apartheid” Israel, if not to change their chant, at least to keep quiet.
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thenewdeadseascrolls · 7 months
Judges 1: 9-11. "The Curves."
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Adoni-Bezer, Mister Lightning Bolt, a Jew living in Jerusalem has to recover the fingers and toes of the 70 Clans of Israel and remake the Kingdom after the Perrizites, "the Wild Things", and the Canaanites, "the Zealots" take over.
The first real campaign after Jerusalem is in the Negev, "parched, rolling". Negev is a curious term, it implies learning takes place along convex curves the kind that resemble a perky pair of male ass buttocks, and also the kind along which the mind follows "on the way to the summit":
9 After that, Judah went down to fight against the Canaanites living in the hill country, the Negev and the western foothills. 
10 They advanced against the Canaanites living in Hebron (formerly called Kiriath Arba) and defeated Sheshai, Ahiman and Talmai. 
11 From there they advanced against the people living in Debir (formerly called Kiriath Sepher).
Let's define the Hebrew words first:
Negev= The verb גבב (gabab) doesn't occur in the Bible but it appears to have meant to be concave or convex; to be bulbous or hollow. Noun גב (gab) denotes anything that is bulbous (hills, buttocks).
The verb גוב (gub) means to dig. Noun גב (geb) means pit or ditch. This verb appears to be associated with the verb יגב (yagab), meaning to till (what a farmer does). Noun יגב (yaqeb) probably refers to the field where the farmer tills.
Noun גבא (gebe') appears to describe a hollow in which water collects and is commonly translated with cistern, pool or marsh.
Verb גבה (gaba) means to collect. Nouns גב (geb), גוב (gob), גבי (gobay) and גובי (gobay) refer to locusts. Possibly a whole other verb גבה (gabah) means to be high, exalted or lofty, although this verb could actually describe a person who collected a heap, or who plunders a society like a swarm of locusts.
In the Talmud the word for tax collector was derived from this verb. Adjective גבה (gaboah) means high or haughty. Noun גבה (gobah) means height or haughtiness. And noun גבהות (gabhut) means haughtiness.
Verb גבע (gabay) appears to mean the same as גבב (gabab), to be concave or convex. The very common noun גבעה (gib'a) means hill.
The verb חבר (habar) means to bind, join or team up. Nouns חבר (heber) and חברה (hebra) mean company or association. Adjective or noun חבר (haber) means united or associate. Noun חבר (habbar), meaning business associate.
Noun חברת (haberet) literally means that what is joined (curtains, one's wife). Noun מחברת (mahberet) means a thing joined or place of joining. Noun מחברה (mehabbera) describes a binder or clamp.
Nouns חבורה (habbura), חברה (habbura or habra) and חברברה (habarbura) mean stripe or mark. How these words express binding isn't immediately clear, but perhaps the most ancient symbols arose from people claiming items and locations for themselves or their tribes.
Kiriath Arba=
Root קרר (qarar) means to cool off in a thermodynamic sense: to go from hot gas to cool liquid to a cold solid. Socially this would describe warring tribes "cooling off" into culturally compatible peoples and liquid trading networks and ultimately the formation of cities and solid nations. Intellectually, diverse viewpoints might congeal into local conventions and ultimately a global standard.
Adjective קר (qar) means cool. Nouns קר (qor) and קרה (qara) mean cold. Noun מקרה (meqera), meaning coolness.
Noun קיר (qir) is one of a few words for wall. It might relate to the root because bricks are congealed mud, and a wall is bricks pieced together (non-standard bricks take some puzzling and pounding). The noun קרקע (qarqa') means floor; earth trampled into a compact state. The verb קרקר (qarqar) means to forcibly compact, to pound down.
Verb קרה (qara), and its by-form קרא (qara'), mean to near, to meet or to happen upon. Noun קורה (qora) describes a rafter or beam; the things that come together to form a roof, and which obviously relate to bricks pieced into a wall. Verb קרה (qara) means to piece beams together and noun מקרה (meqareh) means literally place of beams; beam-work.
Nouns קרה (qareh) and מקרה (miqreh) mean chance or accident, fortune or fate. Noun קרי (qeri) means opposition, contrariness. At a social level, chance meetings and opposition are the very rafters that carry society's roof.
For this same reason, the nouns קריה (qiryah) and קרת (qeret) are the words for city and federation of cities.
Verb קרא (qara'), which is identical to the by-form of the previous, means to call or call near. Adjective קריא (qari') means called or summoned. Noun קריאה (qeri'a) means proclamation. And noun מקרא (miqra') means convocation or called assembly. The noun קרא (qore') describes a partridge; literally "a caller."
The word רבע (raba') means four, which is where the typically human complex number sense begins. Verb רבע (raba') means to square. Nouns רבע (reba') and רבע (roba') mean a fourth part. Adjectives רביעי (rebi'i) and רביעית (rebi'it) mean fourth, and adjective רבע (ribbea') means "pertaining to the fourth."
The identical verb רבע (raba') is a variant of the verb רבץ (rabas; see next). It means to stretch out or lie down (mostly in a sexual sense).
Verb רבץ (rabas) means to stretch out or lie down (mostly not in a sexual sense). Nouns רבץ (rebes) and מרבץ (marbes) mean resting place.
Hebron is therefore a place where a federation of cities has been compacted into one Assembly of Mankind that has gathered for the purposes of creating a superior standard of living.
The implications of the butt also being a kind of cistern nothwithstanding the various terms, altogether imply physical, intellectual, and communal fitness are hooked together with the process of creating the Compound City.
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In Hebron, the Israelites encounter:
Sheshai= white, like alabaster
The noun אח ('ah) means brother, or more broadly: a fellow member of a social economic node (a "house") within a broader economic whole.
This word's lavish inclusion in names strongly suggests that the deity was reckoned by this word — in modern times we mostly speak of Our Father in Heaven but in antiquity the deity appears to have also been addressed as Our Brother. The New Testament appears to entertain that dynamic in the tenet that the Word is God's Son, and all who have the Word are godly brothers. Also note the similarity with the verb חוה (hawa), to show, tell, make known.
The noun אחוה ('ahawa) means brotherhood and אחות ('ahot) means sister.
and Talmai= the plowman
The noun תלם (telem) means furrow and is assumed to derive from a verb תלם (talam), to plow or till the soil.
The people living in Debir (formerly called Kiriath Sepher)=
The rare noun דבר (dober), refers to a pasture; probably a well-defined fenced-in field upon which sheep graze. Figuratively this word obviously refers to some specific Holy Book from which a community feeds (the books of the Bible originated as separate works, with their separate adherers).
Noun דברה (dibra) means matter or issue, and the similar noun דבורה (deborah) describes the bee (this probably because bees make honey, and "milk and honey" denote essential sustenance). The noun דביר (debir) was a nickname for the Holy of Holies and means "place of the word".
Kiriath Sepher= Record City, Scribe Town
In order for our Compound City to work as stated above, there must be purity of intent, gladness, a willingness to dig into fertile ground of mankind (and some of us are not all that fertile), and sow the spiritual assets for which persons who are "wild" like Hamas or Hezbollah, or "too zealous" like the Evangelicals have no acumen.
The Kingdom of Israel is supposed to be a place of moderation but for a few things about which it must be very strict and we all know what these things are. The rest- the superstition, the guns, violence, hatred, aggression, the nonsense, these things should not exist anywhere humanity has been around a long time, we surely know better by now how to contend with reality appropriately.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 9: Judah fought the Canaanites in the Western Foothills. Behind the Western Wall is the decision not to be just smart but to be enlightened. Enlightened persons do not follow strange rules, they follow an ever more elaborate pattern of learning and develop a continually improving artistic assessment of the wares of life. The Summit is always Sinai, but the foothills leading up to it are never rules based, they are experiential.
The Value in Gematria is 8662, ב‎חוו‎ ‎ ‎"experienced in the farm."
The "farm" includes bulls (who act like three year olds), rams (who act like sixteen year olds), goats (who are tame but not particularly smart) and doves (who are men that act like saints but are not particularly happy). Bulls, rams, and goats go up the side of the mountain, doves come down to earth.
v. 10: They advanced against the Canaanites. The Value in Gematria is 4647, דודז‎, dodz, "then double the understanding."
Truth is told, it is also performed and then witnessed. Everything contained in Judaism and its partner, Vedanta, and its offspring, Christianity and Islam must be experienced twice. Once as a discussion of what is factual about the Supreme Being and His Will to Power, the other explains how we are to contend with these in real life.
The first discussions of this non-dual way of practicing religion took place in the myth Inanna in the Underworld circa 3000 BCE in which the Great God Ea, or Yah is mentioned for the first time. Try as we might, without balance in all of our relationships and approaches to life, all we are doing is placating time until the moment of our deaths and that is not good enough.
v. 11: From there, they advanced against the people living in Debir, in the Library. The Value in Gematria is 4319, דג‎‎אט‎ ‎, dagat, "what makes you worried."
Dag= worries
The verb אתה ('ata) is spelled the same as, and according to the Masoretes, pronounced slightly different from the masculine second person singular.
Were we to stubbornly maintain that the two are connected, this verb would literally mean "to you". In reality it's commonly translated with to come; it's a rate poetic equivalent of the much more common verb בוא (bo'). But still, in order to express a coming, one would first require an awareness of you and me, so this verb is still not far removed from the above.
Our verb occurs about twenty times in the Old Testament, half of which in the Book of Isaiah. It describes bringing water to the thirsty (Isaiah 21:14), the coming of the morning (Isaiah 21:12), the getting together of humanity (Isaiah 41:5), the coming of the future in general (Isaiah 41:23), or a specific person and his policies (Isaiah 41:25), or wild beasts on the prowl (Isaiah 56:9). Scary things may come (Job 3:25), or years (Job 16:22), or the brood of fools (Job 30:14), or the golden splendor around God (Job 37:22). It may describe the coming of God (Deuteronomy 33:2) or a coming to God (Jeremiah 3:22).
What worries us is the most is the fear we cannot handle living together or do it for very long. Human beings are both madly in love and scared shitless of each other.
The answer to what worries us is found in the compiled work of humanity's scribes, the spiritual sorts and also of all sorts. If we follow the Decrees and become as learned as possible, all that troubles our compound lives will cease to exist.
Even as we wait for the world to accept this easy and comfortable solution to all of its troubles, one unfortunate fact lingers, we are going to have to kill a large number of corrupt politicians and religious folks are nothing is ever going to get better.
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thxnews · 11 months
British Foreign Secretary Statement at Cairo Peace Talks
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Official UK Government Statement
Thank you Mr President for convening this incredibly important meeting at this difficult time. I am sure we all share the revulsion at Hamas’s murderous acts of terrorism, the targeting of civilians, the murdering of children, the desecration of dead bodies. And I’m sure we are all distressed by the plight of Palestinian civilians in Gaza whose lives have been made harder, more painful, and more dangerous because of the brutal attacks by Hamas on the 7th of October. And we all mourn the dead, both Israeli and Palestinian. This has been an issue which has long stimulated passions and we are now all seeing on social media and in our communities how divisive and polarising the current situation has become. So we have a duty, a duty to work together to prevent instability from engulfing the region and claiming yet more lives. We must work together to prevent the tragic situation in Gaza becoming a regional conflict because that is exactly what Hamas wants. We remind ourselves that just months ago the Negev summit was a moment of hope, hope for peaceful coexistence between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Hamas has long stood in direct opposition to that vision and we must therefore ensure that Hamas does not win. Rather, we must ensure the peaceful co-existence wins. The UK notes the thoughtful and calm words of President Abbas on behalf of the Palestinian people, and we are grateful to the governments who are seeking to intercede on behalf of those held hostage and those foreign nationals who are trapped in Gaza. And we are grateful for the work to ensure that the humanitarian aid, which many of us have partially funded, reaches those Gazans who are deeply in need. The UK is clear and has been consistently clear that Israel has the right to self-defence and the right to secure the release of those who were kidnapped on the 7th of October. And we are also clear that we must work and they must work to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza and that their actions are in accordance with international law. I have spoken directly to the Israeli government about their duty to respect international law and the importance of preserving civilian lives in Gaza. Despite the incredibly difficult circumstances, I have called for discipline and professionalism, and restraint from the Israeli military. The situation currently unfolding is probably the most challenging situation that I have had to deal with in my professional, personal, or political life. And I suspect that I am not alone. But I still believe in the power of diplomacy, and I still believe that we can work together to secure a future where Israelis and Palestinians live in peace.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & The Rt Hon James Cleverly MP. Read the full article
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lamarocainenews · 1 year
Peace agreements with Arab nations "on hold until Hamas is defeated"
All peace agreements between Israel and the Arab region are currently “on hold until Tel Aviv concludes its conflict with the Palestinian Hamas movement,” Lior Ben Dor, a spokesperson of Israel’s Foreign Ministry, told Hespress, referring to the Negev 2 Summit in Morocco and ongoing normalization efforts with Saudi Arabia. “Tel Aviv has no issue with the presence of nations that support the…
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dfroza · 1 year
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space rain…
Prashant Naik climbed to the summit of Sam Knob, North Carolina, to capture the Lyrid meteor shower in front of the Milky Way. Thanks, Prashant! Read his beautiful account of the experience at EarthSky Community Photos:
5.2.23 • 9:00pm • Twitter
the eternal tapestry is thousands of years in the making for the timeline of first earth in its seed of rebirth.
from the fall of first Adam’s sin, and 4,000 years from this point when the 2nd Adam bled on the outskirts of Jerusalem’s ancient walls just about 2,000 years ago from our current day in the [here, & now]
And so with the soon closure of these 6,000 years we see the nearing of the 1,000 year millennial Kingdom (Sabbath) on earth with the eternal King
yet, for the Bride who is ready there will be an escape from the great Judgment to come that precedes this by way of (A secret elopement)
(we’ll wait it all out in Heaven for the indignation to pass)
A look back into ancient History from the writing of the prophet Isaiah in relating to unbelieving and idolatrous Israel (the Tribulation is dubbed Jacob’s Trouble where Israel will eventually come to see the One they pierced as the True Messiah, just as Isaiah reveals in a later chapter, number 53)
[Isaiah 30]
Eternal One: Oh, it will be so bad for you, My rebellious children,
who enact a plan but not as I would have you do,
Who form an alliance contrary to My Spirit,
compounding sin, one bad choice after another.
You look to Egypt for security and help without consulting Me.
You seem to think that Pharaoh is the answer,
That Egypt will protect you from harm.
But because you cling to the earthly power of great nations,
you will be disappointed and ashamed
In the very thing you grasped—Pharaoh and Egypt.
For even though Egypt’s princes and ambassadors are in the delta region,
in Zoan and Hanes,
They will be no help to you, no security or revenue for you.
You’ll be embarrassed that you ever thought they would be
And you will be shamed and disgraced for associating with them.
A message about the beasts of the Negev:
Nevertheless, the Judeans go down to Egypt,
Crossing through a land of trouble and anguish,
tracked by lionesses and lions, in danger of vipers and poisonous snakes,
All their precious valuables packed on the backs of donkeys and camels.
They look to a people who can offer them nothing.
Eternal One: Egypt’s help is no help at all.
Therefore I call Egypt “Rahab”—a storm that just sits there.
So, go on—write all this down on a tablet in their presence;
inscribe it on a scroll as a permanent record
So people will know about it forever.
After all, these people are rebellious and distrustful.
They won’t accept, don’t even pay attention
To what the Eternal has tried to tell them.
They say to those gifted with discernment and insight:
“Stop with your visions. We’ve had enough of them.”
They say to the prophets, “Tell us only what we’d like to hear;
save your truth-telling pessimism for someone else.
We want to hear flattery.
And for goodness’ sake, stop talking about the Holy One of Israel.
Get out of the gloomy rut you are in—
Your message is a bit stale—take a different path.”
But the Holy One of Israel says,
Eternal One: Because you refused to accept this truth, My word and purpose,
and trusted instead in deceit and manipulation, you will fall.
Your wrongdoing, your misplaced confidence and web of lies,
will be your undoing.
Like a breach in a wall that bulges out and suddenly gives way,
your façade will come crashing down in an instant.
Your destruction will be as complete
as when someone savagely smashes a piece of pottery.
There won’t be even a single piece big enough
to scoop an ember from the fire or skim a sip of water from a cistern.
Listen! The Lord, the Eternal, the Holy One of Israel says,
Eternal One: In returning and rest, you will be saved.
In quietness and trust you will find strength.
But you refused. You couldn’t sit still;
instead, you said, “No! We will ride out of here on horseback.
Fast horses will give us an edge in battle.”
But those who pursue you will be faster still.
When one person threatens, a thousand will panic and flee.
When five terrorize you, all will run pell-mell,
Until you are as conspicuous as a single flag standing high on a hill.
Meanwhile, the Eternal One yearns to give you grace and boundless compassion;
that’s why He waits.
For the Eternal is a God of justice.
Those inclined toward Him, waiting for His help, will find happiness.
Oh, people of Zion, citizens of Jerusalem, you will not cry anymore. God hears the sound of your weeping, and He will answer with grace. Even though the Lord has fed you the bitter food of adversity and offered you the water of oppression, your great Teacher will reveal Himself to you; your eyes will see Him. Your ears will hear sweet words behind you: “Go this way. There is your path; this is how you should go” whenever you must decide whether to turn to the right or the left. Then you’ll get rid of all your worthless idols clad in silver and your despicable images plated with gold. You will destroy these idols and discard them as you do filthy rags, saying, “Get out of here.”
And then God will see to it that your efforts are fruitful—He’ll give you rain for your seedlings, bread from the earth, grain nourishing and plentiful. On that day your livestock will graze on acre after acre of green pastures. Also if the oxen and donkeys that work that ground for you are well fed with good grain that is carefully winnowed with shovel and fork, then they will be content. When the day arrives and your enemies are slaughtered and the towers come tumbling down, there will be rushing brooks of clear, sweet water running down every high mountain and steep hill. When the time comes and the Eternal One binds up the brokenness of His people and heals what He had bruised, then the light of the moon will shine as brightly as the midday sun, and the sun will shine seven times brighter than normal, as if one day had seven days of sunlight.
See now, the name of the Eternal is echoing from far away.
God is coming with a fury inescapable to set things right again.
God is coming like fire and smoke;
His lips, indignation—His tongue, consuming fire.
God’s breath barrels down like hurricane rain,
rising right up to the neck to rattle the nations
And to subdue all peoples as a horse handler bridles a crazy mare for slaughter.
In your newfound freedom, you will sing as if it’s a festival night.
With lighthearted joy, you will dance your way toward Jerusalem,
To the Eternal’s mountain, the Rock Israel can trust.
Then the Eternal One will make unmistakable His absolute authority
when all hear His voice, and God’s power will be obvious
For all to see—God’s anger against the nations—that consuming fire
like a cloudburst, thunderstorm, and hailstorm all at once.
And Assyria
will cover its ears, terrified at the sound of God’s voice
When He comes to strike them with His punishing rod.
And every wave of the Eternal’s attacks against Assyria
will be accompanied by a song with tambourines and harps.
In battle after battle, He lifts his arm and fights against them.
After all, long ago, God prepared the place of vindication,
a funeral pyre for Assyria’s king laid deep and high,
A large stack of wood just waiting for God’s breath like brimstone to ignite it.
The Book (Scroll) of Isaiah, Chapter 30 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
God invites His people to lean only on Him. If they will just stop their busyness and self-reliance, God will be able to take care of them.
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rnewspost · 2 years
Israel’s New Environment Minister Shouted Off Stage At Climate Summit: ‘Shame!’
BE’ER SHEVA, Israel — Israel’s controversial new environment minister was shouted off the stage at a climate summit here in the so-called capital of Negev desert as protests grow against the most right-wing government in this country’s 75-year history. Shortly after the minister took the podium at Ben-Gurion University on Tuesday morning, activists seated in the audience began repeatedly…
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Senior Israeli officials and their counterparts from Abraham Accords countries attended a two-day meeting in Abu Dhabi this week to prepare for the upcoming Negev Forum summit in Morocco later this year, the Times of Israel (TOI) reports. High-level delegations from Egypt and America, including US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, also participated in the meeting.
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thejewishlink · 2 years
Govt. Approves Establishment of Negev Forum to Implement Regional Cooperation of Abraham Accords
Govt. Approves Establishment of Negev Forum to Implement Regional Cooperation of Abraham Accords
By TPS • 18 September, 2022 Jerusalem, 18 September, 2022 (TPS) — The Government approved Sunday Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s proposal for establishing a regional mechanism – the Negev Forum, which will implement the understandings that resulted in the Negev Summit. The first Negev Forum, held in March, was attended by six foreign ministers: Lapid, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Minister…
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paulthepoke · 2 years
This Week in Prophecy: Israeli Defense Pact, Grain Shortages Emerging, Gold Backed Ruble?, Russian Gas Flow, Food Inflation
This Week in Prophecy, April 4th, 2022: The Negev Summit was completed this past week in Israel. Is a military alliance forming between Israel, Morocco, Egypt, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States? Air and Naval exercises have been completed in the Red and Mediterranean Seas. The objective is regional “peace and security”. Revelation 6 prophecies of a time when it will cost…
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plitnick · 1 year
Netanyahu-Biden meeting illustrates the political madness of the U.S.-Israeli relationship
Joe Biden finally met with Benjamin Netanyahu. While the meeting was not in Washington but on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, it was nonetheless a positive step for Netanyahu, who got the long-sought meeting without in any way diminishing either his assault on the Israeli judiciary (which concerns so many Democrats) or his massive escalation of violence and annexation against the…
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
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thenationview · 2 years
The historic summit begins at a symbolic site in Israel's Negev desert -
The historic summit begins at a symbolic site in Israel’s Negev desert –
A meeting with foreign ministers from four Arab countries began in Israel’s Negev desert. Ministers from Egypt, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain met for the first time in Israel for an official visit. US Secretary of State Blinken was also present. The meeting will take place today and tomorrow at a symbolic place in the desert: Kibbutz Sde Boker, where the first Israeli Prime…
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lamarocainenews · 1 year
Morocco set as key stop on Israeli Prime Minister September tour
In a what Netanyahu’s office described as ‘warm, personal letter’ King Mohammed VI told Netanyahu that a meeting between them could be “an opportunity to promote the prospects of peace for all peoples in the region,” based on the principles that “should guide the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Netanyahu’s visit may come around the same time for the planned Negev summit, set for…
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smartencyclopedia · 2 years
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emaratdaily · 2 years
Israeli defense minister meets with Jordan’s King Abdullah in Amman: Report
Israeli defense minister meets with Jordan’s King Abdullah in Amman: Report
The Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz met with Jordan’s King Abdullah in Amman after the Negev Summit, Israel’s official Twitter account in Arabic said on Tuesday. The meeting came ahead of official talks between Israeli president Isaac Herzog and Jordan’s King Abdullah, scheduled for Wednesday, according to a Reuters report citing official sources. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made a…
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