#New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Special Edition
shanopng · 1 year
In this world there’s good shows and there’s bad shows, there’s many shades in between. New Mobile Report Gundam Wing is none of that.
If this is a good show. (the axes mean nothing and ignore the limited nature of the visual metaphor, art is a lot more nuanced than this)
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And this is a bad show.
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This is Gundam Wing.
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The core of the shows is alright at worse, but there’s some elements that just suck really bad, and a few that are way better but don’t make up for the rest.
The music. The OPs and EDs are really good (all of them), lots of great background tracks too. (The Boy Who Stole the Wings of Adolescence is great)
The costume designs. The design of the costumes is the single greatest thing about the whole show.
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The mechanical designs. The designs of the grunt suits are just great, Leo, Aries, Tallgeese, and later the Serpent are all great designs.
Now for the bad:
The characters. Except for Duo who’s a funny guy there’s really not much to the main cast. Wu Fei’s got 3 things going on: Nataku good, people who fight bad. I’m not worthy of piloting Nataku. Trowa does have a character arc with the whole circus and amnesia things, EW does add a bit to his character but I don’t know if I care much for that. Quatre has the his relationship to the Maganac corps and 3 lines about his family and is imo the least likeable of the main cast with Wu Fei. Heero like to blow his gundam up mostly, the whole shtick about wanting to kill Relena is the most interesting thing going on about him, especially when it comes to Relena becoming queen.
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The Gundams are lame. Gundams are cool, but Gundam Wings didn’t think they were cool enough, so it tried too hard and make them lame. I’m not a big fan of hyper-specialised Gundam, but Gundam X did that worse. They’re also way too powerful for the show’s own good. I don't think there's much fun to seeing Heero vaporize a dozen Leo in 1 buster rifle shot in all that often. The episode in 0079 where Zeon Solders on Wappa placed bomb on the Gundam had weight to it. Now someone is trying to blow the sandrock up, why should I care it won't even get scratch. It just eleminates any stakes for the sake of "wow look at the gundam it's so powerful". It’s not like there’s no instance of the show depicting the suits as strong but not overpowered.
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But then it’s back to this immediately after.
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And finally the ???
The Mobile Dolls. It’s an interesting concept, they show even exploits that concept in interesting ways, until they’re put into mass production and now they’re just cannon-fodder free of any human tragedy and they’re as uninteresting as could be
The plot. I think there’s interesting ideas in there, the early episodes reflect the Zabi’s (mostly implied at the time) rise to power, and that’s genuienly really cool, later events feel like they’re inspired by events of previous show while it adds some unique context around it, and the end is just Zech’s Counterattack. But the end results is just so muddled, so much so that I still haven’t managed to wrap my brain around it. Too many backstabbings / episode.
1st episode. It’s really cool, for the above mentioned reason, but also because it’s just a really well made episode, and then the Gundam shows up and do the things Gundams do in Gundam Wing
Now Endless Waltz
a.k.a “Actually operation Meteor was eeeeeevil” the movie. And it feels very inconsequential
The whole thing about operation meteor is cool but I wonder if it wouldn’t have been more interesting in the show.
At the end of the day I didn’t hate watching Wing, I had a decent time even. I don’t regret watching it either after putting it off for a certain amount of time, but I’d have been just fine not having watched it, I don’t feel like I missed on anything all that time.
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0 notes
when-will-mail-come · 6 years
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I wanted to translate the Animedia Magazine 2018 July Issue’s Gundam W portion like ↑ with the translation surrounding the picture with arrows, but I don’t know how to. Please be satisfied with ↓. For those that want to read the original text (that I photographed), go here.
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37(Everyone) 450(Welcome~) to the Animedia Carnival
 The next legendary anime to be introduced is the following;『New Mobile Report Gundam W』. This work is one of the many『Gundam』series, and from April 1995 to March 1996 the TV series aired. In 1997 the 3 episodes OVA 『New Mobile Report Gundam W Endless Waltz』continuation was created, and in 1998 the re-edited『Special Edition』version of that was released theatrically. Even now after 20 years have passed its popularity has not waned, rerunning since February 2018 on TOKYO MX. Gathering interest even from people exposed to this work for the first time, there has been a resurgence in popularity.
 One point that needs a special mention with this work is that, it is the forerunner of a『Gundam』series that won fanatical female fans. Though 『Gundam』series are now supported by many demographics regardless of gender,『Gundam』fans before this work were mainly children and men, who the related merchandise targeted. The biggest factor behind how this work managed to capture the hearts of women, in this situation, was that the 5 main characters were prominent. Not only were the 5 main characters beautiful boys, they had strong personalities that were unable to be described in one word. Some acted calm, cool, and collected to fulfill their missions, while others took flabbergasting actions that were mind boggling. The interactions between them, and the words and deeds that exceeded the viewers’ imaginations, continued to charm fans. Especially Heero・Yuy for informing the heroine「I’ll kill you」 in episode 1, and also by blowing up his beloved mobile suit Wing Gundam, having a strong impression not seen elsewhere, with his loony¹ actions and a number of out-there¹ famous quotes, he had a presence that could only be described as peerless. The threatened gazes directed by the 5 boys who are by no means absolutely perfect, continue to capture the hearts of fans and refuses to let go even to this day.
¹loony, out-there: The magazine uses the pretty strong expression ぶっ飛んだ
450(Welcome~) Special Guest
【He・kah・rue・Me・dough・ree・kawa】Born May 2. From Tochigi Prefecture. Affiliated with Aoni Production.
——What kind of work is『New Mobile Report Gundam Wing』, to you, Mr. Midorikawa? Furthermore, if you had to choose one thing that made you happy, from your memories during the first airings, what would it be?
 My dream since I was a child was playing the main character in a serious robot work like『Mobile Suit Gundam』, so my dream came true. That made me happy, as you can imagine. Of course, plastic models of Wing Gundam that Heero rides on went on sale, so as person who was crazy about Gunpla² when I was a child, those were really happy days ♪
²Gundam plastic model = Gunpla
——With his unpredictable words and deeds and such, Heero・Yuy was a character with many sensational episodes. If there was anything that you struggled with while playing him, please do tell.
 Heero’s silent, so I think that having to impress the character on the audience within the limited few lines is difficult. However, I gained quite a lot of experience with silent characters with the role of Kaede Rukawa from『SLAM DUNK』(aired 1993~1996), so I managed to not struggle that much(^^;;
——This year marks the 20th year since the release of『New Mobile Report Gundam W Endless Waltz Special Edition』. What do you think about the fact that it’s still loved by many fans, even after over 20 years have passed?
 Maybe it’s  the fact that interesting things are interesting, no matter how many years pass? I mean it is full of holes that can be poked fun at, even though it’s by no means a gag anime (laughter). Apparently, there are also tenacious fans in America even to this day, not only limited  to Japan, so I think it’s a real amazing piece of work.
——If you were to give a message toward the following five of Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei, right now, what would the contents of the message be?
 I am truly happy, that I was able to meet you all. There is also a work that paints yourselves after the end, so if a chance presents itself, I’d love to breathe life into your grown selves. Well, I think that I’ll be indebted to all of you through games or whatnot, from now on too, so I look forward to working with you all then(^₋^)
◍Original Drawing/Yoshihito Hishinuma  Finishing Touch/Michie Hishinuma
(Voice/Ryuzou Ishino)
Holds the belief that might is right, and dislikes the weak fighting. Takes independent action often, and uses the Shenlong Gundam which he calls「Nataku」to destroy evil.
(Voice/Hikaru Midorikawa)
Pilot of the Wing Gundam. Educated to be a perfect soldier, he did not show human-like emotions in the beginning.
(Voice/Shigeru Nakahara)
Pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms, and was fighting in the battlefield ever since he could remember. To hide his identity, he performed as a clown at a circus troupe.
◀The Gundam pilots in brisk summer attire. The 5, although participating in the same military operations, are not a team so there is no sense of comradeship. It is only at the end of the story that the 5 unite. These relationships were novel
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing
◍Currently rerunning every Tuesday night at 10:29 PM on TOKYO MX
◍『New Mobile Report Gundam Wing』Blu-ray Box Limited Edition Complete 2 Volumes, now on sale by BANDAI NAMCO Arts. Each 30,240 yen (tax included)
◍『New Mobile Report Gundam W Endless Waltz』Blu-ray Box Limited Edition Complete 1 Volume, now on sale by BANDAI NAMCO Arts. 18,360 yen (tax included)
STORY〔New Mobile Report Gundam Wing〕/Humanity has constructed space colonies, determining the year they commenced space development as the year 1 A.C. (After Colony). Starting to see the indications of decline due to the increase of immigrants to the colonies, the countries of Earth form the「United Earth Sphere Alliance」, and counter the colonies. Possessing overwhelming military power, the Alliance Army oppress the colonies. Communications between each colony are cut off. Year 195 A.C.「Operation Meteor」is initiated by underground organizations of the colonies rebelling against the oppression of the Alliance. It was to have 5 Gundam units land onto Earth, and unfold subversive activity against the secret society「OZ」(Oz) that controlled the Alliance. The 5 boys, who are the agents, descend to Earth without knowing each other, and try to fulfill the mission while at times cooperating with each other, and at times rebelling against each other.
〔New Mobile Report Gundam W Endless Waltz〕/1 year after the battle between Earth and the colonies. Although it seemed that the world was following the path to peace renouncing all military force, the mastermind of the colony organizations plots the domination of the Earth Sphere. The 5 ride the Gundams once again, and dive into battle.
(Voice/Ai Orikasa)
The heir of an extremely wealthy man, as well as a boy who pilots the Gundam Sandrock. Although gentle and kind, in the later half of the story, he comes to do nothing but seek revenge for a harmed family member.
37(Everyone) Time to Shine Famous Scene
 Episode 1 was full of iconic scenes that symbolized the person known as Heero. From trying to shoot down a civilian shuttle that was interfering with accomplishing his mission during his descent to Earth, to hijacking an ambulance that rushed over due to Relena`s report, who found him injured, it was a succession of barbarity. Moreover, he whispers「I’ll kill you」in her ear after ripping a birthday party invitation that she sent, going undercover as a transfer student at her school, all just due to the reason that「his face was seen by Relena」.
(Voice/Toshihiko Seki)
A kind boy who laments the tragedies brought on by war, and understands the value of life more than anyone, despite having a perfect command of Gundam Deathscythe which is also known as「God of Death」.
14 Relena・Darlian
(Voice/Akiko Yajima)
22 notes · View notes
officialotakudome · 7 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on http://otakudome.com/mobile-suit-gundam-wing-and-mobile-suit-gundam-wing-endless-waltz-mobile-suit-gundam-wing-collectors-ultra-edition-blu-rays-dated/
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector's Ultra Edition Blu-rays Dated
Rightstuf has dated the  Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray:
GRIMES, IA, September 6, 2017 — Anime distributor Right Stuf, Inc. and anime producer Sunrise Inc. are excited to announce the upcoming release of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray will be available December 5, 2017 and will include the entire TV series, the Operation Meteor OVA, and both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz. This edition will also feature an entire disc full of exclusive video extras, including the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama and cast interviews, complete with other limited edition items to be announced. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz will be available on Blu-ray and DVD on December 5, 2017. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collection 1 and Collection 2will also be available on Blu-ray and DVD on November 7, 2017.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $269.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1766 ISBN: 978-1-57032-585-4 UPC: 7-42617-1766-2-3 Runtime: 1682 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: TV: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz OVA: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz Movie: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo, English LPCM Surround Operation Meteor: Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 13 Case Qty: TBA
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA and Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-49 of the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing TV series, the Operation Meteor OVA, and both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz. 
Special Features: An entire disc full of exclusive video extras, including the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama and cast interviews, 5 large art cards, 5 small art cards, 3 posters, a 5-piece metal pin set, and a 188-page hardbound full-color art book featuring detailed key art, promotional artwork, mecha and character design galleries, staff and cast interviews, storyboards, and more! The entire set will be housed in a high-quality chipboard art box. This is a limited edition set and will NOT be remade.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $59.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1762 ISBN: 978-1-57032-582-3 UPC: 7-42617-1762-2-7 Runtime: 440 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: Waltz OVA: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz Movie: English LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Operation Meteor: Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Yasunao Aoki (InuYasha, Yakitate!! Japan)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz:
After Colony 196. Tranquility has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies are at peace. The Gundam pilots find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed…
Contains both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz as well as the never-before-released Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor!
Special Features: Clean endings, promos and original next episode previews.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $44.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1764 ISBN: 978-1-57032-583-0 UPC: 7-42617-1764-2-5 Runtime: 440 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: Waltz OVA: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Waltz Movie: English Dolby 5.1, English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Operation Meteor: Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Yasunao Aoki (InuYasha, Yakitate!! Japan)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz:
After Colony 196. Tranquility has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies are at peace. The Gundam pilots find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed…
Contains both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz as well as the never-before-released Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor!
Special Features: Clean endings, promos and original next episode previews.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $74.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1754 ISBN: 978-1-57032-578-6 UPC: 7-42617-1754-2-8 Runtime: 625 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-25 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 1 and 2, Clean Ending
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1756 ISBN: 978-1-57032-579-3 UPC: 7-42617-1756-2-6 Runtime: 625 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 5 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-25 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 1 and 2, Clean Ending
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $74.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1758 ISBN: 978-1-57032-580-9 UPC: 7-42617-1758-2-4 Runtime: 600 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
The actions of Heero and his fellow Gundam pilots have plunged Earth and its space colonies into political upheaval. The secret society OZ, which took over the world in a stunning military coup, has now split into warring factions and the Gundam pilots are caught in the middle. Only the pacifist Sanc Kingdom, now resurrected under Relena’s leadership, remains an oasis of peace in a world torn by war. But two powerful new Gundams, and OZ’s legions of computer-controlled mobile dolls, are about to escalate the conflict to new heights!
Contains episodes 26-49 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 3 and 4, Japanese Commercial Collection
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1760 ISBN: 978-1-57032-581-6 UPC: 7-42617-1760-2-9 Runtime: 600 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 5 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
The actions of Heero and his fellow Gundam pilots have plunged Earth and its space colonies into political upheaval. The secret society OZ, which took over the world in a stunning military coup, has now split into warring factions and the Gundam pilots are caught in the middle. Only the pacifist Sanc Kingdom, now resurrected under Relena’s leadership, remains an oasis of peace in a world torn by war. But two powerful new Gundams, and OZ’s legions of computer-controlled mobile dolls, are about to escalate the conflict to new heights!
Contains episodes 26-49 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 3 and 4, Japanese Commercial Collection
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
0 notes
officialotakudome · 7 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on http://otakudome.com/rightstuf-announces-mobile-suit-gundam-wing-revolutionary-girl-utena-sets/
Rightstuf Announces Mobile Suit Gundam Wing & Revolutionary Girl Utena Sets
Rightstuf has announced new home media sets for Mobile Suit Gundam Wing & Revolutionary Girl Utena:
GRIMES, IA, August 17, 2017 — Anime distributor Right Stuf, Inc. and anime producer Sunrise Inc.are excited to announce the upcoming release of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collection 1 and Collection 2 and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Mobile Suit Gundam Wing will be available on Blu-ray and DVD on November 7, 2017 and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz will be available on Blu-ray and DVD on December 5, 2017. Also, a Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Collector’s Ultra Edition Blu-ray will be available December 5, 2017 and will include the entire TV series, the Operation Meteor OVA, and both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz. This edition will also feature an entire disc full of exclusive video extras, including the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama and cast interviews.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $269.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1766 ISBN: 978-1-57032-585-4 UPC: 7-42617-1766-2-3 Runtime: 1682 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: TV: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz OVA: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz Movie: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo, English LPCM Surround Operation Meteor: Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 13 Case Qty: TBA
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA and Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-49 of the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing TV series, the Operation Meteor OVA, and both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz. 
Special Features: An entire disc full of exclusive video extras, including the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Picture Drama and cast interviews, 5 large art cards, 5 small art cards, 3 posters, a 5-piece metal pin set, and a 180-page hardbound full-color art book featuring detailed key art, promotional artwork, mecha and character design galleries, staff and cast interviews, storyboards, and more! The entire set will be housed in a high-quality chipboard art box. This is a limited edition set and will NOT be remade.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $74.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1754 ISBN: 978-1-57032-578-6 UPC: 7-42617-1754-2-8 Runtime: 625 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-25 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 1 and 2, Clean Ending
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1756 ISBN: 978-1-57032-579-3 UPC: 7-42617-1756-2-6 Runtime: 625 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 5 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called “Sides.” However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries build five robotic weapons called Gundams and plan to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the colonists’ hopes and dreams of freedom with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!
Contains episodes 1-25 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 1 and 2, Clean Ending
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $74.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1758 ISBN: 978-1-57032-580-9 UPC: 7-42617-1758-2-4 Runtime: 600 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
The actions of Heero and his fellow Gundam pilots have plunged Earth and its space colonies into political upheaval. The secret society OZ, which took over the world in a stunning military coup, has now split into warring factions and the Gundam pilots are caught in the middle. Only the pacifist Sanc Kingdom, now resurrected under Relena’s leadership, remains an oasis of peace in a world torn by war. But two powerful new Gundams, and OZ’s legions of computer-controlled mobile dolls, are about to escalate the conflict to new heights!
Contains episodes 26-49 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 3 and 4, Japanese Commercial Collection
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  10/10/2017 Street Date:  11/7/2017   SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1760 ISBN: 978-1-57032-581-6 UPC: 7-42617-1760-2-9 Runtime: 600 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 5 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Shinji Takamatsu (Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, Gintama, Daily Lives of High School Boys) andMasashi Ikeda (InuYasha, Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers, Cat’s Eye)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:
The actions of Heero and his fellow Gundam pilots have plunged Earth and its space colonies into political upheaval. The secret society OZ, which took over the world in a stunning military coup, has now split into warring factions and the Gundam pilots are caught in the middle. Only the pacifist Sanc Kingdom, now resurrected under Relena’s leadership, remains an oasis of peace in a world torn by war. But two powerful new Gundams, and OZ’s legions of computer-controlled mobile dolls, are about to escalate the conflict to new heights!
Contains episodes 26-49 of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. 
Special Features: Clean Openings 3 and 4, Japanese Commercial Collection
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  Blu-ray Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $59.99 Catalog #: RSBLU1762 ISBN: 978-1-57032-582-3 UPC: 7-42617-1762-2-7 Runtime: 440 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: Waltz OVA: English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Waltz Movie: English LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Operation Meteor: Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3, HD Native Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Yasunao Aoki (InuYasha, Yakitate!! Japan)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz:
After Colony 196. Tranquility has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies are at peace. The Gundam pilots find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed…
Contains both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz as well as the never-before-released Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor!
Special Features: Clean endings, promos and original next episode previews.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
[Full-Size Image] © SOTSU • SUNRISE
Format:  DVD Pre-Book:  11/7/2017 Street Date:  12/5/2017   SRP: $44.99 Catalog #: RSDVD1764 ISBN: 978-1-57032-583-0 UPC: 7-42617-1764-2-5 Runtime: 440 minutes Genre: Science Fiction Age Rating: TV14 Audio: Waltz OVA: English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Waltz Movie: English Dolby 5.1, English and Japanese Dolby 2.0 Operation Meteor: Japanese Dolby 2.0 Subtitles: English Video: 4:3 Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Original concept by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Hajime Yatate
Written by Katsuyuki Sumisawa(Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Sailor Moon)
Directed by Yasunao Aoki (InuYasha, Yakitate!! Japan)
Music by Kô Ôtani (Another, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Outlaw Star)
Operation Meteor OVA available in the US for the first time ever
About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz:
After Colony 196. Tranquility has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies are at peace. The Gundam pilots find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed…
Contains both the OVA and Movie versions of Endless Waltz as well as the never-before-released Gundam Wing: Operation Meteor!
Special Features: Clean endings, promos and original next episode previews.
Comp. Titles: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Outlaw Star, Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team, The Big O
Product specifications and content subject to change.
    GRIMES, IA, August 17, 2017 — Anime producer Nozomi Entertainment is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Black Rose Saga Blu-ray Collection, the second of three sagas in the series, and Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Apocalypse Saga Blu-ray Collection, the third and final saga in the series. Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Black Rose Saga will be available November 7, 2017, and Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Apocalypse Saga will be availableDecember 5, 2017 Also, a Revolutionary Girl Utena 20th Anniversary Ultra Edition Complete Series Blu-ray Collection will be available December 5, 2017 and will include all three sagas (39 episodes) plus the theatrical feature, complete with other limited edition items such as a replica Rose Seal Ring, a replica Black Rose Seal ring, and a 264-page art book. The first of the three sagas in the series, Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Student Council Saga Blu-ray Collection, will be available October 3, 2017.
Format:   Blu-ray Pre-Book:   10/10/2017 Street Date:   11/7/2017 SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: NZBLU1720 ISBN: 978-1-57032-576-2 UPC: 7-42617-1720-2-1 Runtime: 300 minutes Genre: Drama Age Rating: TV14
Japanese LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3 Disc Count: 3 Case Qty: 30
Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Penguindrum, Yurikuma Arashi)
Anime Production by J.C. Staff (Honey and Clover, Slayers, Toradora!)
The hit anime that inspired the best-selling shojo manga by Chiho Saito that redefined the genre
The Legendary Shojo Anime Series Comes to Blu-ray!   Utena and Anthy have become close during their time as roommates. So when Anthy casually mentions she has a brother, Utena can’t help but feel shocked. She thought she knew Anthy, but the longer she and Anthy are friends, the more she discovers she doesn’t know. What other secrets could Anthy be keeping? However, Utena won’t have time to dwell upon such matters. A new group of duelists has emerged from the shadows. These new challengers wear black rose signets and also seek revolution, but their methods are different than those of Ohtori’s Student Council. They don’t wish to possess Rose Bride. They want to kill her.
Watch the Trailer   The second of 3 sagas in the series, The Black Rose Saga contains episodes 13-24 ofRevolutionary Girl Utena.
Special Features: Animated art gallery, 1997 Utena promo, and  interviews with Utena Director Ikuhara
Comp. Titles: Penguindrum, Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, The Rose of Versailles, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Product specifications and content subject to change.
Format:   Blu-ray Pre-Book:   11/7/2017 Street Date:   12/5/2017 SRP: $79.99 Catalog #: NZBLU1724 ISBN: 978-1-57032-577-9 UPC: 7-42617-1724-2-7 Runtime: 460 minutes Genre: Drama Age Rating: TV14
Japanese LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3 Disc Count: 4 Case Qty: 30
Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Penguindrum, Yurikuma Arashi)
Anime Production by J.C. Staff (Honey and Clover, Slayers, Toradora!)
The hit anime that inspired the best-selling shojo manga by Chiho Saito that redefined the genre
The Legendary Shojo Anime Series Comes to Blu-ray!   As the final duel rapidly approaches, the Student Council’s will to continue is beginning to waver. After all, End of the World’s identity and motives remain a mystery. And Utena, fueled by her desire to protect Anthy, continues to prevail over the feeble ambitions that drive the Student Council to fight. But the Council’s ambitions are reignited when they hear a sound. At first, it’s faint, but soon it becomes clear: The promised revolution is within reach – and the duels must go on. And what of Utena’s own ambition? To become a prince, the duels may be only one of the trials she has yet to face.
Watch the Trailer   The third of 3 sagas in the series, The Apocalypse Saga contains episodes 25-39 of Revolutionary Girl Utena andRevolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie.
Special Features: TV Series extras: Animated art gallery, interviews with Director Kunihiko Ikuhara, interview with actresses Tomoko Kawakami (“Utena”) and Yuriko Fuchizaki (“Anthy”), interviews with the English-language cast, Japanese staff commentary for episodes 37-39, dueling themes karaoke, TV spots, and trailers.  Movie extras: Full-length movie commentary by Director Ikuhara, behind the scenes with the English cast, TV spots, and trailers.
Comp. Titles: Penguindrum, Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, The Rose of Versailles, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Product specifications and content subject to change.
Format:   Blu-ray Pre-Book:   11/7/2017 Street Date:   12/5/2017 SRP: $224.99 Catalog #: NZBLU1728 ISBN: 978-1-57032-584-7 UPC: 7-42617-1728-2-3 Runtime: 1060 minutes Genre: Drama Age Rating: TV14
Japanese LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: TV: 1080p, 4:3 Movie: 1080p, 16:9 Disc Count: 10 Case Qty: TBA
Extremely limited set that will NOT be remade
Includes a special deluxe 20thAnniversary Edition box; a replica Rose Seal ring; a replica Black Rose Seal ring; and a 264-page art book
Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Penguindrum, Yurikuma Arashi)
Anime Production by J.C. Staff (Honey and Clover, Slayers, Toradora!)
The hit anime that inspired the best-selling shojo manga by Chiho Saito that redefined the genre
The Legendary Shojo Anime Series Comes To Blu-ray In A Stunning Complete Collection Featuring All 39 Episodes And The Theatrical Feature!   “Never lose that strength or nobility, even when you grow up.”  When Utena was just a child and in the depths of sorrow, she found salvation in those words. They were the words of a prince, who wrapped her in his rose-scented embrace and bestowed upon her both a ring and the promise that it would lead her to him again. She never forgot the encounter. In fact, she was so impressed that she aspired to be like the prince and also help those in need. Now a spirited teenager, Utena attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. However, her strong sense of chivalry soon places her at odds with the school’s student council and thrusts her into a series of mysterious and dangerous duels against its members.
Watch the Trailer   Contains episodes 1-39 plus the theatrical feature of Revolutionary Girl Utena.   Special Features: Video extras include: clean opening; clean closings; live action video for opening single; TV spot for opening single; promos; trailers; animated art galleries; Japanese staff commentary for episodes 37-39; full-length movie commentary by Director Kunihiko Ikuhara; dueling themes karaoke; behind the scenes of the movie with the English cast; and interviews with Director Kunihiko Ikuhara, Tomoko Kawakami (“Utena”), Yuriko Fuchizaki (“Anthy”), and the English cast.
Physical extras include: a special deluxe 20th Anniversary Edition box; a replica Rose Seal Ring; a replica Black Rose Seal ring; and a 264-page art book featuring: art galleries; episode commentaries by Director Kunihiko Ikuhara; behind-the-scenes stories; liner notes; and interviews with staff including Director Kunihiko Ikuhara, Director Tohru Takahashi, Assistant Director Shingo Kaneko, Art Director Shichiro Kobayashi, Character Designer Shinya Hasegawa, and Conceptual Designer Hiroshi Nagahama.
Note: Extras and Artwork subject to change.
Comp. Titles: Penguindrum, Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, The Rose of Versailles, Puella Magi Madoka Magica Product specifications and content subject to change.
Format:   Blu-ray Pre-Book:   9/5/2017 Street Date:   10/3/2017 SRP: $49.99 Catalog #: NZBLU1716 ISBN: 978-1-57032-575-5 UPC: 7-42617-1716-2-8 Runtime: 300 minutes Genre: Drama Age Rating: TV14
Japanese LPCM Surround, English and Japanese LPCM Stereo Subtitles: English Video: 1080p, 4:3 Disc Count: 3 Case Qty: 30
Directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara (Sailor Moon, Penguindrum, Sweet Blue Flowers)
Anime Production by J.C. Staff (Honey and Clover, Slayers, Toradora!)
Based on the best-selling shojo manga byChiho Saito that redefined the genre
The Legendary Shojo Anime Series Comes to Blu-ray!   “Never lose that strength or nobility, even when you grow up.” When Utena was just a child and in the depths of sorrow, she found salvation in those words. They were the words of a prince, who wrapped her in his rose-scented embrace and bestowed upon her both a ring and the promise that it would lead her to him again. She never forgot the encounter. In fact, she was so impressed that she aspired to be like the prince and also help those in need. Now a spirited teenager, Utena attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. However, her strong sense of chivalry soon places her at odds with the school’s student council and thrusts her into a series of mysterious and dangerous duels against its members.
Watch the Trailer   The first of 3 sagas in the series, The Student Council Saga contains episodes 1-12 of Revolutionary Girl Utena.   Special Features: Clean opening, clean closing 1, live-action video for opening single, TV spot for opening single, and TV spots.   Comp. Titles: Penguindrum, Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, The Rose of Versailles, Puella Magi Madoka Magica Product specifications and content subject to change.
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