#NewBook wattpad romance adventure Inahime Masayasu
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 27: Nightmare
Masayasu walked to where Ina was lying, crouched down beside her and then lay behind her and wrapped an arm around her. He felt her move a little and smile, probably acknowledging that it was him.
Ryouma watched them both in silence, for some reason he had hurt Masayasu's pride, but it was not his intention, he wanted to help the shinobi, he knew nothing about Ieyasu from what he saw, or the shinobi might be dreading for life in that time.
The night began to cold even more, a cold wind came from the east and Ina curled into Masayasu's arms, it took him some time to fall asleep, but he was alert and sleepy, awakened by any noise. But not that night.
A dream began to come into his mind, as if he had drawn out of nowhere, as if he were watching it, he felt as if he were part of it, he was inside the dream, he looked at his hands and saw that it was part of the dream, so real.
He saw Ina beckon to him, calling him somewhere, but then he looked around and could see nothing, only darkness, but when he looked at Ina she was clear to him, as if she had a light of her own.
He could not hear what she was saying, but his lips moved with her hand gesture calling him. She laughed, he did not hear the laughter, but he recognized her face when she laughed. But then when he reached out to touch her, she suddenly disappeared and a total darkness took over.
Masayasu looked everywhere and could not see anything, he tried to look at his hand but saw nothing. His heart began to accelerate, he called for Ina several times, but he did not hear any voice in response.
"Inahime! Inahime!"
Then he tried to walk, but his feet seemed too heavy and each step was slow and painful, but he forced himself to walk, to move on, step by step.
A noise, he looked to the right side, he was sure he recognized that sound. But what was it? Silence enveloped him again, and he walked again with slow, heavy steps. And again the noise. Yes, he knew that sound, it looked like a blade, maybe a katana.
A laugh. He stopped to listen trying to see in the dark, he felt his heart begin to beat harder. He knew this laugh, but...from whom? His mind might have been trying to fool him. No, it was Ieyasu's laugh, he was sure of it.
He looked to the left side and forced his eyes to try to see in the dark, then the sound came toward him and he startled as he felt a katana cross his chest. He looked at his chest, could not see anything, but he felt the cold blade in his flesh, blood spurting, he tried to touch the katana to pull, but he could not pull from his body, he felt an enormous weakness, as if he had no strength against it. Another laugh was Ieyasu's laughter again. Then he felt his whole body weaken and fall.
Masayasu woke up scared, sitting up quickly and putting a hand to his face. Ina awoke with him, sat quickly and hugged him tightly. She felt his breath heavy, she knew he had had some nightmare, it was the first time she had seen him having nightmares, even when he was mortally wounded he had no nightmare at all.
"Hey... I'm here..."
She whispered and felt Masayasu hugging her tightly. He had not a nightmare in years, he did not even remember that terrible feeling. He was trying to calm his heart, Ina could feel it was pounding, she had never seen Masayasu that way. She looked down at his face, her expression heavy with concern, then cupped his face with both hands.
"Sshh...it was just a dream..."
She whispered very softly and her eyes looked into his eyes. She could see something in his eyes, but she did not know what it was, maybe fear, she could not say. She did not know what he was feeling, Masayasu did not usually say what he thought and felt and it was often difficult to know how he was feeling.
She brought her lips close and kissed his lips gently and then looked into his eyes again. Ina can see Masayasu slowly calming down, she began to caress his cheek as she still stared at him. She had felt him move a little while asleep, and had the impression of hearing he had called her name. If this dreadful dream was with her, perhaps it was not the moment to ask what it was.
"It's okay....I'm fine...rest, you need to go back to sleep."
Masayasu spoke in his low and husky voice. But he saw Ina shake her head in negative, still looking into his eyes.
"I'll just lay down when you're okay and lay down with me."
Masayasu lay down pulling Ina to lay down with him and then wrapped his strong arms around her body. Ina laid her head and a hand on his chest. She could feel that he had calmed down. She looked up to see his face, he stared at the stars, she had no idea what his dream was, but this seemed to have stirred up a bit with him.
"Do you want to talk about it? About...your nightmare?"
She asked and Masayasu looked at her silently, maybe he could talk, but she should rest, she was exhausted, he knew it, she needed to recover the energies.
"Let's sleep, we'll talk about this later."
He answered and Ina just nodded. What could she do if he did not want to talk? Anything. He needed to rest, and she hoped he would not have any more nightmares like that.
Ina was silent looking at Masayasu, she was sure there was something bothering him, since they passed through those lost souls it seemed like he was always thinking of something. But what would it be?
"Masayasu-sama...when we were among the lost souls...what did you feel there?"
She could not avoid this question and saw Masayasu looking at her seriously. She can see his blue eyes dull, as if this theme were something on his darkest side of the soul.
Masayasu was silent watching those curious eyes, he knew that at some point she would ask, maybe he should talk, if he wanted to have a life next to her he needed to talk, he needed to talk about himself sometimes, although it was not his nature, but he knew she would be worried.
"I heard what lost souls wanted."
He paused as he saw Ina's eyes widen in surprise. He had not said anything before because he did not want to worry her even more, she already had many worries on this trip: the mission, their relationship, his wound, one more worry would be too much for her.
"What did these souls want, do they want something from you?"
Ina asked, demonstrating a mixture of surprise and concern in her voice. She could not imagine when Masayasu heard something. Maybe that's why he was pushing so hard not to sleep in that place. Her heart squeezed because she said it would be all right, and it was not all right for him, really.
"They told me that my hands are dirty with a lot of blood, blood of people of various social classes, guilty and innocent blood, that I deserved a painful death, and that I should kill Ryouma."
Ina was even more surprised. Her violet eyes were so wide open that Masayasu could tell she had not imagined any of this until he'd said it now.
"Why did not you tell me that? I insisted on staying and said that it would be all right because I felt that these souls would not hurt us, why did not you tell me that they really wanted to hurt you?"
She asked and a faint smile appeared on Masayasu's lips.
"They did not want to hurt you, but to me and Ryouma, but somehow they could not approach him and wanted to use me for it. If you were not there, if you had not stopped me I would have killed him and the souls they would kill me."
Masayasu spoke and Ina's eyes filled with sadness, for some moment he thought she would cry with this news, but to his surprise she just hugged him tightly.
"Do not hide anything from me, I'm by your side whenever you need to. I know you'll never tell me everything, but if something bothers you, tell me, I need to know."
Ina spoke close to Masayasu's ear and he hugged her and smiled a little. It was different to have someone who cares and wants to take care of him, wants to hear how he feels or thinks, hear what bothers him. He never thought he would find someone like her in his life, and he felt really lucky because she was part of his life.
"Okay, I promise I'll try to share more about myself with you. This is not easy for me, Inahime...but I'll try, I do not guarantee it will ever happen, but... I'll try."
Masayasu spoke and Ina's eyes met his and she could finally smile, everything he said brought great sorrow into her heart. He had pains and worries that he did not share with her, perhaps out of pride, perhaps because he always lived that way, but he needed to trust her more.
He smiled a little at her, still looking into her eyes, he saw so much feeling in those eyes, she had so much love for him. He definitely felt happy next to her, as he had never felt before.
"Rest now, Inahime, you said yourself that we're going to wake up early to cross the river, do not sleep too much."
Masayasu said allowing an ironic smile to appear in the corner of his mouth and Ina giggled at his comment.
"True, I have planned and need to fulfill this, I am an onna bugeisha and I will honor my word."
She smiled mischievously at Masayasu. He could see that she was able to let the mood light after a conversation about a topic like death, she was definitely his light, she could leave any bad moment good.
The morning came fresh, the sun was still pale in the sky, it was rising timidly. There was a gentle breeze, the wind kept coming from the east, but it was a pleasant wind and a timid morning. But Masayasu had already woken up and was watching Inahime sleeping in his arms.
For a few minutes he thought how she could quietly sleep outdoors. Maybe she trusted him so much that she was not afraid to sleep, he appreciated the way she trusted him, it was a blind trust, so he needed to share more of his thoughts with her, it was the only way to reciprocate such confidence in him.
The birds began to sing, Masayasu could hear that they had a nest nearby, perhaps in some tree near the place where they lay. He looked around and saw Ryouma in the river. He had woken up early too, again he remembered his silent gestures last night and frowned over it.
He felt Ina move a little, he quickly looked at her and saw she slowly open her eyes, Ina raised her face to meet Masayasu's eyes and smiled at him, as if that morning was the best morning of her life. Her smile was tender, caressed by him. Her eyes glittered at her face.
"Good morning, Masayasu-sama..." she whispered.
"Good morning, Inahime..."
Masayasu spoke in his low and rather husky voice. Ina liked to hear his voice, especially when she woke up and remembered that she was asleep in the open air, under a sheet of stars. She sat up and ran her hand through her hair to tie again, since her hair was messy.
Masayasu sat down and watched her tie her hair, her great ability for this, without look in the mirror. She looked at him as she tied her hair and smiled gently.
"Let me tie your hair too, are messed up."
Ina spoke and quickly knelt down and went behind Masayasu and began to run her hand through his hair and dropped his hair. She put the rope to her lips and then began to slide her fingers through his black and soft hair. He felt her fingers and it was a good feeling. He could stay like this for hours, it was reassuring.
"Good Morning!"
Ryouma appeared from the river with a fish in his hands, he saw Ina skillfully tie Masayasu's hair.
"Good Morning!"
She replied with a cheerful smile. He realized that Masayasu did not respond, but only to win a cheerful smile of Ina he was satisfied.
But his eyes met Masayasu's and he noticed his cold gaze on him. For some reason after the last conversation their relationship had taken a step back. Ryouma sighed and went to make a bonfire to roast the fish.
"Breakfast will be coming soon, and then we'll face the cold waters of this river!"
He spoke cheerfully, crouched down in front of the bonfire and then he looked towards Ina and Masayasu and witnessed a scene of affection between them, he saw Ina wrapped her arms around Masayasu's neck behind him and kissed her cheek. He can see the shinobi touch her arms with both hands and smile. It was a smile full of affection and there was happiness there, he had never seen Masayasu like that. Ina really was the one to touch her heart.
Seeing Ina and Masayasu in this way made Ryouma think what might happen during this mission, he knew that Ina had been sent to this mission to get information about the possible betrayal of the Sanada clan, how would she act with the clan? Is she going to seduce someone to get information? What will Masayasu think of this?
He did not know how she would act, but it was likely to be using her beauty and charm, since Ieyasu chose a woman for this mission. Had Masayasu already thought about that? Does he think about it? He wanted to see them together, but did Masayasu fully trust Ina, just as she trusts him? This came into his mind at that moment, the mission would begin, and what would their relationship look like?
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lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 26: The relationship between shinobi and night
After finally eating, Ryouma stepped away from the couple and went to lay down on the grass by the bonfire. The sound of the burning fire was almost hypnotic for him to fall asleep after filling his belly with fish.
The night was starting to get darker and the sky filled with bright stars. The moon was crescent moon, leaving the sky more beautiful that night. Maybe that night was more beautiful because finally Ina and Masayasu were coming to Ueda, or maybe because it was the first time they had a really quiet night since they left Okizaki's Castle.
Ina lay on the grass, still on the bank of the river, and stared at those bright stars. The wind was soft that night, but it was cold, perhaps because they were so close to the river. The sound of the river was something that could simply hypnotize, or cause someone to meditate in a few seconds.
She turned her face to Masayasu's side, he was still sitting next to her, watching around, always on alert. She could see his blue eyes searching for any trace or trace of anyone nearby, especially on the other coast, he did not want the enemy to see them before they reached the other coast.
"Why did you choose your shinobi, Masayasu-sama?"
Ina asked and Masayasu looked at her with a small smile on his lips. She could see that the night was his ally, he seemed to have a calmer countenance now at night, perhaps he would rely heavily on his own abilities to the point of preferring the night.
"I did not choose. I was chosen, Inahime."
He answered and saw an incomprehensible expression on Ina. He laughed a little and looked up at the sky. Some stars seemed brighter than others. He took a deep breath as if he wanted to feel more fresh air in his lungs.
"I lost my parents when I was 6. I was the son of peasants."
He looked at her face to check her reaction, but she did not look surprised.
"A group of looters entered the houses at night and killed the men and raped some women and then killed them. The children they wanted to sell as slaves or for brothels. But then a man dressed in black appeared and alone he killed all the looters."
He was talking now looking at the river. Ina sat up quickly and touched his arm. Masayasu looked at her and could see her eyes filled with sadness at the loss of so many innocent lives.
"I know....Then this man approached me and saw me try to injure a looter with a knife. He said he would take me with him, so I came to Koga shinobi school and I was quickly accepted and started to train, this man became my master."
As he spoke softly, Ina could not stop looking into his eyes, thinking that he had never had a long life outside of the shinobi rules. It was not so different from her, if she was going to think about it.
"I trained and became one of the most remarkable shinobi in the school. I got many important missions. And now I'm here with you."
He realized that Ina had a serious countenance, but he could still see affection in her violet eyes, and he knew that this was the representation of her feeling for him, there was sadness, concern, but affection. He knew she cared about him.
"I do not remember my parents, do not worry. My master was a good father."
He touched Ina's face gently and began to caress her cheek with his thumb. She closed her eyes and he smiled a little. So beautiful...he knew nothing about her, was just hanging out with her and trying to learn more about her, her personality and ideas.
"When did you lose your parents?"
He asked and saw Ina's eyes slowly open, her eyelashes lifting and her soft eyes looking up at him.
"My mother died when I was 4, I vaguely remember her, I remember some songs that she sang to me."
She smiled as she spoke about it, Masayasu watched her eyes seem to search for memories, she looked up to meet his eyes.
"My father died in the last year, was sick and died sleeping."
She paused, Masayasu saw her eyes shine as if at that moment she was going to show some weakness, as if tears were springing from her eyes.
Ina did not want to cry, she did not want to cry in front of Masayasu, but she missed her father. She always tried to remember him, his teachings, his words of comfort and wisdom, but she missed his presence, Ieyasu was a good father, but he was not like her real father, Tadakatsu Honda.
Her eyes met Masayasu's eyes again and she realized that he was watching her closely, studying, or trying to learn or understand more about her. She touched his face with her hand and smiled fondly.
"Ieyasu-dono has been a good father, do not worry."
Masayasu touched her back and pulled Ina close to his body, wrapping his arm around her tightly. She was a bit surprised by his gesture, but she could understand what it meant by that, that she was not alone, that she had him.
Ina hugged Masayasu heavily and laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. The sound of the river, Masayasu' soft breathing, the cold night, all together could take hold of her heart and transform her sadness into joy. She should no longer cry, she lost a father, but she won a wonderful bodyguard, a companion...a love, a lover.
Masayasu could hear the sound of Ina's breathing, how long would they have to be together on this trip? The correct thing would be to do the mission and return, but did Ina think it took some time? Maybe for the two of them to spend more time together...He knew that returning to the castle would be nothing like now. They could not be affectionate like now.
He felt her touch on his nape and caress softly. Every touch of her aroused more of his feeling for her. He never thought he would find love in the arms of a hime, nor in the arms of an onna bugeisha. He smiled at the thought of it, it was ironic to think that a shinobi achieved something few would achieve, even a Daimyo.
He turned his face to her and found her violet eyes, soft as the breeze of that night, bright as stars, staring at him. Her eyes were gentle and there was so much purity, a purity he never should, a shinobi is a being corrupted by darkness, death, and destruction. And now he stood before someone as pure as light.
Masayasu approached his face slowly, looking into Ina's eyes, but he saw her close her eyes and then he kissed her lips gently. She corresponded the kiss, it was a romantic night, or she thought so, if it was up to her she would have been kissing Masayasu all night.
His tongue slid into Ina's lips, finding her tongue for a sensual dance. Their kisses grew more intense and deep. He could feel her grip on his kimono and a soft moan escaped her lips.
The kiss lasted for a while until their lips slowly moved away and they opened their eyes and looked at each other. Ina had bright eyes and a mysterious smile appeared on her face. Masayasu did not quite know how to decipher that smile, maybe because he'd never seen her smile that way, but then he knew what it was when her lips came up to his neck and she gave him a kiss and a soft bite.
Masayasu felt his whole body react to Ina's gesture. No, now he was sure she had power over him, he could not lose control of his body. But that tension between them, the kisses, the desires...he knew she felt desires, just like him, it was natural, especially because they were in love with each other.
Masayasu looked at Ina and met her eyes, if they had a little more privacy, but that was not the time, and she knew it too, he could tell in her eyes.
Ina cupped Masayasu's face and brought her face down to kiss his lips and then nibbled his bottom lips with sensuality. She knew she should stop, and she had to stop, or she and Masayasu could not control themselves.
She slowly pulled away from him and looked into his blue eyes, she can see a warm glow in his eyes, she can see desire in those eyes, then she smiled a little. There was a bit of embarrassment, but not for her gesture, but for remembering that they were not alone.
"I'm going to lay down, do not stay up all night, you need to rest, tomorrow we'll cross the river early, and I promise we'll have a moment just ours soon..."
Masayasu looked at Ina's lips as she spoke, and then her blue eyes met hers. She wanted to continue another time, he would wait for this moment, and he really wished it were soon. And he knew he did not have to say anything, she knew about his wishes, it was impossible that she had not noticed.
He touched his thumb to her lips and made the outline of her heart-shaped lips, and finally he felt her kiss on his thumb. He smiled at her, her gestures charming and sensual. They were soft and hot at the same time, she always surprised him.
"Rest...Inahime...I'm going to lay down next to you soon."
He spoke in his low and hoarse voice, but softly, almost in a whisper. Ina took his hand and kissed the palm of his hand and then stood up.
Masayasu followed with her eyes to rise and walk away towards the bonfire. He watched her walk, she walked with pride and elegance, he liked her posture, in fact there was nothing he had not liked in her until now. He was in love, his heart was weak for her, but he would be strong for her, always!
Masayasu saw Ina lying down, she must be cold, that night would be cold, they should have taken a blanket for travel or something to cover themselves, but if they took many things they could get attention of looters, he was sure she thought of that .
He turned his face to the sky to look at the stars, the night was always his only companion, but now he had Ina on his side, someone to trust, to share thoughts and feelings. He was not a man to show feelings, but perhaps learned from her, although young, she was already teaching the true meaning of love to him, he was sure he had much to learn from her.
The sky was really beautiful, Masayasu liked to see the stars and seldom had a quiet time for it. But he could not complain about it, he could not complain at all, this was the life he chose to have, to follow life like a shinobi, until death takes him.
Masayasu put his hand over the wound and made an expression of pain, he always felt pain a little, but did not want to worry Ina even more, he knew that any demonstration of pain she would be worried again. He was not lying to her, just avoiding more worry.
He opened the kimono a little and looked at the wound, it was all right, it was not bleeding, but there was a little pain, nothing in exaggeration, maybe it was the cold near the river or just the tiring trip all day, but he had sure he'd be better after some more rest.
"Are you in pain?"
Masayasu startled the question he heard and looked to the side and saw Ryouma sitting next to him. His blue eyes widened, Ryouma had made no sound and worse, how could he erase his presence? He was confused. Ryouma noticed the confusion in his eyes and then smiled proudly.
"You are not the only one who has the ability to erase the presence or vanish in the shadows my dear shinobi." he winked at him.
Masayasu snorted and closed the kimono. He did not answer Ryouma's question, he was silent and looked at the river, as if he had said that he wanted to be alone.
"Handsome...I just want to help. You love Milady, right?"
Ryouma asked and saw that Masayasu immediately looked at him, but with a cold, indecipherable look. He definitely had no obligation to talk about it with him. Ryouma noticed this and shrugged and continued to speak.
"I know you love her, and she loves you too. Take care, if you feel pain, tell her, she will not be angry or upset with you, she's over it."
He smiled a little and then looked at the river and took a deep breath, as if he wanted to smell the water. Masayasu frowned, Ryouma did not have to say what he had to do to Ina. He made to stand up, but sat down when he heard Ryouma continue to speak.
"You do not know Ieyasu-dono well, right?"
He looked at Masayasu and saw his eyes fixed on him, still without emotion.
"He is not an easy man, and Milady is his favorite daughter. If you wish to have her by your side find a way to conquer Ieyasu-dono, you will need to conquer him to have her as your. She loves you and will do everything to continue with you, but at some point you will have to face the temper of Ieyasu-dono."
Masayasu was silent, this Ryouma was right, he could not avoid Ieyasu for long, at some point he would have to tell him about his feelings for his daughter. But he imagined Ieyasu's reaction, maybe he was dismissed, or maybe imprisoned.
He looked at Ina and her soft breath, he knew she was asleep, she seemed to fall asleep fast when she was very tired, he had already gotten used to her way. Ryouma saw that Masayasu was looking at Ina so he looked at her and then at him again.
"He will not accept you, and I'm sure you and Milady know that, but find a way to conquer him. I heard you tell her that you're the peasants' son, do not tell him that, never! You're a shinobi, that's your social class."
Ryouma spoke and saw Masayasu looking at him with serious expression. For a few minutes Masayasu questioned Ryouma's intentions, he even heard his conversation with Ina, and it annoyed him a little, but he would not show it to someone he did not trust.
"What else did you hear from my conversation with Inahime?"
He asked abruptly. Ryouma realized that the tone of his voice came out sharply, as if he could only kill with his voice.
"Some parts, I was sleepy, but I did not hear everything, and even if I had heard I would not say anything, do not worry."
Masayasu smiled wryly and shook his head in negative as he stood up.
"If I know you're listening to my conversations with her again, I'll cut your throat, damn mercenary!"
His voice came out dry and cruel, his blue eyes had a deadly coldness, and Ryouma knew at that moment that his words were real, that he would die only by hearing a conversation of the two unwittingly.
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 25: Classmate
Ina pulled away from Masayasu, but still continued to look at his face, he seemed calmer now, she could feel all the tension in his heart. How did she get it? She could not tell.
She smiled warmly at him, realizing that he had stopped cleaning the fish to look at her for some time. But his moment of peace was hampered by Ryouma who approached with another fish.
"Hey! Sorry to mess up the lovebirds, but I'm starving!"
Ryouma sat on the floor and took a knife from somewhere in Ina's clothes that she did not identify and began cleaning the fish. Sometimes Ryouma looked really strange.
"I will not disturb you."
Ina smiled at them both and got up quickly and went to get a cloth in her trunk, leaning against a branch lying on the ground.
Masayasu observed her, he was still attending to the place and did not want to lose her sight, but when he saw the white cloth in her hand he deduced that she would wash the river. He watched her walk elegantly down to the river. Ryouma looked at him and laughed.
"You need to disguise her enchantment for her, make it perceptible, even if you do not say anything." he mocked.
Masayasu glared at Ryouma, studying that annoying smile on his lips. Sometimes he wanted to get that smile off his face somehow.
"Work and stop talking."
Masayasu replied and wiped the fish again, but for a few seconds looked at Ina kneeling on the bank of the river, wetting the cloth and running it across her face and then through in her neck and nape.
Ina was kneeling before the river, wetting the cloth and passing through her face, then did the same with the cloth, watering and passing on the neck and nape. The sound of the river soothed her heart. Finally she can see little of that landscape.
The river was wide, she looked both ways and then forward, if they would have to cross a horse for some shallow, she would not know where it would be. The water seemed strong but the atmosphere was quiet. She could see a bamboo forest on the other side of the river. If they had crossed earlier they might have slept through the bamboos, but that was just an idea.
Her eyes traced the immensity of that river, now the night seemed to have black waters, if that destroyed village wherever they went was here this would be a rather frightened environment with those lost souls and the dark river at night. But the sound of wind and the waters made the environment pleasant, and she could still hear the sound of the flames of the fire.
She wet the cloth in the river and looked at its waters. She wanted a shower, that was true, but those waters were strong and Ryouma was present, she could not do that with him around. She twisted the cloth and stepped inside the hakama to reach her back and shoulders. Then she made the same gesture to cleanse her chest and breasts.
Then she saw Masayasu sit next to her. He was extremely silent and despite the grass everywhere, she did not hear him approaching. She stared at him and then smiled warmly.
Masayasu rested his elbows on his thighs and looked toward the bamboo forest on the other side of the riverbank. Ina continued to wash herself using the cloth.
"I've been thinking on our mission in Ueda."
Masayasu started talking and caught Ina's attention, who immediately looked at him. He looked serious, his blue eyes looked bright from that night, or maybe it was just beautiful to see him staring up at the horizon with those beautiful blue eyes.
"What's bothering you?"
Ina asked and Masayasu turned his face to her side, meeting her violet eyes, he saw concern in her eyes now.
"Remember I asked you if you knew the Sanada clan?"
Masayasu said and Ina just nodded softly. Masayasu was silent for some time, seeming to organize the ideas to say it to her.
"They have a shinobi working for them. Actually I do not know if there's any more, but one I'm sure."
Masayasu saw Ina's eyebrows rise with a certain surprise, he immediately realized that he should exclaim as he knew about it.
"Sasuke Sarutobi was my colleague in Koga, we did not have the same master, but we had a lot of training together, I know some of his skills and he knows some of my skills."
Masayasu's eyes continued to show no emotion, it was as if he had simply made an unimportant declaration, but he knew that his words mattered to this mission, the presence of someone he knew had a great weight in that mission.
"I will not be able to walk with you through the village, he would recognize me. Unfortunately I will have to walk hidden."
He could see in Ina's eyes a great surprise, and also a great disappointment, maybe she had already planned something that included him. Or she just felt more confident about having his presence.
"Oh, that changes a lot, Masayasu-sama."
Ina sat next to him and looked toward the bamboo forest and was silent for a few seconds, then she looked at Masayasu demonstrating disappointment in her eyes.
"Then I'll have to figure out how to get into the castle or have access to someone there alone. Maybe you can get into the castle at night, but...I'm worried about having a clever shinobi around. Do you think he's capable of mistrusting me? And would not it be dangerous for you to enter the castle with him present?"
Masayasu stared at Ina silently thinking over her two questions. Having another shinobi around was dangerous, Sasuke could distrust spies quickly. He remembered Sasuke very well, was very perceptive and agile, maybe distrusting Ina, she would have to interpret a character convincingly.
"Well, for both of these questions the answer is yes. You can keep your idea about Chie, a traveler who works with your father selling kimono, came looking for different fabrics in the company of your cousin, but your cousin will not be me but Ryouma."
He glanced at Ryouma and watched him bake the fish carefully. Masayasu sighed with his own idea, he did not want to involve that man, he still did not trust Ryouma, but if Ina trusted him he should use Ryouma for something useful on the mission.
Ina was a bit surprised, but as she looked at Ryouma and then at Masayasu she resorted to the idea that it would be the best way to keep a disguise.
"He's going to be Ryu, take him with you to all possible places. I'll be around, but hidden, never seen by anyone."
Masayasu spoke looking at Ina, it was a good idea, so she would not be alone, would not draw attention to being a young girl alone, she would always have her cousin around.
"I'll still be Otsu, when we get to the Inn I'll pretend I'm sick, so I'll have the excuse of staying in the room and not wanting to be bothered. But I go with you, no matter where you go, even if you do not see me I'm going to be with you, Inahime "
He spoke in a serious tone and Ina reached for his hand and touched it, squeezing heavily. Her violet eyes fixed on his blue eyes, she showed affection for him.
"I know, I trust you and your plan."
She spoke, getting a faint smile proud of him. But before she could say anything else, Ryouma appeared to be holding the fish and sitting down with their so everyone could eat.
Ina and Masayasu both looked at him at the same time and Ryouma smiled at them both, taking a piece of the fish with his hand to eat.
"Can I be part of the conversation? I heard that I'm going to be part of the mission."
He said, while eating a piece of the fish, savoring the sensation of something warm, near the river the night seemed a little cold, and eating a roasted fish was pleasant at that very moment.
"Masayasu-sama knows the shinobi who works for the Sanada clan, I can not walk with him through the village, so you will be my cousin Ryu. Miko and her husband are the only ones who know that I was traveling with my cousin and a friend to Ueda we will keep this, but you will be my cousin."
Ina took a piece of the fish and brought it to her lips, the taste was great, even more so after a day almost all without eating, where a simple apple only ended the hunger in the few minutes after being devoured, the fish was more than delicious now.
"I want you to accompany her everywhere, do not leave her alone. We do not know how the clan information network works, but I imagine a new face in the village will get everyone's attention and the matter will reach the castle."
Masayasu said looking at Ryouma, who seemed to pay attention to the plan as he ate.
"Where are you going?" Ryouma asked.
"I'm going to be close, but hidden. I can not be seen or recognized. For all I'll be in the sick Inn's room."
Masayasu spoke in a firm tone a little dry, while facing Ryouma, he hoped that the mercenary did not make any mistake, it would not be difficult to remain as Ina's cousin, he just needed to accompany her.
"Do not make mistakes, you owe it to her and me!" Masayasu spoke dryly.
A whistle came from Ryouma's lips and he shrugged, looking at Masayasu with an innocent expression.
"Okay, do not worry, I will not cause problems for Milady's mission and neither will yours, handsome!"
He smiled wryly and Ina stared at him seriously.
"I hope that, if I fail, Masayasu-sama can be fired and I'll be locked in that Mikawa's castle. Or worse, the Sanada clan can find us and kill us."
"I know, Milady, I am with you. After having hidden from you that I was a spy from your father I do not want to cause any more problems and as proof of this I will do what you tell me. If you need I can help the dear shinobi to enter the castle at night."
Ryouma smiled mysteriously and Ina raised an eyebrow, for some reason she did not like that phrase along with that smile.
"I can seduce some maid from the castle and get information from the inside. Changing shifts between guards, if there are many alert guards, how many there are, I can do it all. Although the shinobi here is the handsome one I know he would not do that to any maid, even more with you present, Milady."
A naughty smile sprang to Ryouma's lips and Masayasu stared at him coolly, his coolness so great that his gaze seemed colder than that night. Ryouma saw his blue eyes opaque as ice.
"I would not do it at all, with or without Inahime around!"
His voice snapped and Ryouma shivered just to hear that Masayasu's voice, so he understood that he did not submit this kind of work for a shinobi, although he knew it was too common for a shinobi to seduce and get information.
"Okay, handsome, without freezing me with your eyes, I'm already cold. I understand that you do not do this kind of work, but I do, and I can get information for you."
He smiled proudly and looked at Ina and then as he looked at Masayasu his proud smile vanished, the shinobi was still looking at him coolly.
Masayasu stared at Ryouma for some time coldly, he did not know if that was a good idea. Having a stranger looking to know about the castle was suspect. He knew Sasuke, he could know this information, Ryouma's presence would reach his ears quickly.
"How do you intend to do that? That's suspicious." Masayasu said.
"No, because I'm not going to ask one question after another, I'm just going to say that I want to see her more often and I need to know how to enter the castle without discovering that I want to see her, or that it can cause problems for her."
Ryouma replied and Masayasu thought it was a plausible answer. He nodded at that answer and took a piece of the fish, now without looking at Ryouma. But that was still suspect, Ryouma needed to be more careful if he did not want to be arrested by the Sanada clan or killed by Sasuke.
"So each one has your initial function. I want to investigate the village first, talk to people, maybe make friends, so I get information. Ryouma looks for information on how to enter the castle, and Masayasu-sama will wait for both information to enter the castle safely. "
Ina spoke with a confident smile and then remembered something and looked immediately at Ryouma. Sasuke. She could not forget him. That would be the biggest problem in this mission!
"Be careful with Sasuke Sarutobi, Masayasu-sama is the only one who knows him, he must signal us who he is, but until that moment comes, be careful. He is a shinobi and may be watching you too."
Ina spoke in a serious tone, watching Ryouma eat the fish as a carefree expression. He seemed to never take anything that was taken seriously, sometimes she understood why Masayasu was in a bad mood with him.
"Okay, Milady, I'll be careful."
He looked up to meet hers and a charming smile appeared as he winked at her.
"But what about being eat first now?"
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 24: Great revelations
Ina thought sadly that all this time she had trusted Ryouma, but she must have suspected that he might not want to steal, but maybe it was worse. So many times she heard that there were bands that kidnapped women and sold to a brothel. This was terrible, but if he were that kind of man he would have to fight her, and she was prepared to commit seppuku before being taken to such a place.
This time she would not hold Masayasu, she could not, if Ryouma had betrayed their trust there would be nothing for her to do, except to let Masayasu kill him. She knew he wanted this from the start, she looked at Masayasu and then back at Ryouma.
She looked into those bright eyes, Ryouma hid something, and he hid it well all this time. What would it be? She looked around to see if more men would appear, but she heard no other sound but just the river.
"So you're going to betray us?"
Masayasu asked huskily. His gaze was cold on Ryouma, his face never deceived him, from the first moment he knew there were secrets, he always smelled of betrayal.
Ryouma let out an ironic laugh and opened his arms and looked around quickly, then at Masayasu and Ina. He seemed to be showing his true face now, Ina could see that.
"How do you see we're alone. And Milady...or should I call you Inahime?"
His eyes fixed on the beautiful face of the young girl, who opened her eyes wide. Masayasu had not called her from Inahime at any point in the journey, how did Ryouma know her name? Not! He was a spy! Of the Sanada Clan? Maybe!
Masayasu frowned immediately and looked at Ryouma more coldly, Ina could feel his hand cold like death. She could tell he was ready to kill, and she knew he would if he had to. Depending on what Ryouma will say now, surely Masayasu would not give him another chance, and she had to accept his decision, after all, betrayal was not something she approved of in any way.
"I know you will consider this betrayal." Ryouma shrugged and sighed, putting his hand on his forehead. "I already knew who you two were since I joined you."
Ryouma saw Masayasu take a step forward and then he smiled wryly.
"Who are you, damn you?" Masayasu growled. He would not let that man cheat again, play with him and Ina.
"Calm down, dear shinobi, I know you were right to mistrust me, but I really did not want all of this to go that way."
He looked at Ina and saw that she was not disappointed, maybe she had suspected him after last night, he was not sure, but he needed to explain everything fast or the shinobi would kill him.
"Ieyasu-dono hired me to be your guide... He always hires me to get information for him. I've been working for him for some time, Milady." he can see her surprised eyes. "He hired me to report on the trip, he was worried about you."
"What?" Ina frowned at Ryouma. Did not her father trust her? Was that it? Report the trip? She could do it when she came back!
Ryouma quickly looked at Masayasu before the shinobi could think Ieyasu did not trust him or trust his skills.
"I must add that has not to do with confidence. He just did not want you having problems with bandits and as I know they all have that facilitate finding ways not to deal with it."
He put a hand on the back of his neck and before Masayasu spoke, he made a gesture with his hand for him to wait a little.
"I just did not expect us to be attacked in the forest, but... how can you see or brought you down a path where we have no more problems with attacks!" He smiled proudly.
Ina was understanding the subject, Ryouma had been hired for her father to be their guide, but why did not he just say that before? That would have prevented so much misunderstanding and mistrust.
"Why did not you say anything about it? Is there anything else you're not saying? Report the trip? Or report what happens to me?"
Ina asked in a serious tone and Masayasu looked at her. She was distrusting of Ryouma hiding anything more about the service he did to her father. She knew Ieyasu better, maybe she knew what he might be hiding.
Ryouma looked directly into Inahime's eyes and a faint smile appeared on his lips, she knew her father well he even imagined what she might be thinking. As Ieyasu said, he should be careful because both Ina and Masayasu were intelligent and could realize his mission if he did not have a convincing story.
"Yes, I have a mission to report everything that happens to you, Milady, and I see many things have happened between you and the handsome man, but...."
He paused and put his hands on his hips and met Masayasu's blue eyes and smiled friendly at him, as if the shinobi was a close friend of his.
"I'm not going to say anything about the two of you. I'm going to pretend I do not know anything, it's not fair, and I see you two really love each other."
He smiled at Masayasu again, though the shinobi stared at him coolly, not moving a muscle of his face, and then he looked at Ina and saw a cheerful smile on her lips and eyes bright with happiness. He thought he'd done the right thing, open up with them and talk about his mission, he could see that it took weight from Ina's heart and that made him smile.
"I could not follow you on this mission without saying that I was here as your father's spy. I liked you, Milady and my dear shinobi, I do not want to misunderstand you."
He shrugged, then smiled charmingly. Masayasu looked at him seriously. He was not sure if he could trust Ryouma's words, now that he knew he worked for Ieyasu he had his life in hand, he could just tell what happened between him and Ina and he would surely be dead.
Masayasu squeezed Ina's hand a little and she immediately looked at him, meeting his blue eyes. She saw that he still did not trust Ryouma, and she understood the reason immediately. Her father. If he had known about the two, he could kill Masayasu.
"Can we talk to each other alone, Inahime?" He asked and then saw Ryouma smile at them.
"I promised fish for tonight. I'll do a bonfire and catch the fish while you talk."
Ryouma bowed exaggeratedly and pointed toward the river, then turned and walked away from the couple, fetching fallen branches to prepare a fire. Masayasu stared at him and waited for him to push away as much as he could not possibly hear.
His blue eyes met Ina's violet eyes, though he did not usually show how he actually thought or felt through his gaze, she could see the worry growing.
"I do not know if I can trust him. He has my life in his hands. As shinobi I need to kill him."
He spoke in a low tone and Ina smiled softly as she touched Masayasu's face with affection. She knew that this would be the subject of the conversation and needed to find the right words for him to believe that he would be all right.
"No. He will not betray our trust again. He will not do it. If he knows my father knows what he would do to you, he will not say anything about us..."
Her voice was filled with affection, she did not want Masayasu to think he was at a disadvantage, that was not true, and she knew it was terrible for a shinobi. She released Haku's reins and cupped Masayasu's face with both hands.
"Look at my eyes..."
She asked and quickly Masayasu looked into her eyes, he saw that she was calm, confident that Ryouma would not do anything against him. He did not understand how she could trust Ryouma after he'd said he was working for her father all along. He could say anything about the trip, about them.
"You trust me, right?" Ina asked.
"You're the only person I trust in this life." he replied.
An enlightened smile appeared on Ina's lips and she brought her face close to his and kissed his lips gently, closing her eyes slowly. Masayasu was already missing her lips....of her kisses...He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to his body and gave a soft kiss to her lips, and another kiss.
Ina smiled after the kiss and opened her eyes slowly and let their gaze meet softly.
"Then believe me, he will not do anything. He really likes you and me. I'm sure he wants to win our friendship, so he decided to tell the truth."
She spoke softly, Masayasu watched her lips move as she spoke, he could not relax, he could not stop thinking about it, it was his nature as shinobi.
"I will not let anything bad happen to you, Masayasu-sama...the life brought you to me, I will not lose you to death. I am with you, today, tomorrow and forever..."
Ina whispered and then a warm smile covered her lips in a way that made Masayasu's heart beat a little louder. She knew how to awaken every feeling in him. She knew how to show the way of love and passion. He always wanted to be by her side, no matter how.
Masayasu trusted Ina, but he still did not trust Ryouma, and maybe he would never trust, but for now he would accept Ina's words, his focus was on the mission they would have when he came to Ueda.
He touched her face with the back of his hand and rubbed his hand a few times on her cheek as he looked into her eyes, she looked fine with it, but he did not, he wished he was with her, but he feared dying for it.
This was the first time he'd felt happy in years, he did not want to lose it to death, he wanted more time with her, to enjoy moments that he never had. She was provided moments he never had in his life, as shinobi could not love, it could weaken his heart. But she did not weaken him, she gave strength to his heart, a desire to live to be with her.
But for all the desire he felt to be with her, they needed to avoid showing their feelings for each other in front of strangers, although Ina had done that, she always expected them to be alone, or in front of Ryouma, as if she did not care with his opinion. Maybe she was right.
"When we get to Ueda we will keep our disguises and be careful not to distrust us. I do not want anything to reach your father's ears, not before we plan something."
Masayasu continued to rub Ina's cheek and smiled a little at her as he watched her nod with a tender smile. She was so sweet and careful with him that many times he wondered if he deserved it.
He turned away looking at her, so many revelations today and so much to think about. He took a few steps back still without losing her eyes, and then took the Haku and Mako's reins and pulled them both close to what would be their camp, where Ryouma had made a bonfire.
Ina looked at Masayasu, she knew that he feared dying, but she would not let her father touch him, he was not to blame for falling in love with her, no one can avoid it, it's something that happens to the heart and it happened between them.
Ina looked at Ryouma inside the river, he had pulled his pants up to his knee and was in a part that looked shallow, he was leaning down watching something in the water, she figured it was a fish.
And in a heartbeat she saw that they quickly grab something in the water with their hands and lead to show a fish. He was skilled at it, as he'd said. Maybe he had many hidden abilities. Would he be trusted to be a part of this mission?
She saw Ryouma coming out of the river and approaching Masayasu, who was crouched beside the bonfire preparing a steak for the fish. Ryouma seemed proud to show his fish to Masayasu, who looked at him without showing any emotion. Ryouma just laughed at his lack of expression and handed the fish to Masayasu to clean.
Ina smiled a little at the scene, it seemed a friendly moment if she did not see Masayasu's mistrust. Even though she had known him a few days ago she had realized that he would never trust Ryouma, today his words confirmed this when he said she was the only person he trusted. She needed to think of a way to avoid misunderstanding or mistrust, she needed to avoid Masayasu's bad mood.
She silently approached Masayasu and saw that he had a kunai wiping the fish on a rock. He lifted his gaze as she approached, his fringe falling a little over his face. She came up behind him and knelt behind him.
Masayasu was thinking about what she intended with it, then looked over his shoulder and she put his fringe behind his ear so as not to bother while he cleaned the fish. Her eyes were filled with affection for him, he could see that. He watched as she wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug.
He could feel her strong hold from behind, she wanted to comfort him anyway, he knew the reason and knew she would be worried about him if he did not better his expression. Maybe he was in a bad mood again.
Ina brought her lips to his ear and Masayasu could feel her warm breath, that made his eyes wish to close, but he should not, he had to keep alert, but he could feel her lips next to his ear and her soft voice.
"I am yours, forever....never forget this...no matter the obstacles, I am yours...."
Masayasu heard that whisper and he smiled. It was a small but gentle smile. Her words seemed to have touched where she wanted to touch, in his heart. She was his, no matter the obstacles. And that was all he needed to know.
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 23: Traitor
Ina realized that as the three of them rode toward the path that led to the river, time and time Masayasu looked at her again. He must have sensed her concern or sadness amidst her thoughts of freedom. A freedom she did not quite have.
She wanted to sit with him and really talk about how she felt, but that was not right to do, he did not have to know she felt stuck to so many rules, maybe he knew, since he himself said he already protected other princesses.
Her eyes wandered over the plain, this mission was the best thing that ever happened to her. Her eyes darted across the horizon, and then they found Masayasu's face riding beside him. Now even better because she had HIM. She smiled fondly.
Her heart pounded so hard in his presence. She who always thought she would never know love. Intended to marry a man she does not love, she was now experiencing feelings she had never thought to feel. She wanted to experience all the feelings of love and desire beside him, as much as she could, after all she did not know what the future would be like. The future was uncertain.
The day had a strong sun, Ina wore a chip hat not to burn her skin, but it was not hot, it was cool, with a gentle wind touching her face from time to time. That trip had already had so many events, she was sure many others would come.
Masayasu looked at her and met her violet eyes. She looked serious, maybe she was thinking about her mission, or maybe thinking about them. Some moments he had been thinking of them, after all...What would they be after he returned to the castle? He knew, it was a forbidden love, impossible to exist. Their classes were different, her father would not let her stay with him.
He began to wonder if Ina had plans or ideas for it, all his ideas were risky, but if she really wanted to be by his side he would risk for her.
Masayasu was taken out of his thoughts when he heard Ina's voice calling for him. He was silent looking at her, waiting for her to say what she wanted.
"I know what you're thinking, I'm trying to find solutions or even ideas for it, it's not that easy..."
Ina stared into his blue eyes. She knew he was thinking about their relationship. She felt her heart tighten as she thought about it.
"When we get to Inn I'll talk about my ideas."
She smiled warmly, trying to reassure him. She knew he must be worried, because the one who would lose the most would be him. He could be fired or... worse...
"I'll wait for this moment, because my ideas should not be better than yours, you know him better than I do."
Masayasu spoke still looking at Ina. They had a mission, but their minds also had this concern, after all they did not think they would fall in love, but it happened and they have to deal with the consequences of it. Hard consequences, because he was sure that even Ina bringing ideas to a conversation, nothing would be easy for them.
The trip continued at the same pace, the three rode in silence most of the time, only Ryouma who sometimes sang some music unknown to the other two. The sun began to get stronger, Masayasu realized that it must be around midday, he knew they would stop to rest for a while, but they had no food, the last one had eaten in the morning.
He looked at Ryouma, he seemed to never get tired of the trip, he was a strange man, sometimes he talked too much, sometimes he was mysterious. He still did not trust him. Ryouma looked at him with a wry smile. They stranger smile always seemed to hide something. What would it be?
Masayasu looked at Ina, she never complained of fatigue, the way she was trained not to make complaints was incredible, but that made him unable to tell if she was tired, hungry and sad about something.
The trip followed, they already rode in the middle of the afternoon, soon they would be in the place of the river. Masayasu looked around, the atmosphere was really calm, taking out some peasants who could sometimes see in the distance, looking to the right or left, there was no one else, only the three of them.
Masayasu saw that Ina did not ask to stop, maybe she was expecting him to say he was in pain and needed to stop, her strength and determination was great, but he was sure she was hungry like he.
Her violet eyes always seemed thoughtful, he did not know if it was because they were approaching Ueda and she was beginning to think about the plan, or if she was just tired and did not admit it.
He quickly heard the sound of Silver's hooves approaching and turned the face to watch Ryouma approach Ina.
He spoke to her and her violet eyes met his, she smiled gently, and then she was surprised when she saw him hold an apple. For a moment she wondered whether she should accept it or not.
"Silver wants to share his lunch with you." he smiled charmingly at her and then winked.
Ina was surprised by this gesture and then picked up the apple and bowed her head to Silver.
"Thank you, Silver, you're really adorable!"
As she said this she saw the silver horse neighing and nodding proudly, earning a laugh from her. Masayasu looked toward Silver and then to Ryouma, he was very friendly with Ina. Why? When he started to be very friendly and helpful to Ina, he always suspected something. He always suspected Ryouma.
"You too, dear shinobi!"
Ryouma threw an apple at Masayasu who instinctively grabbed with his left hand and stared at Ryouma for some time in silence, his gesture slightly suppressed him, but he did not want to show it to the mercenary.
"Thank you, Ryouma."
Ryouma took another apple from his bag and bit, winking at Masayasu.
"You're welcome, handsome!" He quickly looked at Ina and smiled at her. "Eat, Milady!"
Ina looked at Ryouma and smiled warmly. He had a good heart, even though he was a mercenary, she had to believe that. Why would he help her if he did not have a good heart? She then nodded and bit the apple.
"We have a few more hours from here to the river, we should arrive in two hours..." Ryouma pointed toward the path. "But I do not think it would be nice to cross. The nearest village is still a few more hours, it would not be good to ride wet clothes while it is darkening."
Ryouma spoke with his mouth full as he chewed the apple. Masayasu listened to the mercenary and really agreed with him, it would not be good for Ina to ride the night of hakama wet, she could get sick. But he would have to find food for her.
"I agree, it's dangerous, and we're going to make the most of what we get before the river, tomorrow we'll be in Ueda, right?"
He glanced at Ina as if wishing to say that they were two votes against one. Ina took a bite of the apple as her eyes met from Masayasu staring at her, quickly realizing that he was meaning that she had lost, that even if she wanted to cross the river late in the afternoon, it would be two votes against one. She smiled at him and shrugged.
"Okay, you win, we'll rest on the river and cross tomorrow morning, but we do not have food, that can be a problem at night."
She bit the apple and looked at Ryouma's face and then at Masayasu with a look of serenity, but she was worried about the food they needed, or tomorrow they would be weak to ride.
Ryouma let a broad smile appear on his lips as if he knew something that Ina and Masayasu did not know. Masayasu raised an eyebrow, he did not like to see that silly smile, he knew that Ryouma was hiding something.
"Say it, mercenary!" he grumbled.
Ryouma laughed, tossing his head back. Ina's eyes widened as she bit at the apple, Ryouma's joy showed that he was being even more ironic, she had no doubt about it.
The mercenary looked at Masayasu and winked at him. "There are fish in the lake, I can get some, I have many skills, dear shinobi."
Ryouma smiled proudly and Masayasu just stared at him seriously. Then he bit the apple and looked forward as if he was not impressed, or was not interested in knowing about his abilities.
Ryouma pretended an offended look, as if Masayasu's disinterest had really upset him, but then a smile appeared on his lips and Ina realized it. For the first time she did not consider it as irony, she considered that he was hiding something. Maybe he was lying about something.
She looked forward and thought about it, if he was hiding something, if he had been lying about it, what could it be? He was a mercenary and even if he had not confirmed it was obvious by his tattoo. What could it be?
She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. Could he be a spy? Was Masayasu right to be suspicious of him? Not thinking that he would steal them, but hid something from them. He would talk to Masayasu about it when Ryouma went to get the fish in the river.
After eating the only thing they had as food, apples, they followed the path. The sun began to subside, the temperature too, and Ina tossed her chip hat back, staying on her back. Her quiver was attached to the horse with the bow.
Masayasu put his hand on the wound, Ina realized and looked at his face, raising an eyebrow as if to start censoring because he did not say anything. He quickly looked at her and looked at his wound and then at her again.
"It started to hurt now, I think it's because I've been sitting all day, we have not taken any breaks." he said.
"You and I are going to walk a little."
Ina pulled the reins and stopped Haku, who looked tired and hungry. Masayasu did the same with Mako and stepped off the brown horse carefully.
Ina came down from Haru and held his reins and began to walk next to Masayasu. Each pulling his horse. Ryouma next looked at them and smiled, as always Ina stayed with Masayasu, no matter what, this was what he called true love.
Ryouma wanted to give some privacy to the lovebirds, sometimes he could see in Ina's eyes that she wished she was with Masayasu, but his presence disturbed her ideas. He smiled slightly to himself and began to ride forward.
Ina realized that he began to ride further, and that was her chance. She grabbed Masayasu's hand, which looked at her calmly. He saw in her gaze that she wanted to talk about something. He saw her looking at Ryouma and then at him, he could understand that it was about him.
"What is it?" Masayasu asked in a whisper.
"I feel secrets there." she whispered to him.
Masayasu looked at Ryouma at once. He was always suspicious, if Ina started to suspect maybe he was right from the start. But what would it be? Maybe he was a spy. But from whom?
"He's lying about something." Inahime whispered.
Masayasu immediately looked at her, a strange gleam in his gaze acted, she knew at that moment that he would act as shinobi that night to discover the lies Ryouma's lies and secrets. She was right about that, but Ryouma's gesture showed that she was right about distrusting him.
The sunset came, Ina looked up at the sky and Masayasu looked at her immediately, seeing her smile, she liked the sunset, he needed to remember it for some special moment. A faint smile and he saw her look at him affectionately. Even with so much concern in mind she is very beautiful, she was even more beautiful in the face of the sunset, or perhaps he had a very soft heart.
As Ina walked holding Masayasu's hand they began to see the river ahead, a cheerful smile sprouted to Ina's lips, they were finally almost in Ueda, her heart filled with happiness at the thought that another night in Mikawa and the next night would be in Ueda.
Her eyes searched Masayasu's eyes, he smiled at her as he met her eyes, he saw that she was happy to finally get to the river, he just hoped it was not Ryouma's trick and found something bad in that place.
The sound of river water began to fill the atmosphere, the river was strong in that part, surely they should find a quieter place to cross, and he hoped that Ryouma really knew where the quieter, shallowest place to cross was. He saw Ryouma dismount from Silver and saw him looking back with a smile.
"We're coming from the place I said, a little further!"
Masayasu frowned at Ryouma, he still had not forgotten what he had done last night, taken Inahime and him to a place full of vengeful souls, he was already prepared to attack Ryouma had he taken them both into an ambush .
He pressed Ina's hand a little and she looked quickly at him a little surprised, for a moment she did not understand but felt his hand cold when she felt if his hand was cold was because he was very calm and prepared to attack case something bad was going to happen.
Ina watched Masayasu's face, he was focused on Ryouma, with each step and gesture of him, his shinobi instinct was alert, and she should be alert as well. She did not know that region, never traveled that way, it could be an ambush.
Then Masayasu stopped and Ina looked forward and saw Ryouma standing with a wry smile, looking at them both. Her heart pounded. She saw a strange gleam in his gaze, something she had never seen before and in his smile there was something mysterious. No! He would betray Masayasu and her!
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 22: Princess secrets
Ina was taking pieces of the onigiri and eating distractedly, but then she realized that Masayasu was looking at her. She smiled at him and saw that he had finished eating his onigiri, he must be hungry. She realized he was still staring at her in silence, then she leaned toward him with an amused smile.
"What happened, Otsu?" she asked in a whisper. "Are you still hungry?"
She offered her onigiri to him and Masayasu took a small bite, he could not leave her hungry, she needed to eat well too. Ina smiled at the sight of those blue eyes still staring at her. Masayasu could stop her breathing looking at her like that.
"Chie..." Masayasu grinned, he did not get used to that name. "Have you ever wondered what you're going to do when you get to Ueda?" he asked in a low voice.
Ina got a little serious and nodded slightly as she placed another piece of onigiri on her lips. She chewed and then swallowed again nodding, looking at Masayasu.
"First let's rest, this trip is tiring for you."
"And for you. I know, I see." he spoke and saw a smile on Ina's lips.
"Yes, I want to rest better and then prepare for Ueda."
Ina stared into Masayasu's eyes. She could not speak much since Ryouma was around and he could hear, but she knew that Masayasu had understood what she meant.
"When we're alone I'll tell you my plan..." Ina whispered to him.
"Do you know them?" Masayasu asked.
"I saw them from a distance, from my room, I did not talk to them and they never saw me. But I know their faces and a little of their manners, my father described each of them very much for me."
Ina realized that there was something in those eyes, but she never knew what it was. Would that be a concern? Maybe Masayasu was worried about the mission or about her, but once they got to Ueda and they were alone they would talk better about it.
Ina took a hand from Masayasu and placed it on her leg and held it while he looked into her eyes, if there was concern she had to get it out of him, as shinobi was not good to be worrying about her all the time, she knew how to take care, defending herself, and she knew he was aware of it.
"Do not worry so much, you've already seen that I'm strong and full of energy."
She let a playful grin appear on her lips and Masayasu smiled at that. It was true she was surprisingly strong for a young woman like her and had a lot of energy, if she had been trained to be a kunoichi she would have been a magnificent kunoichi, she has agility, strength and above all great intelligence.
"Let me guess your thoughts." Ina smiled, playing with Masayasu. "You were thinking how could I be a good kunoichi. Oh no no no! I do not know how to make a bad face."
She started laughing and brought a hand to her lips to try to cover the laughter. Masayasu laughed at her, she was right, shinobi and kunoichi were reputed to be serious or bad looking. And it was good to see her laughing like that after the last night.
Masayasu touched Ina's face, she immediately stopped laughing and looked at him. She found those beautiful blue eyes looking at her. She liked those sudden touches of him, every time he touched her, even in her hand or face, she wanted more and more. She wanted his kisses ... wanted to wrap herself in his strong arms and be kissed by him...her heart was rampant with love for him, she had no more doubts.
Ina had promised that they would wake up early and would follow the way to the river as fast as they could, but now her heart asked to stay a little longer with Masayasu, but she decided to follow his idea and then she touched his hand and smiled fondly for him.
"We need to go, we need to at least get to the river today."
She spoke and saw Masayasu nodded. She knew he was worried because he still had a long way to the river, so it was likely they would have water at night, but not food, they would have to camp before the river.
Ina stood up elegantly, still holding Masayasu's hand, who stood up along with her, looking into her eyes. He saw her offer the rest of the onigiri, he accepted, he was already feeling better to eat and really needed that for a quicker recovery.
Ina watched Masayasu pick up the rest of her onigiri and eat. She looked around them, now by day she could see the whole field destroyed. There were few trees really, some crooked trees, others dried. Little grass was born there, perhaps some rebels and proud. The field practically had only ground, nothing else. But if they looked at the horizon they could see grass ahead and trees. That place was really destroyed...not, devastated by a battle.
She still felt the melancholy of that place, but the lost souls did not seem so present at that moment, perhaps because it was day. But she knew that place was devastated by ruthless people who did not mind killing innocents. And since it was still inside Mikawa, she feared that her father was involved in it.
Her eyes met Masayasu's eyes, immediately he understood that she was thinking about that place. He looked around as he sucked on his fingertips. He still smelled of death. Death of innocents who now wanted revenge.
He looked at her and touched her cheek gently. Ina quickly looked at Masayasu, her eyes were calm, she was loaded concern about Ieyasu being involved with those who killed the people who lived there. Maybe it was the time that served Nobunaga Oda, who knows?
"It's okay, let's get our horses ready before Ryouma starts saying we're delaying him." she smiled at Masayasu.
"He would not dare say that to me around."
Masayasu responded by taking Ina's trunk and leading to Haku to pin in him. Ina brought her hand to her lips to cover a smile as she heard him say it about Ryouma. Masayasu stared at Ryouma who was talking to Silver and then turned to put cell on the horse and adjust the trunk. Ina approached Haku and Masayasu and held her bow to pin in the horse's cell.
Masayasu could see her eyes fixed as she held the bow. He could see that she had good focus, maybe in the future he could teach some shinobi tricks to her, she was apt to learn. He smiled at this idea, it would be interesting to act as master for some time, even more so for her, it would be another way of being with her.
Ina noticed his gaze studying her, she quickly raised her own gaze to find his. She smiled gently. He seemed more curious about her, or maybe just enjoyed watching her while she was doing some task.
"Have you tied this trunk too much, or is that a new excuse to look at me?"
Ina joked with Masayasu allowing a giggle to slide out of her lips. He liked to hear the sound of her laughter, he liked to watch that happy face before him. More and more he enjoyed looking at her, looking at her beauty, her gentle and softly ways. She had his heart, maybe she knew it. He smiled with that thought going through his mind.
"When we get to an inn, we need to talk."
Masayasu spoke in a serious but there was softness and gentleness in his tone. Ina stopped laughing and looked at him, she realized that it was a serious matter he wanted to talk about, maybe it was about what was going on between them. Maybe he was wondering what to do when they returned to the castle. She also needed to talk to him about it, but when they were alone.
Ina nodded and saw Masayasu walking towards Mako and beginning to tie the cell into her. He was quiet, maybe what happened to him last night had scrambled with his deepest feelings. How many people has he killed on a mission? Her heart said that much, enough for him to fear those souls lost last night. Was he afraid? Maybe...maybe his pride will not let him say it, but maybe he was afraid last night.
Masayasu looked at Ina and saw her ride on Haku and caress his white hair. She was thoughtful and mysterious, he could see. Maybe full of secrets, or maybe she knew something for this mission that she still did not have time to share with him.
Ina looked at Masayasu and saw his blue eyes fixed on her, again he was studying her. What was he thinking? She was trying not to be so predictable with her feelings, she wanted to hide what she thought, since hiding what she felt was a little more complicated to do.
Ina heard Silver whinning and looked at Ryouma's direction and saw him ride Silver. The silver horse looked happy after a night's rest, it did not seem affected by the souls, indeed none of the horses, which might seem strange, since they must have felt, but perhaps the lost souls did not want to hurt any of the animals.
Masayasu asked already rode on Mako. Ina looked at him and trotted to his side with a bright look and a smile full of mystery.
"I'm always ready for you." she winked at him.
Masayasu smiled at the sight of Ina's gesture. Yes, she was mysterious but seductive, she knew something he did not know, and he needed to find out before they reached Ueda.
Either way, it was good to continue traveling even after a bad night, even after bringing in his worst nightmares. So much a smell of death, he was no longer sure if it was the place or him that had this smell of death. He thought about it for a few seconds and then gave up thinking about it.
Masayasu looked at Ina again and began to gently trot with her straight ahead, Ryouma was coming back to start singing a strange song that neither of them knew.
Ina glanced over her shoulder at Ryouma and saw him singing happily sitting on his horse that seemed to shake his head listening to the music, it was a strange but fun to watch scene. She never heard that song, it could be from another area of Japan that she did not know, North or South, maybe.
"Where's this song from?" she asked.
Ryouma smiled charmingly at Ina and winked at her as Silver whined as if she were answering the music. Ryouma looked at his horse and then at Ina and laughed.
"It's old, I'm not sure where I heard it, but it's very old, maybe that's why you do not."
He allowed his best charming smile to appear on his lips. Ina saw the smile and laughed, nodding.
"Okay, Mr. Old Mercenary." she mocked and looked at Masayasu.
Masayasu looked at Ina and at once Ryouma sang the old song again. Ina smiled at Masayasu and looked at the horizon.
After spending the night in an unsettled place, they had now passed a place that although it had marks of which it was a road, there was still grass on both sides, a lawn a little dry because of the season, but it was still green .
Ina looked to her right side and saw trees spreading all the way, all with orange or red leaves. It was a beautiful view, maybe a mountain would be even more beautiful to see. A beautiful red colored all the way on the right side. A smile welled on her lips. It was good to see beauty after seeing that terrible place.
Ina closed her eyes for a few seconds and breathed in the clean air around her, it smelled of dry grass, but it was still pleasant to smell back. She opened her eyes and smiled a little. She felt free from the castle, free of rules, free of orders, free from being a princess. This sense of freedom was unique in her heart.
She looked at the left side and saw a lawn stretching out to find a meadow filled with rice fields. The view was beautiful, it should have several farmers in that area, so looking further up from the rice field she could see small wooden houses, men and women working with the crop, children running and playing near the rice field.
Her eyes softened with that view, it was beautiful, beautiful to see the people cultivate, to care for each other. She could see that there were several families, but all helped one another, the peasants could be very different from the nobles. The peasants valued family and food, the noble status and power.
Her eyes traced the way the children ran, one after another, in simple, dirty kimonos. She smiled at the simplicity. They were so happy with so little. And they was free to choose and love whomever they wished...
She met Masayasu's eyes looking at her and laughed at him. He was watching her most of the time and saying nothing.
"What happened? Is there something wrong with me?"
She asked and immediately looked at her hakama and then to her kimono and looked up to look at Masayasu with a confused look. She tilted her head a little to the side trying to figure out what was wrong.
"You're mysterious today." Masayasu replied.
Ina raised her eyebrows with a half smile. Slowly her half smile became a full smile and then a laugh. Masayasu raised an eyebrow without understanding the reason for the laughter. Ina lifted a hand to her lips to try to hide her laugh, but it was almost impossible.
Ryouma raised his eyebrows at the laughter, then smiled. She seemed happy with the shinobi, so no matter what the laughter was, he saw the young girl happy, that was all that mattered to him, since she liked to see the women around her happy.
"Mysterious, Otsu?" Ina repeated and tried to stop laughing at least for a moment.
"Maybe I have secrets, but I can share it with you, maybe when we get to the Inn I'll tell you anything you want to know about me, but I can not imagine what's mysterious in me. I have no secrets for you, and I will never have, just ask me what you wish to know....Otsu. "
Ina then smiled brightly at Masayasu. He saw that he smiled and then nodded a few times and looked at the horizon.
"Okay, so I'm going to look at the horizon." He spoke and Ina laughed again.
"I like it when you look at me, I like it when you think of me...then...yes...you can travel looking at me if you wish."
Ina spoke as she reached out to touch Masayasu's arm with her hand, their horses side by side. Masayasu looked at her and saw those beautiful violet eyes bright, still full of mystery and seduction. Or maybe he just saw her this way, since she had taken his heart completely.
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 21:  Restless night
Masayasu looked into Ina's eyes, that place was smelling of death, and yet she did not seem to be frightened by it. But if this legend about those souls was true he would surely die while he slept. This would be a terrible night.
Ryouma cleared his throat and when he saw Ina looking at him, he smiled at her. Masayasu just turned to face Ryouma coolly, he was not interested in hearing his voice, he was not interested in knowing anything more about that place.
"Many years ago, maybe more than 20 years, here was a bloody battle, but the warriors and samurai who died here were willing to die. But here was a village..." He looked around as if he remembered this village. "The village was destroyed and all were murdered." he met the eyes of Ina and Masayasu.
"Here there were children, old men, women and men, but they were all peasants, they still tried to defend themselves using sausages and other tools they used in farming, but in the end all were killed."
As Ryouma spoke through Ina's eyes full of sadness, but Masayasu was still cold as if that did not affect him in any way, perhaps his heart was really cold, perhaps to him nothing or nobody mattered, just Ina. He smiled a little at Masayasu who ignored him completely and grabbed Ina's arm, looking directly into her eyes.
"Let's get out of here, let's walk a little more, here is not safe for you."
Masayasu spoke as Ina's eyes met his eyes. She seemed calm really, as if she had grown accustomed to the souls around her.
"You need to rest, and our horses are exhausted."
Ina answered and touched his face again, her eyes showing all the kindness and tenderness she could demonstrate at that moment.
"I'm not afraid, and I'm going to stay by your side, they will not approach you, I promise."
Masayasu was not trusting that these souls would leave him alone. What about Ryouma? He was sure that Ryouma also hid secrets, he certainly also had a dirty heart, after all he was a mercenary.
Ina began caressing Masayasu's cheek. He looked into her eyes and wondered if he should trust her. She seemed very confident that nothing would happen to him. If he died she would be unprotected and alone. He pondered it and then touched her hand to his face, his eyes fixed on hers.
"I'll trust your words, I hope you're right." he said and saw a smile spring to her red lips.
"I'm going to take the trunk and the weapons that are stuck on the horses and let them rest."
Masayasu told Ina, still looking into her face, she was definitely confident nothing bad would happen that night, he could only trust her, just that. He took a few steps back still looking at her soft form and then turned and walked to Haku and Mako.
Ina stared at him, was worried about how much these lost souls could influence the weight in his heart, but she would show him that along with her he would be fine. She looked at Ryouma, he could see that she was thoughtful, as if she had planned something.
"Make a bonfire, let's stay close to those three trees over there."
Ina pointed to three trees together straight ahead. She looked at Ryouma and then walked over to Masayasu to help him. She still had to take care of her wound, change the bandages if necessary.
Ryouma went to get some tree branches around the place where they were, he still needed to keep a certain distance from Masayasu, just for now, maybe he needed space and time. He bent down to pick up the branch and looked in the direction of Ina and Masayasu and saw that they were taking the travel items from the animals so they could rest better.
"This place is still bothering you, right?"
Ina asked, touching Masayasu's hand as he handed her trunk down to the floor. His blue eyes met hers. She had gotten down with him and he could see that her violet eyes were worried about him. He could not lie to her, and he would not do it.
"These souls around, I feel like they may wish to take my soul. I've never been a man of superstitions, but what I'm feeling here is death, this place is not safe for us."
Ina touched his cheek and continued to look into his eyes.
"I know it's not safe, but I feel like these souls will not hurt me, and I believe they will not do anything to you, after all, you're with me. I know .... it's weird to talk like that." she smiled a little. "But though I do not know what these lost souls are saying I feel they realize that you're with me. That you're important to me..."
Ina's eyes sparkled as she spoke of how Masayasu was important to her. He smiled a little, she was important to him too, perhaps the only important person in his life. He leaned his forehead against hers and smiled again.
"Okay, but I am a shinobi, do not forget that. I killed people. But...I believe your words, but I still have a strange feeling, my heart is heavy here, I've never felt anything like it, not even on missions."
Masayasu spoke looking into Ina's eyes, forehead against forehead. She touched his heart, the beats were normal, but maybe he was just talking about what he felt, how those souls might be trying to harm him. This she could not allow.
"My turn to protect you then. I promise no soul will approach you."
Ina smiled warmly at him. She can feel his heart beat a little louder at the words. Quickly he placed his hand over hers on his chest and stared into her eyes.
"Just do not say it loud, I do not want others to know that I'm being protected by you." he mocked and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.
After making a bonfire and eating some of the rice that Miko prepared for them, Masayasu and Ina lay down together near the fire. Ina slept peacefully with her head on Masayasu's chest, he had one arm around her body and one hand over hers, over his chest.
He could not sleep, he still had the strange feeling that was being observed, but Ina was right, he did not feel any soul next to him, maybe because she was in his arms and her pure heart made the souls not approach to to hurt her.
Masayasu looked at the stars. The night was dark and cold, but the fire would warm up a little and clear their around, at least a little. He looked at Ina and saw her soft face sleeping soundly, she must be exhausted, just she did not say anything about it.
"Can not you sleep, dear shinobi?"
Masayasu looked toward Ryouma, he was sitting in front of the fire with a piece of kindling in his hand, playing with the fire to burn the tip quickly and then took off.
"No, I still smell death. This is a lair." Masayasu replied in a serious tone.
Ryouma looked at him and nodded a few times. He agreed with the shinobi, that place smelled of death, but it did not affect him at all.
"I've been here several times, these souls do not affect me, I can see them looking at us now, but I can not hear them and they do not come close to me." he shrugged. "But I have seen how these souls have approached you and perhaps Milady has felt it."
Masayasu stared at Ryouma as he spoke, it was strange to know that these lost souls did not approach him, even though he was a mercenary, surely he had already done many things that he was not proud of in his life.
Ryouma laughed a little. "I thought you'd kill me."
"I wanted to kill you, but Chie would not let me." Masayasu replied dryly.
Ryouma stared at Masayasu, really he did not like him, unfortunately now even less, he never thought a shinobi was as suspicious as Masayasu.
"Do you just trust Milady?" Ryouma asked.
"Yes, only in her, in no one else. A shinobi must never trust."
Masayasu turned his face to face Ryouma and saw his crimson eyes shine and an ironic smile appear on his lips, even before death he did not lose that annoying smile!
"You did well training. Is your school Koga?"
Ryouma asked and Masayasu smiled proudly, it seems that the mercenary knew the schools, or at least had heard of them. There were several Shinobi's schools, but two were the best known, Koga and Iga. They were great rivals.
"Yes, I am from Koga." Masayasu murmured dryly. "Can you to recognize a shinobi for school?"
Ryouma grinned wryly as he shrugged, then set the piece of kindling in the fire again.
"I know little, you do not say anything about your training or your skills, but I've come across shinobi from both schools, I know that Iga usually serves Daimyo, not Koga, they usually take missions, so I figured you were Koga."
Masayasu allowed a faint smile to appear in the corner of his mouth, Ryouma was shrewd to realize this, the fact was that Koga seldom served a Daimyo, most preferred to take missions, contracts made him feel trapped that Lord, and most disliked. They did not like to serve or be loyal to a Lord.
"You should get some sleep, Chie promised me to get up early to go on the journey and to cross that river tomorrow."
Masayasu spoke as he looked at Ryouma thinking about why he did not sleep, since he said that lost souls did not approach him.
"I'd sleep, but I'm afraid I'll close my eyes and you'll kill me while I'm asleep." Ryouma mocked, allowing a smile to appear on his lips.
Masayasu did not reply, he grunted something and closed his eyes, as he hugged Ina fondly, she simply smiled in her sleep.
The sun had not yet been born when Masayasu woke up. He opened his eyes slowly and saw that Ina was sitting, leaning over him, caressing his hair with as much affection as there was in her eyes. Her smile was better than the sun, she seemed happy and he could not imagine the reason, it certainly was not for the comfort of the night, it was not very comfortable sleeping on the floor with souls around.
"Good morning..." Ina whispered with that dazzling smile that only she had. "Did you get some sleep?"
"Yes, a little, but always on alert..." Masayasu smiled a little, waking up and seeing that smile before him was the best thing that could happen.
"Let me take care of your wound soon and let's have breakfast."
Ina spoke and Masayasu sat up and placed his hand on the wound, sitting always causing pain, it was inevitable. He could see Ina's eyes fill with concern, then he quickly touched her face and smiled a little, trying to comfort her.
"It hurts a little to sit down, but I'm fine, okay?"
Ina whispered, nodding, she wanted to believe it was just a casual pain. Then she pulled the trunk up close and opened it, grabbing the box with bandages. Masayasu opened the kimono and lowered his sleeves, taking it off, to leave his bare thorax.
"It's a really handsome shinobi!"
Ryouma spoke from the other side, lying looking at Masayasu and Ina. The shinobi looked at Ryouma and frowned, the mercenary was always ironic.
"He is, I must agree."
Ina commented and Masayasu looked at her and found those violet eyes staring at him fondly. For her definitely Masayasu was handsome, but never found a way to say it, but Ryouma had helped with his comment.
"I'd love a hot tea now and look how I love a sake!"
Ryouma sat down and ran a hand through his hair, while Ina removed Masayasu's bandage. Ryouma had long black hair that fell on his shoulders, he was a handsome man too, at least every woman thought of him.
He stretched and stared at the bonfire burned out. He wanted tea, but he would have to stay for the end of the day, he had no water around to make tea, and he did not want to use water from his gourd.
He got up and went to Silver. He did not have much to put on him, but wanted to brush his horsehair a bit, since the couple was busy with wound and bandage.
Ina had changed Masayasu's bandage and then he put on the sleeves of his kimono and closed it, looking at Ina, she was putting the small box in the trunk. He was still grateful that she saved his life, but there was more than gratitude for her.
Ina picked up a package and opened the cloth carefully, inside there were 3 big onigiri, that's what was left of last night. She put one in Masayasu's hand and then got up and took one to Ryouma and handed it to him. Ryouma, who was brushing Silver's horsehair, looked at her with a smile and winked at her while taking the onigiri.
Ina smiled at him and went back to Masayasu and knelt before him and began to eat. Masayasu was eating as he looked at her. Soon they would cross the river and soon they would be in Ueda. Ueda was a small province, unlike that of Mikawa, which was a great feud. Soon they would have to plan their mission. Would Ina have thought of something? What did she know about the Sanada?
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 20:  The lost
Ryouma looked at Masayasu's face, he saw distrust and cruelty in those eyes, Shinobi's eyes training not to trust anything or anyone. Masayasu never trusted him, and now he could never gain his trust.
In a matter of seconds, Ina felt Masayasu drop her hand and jump toward Ryouma with a kunai. He gripped his hair tightly and pointed the kunai to his throat, a small movement and Masayasu would cut Ryouma's throat.
Ina put her hands to her lips. She was surprised at how fast Masayasu jumped over Ryouma, she knew he would kill without any mercy. She was not sure if Ryouma was traitor or not, her mind was confused, the place left her mind confused.
Ryouma raised his hands and tried to look into Masayasu's eyes, he saw those cold blue eyes on him, staring into his face, his crimson eyes, he knew that any mistake and the shinobi would kill him.
"Calm down...please...I have nothing to do with this place. I brought you down this road because no one comes here."
Ryouma spoke in a whispered voice, trying to breathe, he felt the kunai lean against his throat, and a thin trickle of blood ran down his skin. He felt his throat dry, he tried to swallow the saliva but could not, he just felt the kunai at his throat. He could not move or knew he would die, and he did not want to die!
Masayasu smiled wryly, there was a bit of cruelty in his smile, his eyes looked like two icebergs, he had no relationship with Ryouma, killing him would be easy and in a matter of seconds.
Ina did not know what to do, she could not trust that they were safe in that place, Masayasu was right to distrust Ryouma, but he had the right to speak, at least try to explain himself. Her heart was pounding, she did not know how to react to it, a few minutes ago it was all right, but now everything seemed confused.
"Otsu, let him speak, I want to hear his explanation. I want to understand why he brought us to this terrible place!"
She spoke in earnest, looking at Masayasu and then at Ryouma, seeing his crimson eyes serious, perhaps afraid of dying. She saw the trickle of blood running down his neck.
"Otsu!" she called.
"Speak mercenary!" Masayasu's voice came out so dry and cold that Ryouma felt a shiver, as if that shinobi was death in person.
Ryouma swallowed and tried to look at Ina, perhaps finding her beautiful face would make him speak better. Her violet eyes had concern, but she was also doubting him, he could see it, and he did not want to lose her confidence, he needed it.
"I ... I brought you here because this route is not used often ... this place is cursed, they say."
He looked at Masayasu. "Many people, peasants were murdered here and they say they come here at night to kill anyone who crosses that road."
He tried to smile, but saw that Masayasu's eyes seemed even more cruel, he would surely die, the handsome shinobi would kill him, and he was right to kill, after all he put Chie in danger, but he had already made that route and never was injured, so he believed that the spirits that were lost there would not hurt generous hearts. They would not hurt Chie!
Ryouma saw Ina's eyes widen with his explanation, this was crazy! She looked around, felt a chill, and put her hands on her arms. She felt THEM coming closer, more closer, looking, listening, as if watching them.
"Milady, I'm sorry to bring you here...but they will not hurt you, you have a good heart, you're a good person, they're just curious, so they're so close..."
Ryouma spoke and felt Masayasu pull his hair more and felt the kunai press a little more on his throat. He closed his eyes, if he were to die so he would die at the hands of this shinobi, maybe it was his destiny. He has traveled so much, met so many people, but he has never met a man so obstinate in protecting his woman from this way. He would die with pleasure by his hands.
"Can you see them?"
Ina asked looking at Ryouma with concern. She felt as if they were so close they could touch her. Ryouma opened his eyes and saw Masayasu still staring at him, eyes crushed, eyes of death. Ryouma tried to look at Ina, she looked confused looking around now.
"Yes, I can see them, but I can not communicate with them, but maybe you can already have a kind heart." he tried to smile.
Ina looked at Masayasu, she saw that he was preparing for her order, as she asked to hear Ryouma was in her hands his life, she who would judge if he should die or live now. She looked at Ryouma, a mercenary, probably with no family, no place to go, no home, she did not want his death. But she still could not trust completely.
Ina looked around and then tried to concentrate on what she felt around her, as if she felt several people close to her, but she could not see any. Then she closed her eyes, Masayasu could see she was trying to focus her around, feel or hear something. Was she trying to trust Ryouma? Was she trying to give him credit?
Ina could not hear anything, but she felt sadness, she felt pain around her, but she did not feel badness, as if they did not want to hurt her. She opened her eyes and looked at Masayasu in surprise, Ryouma might be right, and he should not hurt Ryouma here, it would be more of a lost soul and dead without reason.
"Drop him, Otsu..."
She spoke softly. She did not want to be rude or give an order in a serious way, she wanted him to understand that everything was fine now, she had understood what happened around, lost souls, stuck to a place where they were murdered, she did not have much that to do, but he could not allow Ryouma to join these souls.
Masayasu did not question, he released Ryouma throwing him to the ground coldly. He did not trust the mercenary and would not trust him. He quickly turned the kunai in his hand and put it in the small bag attached to his hakama and stared at Ryouma on the ground. His eyes were cold and cruel, now more than ever he would be alert to him. Ina could trust him, but he did not.
Ryouma stayed on the floor and then sat up trying to catch his breath. He put his hand on his throat and looked at it, seeing some blood. He looked at Masayasu and saw him walking toward Ina. If she did not have a good heart he would be dead for now. Masayasu did not like him and did not trust him... this was fact.
Ina saw Masayasu walking toward her, she could see in his eyes that he was ice-cold the day they met and he seemed to want to kill that poor maid just for her curiosity. She knew she needed to touch his heart to bring him back, or he would kill Ryouma when she blinked.
Ina watched Masayasu approach and then stepped forward and touched his face quickly with both hands. Their eyes met, he knew she did not like to see his eyes that way, but unfortunately he could not change that.
"Hey, I know you do not trust him, but trust me, this place already has many lost souls, many people were murdered here, I do not wish you to be cursed by these lost souls..."
Ina spoke in a voice so soft it was almost a whisper. It was filled with good feelings for him, cared for him. Masayasu just stared into Ina's eyes, she was so kind, her heart so pure and kind, he could not help but think that his hands were too dirty to touch anyone like her.
Masayasu felt those souls around, he wondered if they would try to kill him, after all he did not have a good heart like Ina. What would become of him? That place was definitely not a good place to stay.
He saw calm in Ina's eyes, there was kindness and affection for him. She loved him, he knew it, even without saying he knew it. He should not touch her, should not have touched her from the start, would it be late for him now? Would it be too late for him to love again? Let his heart feel good feelings? Was it late for him to have good feelings for someone?
Those violet eyes staring at him, looking so lovingly and affection. Somehow she could soothe him, soothe his heart full of bad feelings, full of coldness and cruelty, this was the heart of a shinobi. A shinobi who has seen death close up so many times. Now he was facing life.
Ina ignored Ryouma's presence, she wanted to calm Masayasu's heart, she did not like to see that cold look that way, she caressed his face with one hand and brought her lips to his, kissing him softly. Masayasu only closed his eyes at the soft kiss. He knew Ina wanted to calm his heart, and she had found her way to calm him down.
Masayasu then remembered that Ryouma was around, probably watching the kiss, he opened his eyes and put his hands on Ina's hands and pulled his face away quickly, leaving her confused. She blinked at him a few times.
"We're not alone..." he said.
"I dont care..."
Ina smiled at him warmly and wrapped her arms around his neck and then kissed his lips again and hugged him next. He seemed calmer now, his heart seemed to calm all those bad feelings that only led him into darkness.
Masayasu smiled a little, thinking of her words, she did not care. She was assuming he was more important than all the rules of behavior around. He could not help but smile as he wrapped his arms around her waist and back into a hug.
Somehow this hug seemed to have pulled away the lost souls around them. Had she done it for that purpose? He was a little surprised. If she did this by thinking of driving them away, she was too quick to think of a show of affection for a person who had almost killed another in front of these souls.
Ryouma appreciated the way Ina could deal with Masayasu, she seemed to bring what he had best, how she managed that he did not know, but imagined that there was a huge connection between them, a very great love. He could feel it. They were discreet, though Ina had kissed Masayasu before his eyes at that moment, but they were still discreet.
But he could see how much Ina did well to the shinobi, he looked like another person in front of her, it was as if she was the only person for whom all his defenses were low. As if with a single breath of love his walls were destroyed. They loved each other, he could see that, it did not have to be said.
Ryouma got up and watched the couple hugged. His presence did not have to be a trammels for this love, for their gestures of love and affection. He liked to see the two of them together, they were a beautiful couple, after all Masayasu was a very handsome man, with a strong and serious physiognomy, but very handsome. And Ina was very beautiful and full of life and pure heart, and although there was a great age difference between them, they seemed to have been born for one another.
Ryouma thought of making a joke, but maybe it was better for Ina to deal with Masayasu at the moment, he should not be involved in it, he was not in a good position at that moment. He could see Ina looking at him and smiled a little, maybe....well maybe, she still trusted him, but Masayasu definitely hated him now.
"They will not do us any harm, okay?"
Ina whispered in Masayasu's ear. She knew he must be worried about being a shinobi and having already killed some people. But she would stay with him, she was sure that the lost souls would not approach him while she was at his side.
"Let's camp right here, I'm not going to leave your side a single minute..."
She whispered in his ear and then kissed his cheek before looking into his face and finding those beautiful blue eyes that knew how to seduce her just a look full of mystery, as he was doing at that very moment.
Ina smiled warmly as she looked into his eyes, Masayasu seemed calm now, his heart felt lighter, she could feel through his gaze, the mysterious way he was looking at her made her smile and want to find out what he was thinking in that exact time.
"What are you thinking now?" she asked.
Masayasu smiled a little at the sight of those beautiful and bright eyes curious to know what he was thinking. It was good to have such a curious young woman in his arms, especially since she was interested in him, in his feelings and thoughts. He liked that feeling.
"Thinking of you, how much your presence can calm me, you can touch my heart and bring me from darkness to light, You are my light...."
Ina smiled fondly at Masayasu's words, hearing that she was his light was the most beautiful declaration of love she could hear at that moment. She was his light, so she would always try to seek him in the dark, always try to take his heart out of the darkness, because that was her work. This was the function of light for a heart in darkness.
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 19: Enemy or ally?
Masayasu rode beside Ina, he looked at her face and saw a happy smile on her lips. She looked very happy that day, his mind trying to process this thought of what might have caused her happiness. Maybe it was because of the kisses they had last night. He smiled a little at the look of happiness on her face.
Ina noticed Masayasu's smile and looked quickly at him. She can not disguise a warm smile on her lips. Despite her concern for the trip, she was happy to see him well, riding up into so without complaining of pain. And she was even happier because she realized last night that he liked her, just as she liked him.
"You look happy."
Masayasu spoke with a faint ironical smile over his lips, his blue eyes fixed on her, so beautiful and soft, she looked more beautiful today. Was that about what happened last night?
"Yes, I am happy. I feel free traveling away from the house. And I am happy because I have you with me."
Ina smiled again at Masayasu, that was true, she really felt glad to be beside him, this trip was almost a release for her. She was far from the castle, away from Ieyasu, but she was with Masayasu, the only person she wished to have on this trip.
"Well, we're not alone, so maybe you should not be so happy." Masayasu mocked.
"I am listening this my dear shinobi. I have a good hearing, even here behind me!" Ryouma replied to Masayasu with an amused smile on his lips.
Ina looked back and saw that Ryouma seemed to amuse himself with Masayasu's words, she laughed a little and then looked at Masayasu and saw that he looked really better. After the scare when he was injured in the forest, his recovery has been quick, but he should not exaggerate yet.
"Well ... it was not the trip I thought I had, but having the company of the two of you has so much fun." Ina said with a laugh escaping her lips.
Masayasu looked at her seriously. She was having fun because of him and Ryouma. He saw it in her countenance and her cheerful laugh. Ryouma started to laugh as well and Masayasu looked back with a cold look on the mercenary.
"Why are you laughing?" he asked in a cold tone.
"Of you, my dear shinobi. Your bad mood amuses me."
Ryouma replied with irony, still laughing. Ina laughed again and realized that Masayasu looked at her seriously. She tried to stop laughing, biting her own lower lips, but it was a little hard to stop laughing when Ryouma was right about Masayasu's mood.
"Ah, now I understand, you just then against me."
Masayasu said ironically, looking at Ina. Realizing that she was actually enjoying herself, it was good to hear her soft and crystalline laughter. It was good to see her happy again.
"Maybe, dear shinobi."
Ina tilted her head a little to Masayasu's side and smiled at him, showing a playful smile full of mystery. Masayasu could not resist and smiled at her. It was the first time he'd smiled at her that way. His smile was beautiful, he had to smile more often, made her heart jump quickly.
The three of them rode until the sun began to set, they would still need another day and be in the river Ryouma mentioned. The heavens had a beautiful orange sunset with reddish clouds cutting through the sky. There was a soft late afternoon breeze, the night would wind up a bit, maybe it would be a bit cold.
Ina looked up at the sky. She knew that it would soon be night and they would have to stop to rest. She looked at Masayasu and he was riding in silence now his hand over the wound. Quickly she frowned. He promised that he would say if he felt pain, but his promise seemed to have been broken by his stubbornness.
"Let's stop!"
Ina ordered and Ryouma looked at her a little surprised, it was not night yet, but she wanted to stop. why? Masayasu looked at Ina and found a look of disapproval, at the same moment he understood the reason and sighed.
"I'm fine, it's only hurting a little, nothing that needs to stop ahead of time." he replied.
"You can not bleed again, so we need to stop if you're in pain!" Ina spoke in a serious tone and pulled on the Haku's reins that stopped instantly.
Ryouma decided to stop Silver from seeing that Ina was desiring to stop the ride because of Masayasu, if he was feeling pain it was better to stop or he would not be able to follow in the next day, the pain would only increase.
Masayasu saw that they both stopped and then pulled the Mako's reins and stopped as well, he turned back to look at Ina, her serious eyes made him realize that he should speak to her even if he feels a slight pain. He did not want to disappoint her, especially with a promise, he was never good with promises.
He then looked around and came down from Mako carefully, quickly put his hand on the wound again and took a deep breath. He felt a presence and he was surprised to look to the side and see Ina standing beside him, she dismounted quietly and went to his side.
"Let me see." Ina said worriedly looking at Masayasu's face, he looked a little sweaty, maybe the effort was big for him.
Masayasu turned to Ina and stared at her as she opened his kimono and looked in, toward his wound. She did not see blood apparently, if it had opened the wound it would be with blood.
But she put her hand inside his kimono and touched the bandage to see if it was wet with some other liquid. Masayasu stared at her, really she was very worried about him, he should appreciate it and accept her best care.
Ryouma hissed to see Ina putting her hand into Masayasu's kimono. The shinobi cast a cold look on Ryouma who did not seem to be shaken by a simple glance, he smiled wryly.
"Taking advantage of the wounded shinobi, Milady?" he mocked.
Ina did not feel anything, the wound was okay, it was dry, although she felt some sweat on the Masayasu's skin she took her hand out of the kimono and closed it, her eyes meeting Masayasu's eyes.
"You can not be proud in that moment, if your wound opens I will have to close it again and if that happens it will get an even worse scar."
Masayasu saw those worried eyes, he had to follow her orders or she would be really upset with him, he did not want them at all. He would not mind if it was someone else, but with her he did not want to be disappointed. Not her.
"I'm going to be careful, but we're not going to stop, I can keep going, we can get out of here, it can be dangerous at night, we do not even have a camping tree."
Ina heard Masayasu's words and looked around, she saw that it was an open field, until she recognized that she had fought in the past in that field, at that moment there was nothing, just dirt and a bit of dry lawn in some parts. She nodded as she met Masayasu's eyes again.
"Okay, but I'll walk with you."
Ina turned to Ryouma and saw that he was still mounted on Silver, that would be no problem, he could ride if he wished.
"I'll walk a little with Otsu. You can ride if you wish, we'll go a little further until you find at least a few trees to camp under."
Ryouma watched Ina for a while and then looked at Masayasu who looked moody again, or something very similar to that. He shrugged and smiled wryly at both of them.
"Just do not get too far behind, I'll go ahead so as not to disturb the lovebirds!"
He shook Silver's reins as he trotted gently, past Ina and Masayasu. Ina smiled at him in thanks. She took the reins from Haku and started to walk, she looked back to see if Masayasu would follow her. Masayasu could not protest at that moment, then took the reins from Mako and started to walk and quickly caught up to Ina, walking beside her.
Masayasu looked at her, his eyes still showing concern, but she was not angry or disappointed, he would have noticed it in her eyes, but he could not make a mistake with her, not after his promise, it was not fair with her.
"I know I should tell you, but the pain was not great enough to say I was in pain, or stop." he said.
But to his surprise he felt the fingers of her hand entwine his fingers. He looked at her face and saw that she was looking at him with a warm smile. She was definitely not mad at him, she'd just been worried.
"Forget it, okay? But just tell me, even if it's a minor pain, we can walk together like now."
Ina said as she felt Masayasu hold her hand firmly, as if he did not want her to go away for a single second. She smiled at that gesture and met his eyes again, now softer, without the strange mood of minutes ago.
Walking around holding Inahime's hand was something new for Masayasu, he had never felt anything like it, it was not a common gesture, but she did not seem to mind that, just wanted to hold his hand. And he wanted to hold hers.
He smiled a little at the sight of that kind face looking at him with affection, he knew what she was thinking, he could see by the glitter in her eyes, and yes, he felt the same, now he had certainty of it.
The night fell, there was a great silence, except for the sounds of horses' hooves and the gentle wind. The weather was nice, a low temperature, but still not cold. The sky was full of bright stars, some seemed to shine brighter than the others.
Their return was an earthy path with few trees, but there were trees all the way, and sometimes some dry lawn. The horses looked exhausted, so Ryouma stepped down from Silver as well and was walking forward. He looked back and saw Ina and Masayasu walking together, holding each other's hands. A brief smile appeared on his lips and then he stopped.
"I think we can camp on the right side of you. Unfortunately we have neither river nor lake here, tomorrow we will have a full river, but I hope you have water for you."
Ryouma said at the look on Ina's face, she seemed concerned about the place. Her eyes searched for something. He followed her gaze to all sides. Masayasu did not look very different, it was a strange sensation as if he were being watched. But the place was open, with few trees and saw no one around.
"Have you camped here before?" Ina asked.
"No." Ryouma replied looking at her worried face. Her eyes flickered with concern.
"Strange, I have the feeling we're being watched." Ina said.
"I feel the same." Masayasu confirmed.
But Ryouma knew he had a greater sensitivity than theirs and did not feel or see anything. Unless ... no they should not be feeling this. Or were they? Impossible! he has never known people so sensitive to the point of feeling THEM around.
Ryouma was silent, watching Ina and Masayasu. Maybe they were sensitive enough to feel maybe see what existed in that area. The road leading to the river was not desert because the river was dangerous, but because there was something else in that place, a place no one wanted, no mortal, no sensible person.
Masayasu realized that Ryouma was silent and his crimson eyes seemed lost in thought, he quickly realized that there was something with that place. Something very bad. He frowned and took a step forward, but Ina held his hand firmly a little surprised at his gesture. She had not understood what he wanted to do, but she preferred to keep him close to her.
Masayasu looked at Ina seriously and she could see a little concern in those blue eyes. They both looked at Ryouma. Masayasu realized that he was not smiling and this brought a great deal of mistrust to him.
He knew, he suspected from the beginning that Ryouma was not trustworthy, that when he had the chance he would betray Ina, he would betray him. But he did not think it would be in such a place, deserted, with strange sensations. And what sensations were these?
An ironic smile appeared on his lips as he stared at Ryouma.
"So will you to betray us now? After all .... are you an enemy or an ally?"
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 18: The first promise
Masayasu realized that Ina did not like his decision, he could see her eyes filled with concern, but he could not just stay 7 days lying down waiting for his wound to close, they needed to follow. His priority was to get to Ueda first, then if necessary he would take care of the wound again.
Ryouma heard Masayasu's decision and whistled in admiration. Either he was really strong, or stubborn, and he did not want to admit that he was weak at the time. Or worse, he must have his pride hurt before Ina. He immediately looked at her to see that she was really very worried about the trip.
"Well, that's decided. We're going to leave here after lunch and go down the left-hand side, as if to get out of Mikawa and get into Owari, but we do not go that far, just enough to take the river path."
Ryouma smiled at Ina to try to better the mood of the environment. She looked at him and tried to smile, but the worry was so strong in her chest that she could not think much of it, what he and Masayasu decide for her was ok, she trusted their decision.
Ryouma realized that Ina was not very interested in talking about the route, perhaps her concern was more evident now because Masayasu was still hurt and stubbornly wanted to continue the journey still in pain.
He sighed and took a hand from Ina, completely ignoring whether Masayasu would complain or not. His crimson eyes stared into those violet eyes now surprised at his gesture.
"I know you're worried about our dear shinobi, but believe me, your opinion is important to continue our journey. You are the lady of the journey, you say whether it's good or bad, if it's cold or hot, you're the boss here."
He smiled charmingly at her and then got a smile from her. Ina nodded, smiling at him and then looked at Masayasu who was staring coldly at Ryouma, how did he dare touch Ina before him? That mercenary seemed not to fear death!
"I agree with the route, we will go as if to Owari, go through a meadow and then follow the river."
She smiled at Masayasu and then looked at Ryouma and smiled cheerfully at him. Ryouma smiled seductively, maybe he managed to take a step toward Ina, she seemed to trust him, but he needed to be sure of that and that smile that he managed was enough for him to be sure now.
"See dear shinobi ... er ... dear Otsu." Ryouma can not hide a wry smile. "That is how a lady should be treated, be more attentive."
Ryouma joked, staring at Masayasu who seemed to growl, if that was not a growl he was very close to it. Ina brought a hand to her lips to catch a laugh. Ryouma saw Ina laugh and started laughing too. Masayasu snorted a little and pushed the tray away from him.
Ina realized that he was in a bad mood, maybe because of Ryouma, she would not be surprised if that was the real reason. She approached him and touched his hand in front of Ryouma. Masayasu looked quickly at her and found a warm smile. Even after so much worry she could still smile that way.
It was night and the house was all silent, everyone was asleep. The couple who owned the house barely had time to talk to them, had work to do in the vegetable garden, with animals and at home. They had a busy day, Ina does not blame them for not having time. The life they led was simple, but they seemed happy and had food to keep.
In the dark of the room the shoji door was opened and someone stepped out into the darkness, closing the door behind that. It was Ina, she looked up at the starry sky and sat on the porch and stared at the stars. The night was a little cold, with a soft and dry wind, but nothing that could cause much discomfort.
Her heart was filled with worry, she could not sleep thinking that following the trip with wounded Masayasu could open his wound, he could not make any effort and riding would be a great effort for him. But what can she do to change his mind? Could she argue with him to give up this absurd idea?
She heard the shoji door open behind her and then turned to look at who it was. Although it was very dark the moon seemed to bring some light into her eyes and she could see the Masayasu's shape. Their eyes met in the darkness and he sat down beside her.
"What are you doing out here?" he asked looking at her.
"Thinking." Ina answered to look at Masayasu. She could see those beautiful blue eyes staring at her. This was more than usual.
"I know you're worried." Masayasu looked at the stars, they seemed alive in the sky so bright it was that night. "But that decision was not taken imprudently, I know I can travel."
Ina stared at Masayasu as he spoke, she could not believe it was not a decision taken by imprudence. He was being reckless and proud! But what could she do? Whatever she said would not make him change his decision. Or would she?
She slipped a hand between his and wrapped her fingers around his. Masayasu looked at her as he felt her hands roll up together and closed his fingers against hers. He could feel her hand a little warm. Her violet eyes looked bright, or maybe it was the moonlight that was fooling his vision.
"Promise me you'll tell me if you feel pain, if you're tired, if you need to stop, if the trip is making you feel dizzy, anything, but promise me you'll tell me that."
Ina spoke softly. Although she was worried she could still keep a tone of affection for him, the night was conducive to it, the stars, the moon, everything created a mood that she wanted to have another type of conversation, but that unfortunately did not fit at that moment.
Masayasu found so much concern mixed with affection in those eyes that he could not deny her request. A promise. Shinobi should not make promises, they never knew the future. But he would make his first promise to her.
"I will, I promise, Inahime..."
He can see a warm smile shine on her lips. Lips he wanted to touch at that moment, lips he wanted to kiss again. What was happening between them seemed so natural, both seemed so comfortable with each other, it was strange to see how this was happening naturally.
Ina leaned over to his side, bringing her face closer to his. Her violet eyes glittered, now he could see that it was not the moonlight that fooled him were really her eyes. She smiled softly, but seeing those eyes and that smile together only made his heart even more confused.
"Kiss Me...."
Ina whispered to him as he looked at his lips and then at her eyes. She knew he wanted to kiss her, but he still seemed to expect her to say he could. He could. He really should.
Masayasu looked at her eyes and then at Ina's lips, as listened her, a faint smile appeared on his lips. Ina realized that she really was his limit, so she touched his face and stared into his eyes.
"You do not have to wait for me to ask, Masayasu-sama ... I want this and I know you want it as much as I do ... so just do it anytime you wish." she whispered.
Masayasu closed his face a little and then touched his lips to Ina's lips with a soft kiss. He saw Ina close her eyes slowly, she really wanted it as much as him. He placed his hand on the back of her neck and finally kissed her lips, sliding his tongue into Ina's lips.
Ina finally felt the kiss she wanted, Masayasu finally broke the limit and deepened the kiss. She felt his tongue come to her lips and find it with her own tongue. The kiss deepened and their tongues decided to have a sensual dance, a dance full of intensity inside their lips.
Every kiss made their hearts quiver. It might be too soon to think about it, but their hearts just wanted to be with each other, nothing more.
Their lips did not want to stop, their kisses, their tongues, the exchange of feelings that this kiss provided. Masayasu had not felt this for many years, and Ina was the first time she'd given her heart to anyone, the first time she'd felt a kiss. And that kiss sent shivers all over her body, it was as if she had the power to cause other feelings.
When they broke the kiss and pushed their faces away a little, they both looked into each other's eyes, everything around did not matter anymore, it only mattered them. Ina smiled tenderly, Masayasu saw that smile and could not hide a small smile. It was the first time in years that he felt happiness. Inahime made him happy.
"That should not happen ..." Masayasu whispered looking into Ina's eyes.
"It's already happened ..." she whispered back with a warm smile on her lips. She brought her lips together and kissed his lower lips and then looked into his eyes with the same warm smile as before.
"What are we going to do with this?"
Masayasu asked still looking into Inahime's eyes and feeling her soft kisses. She was able to wake up the best within him. A side that only she knew. A side that only someone like her could wake up. Someone with her strength and delicacy, someone who knew where to touch him.
"We think about it later, Masayasu-sama. I just want to be by your side, no matter what the consequences."
Ina slid the hand that was on his face to his nape and began to caress softly as she watched Masayasu look into her eyes as if he were trying to accept that there was no turning back in what they started.
"Let's go in and rest, the trip will not be easy for you from now on..."
Ina said she was still worried about going on a trip with that wounded, but he had promised her what to say when he felt pain or when he wanted to stop and she trusted his word.
"Okay, let's try to get some sleep."
Masayasu answered and got up, helping Ina to her feet. He would never forget those bright eyes that night, he would never forget that kiss before that place, Inahime knew how to provide unforgettable moments for him.
The next day, after lunch, Miko and her husband saw Ina, Masayasu and Ryouma arranging their horses to return the trip. She quickly approached and bowed before Ina and Masayasu.
"Sorry if my hospitality was not the best, my husband and I work hard, but I hope that young Otsu-san is well." Miko said with a low look.
Ina took the small bag of coins from inside her hakama, took out some coins and put it in Miko's hand and smiled warmly at her.
"Your hospitality was the best we could have. You and your husband were kind and helped us a lot. I hope to meet you at another time. Thank you for everything you have done for us."
Ina bowed a little with a smile as she looked at Miko, the woman opened her hand and saw the coins, she was surprised and then looked at Ina with her wide black eyes. It was enough money to live for a month. Her cheeks flushed a little and then she smiled at Ina and bowed in thanks.
Masayasu bowed slightly in appreciation for the couple's hospitality and followed his horse and rode. As he made the gesture of riding, he felt pain in the wound and put his hand on it. Ina saw his gesture as she rode her Haku. Masayasu quickly looked at her and as she met his eyes he quickly spoke.
"I'm fine, do not worry."
Ina could not ignore the concern she felt for him, she could not ignore anything at the moment. He promised and she would take his word. Again she looked at the couple and bowed her head as Ryouma rode Silver and waved to the couple. A fun smile sprouting from his lips.
The couple bowed and watched the three of them move away from small gallops. Ryouma approached Masayasu's horse and stared at him.
"Dear shinobi, are you really well?" he asked.
Masayasu cast a cold glare at him and then looked forward to follow his horse to Ina's side. He had simply ignored Ryouma's question, his presence still was not welcome to him, but luckily after he reached Ueda they could dismiss Ryouma.
"Chie..." Masayasu seemed strange to call Ina like that, but it was necessary, since Ryouma could not find out who she was. Ina looked at Masayasu approaching with Mako.
"Yes?" she smiled at him gently. After so many kisses last night she was still trying to recover from the crazy feelings in her chest. Staying close to Masayasu only brought the sensation she wanted to be in his arms again, as on the last night.
"Tell me ... why do you trust him?"
Masayasu asked looking at Ina. He wanted to understand why Ina trusted a mercenary who could loot her, or was trying to help to get more than money.
Ina looked at Masayasu a little surprised at the question. She did not think he was bothering about it. She had promised to be careful, but he still seemed worried with this theme. She smiled a little at him and then looked straight ahead.
"When you were injured in the forest, as well he helping me, he stayed with Haku, my trunk and my money. I trusted him to take me to the small farm and he did."
Ina looked at Masayasu and smiled at him. "If he wanted to steal something from me he could have done it, I have a good horse, my trunk has valuables and my money was together, plus my bow and his wakizashi."
She pointed to Masayasu's wakizashi pinned to his waist. But now with a katana, one she had taken with her, he needed to look like a samurai, not a shinobi, and every samurai walked with a katana and a wakizashi attached to their waist.
Masayasu was silent for a while and looked back over his shoulder and saw Ryouma riding a certain distance from them, singing some melody unknown to his ears. Ryouma noticed Masayasu's gaze on him, then looked at the shinobi and smiled wryly and winked.
Masayasu looked forward muttering. Ina only looked at him a little surprised, he was mumbling with a certain frequency on this trip. Or it would be because of Ryouma. She smiled as she realized it must be about Ryouma. Here was a very complicated relationship, but she was sure that at some point they could be good friends.
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 17: Who are you?
Masayasu stared at Ina, still feeling weak and dizzy. She helped him walk, holding him tightly. Each step he felt as if he could fall, but Ina's effort to lead him into the room was again comforting. He struggled to walk with her.
Ina sensed his effort, each step seemed like a great fight, if he fainted there she could not hold on to him, he was pure muscle, very heavy.
Ryouma was chopping wood with a big knife just ahead, he saw the effort of Masayasu and Ina to reach the room, he knew that the shinobi was weak, so he did mention that he would try to help, but Ina saw immediately and made a gesture with the hand so he did not approach.
Ryouma understood that Masayasu did not like him, but he did not want to go on like this with the shinobi, there must have been something he could ease the bad mood between them. But helping was not something he could do, maybe Masayasu would feel really offended. He shrugged with that thought and set the knife to the side and ran inside the house calling for Miko, the owner of the house.
He was almost in the room, a little more, every step, every effort. Ina helped Masayasu up the stairs slowly, she looked at his face and he was pale, he could faint any moment. Her heart was filled with concern.
Masayasu saw the room so close, then everything began to darken, he thought he would faint, but he felt Ina's hands helping him to sit down and then lay down. She had been quick, quick enough to get him into the room and lay him down carefully.
He felt his heartbeat faint, but his vision began to return and he saw Ina sitting beside him, stroking his hair. Seeing Ina made his heart go back to struggling to hit harder. Her gaze was filled with concern, he did not want to leave her still worried.
"Rest, you'll eat when you're feeling better."
She put her hand over his heart. He saw her gesture and then looked at her face, she was feeling his heart beat back normal, for a moment she thought he might faint and have a relapse, but it was just a scare.
Ina found his eyes, so blue, they were calm, but there was something else in that look, she did not know what it was. She smiled at him affectionately still stroking his hair with affection.
Masayasu felt this gesture affectionately, each movement, her fingers running through the strands of his hair, it was so soft that he closed his eyes for a moment. He never imagined that someone would be so careful and worried about him, but there was Inahime.
Masayasu opened his eyes and saw Ina's face next to his. She smiled at him and then brought her lips to his forehead and kissed him softly. He felt that sweet kiss on his forehead and then smiled softly. As she moved away her face, their eyes met, he saw so much affectionate feeling in those violet eyes.
Masayasu was already feeling better, when something had made him moody again, Ryouma had entered the room with a tray in his hands. Masayasu looked at the mercenary and frowned. His presence always left him in a bad mood.
"Oh, you brought his breakfast!" Ina smiled happily as Ryouma entered the room with the tray.
"Miko-san apologized for not being able to bring her in person, but she'll be here soon to see dear shinobi. But she asked me to bring the stubborn man's breakfast!"
Ryouma smiled wryly at Masayasu and winked at him when he realized that his bad mood had returned to him. He looked like a magnet, he was approaching and bad mood reign.
Ina stretched her arms to Ryouma to hand the tray over to her, but Ryouma shook his head in negative and approached Masayasu and sat next to him, smiling at him.
"Milady, take your bath, I'll stay here, he'll eat and feel better, do not be so worried about our dear shinobi, he's strong."
He smiled seductively at Ina and winked. She stared at him confused, she did not think it was a good idea to leave the two alone. She quickly glanced at Masayasu to make sure he agreed.
"Go take your shower, I'll be fine, I'll feel better already." he said.
Ina stared at Masayasu for some time, he looked at her and smiled a little, showing that everything was fine, then sat down, putting his hand on the wound. He did not want to make an expression of pain in front of her, but the pain still persisted.
"Go, I'll stay here, I will not get up, I promise you." Masayasu said.
Ina was silent for some time and then smiled at him and nodded quickly. She believed and trusted his words. He just needed to eat and rest.
"Rest, I really need this shower, but I will not be long."
She stood up and Masayasu and Ryouma stared at her. Ina looked quickly at Ryouma.
"Do not make trouble with him, he needs to rest, okay?" and saying that she saw an ironic smile born in Ryouma's lips. She just sighed and then turned and left the room.
Ryouma placed the tray on Masayasu's legs, in fact the tray feathers were around his legs, he had a good height to eat while sitting.
"Now you're perfumed." he winked at Masayasu who stared at him coolly.
"What do you want from me, mercenary? Who are you?"
Masayasu pulled the tray closer, he got a couple of hashi and a bowl with omelet and began to eat. He stared at Ryouma as he ate waiting for an explanation for his question. It was obvious to him that the man was trying to piss him off.
Ryouma sighed heavily, as if he had disappointed with Masayasu's question, but was only mocking him again, he liked to tease the shinobi.
"I know you do not like me, but do not want to continue this way. The Milady trust me, maybe she did not say to you, because she does not want to disappoint you, but I do not wish harm to her, dear shinobi She's a strong and sweet girl, I like to talk to her, but I do not stand a chance with her, even if I try something she already has a man in her heart."
He smiled at Masayasu as he saw his blue eyes fixed on him. For the first time Masayasu seemed to be listening to him, it was just engaging Ina in the conversation that he got his attention.
"I said I'll help you, I'm not here to cause problems between you two, I have no such intention, Milady is quite determined and she knows what she wants, dear shinobi."
"Stop calling me that, I do not want people to know that I'm a shinobi!"
Masayasu spoke in a cold tone and turned his attention to the food. When he finished eating the omelet he placed the bowl on the tray and picked up another bowl, now with rice and began to eat. He pretended that he was not paying attention to Ryouma, but his words about Ina made him sure that she had feelings for him. If Ryouma had then realized the feeling existed.
"Otsu, right? Though Milady called you by another name in the forest."
Ryouma spoke as he tried to remember the name holding his chin. Masayasu looked up to face Ryouma.
"Forget the other name, as shinobi use false names. My real name is Otsu." he grunted and Ryouma looked at his face and smiled wryly.
"All right, dear Otsu, if that's the way you prefer to be called. Milady told me that you're her cousin, that you stopped serving a nobleman and went to visit her family while you could not get another contract. You offered to accompany her on her trip to Ueda to buy fabrics. Otherwise traders should be able to afford what I want."
A broad smile appeared on his lips and Masayasu stared at him coldly. That mercenary only thought of money and women. He hated mercenaries, They thought they were better than the shinobi, but they did not have the same skills and code of honor the shinobi had.
"You know too much about us. When did you talk to her about it?
Masayasu asked, raising an eyebrow, staring at Ryouma's eyes. Who created this story? Inahime? He needed to be sure of that. Or maybe Ryouma was testing him to know the truth, who he was, or rather, who Inahime was.
"You came here fainted and slept for eight hours in a row. Although Milady did not want to talk too much because she was worried about you, I wanted to distract her a little, she was very worried you. I did not do anything, we just talked. You can ask her this."
He raised his hands quickly, judging himself, then began to laugh. Talking to Masayasu was fun because he always kept serious and staring at him, he thought the shinobi had already figured out what it would be like to kill him in several ways.
Masayasu could not understand why Ryouma was amused at everything, he seemed to always have fun, even when there was no fun at all. Maybe he had fun seeing a weak and wounded shinobi. His lips twitched with that thought.
He was a shinobi, and every time he got hurt he recovered quickly, but he always had a sense of wounded pride and now he was standing before someone who was still joking about it, it was too much for his own pride.
He then heard the sound of footsteps in the old woods of the front of the room and then the shoji door opened and he saw Inahime wearing a sky blue, kimono without any decoration. Masayasu stared at her, the hashi in his hand, the bowl in the other. She was beautiful!
Her wet hair was tied in a bun, she preferred it to disguise her long hair. She smiled brightly at him. She carried his shozoku and the items she took to the bath. She probably took the dirty clothes to wash.
Ryouma saw Masayasu's gaze and then looked at Ina, she looked a little different from a kimono, perhaps more feminine. He smiled charmingly at her, but realized she had not looked at him at all, just for Masayasu. He noticed that they exchanged silent looks.
Ina entered the room graciously and walked to her trunk and bent down to guard Masayasu's shozoku. He can feel her essence of carnation as she passed him. She was so simple, but her beauty was so fast it seemed to color that room. And that scent of her almost inebriated Masayasu, he liked her carnation essence.
"Your other hakama I asked Miko-san to wash. She volunteered for it and I allowed it."
Ina spoke to Masayasu as she looked at him and saw him staring at her as she closed the trunk, then she approached Masayasu and knelt beside him and poured tea for him. She quickly looked at Ryouma and smiled at him.
"Thank you for keep company to Otsu." she bowed her head in thanks.
Ryouma smiled charmingly at her and then when she lifted her face and met his eyes he winked at her.
"I like the company of dear Otsu, he has a temperament ... somewhat." he laughed a little. "And your stunning beauty has already paid for the moments I've been with him." he cast a seductive look on her.
Ina blushed a little and put a hand to her lips and then looked at Masayasu to see what kind of reaction he had, but he stared at Ryouma coolly, then ignored him and put the bowl and hashi on the tray and took the bowl with tea and took a sip.
"Well, now that the three of us are here, we can talk about the trip."
Ryouma began, looking at Ina and then at Masayasu. It was a good opportunity, after all he rarely got close to Masayasu because of his incredible mood.
"Milady, how long do you think he needs to recover to go on the trip? Not that I care to stay here any longer, but the river is getting cold and the horses are going to feel cold when they go to it." Ryouma said looking at Ina now.
Ina looked at Masayasu, this question was not easy to be answered, the truth was he lay for at least 7 days, but she knew that as shinobi he would refuse it, that would be disgraceful for him.
"Otsu, this question only you can answer, you imagine my answer."
She spoke looking at him with a worried face, she feared that he wanted to return the trip tomorrow, that would be too soon, he needed at least to recover the weakness of losing so much blood.
Masayasu looked at Ryouma and took the rest of the tea and looked at Ina with serious countenance. He thought about her words. He had pain, still a little weakness, he was not sure if this night he would be fine, but he would risk giving her an answer, after all he always recovered quickly.
"Tomorrow after lunch we can continue the journey, we must reach Ueda in two days, you can not forget that we can still be looted and the nights are cold."
He spoke looking at Ina, imagining that she would be against his idea, but he was not thinking about himself but about her. He needed to protect her. Staying longer in that house would delay her mission. But he saw her looking at him with shuddering eyes of concern, he knew she would act like this, but it was necessary. For her.
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 16: After the Kiss
Masayasu slid his fingers through Ina's hair and loosened her ponytail while giving soft kisses to her lips, he did not want to pass that limit, he did not know what tomorrow would look like, but he felt she wanted those kisses too, but he would take it easy.
Ina felt him loosen her hair and then smiled at him. Her eyes glittered in the darkness of that room, they glowed with feelings so confused, but so sweet ... She touched two fingers over Masayasu's lips. Those soft lips that had touched her lips softly. She wanted more kisses, but he respected her, she could tell by his kisses, maybe she was the limit to his gestures.
She smiled at him, she needed to calm down, calm her heart to make no mistake with him. She laid her head on his chest again. She was pleased with those soft kisses, they were very soft, but enough to make her heart happy just to feel her lips touch one another. She would dream of this moment, she was sure of it.
Masayasu stared at Ina. There were so many confused feelings in his heart, fortunately she limited herself to a gentle kiss, or maybe she limited it to his wound. He smiled a little at that idea. She was sweet, even then she had taken care of him and put her wishes aside.
He felt her put a hand on his chest, then he placed his hand over hers. It was a simple kiss, but it was a long step, a step that could cause trouble for him and her. A simple kiss could cause his death, since he was of inferior caste to her.
Masayasu stared at Ina on his chest and then with his thumb he began to stroke her hand. He still felt her breathing trying to calm down, that was a long step for her too. Maybe the longest in her life. Kissing a man, a man of inferior caste to her, her bodyguard, a shinobi ... he imagined that her mind should be full of doubt. He could understand that.
Ina closed her eyes with a smile as the caress in her hand made her heart calm. She could not tell what was happening between her and him, but she did not regret anything she was feeling.
Morning came and Ina heard the sound of the rooster. The couple, owners of the little farm, had some chickens and a rooster and that sound was new in her ears, she had never been awakened that way.
She looked towards the shoji door and saw that it was clear the day, so she turned her face to Masayasu and looked at his face, to her surprise he was awake. She smiled up at him and then slid out of the blanket and sat down.
"Good morning .... Otsu."
A playful smile appeared on her lips. She needed to get used to calling him that way. Her long black hair fell down her back and a lock of hair on her shoulder. Masayasu looked at those long hair, it denounced that she was a noblewoman, but she certainly knew that.
Quickly Ina picked up the rope that bound her hair and slid her hands through her hair, expertly fastening on a ponytail. Masayasu watched her arrest with great skill and speed. He looked toward where Ryouma was, but he was not in the room.
"He is not here." Ina said as she realized that Masayasu was searching for Ryouma around the room.
Ina touched Masayasu's face, quickly he caught his sight on her, even tired she was still beautiful. More beautiful after the last night. He smiled a little at her and to his surprise she pressed her lips together and kissed him gently and moved away her face.
Masayasu saw a blush on her cheeks and then he saw her make a gesture that would lift, but he grabbed her arm.
"Wait, stay a little longer." he said and Ina looked at him with a gentle countenance.
"I'm going to prepare you a bath, I think you can have a shower today and I need one too, then I promise to do not leave your side."
A dazzling smile appeared on her face. He could see her eyes shine with happiness, he still had not seen her eyes shine so bright. Was that because of yesterday's kiss? If it was ... now he knew what she felt for him. Her eyes said for every word.
"Okay, I need a shower, my kimono smells like blood."
Masayasu stated, now seeing in the clear can see that he had really lost a lot of blood last night, Ina's kimono and hakama was completely dirty with his blood. As he survived after losing so much blood he had no idea, but he knew that she had saved his life.
"No need to get up. After the shower you'll feel more comfortable eating your breakfast."
Ina smiled at Masayasu tenderly. He could tell she would take care of him all day. He really was not accustomed to it, but he was enjoying that care, enjoying her sweet company.
Ina took the bowl of rice and stood up and left the room, closing the shoji door behind her. Masayasu tried to sit down and quickly put his hand on the wound and made face of pain. The pain was really throbbing.
Masayasu wondered where Ryouma was, he did not like it when that mercenary vanished from his sight. And now he needed to lay down, that would leave him at a disadvantage, if that man tried to get close to Ina he would kill him without mercy!
He tried to get up, resting one knee on the floor with one hand, his other hand over the wound still throbbing in pain. He got up carefully, but the pain was strong and he felt the body still weak. He dropped to the side and rested his hand on the wall, but quickly leaned against the wall and almost fell.
Masayasu hated feeling weak in that way, depending on someone to do things, even if it was Inahime, he did not want to depend on her, he wanted and needed to recover quickly.
He slid back against the wall to the shoji door and opened it and looked out, he saw Ina conversing with Ryouma, both had basin in their hands. Masayasu stared at Ryouma, he did not want to see him near Ina, but he was there talking to her.
Ryouma and Ina noticed the look that came from the porch. Ina's eyes widened as she let the basin fall from her hands and put a hand to her lips. She ran toward Masayasu and quickly wrapped her arm around his back to help him stand.
"You should not be standing!" she said reprovingly as she looked into his face.
Masayasu looked at her seriously. She saw his gaze and knew he was blaming her for talking to Ryouma, she should not, she knew, but Ryouma had only helped so far.
"He was helping me pour water into the ofuro for you, Masayasu-sama. He's only been helping, as much as you do not trust him, I have to admit he's helped a lot."
"I know he has helped, but I suspect he has done it for you to lower your guard, remember, he said you have something he wants."
Masayasu spoke in a serious tone. Ina stared into his eyes, he was right, she had forgotten that, but at that moment her mind was focused only to take care of him, not what Ryouma said or did not say.
"Okay, I'll be more careful. But since you're standing, let's go to the ofuro."
Ina helped Masayasu off the small stair with three steps and walked slowly with him. Ryouma saw that Ina was helping, feeling the weight of Masayasu, so he approached and smiled at Masayasu.
"Hi, dear shinobi, do you need any help?"
He asked, but Masayasu cast a cold and cruel glare at him. Quickly Ryouma raised his hands with an expression of falsely feeling wronged.
"Okay, cold shinobi, I just wanted to be nice."
He stood still, watching Masayasu walk with Ina. Masayasu was still feeling weak, he wanted to walk normally, but maybe he needed to eat better.
Masayasu stepped into the ofuro with Ina's help and looked around. She closed the door behind her and leaned him against the wall.
"You're still weak, but after eating well today you'll feel stronger, you lost a lot of blood yesterday. You can not imagine how much."
She bent down and took off his tabi then stood up and started to untie his hakama, Masayasu took her hands and looked into her eyes. He knew she wanted to help, but he still could do it himself.
Ina felt him hold her hand, she looked into his eyes, maybe he was offended because she wanted to help him get the hakama, but she understood that he wanted to do it alone. She smiled gently at him and walked away to give space to him.
"All right, Masayasu-sama, but if you get dizzy call me."
She turned her back on him, after all, he needed some privacy. Masayasu kept looking at Ina, she was very kind and careful with him, but he could not let her do it all, he could still do some things, even still weak.
He untied his hakama and let it fall to the ground. He looked at his kimono and then at Ina and took it out. In no time did she turn to him. He took the bandage off his body and saw his stitched wound.He looked at Ina, she had done a good job, but unfortunately it was more of a scar on his body. Then he took out his fundoshi and sat on the small seat, still feeling pain. He looked at the wound that Ina had taken care of and then took the basin with water and threw it into his body.
Ina heard Masayasu begin to wash. She turned only toward Hakama and picked up every item that was on the floor and folded to take to wash. Masayasu looked at her. She had a slight blush on her cheeks, he could see that.
Ina did not want to bother him with it, but she knew that at that point he needed help, even for a shower, or he could fall through the weakness and get hurt, or worse, open the wound.
"Inahime .... have you ever taken care of someone that way?" he asked.
Ina was surprised by his question, the blush rising on her cheeks. Masayasu washed his body and went into the ofuro alone, still feeling a little dizzy. Ina could hear him come in, then left his clothes folded in the corner and went to the ofuro and looked at Masayasu with a faint smile and shook her head in negative.
"No, you are the first one that I take care in this way, and I am always in the castle of nobles, lords, and warriors, I have almost no women except maids. I've never been so close to a man, if that's what you want to know."
A blush appeared on her face and she looked away to hide it from him. "Let me wash your hair and your back." she went to him and knelt behind the ofuro.
Masayasu smiled a little. Inahime really felt something for him, so she was taking such care. But he knew this could be a big problem for her. He felt her hands on his back, sliding with a sponge.
She could see scars on his back. She touched some of them and Masayasu turned his face to look at her over his shoulder. She wanted to ask about the scars, but maybe it was not the moment. She slid her hand over his scars and went back to wash his back.
"And you're the first woman to take care of me that way. I had never been treated that way. Your cares, your affection."
Ina met his eyes, she showed a little surprise and then smiled gently at him.
"I never imagined myself doing anything like this, but for you I do not mind doing it, Masayasu-sama. This is not offensive to me, although I am a noble, I have only done what my heart asked to do."
She said as she now washed Masayasu's hair, sliding her hands through his hair and pouring water over it. He heard her words so tender and smiled a little. They were not the care of a noblewoman, but of a woman who wants to take care of the one her heart chose.
"You have beautiful hair, it is not very common for a shinobi to take care of hair."
Ina joked with him and giggled. Masayasu laughed a little. It was the first time she heard him laugh, it made her a little surprised. His laughter was a bit husky, but she'd liked to hear it. He glanced over his shoulder at her.
"And it is not common for a noblewoman to bathe in a shinobi." a faint ironical smile appeared on his lips.
Ina smiled at Masayasu. He looked better now, was being ironic again, he looked grumpy when he woke up. She felt her heart pound for him now. She was happy to see him better. Happy because she was with him.
"Maybe you need to know this noble woman better, she can hide some secrets."
Ina spoke and laughed a little, bringing her hand to her lips, trying to cover her laughter. Masayasu watched her, was a noble, that was fact, her graceful gestures showed it, but she was so strong and so tender.
His desire was to stand beside her. He wanted to protect her from all the bad things life could have to show to her, because he still saw a certain innocence in that young woman, and that was rare in those days of war.
"Can you get out of the ofuro alone? I can help you."
The place of the ofuro was small, it was a bamboo building, it had only the ofuro and three seats. She used two seats to leave the clothes clean and some belongings. She got up and picked up a white kimono on a seat, her own kimono that she used for the shower and stopped beside the ofuro with it open. Masayasu saw the kimono and recognized that it was hers, but she did not seem to mind wiping his body with her own kimono.
"Come on, I brought your clean clothes too."
Ina helped Masayasu to stand up, a blush appeared on his face by seeing him naked, but she tried to ignore it and helped him out of the ofuro and wrapped him in her kimono. She quickly picked up her comb on a seat and started sliding through Masayasu's hair.
She still had a blush on her cheeks. He stood before her, half naked, she had never been so close to a man, yet a naked man.
He realized that she had already prepared the place for a shower, maybe she had left everything since last night thinking about the shower in the early morning. He felt the comb slide through his hair and felt the Ina's scent in himself. He recognized instantly.
"What's in the water?"
"Since I can not walk with flowers, I brought an essence in a small gourd, with white carnations, did you like it?"
She asked as she combed his hair carefully. So that was the scent he felt in her, white carnation. It was a delicate scent, as soft as she was. He could feel the essence of her in his own body, how could he not think of her even more now?
"I brought your two clothes, did not know what I would rather use, will you use hakama to look more discreet, or do you want to use your shozoku?"
Ina asked as she finished combing Masayasu's hair and watched him look at her. She looked at Masayasu, he looked better after the shower, her heart felt a certain lightness at the thought. It was a big scare last night, but fortunately that was past, he would be well soon. She smiled at her own thought.
Masayasu thought the shozoku would be better, but he needed to be discreet, he needed to use hakama, after all the shozoku he used only for missions. And at that moment his only mission is to rest and recover.
Saying this he saw Ina take a fundoshi and his black kimono in the clothes she left on the seat and approach him opening the kimono. Masayasu took off the white kimono and saw Ina looking the other way with a blush in her face, so he dressed the fundoshi and let Ina dress him in the kimono.
Ina looked at Masayasu's face, the kimono open, she blushed again at the sight of his blue eyes watching her. What was he thinking? He did not seem bothered to be naked in front of her. She shook her head to get out of her own thoughts and picked up a new bandage and began to go through his abdomen and back.
Masayasu watched her gesture, looking at her face, calm and focused. The blush seemed to persist, but he knew it was the intimate moment he was sharing at that moment. Maybe she never thought she would have a moment like this, he never thought he would live something like that, especially with a princess.
Masayasu saw her finish with the bandage and close his kimono and tie it carefully. She was always so careful. She always helping, he knew that wearing a hakama was complicated, but he could dress alone sometimes, but he allowed her to help, maybe his heart also wanted him to allow her help. He smiled a little at his own thoughts. They were already sharing a certain intimacy after that day, it was strange to think about it, but it was not bad.
Then he saw Ina picked up the hakama and bent down to help him. Dressing the hakama was always more complicated than taking. After he dressed, she got up and tied his hakama and passed her hands to adjust the details. She met his blue eyes looking at her, she smiled at him affectionately. He smiled a little at her, all her care was more than comforting. Her presence brought comfort to him.
Then she moved away from him and took his tabi where he had taken them and returned to him, where she lowered and helped him to put on. All these movements and standing time it was making him tired, though he knew it was because he needed to eat. He put a hand on his face, feeling a strong weakness.
Ina noticed his weakness and dizziness and quickly got up and wrapped her arm around his back putting her other hand on his chest and looked down at his still pale face. Masayasu looked at her, he looked tired, Ina could see it in his face. He needed to lay down and eat some.
"You can rest and eat now. I'll take you to the bedroom."
Masayasu just looked at her. Those violet eyes showed concern. That moment was a good shower in her company, but really she was right, his body needed rest and food, or he would not recover quickly. He needed to be well for her.
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 15: Shinobi does not rest!
Ryouma watched Ina hug Masayasu, maybe she had simply forgotten his presence, but he could not lose the chance to make some joke at that moment, after all they both seemed at one time.... romantic.
He cleared his throat and rested his elbow on his thigh and his face in his hand as he stared at the couple. "You look beautiful together, lucky your dear shinobi."
Ina blushed at Ryouma's comment, in fact she had forgotten that he was in the room, he was finally silent, did not seem to be his usual, but he seemed to be silent when it was convenient, as at that moment.
She moved away from Masayasu and put a hand on her cheek, looked from Masayasu to Ryouma and saw a wicked smile on his lips. He was literally watching them both in silence. She blushed and looked at Masayasu again and smiled at him affectionately.
Masayasu looked at Ryouma with a cold expression, what was he doing in that room? Would the three of them sleep in the same room? That sounded like a nightmare!
"I'll get you some rice, lay down, okay? I'll be back in a few minutes."
Ina spoke and Masayasu looked at her. She quickly stood up, both still looking at each other. Masayasu wanted to talk to her about some matters, but perhaps with Ryouma around it was impossible. He just stared at her in silence.
Ina realized that he seemed to want to say something, but would stay for later, he needed to eat something. She quickly opened the shoji door and left the room, closing the door behind her.
Ryouma followed her every move out of the room. Always graceful, he thought. Then after Ina left the room Ryouma looked at Masayasu and smiled wryly.
"Are you lovers? Or is there just sexual tension between you?" he asked directly.
Masayasu looked at him and frowned. He should not, but he sat down, making an expression of pain. He quickly put his hand on the wound and again looked at Ryouma.
"Listen, I do not know who you are, but stay away from her, okay?" he said dryly.
Ryouma shrugged and laughed a little. "I did not talk about myself, I talked to you about her. She's very beautiful and seems to like you. You did not see what I saw." He paused.
"This Milady crossed the field of the forest here with you, fainting in her arms. She took care of your wound, and stood by your side checking the beating of your heart and taking care of your fever."
He smiled wryly and then leaned against the wall. "I've never seen such a determined girl. She did not leave your side a single minute, and she must be exhausted, after all you're heavy, dear shinobi, carrying you here should not have been easy for her. "
Masayasu heard Ryouma tell him what had happened, but the way he counted it seemed he should do something about it, yes he was in debt with Inahime, but to pay his debt he would have to protect her even more. So he did not know where Ryouma wanted to go with this conversation. If he had any vague ideas, he preferred to ignore them.
Ryouma took his face from his hand and leaned forward, still watching Masayasu closely. He was a very handsome man, but he seemed a bit grumpy.
"And she was the one who killed the man who tried to kill you. I've never seen a girl so angry, she was ... cruel .. she hit four arrows on him, she was only pleased when she did not see him breathe anymore." he said with a growing smile.
Masayasu listened to everything in silence, Inahime in anger? He knew her in anger, he knew her like that. But the way Ryouma described it seemed worse, but ... What happened to her to lose her temper? His wound? He definitely needed to talk to her.
Before Masayasu had an answer to his own questions, Ina opened the door holding a bowl and a pair of hashi. She looked at Masayasu and closed the door behind her.
"I told you not to sit down." she scolded him and went to him and knelt beside him.
Masayasu felt her movements with his gaze, she looked so calm and so soft now that it was hard to imagine that she was angry in the forest. Ina noticed his gaze on him and then gave Ryouma a look of reproach.
"What did you tell him?" she asked.
"Everything." Ryouma said with a shrug. "He needed to know, I guess. I'll give you a few minutes to talk, I'll take my sake out."
After saying this, Ryouma got up and went out the shoji door and closed behind him. Ina waited for him to leave and then looked at Masayasu and felt him grasp her wrist. He had his gaze fixed on her. She did not want to talk about what happened in the forest.
"Are you okay? He told me that you were very angry and killed the leader with cruelty."
Ina was silent, holding the bowl with rice. She had been really cruel, but at that moment she could not think very well, just wanted to protect Masayasu. She looked at the rice and then looked into Masayasu's blue eyes.
"I've lost control, that's all." she stared into his eyes and then put a hand on his face. "When I saw you being hurt that way I lost control, I was afraid of losing you, I just wanted to kill the man who tried to kill you."
Masayasu saw in those violet eyes concern, mixed with sadness and confusion. She was being honest, he could see that. But why did she want to hide it from him?
"It's all right, but you do not have to hide it from me, Inahime, if you want us to be a team, trust each other, you have to share what you think and feel with me. You told me that yourself once."
He smiled a little, still feeling that warm touch on his cheek. He put his hand over hers. He wanted to feel the touch of her hand a little more on his cheek, he was beginning to appreciate every gesture of her affection.
Ina smiled at Masayasu fondly and nodded. "You're right, I'm not going to hide anything for you anymore. We're a team."
She continued to look into Masayasu's eyes, he was so handsome, although he was still pale because he lost a lot of blood he was still very handsome. Her heart pounded as he stared at her, her hand still on his face.
"I know you're in pain, but I'll help you eat some."
Ina took her hand from his face and picked up the hashi and took it to the rice. Masayasu looked at his own hand and saw that he was trembling a lot. He realized then that he had lost a lot of blood, he would have difficulty holding the hashi.
Ina saw his gesture, his tremors, and smiled a little. He would recover, he was strong, he had shown this, but fortunately his lung was not hit, or he would be dead now.
"I'll help you eat, I'd already thought of that."
She lifted the hashi and showed him smiling happily at him. She also wanted to smile again, after all the worst had already happened, and she wanted to show him that she was happy to be by his side.
Masayasu looked at Ina seriously. He wanted to tease her somehow and knew that with a serious expression it would work.
"Inahime, are you trying to pamper me?" he raised an eyebrow.
Ina giggled and grabbed a handful of rice with the hashi and brought it to his lips. "Who knows, after all, not every shinobi has the privilege of being pampered, am I right?"
She smiled happily. Her eyes coming back to life. Masayasu saw that bright, cheerful glow returning to her beautiful and sweet eyes. He smiled a little to see that face so beautiful and happy, she was so willing to take care of him. Why?
After eating the handful of rice that she carried to his lips he decided to ask.
"Inahime, why do you care so much about me? We met yesterday."
Masayasu saw those violet eyes look into his eyes and a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. When he saw this he realized that maybe she was not going to respond, maybe she still was not sure, but one thing he was sure of, there were complex feelings involved.
"Masayasu-sama, I worry about you. I do not know how to explain it, but...I do not want to lose you, so let me take care of you now, I can do this, and when you're better you come back to take care of me, like my bodyguard... But for now just rest."
She smiled in amusement, as if she was making fun of him. Masayasu stared at that soft face, a slight smile appeared on his lips and he nodded.
"Okay, let's do it your way, Inahime, but I can not allow you to get hurt, I need to protect you. And a shinobi never rests."
Ina heard his words and nodded and then smiled a little. "But it does not have to be that way. We will have time to talk about it later. But for now I introduced you as Otsu to the couple and introduced myself as Chie."
She brought more rice to his lips. Masayasu ate nodding. It was a good idea she did not give their real names, after all they could identify Inahime, she should be known even among the peasants.
"You had a good idea and thought fast. It is better to they do not know about us, not so much about me, I can change my name when you want. But you need to use a false name, nobody can know who you are, much less the mercenary."
Masayasu spoke in a serious tone. Now he really was serious. He was worried about Ina's safety, especially near Ryouma. He still did not like the way he looked at her, and Ina had realized that.
"Can I sleep with you?"
She asked and catching Masayasu by surprise. For a few seconds he just stared at her. Her eyes were kind and watched him with care and concern. Maybe she was just worried about him, but her question had surprised him.
"I know you do not want me near Ryouma, so let me sleep with you, besides being better, because I can take care of your wound if you need to."
Ina argued as she realized that Masayasu was struggling for an answer. She smiled a little, she understood his doubt, she was a noble, he did not know her, maybe he thought that later she would invent some story about the two of them for her father.
"Masayasu-sama, believe me, I just wish to be by your side. What happened here will not reach my father's ears."
She set the bowl with half the rice on the floor and grabbed his hand with both hands. He could feel her hand not so hot, it was cooling, she must be feeling cold, she must be exhausted. That day was long, a long trip that had a sudden break full of unforeseen events. He kept thinking, looking into her eyes, pondering her words.
"Okay, it's better this way. I'll keep an eye on him, and with you close to me I know he will not try anything."
He said and then surprisingly Ina hugged him tightly. He could still smell the scent of her hair. Even after that tiring trip, her hair still smelled of flowers. Ina always hugged him, what was he supposed to do with it? That scent, her heat ... Why was she that way?
Masayasu could feel her heart pounding against his chest. He knew she was feeling something, it was strange, but he was also confused. Her presence was so strong that his mind was confused. He suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and hugged her back.
Ina was a little surprised, but then she smiled. It was the first time he'd hugged her, or half a hug, but it was already a step. She had so many confused feelings for him. She wanted his trust, his admiration, his friendship...but her heart seemed to beat harder and harder for him. Why?
Ryouma opened the shoji door and Ina startled, moving away from Masayasu quickly. Ryouma saw her face startled and red. He quickly looked at Masayasu who was looking at Ryouma with a cold expression. Ryouma smiled wryly and closed the door behind him.
"I'm going to bed, you can continue what you started."
He walked over to the futon and sat on it, then lay down and pulled the blanket that had been handed to him. Ina did not look at Ryouma again, she was silent, she picked up the bowl with rice and looked at Masayasu.
"You need to eat some more, then try to rest."
She spoke with a soft smile. Masayasu could still see the blush on her cheeks. She had a shy look, perhaps because she had shown affection for him and he impulsively hugged her. But he could not deny that he had liked to feel her in his arms. So soft and warm. But he needed to avoid such contact.
Masayasu was not hungry, he had eaten enough that night, but he agreed to eat some more just because Ina was helpful.
"Just a little more and let's go to bed, you need to rest too."
He looked again at her dirty hakama with his blood. She really had not left his side, she was an admirable girl, he owed his life to her. He would pay with protection.
Masayasu looked at her face again. The room was lit only with two lamps in floor, but he could see her face, the blush was gone, and she returned the food to him on his lips. Never in his life did he get food on his lips, but as she was he was not bothering about it.
He could feel his weak body, he had to fight now he could not, would not have strength and agility. He needed to recover, he needed to be quick, he wanted to protect her, not only because he had been hired to be her bodyguard, but because that was his wish from now on. Protect Inahime of everything and everyone.
When Ina brought the hashi back to Masayasu's lips, he made a gesture with the hand that could not take any more, she understood and nodded. She put the bowl and hashi in a corner and helped Masayasu to lay down. She could see an expression of pain. He must be feeling a lot of pain.
"Are you sure you do not want something for pain?" She asked at the sight of his countenance. She looked at him worriedly.
"No, I'm fine, I just need to lay down a bit." and saying that he managed to lay down, it was a relief to his wound and body. His body was weak and lying seemed to soften this strange sensation.
Ina took the lamps and turn off one by one, then left beside the bowl of rice and lay next to Masayasu and pulled the blanket over them. She stared at his face. The room was dark, but she had fixed her vision on his face and still could see him lying still.
She touched his face, Masayasu turned his face to her side and saw her eyes looking at him. She began to caress his cheek softly, it was a comforting sensation to him, her gestures gentle and loving. But to his surprise she moved closer to him and laid her head on his chest as she still stared at him still caressed his face.
He could see those eyes shining in the dark, every gesture of her made his heart quiver. He should not allow it, but it was happening and he could not control it. He wrapped his arm around her body. Ina smiled as she felt his arm, her heart racing with the thrill of being so close to Masayasu.
Masayasu was feeling a certain comfort by having Ina so close to his body, she was still warm, and it warmed his cool body. He was still chilled for losing so much blood, but her body next to his warmed a little. And her caresses were comfortable to rest the body. Her presence was comfortable to relax, even if a shinobi should not relax, she could do it with him.
Ina and Masayasu stared at each other for some time and then Ina touched his lips and slid her fingers through it, making the outline of his upper lip and then the lower lip. Ina felt her heart beat so hard she could hear the sound. Masayasu stared at her, he could not reject any gesture from her. What was happening between them? It was the only thing that came into his mind, everything was so fast, is it just attraction?
Ina slowly brought her face closer, Masayasu looked into her eyes, and he felt his face tighten with her hand. He wanted this, he knew what would happen after that, but he did not care. She was important, and with every step in his direction that importance increased even more.
He brought his face closer to hers, he looked at her lips and then felt her lips touch his. She had soft and warm lips, his lips must be very cold for her, but she did not seem to care. They let their lips touch soft kisses. Then he looked into her violet eyes so bright and smiled a little. She had touched him in a place no one else had touched in years ... his heart.
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 14: Affection
She did not feel a weight in her heart, her desire to throw her bow to the ground and run toward Masayasu to help him, but that man had shot him, tried to kill Masayasu, she felt a rising anger in her heart, an anger that few Sometimes it sprouted in her heart.
The gang leader pointed the gun at her, but before pulling the trigger, Ina had already pulled the bowstring from her bow, it was so fast that the man did not see the arrow fly and cross his arm. A cry of pain and gun fell from his hand. Before he could make any other gesture, Ina had taken another arrow in her quiver and attached the rope of her bow and shot another arrow, striking the man's chest. He fell.
Ryouma looked at Ina in surprise, she looked so angry that he could not recognize the young woman sitting just a few minutes before the fire. To his surprise he saw her approaching the man with another armed arrow and shooting again. The man was agonizing on the ground and once more she took another arrow and attached it to the rope of her bow.
Ina looked at the man with contempt. Her eyes fixed on that dying man on the floor. He deserved it. He was dying in pain, he was dying, he would deserve the wounds, two arrows in his chest, but Ina did not seem satisfied, and then shot an arrow into the man's throat, who wided his eyes and died.
She gasped in anger as she looked at the dead man before her, but then she only seemed to have regained her senses, out of that moment of anger and turned to look at Masayasu on the ground.
She had tears welling up in her eyes again, she dropped her bow and ran to his side. Ryouma watched that scene startled, she was not one of the famous maiden in danger, she could be dangerous if she really wanted to.
Ina knelt beside Masayasu and saw that he was fainted, he touched her wound and saw her hand become full of blood. It was already night, the forest was not the best place to take care of this wound, if Masayasu were not to a warm place could die.
She looked at Ryouma with serious eyes, he quickly approached her. She should not trust that man, she knew nothing about him, and Masayasu did not seem to trust him, but she was the only person who could help her that moment.
"I need your help. Further along, near here, there is a small farm, I'm going to ride the brown horse and you help me put Masayasu-sama on it, I'll go there with him. You bring my bow and my horse, come after me."
She spoke in a serious tone, looking into his eyes, the forest was starting to turn dark, but the fire still lit around.
Ina turned to Masayasu and saw that he was pale, she needed to be quick, she needed to save his life. He had to be strong, he need to be strong. He touched his face, her eyes longing to cry again. Her heart feeling pain in seeing him badly injured. But then she got up and looked at Ryouma.
"Catch him, please!"
She went to Mako and passed all the Masayasu items that were stuck on the horse to Haku as fast as she could to make the horse free of more weight, he would have to take two people, he needed no more weight.
Quickly she rode and looked at Ryouma who with much effort lifted Masayasu in her arms. Ryouma realized that the shinobi was too heavy, such a man would be difficult for a young woman like Ina to lead. But that was her wish, he hoped she would.
Ryouma took Masayasu to Ina and Mako and then tried to ride him in front of Ina, she helped, and after some difficulty, they managed to get Masayasu sitting in Ina's front. She leaned him against her body and wrapped her left fist in the reins and hugged Masayasu with all the strength she had.
A quick glance at Ryouma. "Follow me!" and without saying anything else she hit her feet hard on the horse's body and sped out of the woods and through the darkness of the road to the little farm.
Ryouma saw Ina ride with Masayasu at full speed. She was so determined, he could not deny that she was an admirable girl. But could she save the shinobi?
Ina rode desperately, Masayasu was heavy and he looked even heavier against his body because he was unconscious. But she needed to get to the small farm, she was sure there would be a place to take care of him, even if it was in the barn.
She went her way, Mako doing her best. The tears on Ina's face sprouting again, she could feel Masayasu icy, her face pressed against his and she cried. She squeezed him against her body. Despair is taking over her heart. He could not die. Her heart could not bear to lose him. It was her fault, she had felt that it would happen and did not say anything to him.
Tears flowed down her face and touched his face, Masayasu was with a growing pallor, Ina could feel the blood spout from him on her arm and hands. But then to a slight relief, at least the smallest of them, she saw the little farm and ran there.
Ina crossed the field to the small farm and when she started to approach she began to scream.
"Help! Help, please!!"
She did not need to scream much because there was a woman pouring water from the well, she saw Ina approaching Masayasu in her arms, so she ran into the house to call her husband. Ina stopped with the horse in front of their simple house, the woman left with the husband of the house. The man came to help Ina down Masayasu. She dismounted quickly and helped the man carry Masayasu into the house.
The woman showed a room that used to store food, she quickly put a tatami to Masayasu, Ina and the peasant took the shinobi there and lay him down. The woman ran to get sake to clean Masayasu's wound.
Ina released the belt that Masayasu that had a small bag and placed next to. She took the gun out of his kimono and then opened his kimono. The wound was in the ribs, there was a lot of blood, the wound was bleeding badly, she had to cheer up to not hit his lung, or he would die.
The man went to fetch water for Ina and the woman ran back with the sake. A few minutes after Ina arrived, Ryouma arrived and brought Ina's trunk, he did not know if she would need it, but his instinct had said yes. And he was right. The house was busy, as the couple had never seen.
Ina saw Ryouma come in with her trunk while she wiped Masayasu's wound with sake. Her frosted eyes brightened a little at the sight of the trunk.
"Glad you arrived on time, I really need it!"
Ryouma put the trunk on her side and looked at Masayasu, he was very pale and bleeding a lot, but then he saw Ina open the trunk and pick up a small box with a few small glasses, it had tweezers. She set the box aside and then leaned against the wound and stuffed the tweezers inside.
Ryouma felt a chill when she did it, he had seen a lot in his life, but he had never seen it. He looked at Ina, but her countenance showed that she knew what she was doing. If she knew what she was doing Ryouma should not question. But it was a very strange thing. Just like the little glasses he saw. He only saw this with doctors, and yet it was a rare sight to see.
Masayasu seemed to feel nothing, Ryouma saw that his face did not move. Was he really alive?
Ina took the tweezers out of the wound, and along with the tweezers a small projectile, Ryouma recognized that, he knew how to shoot with firearms, and when he saw it, he knew it was the projectile that came out of the man's gun. Ina dropped the tongs out and picked up the threaded inside the box and a strange needle.
The man brought the water that Ina needed. She put the thread in the needle and wiped the wound again with sake, but now with a cloth, so as not to throw more sake into his wound. She began to sew Masayasu's wound. Ryouma and the couple watched everything. Ina needed to be quick, she had to stop that bleeding, and still hope not to hit the lung.
After finally sewing the wound, she wiped the blood from Masayasu's abdomen and washed her hands in the bowl full of water. She touched his face and felt him freezing. She bent her head to his chest and felt his heart beat weak, but he was still alive. Her eyes filled with tears again. But she swallowed the tears and looked at the couple. She could finally thank you.
"Thank you for helping us, it means so much to me. I will repay you for it."
She tried to smile. The woman saw that Ina had her clothes were soaked with blood and her face too. She realized Ina needed rest, maybe food, if she could do something for that girl she would try to do.
"I am Miko and my husband is Taichi. I will prepare food for you. If you want a bath tell me that we have a place for bath."
Ina shook her head in a negative and smiled softly. "I'm fine, I'll take care of him, then shower. But thank you for everything you're doing for us."
"My name is Chie, and my wounded friend is Otsu, and this is Ryouma."
She waved to show the other in the room. Ryouma smiled charmingly at Miko.
"I'll leave you resting and make rice for you." Miko bowed softly and looked at Ina with a gentle smile. She was a young woman, just over 25 years old. The man was a little older than she was, he must have been about 35 years old. Both had slightly burned skin from working in the sun.
They left the room to let Ina, Masayasu and Ryouma rest.
"I'll take the horses to the stable." said Ryouma. Ina saw his always smiling face staring at her seriously. She did not know if he was serious about the situation, or if it was his way of showing solidarity with her. She nodded and he left the room.
Masayasu woke up, it took him some time to figure out where he was, he looked around and saw a room, he was lying on a simple tatami, but he was covered with a blanket. He saw Ina at his side and felt a wet cloth on his forehead and then realized what had happened, he had been shot. But how did he get there?
He tried to sit down and then Ina forced him gently with her hands to continue lying down.
"No, laying still, you must rest..."
She spoke with a smile appearing on her lips. He saw that smile, and then he realized that he was not dreaming, he was alive. But where he was. He looked around again without acknowledging anything. There was nothing in the room, just a big sack of rice in one corner.
"Where I am?" he asked and his eyes met Ina's.
She could see that he was confused, maybe she should tell him how he got there, but before she did, Ryouma came into the room and smiled at Masayasu.
"Oh, it's finally awake, dear shinobi. We have dinner, we're all asleep." he laughed a little. "Hey, you're heavy, you know that?" he joked and sat in a corner of the room and leaned against the wall.
Masayasu looked at him and frowned. He did not trust Ryouma, so what was he doing there with him and Ina?
"Ryouma helped us. He put you on the horse, I rode you here and took care of your wound."
Ina spoke, and found a slightly surprised look from Masayasu. He could not believe she rode with him to that spot. How did she do it? He saw her hakama all dirty with blood. She did not leave his side in no time. She could have rested, but she was at his side. Ina was really incredible.
Masayasu then pulled his kimono to see his wound, he found bandages, but he could feel she had stitched his wound. She knew how to stitch, it was a good skill to save lifes. But who taught her?
Ina touched Masayasu's hair and began to caress softly, sliding the fingers to his black hair, then he realized that she had loosened his hair. He could not say anything at that moment, that gesture had taken him unprepared. She was being affectionate with him. More affectionate than she'd shown before.
She looked into his eyes and saw that he watched her intently, as quietly as ever. She smiled at him, her heart was glad now that he woke up, his heartbeat was slow before, but then with time they returned to normal, she was by his side checking from time to time.
"You must be in pain, I have something for pain if you want."
She said and saw Masayasu make a slight shake of his head. The wound was aching, but not as much as he'd imagined. He had already been wounded in missions, but it was the first time he was injured by a gun.
"How did you get the projectile out of my body?" he asked.
Ina smiled at him and touched his face. She was so happy to see him awake and talking to her that tears welled in her eyes. She tried to be strong all that time, but the relief of seeing him well brought tears to her eyes again.
Masayasu saw those violet eyes full of tears and then he could not resist, he touched Ina's face with one hand. She smiled at him, it was a smile of happiness, although the tears still ran down her cheeks.
"I learned from my father's doctor, he taught me some ways to save lives, although this is the first time I have used this ability."
She smiled at Masayasu again, her eyes trying to stop crying out, she put her hand over his, on her cheek, a cheery smile rising on her face. Masayasu can tell that she was happy to have saved his life, he must confess that if it had not been for her he might have been dead at that moment.
"Thank you. You saved my life."
Masayasu said, but he was taken aback with a hug from Ina, she cried close to his ear, but he can only let a faint smile appear on his face. He was lucky to have her. Lucky for being by her side, lucky to have her affection, lucky to have been saved by her.
0 notes
lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 13: The gun
Masayasu entered the forest and walked the path Ryouma had said, to his surprise he came upon a small camp. There was a fire burning, a fish was roasting on the fire. He looked around, saw the silver horse he spoke, the horse looked at him and whinnied.
A spear was leaning against a tree, and a sake bottle, a small bag, and a gun are placed near the fire. How could he leave his things that way? Masayasu frowned suspiciously. He looked around, then jumped through the trees and looked to see if there was anyone else.
He found a taller tree and jumped from branch to branch and came almost to the top and looked into the forest, he could see the horse and the fire. His eyes followed every way and then out of the forest he could see Ina and Ryouma. There was no one else but them.
With a leap to the ground he fell crouched and then quickly got up and ran towards Inahime, he did not want to leave her any longer alone with that man.
In exactly two minutes and he was back. He jumped next to Ina and Ryouma feigned surprise. Masayasu looked at him with a cold look and then approached Ina and leaned close to her ear.
"He told the truth, but I feel like there's something strange about it."
Masayasu spoke and then Ina just looked quickly at him, to meet his eyes and looked at Ryouma, who smiled wryly. He ran a hand through his black hair and kept his gaze fixed on his eyes.
"You look in sync, that's good. Are you .... lovers?"
Ryouma asked and saw Ina frowning again. He wanted to have time to talk to her about Masayasu, but he was too quick. He was sure he had seen Masayasu somewhere, he just had to remember.
"You talk too much." Masayasu murmured.
Ryouma shrugged and smiled wryly at Masayasu as if he were really mocking him. "Maybe you say little my dear shinobi."
Ina thought for a few seconds and looked at Masayasu with a look of concern, she needed to know whether to risk it or not, she had a weight on her heart, the feeling that something bad would happen to him was still throbbing in her heart.
"Let's hear what he has to say, but I'll stand by his spear and get his gun."
Masayasu spoke in a cold and dry tone. He did not want to give more holes for that man to speak. He knew a place to not be attacked, he wanted to hear, wanted to know if this was real and could be trusted.
When she heard Masayasu's words, Ina lowered her bow and put the arrow in the quiver. Ryouma breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at Ina and smiled at her. Masayasu did not like how that man seemed to look at Ina, he wanted something from her, and he did not like it.
Ina saw the look and Ryouma' smile and then ignored him, she was serious, but her face changed as she approached Masayasu to talk, Ryouma could see that she had a softer face, they had a good relationship and she trusted him.
"Okay, you go ahead where I can see you."
Masayasu spoke to Ryouma, who only shrugged. He did not have to talk about it, he knew they were both suspicious of him, but the shinobi was the one who most suspected it was his nature, his training, his instinct.
Masayasu grabbed Mako's reins and looked at Ina to make sure she was fine and agreed. Ina smiled at him and nodded. She trusted Masayasu and would follow her plan again. But she would be prepared for any kind of attack.
She took Haku's reins and held her bow tightly, if need be she would use the blade as a sword, for now it seemed tranquil, but nothing was predictable coming from a mercenary and a forest.
Masayasu stared at Ryouma, hoping he would understand that it was for him to walk. Ryouma looked at Masayasu and Ina and waited for someone to say something. Ina raised an eyebrow, or that man was sly or he really was not understanding the situation.
She looked at Masayasu who seemed a little impatient with Ryouma. She knew he could launch another kunai, and before that was necessary she intervened.
"Come on, let's go to your camp."
Ryouma smiled at Ina, his eyes were crimson, she had never seen eyes of that color, and there was a strange glow in those eyes, as if she were planning something, or as if he knew something that no one else knew. It was strange and it caused discomfort in her.
Ryouma turned and headed for the forest, walking among the trees, heading straight for his camp. Masayuki followed behind with Mako. Ina was coming after Masayasu, along with Haku. She watched closely for any strange gesture Ryouma had.
Her heart was still heavy with that bad feeling. Why? What would happen there? She did not want to see Masayasu hurt or worse. She felt a shiver run through her body, that forest was creeping in her, there was something strange in that place. She could feel it.
A cold wind swept down the path. Instinctively she looked back, then to the left side and then to the right side and back to the front, she saw Masayasu in front of her with Mako, but she could see Ryouma walking quietly, now in silence. He was a strange man.
Ryouma let Masayasu decide where to put the horses and pick up his gun and spear, he did not want trouble with the shinobi. Silver looked happy to see Ryouma, who smiled at his horse.
Masayasu took the reins from Haku and taking him and Mako to the side, he thought of tying them both, but then he thought that if anything happened they could flee. He left the horses side by side, away from Silver, who seemed to stare curiously at the two horses.
Then he went to the fire and took the gun to the floor and put it inside his kimono and stood next to the spear. He gestured with his hand to Ina to sit on a free trunk near the fire.
Ina looked at Masayasu, he was really suspicious of something, did he have the same strange sensation as she? Slowly she looked at Ryouma and then looked at the free trunk and walked over to it and sat down, putting the bow in her lap.
Ryouma nodded, there was silence, he did not like silence, but that shinobi looked like a strange shadow beside his spear. He walked over to the trunk opposite Ina and sat down.
"We have fish and sake, will you want a little?"
He asked offering and looked at Masayasu and then at Ina and smiled charmingly at her.
"Stop smiling at her that way and say. Which way best way to go without finding looters or thieves?"
Masayasu began to speak. His voice was so cold that the ears of the listener were harsh and hard. Ryouma before your words looked at him and laughed a little.
"Sorry if I've been looking too much for her, she's a very beautiful young woman, the most beautiful I've ever seen traveling around, you have luck, my dear shinobi."
Masayasu did not change his countenance, he was still cold and serious. Ina could see that he did not want to talk silly, wanted to get right to the subject that Ryouma had confirmed knowing.
Ryouma realized that Masayasu was still cold and serious, so he picked up his bottle of sake and offered it to him as a gesture of peace. Masayasu looked at the bottle and then nodded at him.
"Take a swallow first. I need to make sure it has no poison."
Masayasu spoke and Ryouma's eyes widened. Did he really think that? He laughed. He could not disguise that such distrust was amusing, but he could understand that, the girl must be valuable, so much mistrust.
"Okay, I'll take it first, that's no problem, best sake in Japan."
He opened the bottle and took it to his lips and took a big sip. Ina stared at him, she did not know what that man wanted, he was a mercenary, she already knew that, and she was sure that although Masayasu had not said anything, he knew it too.
After taking a long drink, he offered the sake to Masayasu again. He took the bottle and took it to his nose and sniffed first, even as he looked at the man, yes that was sake, just sake. He took a sip and looked at Ina, who shook her head in negative.
Masayasu handed the bottle back to Ryouma. He still stared at him coldly, still had not accepted it as a gesture of peace. Ryouma realized from his look that he would not lower his guard, so he just shrugged and picked up the bottle.
"Well, let's get down to business. As I said I know one way, but it's going to take one more day of travel, if you had plans for a 3-day trip, maybe it's 4."
He looked at Ina, thinking it might be tiring for her, especially since the night was getting colder and camping would be bad for her.
"We are going to have to cross one side near the mountains and the river. Few people go there because it is dangerous, the river is deep."
Ryouma began to explain, but was interrupted by Masayasu.
"Idea place to be looted." he said harshly.
"No, because it's really dangerous, there's only one part of the river that can be passed with horses, the rest is deep, I know what that part is, no one knows it, no one uses that area, I've done that way several times without being attacked is safe. "
Ryouma replied looking at Masayasu and then smiled and nodded at Ina.
"It's safe for her, you need to think about Milady. When you're alone it's easy to go on a trip, but when you have a lady you need to think about her safety and comfort."
Ina was surprised by his concern to treat women so carefully, this was new to a mercenary. As far as she heard most people beat and rape women, why was he thinking of gentleness and comfort?
She moved her lips to start talking, but a sudden sound made her stand up alert, her eyes fell over in Masayasu who had already pulled his wakizashi. Ryouma got up and pointed in the middle of the forest.
Ina can not see right what he was pointing at, but it looked human, it looked like a shadow, maybe a man. It fractions of a second she pulled an arrow and armed her bow and shot at that spot. A cry of pain. It was the voice of a man.
She jumped back, so the tree trunk did not disturb. Her heart soared, it was terrible, the sensation that someone would attack Masayasu. That was what she feared, that was what she'd spent all afternoon thinking.
Masayasu looked at Ryouma, he did not ask for any weapons, but he had helped Ina, so he should not be with these men. But before he could draw any conclusions, a man jumped on him, Masayasu struck a side stroke with his wakizaki, hitting the man's stomach, causing the man to go dead.
In seconds they were surrounded, seven more men jumped on them. The men were wearing simple clothes like peasants, but their faces were covered with brown cloth. It could tell they used to plunder, so they hid their faces.
Ryouma saw a man in his direction and quickly defended himself with his arm so the man did not hit him with a kama, the weapon almost cut off his arm, but he in a quick blow, hit the man's chin with a knee and took kama of his hand and hit his back, making the man fall dead.
Ina began to step backwards, shooting arrows, she lost some because the men jumped with the kama, and her heart was heavy with concern for Masayasu. But she hit the chest of a man who fell dead, so she saw that Masayasu was fighting with either man. His wakizashi slid fast with strong and elegant cutting strokes.
She aimed the arrow at the man's head, he jumped, but Masayasu defended himself. When Masayasu held hit with the Kama with his wakizashi Ina saw her chance. She took a deep breath and shot, hitting the man's head, which falls dead before the shinobi.
Masayasu quickly looked at Ina and even before saying something, he had to defend himself against a hit of the kama, using his wakizashi to defend himself. This must have been some gang wearing kama. He noticed that all the members attacked with kama. But the members were a bit slow for him.
Masayasu jumped back and fell with a knee leaning on the floor. He quickly took two kunai from his little bag, strapped to the waist, and threw it into the throat of two men, both of whom fell dead.
Ina saw a man get close to her, was so sudden and he came with a jump, and a hit with the kama, that she only had time to use the bow. She used the blade of her bow to defend herself from the blow of the kama, she pushed the man and then turning the body at great speed and hitting the blade of her bow in the abdomen in the man, cutting him. Another dead.
Ryouma saw Masayasu slip through the shadows to strike a man with his wakizashi, when he lifted the wakizashi with both hands, Ryouma took a kama from a dead man before him and threw the man before Masayasu gave the final blow. The man just turned his body and felt the blood running down his back. He fell a few seconds later.
"It must be the Kama gang." Ryouma spoke quickly, looking at Ina, seeing her serious face, she was not scared, but serious, and to her surprise she really was skilful with the bow.
"Strange, the leader was not among them."
Ryouma looked at the dead on the ground. And then he felt something, but he realized that Ina and Masayasu had felt it, too. It was another presence. A man came walking out of the shadows. Yes, it was already getting dark, the forest was starting to get dark.
Ina pulled an arrow from her quiver and pinned it on the bowstring of her bow and lifted it, pointing in the man's direction. Before she could shoot him she heard a sound. One shot. She scared. Her violet eyes widened. She nearly lost her breath. That was a gun. Her eyes quickly traced where the shot had hit.
No. No. No. It was all that came into her mind. As she looked to the side, she saw Masayasu put his hand on the side of the body, on the ribs, his hand full of blood. He looked at Ina, he wanted to say something to her. The words fled from his lips again. The silence consumed him again. Pain. He felt pain. And he felt a strange sensation, and a loss of blood. He did not believe this was happening.
Ina saw his face pale, his hand full of blood, so he fell to the ground. Her heart grew heavy, she saw Masayasu being hit, being hurt, as her heart feared. This could not be happening.
She then looked at the man holding the gun. He was a man with a cruel look, and he had hit Masayasu because he knew he was the strongest there, what else had killed members of his gang.
"NOOOOOO!!" she screamed with tears.
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lady-inahime · 5 years
Chapter 12: The Stranger in the Forest
Ina rode toward the forest, she looked in that direction, she wanted to see if Masayasu would send a signal to her telling how many men there were. She did not know which signal to receive, but that did not matter, she would know it was a signal at the right time.
It was late afternoon, the sunset was ending, in fact the sunset looked very shy that day, perhaps because it was cooling down a bit. She looked around quickly, just to make sure there was no one else around, and then looked at the forest again. Her violet eyes attended every movement, every shadow that appeared.
Ina felt her heart beat so hard she feared that anyone could hear. She released the bow of the mount and held it in her hand and was observed, in case she needed to pull a quick arrow from the quiver that was now on her back. This whole Masayasu's plan seemed very tense. She just wanted to get over it and cross the forest without concern, but her heart said there would be combat.
Ina had the impression of far from seeing movements amidst the trees, but it could be just the wind moving those red leaves. She was attentive, did not want to fail, especially because she felt that the Masayasu's life would be in danger.
She then began to approach the forest, her heart beating louder and louder. She saw some foliage move. Slowly she pulled an arrow from her quiver and pinned the bowstring and pointed in that direction.
Ina tried to calm her heart, she made a movement with her legs for Mako to stop, so Haku also stopped when realizing that the other horse had stopped. Ina was trying to breathe calmly, she looked and was about to drop the arrow and then saw Masayasu come out through the foliage and look around and then back to Ina.
"You do not have to shoot me, you know."
Masayasu mocked at the look on Ina's face who does not understanding what was happening. She lowered her bow and stared at Masayasu and followed his gaze.
"I did not see anyone, this is weird. Do you believe there's no one here?"
Ina looked toward the unbelieving forest that there was no one, something inside her said there was someone, somebody lurking to attack them when they were on low guard.
"No, there's someone in there, I can feel it."
She spoke and Masayasu looked into her eyes. She stared at the forest as if searching for someone, for some clue that someone was inside.
Masayasu followed her gaze, if she felt something and should take it into consideration. She was trained to feel the energies around her, as archer she could feel more than he might. Although as shinobi he managed to identify presences, she as an archer might feel energies or sensations, was her instinct.
"Do you feel any presence? Because I feel nothing and did not see anyone, Inahime."
Masayasu spoke and looked at Ina, she looked around, in whatever direction her eyes could penetrate into that forest, she felt something, but she was not sure if she would be able to tell what it was.
"I'm not sure I can say I feel a presence, but there's something inside that forest, something hidden, something that our eyes might not be seeing."
She looked at Masayasu. He watched her severely, then put his hand on his chin to think about it. Maybe she was right. But what could it be? Something that could erase his presence, because he could not feel anything, at least not in the same way as Inahime.
"My father, my real father, Tadakatsu-sama, once told me a story when I was a child. He said that oni still existed, and that they could hide their presence from humans. When I was a child I was charmed by this kind of story, but today I come across something unknown and strangely this story came to my mind after years and years without hearing."
Masayasu's eyes met Ina's eyes, it was weird to hear a story like this, she did not look like a girl full of superstitions, but this story came strangely to her mind. Why? Coinscidence? Or had the unknown simply touched her mind this way?
Masayasu noticed that Ina seemed to feel something, she aimed her arrow again, lifting the bow. He followed her aim, followed the movement of her arrow and then saw her shoot an arrow at a tree.
"Oops, it was close, Milady."
A male voice came from the trees. Masayasu did not feel that presence. How? He quickly pulled his wakizashi fastened on his waist and pointed toward the voice.
"I have not come to steal you, though I know Milady has something for me, but ... I will wait for time to get her to give me what I want."
A man came out of the forest with his hands raised to show that he was not armed. He wore only a brown hakama, no kimono inside. His back, arms, shoulders, and chest had a strange dragon tattoo all in blue, Ina frowned when she saw this, immediately she recognized him as a mercenary, only mercenaries used to wear tattoos.
She pulled another arrow from the quiver and attached it to the bowstring, Masayasu was also prepared to attack. No weapons were seen in the man, no katana, no spear, but Masayasu knew he was hiding something.
The man had black hair, loosened below his shoulders, he had crimson eyes and wore a red band on his forehead. A wry smile flickered from his lips, he looked at Ina, though he did not lost Masayasu from sight.
An exaggerated gesture to bow to Ina and then he looked at her with a charming smile.
"Hello, Milady, I'm not here to hurt you or yours...." He looked at Masayasu and scratched his head thinking about what he would be. "..Your bodyguard...I just want to help you."
Ina kept her sights, she did not need help, she had Masayasu, so she would want other help?
"I do not need your help! Get out, or I'll have to shoot you."
Ina spoke in a serious tone. Masayasu looked at her and saw that she had changed her posture, she looked dangerous now, and he could see in her eyes that she would shoot if the man took a single step.
The man put his hands on his waist and let out a laugh, that beautiful young woman was dangerous, he could see in her eyes. And the man who was with her was even more dangerous, he saw coldness and cruelty in his eyes. Masayasu could kill him in a single movement, by his posture he could see that he was a shinobi, maybe not everyone recognized, but he did.
"My name is Ryouma, I am a traveler. I usually travel from province to province, and I get money to help travelers like you, Milady."
He said smiling at her and then saw a kunai fly in the direction of his face, for a few seconds he dodged and looked at Masayasu, who was cold as a glacier, his look now looked like someone who wanted to kill.
"Hey, you almost hit me." Ryouma said complaining.
"Shut up!" Ina ordered and jumped off the horse with great agility, still looking at the bow and resting one knee on the ground to avoid falling.
She stood up and walked to the side of Masayasu and got very close to him, if they need to they would fight with that man, maybe they needed to pass him, but would not give him money at all. She could imagine how he got his own money.
Ryouma looked at Ina and then at Masayasu, both armed and ready to fight him. He shrugged and smiled wryly.
"Are you going to attack an unarmed man? As you can see I have no weapons." He turned so that both could see that there were no hidden weapons.
Ina did not know what to think, the man who claimed to call himself Ryouma stood before them, disarmed offering help. What kind of help? What did he want?
"What you want?" Ina asked in a serious tone.
"To help." Ryouma replied quickly and looked toward the forest and then to Masayasu.
"Your friend did not see me in the forest, I have my own way of hiding. As I said, I'm here to help, I can be a guide, I need money and I'm offering to be your guide."
He nodded toward the path that Masayasu and Ina were following with the horses.
"From one province to another there are bands of thieves, many of them, I know how to go through them unseen. But...I need money, Milady."
He looked at her and smiled charmingly. "If you do not trust me, I can take you to my camp and share my sake and my bonfire with you."
He kept his eyes crimson on Ina, she was beautiful, very beautiful...he had never seen such a beautiful young woman on all the trips he had made to Japan. Masayasu noticed his gaze and took a step forward, untangling his wakizashi.
"Your gaze on her does not help much to trust. I'm sure if I take my eyes off her you're going to attack her!"
Masayasu spoke coldly, his voice husky.
Ryouma raised his hands and smiled wryly at Masayasu, had he realized that he would protect the girl anyway, were they friends, relatives or lovers? His mind had that question.
"No, I'm not going to attack her, my dear shinobi. First because my view of the ladies is that they are flowers and should be treated with kindness and respect. For me no matter the status of the lady, I will always treat them good."
Ryouma smiled and looked at Ina with a charming smile. She did not understand that man. Who was he anyway? If he was a mercenary would treat her anyway, now...those words about respect and kindness. What was that?
"I do not believe you!" Ina spoke in a serious tone and pulled the arrow to shoot at Ryouma.
Ryouma's eyes widened and he swerved to the side as quickly as he could when Ina released another arrow on him. It was by millimeters. He still watched the arrow cross and hit a tree. Did she want to kill him? Ryouma looked at Ina and shrugged with a look from one who was not understanding so aggressively.
"Milady, let's do it like this. Let's go to my camp, we'll talk better there, your bodyguard can kill me if I'm lying."
He quickly looked at Masayasu, who was still wary of that man's gestures. What if there were others inside the forest?
"How can I be sure there are no others hidden? You say you want to guide us through a place without thieves. And who assures me you're not one of them?"
Masayasu took another step forward, holding the wakizashi in combat position. Ryouma sighed deeply and put his hands on his waist.
"Look, I do not know who you are and why you are going on a trip, a lady and a shinobi are calling attention. I know that not everyone will realize that you are a shinobi, but I have already fought with some, I recognize one from a distance. Do you think I would come to a shinobi if I wanted to die? In the forest there is my horse, my bag, my sake, a spear and a gun."
He stared at Masayasu. "Go look, if you want, I'll stay here with Milady. You can go straight down this path and find my campfire, I lit it before I came here, I came exactly because I saw you and Milady."
"Did you see me?" Ina asked in surprise. How could he see out of the woods if he was inside, not on the edge?
Ina lowered her bow slowly and looked at Masayasu. He looked at her coldly. She wanted to know if he had found this strange phrase as much as she had thinking. How could he see from that distance?
Her heart told Masayasu not to go, but for some reason Ryouma might have been telling the truth. She stared at him for a moment, then looked at Masayasu again. She met his blue eyes, he seemed to want to inspect the place again, but she did not want to let him go alone.
"Go, look at his camp, you're more adept than me to recognize hidden enemies. I'll stay here with him."
She raised the bow again and attached another arrow to the rope and positioned it, pointing directly at Ryouma's heart. Masayasu was in doubt whether to leave Ina alone with him, even more so after seeing the look of that man on her. But she was right, he could find out faster if he had someone hidden.
"I'll be back in 2 minutes." and saying that Masayasu vanished in the middle of the forest.
Ryouma looked surprised at the speed Masayasu vanished. "Woooow!" he then looked at Ina who was still staring at him seriously.
"Do you never smile, Milady?" Ryouma said with a wry smile. "So...just the two of us, can we talk about your lover?" he smirked.
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