#Newsky curse
jewishdainix · 1 year
Some will have stuff in their tags some wont. Feel free to ask me about them!
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Tell me about em
Their favorite color maybe? 👀
Ok so the basic gist of this fantasy world is that people have genetic traits and variation because of not only like stuff on earth but also magic so there are different funky races of humans and elves and other creatures yaknow. So the characters.
Ray (he/they)- his whole deal is that his mother used to be rich but she got cursed by an ancient mice god to constantly give birth to rats (she asked him to kill her ex bf's wife how did she not expect body horror) so she went to a not really ancient god called the swan king to have an actual human kid. The thing is it wasn't a human kid, Ray is kind of a half bat half human so he has like wings (but no hands) and cute bat ears and stuff. Needed to go on a quest for some reason I haven't decided.
He's gay, a little nonbinary, nineteen, pretty cranky but that might be because he has way to much work and way to much migraine and not enough hands, and his favorite color is specifically the orangey yellow leaf colour you get in north American fall. (Idk I live in the middle east we don't have funky fall leaves here) He has two blades that are connected to his wings so he can fight.
Oscar (he/him)- Oscar is a really fun character, his mother is a human caster (which can cast magic and have funky colorful hair) and his father is a mushroom elf (they have many mushrooms growing out of them and usually their bodies are like mushrooms. They don't have hair usually because of mushrooms of various sizes growing on their head)
Oscars family is very large, and it seems that the later a kid was born the more mushroom elf they are. His oldest sister (now dead) was entirely human caster with no elf traits, after that was another girl called Amanita who is almost entirely human caster but she had a few mushrooms growing out of her, then another brother who got it the worst on genetics since he doesn't have the ability to use caster magic and he doesn't have any mushroom abilities. Than there's Oscar who can't do magic but can talk to mushrooms, than three other younger siblings who are even more mushroom than him (with the youngest having no human traits)
He's bisexual and trans! (This world has magical hrt which works by wearing bottles of the spell for however long the specific transformation takes, in the story Oscar has been with it for a couple of months) he's the youngest on the team at sixteen, which made Ray really reluctant to allow him ("you're nineteen! That's not much older" "yes, but I'm a demigod!"). His favorite colour is mint green.
Nimerr (she/her)- she is what known as a abyss scholar, they are a specific branch that worships the very aincent, perhaps even primordial, Lady of The Stars. She, like the other scholars, wears a type of garment that drapes over her and covers her completely so she looks kind of like a sheet ghost without the cutouts. Idk. She has a spear and a few peices of junk she tinkers with and tries to solve. She's a huge nerd. And while she's TECHNICALLY a human caster, since she joined the scholars she's not human anymore. Her favorite color is bright red but you won't find it in her aesthetic. She's an aromantic lesbian.
I have more but these are all for now. Ask me for more when/if you want more
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jewishdainix · 2 years
your oc Nimerr sounds so interesting she aslready sounds like my type of blorbo. tell me more about her!!
lright :D most of this isn't concrete though because I haven't thought of much.
Nimerr's doesn't know her family, she grew up with the rest of the scholars and it's fine by her because they feel like a family. She had a few parent figures and a few sibling figures and she lovesssss her family.
She was certainly thankful for them, especially after finding out that when it comes to branches of worshippers, the abyss scholars were wayyy better than the followers of the swan king, though that could be because Ray's judge of character is different than most people. She loves him but she sometimes feels like he hates people on purpose.
Nimerr just befriends and helps people automatically, meanwhile Ray sees the connecting strings of people and his logic when befriending them is "if I have no reason to pull this specific string, why should i? What benefit does that string bring me".
(basically ray wouldn't talk to npcs who aren't plot relevant and Nimerr will becaus eit adds to the experience of playing. Does this make sense? )
Nimerr like all the scholars get very funky ancient powers and access to knowledge. They atudie magic and the cosmos and their Whole Thing is discovering stuff and solving the wheels within wheels of the universe if you will.
Their powers give them a better understanding of the magnitude of things, maybe it's why she got so horrified when she heard ray's backstory (she couldn't imagine seeking such an ancient diety for such a petty reason, and she for a fact knew that him being ray's father was not, and should not be taken so lightly. It was a very, very big deal.)
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Ooo based on the info in the last ask your world seems so interesting!! Are there any side characters (or maybe villians) you wouldn't mind talking about?
of course! (also if you check the tag 'newsky curse' which is this project's tag you'll find more worldbuilding)
so first the more actuall side characters and theeen maybe the other mains who are more side
Amanita (she /her) - you've heard a bit about her from the last post! The second oldest kid in the caster-mushroom family I need to name. She both feels the burden of being the oldest sister to a bunch of siblings that all have different levels of Attachment to the world around them (because they are the only mushroom family in the city where they live and the settlements around it) And the burden of living up to the role that her oldest sister left after she died.
She went on plenty of adventures when she was a teen herself, but now she spends her time at the either at home with her wife, Irene, or staying overnight to helping students at the magic academy she plans to work at. She's 24, disaster of a lesbian, and newly married so she's finally getting the chance to have a break from her many many siblings.
Irene (she/they) - actually I wrote a passage on her back when I made a story focused about her group let's see
Everything about Irene Thyasira sends the message "I will take up space in this room". Sure, her fat body and pale as snow dragonfayer parts make her impossible to miss, but it's also the way she carries herself, the way she talks.
Irene is a kind soul, always willing to listen and help, but being one of many children to one of the most powerful sorcerer families in the kingdom required her to learn not to move for others around her, especially because she was the only girl among her siblings.
"Dragonfayer" is the name of a dragon-like subspecies. For a basic idea of how they look think of Dollightful's dragon dolls. Anyway. Irene has very powerful magic but she's also albino so she doesn't have the iconic Caster Haircolour but like the passage says, people don't ignore her. She was Amanita's girlfriend long before they went on their first adventure and now they are married :D I chose her name to be Irene because it sounds like iron. So it fits her vibe.
Ray's mom (she/her) - fucked around and found out. She's kind of a dick so ray spends his time with the followers of the swan king more than with her, but he occasionally comes to take his siblings to give to Nimerr. Turns out that despite being rats her kids are still the kids of a powerful god. She's a mess, man, her life is kind of tragic.
Kaira (she/her) - Another kid of the swan king. Ray nicknames her "hoopoe" since that's the type of bird she reseambles. She's very snobby and acts like she's better than everyon, and everyone, especially those she deems weird, is beneath her. Ray would have been hurt by the way she acts towards him is not for how funny it was to know that not only he is also a kid of the swan king, but also a different, way more ancient god.
The swan king (she/him) - he is a very interesting god since he is more involved with humans. He likes sleeping around but he actually pays child support, like I said his followers are the reason ray's mom stays afloat. Because of his bird magic, all of his children reseamble birds in some way; one of his kids is a half snake person with wings, she's very cool. He doesn't really mind Ray (despite keeping in touch with some children more than others, he loves them all) but he is kind of afraid of his other dad.
The Keeper (she/her they/them) - no one knows knows much about her, she guards a library our mcs need to get, she only opens to people who tell her a story that has never been told before, doesn't matter if it's true or false. Luckily for our mcs, Ray's hasn't actually told his backstory to anyone, even Nimerr only knew his mother gave birth to rats, but not the other stuff.
Gandavian of the Mice (He/him they/them) - Ray's other dad! He's old. That's the main thing people know about him. Old murals describe him as the god of the strings that connected all people, whatever that means. People seek him out to help them get revenge, and he always agrees, even when he finds that revenge not justified. As Ray's mom found out, he just gives a more horrifying fate as payment. He's scary.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
🗺️ give me ze culture and languages
I actually haven't made any conlangs for this, but there are some parts where I worldbuilt a culture so!
The volcanic genesi have some fun stuff! I haven't worked it fully but in their culture it is considered rude to call people they don't already know of by their name.
Basically if it's someone that has to be introduced to you (not someone you already know the name of through osmosis) than you would call them by a title that describes their relation to you. The volcanic genesi dont really keep that with non-volcanics but they do with each other.
This tradition, like their language, seems to originate from the genesi species (also know as elementals or elementalgenesi), since it is found in all the volcanos that have volcanic genesi in them.
Their cuisine consists of animals that were magically adapted to live in the volcano, so despite the heat they are eaten uncoocked, since nothing really coocks them. (they resemble shellfish and other seafood, so basically volcano sashimi)
Their clothing is light weight since there isn't weather variation and they are comfortable with the temperature, though when they leave the volcano they'll put on a few more layers to keep some heat.
And they're barfoot since their feet are made out of lava/molten glass and also I really like character designs where the characters are Barefoot. (I'm a know shoe hater)
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Somewhere in one of the continents (I will design a map one day) there is an old man who is said to come from a long lineage of sculptors and doll makers, and has the gift to bring the dolls he crafts to life.
The old man was offered the highest of positions and wages by many kingdoms who wanted his talent to create servents and soldiers, but instead he chose to live in a small village where he makes people prosthetics and mobility aids of all kind.
He only ever animated one doll, which he calls his son.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Looking for knowledge can be a bit difficult when you have the ability to understand the magnitude of things; like sure, the abyss scholars have a map for almost every magical library in the world but non of them would be very happy to go look through them, because the scholars know better than anyone what ancient knowledge can do to one's mind and body.
Luckily for them, they have Goblins, who serve as their familiars and have the ability to store knowledge in their minds for the scholars to access when they need.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
I have the least basic idea about worldbuilding but it sound fun
Yes!!! Thank you!!!!
The fun fact you get is that the goddess Hunger and the goddess Food (what they are goddesses of is self explanatory I think) are lovers! Every night Hunger eats Food (wow).
There is a very old tale about how one time Food was kidnapped, which left Hunger hungry which in turn made everything else in the world stay hungry no matter how much they ate, luckily though, Food was rescued by some local hero.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
So about those last two main character, what are there names and just general info?
I actually don't have names for them yet but ~
Racha (he/she/they) = when Ray Oscar and Nimerr were already on their quest they ended up one time in a kingdom full of various types of snake people and through shanenigans ray ends up in prison where he meets Racha.
Ray quickly finds out that she's in prison not because she's a thief but because she punched his half sister. Her explanation? He was helping her friend who came back from the dead (they became friends after she was reanimated) run a multi level marketing scheme as a completion with the multi level marketing scheme of the other guy who was brought back to life by the same person that brought back her.
Anyway, the mlm of Racha's friend was revealed and while Ray's half sister was trying to arrest the friend, Racha punched her. Ray has about as hard of a time processing this information as you are right now.
After that Ray and Racha escape and she joins the team. Yay.
They're nonbinary, their hair is this type of snake (piebald ball python I believe)
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and their skin is also the white scales. They vibe well with Ray since A) Ray appreciates anyone who punches his sisters (even though this snake girl isn't mean like Kaira) and B) both of them and Ray think that their ends justify the means, even though they are more chaotic than Ray
Twigst (He/him) : The group takes a trip to the floating candy island (before they meet Racha) to get a mcguffin or something where they have to blend into a candy people party (Nimerr casts ilussions so they look like candy people). At the party Ray and Oscar get in a conversation with Twigst, who is a sugar person. Oscar leaves to help nimerr with the plot and after some more conversation Twigst invites Ray to dance. Then plot happens and Twigst sees from the side their shanenigans and after they leave the island he decids to follow them.
After some time (after Racha joins the team) he catches up with the group and they have to fight a weather monster that makes it rain. Oscar and Racha get hurt, Ray's leg gets hurt and he uses his wings to protect Twigst, who is semi unconscious, from the rain while Nimerr kills the weather monster using abyss scholar magic. After that Ray yells at Twigst for coming after them, Nimerr calms him down, and Twigst joins the team!
Using some shapshifting magic Nimerr gives him a necklace that shapeshifts him into a human so he won't die from water. He and Ray kiss eventually.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
In newsky curse things exist because they need to exist. Ray exists because nimerr exists. Nimerr exists because if nimerr didnt exist nothing would exist.
The thing keeping everything existing is the billions of connective strings that are basically like atoms. If you were to find a way to disconnect a string it would basically cause a nuclear explosion because if something is disconnected it doesn't exist and if something doesn't exist nothing exists.
The older and bigger something is the more strings it has and the more powerful it is. Magic exists because without magic existing nothing else exists and if nothing else exists then magic won't exist. The gods are the oldest so they have more strings.
One god however, Gandavian of the mice, came into existence to control the strings (because without him existing the strings wouldn't exist and without the strings existing nothing would exist) and he is the only one that can meddle with them.
This knowledge is lost to the people of this world and they mostly regard him as a god of revange and payment, only the abyss scholars, who thanks to their powers have the ability to comprehend the magnitude of things, know he is this powerful.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
So basically Ray has a lot of pain and headaches because even though growing up more with the swan king's followers than his asshole mom no one in his life really knew how to help him but one time in the plot they meet a shifter people (a thing that exists) physiotherapist (a thing that exists because sometimes shifters are in pain from being between their human and animal forms) and she is equipped to help half-bat people so she helps him by teaching him a way to carry himself and stretch that fits his anatomy and also she does a type of spell that is basically sunglasses
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Diversity win! The giant person that serves as the planet you live on is transmasc and non binary!
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Send me a 🗺 and I'll tell you a fun fact about my current worldbuilding project
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Ok so it has been decided that since the sugar people have no pupils neither will the human form if twigst will.
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Volacanic sashimi
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Ray: Your name is nice
Twigst: Thanks, I chose it myself
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