#Nexomon Refracted
pikatjejen · 6 months
Just some Nexomon Refracted art...
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You know the dragon that attacks you at the start of the game? Yeah he... he caught that thing... as his starter...
I forgot to post Fenrir's new design... :/
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He's no longer a free man.
He lives in the guilds containment. They're not allowed (able) to kill him and he's not able to kill them as long as he's stuck there with chains on.
Oh and his tyrant form!
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Being stuck with the guild means: socializing :) Fenrir is on somewhat good terms with at least two of the scientists that are currently taking care of him.
This is Stan. He likes Stan.
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He still has a plushie collection. It started of as one Flandle plush that the "hero" gave him (it was the first time a human had showed him genuine kindness). Stan sews together any plush that breaks and every now and then he buys him new ones.
I haven't drawn any plushies yet so enjoy some angy/annoyed chained up Fenrir:
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pikatjejen · 7 months
I finally have a name for my AU! Nexomon Refracted! :D
Also I made a design for little Ellie.
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And an adult/old woman version:
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She got a proper wheelchair :D
Now I'm not saying that I made her immortal and Luxa's caretaker/operater, but...
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Zero gravity helps with mobility. But not with maintaining muscles.
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She is still alive by the time of Extinction.
Fun fact: Voidworm Luxa physically can not disobey his operator (His previous operators being Omnicron and Grunda). That doesn't mean that he can't do malicious compliance, of course.
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pikatjejen · 8 months
The comic is FINALLY done.
I am so tired.
Whooo! Lore for my AU! :D
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pikatjejen · 9 months
For the AU version of Deena I just made her sleep deprived. And a lesbian.
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She be strong.
Fenrir doesn't change much either in this AU... He's just a tall guy.
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Though... I did give him a plushie collection...
Merida is now a marshmallow and Fenrir definitely mocks her about it.
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She used to play volleyball, however she never really found any success with it so she gave up on it. She's currently a resident in Palmaya.
I have not really had brainrot for ventra yet so she might change.
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Actually, she now har wing as arms.
I'm to lazy to change the artwork above so have this on instead.
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pikatjejen · 7 months
Just some art for the AU :)
Practicing making backgrounds and made this.
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I wanted more of the forest behind the orphanage so enjoy this little path...
Also made some sprites for Moss and Flacke.
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I tried to emulate the style of the games.
Also made some concept art for additional areas that aren't in the original games. (Alongside I put some fake Nexomon that I've made to make it feel more lived in)
We got a magical forest just beyond the Frozen Tundra.
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A plant filled cave just beyond east Ignitia (north of where you fight Nivalis)
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I just imagine that this is a long cave system connecting Ignitia to Cadium and the guild is... Somehow... Unaware of it.
And just some rocky desolate shoreline further west of the magical forest.
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I decided to try and turn one of my old pokemon ocs into a nexomon one and made her... ehh...
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Yeah, she's the daughter of Arqua now... (In my defense, she wasn't fully human originally and I wasn't gonna turn her into one)
Not quite sure how I'll fit her into the AU. But ehh... Oh well.
Her name is Minnie. :)
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pikatjejen · 2 months
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A little lore dump for Nexomon Refracted :)
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pikatjejen · 5 months
Decided to make a little fanfic. Main character is @anacharafan 's oc; Aster.
This is chapter 1
A new world
She closed her eyes. There wasn't much to see anyway. She was just hoping that Solar wouldn't let go, who knows what happens if they got separated here.
In a short moment she went from what felt like zero gravity to standing on (somewhat) solid ground. Aster finally opened her eyes, however it was bright. Too bright.
Once her eyes had grown used to seeing things again she could see that she was in a small forest clearing. The ground was a smoothie of mud and soggy dead leaves say for the miscellaneous patches of grass sticking up. All the trees were mostly baren say for a few buds. The sky was a depressing grey and the air felt heavy. At the edge of the clearing stod a statue. Plants covered the sides of the platform it stod on cracking the stone. The statue hadn't been spared by the growing plants wrath. Twisting vines climbed from limb to limb cracking the edges. The poor condition of the statue made it hard to see who it was supposed to resemble but she could see that it was supposed to be Wira.
"That. Was awful!" Solar exclaimed, he had still not let go of her arm. "It gets better once you're used to it." Wira chimed in. He floated to the side of the statues base, there was a big patch that wasn't covered on plants. "Welp, this is where we part ways. It's been a blast!" The ghost gave a little peace sign before he went straight through the side of the platform, disappearing from view. "Is he... possessing the statue?" Aster quietly asked Moss who was excitedly waving at the statues direction. "No, there's a cave under it!" He gave her a quick smile before continuing. "Where to go first..." "Parum, maybe?" Solar suggested.
The forest path branched of in many places, if they didn't have Moss with them they would probably been lost for days. Sometimes Moss stopped to point at thing or a path to talk about his little adventures from when ge was "a child". "Aren't you still a child?" Solar asked. "Not according to the guild!" Moss swiftly continued to talk about how he and his friend "Ross" had fallen out of a gigant tree down the path he was pointing at. "Um, how old are you?" Solar sounded very concerned. Moss paused a second before answering "14!" She looked at Solar and then back at Moss. Moss just had a innocent smile on his face, did he not think that was... Messed up?
Over the treeline a gigant tree was visible. It had what Aster thought was a tree house in it, but once there were no other trees in the way she could see there were in fact many little tree houses. It was another forest clearing, this one much larger than the one she first arrived at. The beaten path they had been following went trough the clearing meetings in a crossroad near the trees on the other side. A fence separated the clearing from the surrounding forest. There was also a small stone house at the edge, close to where she was. It was a tiny brick house, well taken care of (and probably old).
Moss said that Parum was close by but this walk had taken the entire afternoon. "This... Is this... Parum?" Aster knew that it probably wasn't, but she just had to ask... Just to be sure. "No, this is old home!" Moss pointed at the big tree excitedly. He had climbed over the gate that blocked the path forward. Aster hesitated before realizing that the gate was unlocked and she could just pass through. Good. She wasn't fond of the idea of climbing over it. "Hey, I'm back." Wira was behind her, floating as usual. "I thought you weren't coming with us?" Aster said. "Eh- Nara's having one of Those moons..." Wira started. "and I promised that she could use my bunker to hide away... So I'll stick around for a little while. "
Both Moss and Wira seemed to know the people in charge here and managed to get us a place to stay for the night. It was a small but cozy room. The two beds took up most of the space in the room with a tiny table (fitting only one chair) in between. Solar had already decided that one of the beds was his and were fast asleep. This meant that she either had to share her bed with Moss or Solar... Maybe she can sleep on the floor. Or maybe not... There was simply to little space for her to lay down.
Ho boi! I am not writing anymore today! Bye! o/
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pikatjejen · 6 months
Hoo boy! I wrote something! I actually wrote something! Haha!
I never write things!
(This is a fanfiction for my Nexomon AU)
Adventure log, Searching for Royalle city:
17/5 - 14
My phone battery has died so I'm now writing the log with pen and paper. Can already say, I hate it.
Not quite sure if I got closer or farther away from the city today. My compass has stopped working, it's as if it can't feel the earth's magnetic field anymore. Or perhaps it's just broken. At leat the forest provides plenty of fruits and berries.
18/5 - 14
I swear this forest just gets thicker and messier the deeper I go. The amount of wild nexomon I've been encountering has rapidly decreased since yesterday. (Which is both nice and slightly worrying.)
Found a dread lilly today. Which is more interesting than it sounds, I promise. These pure white flowers only grow in the Immortal Citadel and I am nowhere near that ghost town. I bet the scientists back at the guild will be thrilled at such a discovery! They have been trying to grow these flowers outside that hunted forest for a while now and if we can find what allows them to grow here we might be able to grow them at a lab! :D
Dread lilies are very poisonous so I made sure not to touch it. There was a skeleton hand that the flower was growing straight through the palm of. Because I didn't need to feel more unsettled by the plant, nope. Noooo sireeee.
19/5 - 14
I found the city!
or well I found a city
It's completely overgrown but the cracks and scars in the terrain are still underneath, you- I just had to look a bit closer to see them.
They weren't kidding when they said this place was abandoned. Yet why does it feel like I'm being watched?
I'm taking cover for the night in a small house right next to the treeline. Is it structurally sound? Probably no. But it's better than nothing. It must have been a previous storage room for a shop or something, the walls are covered in shelves with boxes full of different supplies, the floor is now covered in gravel, vines and broken pieces of whatever they sold. The inside mechanism kinda reminds me of a nexotrap. But it's a different shape from the ones I'm used to. These ones are flat and are kinda in the shape of those throwing stars that ninjas have. Might as well take a few to show to the guild once I'll get home.
Tomorrow I'll venture deeper into the city and if I find the so called mansion I'll know I'm in the right city.
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pikatjejen · 4 months
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And a little meme thing... That I put way too much time and effort into. It was going to be a meme edit...
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pikatjejen · 4 months
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Updated Refracted Deena's design. Though I might as well take inspiration from Chaos-Era and do it like this... :]
Also made this, just for easy colour picking.
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pikatjejen · 8 months
The New Ignitia experience.
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pikatjejen · 8 months
I think I forgot to post how Flacke's human form when introducing him... hehe ._.
This is how he looks around the events of the first game.
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He kinda was caught by the protagonist and was dragged along for the ride. He also doesn't have... a... soul... Why you don't want to upset Omnicron and then not be able to fight back.
And this is how he looks around the events of extinction.
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He has taken residence in (mainly the broken down mansion) the ruins of Royalle city and cleaned upp the place to the best of his abilities. He has used his powers to conceal the city behind a maze not too different to one made by Hilda.
Also he wears a dress because spinnnnnnn.
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pikatjejen · 8 months
My AU Metta is a biblically accurate Metta.
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pikatjejen · 8 months
Just a bit of art from my AU.
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Say hello to flake.
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He has a human form.
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Also I finally drew Swaperoo Metta
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pikatjejen · 6 months
Made Nexomon Refracted things... again.
Like a logo! :D
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And... this...
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Now onto just random sketches. :p
I made a proper design for the Refracted!Nexolord :p
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pikatjejen · 6 months
I am once again posting about my Nexomon AU. Nexomon Refracted.
This time it's designs for (mostly background but still very plot relevant) characters. Starting with:
I made her a homeless single mother. She was thrown out from her old home after she was found practicing witchcraft.
She was told that she was baren so her ex husband left her, and then the kid "somehow"(cough Nara cough) happened.
She was taken into the traveling friend group of "the heroes" since she didn't have any place to go.
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Turns out that befriending a tyrant of life can make you immortal. So here she is in Extinction:
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This random guy in the Immortal Citadel:
(He's actually a walking corpse that Nara revived and then dated)
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Now he's just an immortal guy in the Immortal Citadel.
We got this kid.
His name is Truffle and he started a cult in Palmaya (because one wasn't enough).
He's trying to revive some old guy called Andromeda. (Who might just be Omnicron in a disguise, who knows!)
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He also has the ability to just tame and alter tyrants. (Which is definitely not something he learned from Omnicron... hehe...)
She's actually blind, which is bad for combat, so she has those visors to scan the area infront of her and send signals to her brain. It sadly does not do colors or contrast, only shapes. No more photos for her.
She cuts her hair short after the reveal with Amelie and Vados on the Dragon Isles.
(I'm not quite happy with the design yet so I might change it later... )
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Riley and Nolan
Not quite sure what to do with these two (+ whatever the trird guy in this trio was called) yet...
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Linnea and Patsy
Two guild scientists that work in Khan Woods. (They might be dating) Linnea searches for plants to use for things like potions, Patsy maps out the forest and documents "important" news. (He knows about the village.)
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