#Ni's tired of his brother's bs
awkwarddork-0 · 1 year
Me: I'm not really into shipping my ocs with canon characters
Also me:
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. . .
Oh well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Also also if someone wanted to know:
The three blue guys form my hydra boy, Sarkath!
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
okay! tma au time!
so i’m gonna start off by saying jgs is elias in this au. i dont care what you say about elias’ sexy voice or charisma or whatever, they’re both slimy and evil. also gertrude, so to speak, is wen chao. (bear with me pls)
most other people are assistants. i think? i mean lwj, wwx, jzx and a few others are?
(my brain says it would be funny to have lwj as sasha and su she as not!sasha but lwj deserves better than that)
i’m not really gonna follow the plot of tma bc rip
the assistants are just kind of vibing in the archives when they discover that wrh, who’s like the chief of police and is an avatar of the slaughter, is actively killing people for the fears bc acab
does he have a deal with jgs and that’s why wen chao is the archivist? yeah probably. wen chao is the archivist bc daddy had connections. wrh put jgs in charge and sent wen chao to make sure everything was running how wrh wanted it to be
yeah, wrh wants to have control over all the fears or something idk
so wen chao is the archivist. but unlike gertrude who purposefully made things really messy and a nightmare he’s just really incompetent. wen zhuliu is the avatar of the distortion and theyre tight bc zhuliu owes wrh or whatever.
so the wrh stuff comes out and a bunch of people band together to try and bring justice to him and thus we have the sunshot campaign
maybe all the families have their own fears? the lans are the lonely and the nies are the hunt. jfm and yzy are avatars of the bad parenting idk. 
anyway, before they took any action, wwx had already started investigating bc wen chao is a lil bitch and very suspicious
while investigating wwx gets sucked into the archivist stuff and ends up being thrown into the tunnels under the institute with wen zhuliu who then proceeds to do distortion fuckery for three months
he finally escapes and kills wen zhuliu using the powers he’d begun to develop in the tunnels (it’s so strange that he stumbled across a tape recorder which he’d named chenqing and after that he kept finding statements,,, so strange)
he’s killed wen zhuliu so he goes off and kills wen chao and now he’s the archivist whoo
he joins up with the others and they go kill wrh, sweet it’s all dealt with but jgs starts spreading shit about how all the wens are terrible and must be killed (including wen qing’s family who are like paramedics who work ed with the police, so not cops but forced to work w/ them)
while jgs is touting that bs jgy is in the background slowly manipulating wwx into getting all the different marks (idk what they were called) from the different fears
he gets kidnapped by xue yang who is nikola and spends a month getting moisturised by him and told that wow he’s so impressive killing the other avatars,, im gonna follow in your footsteps (let’s say that avatars have a truce not to kill each other in this world. like they’re all equals and pretty much the same strength so there’s no real point in killing each other or trying to kill each other)
wwx escapes and im kinda annoyed we dont have enough bad guys for wwx to properly get his marks but whatever
he goes back to the archives and they come up with a plan to kill xue yang and they go off and do it
imma let you pick what happens here. does jzx die? do we let xxc and sl have the spotlight and this is where their story comes into play?
whatever happens, wwx goes into a coma for thirteen months and enter extremely hot avatar of the end who helps him wake up (mo xuanyu?? mo xuanyu.)
he goes back to the archives and lwj has been taken by the lonely while he was gone so he’s working with his uncle again (the lans are the lukases and i take no criticism)
side note: in this au wwx gets two phobias! (gee wwx! how come you get to have two phobias?)
so mr spider was definitely a thing and so were the dogs
while wwx was on the streets he found this book and he’d just started learning how to read so he decided to practise but then some other kid stole it from him and he ended up watching him get eaten by a giant spider also the dogs attacked him bc no rest for wwx
does wwx pretend not to be aware?? i’d say yes. if not bc of trauma then bc it’s super obvious and the look on lwj’s face when the jane prentiss equivalent attacks and wwx says wow those worms were a lil weird huh? is so funny to him
anyway lwj was in the know the whole time and he probably moved out of his family home and joined the archives so he could investigate jgs but then wwx dies and hes like aight yeah imma feel real lonely right now
so wwx comes back and jc, who had been the host of ghost hunt CW (cultivation world) and was attacked by an evil ghost, tries to kill him
after their fight and subsequent freedom from the slaughter and the eye (sans eye removing bc fuck that) jc moves in with jyl
im sorry that what the girlfriends isnt a thing here but i love the idea of a jyl who just isnt scared of anything because she’s seen death and just can’t get scared anymore
she still dates an archives employee though. it’s jzx, who is kinda like tim in this au i guess? did he die in that explosion? (i want to say no so jyl would be happy but if he dies and she’s mourning him and jc and wwx fought,, well now wwx is alone for bad decision times)
one day wen qing comes up and is like pls help my brother, he’s been taken by the buried so wwx runs off and finds breekon and hope (su she and jin zixun), kill jin zixun and steals the coffin
the rest of the wens are in hiding atm so he doesnt have to like monkey chain all the wens out of the coffin 
so wwx goes inside the coffin and rescues wen ning (bc jon and daisy’s relationship was super sweet)
they get out and immediately run away with wen qing and the rest of the wens
where do they go? wen qing’s cute cottage in scotland (or cultivation world equivalent)
so they’re living as farmers and wwx is getting sick bc he can’t get statements from here but he has to protect them bc the jins keep attacking (what are the jins working for?? idk. the vast? the dark? who knows, not me)
anyway lwj comes and is like you have to come back to gusu/the archives and wwx is like no! bc he has to protect the wens
so lwj is like fuck ive gotta move my timeline up and find a way to off jgs
jgy ends up doing it and lwj is like /: my revenge,,
everyone is happy! jgs is dead, wrh is dead! but then jgy starts stirring up rumours about wwx and lwj is honestly so tired of this shit
and bc people keep attacking the wens, wwx manages to collect the rest of the marks from the other fears
jgy sends his letter: dear wwx sorry for the deception yada yada yada
but wwx is aware of that shit and just kills himself before he can finish reading it
whoo apocalypse averted but lwj comes to help with the wens just in time for his burial so not whoo?
anyway we know wwx isn’t dead and he’s just vibing in another coma or something equivalent (why does he die twice in this au? bc idk how s5 will end but it’s a tragedy horror podcast and i want them to be happy so he gets to die twice)
anyway, the avatar of the web, mister manipulation and secrets extraordinaire nie huaisang is very pissed after jgy manipulated his brother into becoming an avatar of the slaughter and decides to just expose the dude
lxc kills him bc he deserves to kill jgy tbh,,, manipulative toad
nhs also restores wwx’s rep bc they were besties in uni and i refuse to accept anything else
he rocks up to the cottage/farm and is like hey guys i helped clear wwx’s name and wen qing is like hes fucking dead what help were you? and nhs is like ?? he’s not dead
so they unbury him and lwj wakes him up through the power of love and all that jazz
anyway, wwx manages to do *insert super cool thing here* and gets rid of all the fears and they get a happy ending bc i really want them to have a happy ending
do they stay living on the farm/cottage with the wens?? no but they buy a cottage nearby and happily live there together raising rabbits and growing idk pumpkins
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monochrome-monarch · 5 years
Atlantis Days AU/Ghidorah Pulls An Anakin AU
Is it even considered an AU?
Anyway, I watched some GMK clips and two Wikizilla videos on GMK Mothra, Ghidorah and Baragon then I thought, "Hey, they should do these 'KG as the good guy scenarios' more often." which then turned into "What if Ghidorah was a good guy (read: morally ambiguous but not evil) back in the day but pulled an Anakin Skywalker?"
Then these designs happened:
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Some notes on this AU(?) Warning: canon divergence probably
- Everyone is younger here. Like I guess college age by Titan standards?? If we're talking who's the eldest and who's the youngest, well, Eldest is tied between the Ghidorah Triplets and Mothra but no one knows how old Ghidorah is (they're still considered young by their planet's standards, though) and Mothra and Rodan take turns being the youngest, mostly thanks to Mothra dying and coming back.
- Dagon is the Alpha of this time period and Gojira is his heir. They are not related but they do have a familial mentor-student relationship. Dagon /probably/ would've adopted Goji had he lived longer
- Mothra is sorta Dagon's daughter?? They're close friends and he plays parent whenever Mothra is reborn as a larva. Okay, maybe she /is/ his daughter.
- Rodan is Dagon's foster son, taking him in after his entire flock got slaughtered by something. Rodan's parents also took in Dagon's son (yep, Dagon is the biological father of BabyG) since I sorta headcanon that Alphas trust someone to be the surrogate/foster parent of their young and well, Rodan's parents were kinda suited for the job since they're loyal to Dagon, are great fighters and no one is dumb enough to invade a nest situated in a volcano. As thanks for their service and also out of pity, he took in Rodan (Did I explain that well??) Btw, the egg doesn't hatch until the Beginnings of the Mass Hibernation. Also, Rodan and Dagon have a good father-son relationship, even if Rodan sometimes likes to annoy Dagon.
- The Ghidorah Triplets are an anomaly, having fallen from the sky but, thanks to a really rough landing which resulted to bad head injuries, they have no memory of their life prior to their fall. They were initially taken in by Leviathan before being dumped on Orochi when they were a little older. Years later, Orochi then sent them to go train under Dagon and maybe figure out who they were. P.S. They eventually fo find out about their past. . . Their not so good and fun past. . . Which resulted in them going back to their conquering ways
- The six of them were actually close friends back in the day
•Gojira and the Triplets had a friendly rivalry going on, especially in terms of combat. However, the Ghidorahs are also pretty jealous on Goji being Dagon's heir but they don't know why (when they remember their past, they find out why)
• Goji and Rodan see each other as brothers but they also like messing with each other. Goji is usually the one that bails Rodan out and makes sure he doesnt get into too much trouble or even hurt while Rodan cheers Goji up and is usually there to back him up. They also have a habit of throwing tiny pebbles at each other.
• Mothra is everyone's mom friend but she surprisingly Moms the Ghidorahs the most, mostly because of their mysterious origins and their own individual flaws that will warrant them an asskicking (Ichi being an arrogant douche, Ni being irritable and quick-tempered but then again, he doesnt mind fighting everyone and San being too curious and not too bright). Ichi usually gets annoyed, Ni is indifferent at first but does get annoyed too while San doesn't mind. They secretly appreciate it, though
• Mothra still Moms Goji 'Too Tired for your BS but I will still kick your ass' and Rodan 'Will start a fist fight for kicks'. However, at least Goji helps her out by acting as Tired Dad friend though, Rodan does help. . . By fighting people. Also, to be fair, Goji ends up fighting people too but only if someone insults his friends, especially Mothra.
• Rodan and the Triplets are disaster friends who get into trouble a lot, usually them getting into brawls with others or with each other (to be fair, it's all in good fun in the latter case). Though, when they're not causing trouble, they're probably chilling at a temple or a tavern. Rodan has a different dynamic with each triplet but he's still close with all three of them.
- If Rodan or Dagon is busy, everyone takes turns watching over the Egg. Mothra is the most trusted for obvious reasons.
- Yes, Goji and Mosu have a crush on each other but are lowkey trying to egg the other into asking the other out. And no, neither of them have cracked yet. Yes, Rodan and Ghidorah have a crush on each other but they're hella confused. On Rodan's side, it's "Do I have a crush on one of them or all three of them??" While on the triplets' side, it's "WTF is this feeling???"
Design Notes:
- I headcanon Atlantis as a Melting Pot aka a lot of cultures and races integrate here and have a huge influence on the place hence the outfit influences. Also, you can totally see the D&D influences in some of the outfits.
- Mothra's outfit is based on one of the Shobijin's outfits, just a bit more suited for flying and being in a kingdom in the middle of the sea. I tried to make it as extra as possible, I swear. Surprisingly,the fluff coat doesnt get in the way of her wings
- Am I the only one who actually likes the idea of Rodan having feathers? Idk, it sounds cool. He doesn't have feathers when he's fighting, though. Also, thanks to his tail and the fact that his wing membrane is also connected to the said tail, Rodan wears low rise bottoms. Also also, he wears shorts under his kilt.
- Goji tends to prefer simpler clothes since he doesn't want any fancy stuff getting in the way of him swimming or mediating but he doesn't mind wearing fancy clothes, though. Yes, he also likes wearing his hakama like that. Mothra can be caught staring at it
- The Triplets were originally supposed to be dressed in Celtic Clothing before I decided for celtic-inspired fantasy clothes instead. It's just emphasize on how out of place they are on Earth. Also, their styles have some differences because people got fed up with trying to guess which brother is which. However, they were matching armor when training/fighting. San arguabling dresses more simpler, especially when he's out hunting. Wouldn't want to ruin your fancy clothes when out hunting.
- Their heights are as follows: Mothra is 5'5, Rodan is 6'0, Godzilla is 7'3 and Ghidorah is 7'5. Yes, the boys hit their heads on doorways, especially Ghids.
Will edit this if I change my mind or have more ideas. Also, feel free to ask me questions about this AU
Edit: Wording and spelling Errors
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