#Nico is the one that wants to be friends but he ‘s a little weirdo who keeps lying instead of being reasonable
glassamphibians · 2 years
i think something very important that people kinda forget is like. there is never any mention of percy actually Liking nico. there’s never affection just obligation and guilt. nico is a kid he just wishes he could stop worrying about. they ARE besties tho do not get this twisted sometimes a pair of besties is two people unwillingly handcuffed together by fate desperately trying (and failing) to make their situation better
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mazojo · 6 years
Kiznaiver Review
I just finished the Kiznaiver anime and I am not okay, so I decided to do a review with my opinions and thoughts on it, so beware the spoilers and rants on different aspects of it ;w;
Spoiler Free Overview ~
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Before actually going into the spoilers, I wanted to leave a little spoiler free plot overview for those interested but not convinced on watching it. Basically Kiznaiver is about 7 teenagers connected by an experiment to their wounds and pain, making the pain of one, that of the others. The anime follows the story of these teenagers and their friendship with the mystery of the experiment and the future of it in their city, making it emotional and addictive to watch.
Although there is a lot more to say, if you don’t want to be spoiled on the anime do not click on read more but if you don’t mind, go ahead <33
So as mentioned above, the anime consists on the union of 7 characters (representing the 7 sins) through the Kizna system/experiment which bonds them through their pain so if one gets hurt, the other six will feel the pain too. Each of the teenagers choose represents one of the deadly sins, which I will go into further in my description of each character, and they all have to work together throughout the summer in order to free themselves from their Kizna. Everything is running smoothly and they all become friends until some of them begin falling in love with others and it all kind of crumbles. In the final episodes we discover that the experiments have been running for a while and in the past, they were done to kids but it failed miserably as some gathered too much pain from the others while others didn’t, making them feel numb and emotionless. Our main character, Katsuhira was originally connected to the first kizna experiment but became numb to any sort of pain due to another kid (now leading the project?) named Noriko taking all the pain. In the end, Katsuhira is able to convince Noriko to give back his pain and those from the other kids involved in the experiment through a f r i e n d s h i p speech and the whole group ends up becoming much closer, with Katsuhira and Noriko confessing their feelings to each other.
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okay, so I will admit I kind of may have fallen in love with some of the characters from this anime and I am going to list them in order of which I liked the most explaining a bit on who they are and what I believe they must be protected. I also decided to place a song that reminds me of them in order for you to gather a feel of who they are in my opinion.
Katsuhira Agata (Kacchon)
Rise - Ashes Remain
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So this gif pretty much describes his attitude and face throughout the whole series (except the two times he actually cries). His sin is “sloth” but referred in the anime as ��the imbecile”. This is due to his apathetic behavior to everything happening around him due to the lack of emotions he has. He is precious and even as a kid he has always been looking for those around him (even in his kind of oblivious way) and I love how even after going through everythingg he went through, he is able to forgive Noriko and even loves her with all her faults and imperfections <33.
Nico Niiyama
Hello Kitty - Avril Lavigne
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She is one of those characters you either love or hate, and I absolutely looove Nico! She represents the sin of greed I believe due to her wanting of attention and reassurance. I don't know if its because I see myself in her craziness or just her whole attitude throughout the series but Nico is in top place with Kacchon for my favorite characters. She is much more than the I-am-cute-love-me character as we advance through the series we began seeing her need to find friends in those surrounding her and how desperate she tries to fit into this “eccentric girl” stereotype to fit in (if that makes any sense). I also loved how she was one of the first to come back and unite the group after their Kiznas were released even though she was hurting over Tenga, which I thought was really brave and a bit underrated, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Highway to Hell - AC/DC
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So hear me out, Hisomu is a bit of a weirdo but through the small things he did and said he was able to win me over. Hisomu represents the sin of lust as he is a masochist and finds pleasure over the pain inflicted upon himself. I was a bit skeptical over his character as he appeared on the third episode unlike the others but he grew on me. Not only do I l o v e his character design but I think he has a personal growth over acquiring friends. He is close to Kacchon and never “abandons” him or leaves after all the others decide to part their own ways. Yeah, he may be a bit apathetic and unconscious towards the situations surrounding the others but I think in his heart he is actually a really good friend and sappy as it sounds, he cares deeply about the others and their suffering ;w;
Chidori Takashiro
Camouflage - Selena Gomez
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Chidori is our tsundere-ish character. She represents the sin of envy as she is always second best when it comes to her unrequited love towards Kacchon. I really like her character and I feel bad for her as she often throughout the anime feels things very deeply and through Kacchon’s apathetic attitude, she mostly ends up hurt.I enjoyed her reactions as I know in the situations they face, I would definitely react similarly and she is very lovable overall.
Tsuguhito Yuta
Someone you Like - The Girl and the Dreamcatcher
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Yuta is a classical popular kid with a soft side character. He represents the sin of gluttony as when he was little he used to eat a lot thus was seen as the fat kid and becomes kind of obsessed with his appearance after the fact. He may seem superficial at first but he is very caring and notices a lot of things others take for granted (like being able to be there for Maki even though she is a tough nut to crack). Also being a fellow cancer according to the wikia he went up my list :3. That being said I felt his character was all about Maki and he never really shined if there wasn’t any Maki story line involve which was kind of sad as I thought he had a lot of potential, but I still love him <33
Noriko Sonozaki
Never Enough - Loren Allred
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Noriko is a weird character to me, as in some moments I really like her while in others I don’t really understand her. She has undergone a lot through her childhood due to experiencing the pain of her friends altogether and the constant fear of being left alone and not being understood even though Kacchon often reassures her of this but whatever. She may seem kind of like a psychopath and cold at the beginning but as we learn about her past I guess her behavior is kind of understandable but honestly I prefer the kid Sonozaki version which is adorableee. I like her relationship with Kacchon however and how they are able to grow from each other through their connection.
Honoka Maki
I Found - Amber Run
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Maki and Tenga are my least favorite from the group but I don’t totally dislike them, I just don’t connect with he way they act most of the time. Maki represents the sin of pride as she often acts as if she is above everyone and everything going on around her placing a barrier between her and the other Kiznaivers. She has a rough past as she wrote a manga with her best friend Ruru and through their friendship feelings began developing. Ruru had a terminal illness and as Maki was afraid of getting hurt decided to cut all ties with her, which brings her to be the coldhearted person she is. Throughout the series she often rejects the other Kiznaivers refusing to call them friends inserts dramatic eye-roll until at the end she realizes its inevitable and accepts letting people in slowly.
Hajime Tenga
Counting Stars - One Republic
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Honestly Tenga is pretty neutral to me and I don’t have much an opinion on his character. He represents the sin of Wrath as he often acts impulsively and resolves his issues through rage and anger acting with his fist rather than his head. He is quite loud and a bit obnoxious at times with his tough guy act but he means good. We don’t get much backstory on him other than he is afraid of dogs? which isn’t mentioned again after the second episode sooo… I mean he is a good character and has good intentions but I more often than not don’t understand his reactions and think he goes a bit over the top in most of them.
Although I know Kiznaiver isn’t an anime focused completely on the romance but rather a science-fiction/mystery kind of anime, I still had to mention the ships through the series starting from the one I like the most. Also note that some of them are non cannon so keep that in mind and note that this are my personal opinions ;w;
NicoxHisomu (non-cannon)
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You can’t even understand HOW MUCH I WANTED THIS TO BE A THING. From the moment Hisomu appeared and had the first interaction with the group I wanted him and Nico to end together sooo badly. I don’t know if its because of their eccentric ways or how they are often looked upon as the weird ones from the group, but I always thought they would make such a cute couple! Even at the end when Nico is ranting on about Tenga, Hisomu is attentive to her and I honestly think their friendship is so pure and perfect ;w; I will be crying in the corner until this becomes a thing.
NorikoxKatsuhira (cannon)
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Although I will forever be frustrated that NicoxHisomu didn’t end up together trigger please consider making a second season, I am actually really glad these two did! It was pretty obvious the two wouldd en up being cannon as the whole show premise basically concentrates in their relationship, and I am glad they did. I feel like both complement each other very well and stabilize one another through their feelings (or in this case, the lack of). I feel like both Katsuhira and Nori are very mature and overall I love their pairing as they both deserve all the happiness <33
ChidorixTenga (Cannon-ish?)
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I really like this two together and I feel like through the finale we can kind of maybe say its cannon? I mean they never actually confessed their love to one another like Sonozaki and Kacchon (well, Tenga did), but Chidori kinda implied that she was starting to develop feelings? I totally feel like they work together as they level each other out by their protective mama bear attitude of Chidori and Tenga’s impulses leading to him being defensive of those he cares about. Also can we take a moment to appreciate their red aesthetic, like common they are adorable together.
MakixYuta (Cannon?)
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This is also an odd pairing, as we see Yuta’s clear interest on Maki since episode 1 and where she only corresponds his feelings at the end of episode 12. Although they never truly became a couple I believe they both like each other so its kind of cannon? I like how they both have rough pasts and they help each other grow from them (cue to Yuta’s scene at the beach were he runs in the water although he may look like a fool) and they level the other out.
ChidorixKatsuhira (non-cannon)
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The following two ships are ones I don’t like but I found important to mention as many people do ship them. I honestly can’t see this pair due to Katsuhira’s strong feelings towards Nori. I feel like he sees Chidori as her best friend and will never be able to see her as more than that. Chidori’s often explosive and overprotective character just doesn’t mash well with Kacchon’s laid back apathetic vibe, which is why I wouldn’t see this pairing working at all.
NicoxTenga (non-cannon)
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I do not approve of this. I honestly can’t see this working and lets be honest Nico and Hisomu deserve each other so I am too blinded by that. I think their personalities wouldn’t work as Tenga is too aggressive and Nico much softer. I feel like Tenga is most of the times confused by her behavior or just doesn’t understand her eccentric behaviors which would definitely cause a problem if this were to be cannon. I can’t with this ship and if there is a season 2 I really hope this doesn’t become cannon otherwise ill just go cry myself in a corner.
To finish off this review on Kiznaiver, I would like to point out the things I like and the things I didn't like so much.
- The characters is one of the things to really highlight from Kiznaiver. They are all so different but so lovable in their own ways and with their own faults which makes everything 10 times better.
- I haven’t been able to mention this before but I really liked the intro and outdo songs, I think they are catchy and represent quite well the anime.
- I adooored the character designs, specially Nico, Hisomu, Sonozaki and Katsuhira’s. I feel like the tones and designs of the characters with their little quirks really lets the audience gather who they are and why they are the way they are.
- I think the concept of the experiment and the characters being connected by their wounds and pain is very interesting! I dint know what to expect at first but as the story developed It really got me thinking what the Kizna system would look like in the real world.
- I feel like the character development could have been a little better for some of them? Specially Yuta, Tenga and Hisomu which even though we got to know, never really learned much about their past other than some random facts.
- The fact that Hisomu and Nico weren’t cannon
- Sometimes due to the small amount of time the creators had to create the episode, I feel like some things weren’t explained very clearly (like Sonozaki’s reasons to try committing suicide when she was young) but maybe its just me being dumb idkk
All in all, I really liked the anime and would definitely recommended to those who enjoy good characters and a little of science fiction as well as troublesome pasts. Remember this are just my opinions and feel free to ask me my opinions on anything related as well as I would love to hear all of yours :33
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Number 1333
Chapter 2/??
Summit: What happens if a mysterious prisoner joins the chaotic Cell 13? He is perfect for the Nanba Prison, his name is synonym of terror and cruelty; each time he was sent to a new prison, he broke out in less than an hour. Will the Nanba Prison succeed to keep him jailed or not…?
Almost a week has passed since the famous killer’s arrive, but Jyugo and his friends didn’t have the chance to talk with him, but Uno studied him a lot: he’s always alone, doesn’t talk with anyone and people avoid him like he was the personification of death. Today is the right moment, lunch is done so they have ton of time; now, Nico must start the chat, so No. 25 approaches him again.
<<Hi, No. 33-kun, how are you today?>> he speaks with his cheerful voice, <<You don’t know what a manga is, right?>> the prisoner shakes his head, so Nico continues, <<I can teach you that, are you ok with it?>>
“Those ideograms… Is a Japanese book?” he thinks moving from his curled up position, assuming a normal sit one.
<<Manga are basically Japanese comics. You don’t need your imagination to live the story, it has drawings that show you the main character’s adventures.>> Nico opens it and shows a few pages to him, <<It’s so cool! You know, I can’t read but the drawings help me a lot! There are amazing heroes and heroine, cool villains, beautiful views->>
<<That…. Manga, has a hero as main character?>> the Cell 13 stays shocked as he speaks.
<<Yeah, I won’t do spoilers but->> Nico’s excitement is destroyed but that sorrowful tone.
<<What, why?>>
<<Why do you read heroes’ stories? I don’t get it.>> he continues looking at the pages of the comic, <<No matter how much trouble you’re in, there’s never gonna be a hero to show up to your rescue.>>
<<You’re too dark, man!>> comments Uno breaking the heavy atmosphere, <<Oi, we really have Jyugo’s twin here.>>
<<Stop saying that!>> reclaims Number 15, <<He’s not even similar to me->>
<<The fact that he is dark, depressed and listless, are enough common points for me, right Rock?>>
<<Yup, definitely.>> replies No. 25 with a laugh.
<<You bastards…>> Uno ignores Jyugo’s groan and walks near No. 33.
<<Listen, these are fantasy stories, they aren’t the reality.>> explains Number 11 with a smile, <<By the way, I’m Uno, nice to meet ya.>>
<<So… People read this because they need a hero?>> everyone sees his face, it’s like a child that discovered something new, <<Can I see it?>>
<<Sure thing!>> answers Nico happy, “Uno-kun was right, he’s not scary at all!”
While Number 33 reads the pages curiously, the others approach him and sit around him maintaining the distance, they made a progress, let’s not fuck it up.
<<What’s your name?>> asks Jyugo looking at him, he really looks like a child.
<<Ayu.>> he responded with a lifeless voice, it’s like… he didn’t bother himself to choose a tone to match a feeling, and another weirdo came into the Nanba Prison.
<<Ayu, do you like Italian food?>> Rock’s cheeks are a little red for the excitement, <<Or you have a typical dish that you want to eat?>>
<<I’ve never tried such a thing.>>
<<C’mon, you were all around the world, when you broke out you could eat something, right?>> says Uno with a sarcastic tone, <<You’re just shy.>>
<<I’ve never tried it.>> he repeats flipping the page, studying the manga, <<You already know my name, so it’s easier for me to explain it. I travelled around the world just to meet the people that I wanted, that’s all. I never stopped to eat in a restaurant or something like that if it wasn’t for a mission.>>
<<So you don’t know what a videogame is either, right?>> says shocked Nico, <<You know them, right?>>
<<Videogame? In this prison you have a lot of strange things.>>
<<That’s terrible! Here, here!>> Nico grabs his hand and drags him in front of the TV, <<I’ll show you, so don’t worry!>>
Little by little, the others start to know Ayu better and they can’t believe what they discover; he doesn’t know anything about the world outside, if not only things related to kill people, he doesn’t know how to express his emotions and doesn’t know how they’re called, is he a robot?! They find it more shocking when they discover that he can speak and read about 25 languages, he’s an excellent strategist, he knows a lot about medicine and weapons, he even knows how to hack a computer and get inside the Nanba system to do whatever he is doing. Just like Jyugo, he can open every door, but when it comes with the most modern ones, he spends more time to open them… Jyugo stays to his throne of King of jail-breaking. They find out that he’s very honest, he says whatever he wants without minding people’s feeling or the situation, they must teach him how to interact with someone without make them cry or upset.
Well, at least they convinced him to be more around them so he can learn much more, and without notice it, the new year is around the corner.
<<Ayu~>> Uno approaches the young boy with a comb and a tube of hair gel, <<Let’s make you a little more stylish!>>
<<!?>> the man couldn’t run away in time that the prisoner jumped on him to take off his cloak, <<N-no, stop oi!>>
<<Yes, yes, let me do my job!>> both are using the black cloak as a rope and they are pulling it hardly, one for keeping it, the other to steal it, <<C’mon!>> with a powerful push, Uno wins the match and forces Ayu to sit in front of him and not move.
Rock, Nico and Jyugo are watching the transformation, Uno’s skilled hands are curling up those straight hair, and move them to highlight Ayu’s lineaments. Once he finishes, he brushes his hair a little to volumize them and then takes a few steps backwards to check his work.
<<Done!>> he announces happy and proud.
<<…….>> Ayu stays quiet and embarrassed while the others stare at him amazed. “I want my cloak back… I feel vulnerable without it.”
They didn’t know that he could be so cool, that cute little blush gives color to his pale skin, his eyes are so beautiful and with the light, they are changing color to a water-green shade, which is more beautiful, his hair has the perfect match for those colors. Well, he is-
<<….Fuck you!!!>> shouts Uno throwing the cloak back at him, <<Why the hell you are so handsome?! Screw you!>>
<<You’re are the one who suggested to do this.>> talks back Ayu, <<Fix my hair back. I don’t like when people look at m->>
A loud sound of hoofs is echoing inside the building, when suddenly, the door is break down by a white horse.
<<Hello gentlemen! Rise and shine!>> Yamato’s loud voice announces his arrive and his pet does the same.
<<The door!!>>, <<A horse?!>> only Ayu and Nico stare confused at the scene.
“Why this prison is so full of idiots? Why the hell a guard would go around with a freaking horse?” thinks Ayu looking at the situation.
<<This is my partner, Yamatomaru.>> says Yamato getting off the saddle.
<<Who asked?!>> , <<What to do you want?!>>
<<Since today is New Year’s Eve, I’m going around in each cell asking everyone to create decorations for New Year’s.>> he explains laying all the necessary the prisoners need to do their job.
<<Yeah but… on a horse?>> asks Number 33 confused, that prison is so new to him, everyone is so happy and thoughtless, things are good like the food, the library, the cells. He still has to recognize that that is the most secure prison in the world.
<<I have a lot to carry!>>
<<New Year’s… That means…>> Uno swallows and No. 25 and No. 69 walk next to him and suddenly put their fists up cheering excited, <<A Japanese event!!>>
Jyugo sits next to Ayu and looks hopelessly, every time this thing happens, every single time…. Ah, what a pain.
<<New Year’s food!>> , <<There’s flower viewing, too!>> , <<I wanna go to Comiket!>>
<<Why they talk like foreigners? Is this what you were talking about when that weird ninja came here?>>
<<Yeah, their brains switch in a weird mode every time there’s something correlated to Japan.>> comments Jyugo, <<What about you? You don’t do it?>>
<<I don’t even know how these things work, I’ll just watch.>> whispers Ayu putting his hood on, <<I’m used to do different things, this sound too new for me, I prefer to stand aside->>
<<Oi you two, help cleaning!>> Rock throws a mop towards them, but he used too much strength, <<Oh crap! Watch out!>>
Everyone stays surprised, staring at Ayu who just did something really unexcepted and cool. He grabbed the mop directed on Jyugo’s face, and stopped it with some kung-fu thing movements. Now, he has that focused look and stands with the stick inclined under his foot…
<<Amazing! Teach me that move!>> shouts Nico enthusiastic, bringing the friend back, <<Please!>>
<<Um… S-sorry…>> he quickly grabs the stick, gives it to Uno and runs away from the cell.
<<Was I too noisy?>> whispers No. 25 disappointed with himself, he really wanted to learn that move.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
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My first fanfic Pt. 2 (It has the first part in it too!)
Will Solace woke with a start. Loud bangs were coming from his neighbour’s room again. He rolled over and peeked at his phone to check the time.
What. The. Fuck.
Will groaned, hoping to god that they would stop moving and making such a racket soon, and he nestled his face back into his bright blue pillow decorated with suns. He exhaled, his blond curls drifting over his freckled forehead.
Bang. Bang. BANG.
Oh for fuck’s sake, Will thought.
He had no idea what these noises were, but they had been happening for days now, ever since his new neighbour moved in.
He didn’t usually get annoyed, but it was all he could do to not scream at the wall in frustration. He hadn’t even met his new neighbour, as they seemed to never exit their apartment. Obviously still alive though, with all this noise. Will frowned, and wriggled further down his bed.
At first, he had hoped his new neighbour would be cute and funny and friendly (and, as Leo wouldn’t stop reminding him, “maybe even boyfriend material, amigo!”), but no such luck. He didn’t even know what gender his neighbour was, and after all this racket, he didn’t care if they were the sexiest man alive.
Staring at his ceiling and cursing silently, he resolved to knock on their door tomorrow and sort this out…
Beep. Beep. Beep. BEEP. BEEP. BE-
Nico di Angelo smacked his alarm clock, swiping at his bedside table, and threw his black duvet over his head, grumbling about the loud noises he heard last night at an ungodly time that morning.
Nico only moved in a few days ago, but he didn’t want to make any effort to get to know his neighbours despite his half-sister Hazel’s insistence that he should “at least try to pretend he had friends and a bit of a life”. Although that made Hazel sound harsh, she was a lovely person and an even better sister, and she really cared for Nico, which is more than Nico could say of anyone else. Besides, she had a point. Nico had never really made an effort with people, mostly because he was terrified of what they’d think of him.
“Weirdo.” “He’s not normal.” “Bell-end.”
Nico buried his face in his mattress, curling up in a foetal position whilst trying to forget the high-school dicks that took great pleasure in tormenting him. High-school had ended a year ago. He was nineteen. He should be over this.
He wasn’t.
Nico looked at his alarm clock.
He didn’t have to get up for anything, but getting up made him feel as if he had some sort of purpose in life, even if he just went back to sleep later. He sighed and got up slowly, rubbing his eyes and running a hand through his dark tousled hair.
“You’ve got to stop doing that, you’ll go bald Neeks!!” His sister’s voice echoed in his head. 9 years, and Bianca’s voice was still in his head.
He pushed a button on his De Longhi coffee machine and made himself an espresso. Hazel had referred to his new coffee machine as his “pride and joy” (which, Nico thought, was quite accurate as he was pretty sure his body was 90% coffee beans). He slumped onto his black leather armchair that his millionaire father had “generously” deigned to give him, coffee in hand, and thought about the sleep he’d missed. Whatever Hazel said, after these annoying banging noises, Nico was even more certain he never wanted to get to know his stupid neighbour.
When Will woke up to his alarm, he felt as if he’d only been sleeping for a second since he’d been disturbed earlier.
“Bloody new neighbour with their bloody nocturnal habits…”
Will looked at his phone, and cursed when he read the text that his friend Piper had sent him.
“Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit.” Will groaned and put his palms to his forehead in annoyance. They had a test today that he had completely and utterly forgot about.
Med school was turning out to be way harder than he thought. Not that he expected it to be easy, exactly, but the tests every week were even starting to wear him down, and he was definitely the most upbeat person there.
He got out of bed and ruffled his hair, pulling up his pyjama trousers so he didn’t trip over the bottom of them, and shuffled into the kitchen area of his flat.
Oh no.
Will looked around at his flat and wrinkled his nose. Pizza boxes and beer bottles covered the floor from last night. Why had he allowed Leo to come over?! It always ended like this, and Leo never ever helped tidy up. For one person, Leo not only ate like a horse, but also made so much mess it looked like a hippo had rampaged through the room.
Will sighed and rubbed his forehead. He was already running a little late and couldn’t afford to clean all this up now, so instead of sorting it out, he wandered to the fridge, pulled out a yoghurt and sat down. His phone buzzed.
Will wasn’t worried. Piper said this every morning there was a test and somehow managed to get above 80% every time. People usually would find this annoying. But Will chuckled. He loved Piper, as she was the only other med student who, when faced with Will’s bright clothing and incessant smile, grinned just as widely and said “I like you!”. Naturally, people thought they were going out, but Will didn’t mind it. It was better than having to openly admit the truth.
“You are not allowed to like boys, William. It is not normal.”
His mother’s voice echoed in his head.
At least with Piper herself, Will didn’t have to pretend. Piper knew straight away that Will was gay, and that didn’t bother her at all. In fact, she made it her mission to point out all the men she thought “worthy”. Once, Piper walked up to a guy in their class, and pointed in his face, wiggling her eyebrows at Will. Of course, at the time, Will was so embarrassed, he went tomato-red, but now Will giggled and blushed slightly at the memory. He really did love Piper.
He checked the time again.
He suddenly remembered his resolution to confront his new neighbour.
Maybe that can wait till tomorrow…? Will mused, not really desiring any sort of conflict. Or maybe just after class… He decided to wait until later to choose.
He tugged at a strand of hair that fell in front of his blue eyes, wrestling with the possibility of calling in sick to avoid the test. But, as usual, Will felt guilty at even the thought of that, and so texted Piper to say he was on his way, and went back to his bedroom to get dressed.
Okay… he thought, as he left the door. Time to face the music.
Nico heard a bang as his neighbour left their apartment. He guessed they were quite clumsy, because every single morning he heard a thud as they closed their door, occasionally accompanied by an “Ow!”. Nico rolled his eyes and sighed. Clearly, this neighbour was deaf or something, especially considering all the loud noises that had been emanating from the flat next door.
Nico put his coffee mug down on the ridiculously expensive black marble coffee table, (another “present” from his father) stretched in his armchair and dropped his head back, glaring at the ceiling.
Wasn’t the whole point of not being in school so that I could restart my life? Find a hobby? A career? A friend…?
Nico sighed and rubbed his eyes. A friend was the least likely of the three he would ever have. He never had got along with people. People didn’t get along with me, he thought. Not since Bianca died… Nico breathed deeply. He really missed her. He missed her ability to cheer him up with only a look, the constant glint in her eye, her laugh, her energy, her voice…
Great. Wallowing in self-pity. Nice.
A faint buzz interrupted his sombre thoughts. Nico forced himself to stand up, glancing at his mobile phone that he’d chucked on the kitchen worktop.
Neeks. Emergency with Dad. Hazel xx
Ugh. Leave it to our father to screw things up.
Be right there N x
Nico picked up his keys and was about to step out of the door when he looked down and realised he was still wearing his novelty Darth Vader pyjamas that Hazel had given him as a joke. Nico smirked despite himself, and went back to his room to quickly pull on black jeans and his ACDC t-shirt. Hazel called this his “rock-emo look”, but Nico had always felt black was his colour.
Yet another thing people at school took the piss out of me for.
He tugged his trainers on, grabbed his leather jacket and stepped out the door, raising his eyebrow at a mound of miscellaneous cardboard that resembled…pizza boxes?…outside his neighbour’s door.
Typical, he thought, turning his back on the curious disorganised lump and striding through the corridor to the outside world.
Well, that was awful.
Will ran his hand through his hair, frowning at the space where his test had been. He sighed, and looked over at Piper who was grinning at him, mouthing “THAT WAS NOT TOO BAD”, and he made an extreme pouty grumpy face to show her that he did not feel the same. Piper winked at him and stuck her tongue out, her hazel eyes glinting.
Will sulked, wrinkling his nose and scrunching his eyebrows together, but couldn’t hold back a snort of laughter when Piper stood up and melodramatically blew him a kiss. Piper tossed her braided hair over her shoulder and winked again, giggling at Will as he struggled to keep a straight face. Will really loved her to bits.
“Why the looooong face, Will?”
Will looked up from his seat and met Piper’s inquiring eyes, and shrugged his shoulders. “Pipes, the test was so bad. I don’t even know if I answered half of the questions in comprehensible English!”
Piper tilted her head to one side, her choppy fringe drifting across her forehead, and put her hand on his shoulder. “Oh, I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as you think it was!” She grinned and ducked to catch Will’s eye, and he smirked back, standing up to sling his rucksack over his shoulder. They walked for a minute or so in silence. Will was still worrying about the test, and Piper wasn’t sure whether she should interrupt his thoughts. They stopped outside their classroom and Piper checked her phone.
“Ooh we’ve still got ten minutes! Shall we just stay here?” Will nodded, but stayed quiet. Piper frowned, but then her face lit up with a wide smile. “I have something for you!”
Will frowned at Piper. “Ummm Pipes, last time you said that, you introduced me to Leo. I don’t need to remind you how well that turned out.”
“Oh Will, don’t be so dramatic, you love Leo now!”
“Yeah I do”, Will admitted, “but not in the way you hoped!”
Piper chuckled, and pulled something that resembled a fur-ball out of her tote bag. “Here.” She pressed it into his hand.
“Pipes…why have you given me a dead rat?”
“It is not a dead rat! Jeez, Will. Is this the thanks I get for giving you a lucky rabbit’s foot?”
“A what?!” Will dropped it, squeaking and wrinkling his freckled nose in disgust. Piper picked it up again, putting a hand on her hip and waving the foot at Will.
“A lucky rabbit’s foot. According to mum, it’s meant to bring you all the luck you need!” 
Will looked at the strange object, slightly freaked out by the idea of it having belonged to a real animal. “Well if it was so lucky, you could’ve given it to me before the stupid test then…” Will grumbled, gingerly taking the foot and stuffing it in his jeans pocket.
“Will, why are you being such a grump today?” Piper pouted, furrowing her eyebrows.
Will looked at her and sighed, feeling guilty. “Sorry Pipes, I just didn’t get a good night’s sleep. It’s this neighbour! They don’t seem to understand that 4am is not an appropriate time to refurbish their flat!”
Piper studied Will’s face for a second, before bursting out laughing. Will felt his face grow hot, and was slightly confused at Piper’s reaction.
“What?! Pipes this isn’t funny! It is so annoying and I can’t get any sleep and it’s endless and- PIPER!”
Piper was crying with laughter, doubled over and cackling loudly. “I’m sorry Will, it’s just, your face, and you looked…so furious” Piper wheezed, and Will stood opposite her looking disapprovingly. Piper was just standing there, guffawing in the middle of the corridor.  
“Are you quite finished?” Will crossed his arms, attempting to look annoyed, but really just smiling along with her.
Piper had tears streaming down her face, and was laughing so hard that she was spluttering, and she started coughing loudly.
“Oh god, Pipes! Are you okay?!”
Piper just nodded and giggled, and Will rolled his eyes at his friend.
“Pipes, you are certifiably insane.”
“I’m not the one who sounds like a grandpa at the age of 19!”
Will chuckled, and just as he did so, the bell rang to signal the start of class. Ugh, Will thought. More brain-work.
As they wandered into the classroom, Piper mused “So…Will…this neighbour…are they cute?”. Will turned round to Piper winking, with a mischievous glint in her eye, and he rolled his eyes for the second time in five minutes.
Yet, as Will sat down and pulled out his books from his bag, he found himself thinking… what if they are…?
SORRY I DIDN’T WRITE THAT MUCH!! I promise more is coming very very soon... (and the stories will overlap, I promissseeeee) <3 
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svbjetarch · 7 years
☁ ( jiwon x liu ming )
            .• ♕ ┊        LET THE MUSIC PLAY.
          FIVE TIMES MEME           Status   :   Accepting           @anvmone
            Jiwon ✗ Liu Ming       THE FIRST       She couldn't sleep, it hardly ever happened but she wasn't able to, instead she only observed the numbers on her phone change every minute, every hour. It was way past midnight, way too late to message anyone although she would give a damn lot to have Daeho right there next to her, driving her crazy with his skills and making her body burn with his fingers and mouth, oh, how much she would love to experience this right here and there. But she didn't act on it, instead she got up to change her clothes by leaving behind her pajamas and replace them with workout equipment, headphones put into her ears as she moved through the hallways and out onto a terrace, a place nobody would interrupt her at a time like this, no Abelle getting disturbed by her movements and activity, no housemaids to watch her and start gossiping, she was well hidden within the darkness of night. The movements came slowly, along with the sound of music to fill her brain and overtune all kinds of thoughts she might have, and the longer she lost her mind to the music the more pictures came in, remembering the way that dancer on the streets had moved his body, the unique flow his movements had posessed, it had caught her attention since the first moment, now it took hold of her once again, capturing not only her interest but also the way she danced to the music, inspired by his style, trying to work it into the way she swayed her body. It was carved into her brain for hours, extorting her body until the end, she was hardly able to breath when the sun went up and the first light shining upon the city, declaring the end of her dance session due the knowledge that she might get caught. She had to end it there, take a bath, put on new clothes until she was hours later at the usual spot, ice cream in her hands while waiting for her admirable dancer to start his performance but it was but another day she only watched him, not daring to speak to him just yet.
      THE SECOND       It was funny, she had gotten so hooked to that dancer's skill she had been using her break times to do some research, had found out his name, his recognition and some recordings of his dancing in public. Jiwon. She had gotten to know his name after weeks now but while she knew his name, she still hadn't dared to contact him in any possible way, it was only that she was hung up on her thoughts. Contacts worked well amongst dancers and even with the few people she knew, one way or another she had gotten to know about his appearance in this club, a well known spot for underground dance battles, but although she had caught a glimpse of his figure already, trying her best to memorize the movements he did, it was once again courage that took over her heart but a feeling of coyness and interest. She nipped her drink instead with her eyes glued to his form, the way he alone was able to win one of the rounds after another, until his body lacked the energy and the usual sign for calling a break was shown, she was quick to turn her back to the bar, seeing him come closer. If he were to recognize her, the girl that went to each and every one of his street performances, now also attending the club totally incidentally at the same time he was attendant, it might come across the wrong way, like a stalker following after him. It wasn't really her plan to be misunderstood and she didn't want to be markes as weirdo when they hadn't even gotten to exchange but one word so far. She herself couldn't understand why exactly she didn't dare to talk to him, seven years ago she had just done it and talked to the street performers who had caught her attention, becoming part of their crew only so long until she had become too much of an attention magnet, her skills so drastically evolving they had just kicked her out. Maybe she feared he might do the same, which was so very irrational, not once had he seen her dance and not once had they talked, but the way she saw him joke with friends, it made her envious, she wanted to stand there to ask him about his dance skills and teachings. Instead she but emptied her drink, paid and left. Today was not the day.
      THE THIRD       She had passed by a dance battle on her way from work to one of her usual clubs, it had made her stop for a few minutes, trying to evaluate their skills. There was a voice inside her urging her to go forward and ask them for a challenge, she had the skills, she could beat them, but it had been actions like these that hade made her a hated person in her hometown, the dancers there hadn't liked her but tolerated her in exchange for her spending all her prize money on them. Back then it had seemed like a worthy exchange but looking at it now, it seemed to be somewhat stupid for she had never truly been liked, it was such a contrast to Nico who was giving so much to her when they weren't even related, a few months ago he had hardly even known her and still he had been offering her so much and giving so much to her, it made her look like a stupid little thing for having tried to buy herself some friends. Matter of factly, she had been a stupid little thing, desperate for anything that meant she could escape her father's cruel clutches and she had done it, as long as it had meant not needing to go home. It was for that reason she didn't challenge those dancers right here and there, only smiled to herself when thinking of another scenario, her and Jiwon, they would be able to make them lose their ground but her and Jiwon, that was a thing of impossibility. She had recently managed to get his number but it hadn't been with his knowledge and as much as she would love to just write him, to get to know this skilled dancer, it seemed like a matter of impossibility for she had no reason to ask him for anything and if she needed to exchange the first few words with him, she wanted those to be in person and not something sent from her mobile phone to somehow who wouldn't even know what she looked like. She sighed as she watched another of those dancers join the battle and shook her head, now was not the time to watch them but not was the time to give in to that growing desire for alcohol she had meant to fulfill all night already throughout her shift for men and clients were tiresome folks.
      THE FOURTH       Yet another week of work, yet another cup of coffee in her hands. It was always the same way for she didn't like to use a driver like Nico often did, just taking the busses and trains gave her a certain kind of feeling as if she were actually living a normal life like any other eighteen year old and not making a living by drawing money out of rich men's pockets in a casino she wasn't allowed to work in to then waste it in clubs on drinks and maybe drugs. It wasn't like she felt ashamed of her lifestyle but sometimes she was seeing schoolgirls pass by and wondered what her life would look like if it hadn't all gone wrong on the first day already. She sighed as she passed by the spot she usually sat on once a week to watch Jiwon dance, always giving her the feeling he wasn't actually doing it for money or anything but simply because he loved dancing. He gave her that feeling because she had once been like this as well, dancing on the streets because she loved dancing but it had way too soon turned into a way to earn herself some money for she just needed to get away from her father... She hated the memories but they seemed to just overcome her from time to time and it always made her feel bad, she should just concentrate on the good things in life, the way Nico had taken her in and always cared for her, more so than he had needed for a simple promise given to her brother, or that she had been able to be cast by a crew, she hadn't dared to go out in public yet because she couldn't judge Nico's reaction but to get paid in access to the practice rooms rather than money had been a good enough opportunity, a place for her to be on her own and work on her skills, she didn't want to get rusty just because she had wasted all her time drinking. Even teaching other dancers stuff, it had become entertaining even though it only happened every some weeks, she had no regular class unlike what that crew leader was doing. But the most desirable was to herself get taught some new movements, she loved Jiwon's style and as much as she tried to copy it, it was impossible to do so without the original artist's advices. A silent Chinese curse escaped her when thinking about this but she yet had been too shy to approach him, too intimidated by previous experiences, and when she turned around, crashing into someone who turned out to be the very dancer she admired so much, there seemed to pass a few seconds of her just staring at him with big eyes, it was a perfect situation to just start talking with him but instead she only blurted our an apology in Chinese and fled from the site. Maybe she just hadn't been ready to approach him yet.
      THE FIFTH       It had been a few days now since she had first approached Jiwon after one of his performances and their little chatter and it was still making her heart flutter, not the same way alcohol or sex made her heart flutter nor those extremely good-looking guys in the clubs but in the same way children got excited for seeing their favorite toys beneath Christmas trees, it was a childlike affection to his dancing and skills. For a moment or two she stared at his contact info in her phone, it might be a good chance to test whether it was the right number but after that, what was she supposed to do. Hi, it's the Chinese girl from some days ago you talked to? Do you want to go drink a coffee after your next performance? What a laughable thing to consider... If anything, she would come across as a weirdo for she had his number when they had talked but once with each other and not yet exchanged phone numbers or anything. "Stupid girl..." Muttered words to herself as she pressed the Delete button of the contact, it would be better to just ask him for his number the next time around instead of just using what she had gotten her hands on the wrong way around. She would just ask him the next time she saw him, it was not all that difficult after she had made her first approach. Those were nice intentions set in stone by her downing her drink, she had been limited to one drink an hour unless it was paid by her clients but one thing for sure, she was better at getting her clients drunk rather than ending up wasted herself, something she would be needed to do in ten minutes or something once her break time was over. Next time she saw him she would wask and then she would definitely not deviate from her plans for she truly wanted to achieve at least that bit of plans, a second step to get closer to him and being able to learn his skills, it was a bit of selfish interest mixed with a bit of honestly being intrigued by that bright character of his, how someone could be so very cheerful and joyous as if there never had been any bad happening in the world ever since.
      THE ACT       Her good intentions were still chiseled into her mind as she sat on her usual place on that small wall surrounding a bit of green in the middle of the city, watching Jiwon follow his ever since artistic sense and showed off his skills, it was so calming to have such a kind of weekly event to herself. Just a little while before work to drink her coffee, maybe smoke a cigarette in case she found one of Daeho's in her pockets as she was strictly sticking to her own rule of never buying a package of her own, but that day was no such day in which she had a spare cigarette left so it was only her and her coffee, listening to his unique taste in music while watching his evenly unique style of dancing that always made her smile in admiration, she truly had fallen in love with his skills or maybe otherwise she wouldn't have acted so shy around him. It always was something between half an hour and a full hour she could watch him do, always this little time once a week in which she could just let go of her mind and entirely concentrate on him, forgetting whatever nasty and gropey client she had to tend to this very evening or the soreness between her thighs from her immoral activities of the night ago, it was all pushed aside so she could concentrate on him and try to remember as many of his movements as possible to later on try them out on her own, another one or two hours a week to master those movements she could remember and trying to include them into some of her routines or her free styling. After all, there was a reason she was so good at dancing in clubs for her sheer experience from dance contests in the past and her many practice hours, she had been an unbeaten dictator of the dance floor back in her hometown. Time seemed to pass by way too quickly until she saw him finish his performance, a sign for her to get moving and slowly moving through the usual viewers who had been moving now that the performance was over, until she finally was closer to him and once again she crouched down in front of his backpack, her phone already out with the page for a new contact open for him to just grab it and save his number there. It made her heart beat heavily with excitement, she rarely had this kind of feeling except for those few times she had hit on very special people, making her thrum against her calves with her fingertips until she finally got her phone back, a bright smile on her lips now. She was just like a little child that had finally gotten its favorite treat and she was quick to send a first message to him with her name in it, moving to stand up now that he had finished packing his things. "I'll write you when I next plan on going for practice. Maybe you can join me then."
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gyrlversion · 6 years
Dumbo flies again! Everything you need to know about blockbuster
The whimsical story of a flying baby elephant melted hearts when it hit the big screen in 1941, and has been a family favourite ever since.
Now, 78 years on, a whole new generation of children are set to fall in love with the tiny elephant with the big ears with Disney’s live-action remake of Dumbo. 
And thanks to an array of technical wizardry, the computer- animated junior jumbo looks just as real as his human co-stars.
So just what did it take to bring this £90 million epic to our screens?
From actors in purple suits covered in tennis balls to an RAF hangar and rumours of an on-set romance, Alison Boshoff reveals the secrets of how Dumbo took flight — and all without a single real elephant . . .
The live-action remake of Disney’s Dumbo, which stars Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Eva Green, Nico Parker and Finley Hobbin, is set for release on March 29
Based on 1941 animated classic (pictured), the storyline faces some changes including Timothy Mouse, who originally hlps Dumbo, being dropped 
The British Boffins who made magic
Like Disney’s 2016 remake of The Jungle Book, the computer-generated animals in Dumbo are hyper-realistic, but have been given human expressions. With his large, liquid, blue-green eyes, the adorable Dumbo has reduced preview audiences to tears.
But bringing Dumbo to life took some doing, with British visual effects firm Moving Picture Company — who won an Oscar for The Jungle Book and are working on this year’s Lion King remake — adding in all the CGI elements after the scenes had been shot.
For the actual takes, the cast came face to face with a range of models and human stand-ins.
Bringing Dumbo to life took some doing, with the British visual effects firm Moving Picture Company behind Oscar-winner The Jungle Book adding in all the CGI elements after the scenes had been shot
Colin Farrell, who stars as former circus performer Holt Farrier, explained: ‘We have a couple of people in green suits, and a couple in aluminium outlines of how big an elephant would be with eyes represented by little tennis balls.
‘The baby was green and the mama was purple, and I guess when they draw it, that’s how they separate it.’
In one scene where the elephants are seen walking off a train, the ramps were pulled down by a hydraulic pump to make it look as if they were bending under the beasts’ weight.
Other special effects included making the straw from which Dumbo first emerges move as if a real elephant was wriggling out.
Danny DeVito, who plays circus owner Max Medici, said: ‘There’s a fake trunk coming out, and the special effects people have little filaments that move the hay. And that’s really cool to watch.’
There’s an animal rights agenda  
The original film was a simple fable about an elephant who could fly, if only he believed in himself.
In the new film, the human storylines have been vastly expanded. Set in 1919, just after World War I, much of it is about the men who run rival circuses.
The question of whether it is right to exploit animals is also answered in a way that will appeal to modern sensibilities.
Originally set as a fable about an elephant who can fly, the new version looks at animal rights abuses and whether it should be legal to exploit any animal
Farrell’s character is a war veteran who has lost an arm. ‘He was away for five years, and by the time he comes back, the two children have been raised by the circus and his wife has died,’ says Farrell. ‘So he is a single father ill-equipped to deal with parenthood or the changes in the circus.’
Holt’s friend Medici, in financial trouble, buys an elephant to try to bring in the crowds. Mrs Jumbo has baby Dumbo — and when it’s discovered he can fly, Medici thinks his troubles are over. However, the villainous V.A. Vandevere (Michael Keaton), wants Dumbo for his amusement park, Dreamland.
Farrell adds: ‘It’s a new narrative . . .There’s the shyster type of circus leader with a heart of gold, that’s Danny. Then there’s the evil, megalomaniacal owner of the really big fantastical circus.’
…But Timothy Mouse is dropped  
After losing his mother in the original, Dumbo is helped by Timothy Mouse, who persuades him he can fly with the help of a ‘magic feather’. 
Yet Timothy doesn’t feature in this version. Instead it is Milly and Joe, the children of Holt Farrier, who discover that Dumbo can fly after he inhales a feather and, while sneezing it out of his trunk, becomes airborne.
Finley Hobbin and Nico Parker star as the children of Holt Farrier to replace Timothy Mouse. They realise that Dumbo can fly when he inhales a magical feather
Roles for Batman and the penguin  
Dumbo is directed by Tim Burton, who revamped Alice In Wonderland into a billion-pound blockbuster in 2010; critics say he is about to repeat the trick.
Though Burton has a reputation for the Gothic and phantasmagorical, many of his films have scenes that touch the tear ducts.
Who can forget the magical moment in 1990’s Edward Scissor-hands where Johnny Depp, as Edward, carves an ice sculpture and creates a blizzard under which Winona Ryder dances? 
Describing his attraction to the Dumbo project, Burton said: ‘It’s symbolic of things that don’t fit in, and trying to find your place in the world.
‘Also, circuses always seemed to have that kind of . . . you know, just weirdos from all over the world, and that was always appealing.’
Child star with a ‘lioness’ Mum  
Nico Parker, the 14-year-old daughter of British actress Thandie Newton and director Oliver Parker, makes her acting debut playing Milly Farrier. Finley Hobbins plays her brother, Joe.
‘At first it was nerve-racking remaking such a classic story,’ said Nico. ‘In the end, though, I got swept up in the magic of it all — the costumes, stunts, effects.’
As Nico was 12, a tutor provided her with lessons on set. But this wasn’t the only person watching over her. 
Nico Parker, the 14-year-old daughter of British actress Thandie Newton and director Oliver Parker, makes her acting debut playing Milly Farrier
Mum Thandie said: ‘Having a mother and father in the industry . . . she’s been on endless sets. It’s not that she takes it for granted, but it’s not a world she feels she’s not entitled to be in.
‘She has her mum right there like a lioness checking that everything is looked after.’
Romance on the flying trapeze 
Neither cares to confirm it, but director Burton, 60, appears to be enjoying a romance with 38-year-old French actress Eva Green — who is also his muse.
She appears in Dumbo as trapeze artist Colette Marchant.
They met when she starred in his 2012 film Dark Shadows and seem to have started dating in late 2015, about a year after he and actress Helena Bonham Carter announced their 13-year relationship was over.
Did Walt mock his striking staff?  
At only 64 minutes long, the 1941 original was the shortest Disney feature ever made. The new version is 130 minutes.
Walt Disney declined to write more for the first movie, saying: ‘You can stretch a story so far, and after that it won’t hold together.’ It was based on 1938 book Dumbo The Flying Elephant, by Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl.
Following on from Pinocchio and Fantasia — both costly and relative flops — Walt instructed animators to keep the film inexpensive.
Veteran filmmaker Tim Burton (right) is in the director’s chair for the first time since 2016’s Alice Through the Looking Glass. Colin Farrell (left) stars as Holt Farrier
The characters are simpler and backgrounds less detailed, with the film costing just £715,000 (£12.2million today) to make — half what Snow White had in 1938.
Yet it became an instant hit and was the most successful Disney film of the 1940s, grossing £1.2 million (equivalent to £20.5 million) during its original release.
Time magazine even had plans to honour Dumbo as ‘Mammal of the Year’. But then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and they opted for a more serious cover.
Dumbo’s beautiful animations took some time. A scene where the clowns decide to ‘hit the big boss for a raise’ seems to be Walt mocking the animators who went on a five-week strike during production.
Hankies out…the song is back  
One of the most poignant moments in the 1941 film is the lullaby Baby Mine, sung to Dumbo by his mother during a brief reunion. 
It has been re-worked by the band Arcade Fire for the new film, where it is sung by Glaswegian actress Sharon Rooney — made famous by E4 TV drama My Mad Fat Diary — who plays circus performer Miss Atlantis.
A behemoth in Bedfordshire  
The 2019 Dumbo was mostly shot in Shed 2 at Cardington, Bedfordshire — a behemoth originally built by the RAF during World War I to hold airships.
Movies shot there include Batman Begins, Inception and Fantastic Beasts. The total amount of floor space is 223,000 sq ft — or five acres — making it five times the size of the largest sound stage available in Hollywood.
The sheds fell out of service after an experimental hydrogen-filled airship, the R101, crashed during its maiden voyage in 1930, killing 48 of the 54 people on board.
Cardington became a storage station and the RAF ended its association with it in 2000. Warner Brothers started using it in 2005 and the hangars became available for renting by other film studios in 2012.
Sets created in Shed 2 for Dumbo included a full-size circus big top. Farrell said: ‘Cardington, the stage is like nothing I’ve ever seen.
‘I’ve been lucky enough in the past 20 years to be around some extraordinary sets. But I’ve never seen anything like the boulevard.’
Oscar winners’ artful outlook  
Production designer Rick Heinrichs, who won an Oscar for Burton’s Sleepy Hollow, is behind the look of the film.
He wanted it to look like a painting by American Depression-era master Edward Hopper. Period circus costumes are by Colleen Atwood, who has won four Oscars.
The sequel that never happened  
After the millennium, plans were made for a Dumbo II, with him and his circus friends stranded in the city. There were to be twin bears, Claude and Lolly, a zebra, an ostrich and a hippo.
Announced in 2001, it was cancelled in 2006 by the new chief creative officer of Disney Animation Studios, John Lasseter.
DUMBO arrives in cinemas on March 29.
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