#Nicola Hay (author of the libretto) was a goddamn genius
bluberimufim · 9 months
I am once again going insane over Giulio Cesare in Egitto. Mostly its libretto. God.
Cornelia's almost melodic recitative breaking up Curio and Cesare's very rhythmic conversation, especially when saying "Da pace all'armi"? The sudden rise of Achilla's "questa del gran Pompeo superba testa" followed by a return to the calmer recitative from before with "di base al regal trono" because he thinks he did nothing wrong?
The whiplash between "Svegliatevi nel core, furie d'un alma offesa, a far d'un traditor aspra vendetta!" and "L'ombra del genitore, accorre a mia difesa e dice: a te il rigor, figlio, figlio, si aspetta"? The entirety of "Alma del Gran Pompeo"??
The tension in the rise and fall of Nireno and Cleopatra's "Troncar fè Tolomeo il capo... / Ohimè! di chi? / Del gran Pompeo" and later "Che gli mandò? / L'esanimato volto"?? The absolute clash between the melody and lyrics of "Tu sei il cor di questo core" that combines somewhat apologetic and tender-sounding lyrics with loud threatening music? And I think there's a musical Dies Irae reference in there? The first word of Cesare and Tolomeo's arias about each other being "l'empio"??
The absolute rawness of the line "L'aure che spira tirano e fiero egli non merta di respirar"? The melody of "Vanni son i lamenti" as Sesto announces his desire for revenge and "Sappi, perfido monstro" after he fulfils it being the same?
The climax of "Son nata a lagrimar" mirroring Cesare and Cleopatra's "verá" through harmony in the final duet, comparing the separation of act 1 with the reuniting of act 3? Tolomeo yelling "Sveglia! Sveglia!" in Cornelia's face after "svegliare" being established as basically Sesto's word in "Svegliatevi"? And Sesto's being a prayer and request while Tolomeo's is an order???
I AM LOSING MY MIND (affectionately)
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