#Nicolas Mendez
circleforyou · 1 year
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daikenkki · 5 months
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stateofsport211 · 5 months
Acapulco Ch R2: Rodrigo Pacheco Mendez [WC] def. Nicolas Mejia [SE] 6-3, 6-3 Match Stats
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📸 ATP official website
Pacheco Mendez appeared more solid on his returning even if it took several service games for him to get the hang of the pace. In this regard, he managed to control the flow from his baseline game, trying to appear more powerful and aggressive, thus outhitting N. Mejia to some extent. Even if the latter might have felt unwell in the second set, it did not diminish the former's solid performance, playing inspired tennis from his point construction as he appeared more offensive throughout the match despite some hiccups in between. As a result, Pacheco Mendez generated 7 break points, converting 57% of them (4) compared to N. Mejia's 20% break point conversion rate out of his 5 chances to break, which conversion came from the first set despite 2 of his break points came at the last game as Pacheco Mendez tried to serve it out, but the latter was clutch enough to serve for the match before N. Mejia even had a chance to get back to the match.
Furthermore, Pacheco Mendez had a more stable service game as the match progressed. Even though either player scored 3 aces each, Pacheco Mendez had a more stand-out first serves winning percentage with 75%, 20% more than N. Mejia, which helped him to navigate more problems. On the other hand, even though the Mexican wild card double-faulted thrice than N. Mejia's twice, both players had an equal second serve winning percentage at 50%, making the first serves becoming more important to distinguish between both players on their serves outside of their aggression.
In his maiden Challenger quarterfinal appearance, which would make him the youngest Challenger-level quarterfinal appearance since Cesar Ramirez in Puebla Challenger 2007 and denying the Morelos Challenger finals rematch, Pacheco Mendez will face fifth seed Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard, who defeated Gijs Brouwer 7-5, 7-5 in the second round. This would pose a decent test for the former's pacing and aggression, as well as their service game consistency while trying to defeat their service game allegations. Should be an intriguing match, especially with their point construction that could possibly be tested in the important times!
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john-cardoza · 6 months
Water for Elephants - Broadway - March 3, 2024
Gregg Edelman (Mr. Jankowski), Stan Brown (Camel), Wade McCollum (Wade), Joe De Paul (Walter), Sara Gettelfinger (Barbara), Paul Alexander Nolan (August/Charlie), Isabelle McCalla (Marlena/June), Grant Gustin (Jacob Jankowski), Antoine Boissereau, Rachael Boyd, Paul Castree, Taylor Colleton, Isabella Luisa Diaz, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, Nicolas Jelmoni, Caroline Kane, Michael Mendez, Gabriel Olivera De Paula Costa, Samiel Renaud, Marissa Rosen, Charles South, Sean Stack, Matthew Varvar
do not repost
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dwsavideos · 2 months
My WATER FOR ELEPHANTS Opinion • The Big Top on Broadway!
Going into this show, I already liked the songs, but I didn’t know the story at all because I haven’t read the book or seen the movie (I just knew there was a circus lol). I went into it fairly blind, and what I saw on that stage for two and a half hours was nothing short of whimsical. I’ve gotta give a review of my experience without giving too much of the plot away- so this is gonna be kind of informal. I’m basically just gonna talk about what I love about this show because it definitely has flaws like any show does, but I genuinely think people are being too hard on this show. It has so much potential, so much insane superhuman talent, and it is so well designed. Just because there aren’t 50 Cirque du Soleil-esque acts or Grammy winning pop songs in it doesn’t make it bad. Not to mention that the original source material was difficult to work with for sure! I think that while this show is far from mainstream, it still has that classic flashy Broadway show vibe- and what a relief that is. I could talk about this show and the talented people in it for ages. My messages and asks are always open, so if you want to share an opinion or experience, or wanna chat about the show, I’m here for it! Okay, time to dive in:
For some background information, Water For Elephants is set in America during the 1930s, (I think 1931) and of course, at a traveling circus called Benzini Brother’s Circus which is in great financial trouble and is definitely not the most spectacular circus during that time. They manage to stay afloat under the management of the ringmaster, August played by Paul Alexander Nolan. Throughout the show, we see signs that the circus performers and workers (Kinkers and Rousts), and the animals are not treated fairly by August.
Jacob Jankowski played by Grant Gustin is a young man on the run from his personal troubles and jumps onto the nearest train, not knowing or caring where it was going. He meets some dodgy characters who reveal themselves as Rousts or circus stagehand workers (Wade being the main, scariest one, played by Wade McCollum). Jacob soon meets an older Roust named Camel, played by Stan Brown. Camel convinces Jacob to stay at least one day. Jacob doesn’t love the idea, and neither does Wade. They come to an agreement and all parties reluctantly decide to work together for one day only. One day turns into a lot longer- and now the fun begins.
The ensemble had great dancers and amazing circus artists (who also all danced). The circus artists in this show are unnamed ensemble characters, so I will call them by their actual names (There were a few swings on the night I saw the show): Antoine Boissereau, Gabriel Olivera, Isabella Diaz, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, Nicolas Jelmoni, Harley McLeish, Sam Renaud, and Alex Royer.
The ensemble of dancers who play Kinkers and Rousts were: Brandon Block, Paul Castree, Caroline Kane, Marissa Rosen, Charles South, Sean Stack, Matthew Varvar, and Michelle West.
The understudies and swings who were on as leads and featured characters for this performance were: Samantha Gershman as Marlena, Taylor Colleton as Barbara, and Michael Mendez as Walter. The ensemble and circus swings were Brandon Block, Michelle West, and Harley McLeish. As usual, Gregg Edelman played Mr. Jankowski. Almost every single one of these performers was a puppeteer at some point in the show.
The great circus stunts start right off the bat in the second number “The Road Don’t Make You Young” when the cast sets up the big top tent. Needless to say, their Tony Performance of this song does not do this cast justice at all. Seeing this live was awesome. Especially Gabriel Olivera, Isabella Diaz, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, and Alex Royer doing impressive (and kinda scary) tricks on the Chinese Pole and then also singing and dancing with the rest of the company like it was nothing. The number also included many hand to hand tricks where Alex and Isabella were thrown and flipped and caught by their porters. They made it look effortless. Some other big circus numbers were “The Lion Has Got No Teeth”, “The Grand Spec”, and “Zostań”. In the span of these numbers, there were flips, hand to hand tricks, aerial acrobatics, juggling, Chinese pole, Cyr wheel, hula hoops, and more! There were even several quick scenes that was just a few circus performs on stage doing their thing!
Also, I have to say that Grant Gustin was great! He has a great voice and he portrayed Jacob brilliantly considering his character is pretty bland. Paul Alexander Nolan stole the show as many good villains tend to do. Samantha Gershman didn’t miss a beat as Marlena, and her voice was stunning! Wade McCollum as Wade was one of my favorite performances as far as acting goes (plus he has one hell of a voice). And the ensemble of both the dancers and circus performers were out of this world. The choreography was so fun to watch and the way it was mixed perfectly with the circus tricks had me on the edge of my seat every time there was a big group number.
My favorite three moments in the show:
3: The Stampede: For a show with lots of fun tricks, colorful costumes, and flashy numbers, things got pretty dark towards the end. I won’t get into the really dark part, but one scene near the end that was really well done was a scene without any singing or dancing- the Stampede. This scene was staged incredibly, and it was very haunting. The cast turned into puppeteers and their movements along with the lighting design, sound design, and Gregg Edelman’s narration caused it to be impossible to even blink during this scene. In particular, Caroline Kane did a fantastic job portraying Rosie the Elephant for this scene and throughout the show. She was one of the six people who puppeteered Rosie. Caroline controlled Rosie’s trunk and also conveyed Rosie’s emotions with her facial expressions. At times, she was the sole person responsible for making us believe there was an elephant on stage- and she was brilliant. She portrayed Rosie’s joy, pain, fear, and anger so so well!
2: The Dream/“Go Home”: This moment was before the stampede scene, and it was so cool to watch. Once again, the lighting design and staging was very well done, and Grant Gustin was excellent in this scene as he grappled with his inner thoughts. In Theatre, a dream sequence scene could sometimes be corny, but this one was necessary. Another very haunting moment in the show, this dream sequence came at a pivotal time in the plot, and gave us a deeper look into Jacob’s mind, along with a major choice that he had to make. The beginning of the scene was like something out of the 2013 Pippin revival, with the circus performers nightmarishly taunting Jacob on a dimly lit stage. August made an appearance too, also taunting Jacob- who’s conscience was trying to tell him to murder August. During this dream, the circus performers become an ensemble of Jacob’s fears and desires. They do daring stunts, walking and sliding backwards on tightropes, twirl in aerial hoops, two performers juggle knives- tossing them back and forth while Jacob stands still in between them. Jacob grabs a knife from midair and contemplates if he should use it. August cracks his whip at the lion, puppeteered by Gabriel. Soon Marlena and Rosie appear in Jacob’s dream as his only two comforting companions. During this nightmare, things start to get real for Jacob. The opening guitar of “Go Home” begins, and Jacob stands by and watches helplessly as his parents parish in a car accident. The way this car accident is staged is not loud or gruesome, but kind of peaceful- maybe since Jacob didn’t witness it when it happened, it’s how he imagined it or hoped it was like. There is no car at all, but it was easy to tell what’s happening due to the blocking and great choreography. Jacob’s parents are portrayed by Keaton and Alex- Keaton pretends to hold on to the wheel until blaring headlights flash in their faces and disaster strikes in slow motion. The other circus performers are assembled behind Jacob’s parents, staged as if they’re pushing them into their demise. After impact, Keaton and Alex are physically pulled out from that reality by the others, and back into the circus troupe. The movement and choreography in this scene is what carries the story as Jacob sings the song “Go Home”. The song ends with the ensemble softly singing “there’s nothing you won’t do/there’s nothing you can do” over and over as Jacob holds a knife, hovered over a sleeping August. The song ends with the characters back in reality. All in all, this scene was a great mesh of musical theatre, physical theatre, and circus.
1: “Easy”: When Jacob and the audience first meets Marlena. Here, she’s caring for her beloved injured horse Silver Star, puppeteered by two circus performers Antoine and Keaton. The horse puppet timidly approaches Marlena, limping. As Keaton left the scene, Antoine smoothly handed off the Silver Star puppet (head) to Marlena, who sang as she simultaneously soothed and controlled the horse’s head while it rested on her lap in pain. Then Antoine’s aerial silk act began. It was an outstanding and elegant thing to watch. He perfectly portrayed the spirit of Silver Star longing to be healthy and free. He swung over the audience in an aerial dance, and at one point, he swung out as the silks held him by his neck. His skills during that beautiful routine along with the emotional song that Samantha Gershman sang perfectly was a highlight for sure. Antoine was a standout circus artist and dancer, and was really fun to watch the whole show. If you haven’t gotten the chance, listen to “Easy” on the cast recording- it’s the best song in the album.
Some details I enjoyed:
One of the things I noticed while reading the playbill was the amount of Non-Binary performers in this show! There are five NB performers in W4E. (Let me know of you want to know who they are, because I don’t necessarily name drop here). Interestingly I noticed that every costume that one of the female presenting NB performers wore could be considered gender-neutral such as pants and overalls which looked just like the outfits the men and male presenting cast members wore in the show. I just thought that it was a nice touch that one of the NB performers got to wear gender-neutral costumes in a show that takes place in an era when those who were female presenting rarely wore pants or overalls (especially as a performer). Even the leotard they wore in circus scenes was the same as the male presenting circus performers! I’d love to think that this was a conscious choice by the costume designer and director to put the cast in costumes that they are comfortable in regardless of gender.
Every puppet was so intricate and beautifully designed. I sat fairly close but not too close, and I was able to see so many details of the puppets. They were so colorful, lively, and still so different from puppets in shows like the Lion King or Frozen. But like the Lion King, the actors controlling the puppets are very much included in the puppet’s identity. Their facial expressions and physical movements of their entire body, and even their costume colors play a huge part in each animal’s portrayal. However, in Lion King, many of the puppets are more costume than puppet. In W4E, the only animal that is worn as a costume is an Orangutan played by Alex. Overall, I think this was such a cool and original take on animal puppets on stage.
References to other songs in “Go Home” lyrics: Listening to the cast recording over and over, I realized that there are many melodic and lyrical references to other key songs in “Go Home” which I guess can be considered as the 11 o’clock number of W4E. In the song, there are melodic and lyrical references to the following songs: “Anywhere”, “Easy”, and “What Do You Do?” (GO LISTEN!!) I just love when songs that aren’t a Reprise have references to other songs in musicals. It’s very classic Broadway and great storytelling!
Personally, I loved Water For Elephants! The circus parts were the most fun to watch, and everyone in the cast was so amazing and seemed to be super tight-knit. You’re not going to W4E to delve into some deep subject in a contemporary musical and leave with a bitter sweet feeling and a great message, but does every new musical have to be like that nowadays?? I definitely recommend this show, especially for families or people who love the circus, puppets, or depression-era shows! Water for Elephants is a whimsical spectacle with so many fun moments. I think Broadway needs more of that.
If you’re still here, thank you for reading this entire thing lol!
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represseddilfs · 1 year
𝚃𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜
Indie role play blog featuring mainly older male OCs. Smut based. Dark and triggering content will be present and not tagged. Exploration of older, typically repressed married men. OC and canon friendly. Semi-selective, low to medium activity. Dash only. Written by Murdock, 29+ NB.
Use the links below for more information. Mobile friendly list of muses below the cut.
Wanted opposites
Arthur Dawson: Mechanic, 53, dominant (JR Bourne)
Richard Winston: Bar owner, 55, dominant (Jeffrey Dean Morgan)
Santiago Mendez: Detective, 48, switch (Pedro Pascal)
Forest Martin: Rancher, 46, dominant (Ian Bohen)
Alexei Volkov: Arms dealer, 43, dominant (Charlie Hunnam)
Marshall Teller: Personal trainer, 40, switch (Alan Ritchson)
Brandon Harris: Crooked cop, 45, switch (Tom Hardy)
Dominic Ricci: Surgeon, 56, dominant (Joe Manganiello)
Thomas Grant: Motorcycle street racer, 42, dominant (Ryan Gosling)
Nicolas Pederson: Band manager, 42, dominant (Chris Pine)
Carlos Alvarez: Professor, 49, switch (Danny Pino)
Cameron Davis: Baker, 42, switch (Chris Evans)
Dante Branson: Stock broker, 50, dominant (Anson Mount)
Jason Parker: Retired boxer, 54, dominant, (Hugh Jackman)
Elias Hoffman: Soldier, 43, switch (Luke MacFarlane)
Liam Abrams: Retired porn star, 55, dominant (Frank Grillo)
Rowan Montgomery: Gym owner, 45, dominant (Jon Bernthal)
Sebastian Richards: Author, 47, dominant (Liam O'Brien)
Ryan Cho: Theatre actor, 54, dominant (Daniel Dae Kim)
Dylan Cromwell: Tailor, 52, switch (Ewan McGregor)
Joshua Conelly: Stay at home dad, 40, switch (Henry Cavill)
Lance Priest: Construction site manager, 47, dominant (David Harbour)
Andrew Weeks: Lawyer, 45, dominant (Pablo Schreiber)
Oliver Velasco: Musician, 44, switch (Oscar Isaac)
Silas Perez: Outlaw biker, 45, dominant (Santiago Cabrera)
William Reichheld: Bounty hunter, 55, dominant (Tim Olyphant)
Joel Beckerman: Firefighter, 40, dominant (Sebastian Stan)
Bartholomew Walsh: Distiller, 47, switch (Cillian Murphy)
Nathaniel King: Security specialist, 54, doominant (Josh Brolin)
Dimitri Volkov: Arms dealer, 43, dominant (Joel Kinnaman)
Augustine Nelson: Casino owner, 58, switch (Keanu Reeves)
Caspian Fitzgerald: Hippotherapist, 42, dominant (Jake Gyllenhaal)
Max Berry: Contractor/house flipper, 53, dominant (Skeet Ulrich)
Zane Weisman: Wrestling coach, 33, dominant (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Deacon Abbott: Assassin, 52, dominant (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau)
Wyatt McNabb: Repossession specialist, 34, switch (Ryan Corr)
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bestmusicalworldcup · 9 months
Full casting has been announced for Water for Elephants, a $25 million dollar musical coming to Broadway.
Starring in the production is Grant Gustin as Jacob Jankowski, and Isabelle McCalla as Marlena. The cast also features Gregg Edelman as Mr. Jankowski, Paul Alexander Nolan as August, Stan Brown as Camel, Joe De Paul as Walter, Sara Gettelfinger as Barbara, and Wade McCollum as Wade.
Newly announced for the musical's company are Brandon Block, Antoine Boissereau, Rachael Boyd, Paul Castree, Ken Wulf Clark, Taylor Colleton, Gabriel Olivera de Paula Costa, Isabella Luisa Diaz, Samantha Gershman, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, Nicolas Jelmoni, Caroline Kane, Harley Ross Beckwith McLeish, Michael Mendez, Samuel Renaud, Marissa Rosen, Alexandra Gaelle Royer, Asa Somers, Charles South, Sean Stack, Matthew Varvar, and Michelle West.
Water for Elephants features a book by Rick Elice and music and lyrics by PigPen Theatre Co. Previews begin February 24, 2024 at the Imperial Theatre on Broadway, with opening night set for March 21.
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autoacafiles · 1 year
So this has been something that's been asked for a few times, so after a long times work, here we have it! A hypothetical voice cast for the characters of Autobot Academy. If there's a character you don't see, it's as we don't want to rush figuring out a character. We may update this list in the future, however it'll be in our own time, so we won't be taking any questions about specific missing characters. And hey, if you have your own voices that don't match up with these, then feel free to stick with that!
Yuri Lowenthal - Hot Shot/Excellion II/DF Hot Shot/Ben Tennyson
Ashley Eckstein - Lightbright/Maxima/DF Lightbright
Tara Platt - Artillery/Maelstrom/ CG-11272017
ThunderPsyker - Bumblebee/Mjolnir
Morgan Garrett - Arcee/Diabla/Spidarcee
Nick “Lanipator” Landis - Rampage/Shockaract/Straxus
Brianna Knickerbocker - Transmutate/Transmutate X/Transmutate IX
Sam Vincent - Side Burn/Darkburn
Rick “Rice Pirate” Lauer - X-Brawn/Wrenchit
Chris Hackney - Mach Alert/Infernox/Lio Convo/Galva Convoy
Tiya Sicrar - Moonracer
Christine Marie Cabanos - Nightracer/Wipe-Out
Ashley Johnson - Glyph
Kanono - Tap-Out/AlbinoBug
Lizzie Caplin - Tremor/Shockblast
Erika Ishii - Sonar/Noisemaze
DoktorApplejuice - Armorhide/Armorbreak
Josh Keaton - Sideswipe/Firebreaker/Sunstreaker/Mismatch
Alejandro Saab - Steeljaw/Shatter-Pattern/Phantomjaw/Hellhound
Chris Miller - Thunderhoof
Sumalee Montano - Lodestar
Max Mittelan - Hosehead/Contagion
Sam Regal - Bomb-Burst
Kyle McCarley - Longshot
Ben Diskin - Misfire/Missilefire
Lucas Gilbertson - Saber/Dark Saber/Devcon/DF Devcon
Li Ming Hu - Hightail/Ravager
Mike Ginn - Gridlock/Ravager
Erica Mendez - Galaxy Flare
Michelle Ang - Riptide
Vanessa Marshal - Strongarm
Jill Harris - Nautica/DF Nautica
Courtney Ford - Muzzle
Nicolas Cantu - Wasp/DF Waspinator
Erin Fitzgerald - Convex
Archie Kao - Roadblock
Connor Kelley - Sky High
Haven Kendrick - Hot Rodimus/Raze
Michelle Yeoh - Windblade
Shannon McCormick - Rung
Elizabeth Maxwell - Chromia
Edward James Olmos - Fortress Maximus
Travis Willingham - Rollout
Andrew Francis - Scorch
John DiMaggio - Kup/Nitro Zeus/Leadfoot
Kyle Herbert - Star Convoy/Orion Pax/Toxitron
Mark Bonnar - Starscream
Paul McGann - Perceptor
Jake Johnson - Devaron
Herself Sarah Wiedenheft - Saperion/Arcrunner
Debra Wilson - Elita-1
Nicolas Cage - Overload
Nathan Fillion - Silverstreak/Killstreak
Ian MacKellen - Alpha Trion
Tara Strong - Slash
Bryce Papenbrooke - Leobreaker
Matt Mercer - Bigfight/Death Convoy
Tom Gliblis - Break
Aleks Le - Stampy
Jack DeSana - Whoop-Kong
Roger Craig Smith - Bound Rogue
Charlie Day - Rattrap
Ashly Burch - Whirl
Heather Watson - Minerva
Ratana - Stiletto
Cherami Leigh - Skyburst/Stormclash
Rachel Robinson - Surge
David B. Mitchell - Silverbolt
Jamie Chung - Flare-Up
Ron Botitta - Amp
Jason Marnocha - Megatron
Isaac C Singleton Jr. - Soundwave
Kathleen Delaney - Thunderblast
Vincent D'nofrio - Motormaster
Laura Bailey - Drag Strip
Shelby Rabara - Wildrider
David Kaye - Gnashteeth
Marc "Ganxingba" Soskin - Thundercracker
Ian Hanlin - Skywarp
Ryan Reynolds - Deadlock
Kaley Cuoco - Flamewar
Todd Haberkorn - Stonecrusher
Maurice LaMarche- Cryotek
Josh Powell - Onslaught
Corey Burton - Shockwave
Sylvester McCoy - “Doc”
JK Simmons - Horntrap
Cameron Monaghan - Beta Maxx
LaMonica Garret - Great Convoy
Peter Dinklage - King Atlas
Lydia Leonard - Black Convoy
Sam Witwer - Venator
Colin Baker - Jhiaxus
Billy West/Michael Dorn - Dion/Umbra Convoy
Greg Cipes - Carjack
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swevenhq · 19 days
recomendaciones de fcs fem?
Pero claro, anoncito. Acá van algunas recomendaciones de fc femeninos: Anya Taylor-Joy, Daisy Edgar Jones, Ryan Destiny, Jennie Kim, Camila Mendez, Simone Ashley, Sadie Sink, Dianna Agron, Hannah Einbinder, Alyah Chanelle Scott, Nicole Wallace, Valentina Zenere, Amrit Kaurr, Ambika Mod, Clara Galle, Jenna Ortega, Sabrina Carpenter, Kim Hye Yoon, Pat Chayanit, Taylor Russell, Zendaya, Naenano, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Nicola Coughlan, Priscilla Quintana, Victoria Pederetti, Jung Chaeyon, Madison Bailey, Francisca Estevez, Kim Taeri. ¡Si necesitas más recomendaciones no dudes en pedirnos!
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nicothebug · 1 month
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𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Name : Nicola Mendez (she/her) Nicknames : Nico Age : 23 Birthday : April 18, 1983 Occupation : Bartender, librarian, hunter (on occasion) Residence(s) : Bobby's house, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Anita Mendez's manor, New Orleans, Louisiana.
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𝖒𝖊 𝖆𝖘 𝖆 𝖕𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖈 (𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖈𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖍𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗)
Skills : psychic powers inherited from my grandma, such as precognition, telepathy, clairsentience and mediumship. Also I'm really good at any card games...just because. Weapon of choice : salt...and maybe a pocket knife and a sawed-off shot-gun.
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𝖒𝖞 𝖏𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖞 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖉𝖗
S/O : Sam Winchester, 23 Trope : friends to lovers
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Family : Rafael Mendez (older brother), Susana Mendez (mom), Alfie Reed (my dad), Anita Mendez (maternal grandmother).
Background : I was born in New Orleans in 1983. My parents are Susana Mendez and Alfie Reed, Karen Singer's younger brother. After my birth, we moved into my grandmother's house in New Orleans.
We had always been close to the Singer couple and regularly spent time with them at Sioux Falls. Unfortunately, around my third birthday, Karen dies. Bobby told us that he needed time to grieve and cut all contact with us.
A couple of years later, I have small visions and start talking to Karen's spirit. My grandmother, a medium, quickly catches on and we go to Bobby's, where I manage to bring him closure.
I grow up in New Orleans and start struggling with uncontrollable “episodes” like the one I had as a kid. My grandmother helps me manage it and, in the process, also realizes that I possess more psychic powers than she thought.
During my early teens I become curious about the supernatural, so I spend more time at Bobby’s. At some point, he introduces me to Missouri Moseley, who helps me develop (not manage like my grandma liked to do) my precognition, clairsentience, as well as telepathic powers.
During our stays at Sioux Falls, my brother and I occasionally came across Sam and Dean (teen Sam develops a small crush on me awe). Around 2001, when Sam decides to cut ties with everything in regards to hunting, he stops coming over to Sioux Falls.
At 21, in 2004, I finish bartending training and start working in a local New Orleans bar with my childhood friend Arno. I occasionally give psychic readings at my friend’s Ginny’s Occult shop (Arno and Ginny both come from my gt dr hehe).
I start sport and horse race betting as well, which I'm good at (it may or may not be because of my powers). I do the betting in secret though, since my family (and Bobby, although he wasn't as stern about it) didn’t exactly approve.
I also adopt an Irish Setter puppy and call her Sunday ! She is the love of my life ! I will kill for her !
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First Shift : around 2006, I'm finishing off my shift at the bar when get a premonition about the Winchesters getting into a car crash (beginning of season 2). I call Bobby and he attempts to contact the boys, but it’s too late.
I drive to Sioux Falls and get there a day and a half later, just as Bobby is storing the crashed Impala into his yard. The brothers are only slightly hurt.
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Following events : I haven't really scripted any specifics, but I know that my dr will not follow canon events or plot-lines.
I will mostly experience events from episodes I like, maaaaybe some plot points from the show (which plot points, I have yet to figure out). In short, I scripted that nothing too traumatic will happen...I mainly want to experience the supernatural and do a lot of road-tripping in the US. I'm leaving specifics up to the universe.
(me when I lie lmao like fuck all of this, I only want to take Sam out on dates and ask him to be my wife).
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Last updated : 20/08/2024
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rommelveitia · 3 months
Apóstoles y pastores evangélicos expresaron apoyo a Edmundo González Urrutia.
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🎯Un importante grupo de pastores, apóstoles y miembros de distintas congregaciones evangélicas del país rechazaron las recientes posiciones expresadas por el gobierno nacional en las que supuestamente todas las iglesias evangélicas de Venezuela estarían apoyando la candidatura del continuismo.
“Con un abundante sustento bíblico, muchos de nosotros, ministros en nuestras congregaciones y militantes de varios partidos democráticos, le aclaramos a la opinión publica nacional que no estamos de acuerdo con las declaraciones recientes por parte de la “iglesia evangélica” de apoyo a Nicolas Maduro y su entorno, sino que estamos convencidos de la necesidad y del mandato divino de buscar un cambio de sistema de forma pacifica y electoral, y expresamos públicamente nuestro apoyo a Edmundo González Urrutia”, expresa el comunicado de los voceros de dichas iglesias evangélicas.
Los representantes de las distintas iglesias evangélicas y voceros de otros sectores ciudadanos emitieron este pronunciamiento luego de reunirse con el candidato de la plataforma unitaria.
En el documento emitido por este grupo se afirma que González Urrutia representa “la única ruta que nos acerca a ese anhelo que muchos tenemos: ser gobernados por un sistema libertades y de justicia que pueda llevar a nuestro país a un Estado de Derecho que nos permita la prosperidad y al avivamiento”.
“Solo Dios es dueño de la verdad y nadie puede decir que es dueño de la democracia, pero varios de nosotros podemos decir con nuestra frente en alto que servimos al Dios de la Justicia y Libertad con la mejor coherencia de nuestros dichos y hechos, trabajando incansablemente por un mejor sistema, una mejor sociedad y verdaderamente materializar el Reino de Dios sobre Venezuela”, puntualiza el documento, firmado por:
-Apostol Alejandro Orozco
-Doctor Lorenzo Tovar
-Apostol Luis Rivas
-Abogado Elio Herrera
-Apostol Samantha Torres
-Profesor Junior Abreu
-Concejal Wilson Gallardo
-Pastor Carlos Moya
-Apostol Henry Mendez
-Pastor Inocente Villarroel
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tsunami-subastas · 6 months
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Quarentena del Arte Rosario | QAR
La selección estuvo a cargo de TSUNAMI junto a Carlos Stia y Valeria Gericke. Para la misma, se tuvo en cuenta que, los participantes hayan cumplido con las bases y condiciones; y de esa manera, respetar el espíritu libre del GARAGE.
Artistas participantes:
Federica Rosetti @dibujosconsonido 
Ariana Osuna @osunaariana.portfolio
Anahi Laurencena @anahilaurencena
María Emilia Díaz @ememiemilia
Ailén Betania Rodriguez  @ailenbetania.ilustracion
Eva Aguirre @eva.aguirre_ 
Kümei Kirschmann @kumeiaa 
Catalina Silvetti @silvetti.catalina
Sofía Vargas @soy.sofi.vargas 
Nicolas Bastanzo Paximada  @nico.bastanzo
Magalí Ayelén Imbern  @mag_a_rt
Sabrina Grech @gs.artw
Mariana Culaciati @mericula_
Matías Najar  @matiasnajar_
Laura Soboleosky @laurasoboleosky 
Manuela Colomba @manuevirtual 
Anabel Solari @anabelesolari
Noelia Itatí Alvarez Dellamea  @proyectonox
Nicolás Avalos @mentor.arte
Lucia Mendez Falabrino @luchia.mf 
Leonel Petrovelli @leopetroart
Yamila Baleani @yamibaleani 
Marco Zampieron @marco.zampieron 
Chiara Bareses  @chiara.barese
Facundo Arrigoni @facu.arr
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daikenkki · 1 year
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stateofsport211 · 5 months
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📸 🎥 ATP official website
Pacheco Mendez then started the game with a service game hold to 1-0. However, after the Mexican wild card won a point through a forehand pass, N. Mejia had to take an immediate medical timeout due to him feeling unwell. After the medical timeout, N. Mejia tried to sustain through several longer rallies, but his failed drop shot resulted in Pacheco Mendez's break of serve to 2-0. Subsequently, he consolidated with a service game hold to 3-0 to affirm his solid play, and he almost paved the way to double the break through a forehand winner, but N. Mejia still held his service game to 3-1.
Three games later, Pacheco Mendez had a working pass to secure his one-point lead before somehow having a match point, which was saved through an unforced error. N. Mejia then held his serves thanks to his volley finish to Pacheco Mendez's tweener, which meant the latter had to serve for the match. Even if he had to face several break points midway, the Mexican wild card still managed to save it before finally serving it out, also taking the second set 6-3 to secure his maiden Challenger-level quarterfinal appearance.
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nicolae · 8 months
IT & C, Volumul 1, Numărul 2, Decembrie 2022
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EDITORIAL Supremația tehnologiilor IT&C, de Nicolae Sfetcu TEHNOLOGIA INFORMAȚIEI Ciclul de viață al inteligenței artificiale, de Nicolae Sfetcu TELECOMUNICAȚII Proiectarea și arhitectura rețelelor de comunicații 5G, de Nicolae Sfetcu INTERNET Cum funcționează Internetul, de Michael Mendez SOFTWARE Deschideți / Creați o imagine în Adobe Photoshop, de Nicolae Sfetcu PROGRAMARE Utilizarea limbajului de programare R în știința datelor cu RStudio, de Rafael A. Irizarry DEZVOLTARE WEB Servere web, de Michael Mendez SECURITATE CIBERNETICĂ Securitatea informațiilor în lucrul cu megadate pe Internet, de Nicolae Sfetcu AFACERI ONLINE Proiectarea și modelarea tehnologiei blockchain – Bitcoin, de Nicolae Sfetcu MEDIA Analitica rețelelor sociale, de Nicolae Sfetcu Read the full article
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makilalatv · 9 months
Makilala TV Ep 129 | Love is Lovelier…
GUEST PANELISTS Dr. Emilio Quines Retired physician Founder and Advisor, UERM Medical Foundation
Dr. Angie Cruz Spiritual & retreat director Founder, Institute for Spirituality in the Workplace
HOSTS Rachelle Ocampo , EdM (lead) Public Health Professional
Cristina Pastor Community Journalist
GUEST CO-HOST Loida Nicolas Lewis Author/ Philanthropist
Produced by Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) Zenaida Mendez, Director, Executive Producer Fredy Pinto, Production & Studio Manager
Cablecast Schedule: Manhattan Neighborhood Network - THURSDAY 2024 January 4 & 18
MakilalaTV Ep129 Yr11 Ep7
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