#Nifty x stabbing Valentino dead
nose-nippin-fun · 8 months
I can’t even imagine NOT being a multi-shipper. There’s just so much content to enjoy, so many AU’s to explore, so many ways to shake things up in a fandom you love. Haters can hate, but I’m gonna enjoy some love~
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ilytangy · 4 months
Lucifer x Fem!Reader Pt. 3
Refer to part 1 for warnings!
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Your POV
We all walk into the lobby. Charlie and Lucifer start talking, and we all listen.
Awwwww! Charlie and Lucifer sing so beautifully together! And Lucifer can get Charlie a meeting to Heaven! He eventually makes his leave but not before looking at me one last time. So wholesome :)
*Day of the meeting*
Charlie and Vaggie prepare for the meeting with Heaven today. Vaggie seems a little off, though. I wonder why? Well, at this point, Heaven is just being petty murderers, so I understand. Then, an explosion happens in the wall. “What’s up with that wall?” As the smoke clears, I see a woman with ripped clothes, a half up, half down hairstyle, and one eye like Nifty. “What up, hoes?” she says. “Holy Shit! Cherri Bomb! Long time, no see, baby!” Angel says. I’m guessing they’re friends. “Angie! You bitch! You’ve been texting me depressing shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times! It’s been fucking forever! Here hold this.” She handed Charlie a BOMB! Vaggie grabs it and throws it out of the hole Cherri made. “I love seeing ya’, Cherri, but I’m too tired. I need to pass out.” “Aww, you can sleep when you’re double dead, fuckhead! Come on! What you really need is a recharge, a reinvigoration, re-“ Charlie cuts her off, “Responsible night in the town! That is a great idea! Hi! Charlie! That’s my wall you just blew up. It’s so nice to meet one of Angel’s friends! AUGH! He never brings anyone around.” “Wonder why..” “Yea, me too! Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard. I think they deserve to have a little fun.” Cherri declines but immediately accepts when Charlie hands her a stack of cash. I decide that, even though I am a lightweight, I should let off a little steam. When Charlie and Vaggie leave, we head out. We get there, and I get 1 DRINK. “C’mon, you a lightweight? Drink s’more!” Angel said. “I am, and I’m not risking it.” “Ok.” We spend the night having fun, with everyone else getting wasted. Suddenly, Nifty is gone. Angel stresses looking for her. We see her end up in the hands of a random moth demon. “Valentino.” “Who?” I say in shock. “You don’t know? The overlord?” I stand in shock. There’s no way it could be him.. I mean anyone can be named Valentino, though it is fitting that he’s at the club.. Angel confronts him, and then I hear his voice. “N-no! It can’t be!” He overheard me and threw Angel to the ground. “You.. what’s your name?” He said with a malicious tone. “(Y/n).” “Did you happen to kill your husband of 10 years in the 1970’s?” “I did.” “… You WHORE!” He picked me up by my collar. “LOOK AT THAT! I AM AND WAS ALWAYS BETTER THAN YOU!” Valentino threw me to the ground. “JUST YOU WAIT! I’M GOING TO SHOOT YOU 10 TIMES, JUST LIKE YOU DID.” I start shedding tears. “I guess some people never change do they?” I, somehow, pushed Valentino to the ground with immense strength. I hear everyone gasp. “Just remember, Valentino. I shot you 10 times, and I can do it again, and maybe…” I say as I step on him, and I feel my skin get hotter. “… I might even shoot you for how many souls you torture in hell,” I say with an evident growl in my voice. “Got it?”
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*your demonic form*
“Bitch..” He gets up from the floor and reminds Angel of what comes tomorrow in the studio. We leave for the hotel. “So, (Y/n), you got some explaining to do.” Angel said. “For what reason?” “‘For what reason?’ Girl, you threatened VALENTINO, MY BOSS, AN OVERLORD!” *sigh* “I‘ll say when we get to the hotel.”
*when we get there*
“Well? Whatcha gonna say,” Angel asks.
Backstory :)
“So, back when I was alive, I used to have a husband. He was very abusive, both sexually and physically. We were married for ten years. One day, I was walking back home from work, when I saw a gun store. I picked out a handgun, and went home. When I got there, he called me to the living room and stabbed my thigh, which I’m guessing is why I have this.” I show them the stab scar I have on my leg. “After, I shot him once for every year we were married. 10 years to the chest. What do you think his name and his final words were?” Everyone mumbles about it, then Sir Pentious speaks up. “Can you tell ussss?” “His name was Valentino, and his final words were ‘I’ll see you in hell, come-pinga.’” “Ok, so what you’re saying is VALENTINO was your husband?” Angel questioned. I nod. “Oh wow.”
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