#Nikon 12-24
jazzismus · 6 months
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" Part Of History "...
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rottingrard · 2 months
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12/14/2010 KPNT 105.7 - The Pageant, St. Louis, MO. Taken by Todd Owyoung.
I'm convinced that My Chemical Romance is just one of those bands that loves crazy, spazzy lighting. Sort of like Dillinger Escape Plan or Underoath, just less extreme.
But don't think I'm complaining – the band has such a tight live performance that it's still a thrill to photograph them. You just have to bring your A-game.
Cameras Used:
Nikon D3
Nikon D700
Lenses Used:
Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8
Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8
Overall, the band's high-energy energy performance was both a blessing and a curse – tons of movement, dim-ish lighting, and general chaos in the pit all combined for a tough job. On the flipside, this same fantastic intensity made for lots of photo opportunities – if one was fast enough to catch them.
The Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 was easily the champion of this show, and handled most of the heavy duties on the Nikon D3. The Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 was useful for a few longer shots, but legendary as the midrange for usefulness at this MCR show.
Mikey Way is probably the easiest subject of the band – he moves around enough to make things interesting, but not enough that tracking was ever an issue (like it was for his bro Gerard). Also, Mikey rocks the power stance pretty much all the time, so be wins bonus points there, too. Gerard is a close second because of the bright hair, though.
Lighting was much better than MCR's previous tour, which was humbling to say the least, but still consisted of lots of quick backlighting that flared up and lit up the haze beautifully. Since most of the lighting comes from the house rig, the details of the front and back lighting will be up to your venue. At the Pageant, the front lights are so high up that they weren't great for catching Gerard at the front of the stage, but your gig may be different.
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greyscale-stories-rp · 7 months
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People talk in the shadows of a looming office block. Nikon d300 tokina 12-24 f4 pro.
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blur-from-the-north · 2 months
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July 12, 2024. Oulu, Finland. Nikon D780, AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm f/4G ED VR. Stylistic processing.
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orthodoxydaily · 9 months
Saints&Reading: Sunday, December 24, 2023
december 11_december 24
Week of Holy Forefathers:
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The Sunday that falls between December 11-17 is known as the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers. These are the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh, who lived before the Law and under the Law, especially the Patriarch Abraham, to whom God said, “In thy seed shall all of the nations of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 12:3, 22:18).
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Saint Daniel the Stylite was born in the village of Bethara, near the city of Samosata in Mesopotamia. His mother Martha was childless for a long while and in her prayers she vowed that if she had a child, she would dedicate him to the Lord. Her prayers were heard, and Martha soon gave birth to a son, who was without a name until he was five years of age.
The boy’s parents desired that since he was born through the good-will of God, he should also receive his name from God. They took their son to a monastery located nearby and approached the igumen. The igumen gave orders to take down one of the service books, and unrolled it at random. He found the Prophet Daniel (December 17) mentioned in it. Thus did the boy receive his name. The parents asked that he might remain at the monastery, but the igumen would not accept him, since he was still only a small boy. At twelve years of age, saying nothing to anyone, the child left home for the monastery.
His parents were happy when they learned where their son was, and they went to the monastery. Seeing that he was still going about in his worldly clothes, they besought that the igumen should clothe him in the angelic garb. That Sunday the igumen fulfilled their request, but permitted them often to visit their son. The brethren of the monastery were astonished at the saint’s ascetical efforts.
Once, Saint Simeon the Stylite (September 1) visited the monastery. He foretold to the young monk that he too would undertake the feat of pillar-dwelling. Saint Daniel continued with his ascetic life in seclusion. When the place of a new exploit was revealed to him in a vision, he withdrew into the Thracian wilderness together with two disciples. They set up a pillar, upon which Saint Daniel dwelt for 33 years. People thronged to the pillar, the unfortunate and those who were sick, and all received help and healing from Saint Daniel. Byzantine emperors also sought the prayers of the holy ascetic. The most notable of the saint’s predictions was about a great fire in Constantinople. Saint Daniel possessed also the gift of gracious words. He guided many onto the path of correcting their lives. The monk reposed in his eightieth year.
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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Saint Nikon the Dry, the son of rich and illustrious parents, gave up everything for Christ and became a monk at the Kiev Caves monastery. In the year 1096, during the incursions of Khan Bonyak, he was taken into captivity with some other monks. The captors treated Saint Nikon harshly, while waiting for a ransom to be paid. When the saint refused to be ransomed, his masters began to torment him with hunger, and left him exposed in the heat of summer and the cold of winter. He was mistreated and beaten every day for about three years, for his captors thought he would change his mind and send word to his relatives, asking to be ransomed.
The saint gave thanks to God for everything, and once said to his tormentor that the Lord, through the prayers of Saints Anthony and Theodosius would return him to his monastery within three days, as Saint Eustratius (March 28) had predicted while appearing to him.
The captor cut the tendons in Saint Nikon’s legs and set a strong guard over him. But suddenly, on the third day at the sixth hour, the holy captive became invisible. At the moment the guard heard the words, “Praise the Lord from the Heavens” (Ps. 148).
Saint Nikon was transported to the Dormition church, where the Divine Liturgy was being served. The brethren surrounded him and began to ask how he got there. Saint Nikon wanted to conceal the miracle, but the brethren implored him to tell the truth.
Saint Nikon did not want to have his fetters removed, but the igumen said, “If the Lord had wanted you to remain fettered, He would not have delivered you from captivity.”
After a long while Saint Nikon’s former master came to the Kiev Caves monastery and recognized his former captive, who was withered from hunger and the loss of blood from his wounds. He came to believe in Christ, and accepted Baptism. After receiving monastic tonsure, he became a novice under Saint Nikon’s direction.
Saint Nikon died at the beginning of the twelfth century and was buried in the Near Caves. Though he did not enjoy good health in this life, his holy relics were glorified by incorruption. His memory is celebrated also on September 28 and on the second Sunday of Great Lent.
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4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. 5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, 7 in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them. 8 But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, 11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.
LUKE 14:16-24
16 Then He said to him, "A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, 17 and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited, 'Come, for all things are now ready.' 18 But they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him, 'I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused.' 19 And another said, 'I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to test them. I ask you to have me excused.' 20 Still another said, 'I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.' 21 So that servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.' 22 And the servant said, 'Master, it is done as you commanded, and still there is room.' 23 Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. 24 'For I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper.' "
Commentary of the Church's Father:
Theophylact of Ochrid AD 1107 : Because the man who sat at table with Him had said, Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God, the Lord teaches him at some length what it means to feast with God, and tells this parable. By a certain man the Lord means His Father, the Lover of man. Whenever Scripture alludes to God's power to punish, He is called a panther, a leopard, or a bear [Hos. 13:7-8].
But whenever it alludes to God's love for man, He is presented as a man, as is the case here. Since the parable treats of God's extreme love for man and the divine economy of the Incarnation which He worked in us, making us sharers of the Flesh of His Son, the parable calls God a man and this divine economy a great supper. It is a supper because the Lord came in the last days, as it were at the evening of this age. And this supper is great because great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of our salvation. [I Tim. 3:16]
And he sent his servant at supper time. Who is this servant? The Son of God, Who assumed the form a servant and became man, and as a man is said to have been sent forth. Notice how He did not say "a servant," but instead, using the definite article, the servant [of his.] Christ is the One and only Servant Who in His human nature was perfectly obedient and pleasing to God. For Christ is pleasing to the Father not only as Son and God, but also as Man. He is the only Sinless One Who carried out all the counsels and commandments of the Father and fulfilled all righteousness, and in this sense is said to serve God the Father. He alone can be called the true Servant of God. He was sent at supper time, that is, at the appointed and proper time.
For there was no other time more opportune for our salvation than the reign of Caesar Augustus, when iniquity had reached its peak and it was critical that it be cleansed. Just as physicians allow a festering and malignant boil to burst and release all its foul pus, and only then apply the medication, so too it was necessary that sin first display all its forms, and then the Great Physician applied His medicine. For this very reason the Lord waited for the devil to fill the full measure of iniquity, and then the Son of God took flesh and healed every form of iniquity by every aspect of His holy life. Therefore He was sent at that hour, that is, at that comely and opportune season of which David says, Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, 0 Mighty One, in Thy comeliness. (2)
Certainly the sword here signifies the Word of God [Heb. 4:12], while the words upon Thy thigh indicate His Nativity in the flesh which was in comeliness, that is, when the time was right and seemly. He was sent to speak to those who had been called. Who are those that were called? Perhaps this refers to all men. For God has called all to the knowledge of Him, by means of the order and harmony of visible creation, and by means of the natural law. But those that were called are also, more specifically, the children of Israel, who were called through the law and the prophets. In the first place, then, the Lord was sent to the sheep of the house of Israel. [Mt. 15:24] The Lord was saying to all the Jews, Come, for all things are now ready, when He proclaimed the good tidings that the kingdom of heaven is at hand [Mt. 4:17], and among you [Lk. 17:21].
And they all with one accord began to make excuse, that is, as if at a signal. For all the leaders of the Jews refused to have Jesus as their King, and thus were found unworthy of the supper, one because of his love of wealth, and another because of his love of pleasure. The man who bought a piece of ground and the man who bought the five yoke of oxen signify those who love wealth, while the man who married a wife signifies those who love pleasure. Furthermore, the man who bought a piece of ground signifies the man who cannot accept the mystery of faith because he is governed by the wisdom of this world. The piece of ground represents the world and, in general, nature, and the man who must go and see his piece of ground is he who sees only nature, and cannot accept what is beyond nature.
Therefore the Pharisee, for example, "sees his piece of ground," that is, he looks only at the laws of nature and cannot accept that a Virgin gave birth to God, because that is beyond nature. Because they are examining this "piece of ground," that is, nature, none of those who boast in external wisdom have recognized Jesus Who made nature new. The man who bought five yoke of oxen, and tested them, also represents a man who loves the material world. He has yoked the five senses of the soul to the five senses of the body and has made the soul into flesh. For this reason he is concerned only with the earth and does not desire to commune of the rational Supper, for as Wisdom says, How can he get wisdom that holdeth the plough? [Eccles. (Wis. of Sirach) 38:25]
He who stays behind because of a wife is a lover of pleasure who has devoted himself to the flesh, the mate of the soul. By cleaving to the flesh he cannot please God. You may also understand these things literally. We also fall away from God because of fields, because of yokes of oxen, because of marriages, when we become so attached to them that they consume our whole life and we are carried away even to the point of shedding blood over them. Then there is no divine thought or word that we can practice, or even comprehend
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charadriusnivosus · 24 days
Lately I’ve been looking at storms. Focal length 16-78mm in wide angle apparently. 10-105mm broadly. occasionally 50mm, but more of a toss-up in the final result. DSLR Nikon looks vivid for color.
There’s a photo of downtown Miami at night with 100 iso and 12mm focal length, lens 10-20mm. Canon has the colors of a glossy commercial neutrality, although it’s clear post can edit most anything to look like something else- the character of a company sometimes shines through.
Wide angle screen savors of bright blue waters and jagged arcs of black rock - aperture 8, focal length 12.
Stars at night in long exposure, professional post- aperture 3.2 shutter speed 15 focal length 14 lens 14-24.
A duck with golden bokeh at sunset imputed from the sparks of light only reflected in the waves- aperture 5.6, iso 1000, focal length 560mm- achieved with a 400mm lens plus a 1.4x teleconverter, which sounds like an interesting prospect to consider.
A perfect photo of the ceiling in a cathedral- aperture 2.4 and focal length 4.3mm. (Iso 800.)
A calendar worthy black and white shot of a old boat at 85mm, F4.
Lightning at 6.3 aperture and 22mm.
A spring in yellowstone at 20mm, aperture 11.
A fox like you’d see scrolling tumblr at aperture 6 and 450mm. I like the people who use photography like a journal, they say, “noticed loud shutter. investigated the bush that made odd noises. no luck later on, they went off.” 450 seems like a sweet spot of wildlife photography, unless you preferred beautiful duck bokeh.
Grand canyon in all it’s majesty in aperture 9 and focal length 35. (one 30mm, ap 10). 320 iso. Canon really does remind me of calendars, professional neutrality. I reckon most photographers in national parks keep their 3 stop neutral density filters on (ideal texture caught between .5 and 2 seconds of exposure) and a polarizer to top it off, so I may be noticing a common polarizing character. I hear 10 stop is great for pulling out clouds scudding across the sky.
Semipalmated plover, crisply mid scamper- aperture 8 and focal length 560, 100-400mm lens with a 1.4x multiplier, iso 320.
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theclo4ked1 · 2 months
Photo Dump: I'm not retro because it's trendy (is it still trendy?)
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^ Digitized scans of some of my many prints. The left is a still life of my desk, the next two are my hand to a mirror, inspired by Cindy Sherman's Film Stills.
Months ago, I dove into the wonderful world of Film Photography, or Still Photography, Black-And-White Photography, which ever of these mean using a film camera to expose rolls of films to create exposures that are then chemically soaked and... Well, it's a long ass process; I'll tell ya hwat, boi. I have no nostalgia for film cameras, I didn't know what exactly I was getting into, I thought it was more of digital photography stuff I used to do, but no, this was the real deal. I learned about exposure time, an fStop (I'm still a lil' stuck on it but), shallow and deep focus, a light meter, and other things some may take for granted on their smartphone cameras—I sound much older than I actually am, no wonder they call me a boomer :P It's all analog, baby. Before studying film cameras, I used my digital camera as my preferred method of taking photos, it even has an added bonus of being waterproof. I still use it from time to time, it's not like it's obsolete, it's just that I was lent a film camera at the time. For the curious, I'd used a Nikon N6006, it has an automatic zoom and focus mechanism so it's a little easier to use than a more manually controlled camera like a Yashica FX-2, which was the film camera given to our family by my great-grandfather—I'll get back to this later. But, back to the matter, it pays to learn about and to use a film camera to appreciate the photo process. You'll come to appreciate figures such as *does a pooh voice* mmm, cccindyyy sshhherrmannnnn... Cuz that how I remembered her name, but I ended up forgetting; nonetheless, I briefly studied her and her Untitled Film Stills; really interesting stuff.
She served as an inspiration for the last roll of film I had done. I have my portfolio (you've seen it above), a binder, and from this experience, I did six rolls of film with a total of... ~180 exposures and over 85 prints from those exposures because I gave some away to peers as what I called "gift prints". The film used to take every single one of these pictures was 35mm Kentmere PAN 400. Like I implied before, I have no nostalgia or prior experience for this kinda stuff, so I can't say "Ah, good ol' Kentmere P400!", but it's said that these rolls are suitable for high-speed, general purpose black-and-white photography. In my experience, these rolls would come with either 24 or 26 exposures. I preferred 24, but when I felt gutsy, 36. Below is a loose compiled list of my counting, and you may notice the exposure numbers are either one over, or exactly the numbers stated above. I don't know how I did that, but I'm glad I had extras.
1st roll, 37 expos, 12 prints plus roll call
2nd roll, 25 expos, 13 prints plus roll call
3rd roll, 37 expos, 26 prints plus roll call
4th roll, 36 expos, 13 prints plus roll call
5th roll, 24 expos, 9 prints plus roll call
6th roll, 24 expos, 13 prints plus roll call
The "roll call", for lack of better term, were prints of all my exposures from one roll lined up on film. I can only share these three pictures because a majority of these prints involve private things, not like pornography, but y'know, I have a lot of portraits of people whose identities will remain anonymous because I respect them. As good as those photos are. There's a fourth that came before this post, of a friend, that's posted not on Tumblr, but on my former-Tumblr extension Instagram page that I won't delete until after August. Anyways, I found my niche in still life compositions and portraits. When I asked people if I could take their photo (and if they consented), I'd ask them to do the thing they were doing before I approached them, like this one of my peer reading in a chair. The "acting natural" look is what's most appealing to me, it shows people's character, even more so complimented with good composition, which I think I got a handle on—love me some Rule-Of-Thirds—and it helps in making the picture feel more realistic. On the rare occasion, I would have someone pose or act for me; few times I'd have to get somebody IN MOTION.
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That's enough history and study. The future on the other hand... My great-grandfather's (but we don't call him that) Yashica: very old. After the whole experience in Still Photography, I wanted more, even though I don't have a darkroom or the chemicals to start development. I remembered a camera in our basement, complete with a strap, a case, an attachable flash (I think it's down there somewhere), and a long-ranged zoom lens. After uncovering it, I fiddled around with, snapping imaginary photos since it didn't have film. I was able to get it open by pulling up the hand crank. It was dirty and sticky, apparently so sticky that the shutter mirror got stuck after a few bouts of testing it. Tried as I could, the handle that rolls the film for another exposure was stuck, and even though I could open the camera, I couldn't meddle too much for risk of breaking something was high. I looked up any forums posts and the camera's manual to see if there was any hope, but alas, there was none. OR SO I THOUGHT! I found a camera shop some towns away that also offers camera repairs. It was about an hour of driving, so in early June, I made a plan to go there. I walked up to the guy behind the glass counter, and awkwardly asked if he could help me out. I really wanted the camera fixed for sentimental reasons, but he suggested to just a buy a newer Yashica model; less expensive with more features, like an automatic battery-powered film winder, also by Yashica. It was able to get a "discount" because Granpa's old camera lens was still in good condition, so the lens that came with the new camera was replaced and will go to someone else.
Addendum, Jul. 17, 2024. I've wanted to include the model of my new camera but I was blanking on the name, and I didn't feel like taking it out of its carrying case because there's this one latch that's a hassle to pull off without feeling like I'll break something. This new camera is a Yashica FR II.
That store also came with a roll of, you won't believe it, 35mm Kentmere P400 film, with 24 exposures no less! He seem impressed I knew about it, and this gave me the impression that he must've thought I came to the store because "old and vintage camera for nostalgia I wasn't even a thought at the point in time to exist and enjoy it".
Tangent/Addendum. Jul. 17, 2024: I've said it before: I have no nostalgia for this, I just find this interesting, and grayscale photography appeals to me in the artistic sense that these tones convey a different feeling than in colour. For those history buffs out there, black-and-white and monochromatic photography, like cyanotype, was all they had at the time... Uhh, I could be wrong. I just know that autochrome was invented much later, and the pigments and the starches and things and... Another reason I enjoy film photography is that you get to touch your pictures: the photo negatives on the film rolls. That's your picture in 3D space (sorta). It is not a print, that is your picture in RAW FORM. Well, no, if you just took out your film roll in raw form, it would get burnt by the slightest light and you'd lose all your would-be photos. That's why we have to load our film onto a reel in a pitch-black room, easier said than done by the way, which is then loaded into a canister for chemical processing, i.e. development. So, it's more PROCESSED/RAW FORM than RAW/RAW FORM.
I wasn't offended, I don't remember, and I don't care to remember because we got to talking thereafter, and I recounted the long and boring process I went through just to get the film developed, stopped, fixed, the works; how it would always take about an hour or so. After the business was done, I thanked him and went back to the car. I sat there admiring and getting a handle on my new camera. Meanwhile, nearby, a group of high-schoolers were walking by in fancy outfits. I asked if they were getting ready for graduation, which they were, so I said "Oh, congratulations!" I felt older than I actually was, but in this instance, I was older than them. They are similar to who I was. They're moving on to another chapter in their lives... I decided it was time to go home, so I packed my camera as safe as I could in my backpack, and drove off.
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Come a short time later that month, after I gently cleaning the camera's exterior and part of the interior with some alcohol and loading the film as best as I could... The counter wouldn't go up, so I kept opening and readjusting the beginning end of the film strip that's always exposed so you can load it properly. The thing about film photography: you're betting on the film to be okay. You are blind, you're going to have to trust that the film is doing fine and that your capturing EXACTLY what you think you are...if you're using default program settings. Trying to figure out where the "start" of the film was, I pulled the film out slowly. I pulled a little more. I pulled a little more. I pulled, it was all this purple gray, which isn't how I remember loading the film into my lent Nikon. I've come to the conclusions either I messed up the film or that the film was left in the store for far too long. And about the counter being presumably broken, Yashica cameras are apparently known for their faulty mechanisms... Oh no. Thanks for reading!
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morganas-cat · 5 months
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Northern lights very far south last night after the arrival of particles from a class G5 solar storm. These pictures were taken with a Nikon D7000 with a Nikon 12-24 mm f4 zoom used at 12 mm and f5.6. Exposures were 1.6 s and in the originals I played around with ISO speeds from 3200 down to 560. Most of my 60 photographs were taken at ISO 1600. Here are a few to show what you couldn't see but the camera can capture.
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Visually the green northern horizon (all these are essentially looking north) was obvious and occasionally a deep red patch could be observed. What turned out to be the pink (often then green) rays were just at the limit of visibility in light polluted London and mostly appeared grey to my eye.
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iptv-setup-guide · 7 months
Best Cheap IPTV Service in 2024 for ultimate streaming
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In the fast-paced digital age of today, the entertainment landscape has seen a significant shift. Traditional cable TV subscriptions are gradually giving way to more flexible and economical options like Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services. As streaming platforms continue to multiply, the quest for the most cost-effective IPTV service in 2024 has become crucial for discerning consumers who aim to optimize their entertainment budget without compromising on quality.
The premier cheap IPTV service in 2024 provides affordable pricing options tailored to various budgets, ensuring access to premium content without breaking the bank. Despite its affordability, it offers an extensive array of channels spanning sports, movies, news, and entertainment genres to cater to diverse preferences. Emphasizing high-quality streaming, advanced technology minimizes buffering and enhances clarity, thereby elevating the overall viewing experience. Its user-friendly interface facilitates effortless navigation for users of all ages, while responsive customer support ensures a seamless experience from signup to streaming.
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nightsidewrestling · 8 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Wassily Volkov
Pelageya's Youngest Brother Wassily Volkov (2020)
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The brother of Pelageya and brother-in-law of Byron, Wassily.
Full Legal Name: Wassily Nikon Volkov
First Name: Wassily
Meaning: Variation of 'Vasiliy', the Russian form of 'Basil', from the Greek name 'Basileios', which was derived from 'Basileus' meaning 'King'.
Pronunciation: vu-SYEE-lyee
Origin: Russia
Middle Name: Nikon
Meaning: Derived from Greek 'Nike' meaning 'Victory'.
Pronunciation: NEE-KAWN
Origin: Ancient Greek, Russian
Surname: Volkov
Meaning: Patronymic derived from Russian 'Volk' meaning 'Wolf'.
Pronunciation: vul-KOF
Origin: Russian
Alias: None
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Vaska, Vasya
Titles: Mr
Age: 18
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Russian
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: March 13th 2002
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Russian Orthodox
Native Language: Russian
Spoken Languages: Russian
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Theme Song (Ringtone on Geia's Phone): 'Pesenka' - RuKi VveRH
Voice Actor: Ivan Dobronravov
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Bolgar, Spassky District, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Current Location: Bolgar, Spassky District, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Hometown: Bolgar, Spassky District, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Height: 5'7" / 170 cm
Weight: 145 lbs / 65 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Sparse
Facial Hair: Clean Shaven
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) None
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: N/A
Colleagues: N/A
Mentor: Rudyard Volkov
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Rudolf Volkov (53, Father), Diana Volkov (54, Mother, Née Shvets)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Pelageya Winter (33, Sister, Née Volkov), Ardalion Volkov (30, Brother), Matrona Volkov (27, Sister), Yaroslav Volkov (24, Brother), Klavdia Volkov (21, Sister), Oxana Volkov (15, Sister)
Siblings-In-Law: Byron Winter (53, Pelageya’s Husband), Sabina Volkov (31, Ardalion’s Wife, Née Melnik)
Nieces & Nephews: Feliks Volkov (10, Nephew), Nathan Winter (33, Nephew), Genesis Winter (34, Nathan’s Wife, Née Rivers), Zinnia Turner (30, Niece, Née Winter), Patrick Turner (31, Zinnia’s Husband), Laurence Winter (27, Nephew), Xanthia Winter (24, Niece), Joseph Winter (21, Nephew), Venetia Winter (18, Niece), Isaiah Winter (15, Nephew), Uliana Winter (12, Niece), Emil Winter (9, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Noting of Note
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openingnightposts · 8 months
0 notes
nikonstudio · 9 months
Nikon D7500 vs D500
Common Superiority Chart
Shutter Speed - 1/8000 sec to 30 sec
Shutter Life - 200,000 shutters
ISO Sensitivity - 100 to 51200
RGB Sensor - 180,000 pixels
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Nikon D7500 Superiority Chart
Announcement Date - 12 Apr 2017 (463 days later)
Price - USD1299 (35% cheaper)
Product Life - Current
Weight (with battery) - 720g (140g lighter)
2D Form Factor - 14092mm² (19.96% smaller)
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Nikon D500 Superiority Chart
Announcement Date - 5 Jan 2016
Price - USD2000 (35% more expensive)
Product Life - Archived (Not available new)
Battery Life - 1240 shots (23.38% more)
Total Pixels - 21.56 million (0.23% more)
Viewfinder Magnification - 1.0X (6% bigger)
Frame Advance Rate - 10 fps (20% faster)
Exposure Metering Coupling - 2 (non-AIS lens supported too)
AF Detection Range - 24 EV (2 EV more)
AF Points - 153 (300% more)
Memory Card Slots - 2 (50% more)
Monitor Resolution - 2.359 million (256% more)
0 notes
may-justyna · 9 months
12月27日 月齢14.3〜4
9:33に #満月
F6.5 1/50sec ISO400
F6.5 1/100sec ISO100
#月 #コールドムーン
#Nikon #P900
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0 notes
bestbackroads · 9 months
Eastern Screech-Owl (Megascops asio) 12/16/2023 #easternscreechowl #screechowl #bestbackroad #bestbackroads #natgeoyourshots #natgeo100contest #natgeo #rutlandcountyvt #washingtoncountyny #whitehallny #wildphotography #naturephotography #adventurephotography #wildlifephotography #roadphotography #nikon #photoadventure #naturetherapy #nationalgeographic #newengland #newyork #yorkmont #westhavenvt December 24, 2023 at 06:00PM via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/C1QOG2asZTI/
0 notes
apollolabsworld · 9 months
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Stanley Park, Liverpool, UK. Nikon D300; tokina 12-24 f4 pro
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scontomio · 11 months
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💣 Tamron Obiettivo per Nikon, 24-70mm F/2, 8 Di VC USD G2 🤑 a soli 1.106,67€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/tamron-obiettivo-per-nikon-24-70mm-f-2-8-di-vc-usd-g2/?feed_id=174933&_unique_id=65364e04ab94b&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Tamron%20Obiettivo%20per%20Nikon%2C%2024-70mm%20F%2F2%2C%208%20Di%20VC%20USD%20G2 L'obiettivo Tamron per Nikon, 24-70mm F/2.8 Di VC USD G2, offre un'eccezionale qualità delle immagini grazie alla tecnologia VC Vibration Compensation e all'innovativa Eband Technology. Con un sistema di messa a fuoco interna e 17 elementi in 12 gruppi, questo obiettivo garantisce una nitidezza straordinaria e una riduzione delle aberrazioni cromatiche. Il diametro del filtro è di 82 mm e l'obiettivo include anche un paraluce. #coupon #tamron #lenti #offerteamazon #scontomio
0 notes